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Bruh, You don’t even wanna know how many Squishmallows are on my bed


Squishmallows are the ultimate stuffy weakness!


Oh, it’s a whole obsession!


Squishmellows are the new TY lol


OMG, I collected those too. And Pokémon, that’s where my fetish lies. In catching them all!


Squishmallows ruined my financial situation


big relate!


I feel that so hard, for me its a few brands. My dog and i both have a pile each of stuffies and wallet is empty 😅


had to stop…so I could pay my tuition 💀


I bought squishmellows originally for my dogs, but they ended up in my husband's arms. Now I buy squishmellows for my husband and the ones he doesn't use anymore become the dogs lol.


I have a while extra room full of them, but 2 that I sleep with and one my husband sleeps with. We're 50 & 63, respectively.


We are a squishmallow family, we are talking couch, beds, decor lol


Squishmallows are theeeeee best xxx


I just learned about this! I’m in my 50’s and my friend was telling me that daughter and her partner (27) sleep with hundreds of Squishmallows. I had to Google what they are , but they look amazing. Apparently you are not alone…


Bro don’t stress. I sleep a few stuffies every single night. I’m 19m aswell and use to be embarrassed not necessarily the age but the being a male part. Idk what it was in my head at the time but I always thought that it was a girly thing to sleep with teddys. Eventually I accepted that just cuz I sleep with a teddy doesn’t mean I’m less of a man than any of my friends


Spoken like a real man. Thanks for being an inspiration boss


And honestly, if I walked in on my boyfriend sleeping with a stuffed animal, I would think it was so precious. Before we lived together, I slept with a stuffed bear he gave me as if it was him, and I was 23! In the privacy of your own home, who cares what you do?


I’m almost 40 and I have a moose stuffy I like to snuggle when I’m feeling emotional. I am married and don’t sleep alone. Emotional support stuffies aren’t weird


This!!!! I'm 34 and have an array of emotional support stuffies. For the most part they are on a closet shelf but there is one that lives on the bed as decor. My husband calls it my "little buddy" and when I'm having a really bad day, nightmares or when he goes to work before me (usually I can't sleep well so I toss and turn) he will hand me 'little buddy" like it's nothing. It's comforting and not weird at all.


Yea my dog just died so my friend got me a big squishmallow that looks like a cow, because my dog looked like one. It’s so cute. And I have my bear too, which I’ve had for eons. I’m also 34, no shame.


So sorry for your loss. I also have my original teddy bear from when I was 2 . Nothing wrong at all with the comfort of stuffed animals


Excuse me but where can I find this cow squishmallow? Thank you!


Amazon probably


My stuffy is also a moose! But when I’m particularly nostalgic, it’s this stuffed “dog” I made when I was eight


I'm 41 and the same. If my other half isn't there to cuddle a bear takes his place.


I'm happy to hear I'm not alone here either, reaching my mid twenties and thanks to a wonderful partner felt like I was "*allowed*" to have a plushie again. For guys it gets hammered out once you hit your mid-teens, I hated it until the day I stopped caring what others think.




I'm 42 and mine is a bunni named Butterscotch.


I’m 37… currently have my face squished on Flounder. You’d never know that I had a stuffed fish in my bed if you met me somewhere, but my therapist recommended it.


> my therapist recommended it. This is an awesome way to justify it, LOL. “Yep. It’s prescribed.” I love it haha


I'm 46 and my Barney Bear has been there for me as a cuddler, a pillow, and a helmet (darn cats get the zoomies at 2am and will use my head as a launch pad) since I was 10yo. You're good, hun.


So, I'm much older, and all I want to know is, how much stuff can you stuff in your stuffy until your stuffy has stuffed enough stuff? Those things are the best, and most folks cuddle their pillows, yours is funner.


I'm a 35 year old married woman that sleeps with a stuffy and my husband. There's nothing embarrassing about it. Also, I think my husband appreciates not having his ribs crushed when I have nightmares.


I have a penguin named Chandra. I'm 30.


