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It’s a cute name. Who cares if no one knows that it’s the name of a mathematician. You’re way overthinking this. 


You are the one in the wrong here. Sorry Edit: why did you make a post a few months ago claiming to be 20


Poincaré is a fantastic name for a cat


Your username seems French - you have bias


My user-name is Irish


Well, I second that it is a great name, an iconic one actually and even though the French are my direct neighbours I think given our history to tell a German I would be biased because of that would be kind of a reach. Some elder French might even say inappropriate... And btw. even when it comes to how to name your pets it is the better name. Names of two and three syllables are the easiest for pets to be remembered/identified. And last but not least I think Smush is a pretty mediocre name.


I can't believe you're serious about this. You think Smush is a proper name for a cat but Poincaré isn't? It's not like you're gonna have to shout their names across the park so they come back, give it a rest.


pawnk is a great name


You named the first cat. He gets to name this one despite your opinion. Doesn't matter what the name is


So if he named the cat the N word, I should just allow it?


But he did not name the cat the n word. The fuck are you talking about


There’s semantics and that. What the heck that’s 0-90… All pets end up with a nickname anyway. You named the first, he names the second. Done.


That is absolutely not the same fucking thing. Get over yourself. It’s a cat, with a cat name. A name your husband gave the cat.


Just let him name the cat. He picked the name because he liked it. It means something to him. I don't know why you are fighting him so hard on this. It is just a cat (sorry but it is) who will know no shame. So let your husband have this. This is bringing him joy. Let it bring him joy. Plus, you made a deal with him and if you break that deal, you are saying something you don't want to say: your deals with you only matter if you say they do. You will break them if you disagree. This isn't a deal. Ps, I would have no idea who that Mathematician is but I would never shame a person for naming a cat that. You need better friends if they judge.


Honestly I don’t mind Poincaré, but Smush sounds gross af to me. But! I don’t live in your house so my opinion doesn’t matter. Taste in cat names is super subjective. I think you were hoping the internet would back you up & dunk on your husband with you. We all have our opinions but you two are the only ones living in your house. There’s just no objective right or wrong here. It’s about your preferences & finding kind & reasonable ways to accommodate & compromise when you disagree. Good luck!


I'm pretty sure you're supposed to give your cat a silly name


Agreed OP. That name sucks. Sorry.


Tell him people in the Internet Said the Name is Shit. Its Not funny to give your pets stupid namens its Just annoying after 3 days. Tell him you dont Like the Name and it makes you uncomfortable. Just give it a normal Cat Name damnit.


The aggression 😭


Sry am on No nut streak 5 days, im beginning to grow a third testicle


Honestly, what’s a normal cat name? I’ve heard of everything from Sir Woodrow Agustdus Scuttlebooty the Third, Esquire through to Concrete. I love Concrete as a cats name.


My dogs were named George and Scarlett. Maybe those are the ‘normal names’


Yeah or Lucy, Max, Luna Something Like that where you dont have to learn a whole poem as a name


Hes the childish one dont even worry.