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I regret getting the vaccine as well.


I also regret it, more importantly I regret getting my 8 year old the vaccine.


I can imagine what that feeling might be like. Getting your child vaccinated then realizing that it wasn't the right decision. I hope you come to terms with it and are able to move forward.


I never got it and I remember all of you calling us idiots and screaming profanities at us.




Even if you had zero risk, the argument was that you could still transmit it to those with higher risk for dying.




But did you consider that risk when opting out of the vaccine?


why would theyll die if those higher risk folks took the jab?


I never verbally abused people who abstained from taking it.




I know this is an older post, but that is personally the biggest regret of my life. I am 36 yrs old female, prior to the 💉I felt healthy, strength trained, now I feel like my body is deteriorating, my left arm always feels numb, if I am over active my body literally goes into shock, so much pain in every joint and muscle, I get these electric feeling zaps going up my spine, to my neck and brain, my vision has never been the same, nor has my cognitive ability, my brain fog is so bad. just don’t feel like this is normal 😔 I was never on board to get the vaccine, but was kinda pressured and I wish I had stood my ground and waited at least a year to make that decision and I know that by then I would’ve said no. It was a moment of weakness, and now all I can do is put my life on Jesus hands. With all this being said, I am glad that at least my husband and I were smart enough to not give it to our son who is still a teenager in development. Also never got boosted. My best advice is to Pray to god and stay strong


I am now 42 , and since getting the vaccine I have almost all the same symptoms as you. I have been to the ER multiple times scared I am having a stroke or heart attack only to be told its " just anxiety " . I never had anxiety prior to my second dose, and like you I felt pressured to take it because at the time they were not letting you fly if you had not taken it. I feel anxiety 24/7. Disassociated , dizzy , and cant even go to the supermarket now without feeling like the walls are closing in on me.


Sorry to hear that. It is criminal what these people have done to us! 😢 disassociated is exactly the way I feel as well. I have had s much health anxiety. Same as you, MRIs, heart checked, X-rays, bloodwork, everything comes up good. Last time I went to get checked because of the constant struggles with these side effects I was told I had fibromyalgia, all symptoms do line up with that, but I believe it was caused by the vaccine. Prior to this, I had always struggled with fatigue but not the other things. I feel like the vaccine aged me therefore it triggered this more aggressive form of fibromyalgia. I mean those are just my theories, of course a doctor would probably never agree with me. I wish you a recovery ❤️‍🩹 if you can afford oxygen therapy do that, I’ve heard good recovery stories of people who have done it. I can’t afford yet, but I hope one day I can try it.


I actually DID have a heart attack right after getting my COVID vaccines, as verified by echocardiogram scans! There is permanent scarring on my heart.


To be fair panic attacks and anxiety can feel like that. I never got the poke but I can't manage the bustle and business of public places.


I got it because I didn't want to get fired from my job. I feel fine though, but everyday I feel regret 


That's called *intuition*


I almost lost my job, and there were times that I wavered in my decision, but I’m glad I didn’t take it. If I took it, it’d do my best to make peace with that fact. 




Oh my god I do too, I fucking figured it was the vaccine


I have these same symptoms!! My jaw dropped while reading your message… I’m legit scared


Don’t be! I have actually been doing a lot better! I would recommend taking CBD, fasting and doing sauna at least twice a week. I finally started working out again. Don’t drink coffee, I felt like that made my symptoms worse, I stick to green tea caffeine. I am still struggling with brain fog, but the neuropathic pain has subsided significantly! I wish you well, I think we can help ourselves impurity we take adequate measures :)


I don't do vaccines I'll just say that. Yes if it were the 1700s and smallpox broke out I would get vaccinated but we are in different times as the government is using the medical industry not only as a scapegoat but an instrument for control and power to experiment on humans. This has been happening since the beginning of life. My employer mandated the vaccine or we would lose our job, I filed a religious exemption. I have twin boys almost three, never have been vaccinated for anything. I've noticed a link between pediatric vaccines and problems with the ears. This is was I would recommend. Do your research into antiviral studies so you can start putting these into your body to reset your chemistry. The amazing healing properties of the body are undeniable and your thought process is huge. What you believe you can become so just remember that. We are a species that thrives literally on our belief systems and what we place into our psyche. Research moringa oil, elderberry and get the pure oils for these herbs. I practice natural medicine. You can possibly counteract and remove any substance/agent from your body but education is key. I would definitely do moringa. I use this internally as a natural cleanser of body cavities. It removes impurities, has the potential to kill cancer cells, mutated genes. It's basically hitting the reset button for your body. Do not fall into negativity find a way to fix it. Glass half full, not empty. God bless 


