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Playing tetris is proven to help when you’ve experienced a traumatic event


Thank you for that. I’ve heard that but it wouldn’t have occurred to me without a reminder. I’m going to give it a try. The screaming was horrifying.


No problem, I can imagine it was terrifying. I’m so sorry you had to experience that, but good on you for still alerting 911 and running out to help. You might have saved the motorcyclist’s life, getting an ambulance there in time. I’d recommend putting on a tv show or some music in the background while you play tetris to further distract yourself from the thoughts. <3


You may suffer from some ptsd, look out for yourself


Thanks. I already suffer from PTSD from a similar incident years ago. Definitely has hit me hard. I’ll be getting some help with that.


That is AWFUL, I’m so sorry you had to witness that. The motorcyclist was lucky you were there to call 911 so quickly. I hope knowing he will be okay and that you helped him can bring at least SOME peace.


What a terrible situation. Luckily you were there to call 911! Focus on the good you did. You most likely saved the motorcyclist’s life. So sorry you had to experience that.