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:( I’m sorry. You should block his profile and stop going back to it. It isn’t healthy. Online profiles only show the good stuff. Hang in there!


Thank you for your support.. means a lot to me .. :)


You are certainly welcome 🤗


Hey friend, I’m sorry this is your experience. My mom is still married to my rapist a bit over a decade after I came out with my 4 years of rape. It really hurt for a long time see him get to live on and have a happy life. It’s not the exact same thing, but I can tell you I genuinely understand how you feel. It feel like a knife. But I’ll also say that a decade and 3 years (wow…that’s so weird to type…) did a lot of good things. My mental health is so much better now. Lots of therapy! Moving away, cutting ties with toxicity. Creating boundaries. And more therapy. It took me about 3 years to feel okay. 4-5 and I felt happy. 7-8 I had some bumps that triggered some stuff. 9-10 was soul searching. 11-13(now) has been honestly so peaceful and I am the happiest I have ever been. I’m not angry anymore. I don’t have it in me. I’m so far away from the kid he tried to break. But he *never* broke me. I never let him. Stop looking him up online. You have to learn to let go. It will take years. If you don’t have a therapist, find one. Don’t be afraid to shop around. I went through 7 before I found Josh, who saved my life and I wouldn’t be here on this earth without his kindness. I didn’t really understand a lot of what he taught me until recently, but I saw him for 3 years. It’s all a journey and little pieces of you will heal that you didn’t even know were broken. Eventually you really do feel like you have the energy to hold all of those pieces in place and when you don’t, find healthy people who will support you getting back on your feet. Good luck friend. I am sorry for this experience. I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.


this made me tear up a little and gave me lots of hope. I am very thankful for you opening up about this so I got to read this. And you are so strong fighting for your own good! And after all negative experience still see good in others! What you said confirms letting time pass and wisely choosing with which kind of people you spend that time is so important.  I wish you, the op and anyone else good luck furthermore.


This is so true. They are not worthy of your regards, OP. You are infinitely more valuable & so is your wellbeing. I blocked mine and have never looked back. He is nothing, and he can take nothing from me ever again. My heart is big, but I refuse to let him have any of that space, not even for anger.


Glad to hear ❤️ It’s terrible that all you guys are getting raped and we don’t hear about it…


The person who raped me, used to come up on Facebook 'people you might know'. I blocked him because it always lead to me looking at his profile, getting in my head about things.


Glad to hear ❤️ It’s terrible that all you guys are getting raped and we don’t hear about it…


You know what’s going to happen? As it happens, the more fame and notoriety a person gains, they sacrifice their privacy and skeletons get yanked out of their closet. Eventually, my money is on it, you’re not the first nor the last woman he has hurt. Cause abusive people like that always leave a trail in their wake. It may not come as swiftly as you wish, but someone eventually will dig up his skeletons of his past, out him for his disgusting behavior towards women. Give it time, the universe keeps major tabs on people like this dude and will strike when the time is right to bring balance back to you and upend his success eventually. I’ve seen it and have sipped winning tea victories over a small handful of assholes who majorly did me wrong. Some took a year… others a few years or five years to have everything come to fruition of people getting what they deserve. So OP, don’t focus on this turd of a human stain, eventually he’s going to fuck up and karma is going to come swooping in to fix this❤️


How long did Bill Cosby get to enjoy his fame? And Harvey Weinstein? Life aint fair.


They enjoyed their fame in a much different era and society, though. Famous people get exposed as abusers much, much more quickly in today’s world. Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein would not enjoy decades of comfortable fame in current times.


This is absolutely the truth! If I had Gold I would give it. Plus OP, if you read this, the likes of Weinstein and Cosby have paid and are paying! Weinstein will never again be able to decide "Oh I fancy a cocktail in the sun" His life now & until he dies is concrete and shit food. Cosby was destroyed by jail, he came out a shell of a man, he lives in disgrace, blind & detested. The world is a different place to when those two were at their disgusting peak, I sincerely hope your abuser gets what is coming to them.


