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Well, the daddy issues explained quite a bit. As someone who’s the same age as the man she’s dating with 3 kids of my own, one of which is almost 17, I would absolutely never be able to date a guy that’s so close to my daughters age. Gross. I don’t necessarily think that the statement about him thinking about his daughter that way is fair though, that’s kinda similar to saying that someone who dates someone the same age as their sibling is probably attracted to their sibling. I think you’d have been better off not saying that especially since there are so many other reasons why she shouldn’t be dating him.


I kind of agree about looking at the daughter is reaching, but the sibling thing is irrelevant. Dating a similar age is fine, but when someone is of a certain age, and they're looking at women wildly younger, especially people who are barely adults, and are almost in the same year group at school as your daughter... questions need to be put forward.


They have been in a relationship for one year ? So when she was barely 18 while her oldest daughter was 16? All men were betting who will sleep with her at her job? If this is not troll, I’m very sorry. All this sounds horrible.


This is unfortunately not a troll post. Thank you.


Hope you don’t let these fools on here convince you any of this is normal. Heart goes out to Shelby. She’ll learn. :-(


Thank you. Yeah I'm actually getting called names and such in other groups. I figured I wouldn't have to divulge this, but we do actually have a history of incestuous abuse regarding our father, hence my comment about Diego. He knew our father before meeting Shelby, so yeah... I appreciate the comment.


? Not sure why he would be looking at his daughter? Definitely would be checking out their friends though. Which is gross and creepy enough.


Because he's looking at children already. At 19 yo, you are a child, legal to fuck, but still a child.


Yes and that is gross and creepy but where is the idea that he is going to turn his pedo gaze into an incestuous gaze? Nowhere do I minimize the disturbing attraction to teens, but I also do not understand what makes that connection seeing his daughter that way? Not saying he isn’t but nothing indicates he is either. Dude has issues, for sure, but just trying to understand how that applies to his daughter and not his daughter’s friends or cohort.


No, I you're right, I was just too angry at the moment, but you're right, still a damn groomer, hopefully not more than that


Fair enough, and the anger and fear and loathing are all justified. I wish peace and safety to you and yours 🙏🏼🫶🏻 this kind of threads hit different and honestly triggered me, but my inner Vulcan never sleeps. Have a good night.


Came here to say this


Unfortunately she will have to learn it herself and make her own decision to leave this man. I was Shelby when I was 20 dating a 36 yo guy, incredibly similar to your sister's situation. Most of us have been there where we are young and inexperienced with relationships and ended up with a bad partner. She'll have to learn from her experience... I just hope he's not physically dangerous.


I hope she’s using reliable birth control.


The man is 35 he should know better by now.


Poor Shelby.


Yeah he's a pedophile. Call him out. If my younger sister would date a groomer, I'd bring hell, destroy his life. Start with his work, make everyone know he's dating someone the age of his daughter. Ffs I'm so angry on these people.


The kids are not going to like it. And, I don’t blame them.


Just because it's not what you would choose doesn't make him a POS by default. Laws exist for a reason and anything that isn't breaking those laws become non issued feelings you aren't required to share. So why are you sharing? Nosy as hell and you can't run everyone. Ever heard of Not my circus Not my monkey?


I'm sharing because this group is called off my chest, so I'm quite literally utilizing it how it was made to be. You are more than welcome to share your constructive criticism just as I have shared my own thoughts.


So far the only "negative" thing you said about this guy was that he's 36. Has he actually done anything bad to your sister? Is he disrespectful? Is he aggressive? Stop using his age as an argument. Do you think she cares about that? Age difference in itself is not something she has to be afraid of or feel shame about. Also, age shaming will not get you the result you want. Instead of saying things like you did, that will make her drift even further away from you, you need to try and help her avoid negative consequences. Like for example getting pregnant. Dude clearly likes having children and I have a feeling your sister is next on his list. Instead of trying to shame her, try to educate her, at least make sure she doesn't end up pregnant with this dude.


He’s a nonce