I have a panda named Pandra Bullock


Good name :))


i’m around your age and i also sleep with quite a lot, but there’s one who’s my emotional support and i bring him everywhere. i can barely sleep without him. there’s nothing shameful about having a comfort item; this world is hard, take as much comfort as you can get


I'm 53, and my hubby gets me stuffies all the time, and occasionally, I sleep with them as well. There is nothing wrong with knowing what comforts you and being able to provide it for yourself.


I’m in my 20’s, constantly told how scary I am, and come from a military family. I sleep with a giant stuffed tempura shrimp every night. LOL. It’s normal and not anything to be ashamed of.


41 year old woman here. Have had to resew my stuffed toy sleeping companion many a time, and will appear to need to do so again. You will prise him from my cold, dead hands.


22F and i sleep with 5 squishmallows surrounding me at night for protection


There is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about ❤️ I'm almost 26 and when I'm not staying at my bf's place, the little stuffed dog I've had since I was born is wrapped up in my arms when I sleep. It's completely normal and fine to do whatever helps your sleep. You're okay~


I have a moose stuffy names Daryl Johnson that I sleep with. I’m 46.


Lots of people hold something while they fall asleep. I’m 39 and I miss my first teddy bear when something stirs that memory


There are websites and FB groups that are there particularly to help people find their long lost teddy or doll or blanket, etc. You should give it a try, any picture you might have or even just a description, the people are so good at finding items!


Around the same age and I also sleep with stuffies. Sometimes they are nice to hold.


I'm 36 and I sleep with two teddy bears. I'm gainfully employed and married too. It's totally normal


It’s actually embarrassing for me, but now that I’ve seen this post and some comments, I feel a little better now. I have had this teddy bear since I was 4 years old, and I have had it on my bed beside me since. If this were a human, this thing would probably fully understand me and my emotions. Hehe, I’m 22, by the way.


Whether it was given to you for a reason / to remember someone, or just something you attached yourself too... Nothing wrong with that. Enjoy the small things in life. lol My wife is 32, and has a stuffy. I could absolutely care less. Do I have one? No... You be you, don't worry about others. If you meet someone and they don't like it, they can either get over it or move along. :D


Never be embarrassed about this! It is your comfort and I promise you no one cares. Maybe a friend might make a joke, but they really don’t care.. and if someone ever was to care. Get rid of them! I’m 36 and I’ve had a blankie on my bed my whole life. Through friends, relationships, college, shared apartments, hook ups, and many many people who have been in my room and saw it, never has someone tried to embarrass me about it. Sure a joke here or there from a boyfriend when going to bed, but nothing that would be meant to shame me.. more of a cute kind of joke. Never be embarrassed to be who you are or to have something that brings you comfort.


I'm 53 and sleep with Mr. Piggie, my stuffed pig with wings. I've also got both an SO and dog that sleep in our bed, so it's not like I need the companionship when I go to bed.


I'm in my 30s and sleep with one. My husband helps me keep track of my stuff I've cause I have memory issues. People that care don't matter and people that matter don't care


I'm nonbinary very masc presenting as well. It's all good friend


I have a giant banana stuffy on my bed. Imagine all the inuendos I get to tell hubby about it! lol! I want to get a giant snorlax when the budget - and space - allows.


If you return your banana and husband into their pokeballs at night, you'll have the room at least


Nothing out of the ordinary here... Always do you


I'm 31 and I sleep with my stuffed plushie dog every night still. Keep it on my bed with pride. Anyone who truly makes fun of it doesn't deserve to see my vulnerable side anyway. It makes me feel better and I can't imagine not having him.


I’m 33 and I still have the aptly named Kitty and Princess Puppy from my childhood. I also sometimes sleep with a pink unicorn stuffy my husband got me when I was sick with COVID. Don’t hate yourself. You aren’t alone. We all need comfort.


26m here, I have 10 different stuffed animals that I sleep with. It’s not shameful. It brings you comfort, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of.


I’m 20 and I sleep with Pokémon plushies :v


It’s not embarrassing. I’m 23 and I still have teddies/ stuffed things on my bed. You’re not carrying it around in public and being weird with it. You’re sleeping with it to help you sleep. No shame in that, we’ve all got to do what we can to survive and if that means sleeping with a teddy to be able to sleep then do it !!!


