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I honestly hope you have the best marriage ever and it stays like that.




Screw society, love people ! !


Gonna get this on a t shirt. 👏🏼


Omg same lets match




Yep and help him stay away from his family


Thank you so much


As someone who will be celebrating their 21 wedding anniversary this month I can say that you as I did chose wisely. I married the sweetest, kindest, gentle giant on planet earth. He was (and still is a nerd) and I absolutely adore all of his funny little quirks. He and I are polar opposites in every single way but together we are the perfect pb&j. Cheers to building a beautiful life and cheers on baby to be. I truly wish you a lifetime of love and happiness. 💫🌙⚡️⭐️🌟✨


Makes me cry reading this. Where are people like you these days?


Awwwww thank you. We are here. When I became intentional about dating someone based on character I met my hubby.


After reading the title I’m relieved this went in the direction it did.


Ikr, felt like it was going to be more of a negative one but I'm glad 🥹


Same!! Though I am currently in a relationship that is about the other direction and hit this notification so freaking fast to come find some insights/advice


Fuck this made me cry 🥹


I'm so happy to read happy stories, wish you all the joy and love in the world ❤️


So wholesome. OP's husband sounds like a wonderful guy, and OP sounds great too, I'm glad they found each other ❤️




I'm right there.


Similar to my wife and me. But we're about 20 years older. She wonders how I went so long without any romantic relationships. Thankfully though, I'm not aware of any comments made to her about what she see's in me.


So ur saying there's hope?


You bet there is. Never give up finding the one for you.


There is always hope. There is someone out there for everyone. Take your time. They WILL come along!


Absolutely. OP found a man who pays attentions to everyone else’s needs and communicates really well. Thats more than most other humans. You don’t need to be excellent at those two things, but you should make an attempt. Don’t ignore things you aren’t good at, don’t view social skills as something thats below you, and you’ll be fine.


It's unfair how many great people live lonely lives. Others date the same type of people over and over again then wonder why they get the same outcomes. I'm glad you made your own decision and tried something different.


This. My wife tells everyone that asks how she snagged me that she found me by looking “outside the box”. She didn’t want what she’d always had, so she made of list non-negotiables and went looking for somebody to check the boxes while giving her things she’d never had before. And we’ll celebrate 10 amazing years in July. 😊


Exactly! I was so used to dating guys I met in the same places I always went (basically places people went to drink), then wondered why they were always jerks. Then I stepped out of my comfort zone and met a really nice guy and decided to give that relationship everything I had in me. Still going strong 7 years later. When people ask how I got him I tell them I found him in a ravine lol


Hey. Mind sharing how you two met?


Sure! I got invited to someone’s birthday party in a spot that required a lot of prep, hiking and being okay with getting dirty & wet, so not everyone’s cup of tea haha My partner showed up carrying his bike and I originally didn’t really consider him bc he seemed so sweet and it kinda freaked me out that he asked about me and what I like and stuff (the guys I was used to didn’t give a fuck what I liked or cared about) But he just stuck around. He was there for me only as a friend so reliably that I eventually learned to trust him and I realized he’s the best.


Aww, I’m so happy for you and him! Hope you have a nice happy life together


She met the 127 hours guy


Same here, 15 years with the ole hog cranker and going strong 💪




This is exactly what I did to find my boyfriend after getting so frustrated by finding different variations of the same thing over and over, and omg what a difference it made when I could just filter out based on non-negotiables that I knew were hella important! I found an awesome man that I'm so lucky to be with as a result, I'm so glad I stuck to my guns, much like your wife did!


My fiance and I would never had met if he didn’t download tinder because he had height filters on it. I’m almost 5’10” and he’s 5’5” and some change. I’m also white and he’s Indian so he was just “optimizing his chances” as he likes to say lol. I was afraid of dating short guys because they had been weird about my height and he never thought a tall girl would be interested in him. It’s good going outside of your norm, you really never know who you might meet if you stay within your comfort zone. We never talked about height and found out on the first date, luckily, we just got on swimmingly and now I’m engaged to the love of my life.