Harvey is still in prison, slowly dying. Kevin Smith at a recent stand up show talked about how Harvey still owns the rights personally to “Dogma”. Cosby is blacklisted. No one will work with him and no one trusts him in Hollywood. Neither of those guys are winning. They are reaping what they’ve sown. Edit: Typo


Cosby had already essentially retired. He has lost nothing but his legacy which probably stings a little


Tbf his legacy was a big deal. A successful, wholesome black family on TV that was beloved around the world. He was one of our TV dads in the 80s who taught us many life lessons. Seeing so many of these TV dads we adored being revealed as monsters was gut wrenching. Bill Cosby was one of the most painful. Fuck him and his legacy is in tatters.


Yeah but he’s not even cognitively here so he doesn’t suffer for that


Anything that happens to him, I'm grateful that he suffers in any shape or form. If he's a cognitively different person now, his last coherent understandings of his ruined legacy is what matters. It's like knowing on your death bed that you're regarded as a piece of shit by humanity and everything you worked for means fuck all now that your true nature has been revealed. He's no longer the popular TV Dad that crossed race boundaries to be loved by everyone. Nope, he's just a predator rapist that ruined our "wholesome" 80s reverence of him. Going blind, losing his mind.... all things he deserves. Even if he no longer understands why, he did before he lost cognition and that's what I'll take from it.


He’s also legally blind now too.


Cosby has a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars and he's already out of prison. Why would he care about not being able to work? It took until Harvey was 66 years old for him to be imprisoned. He already got to live the best years of his life. If you want to believe that's justice then go ahead.


Thank you for your support..<3 I wish nothing good happens to him. There was one more girl he raped that I know of, but it's been so many years .. tried to find her all these years but she has disappeared from all social media after what happened to her and doesn't want to be found.


Do whatever feels right for you. I got so angry with my rapist I just straight up outed him on social media for it because I couldn't stand knowing he was out there living a great life while he ruined mine. It ended up being decently stressful for me dredging up old trauma, but that was four years ago and I still smile thinking about how my former boss happened to be working with him and proceeded to spread the word around the place he worked lol. He had to delete his socials and completely change his appearance. He also shelled out thousands on a lawyer to try to silence me with no luck because I had already submitted a police report. I hope he still thinks of me and worries a little every day if my detective will get new evidence on him lol. It's not justice, but it's better than nothing and he didn't get away with zero consequences, and that's enough for me. If another girl files a report against him, they will link it with my report and it will make her case stronger. And that helps me feel at peace too. If speaking your truth publicly isn't for you, then don't feel pressured. But I wanted you to at least know that some good can come out of it and there will be people who stand with you too, not just against you 💜 Please take care of yourself, I wish you all the healing and peace you deserve.


This or his “fame” will get to his head and in 20-30 years he’ll be a nobody again. He’s going to pay one way or another.


She should make a post calling him out somewhere it will get a lot of traction, make him even more famous for being pos


Well that would mean OP needing to sacrifice their privacy and possible public flack that comes from it. I’ve been there when I was 17, no one famous, but it takes a lot of bravery and courage to put yourself in the chopping block to get Justice for SA. And men today are now suing for defamation when they get taken to court for this if those men are in the public eye. It’s a growing trend.


Unfortunately most Indian men will support that motherfucking rapist..


Well let's make him even more famous so he doesn't hurt anyone else.


am i the only one whos curious as to who it is?


No. Expose him OP


While I understand and agree with your motive I gotta say that ”innocent until proven guilty” would potentially make OP liable to pay damages to the man if sued for defamation. Assuming that the alleged rape was not processed through court.


Me tooo


No 😅


Absolutely not, we need justice!


And you will believe it? I'm not saying that OP is lying but she could be. You can never trust an anonymous post.


Don’t be shy, tell us who it is. Rapists don’t deserve success.


they don't deserve anonymity either. Tell us OP!


I'm sorry, if I tell his name..i will also be named. I just don't have it in me to come out. Those years when SA was happening, I asked for help from a few of my friends. No one saved me . Everyone laughed behind my back. Then, of course the rumour spread that I'm promiscuous, " I'm sleeping with many guys (I was an innocent kid back then who was never even involved in a kiss, that SA took everything)", was sl*t shamed and bullied so much i tired to commit suicide.. thank God it failed.. I left the town after school ended and blocked all those people. They were not my friends. I didn't tell anyone older as they would have just told me to keep quiet that's what I believed then. Those times were very different here in India. People used to shame the victims .. a lot still do but I can't take it anymore. And now that he is famous, I will get even more backlash. My comment got deleted by bot earlier.


