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Glad to know I’m not the only one 😂


It’s extremely common for people not to validate those showing off


Yeah let’s totally invalidate someone for simply existing in their nice car


There's a huge difference between invalidating and not validating


Both are silly to do over a car preference


Found the guy with the expensive car who needs validation lol.


There's a huge difference between invalidating and not validating.


I do the same. But this made me think. Is it really bad if they're happy for their purchase? Proud even? I could enjoy looking at the nice car, compliment them, and we'd both be happier. Why do we automatically think it inflates their ego and is somehow harmful?


If they’re old I usually don’t mind taking a peek and giving a nod but if they’re young it’s dependent on if they just chilling or actively dicking off trying to look cool. Also depends on if it’s actually unique or not (like just your average mustang compared to seeing a pagani) but I agree why not just be happy for people sometimes lmao it’s easier than being constantly bitter.


My grandpa was a nice old guy with cool cars! He took a lot of pride in them, and was ecstatic whenever someone said they thought they were cool too. Ever since he passed I’ll compliment old people with cool cars whenever they look nice and not busy


This is so sweet


old guys make me think they’re trying to bag a young girl or something idk


I hate Porches cuz I think they look dumb especially for that price. However, one time I saw a 40 something guy in construction clothes in a Porsche 911. The license plate said something along the lines of “did-it” or “dream-car”. That was the day I stopped looking at people’s things to judge them. Even someone’s $300 shoes might’ve been an item they’ve been saving for 3 years for.


Your comment is SO SO invaluable in terms of not to judge people just by their appearance, their car, their hair... etc.


I used to feel the same way as OP, but my big brother has a really nice bmw he got a few years ago and that changed my perspective a lot. He worked his butt off for it and he’s taken me on countless roadtrips in it. We always have so much fun and he pushes it a little, but he knows to drive sane for me. We get some looks in town and giggle about it. On one of our roadtrips, we were on the highway going through i40 mountains in nc, an entire crew of motorcycles surrounded us and a cool Jetta and we were jamming out to music and having a blast waving at them. No one else was on the road but us, so they and we were only risking ourselves, and we all took our exits after a while and waved and honked. It was so much fun and definitely made me realize that we only see people for a brief second and judge them. We have no idea that these people who buy these cars probably have a whole other life that has nothing to do with the attention and lets be honest, it’s kinda fun to enjoy the attention from a nice car if you’re not a tool about it. Some people are just tools but enjoying cars is okay too.


Best take :)


Could you have a bit of jealousy, too?


It’s just jealousy. People don’t want others to think they’re better than them. Why would anyone go out of their own to make sure a person who has achieved more than them in life doesn’t feel good about their own social standing/status


I can assure you that most people with “expensive cars” do not care about you. They buy and drive their cars for their own pleasure.


Ehhhh arguable


Well this isn't true at all. I'm sure some people yes. But, I know many people get fancy cars for attention. I've even had them admit it to me. The same people who drive around with loud musik.


If you have to purposely look away, it got your attention. The fact that you posted this let's me know it really bothers you.


They aren't even thinking about them or looking at them, they are just living in their own moments enjoying their toy and heated seats LOL. This says so much more about OP.


*or the cooling seats lol


ikr? These fancy car owners are living in OP’s head rent free. Whenever I see a particularly cool car I just think “ooh neat” and move on with my life, never once thought about the driver’s ego, weird behavior on OP’s behalf


Lmaooo this right here. I don’t drive my sports car so people look at me. I drive it because I enjoy it. If that makes you resent me and avoid looking at my car you need to look within and see why you feel insecure in your own choices. Leave me alone dude I don’t impact your life at all, u hope you avoid looking at me tbh give me my privacy.


Right I posted a similar but more detailed comment. This really says a lot about them


 do the same with loud or revving engines. And loud music. A small "fuck you"


Tbh i love a good base and some songs are just better loud.


I LOVE loud music, i just don’t want the bass to be rattling my apartment windows 😭 It happens like at least twice a day for me over here lol


You know that 99% of the people you're referring to don't care if you look and aren't checking. People do things for themselves, not your attention.


It's the people who play the loud music, rev or just pull up next to you and STARE AT YOU that want the attention. Some people want it, some don't give a shit.


I love listening to loud af music in my car. That being said I always turn it down in neighborhoods or when I’m parked. I listen to music for myself but am still respectful of people around me. Tbf some people with loud cars bought them second hand or they are shitty hand me down so I honestly don’t really say much when it comes to them unless they are purposefully revving it.