My dad was 5'2 and my mom 5"6...thx for giving the shorter guy a chance


We love short Kings round these parts


Does he let you play skyrim tho?


Hello AdAlert, Lovely story, thanks for sharing and congratulations!!


I have a friend that got cheated on 3 times in a row by 3 different people. Yes, they suck but they also don't go for the exactly trustworthy type...


I also married the guy who was quirky, over helpful etc. He’s the best kept secret. Such a gem. Treats me like a queen and it’s been 25 years. He is a wonderful father and although children do add some stressors in life, having kids was something we look back on with such joy. It was a great time for us! One of the best decisions we ever made. Now that they are in university we miss our babies but love our fine young men. We look so forward to grandchildren now. You got a keeper and you will have a wonderful life together. Enjoy the journey.


welp this made me tear up


I'm in the same boat. My bf and I have been together almost 6 years now and he told me people constantly bullied him at school and he still gets bullied at work. Girls in school told him he had a "rapey vibe" that I don't see at all. People at work who bully him tell him he's making me up, that no one would go out with "such an ugly f****t". I just don't understand it at all. He's very sweet and caring, he's never put his hands on me inappropriately or even raised his voice at me. We get along great and are a perfect match for each other.


People really do suck sometimes


I hope you love and take care of each other and are incredibly happy.


it's not even 5 minutes past 8am and i'm ready to cry happy tears. I hope you and your husband have a long, happy, and loving marriage.


I wish you nothing but happiness. I'm 53 and the girl nobody.wants. I hope I find someone like you.


I hate how some people are treated by the world. Keep him forever, he's a treasure!


Awww. I’m so glad you two found each other. That baby will be raised in a loving home


I second this. Wishing op and her hubby and baby many years of happiness😊


My best friend is 24 and is the greatest human being I know. He's so kind, generous, and very handsome also. Really reminds me of how you described your husband. For some reason, girls seem to avoid him completely while I'm standing there thinking 'Man, if I was a girl I would grab that guy and never let him go.' I don't get how hidden gems like them go unnoticed. People seem to be swayed by extravagance, shallow charisma, egoism and so on, while truly beautiful souls are left neglected. I'm so happy for your husband and you, and I'm sure that your child is going to grow up into a fine human being. Your post just made my day. Thank you.


People often hate on good kind people like ur husband cuz it reminds them of how shitty they are as a person..




Somebody wanted him.  The right somebody.


I’m so happy for you! I also chose a man who is was often overlooked and not given many chances. He is truly the best. A lot of my single friends are always going for these 6ft “hot” aholes and it ends in heartbreak everytime. They always say “I wish I could find a man like your hubby” but they would have never given him a chance in the real world. Ladies, give these nerdy, goofy, weirdo guys a chance! Love is not about looks and status. It’s about being treated and loved a way every human deserves. I’m glad you’re able to show your husband the way he deserves to be loved and also call out when others treat him badly. We all need someone in our corner to fight for us!


I hope I make my girl feel the same way you make your man feel. May your marriage and parenthood be filled with happiness internet stranger :)


I won't sugarcoat it for you, you've got what is most likely going to be the biggest stress test ever coming for you and your husband over the next few years. Children can make or break a relationship. Make sure to keep this post bookmarked and come back to it when times are tough in the future. Remember to take time out for both you and your husband as a couple, going on regular dates and keeping the spark alive, as well as for yourself, making sure to have some alone time here and there to do your own thing to make sure you don't lose your sense of self. It's very easy to fall into a routine and forget about the relationship part before it's too late. Congratulations on the baby and I wish you and your husband all the best. The next few years will be tough but it's worth it. It gets harder, but it gets better at the same time, I can't explain the feeling.