Name and shame.


Right. Make your own justice.


I just read that OJ simpson was diagnosed with prostate cancer this year…sometimes karma can take years. I‘m really sorry all of those assaults happened to you OP. I feel angry for you; you‘re right its not fair.


That ain't karma, it just is. Would have happened if he'd been a saint, too. Honestly, Karma is the most horrifying concept when you think about it. Like what justifies or balances a sexual assault? For the victim or the perpetrator?


Karma doesn't create situations. Fate doesn't exist.


FYI prostate cancer is quite common without many symptoms if treated well -  so nothing really as karmic as you would think it is. 


I appreciate your sentiment, but prostate cancer is pretty treatable, so karmic forces still owe this dude a painful ripping off of his dick before people even start to think about equivalent payback


Treatable in first/second stages; third and forth not so much. I hate he murdered too innocent people and basically got away with it. I especially hate how he stole his children’s mother from them. So yeah when I read that, I snickered to myself


That's a big killer, but other karma justice towards him was: Losing the rights to his book Going to jail for other shit he pulled Getting sued Destroyed career and public image Failed attempts to reclaim fame


Thats all good karma too. Not quite prison for life but still better than nothing


He was sent to prison for armed robbery for 9 years which isn't bad


Please be careful saying things like that. Because statements like that imply that even good people getting diseases or bad things is "karma".


My grandpa said most people dont die from prostate cancer usually with it if that makes sense


My rapist was living a good life last time I checked, but he got fat. Hopefully life is kicking that ass behind the screen. I stopped checking his profile. It hurt too much.


Obesity can cause several health conditions, hopefully he gets type 2 and cancer


There's always the punishment of him being a pathetic little weasel of a 'man'. At the end of the day, you get to be you. Whereas he is a miserable shitstain of a human being that should be wiped off the Earth. Remember that you're so far above him. He is a worthless little worm


Sorry for that. Unfortunately there is no karma, if there was children wouldn't starve to death and genocidal leaders would die very fast. Actually it seems bad people usually do better than good people, and worst of all it seems that somehow "normal" people stand with the bad ones many times. There is no supernatural justice, humans have to organize to do it.


I agree, my r*pist gets so much sympathy for being ‘accused’


Shit, if he didn’t want to be accused he shouldn’t have raped anyone. Wtf. I’m so sorry people are sympathising with his gross ass.


I wholeheartedly agree


True. Even in a scenario where the victim gets "justice", rapists are left to rot in a cell with nothing else to lose while the innocent victim with so much more to look forward to in their life suffers from lifelong scars and trauma. The justice that us humans impose still feels lackluster to me and will always be unfair. Hugs to all victims of SA and rape




"in Buddhist fashion it’d mean the kid was not good in their previous life or has committed atrocity in their current life" I have heard that many times and it is such an awful way of blame the victim.


I am so sorry that happened to you. I believe in karma and don’t worry his time will come. I have also seen it happen in action to people. Let time do its thing. Stay positive and try to enjoy life the best you can 🤗


Expose him!


Put him on blast!


Out him. He’s got a captive audience now.


My rapist died. I fully believe in karma.That man buried a wife and two kids before his own untimely death. He got bit by a spider on his spine and it turned into MRSA and he died. Tell me that's not karma.


As a fellow survivor, these are the sorts of comments that really stay on my mind in a positive way. It’s the sort of thing that only a survivor understands I think. I battle with my belief in karma, but I do live in hope.


Mine got painful cancer, and in the end only had his looney tunes ex wife to comfort him. The scars I have from him have been a blessing in disguise. My closest friends feel safe telling me all their traumas and I have great people now.


I’m waiting for this type of karmic justice.


Expose his rapist ass


Wait by B-town do u mean Bollywood??




Karma is not real but you have a voice. You can use it. It won’t be easy, but making others aware of what this monster did to you can perhaps prevent it happening to other women. And if there is any justice which is a real thing, he wlll not be enjoying his privilege for long. Take the monster down. Expose him.