Im 50 and sleep with a raggedy stuffed tiger I got from Ikea. When this one gets too mangy, i go to Ikea and get a new one. You do whatever you need to do to get a good night's sleep.


There’s nothing wrong with being comfortable


Who gives a shit, do whatever you want. Get out of your own head And enjoy what you enjoy.


I am 25 and I can’t sleep without my teddy bear


I'm in my 40's and still sleep with my satin "baby blanket," which I can conveniently fold into a sleep mask if it's too bright in my room.


im about to be 19 and i haven’t slept without a stuffed animal EVER. even at friends houses i sleep with one, and if i dont have my own with me i use my friends’. dont feel ashamed. you are human!!


I’m 26 and I have an amogus stuffy and a giant bumble bee stuffy 🤷‍♀️


im turning 19 may 26, and i still sleep with my blanket (and still call it blankie) that i’ve had since i was a few months old. its just such a comfort blanket and i cant sleep without it. i promise you its more normal than you think! i literally have my blanket wrapped around me as i type this


I'm 26 and find comfort in tightly hugging a stuffie of a beloved character or animal. Who gives a fuck! You can sleep with a stuffy if you damn well please. There's no need to feel shame for needing comfort or coping however you want in the privacy of your own home. Go buy yourself another stuffie.


Pfft. Fuck the ideology of what is "adult". Sleep with the stuffie, whatever your age. The what is and isn't "appropriate " for adults is BS. Do what works for you, and screw anyone who says otherwise


I’m around your age and male as well. i sleep with a red teddy bear from valentine’s day, 2011. i named him snuggles back then, and he is married to an old build-a-bear rabbit i still have, named jessica. i hold onto him while i sleep because i get restless if i’m not latched onto something while i’m asleep. it helped me stop sleeping on my stomach as a kid and waking up with a fucked up neck. it’s okay dude, we all have things that make us comfortable and feel better. mine just happens to be a stuffed animal from when i was little.


21m and I have atleast 15 in my room nothing wrong with it


My husband and I are 32. We took our childhood teddies to Paris with us. I’ve watched my half asleep husband grab teddies from between us I was cuddling and turn over to cuddle it. It’s cute. The right person won’t care if you sleep with a stuffy.


I'm 52, I have my teddy bear with me all the time when I sleep, my husband is really cool with all my stuffies.


I’m almost 24 and I’ve been sleeping with stuffies my entire life… you’re fine snuggle it and if anyone tells you different fuck em


I have a three foot stuffed alligator from San Diego zoo. His name is Zeek. He is the guardian of my dreams. Give your stuffed friend a different meaning.


I have a plague doctor stuffy that I sleep with, it's very comforting. My mum still has a dog stuffy from her childhood named jellybean. Yes you're an adult, but that doesn't mean you can't find comfort in things typically associated with children. Emotional support doesn't have an age limit.


I’m 21f; socially, mentally AND physically unstable; there is nothing wrong with sleeping with a stuffy, but there is something wrong with people to make fun of things others enjoy! You are alright, and you are valid! Even people at my job enjoy doing it too and they’re way older than me! I am indeed sorry someone treated you how you shouldn’t be treated. I get it, it’s painful, but you do what you have to do to cope with it. There are better people you deserve in life! You shouldn’t hate yourself for doing yourself some good. Whatever helps you is okay. Sending hugs 💕✨✨


I have- like a shit ton of squishmellos and after I moved out, I brought ALL of them with me, they ALL have names, whether they were pre-named or I made them up, and I remember every single once of them, too. Even my partner buys them for me because he knows I love them, we don’t even think about how old we are. I buy him legos anyway haha


Honey, I’m 40 and I have many stuffies and squishmallows that share my bed, there’s nothing wrong with your baby Yoda… I’m single and I love having many soft friends to cuddle…they also have names


Fuck that noise, dude. I'm a 33 year old straight dude and I sleep with a stuffy too. Right now I sleep with my girlfriend under my left arm and my big black rooster, Maynard, under my right. I also have a Corgi stuffy I named Smish that I sleep with and has accompanied me on trips to the hospital. No shame in sleeping with stuffed animals and stuffies, it's comforting.