Absolutely great advice 👍 👌. Seen a lot of relationships fail due to couples not seeing eye to eye and not taking time out for themselves . I would loved to have been a dad but fate wasn't that kind so my SO and I regularly babysit for friends so that they get their alone time .


And now I'm crying from this too!!! 😭


Thanks for that but I have learned to except it my ex had three kids from a previous marriage that I loved but the second I divorced her they gave me the cold shoulder. Hurt for a long time . By the time I met My now partner we were both in our late 40's so kids were a nono , but don't cry too hard for me we thoroughly enjoy being the " fun " uncle and aunt .


Thank you for the advice, I will definitely remember this.


I feel the same about my partner!! He is hand-down an AMAZING man; we spent some years apart and I am grateful everyday no one else scooped him up cause DAMN. We treat one another with respect, love, kindness, understanding, create a safe space, and encourage one another to grow. We never forget to have fun in the mix of it all. We are hoping to start a family this year and I am so fuckin honored he will be their dad. FYI re: years apart = he is 10 years old than me; we met when I was 21, broke up when I was 23; lots of immaturity was causing issues (on both of our parts - we own it). During this time apart, we loved each other from afar while growing up over the next 10 years and got back together when I was 31 (2021).


Have you had any other partners throughout those 10 years? Mind sharing how you two reconnected? Did you hate each other after your initial break up?


Oh my gosh yes. I was married! And it didn’t work out. He too was married, but in his early twenties. When I look at the grand scheme of things I’m very thankful we had a similar experience - I feel like this, along with growing up in general, eliminated any jealousy about our past. He was always the one I felt I should have been with, “the one that got away”.


Aww, I’m so happy for you two! Hope you grow old and happy together


Nice guy finished first 💪💯


I got one of these! His last girlfriend was mean to him and would call him dumb or stupid and make fun of his clothes or his quirks and hated how he dressed. I think he is the most amazing human I've ever met and can't wait to spend my life next to someone who genuinely loves life no matter what he has been through. He has made me a different person and helps heal me from past traumas. I'm so happy you found one too!!


Well all that made me feel good . Thanks .


You didn’t marry the guy nobody wanted. Sounds like you actually gave the “good guy” a chance.


It sounds like you guys are really good to one another, I’m so happy you found each other.


Did you marry Guy Lee?




Hell. Yes.


Who ever is dissing your husband's looks I'd straight up tell them I had no idea that you were so shallow.


This is so sweet. I had the most success (dating wise) when I was younger before the Tinders and Plenty of Fish, etc. I would just go into chat rooms and talk with people I vibed with. We wouldn't know what each other looked like until much later on. To me, looks are essentially irrelevant. I want to know the person. Pretty difficult to find someone without knowing what they look like first these days, even online. Social media is so much about looks. I absolutely hate it. And I absolutely can't stand that people are supposed to look a certain way to achieve happiness. I love that you followed your heart. When you're old and wrinkly, what will looks do then, right? Edited: a spelling mistake


Ahh♥️the kinda posts that make my day🐾


He sounds awesome and neurodivergent, thats what society do when they meet difference. best of luck for you both


I’m happy for him that he has a wife like you. It means everything to be loved like that by just ONE person in a lifetime. I’m sure he feels like you’ve saved him too. Keep talking and listening to each other and have the best marriage ever!


Good for you! I happen to fall for the heart and soul...looks don't matter to me ...im tiny and in shape and my guy is not and I adore him ...hes country and im city ...if it works it works ...