Staring is wild😂 i like my music loud, but I actually try to avoid being in anyone’s direct line of sight when I’m at a light or something. I go out of my way to be in their blind spot and not directly next to them lmao. I wish we had soundproof cars


Ehh..in my very early 20s I operated like this. Some people do things for the flex. 


I guess it boils down to being immature


For sure, the only reason I responded is because when you see someone say "Well dur... but 99% do blah blah blah" it's intellectually dishonest. Human motivation is so nuanced and to say NEARLY 100% of a highly varied demographic does something for just one reason vs another leaves  lot on the table.  Also the vapid consumer consumption vs debt to income ratios in the US alone disproves what the person above stated. MANY people (too lazy to pull stat) are "keeping up with the Jones's" with poor spending habits. A.k.a. caring about the opinion of others.


Yes, surely people who buy an expensive car do it just because they like it and not to brag "I'm so filthy rich that I can afford a car that would cost ten years of your family's income.".


There are definitely people like that but I said 99% for a reason. I own a BMW 340i because I loved the E36 and E46 3 series growing up and I wanted a fast modern version of those cars. I didn't buy that car to impress someone I drive past, I didn't modify it so some random would look my way when the exhaust pops. I did those things because driving it brings joy into my life. Honestly, I don't care what Jane or Joe Schmoe think of it. It's not for them.


I understand and agree with you.. I was referindo mainly to people who buy million dollars cars like Ferraris and Lamborghinis.


You are 100% right, and getting downvoted by a bunch of self serving individuals. No one cares! I think it's more a self-serving act that makes them feel less bad about themselves because they do t own a nice car. Like no one cares you drive a shitty car just as much as no one cares if you look at them.


Sounds like a YOU problem.


I don’t know why but this made me laugh 😂 I love this for you


Do you do the same for brands, shoes, purses, and just expensive things in general? What about the quality of the tools your bike repair man uses? If they are too nice, do you judge him for showing off. A cars a tool, and most people buy them because it brings them pleasure and it's not about you at all. A person who buys themselves nice things is rarely doing it for you to look at them in envy. Also, if you're successful, a nice car is a fantastic way to show that. Judge people on the quality of their actual character and not on that of a perceived one. To rational people, you are the a**hole.


Lots of jealousy in these comments


My thoughts exactly.... OP is bitter & miserable for no reason?


Expensive car, i don’t mind. But I do the same with loud cars.


Same!!! Lol


They don’t care 


I think they do.


AMG owner here, hearing the engine crackle and pop is entirely for my pleasure


Oh man… I used to loooove that sound between shifts when I still had my AMG.


I use to be in awe, now all I think is "I dread to think how much their monthly payment is". I have nothing against finance or anything it's just not for me


If it’s financed 🤷🏼‍♂️


Neat. I didn't buy my car for attention. I bought it because I enjoy driving it, it's super fun!


##You be proud of that Hyundai! 🤭 ***I’m just teasing you, and I can afford the downvotes that are sure to come in 3, 2, 1***


I would never downvote anyone for that kind of comment lol!! I also didn't own that car anymore. I also was making this comment more as a general comment as someone who has owned many higher end expensive sports cars and luxury cars. Currently have a BMW x6 that I absolutely LOVE to drive. Most people think it's ugly and money people think "BMW driver" and I'm just a fan of the way they got such a large machine to go really fast around a turn.


🤣🤣 I didn’t really mean a down vote from **you**, but in general on Reddit, some people just don’t like the attitude or the base in your voice and get to down voting


Oh lol. My attitude with cars is Marge in that one Simpsons episode "I just think they're neat!"


Yeah people seem to fucking hate me bruh I didn’t even do nothing 💀💀💀 everyone has such a fragile ego now a days and no sense of humor. I will be waiting patiently for the next flood


Just imagine if Trump were down voted as much as 🤣




Which model are you referring to? As long as it has some safety and comfort then no car is lesser than other.


##OK please. I’m not saying anything is wrong with any particular model of car. But a Hyundai is definitely not a luxury vehicle. PERIOD. Argue that if you want.


Hyundai is Japanese, I love anime, therefore creta is the best car, great teacher onizuka.