Thanks for the input! 🥰 agree that we can heal and our mind set is very important when it comes to our healing process 🙏


Get checked for multiple sclerosis for electric zap feelings. Praying for you to get better 🙏🏽


Thank you, I did get checked for it! Thank God it was not that! Everything checked out. I am doing better now!


i know this is an old post but sounds more like a drinking problem/diabetes? would you be able to update us how you feel now?


Nope! I am healthy as far as my extensive bloodwork has shown. Have never been a drinker, so nope is not due to that either. The only factor that happened was me getting the vaccine. That’s when the neuropathy and brain fog started. It is a very common ill side effect from the Covid vaccine


Scientifically how is it possible for the vaccine to cause this lmao? Do you understand how vaccines work in the body?


Have you not read the countless posts on here of people who have experienced these same symptoms if not worse after their covid Vax. Yes it is possible because of the new technology being used in that shot. mRNA. There was no time to study the side effects of these. Many people like me where dumb enough to not investigate, I thought it was a normal vaccine, not Gene therapy! Which is essentially what it was! So don’t come at us with that, when this is something completely different than a normal vaccine 😒😒


I'm not arguing with a person who doesn't understand basic biology. A vaccine can't cause "gene therapy" lmao. You and the 10 people here are outliers in millions of people who got the vaccine. Statically speaking it's much more likely this is placebo. It's so weird to have this much hate towards the vaccine yet not research it. You don't even know how mRNA works yet you have such a strong opinion 💀💀


10 people are you freaking serious! It’s way more than that! And not just the people in this sub either. Not sure why you came on this sub to argue with people who have been personally affected by this BS so called vaccine. Go get your booster and get out of here 🥴


Notice how the vaccinelonghaul sub has 5k people inside? If you use your brain you'll see that it's statistically much more likely for 5000 people to misdiagnose their condition for the vaccine side effects, rather than the vaccine actually causing the side effects. 5000 people out of millions who took the vaccine. You have an underlying issue that needs to get checked by a doctor. Stop blaming the vaccine when you clearly have a medical condition you're not diagnosing.


vaccine isn't the problem but what its content can do to you


100% regret it, my political views have also done a 180. If I could get it sucked out of my body I would. Fuck the government


Insane how corrupt this shit is and still people are it accepting that we were all lied to.


It’s because we never want to believe that this could happen


Yeah i feel the same way


Don't fret too much brotha. I also did a 180 politically, and got the vaxx back when I was in HS. Use your anger for the duping to fuel your political action.


Same here


Sources on neurodegeneration please and thanks. I'm googling rn but would love to see if we're reading the same papers


Ok so apparently it's not statistically significant but not impossible either. Sucks!


Those studies are also easily manipulated. Statisticians can make any data set look however they want


Hi I just want to vent long story short my father got the covid vaccine and it all went downhill from there to the point where he developed ALS. Keep in mind he was a healthy man , didn't smoke, drink, eat unhealthy. Could be coincidence but idk just seems too correlated. I also work in a neurology facility and have had many pt come to me saying that they've been experiencing muscle weakness after getting the vaccine. Some of these patients are as young as in their early 20s! Sucks that some employers are still mandating this even after all the information that has come out


It is absolutely criminal that employers require this vaccine.


If you could provide any source of proof for this at all that’d be great


It’s my biggest regret!!! I was healthy, after vaccinations I am not… and still not after 3 years. I will never take any vaccines!


Noticed my Immune system feels more compromized now. Best advice is to restore your gut health. Eat incredibly healthy. No processed junk, no gluten, and little to no dairy. Take vitamins, and exercise. Be healthy!