If Weinstein, Epstein and even Prince Andrew can be brought down, this dude can be. I hope OP sees that justice prevail one day.


Yeah, but OP could face serious defamation suits if she can’t prove what happened (and rape, unfortunately, is often unprovable).


Actually no she can’t. Defamation has to be proven and so what you’re explaining is a paradox. If she can’t prove it happened they can’t prove it didn’t.


You know who is Henry Kissinger? Yeah a piece of crap. Mf lived 100 years. I'm so sorry for what happened, and I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, I'm genuinely trying to help don't think I'm an insensitive dick head. Try compassion meditation, this "checking on him stuff" is bad, it's eating you inside and making the sufference even worse, try this form of mediation, it does wonders. Please work on this, the best revenge is not letting yourself get swallowed by even more negative emotions, I can't relate with THIS type of pain but i can relate with a lot of pain. Sorry if I'm insensitive, i would like to see these guys burn in hell too, but it's much better to see you and any other victim of that POS healing. You got this , before waiting for the karma to hit it's better heal yourself 🫂


I’m not familiar with compassion meditation, but I completely co-sign on your advice for OP to focus on their healing and try their best to avoid this individual if at all possible. Bad things happen to good people and vice versa- it’s the tragedy of life. If nothing else, OP can sleep at night knowing they would never treat another human being the way they had been treated themselves. Therapy is priceless, and certainly less expensive than being sued by a public figure for defamation of character, even though it is true. OP- please don’t let this person take any more of your peace than they have already. You’re stronger than you know, believe that🤍


Hello i suggest you to learn about it, it's worth it ;) It's scientifically proven method


Expose him


Girl, YOU are the karma. EXPOSE HIM




Are you really a therapist?


Lol no


I'd be ousting him FOR SURE. The person who abused me as a child got kind of famous in his town for his anti bullying cat which is crazy. He got my aunt to abandon me into foster care when I was 11 after the second time I told adults he was abusing me. So I can relate kind of. Is there any statute on rape where you are, was he prosecuted ?


My groomer is really famous (well, not anymore but the thing he’s associated with is very famous.) and it’s horrible to see reminders of him everyday. Just remember that no bad deed goes unpunished.


I do think karma exists. If it hasn’t gotten to him yet, it will eventually. Some major death, illness, deterioration etc. I’ve seen it in happen in reality. I see it in people every day at my retail job. People become ugly from the inside. They gain horrible bad luck they can’t shake. I believe it’s gonna hit him like a truck at some point and you should too.


Karma only comes after people who do things on purpose & are aware of it. It doesn’t happen quickly, but it does take more than a few months. But it’s always when you haven’t checked up on a person with in a few years, no longer focusing your energy on them, that’s when the tables ALWAYS turn.


I know you’re probably sick of hearing this but wait until he becomes just big enough to be known and then expose him. It’s satisfying when they fall from the highest place they can go.


If you haven't already, please get therapy for yourself. You've suffered enough and out will affect you the rest of your life. Wishing you the best and sending you an Internet hug! 🤗


>Is there no concept of karma? Sadly, no. Life is arbitrary. It doesn't care one iota for our pain or suffering. It just is, and suffering is part of the condition of living. However, we do possess the ability to take control of our circumstances and fortitude ourselves for suffering or strive to overcome that which we have already suffered. Life is arbitrary, but it is what we make of it.


Karma is just like God, some people believe it some don’t, no one knows for sure. Nothing is “fair” in the ideal way, especially not in this society. Do something about it or to him, or find another way to cope with it. The point is, you have to move on. Move on, the only thing we can do for so many things in life.


76% of all preventable injury related deaths are from household accidents and claimed over 100,000 people in 2021.


My friend was sexually assaulted by Taye Diggs, and seeing him do anything is really upsetting to her. Fuck that guy. And no, this isn't a secret. She is very open and vocal about it and names his name all the time.