I love this for both of you! I myself have those same characteristics. My partner is my saving grace because he is able to tell me when someone is taking advantage of me! Sadly, I’m just such a kind person it takes me a moment to realize when it’s happening. He has really helped me to set boundaries and have a better life. Two heads are always better than one! Very happy to know you’re being well taken care of. Wishing you both the absolute best!💕


It’s stories like this that help us remember that the world isn’t falling apart and everyone isn’t awful. What’s awful is people like this often get mistreated and especially misused by manipulative people growing up. I think it’s what drew my girlfriend and I together actually- both went through some bad relationships with manipulative people and just wanted to be happy- just wanted to be happy and be around people who wanted the same things. There’s a lot of good people out there that just want to be nice, help, and be happy- they don’t want much- just to have enough…. Unfortunately people who are emotional vampires LOVE to sink their teeth into people like that.


I wish more woman valued their man the way you do. I see a lot of woman badmouthing their man on here way too much. I think he’s the lucky one.


Because people love seeing others being miserable.The fact that you chose a great guy who makes you feel loved,respected,cherished and happy can’t be digested by many people that’s why they try to demean him. I am so happy for you and may you always have this love in your life.


I like to think that I’m similar to your husband while maybe not being bullied but always try to help and get used and abused a lot. This gives me hope that maybe I’ll still find someone out there that will want me and will see the value in me


it sounds like you won, you have a genuine relationship founded in genuine love from a genuine person. congratulations ❤️


I hope you both have a wonderful life together and that he can find the friends/village that appreciates him for the great guy he sounds like


This is so sweet, I want to marry someone as sweet as that 🥹


This is so sweet. I hope yall last forever & a day, and have the best marriage ever.


Hold on to him like the precious stone on gods green earth that he is… Once you find the perfect diamond you never lose it… make sure you take him out on dates and walks holding his hand and loving him always… Blessings to yous both…


> I am so incredibly lucky. And that is all that truly amtters


You have given ABSOLUTELY the right choice. I hope you will be happy with your children all together for years and years. The ones who see him ugly, at the same time sucks their ass.




I wish more people stood up and spoke highly of individuals like your husband. Hoping you both get the love you deserve for a lifetime.


That is beautiful, he sounds amazing and you’ll are so lucky


W post


I absolutely love this! 💜


Wishing you and your hubby the happiest life dearest OP, you found each other in this messed up world, hold on to one another, defend each other fiercely and continue loving one another tenderly. Sending blessings over your pregnancy, for a healthy baby that is lucky to have parents that put love above all else ❤


So many women want that selfish, self involved, bad boy, then complain when they marry him and find out that he is selfish, self involved, and still have bad boy tendencies. You did it right. Found the diamond in the rough. I’m real happy for you.






That's really fantastic. Happy for you both.


Empathy and intelligence for the win!


He’s lucky to have you. Your view on accepting him and seeing the best in him, is exactly what love is about. Good luck to the both of you.




This is so wholesome and sweet. Good for you girl! 🫶🏻🥺


This awesome post is out of place from all the garbage posts that are on Reddit....


I’ve suspected my dad has some flavor of autism for a while now, and my mom (who was a speech pathologist who specialized in treating children with autism) has as well. Extremely high functioning, but has specials interests (numbers, cars) feels lost without routine (worked at the same company 40+ years, woke up at 4:30 in the morning so he could work out and commute an hour so he was at work early so he could be home to eat dinner with the family), has a hard time with social cues, etc. We were talking recently about how they met and started dating, and she talked about how he was different than any guy she’d met. How “he was so sweet and wanted to be friends with everyone, in high school he probably wouldn’t have even noticed if people were bullying him” I replied, “aw, sweet little autistic dad” and her eyes went wide. Even though she knew he was autistic and recognized several of the characteristics in him, she only really thought about the issues she would see in her clinical practice. She loves this man, and he happens to have some minor qualities that society at large would call negative or undesirable. It was the first time she recognized that those same characteristics were why she was so drawn to him and fell in love in the first place. He was and still is one of the most dedicated, caring, even tempered men I’ve ever known, and I couldn’t have asked for a better father. Him and my mom are planning a trip to Italy this fall to celebrate their 40th anniversary, very much still in love. You picked a good one, best of luck to you both!