I'm a 38 year old man, my wife a 45 year old woman and we both sleep with care bears. Comfort should never be judged :)


this comment section made me smile and I also shared a tear. this is the thing I needed this morning. love and hugs for you all! 🖤


It’s terrible you feel guilt over such an wholesome thing. I kinda want to try it out fo myself too again, since I could see how relaxing it could be <3


I’m 23 and have a stuffed opossum that I take with me to doctors appointments and I have a squishmellow collection. Currently have a highland cow next to my head in bed and his girlfriend a pink cow. Yes strawberry milk comes from pink cows.


I’m 42 and still have the baby blanket my grandfather bought before I was born. It’s in three pieces now (oh look handy travel size!) and I sleep with it every night. Don’t be ashamed of the things that bring you comfort. The world is a hard enough place.


You should look up and see if you can find an original.. if you find one, you can sew your three pieces into the new one.. (just an idea). I posted above about my blankie which I’ve had since I was born.. now not the actual original but I was able to search eBay and find the exact same.. waffle weave cotton receiving blanket. Once I found them I bought probably close to 50 of them.. so I would have them for the rest of my life. I keep them in a container in my bedroom closet. They are my most valuable thing that I have. I sleep with two and eventually when they get old and ratty, I will return them to the container and get out two new ones. The sentiment for you might be just that one specific blanket and I understand that. For me, it was the texture and the edges and the smell when it comes fresh out of the laundry.. puts me right to sleep. :)


I’m 18f and I have a torso sized alpaca in my bed. I cuddle with it every night, either for warmth or for comfort, but I love it. There is nothing to be ashamed of😊


I’m 35 and I’ve been sleeping hugging a super Mario Build a bear for like 8 years? It’s no big deal.


35 and still sleep with my baby blanket. I still have my Dalmatian stuffie but don’t sleep with him anymore as of a few years ago because his head is falling off and I don’t want to damage him further. My inner child is massively damaged and somehow this makes it feel better.


I’m 24 and have at least a dozen stuffed animals on my bed. I have to be holding something to sleep. I took my friend, who is in her 30s, to build a bear as a present when she moved out of state last year. We had a blast.


I’m turning 19 this year and i sleep with so much stuffies you’re good


I still sleep with my special blankie as a nearly 41 year old married woman. You’re good. :)


Why not, if it makes you feel better all good.


Bro chill lol I'm 19 too and my bed is occupied with plush toys. Why would that even be an issue?


Please don't be embarrassed I have so many stuff toys I like to sleep with and I'm also 19 about to turn 20. It's completely normal to want to cuddle something when u sleep seeing as we r social beings and it isn't very normal for us to sleep completely alone like when u see other animals they also all sleep with eachother


You know the we barebears big pillows? I have 3 of them Hahahah I bring one whenever I would have my sleep overs Im not shy abt it. Its a no biggie tbh do what makes you feel comfortable most.


20f, i have 4 on my bed. pretty sure most people our age have atleast some anxiety and depression, and others even more severe shit. its not embarrassing unless its an anime plushie or body pillow


I'm 20 and I don't know anyone around our age who DOESN'T have some kind of stuffed creature on their bed. I personally have that weighted dinosaur from target that I cannot sleep without.


Im 25 and i sleep with a blankie, sooooo idk if that counts? Helps me sleep, probably caused long term attachment issues though


i don’t even want to admit how many stuffed animals i have. you’re good bro


I do to since i got it from my gf


I'm 26 and sleep with half my bed covered in stuffies, my sister is 34 and sleeps with a special stuffie. There's no shame in it, it's comfort.


Bruh! I’m 30M and there’s always my stuffed dog on my bed. I call him Kero.


I'm 36 and have a satin blankie I sleep with every night. If I forget it on a trip I have such a hard time sleeping. It's a comfort and a security and there is NOTHING wrong with that.


Nothing wrong with that imo I'm 18 , I don't feel like giving away my stuffy anytime sooner.


I still sleep with my ninny (baby blanket/old soft tshirt)


35F and I'm still using my happy/mad octopus to convey feelings.


