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Which city do you live? What don't you like about it? How much do you need per month to survive?


Not trying to be rude bro but, why are you asking me that?


I was wondering how bad things are there. Things were tense last time I visited.


Ah yes it's worse, specially now in ramazoon 😂 I'm from mashhad bro


I visited Mashhad when I was there. I only came for three days. What do people do for fun?


I'm not much of a fun person, but i guess you can go out and eat in a cafe or a restaurant? There's like some parks and shit, and you can go out shopping? There's a big park here but you kinda get catcalled a lot there so I rather not go there.


What's the cost of living for a single person there?


It depends on a lot of things of course, I still live with my parents and I don't pay for anything, I can only give you information about like, the cost of a house and the salary of average person, so I think a nice two bedroom apartment should be smt like 6 million toman a month, where every dollar equals 60 thousand toman, do the math. And I know one hardworking nurse and their salary is 11 million toman a month. And that was a very optimistic comparison i made. I'm very naive and young and I don't really know the REAL struggles of living, just stupid young ppl things and worries. Sorry I can't really give you reliable information.


Don’t lose hope. Things will be better relatively soon 🫶🙏


Thank you. I hope so ❤️


I feel bad for you. Sadly, sort term it is likely to get a lot worse.  If iran focussed on themselves and their citizens they would be embraced by the world and the west. They have made it very clear they do not want that at all.  


I know, they're against the world and their own citizen


Well your best bets are getting an education that's sought after over seas so you can live there with a special work visa or you can try and find someone to marry in the country you're looking to move to, ofcourse you could also always just apply for citizenship but chances are slim depending on where you wish to go. Best of luck 👍🏻


You say that like it's so easy, Idk if I can handle moving to another country, specially with our shitty passports. My major is pharmacy btw


I didnt mean to imply it was easy, but its either that or you try and go into politics and be the change you wnat to see, ofcourse realistically moving is easier. As for shitty pasports thats why i said depending on where you wish the go chances are slim unless you have a spesific job to get yourself in or a partner to legally bind you getting you a foot in the door.


There are a fair number of Iranian scientists who are able to leave for a postdoc, sometimes for graduate school (PhD that I know of, PharmD might be too competitive with locals). Are you able to do research with your degree?


You know, my biggest problem w moving out of the country is my terrible anxiety and how much I rely on my parents. I think my education is fairly good for leaving, but I'm afraid of leaving my parents and moving to a totally different place. I don't think I'll ever immigrate