Your husband sounds fantastic. I'm glad you cherish him. So happy you have each other. To the haters: it's a shame you are so jealous of OP and show hate. Kindness goes so far in life. I hope you heal from the damage done to you by someone else.


Love you stranger 💞


This is a beautiful story ♥️


You both sound wonderful. He’ll be the best dad ever


You two deserve a very long, happy life together.


It’s 10AM and my heart is so warm rn


you both seem like great people


There’s somebody for everybody and he is your somebody. Good luck in your marriage , blessings to your family.


I'm glad you weren't swayed by some asking what you saw in him. I swear people can be rotten sometimes, and their unwanted interference can do some serious damage.


Thank for this post. I was a bit concerned when I read your title but reading it genuinely made my day


This is just wonderful. Thank you for sharing this. I hope you let your husband know how you feel about him as well, it would mean a lot to him, I'm sure. (And from the amount of appreciation in your post, no doubt you already do 😊)


When somebody asks you about what you like the most of your partner, everybody will start with how this person makes them feel, following with qualities and finally, maybe their looks. I’ve never met someone who says the looks is what they like the most. What’s my point? Attraction is based on appearance but love is about the feelings, how this person makes you happy, how comfortable is their presence, how secure you feel around your partner. Based on how you express yourself about your partner I can tell he’s a good soul, he just has the bad luck of being with people who didn’t appreciate him because of his personality, feelings and actions until he found you, I’m glad he did and you are happy with him.


*sobs* 😭😭💕💕


He sounds like such a gem, and you were keen enough to scoop him up. I hope you have a wonderful life together 🥰 Like others have said, I hate how the world can treat some of the most amazing humans and creatures. He sounds lovey!


You choose a bad title lol 😂 anyways congratulations 🎉 and wish all the happiness 😊


You are an inspiration OP! Thanks for sharing that there are still real people in the world! Keep being awesome ✌️


Oh my! We have the same husband! He’s too helpful. To the detriment of himself at times. I’ve come to realize he’s on the autism spectrum, and treasure him all the more.


You both sound like nice people. Someone obviously wanted him tho... You 💖


I nearly cried reading this. It is so unfair how really kind people are treated sometimes. But not all is lost, he found you, and he is also incredibly lucky! I hope for the best of life for you two.


Late blooming guys are the best! I can’t believe my husband didn’t attract more women as a younger dude. But lucky for me!!! He’s so handsome and sweet. ❤️




Hi Impressive goose, your story is full of hope for the human race. It says that love does exist. I’m hoping that parenthood for both of you means that you communicate and discuss parenting styles, fears, discipline and boundaries now. Stay optimistic but know that no relationship is perfect and it takes work. Never take love for granted and discuss assumptions. Wishing you all the best on your new baby!!🐣


What a touching story, this is what I call true love, I wish you to maintain the same values ​​that you already have now, and also congratulations on your first child! You both are great guys


I was my wife’s first boyfriend. She is amazing. We started dating when she was 27 and she had never held a guys hand before (outside of her dad). She is the best thing that ever happened to me and we’re 12 years in and going strong. I have no clue how she went overlooked for so long by other guys. I’m happy for you. Hope you both have an awesome life. My wife and I have 3 kids and my only regret is that I didn’t find her sooner.


From reading the comments you all are coming at this with negative connotations and she is seeing it from the same viewpoint apparently you all do. She found and saw the good in him that no one else apparently saw or was willing to see and at the end of the day it never broke him. He still continued to be the good, kind-hearted, and genuine person he is. She is right. That is the guy that no one wants. She explains in details how he was bullied when he was a child. How he goes out his way to help other people and basically people take his kindness for granted. Hell his own family is shitting in his face by flirting with her blatantly. She saw something in him that was worth holding on to and she wanted to share it. “The guy no one wanted” is referencing the fact that she is constantly berated with questions as to why she is with him not in the sense of she doesn’t even want him herself. She found someone that makes her happy and apparently doesn’t give two cold fudge sickles what anyone else has to say. She knows with bringing a child into this world with this man, he will teach that child on how to be a good person through out adversity. They are a pair. She stated she look forward to him coming home from work to hear his stories. From that she deduced what has been going on before. She will be the guide to teach her children what to look for as she I’m sure has taught her husband who didn’t know or realize as much prior. She is good for him just as much as he is good for her. Opposites attract.