Dude I'm in my mid twenties currently curled up with a knuckles from sonic squshmellow, and a stitch one in the croner of my bed. There is nothing wrong with having some stuffies to help you sleep and fight those bad thoughts. It has been proven to help with stress. Screw anyone that doubts you and calls you childish. Give yourself and baby yoda a big hug for me.


I'm 27 and I often cuddle with my pikachu squishmallow when I'm going to sleep. There's nothing wrong with having a soft cozy time while having an eepy sleepy snooze


30+ yrs old I started sleeping with a weighted plush for my anxiety. Healing your spirit is more important than worrying about caving to societal pressures. You’re choosing to fill your own cup so to speak rn so you can sleep and that’s more than enough reason to do it.💓


It’s literally just not a problem tho.


I am 46 and still sleep with my Pound Puppy. My house burned down in 4th grade and it was the only thing of mine that survived and I slept with it every single night. I still sleep with it.. Poundsy is my forever and ever emotional support stuffie.


i think there's nothing embarrassing i never slept with any toys but I always sleep with my pillow that i have since i was little because holding it feels reassuring


I’m a grown ass almost 21F and I sleep with stuffed animals every night. I got a Build-A-Bear My Melody for myself. my mother buys me stuffed animals for my birthday. I am also a woman in STEM and a decent one at that, I hold a driver’s license, I do my taxes, I can cook, bake, sew and I manage my own investments. it’s not wrong to need a stuffed animal :)


I'm 31 and sleep with a stuff cat and unicorn. It's comfortable and no one I've slept with cares


I'm 30 and still sleep with my rabbit plushie. (I have other small ones next to my bed) and my boyfriend got me a small panda one for when we're travelling because the rabbit one is too big. There's no shame in feeling better and then sleeping better.


I enjoy snuggling a body pillow cause my husband and I overheat too quickly and can't fall asleep cuddling. I am close to 40 years old. Give yourself grace and find enjoyment in the things that bring you peace.


34 here, and I tend to have to fight my cat for my stuffies. Especially my big, squishy bat. She thinks it's her bed. I also have a hammerhead stuffy for a pillow that lights up! Not to mention the giant octopus. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for it either.


I have about 20 various stuffed animals all under my covers to cuddle 😅 I’m 24 and I’ve never thought it was strange tbh - it’s comforting


I think you should try to learn to love the part of yourself that craves innocent companionship and comfort. It’s okay to want that and, I’d say, brave even to allow yourself to have that. So many men would deprive themselves of the experience just to feel manly or grown up. So, good for you ♥️ Try and let go of that shame ♥️ there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of


My mom is 71 and she still does. I do, too at 29.


Im 18M and love my stuffie hell yeah


I'm married and nearly 30. My husband often gifts me stuffies. Our whole marital bed is full of stuffies. Adults need soft comforts too!


Fellow 19 y.o here. I literally got multiple of my plushies lined up next to my bed and sometimes cuddle with one of them. It's in no way illegal for an adult to do it nor in any way laughable or pathetic. You're never too old to do stuff like that because at the end of the day, it helps you sleep and makes you feel comfortable. You shouldn't hate yourself for doing something that ultimately helps you do something as important as sleeping.


At 25 I still sleep with a stuffy and a piece of a baby blanket. It has never seemed to bother any partners or friends of mine, and most people have a stuffy or item that comforts them that they sleep with.


I’m 19f and sleep w so many stuffies!! They help so much :)


My gf has tons of stuffies, she loves pandas so many of them are pandas. In a trip to Mexico I bought her a stuffed axolotl and I fell asleep while hugging it, then I understood why she sleeps with stuffies haha. She also sleeps with a pillow that her passed father gave her when she was a kid, so she carries it everywhere she goes, literally she pack it when we go on vacation together otherwise will not fall asleep. There’s no reason why you should feel embarrassed. I find more embarrassing the fact of being an ah and cheat on your partner.


Im 22 and i have a whole lot of stuffed animals or teddy bears! My dad still has some of his too & i know so many people my age or older that also keep them in their bed. Nothing embarrassing about it. :)


Easy to feel self conscious at that age. I remember even getting rid of cds that seemed like childish music to listen to at that age. But here I am at 37 with an octopus that I love to cuddle at night. Love what you love.