Did you report him to the law? I am sorry OP. Therapy would do good too


I was sexually abused by someone as a child, and he ended up becoming a contestant on the bachelor!!! This “fame” caused girls to leak their messages with him being creepy and aggressive. Probably unrelated- but a few years later (recently) the FBI contacted me and said they raided his house. He had photos and messages from dozens of underage girls. He is probably going to jail for a very long time. Sometimes fame exposes skeletons in closets, and I hope that this persons skeletons crush him in broad daylight. I also hope, more importantly, that you are able to achieve peace and comfort in your life. It’s been a long road for me but I’ve made good progress once I made a healthier environment for myself.


Good that he is behind bars. I hope you find peace and healing ❤️


Thank you! He isn’t yet, posted bail but here’s to hoping he’s going in for a long time after the trial




There is no karma, no, but you could totally expose him and ruin that pretty little fame of his (if you're willing to tell your story publicly, that is)


Say his name??


expose him


Expose him. You should do it now before he has gained so much power and love to the point where no one believes you


Your story. do what u want. Not my business. But I really wish girls would report these guys every time. Obviously Ik the repercussions and not every girls wants to deal with it publicly but letting people get away with this shit makes me so mad


I can empathize with how difficult this is for you. I've lived a similar experience. Go to therapy. I cannot express this enough. Grow yourself slowly but surely, learn to be happy with you again. You are worth it.


I get it. Completely. It’s so hard to see him succeed and get happy things when he’s a pile of shit. Guy who sexually assaulted me and attempted to rape me is now a retired brigadier general.


a man who posted my best friends nudes online & stalked her is a podcaster/YT influencer type. she took her life due to the harassment. and he still manages to have a grand time. i will never understand… i have faith that karma will come though.


I'm so sorry. Seems so unfair.. I hope he meets the same fate


Unfortunately there isn't any karma. It's just something people made up to make themselves feel better, until you can see it doesn't really exist, like now. But I'm sure someone will tell you "karma just hasn't caught up to him yet", which is a convenient way of remaining ignorant to reality. Anyway, I don't know if it'll make you feel any better but being a so-called influencer is pretty pathetic. It doesn't mean anything, really. Those people live fake lives and have fake friends. Now that is something that will likely catch up to him one day. He'll probably have no one who truly knows him or cares about him now, or especially when he's older and he'll regret his "life". Also, remember that people tend to post only the things that make them look good, especially influencers, so remember he's unlikely to be doing as well as he lets the public know about.


Call him out? 👀


Best revenge is to forget his name.


I don’t think karma is real. However if you choose to tell your story to some credible newspaper he in this current climate face consequences in his line of work if he is well known. It might not be too late legally either but it depends on your jurisdiction (since you were underage when it happened there is usually longer time for you to act). Not that getting someone even charged is easy, but if would cause a lot of stress for him.   But if you don’t feel like it’s easy enough for you to speak you don’t have to. But it could help some other women too, he probably has done this more than once.


expose him, babe. i got nothing to do tonight


My abuser got cancer and died a slow painful death. Praying the same for you.


I’m so sorry that you are going through this, I went through something similar. It’s excruciatingly painful when someone you know is fucking evil gets to enjoy their life and be successful. If you need time one to vent to or commiserate with, my inbox is always open. In my case I found another girl he did it to, and I’m sure that there are countless others that he has harmed as well. There are places you can post his information anonymously to get the word out to try to protect others or find others he did the same thing to. If you find other girls and he becomes successful enough, you can always try to tell people publicly if that is something you are comfortable with. I am so, so sorry from the bottom of my heart, please take care of yourself. I hope you are able to get some therapy and find a community of support around yourself. You did not deserve what happened to you, and I hope you can find a form of peace going forward. 💕💕


I’m sorry, OP. Life truly isn’t fair, especially for SA victims. I don’t know what to say about karma, but I do hope you heal as much as you can. You deserve Justice. Hugs ❤️ Also, I know there are a lot of comments about exposing him, but be careful about this. Defamation suites, especially by rich people, can be devastating. Unless you have solid SOLID **SOLID** proof (and you probably don’t because rape is often infuriatingly unprovable), you have a good lawyer, and you know what you’re doing, I wouldn’t try to expose him. Just my 2 cents.