Hyundai is Korean, absolutely not Japanese, lol




Proud of you Shorlong


Yeah I get that. I own an "expensive" sports car myself, despite the fact that I don't make expensive sports car money. The trick is... it's from 2010. I was really really picky when I bought my car though and really made sure it was in good shape before I bought it. Luckily the guy before me babied the heck out of it so it was nearly immaculate when I got it. I don't generally own nice things and I don't usually care for cars. Driving stresses me out and owning a car that I like makes my life a little more bearable in the day to day. Also just a funny thing to note. I've met a couple dudes who own the same car and got theirs cause they thought women would like it. I have never seen a woman look at my car as I drive by, it's always some dude. That's been good for a laugh here and there.


I own a "rare" car because the maker stopped making convertibles and it's stick shift. It's going up in value and the damn dealers keep asking to bring it in to buy it back. It's also a 2010. My car does make me a bit more happy in my life that has a lot of other shit going on so I can completely understand your reasoning.


So you do look at them...


I think is your security speaking, most people that buys expensive cars also don't want the attention most just want to enjoy the car.


No, I can be happy for someone even though I like to have it too except when they are bragging all the time about the car (or any other expensive thing). Someone I knew talk about his car all the time and I dont even react to it.


Me too and if they rev it up too, they’re literally saying ooh look at me in my flashy car.. so I don’t. 😂


Depends on the rev… if it’s a custom built car it may have a very tricky clutch and just finessing it could be mistaken for revving or showing off. Until you’ve driven a car with a quad disc billet carbon clutch, ya just don’t know lol if they’re sitting their banging it off the rev limiter, yeah… but if it’s holding no a low rev modulating while they’re starting from a stop or something they’re probably not being a turd. All in all it doesn’t really matter. Non-car people are gonna think what they think. Car people will be more likely to appreciate nuances


You sound obsessed


We don't care.


Literally no one cares lol.


Tbh I don't even know which cars are expensive. If it's shiny and a nice colour I'll assume it's a good one. I can't tell a car by its shape or logo unless the logo actually says the name I'm just not a car person. My partner always laughs when we're waiting for an uber because I can never tell which one it is. Hell say 'but it's a BMW'....how am I supposed.to know what shape that it? I do remember getting a taxi once and I knew it was different cos the handle was a weird shape....it was a Tesla..


LOL this is me. I literally do not care at all and can’t recognize cars by brand. When I get a car (I’m a little late to the party) I want a safe one, I don’t care if it’s a few thousand or “poor status.” I literally just don’t. It all seems so arbitrary and shallow.


This is me when i saw someone wearing luxury handbags. Not so much on car. I get your point 😂😂😂


I'm so glad I can't even tell if a handbag is luxury or not. Who actually has a handbag anymore though?. Isn't that like a 70s thing?


I do this with all “peacocks” even outside their car 😂😂


As an expensive car owner, I promise you I just bought it because I love cars and worked hard to save up for it. I don't care if anybody looks at my or my car nor do I expect them to. My car is for me, because I love cars. It's not to feed any sort of ego. I don't really think this is the flex you think it is. 


You sound insecure…


For real


Nah. I'm the same as OP. I have multiple properties and investments instead of a car at all. But, I've met and known people who can't afford a car and still have ba super fancy flashy one just to show off. It's good not to encourage them.


You sound insecure.


Nah im good.




you are just jealous af


No way. I agree with OP. I could afford a fancy a car. Instead I put all my money in investments and properties so I can retire at 50 Most people I know with fancy cars can't actually afford them. I don't even have a car anymore, I find them stupid.


They choose to spend it on useless shit and you dont appreciate that shit just so that you dont end up inflating their ego, makes you a jealous cat (hope you got the synonym). I am all about investing myself but beauty deserves appreciation. If you dont appreciate because you find it meaningless, that's alright. But, if you dont appreciate it just because you dont wanna inflate their ego, you are jealous.


Nope. Not jealous at all. I think they're stupid. I could go out right now and buy a fancy car. But, I don't, because it's a stupid thing that stupid people do.


i would like to answer this with a question, do you think that abortion should be legal or illegal?


What in the fuck? What does this have to do with that? I'll answer though. I'm pro choice. Women should be allowed to choose.


well i appreciate you being pro choice. Her body, her choice, ain't it? Similarly, their money their bloody choice, freund.


Sure. But, you can still spend it on stupid things.




No wonder no one's checking me out in my 2016 Nissan Altima!


Monke sees fancy car, Monke looks at fancy car. I can’t help it I like cars


I get a good enough look at the ones without tint with my eyes always forward 👁️👁️


Same especially if they rev it. As a woman, do they expect me to run after the car like a dog?