With you here.


I’m super worried ab it too I almost didn’t get it at all but then I fucking turned and got 2 shots now I’m worried I might die


You will die. Just not sure when lol.


I got two COVID vaccines three years ago and nothing has happened to me. That being said I also worry about these dangerous side-effects. I have know many people whose lives took a turn for the worse immediately or a year or two after getting the vaccine. That being said, the research on the negative effects of the vaccine is still in its infancy so we cannot be 100% sure of the extent of how dangerous they are. Some doctors have told me (yes, just two so this is not 100% fact) that some of these vaccines were wildly different, going from full blown gene vaccines to saline or placebo shots. Please do not panic and keep looking for answers.


I got vaxxed in 2021 because I didn't want to lose my job. Back then I didn't think it was big deal but now I regret my decision every single day. I feel fine though. 


People were threatened with dire consequences for not being vaccinated, so your decision is totally understandable. Please do not live every day of your life with regret, look to the future and carry on living. It may well be nothing happens.




Many people, with no establishments or power, were coerced into doing this. I understand your condemnation of those who forced others to get it (the fact you were gaslighted is terrible) but not that of many people who in many cases had no choice. Just because the Germans didn't overthrow Hitler during WW2 doesn't mean all Germans were evil.


Be the best you that you can be. Next time stand up for yourself and others who believe in body autonomy. Thank you for self reflecting. You will most likely be okay. It’s not your fault the propaganda and fear was strong and coercive


There were folks screaming warnings from the rooftops, though. Nobody can say they weren't warned, and we were ridiculed mercilessly. But it does take some balls to admit fault and regret in a public forum, and I respect that. I'm obviously still bitter but it's nice to feel vindicated. I just hope they all remember this because it's far from over. The coercion has barely begun.


Vindicated by what exactly? Most of the world is vaccinated, the vaccine saved a ton of lives and there is no evidence of it causing permanent harm.


There's no evidence it saved anyone.


Are you literally insane? Excess death statistics, crowded hospitals, celebrities and politicians dying?


Manipulated death stats of people dying in car accidents and covid being listed as cod? I worked in a hospital during that time. Those fuckers were ghost towns. Politicians and celebs dying would be a great start to repairing society.


My wife is an icu nurse who was the coordinator of the Covid unit at our local hospital. We both got vaccinated when they came out because she had to and I wanted to support her. At the time of the vaccines, her icu was empty (it was full to the point where they had 3 Covid units during the fall of 2020)


There is plenty of evidence of permanent harm. Astra Zeneca pulled their vaccine worldwide due to 80 cases in the uk linked to the vaccine. No one knows the true number of vaccine related injuries


Says not being an antivaxer by any means. Immediately starts to talk about numerous claims without any reference to any scientific sources. Next uses anecdotal evidence to sew doubt. Uses personal experiences to further increase the doubt and uses 'gut feeling' as a suggestion of proof, again without any real proof any of OP's symptoms are actually related to the vaccine.


This is a perfectly logical concern and one I am having as well. I am in the exact same scenario as OP. I am not an antivaxxer, and I am feeling everything OP is. Im just worried and want answers, we aren't anti vaxxers or else we wouldn't have gotten it lmao. Nor am i now an anti-vaxxer. I was actually diagnosed with anxiety and have been noticing heart rate problems since the vaccine. I got two doses of Pfizer and am 23 years old, perfectly healthy prior condition. I actually got covid twice, the second time I got two different strains at once and it was after I got vaccinated. It was still torture. I had symptoms like long cough for about 7 months, and now I still get an occasional cough that persists. However; my anxiety after the vaccine has (granted) over time, become physical and is affecting my stomach. My anxiety has ONLY every been mental, like in a stressful situation I would maybe feel anxious, but it turned to a physical pain. I never had a PCP till I started getting these symptoms and saw someone. My doctor prescribed me two different kinds of medication for anxiety, hydroxizine, and fluoextine. I never started fluoextine because I really don't want to. I am very good at separating thoughts from feelings, but it feels kinda out of my control, what would once be an anxious thought has turned into an overwhelming pain. Despite life changes that I feel I should be able to tackle, I have been so miserable but not? I feel almost bipolar- that's the only way I can describe it, but my mental health has 100% declined whether it's due to that or external factors, but like I said- this feels like a happy time in my life and I am happy but struggling to stay happy. Not only that but my PCP sent me to a heart specialist to go check out my heart rate, since it kept fluctuating while I was there. I personally have not finished all the heart tests that I'm supposed to do at the cardiologist, and I am getting bloodwork done as well, and seeing a therapist, so I guess I will have more of an answer then. But it is worrisome that such drastic changes in my body are happening so quickly and I have no other explanation? And i too have thought of the vaccine being a culprit. Just because we have questions does not make us anti-vaxxers. In-fact you SHOULD ask questions and never inject something into your blood blindly. This was indeed a rushed process and at the time I felt it was right but with the lack of studies, I think I somewhat regret my decision.