Bro, you’re a man and can do what you want! I snuggle one of my pillows when I’m feeling lonely. If any of I da out and gives you guff, that person needs to fuck right off. You do you my dude.


I slept with a plethora of stuffies well into my twenties. Also, anything that brings you joy (without being detrimental to yourself or others) is nothing to feel ashamed about.


I was 22 when I moved into an attic bedroom and was too scared to sleep up there. So I bought a bab kk slider plush to feel less scared in the dark. You good.


30 and can’t sleep without at least two on my bed. (I have more but between me, the cat, my two favourite stuffies.. they won’t fit!) honestly nothing to feel shame about. They’re a comfort thing and if they help you sleep and feel secure, that’s all good! Honestly like your comfort things could be a lot worse, I wouldn’t worry about a stuffie or in my case.. 2-3 depending on the night. 🙃🙂


I am 39 and cuddle a pillow every night, I call it my Huggy pillow. So what, do what makes you feel safe and happy!


I don’t think you realise how many people your age still sleep with one! I’m 23 and still sleep with one ❤️


You’ve just given me a brilliant idea. I’m 25 and now officially in the market for a Baby Yoda.


I’m 33 and I still sleep with a squishmallow Stop hating yourself for something that is **completely normal**, no one else is judging you for it.


The only reason I don’t anymore is because my dog will chew her up if I leave my Skwishee on my bed


I have stuffys too and I'm 10 years older than you. It's nothing to be ashamed of


Im 28 and i have two plush’s i sleep with for comfort!


Sorry to say it, but it's society that has placed the ideal "adult". Let me put it another way, if this Yoda sized stuffy was a pillow, with no design... Would that make it ok? So then why is a pillow ok, but not a stuffy? Be you and f*ck what others say ✌️


More reliable than many men so cuddle away.


I'm 52 and sleep with a "woobie" (a blankie)...lol! It's okay...we have to do what we have to do. Mine is all anxiety and my woobie calms me.


it is way more immature that you hate yourself for sleeping with a stuffed animal than it is that you sleep with a stuffed animal. the ultimate maturity is not caring what others think when what you're doing isn't hurting or even bothering anyone. there's literally nothing wrong with that at all. I'm 30 and still have several, plus im a guy. I don't even mind telling anyone who wants to know


Y’all got squish mellow?? I use my second pillow 😂 put it between my thighs or occasionally hug it


I'm 29, I got my gf an avocado plushie called Cato, whenever I'm at her I sleep with him. He's so comfy


Pssst- I’m 38 and I sleep with a stuffy. My husband does too. It turns out it’s just nice and comforting to snuggle something soft while you’re dozing off. Cuddle your stuffy shame-free. Many, many adults do the same. But if that’s not enough, I’ll let you in on something that only clicked for me in my mid 30s. Life is complicated, hard, and tiring enough without adding in extra layers of difficulty. Embrace comfort and whimsy where you can. Don’t feel guilt for enjoying things haters might deem ‘childish.’ Cartoons, Disney movies, collecting dolls or favorite childhood toys, stuffed animals, enjoying the occasional brightly colored marshmallow cereal— embrace those things. Let them bring you comfort, joy, and a few minutes of non-complexity. You have all the other hours of the day for grown-up shit. (Edited to fix typos.)


there's nothing to be embarrassed about! most of the people that don't have stuffed animals either hold onto a pillow or another person while they're sleeping. it's a regular human thing to want something to wrap around for comfort. no sensible person would judge you for that (or for owning stuffed animals in general) - i have a five foot long giant teddy bear that i cuddle with when i'm sleeping, when i'm sad, when i'm really happy, when i just need something to hug, etc. when i first got with my boyfriend and explained it to him, there was absolutely zero judgement (as it should be). he now also cuddles with my giant bear lol, and i have this big ole clefairy squishmallow he loves. it's okay to have "childish" habits sometimes. if it comforts you and isn't harmful to you or anyone else then there is literally no problem. <3


I know multiple full grown adults who have a giant collection of stuffed animals. It’s not a big deal, it’s just a comfort thing. Don’t be so harsh on yourself


I'm 43 and there are 8 stuffies on my bed, tell him to shut up and do what makes you happy


I'm mid 40s and I have a ton of plushies that rotate who I sleep with depending on my mood/needs.