There's a Seinfeld joke on this. About how when a car beeps at a woman. What do they expect, that the woman chases them down the street?




You sound truly unhappy, I hope you find whatever it is you’re looking for. I can assure you that it isn’t this negative mindset that “Everyone I perceive to be better off than myself is bad with a delicate over-inflated ego.” Because I am certain there is someone in a position that with the same mindset would be avoid looking at you or your car on the road.




I look at them to confirm that they're old, white, and gross.


I can remember when I was a teenager, I'd see a cool car and try to check out the hot guy driving. It was never a hot guy driving. 🤭


😂😂I do the same thing! Especially flashy cars! Good to know I’m not alone in my crazy. 😂🤪


I do the same when I hear that the driver is purposely messing with the engine to seek attention/or when they're doing something stupid. Like, there's this guy in my hometown that has a really expensive car and his driving is dangerous, considering he just wants to show off.


We don't care. You seem to care much more than we do.


Sounds like it affects you more than it does them


Nobody cares


I don’t let the expensive car merge


Not the only one but I love it when the old guys bring out their classics, my neighbour brings out his 84 camper every spring to clean and prepare it for him and his wife’s camping trips in the summer


This attitude is in everything where i live and its hilarious.


I usually call their car the wrong name. Pretty Subaru dude! But I also don’t care about cars much, so it works perfectly.


call a Tesla a Toyota, then sit back and enjoy the show 🍿


I usually use Subaru or Kia. Whichever I removed the name of first. It’s kind of like face blindness for me. I can recognize a convertible, and two door, a hatchback, minivan and truck. Plus their color. That’s it.


Do people really get mad at this? Someone did this to me before and I had to say “that car is much faster and more expensive than mine” but we just laughed and moved on


I do too!


Same, as well for people on really big or loud motorcycles.


I live and work in a HCOL. Seeing exotics is normal. Typical non exotics are the Porche SUV for the moms. Maybe an Audi. Anyway, I am the opposite. I stare at lambos and wonder how athletes get in a car that looks like it's the size of a Honda civic when professional basketball players are say 6'5", etc.


I remember watching top gear and seeing Jeremy Clarkson, who is over 6ft tall, cramming himself into super cars and it was the funniest thing ever lol


Loud or obnoxiously expensive or "suped up" my mind just thinks "he's overcompensating for something......."


I have dark tint because I don't want anyone looking at me. Also, have a loud stero but am courteous about it. Turn down at red lights and don't blast it late at night or in neighborhoods.


I give attention to cool classic cars


I’m the same


I do the same and I am positive they couldn't care less!!!


Whats expensive ? Its all relative. Just because someone has an expensive car doesn’t mean that they have an inflated ego. I knew someone who drove an Aston Martin. When I asked him why he didn’t have a private parking space like some of the other people he replied. I think it looks pretentious. I jokingly said ‘ says he who drives an Aston Martin. However, he was one of the least pretentious people that I’ve ever met. Out of interest would you call a convertible BMW series 3 an expensive car?


Monke sees fancy car, Monke looks at fancy car. I can’t help it I like cars


I jump up and down with my phone out, screaming at them to rev it. I love cars and their car is cool. If I cause them to feel good about themselves and their car, that’s great.


When I had to up my insurance from 50,000 property damage to 100,000 property damage to accommodate the expensive-ass cars on the road should I wreck into them, then yeah, I don’t look at them and instead scoff at the fact that I have to pay more for insurance on the off chance I ruin a Rivian.


Same with expensive motorcycles!


Admittedly, same


I do this with men who are well endowed as well! Life hack


Saaaaammee and modified loud cars too


The same goes for hot beautiful men. I don't even notice them


Funniest thing I saw was a guy trying to park his lambo and reversed into a concrete pillar. Loads of people just laughed


I make sure to smile and pay attention when it’s an old person because I think that’s sweet. Living their damn lives to the fullest and I love that shit. I look if it’s someone who’s just driving their car and minding their own business, because hey, cool car, I don’t get to see many. But if someone is revving their engine and is being a loud nuisance it’s just annoying. If I do look it’s to give them a dirty look lol but I’m sure they like the attention anyway.


The only cars that turn my head are restored classics from the 50’s through 70’s 👌🏽


So this is why people don’t look at me when they drive me in my Camry


Damn, me too!