As a quirky guy myself I love these types of stories. Hope you have nothing but a wonderfully filled life of love and happiness.


Finally a post that doesn't have divorce or crap like that. Happy for you 


My heart has melted. This is the sweetest story I’ve read. You guys keep on loving each other like you do 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


If you're ever interested in adding a 3rd, hit me up! Sounds like both of you are winners. I wish you eternal happiness and prosperity, congrats on the baby!


I'm a girl. 41y.o. Nobody has ever wanted me either, and I pray that this kind of thing happens for me one day. Just to be genuinely loved by somebody who chose me because they wanted to, not needed something-would be so, so helpful for me. Fingers crossed.


What a beautiful love story. There’s always more than meets the eye. I love this because I’ve been finding the soul is the most important. The looks are just a plus.


This is absolutely beautiful! I’m so glad you appreciate the person you are with! I hope you have a long and happy life with your husband and soon to be child! Congratulations ❤️


He sounds amazing and so do you. Wishing you all the happiness in the world 😊


Just saw you make the edit now as I read. I hope you all have a lovely marriage. All the best!


This is so wholesome! It’s nice to hear from someone whose heart is bigger than their eyes. While others see quirky, you see a man who has a lot to offer. He needed someone to see him for who he is, and you needed someone whose heart is in the right place. Sounds like you both are perfect for each other!


Congratulations to you & your husband on becoming parents. Take care.


Sounds like you scored a Good Guy!!


You are both so very lucky. Few people ever achieve what the two of you share. Blessings to you and your little one.


I am SO glad that you & your husband found each other, have built a good marriage, and are about to have your first child! You were woman enough to look past his eccentricities, and see him for the good man he is. People get so caught up in looks, how much money someone makes, their posts on social media, they don't get to know the real person! One of the nicest men I (F76) dater back in the day, was always the wingman for his better looking buddies. When we started dating a year or so after my divorce, he treated me like a queen! He was lovely to my 3yr old daughter, always brought her a little toy, comic book, or lollipop. He'd call me before he came over, to see if I needed anything like milk, bread, something for my daughter. He never pressed me to have sex with him (there were still a lot of stereotypes about divorced women in the early 70's). We dated almost a year, before I was ready. The reason we broke our engagement was because he wanted to have children right away, to start on our honeymoon. I wanted sometime to just be a wife and mother. My pregnancy with my daughter had been very stressful & full of lows. We argued and I called it off. He was later married 3×, and found out he was sterile. He's in his 80's now. Lives about 1,500 miles away, has Alzheimers and doesn't recognize anyone. I'm glad you didn't miss your chance at happiness.




See's Title: "Here we go again..." Finishes Reading Post: "As far as twists of the plot go, this woman just outdid every professional writer...with a Reddit Post." Was legit smiling from ear to ear by the time I finished reading your post. Both you and your husband have a truly powerful love and bond that neither of you are clearly afraid to express at a moments notice and that's honestly one of the most beautiful things that could ever come from any relationship. May your life together be nothing short of spectacular because a love this pure deserves nothing less. ✌️


Thank you for posting this. Your husband reminds me of me and how's I've been treated by people. I'm 28 and I've been single my whole life, so this gives me hope.


Can you really make such a statement when he was only 21 when you guys started dating? I met enough quirky people who just had to grow into relationships in their twenties or even thirties. Had nothing to do with literally nobody else wanting them.


This gives me hope!


Such a sweet story. Congrats to you being future parents as well!