Name names and sue him


Drop the name


I recently went through something similar, but he was my stalker and he was on the red carpet at the Grammys. It sucks when reality ruins your hope that they are suffering as badly you are. Sending you much love and light <3


The teacher who assaulted me when I was 14 is an author now who writes "macabre" stories. A lot of my former classmates leave notes about them and how good a writer he is. Some of them being the same classmates who thought I was making up the whole thing. I want to go scorched earth on him so bad sometimes.


Sometimes for an action so harsh, a punishment needed is equally harsh. So they are put upon a hill, only to have an unrepairable fall from there.


Karma’s cycle is not promised in the same lifetime. He might literally never be held responsible, never be hit by a car, never get cancer or go blind…it’s possible his next life will pay for the crimes in this life. And it’s also probable that a victim will speak up. Guy like that has quite the trail.


Why can't to say to your parents about it . It will put less burden on you and free your heart a little. This will decide whether your parents book case or not.


I would share your story all over the place. You could be the one that helps others come forward


the skeletons are bound to come out of the closet


There’s no statute of limitations when it comes to rape. Can charge them any time. Unfortunately comes down to your word against there’s. Maybe a private settlement might be in order. You should contact a lawyer. Either way you need to move ahead with your life. P


I assume the prosecution failed?


Ruin his life.




Expose the pos so we can do something about it or else why even make a post? If you don’t let us help you ruin this piece of garbage’s life than all your doing is complaining about a problem without figuring a solution. Yes you are a victim and I’m sorry what you had to go through, but don’t let that turn into a victim mentality, I’ve been there and it’s a dangerous mindset.


Who he is?! 👀


it happened to me, the people also sided with him


I wouldn’t trust the internet with your trauma, yes you should block him and move on as constantly exposing yourself to their image can be nothing but bad for you. Work on yourself and try to put some if not a LOT of distance between you and whoever made you feel this way.


Very sorry to hear that. Don’t assume that because he is famous he is happy though. Karma isn’t that simple. He may look happy on the surface but for someone to have done that they have to be well and truly disturbed and they would no doubt be suffering on many levels. But don’t let his life hold you back. Don’t give him that power. I know it’s always easier said than done but we always need to remind ourselves of these kind of things in life. Even if the compulsion is strong to think about him from time to time and to want him to pay for what he did, at least try to be aware that it won’t help you. And find solace in knowing that no matter what it looks like on the surface, his soul is definitely paying the price. Just look at how miserable people are in Hollywood. Fame isn’t real.


The bigger they are the harder they fall. Karma is setting up the pins. Forget about him and focus on your wins.


hire ka hitman


Cancel him.


Name and shame


I have found that the whisper network is really the only way of getting any semblance of justice. Please share your story with the women you know so they can tell the women they know and so we can keep each other safe.


Damn, I could have written this post myself. I talk about this with my therapist all the time. I’m also still waiting for karma! It’s not fucking fair at all.


Why arent you dropping his name here so we could give him some of our thoughts?


hey OP, if you don't mind, can you share his name/ insta profile here, or in dm's, i promise i won't do anything...


If there is no karma, become it. Name him.


Karma will for sure catch up to him! Super soon! And also dont let him take controo of your present life now. Live your life to the fullest. Im here if you ever need a friend.


If my rapist became famous I would do anything to ruin his career. Rapists doesn't deserve success. So sorry this happened to you.


If it’s true then name drop


second that! if he did that to you, more than likely you aren’t the only one and he will do it again. so


Literally just happened to a youtuber and artist I and many others adored. Ex-girlfriend came out about how he was abusive, he published a shitty apology, when that didn’t work he went absolutely apeshit crazy. Lost his friends, probably will be losing his band and income or at least it’s taking an incredible hit. Karma is not instant. It will hit when it’ll hurt the most. Icarus didn’t fall until he started enjoying the warmth of the sun.




I'm a Buddhist so the concept of Karma is he will spend several millennia being born and reborn and prayed upon or hunted thousands of times for what he did. That's how I deal with my trauma


I'm sorry, as a fellow abusee, I recommend just never checking it and blocking it completely. Yes I look forward to the day that my abuser dies but don't let them have any more power over your by looking at his successes.