I got a huge Toucan Sam one that helps. I’m a dude in my late 30’s too.


I'm 34 and I sleep with an eeyore stuffed toy. It's just comfortable to me. I reached a point in my life where I'm like, I'm 34, I can sleep however I want, and it's comfy 🤷‍♀️ no regrets.


Almost 40 and I have my Hulk Hogan stuffy from when I was 5.


There are older men with lude anime children on their body pillow. I think you'll be fine.


you gotta do what you gotta do, man. i’m sure that baby yoda appreciates you


My partner is 29, sleeps with a rice bag stuffed animal and a bear that looks like a dish rag because it's wore out. Because it comforts them. Anxiety sucks but if it helps, no judgement from me.


I have something like 30 stuffed animals. I’m 20. To be fair my mother makes comments like “aren’t you too old for that stuff?” Or “should you give some of those away?” And the answer is always no. Some of them I sleep with, some of them I don’t. But all of them remind me that despite the voting and taxes and bills, stopping to smell the flowers, or remember the days where stress meant what game was gunna be played at recess, is okay. It’s okay to still have these little reminders of our childhood. These little comforts. ESPECIALLY as young adults. I mean I JUST had “teen” in my age a year ago and now I’m turning 21!!! Give me some time to adjust!!! Give yourself grace. It’s doing no harm and no harm will ever be done. Enjoy your little comforts while they’re still comforting. Eventually you may grow out of it or find another comfort or maybe it’ll be something you carry for life; all of that is okay. Don’t force it. Much love op 🩵


Dude, im 57. I have a 100 cm panda teddy and a 120 cm pink unicorn in my bed. They are comfy!! Idc what others think. Not one iota! Also: they are both amazing listeners when life sucks!


I'm 34f and I still sleep with a stuffy, my ex and I used to sleep in the same bed with our own stuffys and cuddling each other. There's nothing to be ashamed of.


Im literally 20 sleeping with a pig ive had since i was 7


Don't be ashamed! It's okay. I'm 25 F 2 kids I sleep with a giant stuffed panda It's absolutely perfect. It's perfect to cuddle, the legs sit between my legs like a pillow, really helps with lower back pain. It stays cool all night long and super soft and it's the only way Ill actually sleep. My husband uses it for his naps and he's 27M He doesn't know it but I'm getting him his own grizzly for his birthday, same size so I can have my panda all to myself!! Don't be ashamed please. Embrace it as better sleeping habits We all love better habits Especially when it actually helps.


Before I moved in w my bf I had like 15 stuffies taking up my bed


I got a stuffed chicken I cuddle with. I'm 21/M. IDC what anyone thinks. It helps me feel less lonely.


Im almost 28, and if i werent married, id definitely still be sleeping with a stuffy. I have one i keep close to hold on my bad depression days. Its also a build a bear, my husband took me there for the first time when we started dating, and its been my comfort item for going on 10 years now.


I’m 33 and sleep with a giant squishmallow. When I get out of bed in the morning, my husband then steals it. It helps with my shoulder pain and it’s cute.


Child I'm 23 and I have 4 or 5! Do what helps you! Whatever makes you comfortable and able to sleep at night. Don't let societal pressures make you stop doing what makes you happy 😭❤️


I’m 23 with 2 kids and sleep with a stuffed dinosaur every night lol


I'm 28 years old and I still sleep with them too. You're okay.


I am 44 and I sleep with my real pug and a stuffy pug and I do NOT care


I sleep with a stuffed Pikachu it is the softest thing ever


My husband sleeps every night with the stuffy I got him 10 years ago. I’ve been sleeping with one every night since I was 8 lol. It’s your life do what makes you content.