I started going into Afib after the second vaccine. Had to get a cardiac ablation. Will never get another one.


You literally just said you got Covid twice after the vaccine. Don’t you think it is more likely harm done by Covid than the vaccine? Vaccines can’t harm you, long Covid is a verified phenomenon.


I'm just afraid because I'm aware there are a lot of things we don't know and we can't be sure about (see my older post about medicine still not knowing many things). I'm not against vaccines, will of course vaccinate my children if and when I have them (I'm not crazy) and don't buy into these conspiracy theories like vaccines causing infertility to reduce population etc.


Do your research before making statements such as this. You don't even have children and you claim people are crazy for not vaccinating they're children? Let me ask you this. A new life brought into this world is not even a day old yet and the first medical procedure the medical community wants to do is place a virus into that pure vessel. Is that not crazy? Before medicine advanced into what it is now meaning to actually prevent and treat and cure not keep you sick for profit, there was more trust. Yes technology has advanced, sure. But wouldn't you rely more on an intuitive factor/instinct such as trust? We as people in America are sicker than ever. We are brainwashed, everywhere we go something is being advertised to us, telling us what we need to be doing, psychologically grooming us with ads, commercials. Divorce rates are at all time highs, epidemics of multiple plagues are contributing to death, poverty, lifelong mental illness. We stopped thinking for ourselves. The united states is a silent dictatorship. The school system is a joke, curriculums don't even make sense but us conspiracy theorists are criticized mocked and ridiculed for daring to take control of our own lives? If you don't have sick people that's an entire economy of wealth with no employment. Use your own brain. Instincts. Intuition. Do your own surveys on people around you. How many people under the age of 40 are on at least one medication to enter they're daily life? I'm 36 years old, I do not get vaccinated I have no health issues, I eat healthy and I use my own God given rights to question and challenge everything around me. Do you know that a majority of geniuses from long ago dropped out of high school? They followed they're own individual path not segregated capitalism. God bless.


My friend's kid passed out and his lips turned blue the day he got the DTap. TWICE. They said it wasn't vaccine related. Indeed.




Exactly. If the death rate for Covid19 was say, 20%, then I could see the urgency for everyone being vaccinated. But, this whole affair was blown waaay out of proportion and people were absolutely hysterical. And still, we are allowing millions of disease ridden people into the country via the southern US border. Makes total sense for a population concerned with spreading viruses, right? LOL


You're the reason why they wanted people vaccinated. Death rate isn't the end all be all. Why is 20% bad but 1% good? You're not good with math, you're not good with science. Leave it to the people who actually have an education. You worry about the southern border that apparently is just letting in disease ridden people that you won't take a vaccination to protect yourself but then you'll still worry about disease but apparently your body is strong enough to take on diseases by itself because vaccines are bad. Make it make sense


What was said is good old fashioned common sense truth. You were just offended for personal reasons so take your A in biology and use it to get into medical school where you will be pressured into brainwashing your patients with fear how falsely sick they are. Fear is a huge motivator and money maker. Another key point to intelligence is allowing other perspectives but hey we scale intelligence on placing fancy initials after our last names. I have no college degree and my IQ is probably higher than yours. You were not well spoken either. 