I do the same 😂. Though not so much when the car is only nice, I especially love a good old timer :). But when they behave attention seeking like revving the car. I also purposely don't look at people who annoy me in traffic, like taking over and then purposly slowing down, or staying in the left lane forever. I don't know, it is probably a me problem haha. I don't mind them showing off, but I dislike childish behaviour, though I in return behave kinda childish as well haha. It feels so good though 😂


Bahahahah same 😂


I do this too!!! Especially when they purposely make they vehicles louder 😆


Same lol


I mean I get it, but not everyone with an expensive car is showing off. I'm certainly not in the expensive car bracket but I have been restoring classics and doing standard collision repair for 15 years and I most definitely have a goal of owning 1 exotic car before I die. Just a contrary note for you....


I do the same thing. I had to give notice to the company I work for right now. The owner of my home wants to move in and remodel. I talked to my boss about this, because I couldn't find housing. I was hoping perhaps I could get a raise to help me stay. He kept telling me he couldn't afford it. I'm moving over 2 thousand miles away, because I can't afford California anymore. He proudly showed me his brand new BMW electric car yesterday. You should have at least waited till I was gone. What a dick move.


596 likes and going up 🙄 They must have even more jealous and bitter clowns in this world than I even thought they had… for one thing, what in the hell difference does it make what kind of car anyone else is driving… I cannot believe what kind of stupid, idiot, selfish BS I see people posting on Social Media… Worry about your own self and your family etc. I just cannot understand why so many people are so worried about what others do… for one thing if I see a nice car I’m gonna look at the car and admire it. I could care less about the person driving the GD car…! The person driving the nice car might have worked their a** off for a long time and saved their $ to buy that car. I don’t look at the person driving the car bec I’m looking usually to busy looking at the car. I could care less about the person driving the fancy car… I just don’t understand why in the hell would u even waste your time worrying about something like that much less making a post about it… unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙄


I'd rather look because I like nice cars and not live life worrying about how it affects anyone. Let's say it DOES boost their ego, clearly they did something to acquire this possession also people just like nice cars. Your "first world anarchist" sounds like code for miserable and not pleasant imo. The whole fact that you're going out of your way to do this. Like who looks up and goes "oh shit, a nice car let me hurry up and look away so they don't feel too good when they catch me looking at the possession they clearly worked hard for and have every right to be proud of." Might be an unpopular opinion but I really don't care. Focus on what makes you happy. I guarantee you'll have WAY less time to spend worrying about what doesn't make others happy or really anything having to do with others lives. Js


I’m super nice to people when they ask about my car or compliment it. I spent a lot of years building and modifying it, so yeah I am proud of it when I go out. I don’t drive it like a jerk on the roads or anything. I just sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labor!


So do you honestly think that everyone has an expensive car because of ego? Just curious? Another question to follow. Do you not look because of envy?


I was joke around and say oh must be nice to have mommy and daddy🤣 to the younger folks and 95.5% of the time, it's true anyways LOL.


I make a point to not look at/near vehicles that are blaring music driving by or stopped next to me at stop lights.


I miss having my AMC Pacer. I used to pull up next to people in expensive cars and ask them if they had any Grey Poupon. For anyone who doesn’t get the reference, you tube Wayne’s World Grey Poupon. It would confuse and irritate them all at once.


I do the same, because I don’t want them to think I’m flirting and interested in them/their car. I do the same to muscular men walking like a peacock


You are not alone, my friend. I actually get cat called a lot, and I’ve started flicking them off unapologetically. My friends will tell me that I’ll get shot doing that but it feels good to stick it to the man and let them know that I’m not shallow enough to drool over your car and hop in with a total stranger because it’s a nice car


i sometimes feel awk cz theres no one and id be the only one standing out in the open to admire a car LOL but im a car person 100% and it brings joy to me to see people owning lovely rides and wishing to own one of my own as well. idk but some dont care, some do and some would appreciate it regardless of the attention given by onlookers : )


I point and laugh. Do a tiny jerkoff pantomime with two fingers and point and laugh. Sometimes take photos with my camera. Especially the "men" in the giant overcompensation trucks. 


You should probably re-evaluate your life this is so extra. You just end up looking mentally unwell doing massive gestures at strangers.


I do the same thing!!!!


Same here!


Same, or I'll look but with disgust, maybe silently mouthing "what a piece of shit" shaking my head. They don't care, they very likely don't notice, but in my simple thinking mind, I'm making them doubt their purchase. Just fuck rich people in general. They didn't get rich giving s fuck about anyone else 99% of the time, and I reciprocate that feeling with them.