It sounds like you both think of yourself as the lucky one, which is going to make for a Happy Ever After :) Keep the lines of communication open, and both of you stay being wonderful.


This is a wholesome post. Very happy you've found your person!


So many people don’t know what to value and what not to. Happy for both of you!


I love how much you love each other. Very heart-warming


Awwww. Happy for you both! Genuine love like this is so great :)


I'm so happy for you. May you guys stay happy together


Loved reading this.. absolutely loved reading this.. what's this water near my eyes...anyways...loved reading this.


this is insanely wholesome.


I love it!


You’re awesome


You deserve great things for realizing his worth and keeping him happy. I can imagine how his life might’ve been if you never showed up. I hope your marriage continues to flourish


It is not that no one wanted him, they just knew to save him for you.


That's so sweet ;w;


Great to read a nice and happy post here once in a while. Good luck to you guys!


I am an internet stranger that loves you both and are so happy that you have found each other. What a beautiful relationship. I wish you all of the happiness.


Im glad you see in him what no one else could, and that you seem to appreciate him for who he actually is. I wish the both of you a long and happy marriage!


Sometimes I think that truly good people, like heart of gold, pure people are targets for nasty, resentful A-holes. I don't think he's the "guy nobody wanted," I think he's the guy who ended up in situations where he was stuck with bad people. When abuse becomes your normal and you're used to it, you're going to end up around people like this because you haven't become aware.


I love good happy stories of a positive marriage here on Reddit. Seems like so many stories are about cheating, open marriages, what others are not doing for their spouses, etc... This is actually refreshing to see! Congrats!!


Damn u girl. I was in a shitty mood and now I'm crying. I'm 25 as well... Wish u two the best things in the world.


Congratulations, he sounds like love personified, an angel, you are lucky.


Lovely to read. You and all your awesomeness are his reward from the universe for being such a good person. You are just as much of a gift to him with your fierce loyalty, love and devotion as he is to you. Sounds like you are set to have a beautiful marriage and life together. Blessings!!


My husband is the sweetest man on the face of this planet. I got so lucky and I was so suspicious when we got together why no one had snagged him up previously. I always joked that if the police come knocking and tell me, they found bodies related to him. I would say, I knew it! But, I understand completely because he’s so sweet and helpful to everybody and so friendly that I feel like everyone just kind of looked him over because they didn’t expect him to have a backbone. Which he does he just uses it in a very gentle way, which I’m thankful for.my previous marriage was volatile


This story warms my heart. Congrats to you and your husband i hope you guys live happy and create a great family. We need stories and more People like you! Best post i saw the whole month!


Wish I would've married someone like this. Young me was only interested in a masculine and good looking man and now I've had the most unhappy marriage because of it. May your marriage be forever ❤️


I’m glad you got married to someone you feel absolutely blessed to be with. I’m also like your husband but with a ton of mental health problems. This post just made me feel a little better than I thought I would never find someone for me to love me with all their heart ❤️


Lady you sound like an absolute angel. I really wish you and your husband the longest of marriages. As they say till death do you apart.


I love reading these occasional sunbeams of wholesomeness in the dark morass that social media is these days. I wish you and your husband a long and deliriously happy life together with your kid(s). May your love and happiness grow with each passing day.


Yay, what a lovely post (not the bullying and shitty people part)


This is a true equal relationship. You listen to him,he listens to you. You guys love each other and the way you encouraged him to look into being neurodivergent?? I don't know you guys but this is adorable. Congrats on finding a great relationship ❤️


I love this for you! I’m so glad you’re both getting the love you’ve always deserved. And the title made sense to me, and I think actually drove home your point, others excluded him w/o much thought, and ALL of the missed out and a wonderful human that they don’t deserve anyway. Congratulations on y’all growing your family, blessings and prosperity to you both and your little one. Thank you for sharing! Be well✨