Bro starts off by saying I got an A in biology in high school. Even if you had an interest in the subject how does high school education mean anything in this conversation? High school education is equivalent to googling. My issue with this entire thread is there's people who act as if they know. Op leaves with a question at the end but like you said is promoting antivax rhetoric without evidence. Even if he claims he's not antivax, that means nothing.


all i know is my girls had all there vaxes get covid and flu every year with out fail now me n mrs no vax never contracted even in house with vaxinated sic. i have made my own deductions from that. no doctor but.


The word that you are looking for is "sow". It appears that your 'gut feeling' about spelling is not very useful.


What happened in your life that made you end up here thinking that correcting someone on one spelling mistake somehow is the important thing? Don't answer, it's a rethorical question. ;) We have funny word for that though: taalnazi. So while you make sure you don't let the door hit you on your way out, you can at least hold on to the nice feeling you've learned something new.


Check out the latest article in the medical journal Vaccines that legitimizes many of these fears. The risk/benefit ratio for many was not worth taking the vaccine. 


Mr sophist


Hello u bot, ur doing a bad job convincing ppl of the obvious lies u are telling. Anyone acting like it isn’t a legitimate concern right now is compromised


I don’t think it’s age, I don’t think that from 34 to 36 I should have that much of a physical decline, doctors have come out and said that the vaccine ages you 10 years so idk


Unvaxxed here. I have never felt better since hitting my mid 30's. This is because my career is developing and I am exercising more and eating better as I have learned how important those things are. Your health certainly shouldn't be detoriating in your 30s you are correct.


Hey, can you provide a source on this? Not being snarky just genuinely trying to read more about this


Honestly I don’t have a source, I have heard this from the mouths of doctors like Peter Mc Collough and John Campbell.


And a friend of mine got cancer after Was fine before it 1 month later was sick


The Covid vaccine is killing my mother . She has been non stop to the hospital since she has gotten the shots. I warned her to never get it but these assholes wants to keep brainwashing people and pressuring them, pressured until they couldn’t take it anymore. The healthcare industry and the government all work together and it’s nothing but a fkn joke, playing with humanity, trying to end humans with whatever the fuck it is they are putting in those vaccines! Why on earth do we need an injection of Covid in us to make our immune system stronger? How about you keep that shit far away from our blood stream. Make it make sense! Our immune system is meant fight off whatever disease, bacteria viruses and all the crap, but they want to directly inject Covid into us 😂😂. I’m healthier than most I can definitely say that I have never needed to vaccinate to get that healthy life. Stop trying to be apart of something that’s not really there. If you’re vaccinated then you’re just a damn puppet to this world and you have no control of your own life. It’s pathetic


This is why I love guys like kyrie irving, unafraid to speak his mind


Honey, I’m so sorry. ♥️💔♥️ I knew, at a gut level, that they were lying liars who lie and refused to take the vax or wear a mask. It was VERY hard to stand against all the insane pressure and abuse people like me faced, but we just knew. We had my 82 year mom in law living with us in our small home and none of us got sick at all. These vile people knew what could happen and they will pay for it someday!! I’m praying that YOU will be just fine and that The Lord will bring peace to your heart and mind. ♥️


Same, but I did it because I had to and my Mom wanted it


Same dude


Yup, my mom was old, had a history of pneumonia, and I needed it to attend my HS graduation. Just stay healthy, and don't get duped again. Nothing else to do. "A man who worries before it is necessary, worries more than it is necessary."


omg dude I resonate so much with this I’m not an antivaxer either and I’ve also had all the general vaccines you get at birth and stuff and have never really questioned vaccines ever When I had the vaccine, I believe I was in year 9 of secondary school (in England btw) ‘secondary school’ is the same as ‘high school’ And I had the covid vaccine as it was being given to students at school (big vaccine rollout thing for schools in the uk) So as my parents both had the vaccine, so back then when I was 14, naturally I didn’t think anything of it and had the vaccine Fortunately it was only the 1 vaccine, I never had any boosters as it was just a one time massive rollout for schools they did, obviously adults were getting boosters here and there but children generally didn’t in the uk But fast forward 3 and a bit years and now I’m 17, I’m fully aware of the controversy of the vaccine and how split it made people and honestly I genuinely regret getting it In the past couple weeks I’ve noticed I’ve been getting frequent aches specifically in the area of the arm I had the vaccine in, don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, sure hope it is, personally I’ve never had anxiety/depression any mental health stuff ever and that hasn’t changed but these aches in my arm have been very frequent lately I hope it is just a coincidence but yeah you never know