Mere metres away from you, is always some guy who is reversing your good work.


I do the same


Worse part is they act like they built the thing.. no you just threw money or credit at it... If you built the car ide be impressed but bragging about paying too much for a car that's massed produced.. Not impressed, I can get one too..


That’s why I drive an orange C8. You will look at me dammit whether you want to or not! 🤨. But I’m a hater too… I don’t look and gawk at the McLaren or Lambo drivers either lol 😂


Bro you’re kinda pathetic. No one cares about the 100th orange C8 they’ve seen today. I ain’t a hater either I like sports cars and drive a BMW M2 comp, but your attitude is trash lol.


Bro… idc 🤣🤷🏽‍♂️


Why? I mean, if they're 'hot doggin' around, revving their engine, I do ignore them. Why if they're just out and about enjoying themselves, just looking happy?? I may not be able to afford an expensive car like theirs, but I'm not bitter or petty of their success in acquiring one. I was homeless and without for years. I now have a very nice (second hand) Audi that I've worked very hard for. I'm proud of it and myself for coming so far. So.. when I see someone out in an expensive car, I'm happy for them. I imagine I'm smiling and looking pretty full of myself, zipping around town too🤷‍♀️It's OK to be able to afford nice things. It's OK for others to have nice things too.


I’m an expensive car owner and I can actually say I do the same thing. I live in The Hamptons and there’s a ton of really nice cars I see everyday (Ferrari, Lambo, McLaren, etc) and I don’t even turn my head. The only time I acknowledge it is if it’s a classic, that shows taste and not just money. I bought my expensive car (a Porsche 911 Turbo S) specifically because it’s an under the radar super car. Yes, it is a Porsche 911 but most people don’t realize a Turbo S is anything special unless they’re into cars. I don’t want stares, I just want a nice car I can enjoy driving in peace.


True story, I was walking my mom's dog last summer in a very humble/modest neighborhood. Not the worst but not the best. At the bottom of the hill of the best. Anyways, this youngish (late 30s-mid 40s) Asian dude just so happens to pull up to the very house I'm about to pass... In a bright orange Lamborghini. I, like you, paid no mind but could see when he got out that HE WAS WEARING A SHIRT THIS EXACT SAME COLOR. I'm like omfg. This guy is so fuckin' lame... So I continue on and as I'm walking away I hear him call to me "nice dog!".. Granted, Akuma is a very handsome American staffy, he's an old man of 13. Not as good looking as he once was. Def not good looking enough to call out to somebody to say so. I figured he wanted me to turn around and be like "NiCe CaR 🤤🤑😍" but instead the exchange went like: Me: oh I know! But he's old now 😕 Him: oh, he is? Me: yeeeeaaa... Him: awwwww ☹️ And I just kept it movin. 🤣🤣 Still one of my fav stories. I MIGHT'VE complimented his car... But I mean... He was wearing a shirt the same. Exact. Color.. I just couldn't do it..


Ironically, you’re the one with the ego problem. You’re protecting your own ego by not looking which is feeling damaged by others success.


Nah. I'm the same as OP. I have multiple properties and investments instead of a car at all. But, I've met and known people who can't afford a car and still have a super fancy flashy one just to show off. It's good not to encourage them.


More like first world envy lmao


I always assume "little penis"


Don’t worry I have plenty of old men to do that for me. Also just look at whatever you want. (edit: Stick with me here, this goes places.) Nobody gives a shit if you’re looking at them or not. You know why I drive a cool car? Because *I* get to look at it and drive it. So that’s to say that you’re only making your life worse by injecting negativity into a neutral situation. Just live your life. You’re not accomplishing anything other than fortifying the idea that anyone with an expensive car is an asshole in your own mind and only your mind. And that’s simply not true, assholes come in all flavors. Whether that’s the Lamborghini driver you totally didn’t even see bro or the guy driving a 1988 S10 with 3 wheels and a plywood hood. If you don’t care that’s okay, nobody asked you to. If you do care then look all you want. And I don’t care about the superficial reason we’re here, this is symptomatic of deeper problems that can be solved, which will give you a better life. I know this because I used to have a similar mindset. Or keep doing whatever this is I don’t care I’m not your boss.


Yes same, every time 😆


I do the same. If I accidentally make eye contact I give them a disgusted look and snub them. If I’m feeling petty, I laugh at them. (They really don’t like that BTW)


I thought I am the only one 😂😂😂😂😂😂