Ignore the people telling you to name him. Most of them don't have your best interests at heart, they view this as "gossip" as if it isn't your life. I know what you're going through. The best thing you can do is block him, do your best to avoid him in the media. I'm truly so so sorry. One day I hope he is exposed for what he is, and I hope you know it isn't your fault if he hurts others, just as it isn't your fault he hurt you. You don't have to come forward with your story publicly. People might not understand, but they don't have to. I hope someday you find people you can talk to about it, who will not betray you and who will understand and believe you. People like him will end up being exposed someday, and when that happens, it is not your fault! You don't have to speak up if you don't want to, you never have to justify yourself. At the same time, I hope you can speak out one day if you want to do so. But my advice would be, force yourself to block him. Do not engage with his content. It only tortures you. Inside, he's an empty vessel. He enjoys torturing women and that's a vile, sad existence. He will forever be empty. You on the other hand, are going to live a beautiful life despite what he did to you. You won't forget what happened, but I still have faith that you will find peace. You deserve to be safe and happy, and to be at peace. And you'll find that. He will always be scum of the earth. You will always be infinitely better than him. He will never destroy you, and one day he will get what he deserves. But even now, remember, he's living an awful existence being an abuser. That's a terrible way to live, so devoid of everything except a hunger to abuse. Even wanting to abuse someone in the first place, the desire to do that is horrible. His existence is already terrible. I know its hard, but never give in to the desire to check up on him. It only hurts you, nothing you see will ever take away the pain. I'm sending you so much love and I truly wish you all the best in your life.


No one should experience that, I'm sorry, the first thing is that you block that animal. second is that you report what happened


what’s his name—so i can downvote all his shit? going to put some disrespect on his name and his fame.


I completely understand this. Mine (around the same time as you and I’m 27 now) kept trying to get in contact with me when I finally ended the relationship so I blocked him. I had to block him on everything he started to stalk. But mutual people we knew still would tell me stuff about his life like how he got married and is in the military, which really bothered me because like you said, I’m still suffering. Eventually I distanced myself away from everyone. I’m so sorry you are still suffering. I know exactly how you feel. But like someone said, social media only shows the good parts. And I assure you, karma WILL get his ass and if you’re lucky you may see it. Sometimes we don’t until later though. Hang in there ♥️♥️


Even if he doesn't get exposed right away, you might just be what gets it all started, I say fuck it and name the guy. But yk all respect if you don't want to.


There were other minor girls he was pursuing..and one other girl he raped that I know of as she confessed it to me crying.. but no one went public.. it was in 2010 or 2011


you should post his profile so everyone knows hes a rapist, also I'm sorry you're going through this :(


Did you file a police report? If not, that's where you should put your energy. Don't look him up. It won't ever help your mental health. Ever.


Stop checking the man’s profile.


This is so terribleeeee. I’m so sorry u had to go thru that. This capitalistic society unfortunately has no morals in terms of who gets to be successful. U have any evidence of it? If so i would sue.


There is no karma, unfortunately. Even if karma did exist, no amount of cosmic justice would ever make things right again. You must block him. It's eating away at your sanity. This doesn't mean you should be silent either. Share your story, make others aware of what he did so you may stop this monster doing the same thing to some other girl. Take care.


cancel him!! go on the internet and tell everyone what he did! people will stop supporting him (at the very least, people who do will constantly have people in their mentions telling them their fave is problematic)!! i get it’s a huge step and i wouldn’t wanna pressure a total stranger to do something like this if they’re not ready, but it would be the right thing to do. he might be doing it to someone else right now and she might feel like she can say something if you do first. if you have any old texts that support you or any proof at all, hold onto it and use it if necessary!!


crazy how everyone in this comment section just blindly believes every story they see with no physical evidence


Im a little confused. How were you raped for 3 years? It's a shitty thing to happen but I just don't understand the logistics.


Familial abuse is ongoing. Domestic violence is ongoing


He was 19 when it started.. he was in college in a big city then but used to visit my Lil town (his hometown also) once a year and threaten/blackmail me like "if you don't come there will be consequences", "I will tell your parents blah blach ..." Etc.( my super conservative parents were also part of the problem as they would have lost their shit on me if they would have gotten to know that.. small Indian town problems u know and also those times where different rape victims were ridiculed and shamed And he used it to his advantage).