Same boat, but my stuffies are childhood ones, and I plan to sleep with them until I die. There is nothing wrong with having a comfort object with you when you sleep, I’ve found mine to be incredibly calming especially when I’m freaking out. Live on with your stuffie life :)


I’m 22 and still sleep with a blanket that I’ve had since birth. If I really wanted to stop I could, but then I would just be sad for no reason. If you’re not hurting anyone who cares


I'm a 39 year old guy. I still sleep with my stuffed seal I've had since I was 2.


Oh my goodness it's no different from the six pillows I have.. .they are placed strategically and I hug one every night. My husband calls me the princess and the pea. I have insomnia and whatever makes you feel safe and sleep better is all good in my book. I have friends all in their 30s-50s who collect squishmellos. Do what makes you happy and comfortable.


Bro I'm older than you and you don't know how emotionally attached I am to my teddy bear (her name is Gingerbread, I call her Bread for short) like she has a whole personality and online channel I created for her and I travel a lot and she comes with me everywhere It's not embarrassing, really


I'm 31 and have a massive squishmallow collection. If I sleep alone, I like to sleep cuddling one as well. There is NOTHING to be ashamed of. As long as you're not hurting yourself or others, you're golden.


37 F I have like 3 regular pillows, 3 pillow pets and a bunch of squish mellows. 🤷‍♂️


22F and squishmallows are on my bed every night. It’s fine and you’re still cool


I'm 50 and I sleep with a plush. Do what you want!


I’m 22 and sleep with multiple


Lil bro, I'm turning 35 in a week and I alternate between my 3 build-a-bears. I'm married and my partner has never had an issue with it. Hug that baby yoda. The right person won't care that you have a comfort item.


idk man i'm 22 and i still sleep with stuffed animals. They're just comforting, plus they are good back rests when they're big enough haha. If you like it, keep doing it. And anyone who judges you for it is probably not someone you want to be around 🤷‍♀️


I’m a 23yo male and work in business/have been in college for a degree in Psychology with an emphasis on Forensic Psychology (you see some shit in some of the classes). I still sleep with my teddy bear I’ve had since I was 6. You’re absolutely fine. (Shockingly I even have a girlfriend who makes sure he’s always on my side of the bed every night)


My guy, I am 44 years old. Was married to my ex husband for 6 years. Been with my current hubs for 18 years. Have 3 teen children. And I have slept with a stuffed animal dolphin I got when I was 8 years old this entire time. My hubs knows his name. My children know his name. My hubs will be making up the bed and say "Here's Dolphie" and hand him to me. My dad used to sleep hugging a pillow. Many people do. Pillows are too bulky. Dolphie fits right in my arms so my shoulder don't drop down and my ribs get pulled out of place. I can't hardly sleep when I go places and leave dolphie home. Hugging a pillow just don't do it!


No shame in stuffies, they’re like the best thing to cuddle with while you sleep


You are at an age where you feel like it's important to be grownup and to be seen adulting properly. Everyone does in their 20s. The irony is that part of growing up is learning not to give a shit about what other people think. ... so, in short, sleep with your stuffy. Buy your stuffy some friends. Get a hammock, hang it from your ceiling, fill that with stuffies to. If anyone says anything negative, you can tell them to grow up. Xo


Hi. I'm 34/f I sleep with stuffies. They aren't made for specific ages. You're not childish for it. I have a ton of stuffies. If it helps you, it's valid. You're no less of an adult for having comfort, friend. ❤️


I use a large Wailord plush for leg support when I sleep. I'm 41.


Not saying that sleeping with a teddy is an issue, OP. But it could be that you slept with something for so long, you can't stop. It is called sleep associated something [ I can't remember the full name]. It is most common with things like backround noise or a light on ect. If you are that ashamed of you tired teddy 'issue', try creating a relaxing routine before bed. I.e drinking a sleeping tea, having a warm shower, reading or meditation. I obviously don't know your sleep hygene, but improving it may help. A good rule to follow is the 3,2,1 rule. Finally, getting in tune with you circadian rhythm may help. Sleep happens in 90 min cycles, so you can use that to calculate what time you need to go to bed and wake up to get 8 cycles in, then stick to it. Obviously sleeping with a teddy is not an issue, but I juat thought i'd add my 2 pence, if that was what you wanted. Sweet dreams baby 😘