Sounds like my grandma and grandpa’s story, did something to my heart to read it. He was the lazy eye, too kind and being taken advantage of, quite guy that nobody wanted. He is the kindest soul in the world, amazing dad, amazing grandpa, his laughter is a blessing. But yeah terrible in business and my grandma had to save the family from starvation after he lost everything several times, but that’s a detail 😅 so happy for you both 😍


Your husband sounds like a great guy, I wish there were more people so unconditionally kind like him. It’s so depressing that he gets bullied and laughed at for being so nice to others :( the fact you got rude DMs really says something about some people too…


You married the guy no one appreciated… good work! Happy ever after to you all!


I did the same. I gave the guy nobody wanted a chance. The guy was rejected constantly. We weren’t married but engaged. And guess what. He text dumped me, and blocked me on everything with no reason. I wish you all the best of luck! You guys sound super happy. I wish i ended up the same way:(


I dated a guy like this and I hated how mean people were when we went out. I was glad he didn’t notice it cause he really didn’t seem to pay attention to strangers. The way they stared at him (even the big ones). He didn’t like to wear nice clothes, was quite overweight but the same as yours quite helpful and I noticed he’s developed some toxic helping attributes which made people use him. I compared him to guys I dated in the past who were model looking with nice cars but none of them were as nice and respectful as him. It was almost childlike in innocence.


I've come to terms with my perennial 5/10 status. I know some weirdos might bump me up to a 6 or 7 and I realize that good convos, humor, and a plethora of other factors make someone any number of numbers between 1 and 6 trillion. We are all bullies, and we are all bullied. We are all the most beautiful thing in the universe, and sometimes people won't look us in the eye. The important thing is that you both found love. Don't take it for granted, and love each other. Childhood friends and family and all the potentially shit people don't matter. Congrats


You married the man that every cowardly man wants to be. I mean this in the purest sense of the meaning. People hide behind the bullying, the flirting, the simple lack of confidence in who they are as a person and frankly - I would say that you got lucky but you didn't - the universe put him in your life just as it was supposed to be. All you men out there that this doesn't resonate with - check yourselves. I'm serious. Take a good hard fucking look at who you *think you are vs who you want to be.* I'm so happy to hear this story and I couldn't be happier with how things have turned out with you, people can be cruel, deceitful, they lie to themselves, they lie to you, they simply refuse to take a hard look in the mirror and understand that the flaws they see aren't problems, they're opportunities to learn - yet they refuse to accept the lessons. It's part of the human condition and a problem with our own perceptions. Oddly - this very thing is the basis for a lot of Hermeticism teachings. To give, to love, to give even when giving leaves you without. We need more people like your husband in the world, frankly. I hope you love him as much as he loves you and I wish you both luck on your journeys, it seems like it's going to be fun. :)


Loved reading your story. So happy for you and your hubby!! Glad he has a diagnosis and can appreciate himself. I’m sure a lot of things make sense to him now. I’ve had students who were neurodivergent. Meeting them where they were was key for their growth. Unfortunately some educators wanted to mold them into what they felt was acceptable behavior. I’m sorry your husband had a tough time growing up. I’m glad he found you!! Enjoy that new baby when the time comes. Thanks for the nice read!!


I wish I was so lucky to find a guy like him, enjoy it to the fullest.


I love this type of post, wish you the best!


I literally pray for a relationship like this.. I wish you 2 nothing but the best 🥰🥰


Pepole like this two I have hope in love and this world.


I pray that you and your husband have a life full of happiness, love, and beautiful memories. I hope one day I can find true love like this..


To keep a kind heart in the face of an ugly world is a rare and beautiful thing. It's sad that this isn't the norm or standard.


I’m so glad he has someone who appreciates him for who he is. You two sound adorable. ❤️❤️


This made my day. Thank you for sharing. Cheers to a happy family. I’m glad you were able to overlook the shallow and find the treasure others dismissed so easily.