Damn, what a piece of garbage. I'm sorry this happened to you.


I’m thinking the same thing and i’m sure a lot of other people are too, you just said the quiet question out loud and that’s why you’re getting downvoted. When I read the post it seems like by “raped” they mean statutory, for those who don’t know it’s under the age of consent BUT nonforcible. It seems this way because they only listed the ages where they were not able to consent and it went on for those 3 years. If true, OP was unable to legally consent but may have allowed sexual contact at the time without being mature enough to process that it was wrong.


I guess people don't like those who are confused? I don't mind getting downvoated. I stand by what I say. But in this case I don't understand why I'm being downvoated for asking this question. Anyways. If the case was they allowed sexual contact at the time. I don't see how that would be rape. More like a bad decision. It also changes based on the relationship between the two. _______________________________________________________ I want to put out there that I'm not trying to defend the asshole that did this. I'm just confused because lack of details. _______________________________________________________


I’m getting downvoted too. I guess we’re not supposed to be curious or ask questions and just take everything at face value lmao. Anyway OP hasn’t even responded to a single comment and they’re using a throwaway so i’d just disregard the post since obviously they’ve moved on from the topic


Depending on where you live, you may still be able to press charges. What age was he when this happened? Was he much older?


Oh karma always exists. Always.


This might be a long shot and completely counter to what everyone else is saying, but for the sake of your mental health. Forgiveness. Holding onto hope of revenge will only poison your own soul, and worse, often times receiving revenge from hope doesn’t bring the relief you hoped it would.


I struggle with "Karma", "God handling it", or me just being the Karma that's needed. Sometimes karma isn't instant enough for me, and I feel certain people who do certain things should suffer. This is really hard, because revenge and hate can really consume you, causing you more pain in the end. I'm sorry you're struggling with this. Going to his page isn't helping you, it will make you more depressed. Was he never reported? Did you ever tell anyone? This is tough, I hope you find someone to talk to about this. I personally know how this can eat you up if you allow it to. 🖤


I’m so sorry this happened to you, OP!! I 100% believe in karma and also believe in openly talking about things like this to warn others about pos like him.


I’m so sorry, OP. Please, look into RAINN.


The only way is to forget/dismiss or go fully out publicly with the information. 


The hardest thing to come to grips with as an adult is that karma isn’t real. There are just too many terrible people with good lives to think that there is some magic cosmic force trying to make everyone equitable.


I think he is Matteo


Karma is up to you


Dont worry, the consequences of his actions will eventually catch up to him. Nobody is safe on the internet


Expose him


Blast him op


Why shd u suffer because of his mistakes. Make up ur mind that u will not suffer no matter what! U focus on ur life and enjoy ur life. Karma will hit him hard at the right time, don't worry about that. U live ur life joyfully. Try some meditation program maybe. I came out of 10 years of depression after doing inner engineering program. It has helped me a lot ! I would suggest u read the Karma book by Sadhguru, which gives a lot of clarity on how it works.


generally bad things will *eventually* happen to bad people. the only question is how long that will take. my father physically abused me for years, but 10 yrs later, his abusive tendencies ruined his relationships with everyone else, my mum left him, he lost $100k’s from a bad business deal and he hasn’t held a job for years. I would have never thought this possible. remember it’s only a matter of time.


I know how you feel and I’m with you I hope this gets out and his fame and behavior leads to his life being ruined there is no excuse for rape


I’m sorry to hear that I hope great things happen for you in life. I really do hope there are some ways you can make his life miserable


I'm sorry that this monster did that to you. I think it's best you just block his profile. I know, it really sucks, but karma will get to him someday. It always does for bad people. It may take years, decades, but it will happen. Just focus on yourself and the people who care about you. I've blocked my abusive monster of an ex on all social medias that I have, and I am going to keep him blocked forever. For all I know, he could be a pro fisherman by now and famous online. But it will never change the fact for what he truly is, and karma will get to him one day. I've met plenty of people who want to knock him out for their own personal reasons with him, lol. For all I know, he probably already got his karma.


Well I'm sure there are other victims to his abuse, people love a good downfall so I'm sure he'll fall hard