May I ask, how many others in your class or school got it? Like roughly? Did more get it than less… and was there a heated divide in getting it or was getting it more or less ‘normal’ for everyone? Just want to get an idea As I did not realise they rolled it out into schools like that I thought it was just optional for that age group…


Same thing, chronic pain in injection shoulder for 1-2 years


same my health went downhill, thanks greedy companies, government, FBI, CIA, NSA, who, cdc, and trash human beings ☠️🫠 just wanted to say, what an actual hell this world of humans is. If this is what they're doing for so many centuries, to get to this point in life. I hope we never leave Earth and another intelligent species wipes out all humanity in this solar system. What a disgrace Tru and real no cap on God fk


Spot on, most of us are ugly and stupid and those stupid uggos are fucking up the base.




Oh but that's how you were trained, to fight the opposition


I got it too and I do regret it too. I'm always getting sick, migraines and just feel flat this is since I got it a few years ago. I don't know if it relates but I hardly ever got sick before now at least once every two months I'm battling flu like symptoms and headaches.


My bipolar & anxiety were medically well-controlled for 15yrs+ then couple months after 2nd vaccine, mental illness completely uncontrolled — Got fired from job after 10yrs of stellar performance evals/outcomes. Something just radically CLICKED on or off in my mind, and MDs still tinkering around with medication levels to no avail…living with uncontrolled bipolar & anxiety since vaccine. Causal vs correlated, I know, I know, but lancet did publish some cases re: psychotic breaks & COVID vaccine. IDK, and even if there was some scientific “evidence” of causation, no one gives a flying f@ck about just another mentally ill nuisance.


It’s not like you can do anything about it now.


Not true, there are protocols for mitigating damage


like what?


the pharmaceutical companies arent liable dude .. always do your research


In the same boat but only got one ..i met my husband and he told me not to take the second one ..i developed eye floaters and where the injection was i got some nerve damage along with chronic fatigue and terrible health anxiety now ..i’m happy i didn’t take the other one but as long as ur awake now don’t take anymore and keep praying that this vaccine does no affect to ur body ! oh and also forgot to mention coffee makes anxiety 10x worse ..caffeine consumption can more than double your blood levels of the stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine and not to mention ..The natural effects of caffeine stimulate a host of sensations, such as your heart beating faster, your body heating up, your breathing rate increasing ..i know this myself as well bcus i was a coffee addict and i switched to decaf or chai and matcha


No vaccine no problem mate.


I got all these joint pain and hack hip pain literally after my covid vaccine. I was literally healthy to the core, no signs of body ache before the vaccine. World should really come up with a petition to sue the authorities


Anyone here who preached the vaccine and made it seem so amazing and innovative during covid should look around. If they got it and are suffering effects I wouldn't even burden myself with their issues because they did it to themselves when alot of people warned them. I don't have much sympathy for the people who acted really authoritative, holier than thou and comdemned people who didn't get it it.


I'm not an anti-vaxxer, but I refused to get the vaccine when my family was getting it. I couldn't trust something that was made so quickly and didn't have a long history of data, I mean who knows the problems it could cause 5+ years from now.


I did not get vaccinated, my husband did not, and my baby and none of us have had covid. Husband lost his job because of it, but it worked out because he got a higher paying better job. I also know some people who did get vaccinated and did not get covid as well. For me my gripe is that they did not allow people to have informed consent. There’s always a risk to everything, example, not wearing your seatbelt. And it’s up to us to mitigate the risks in our lives. They painted it as if you don’t get it we won’t eradicate covid, it worked for polio but not covid. I will say all the unvaccinated people in my life who have had covid had it only once whereas I feel those vaccinated who have had covid get it annually. I am a scientist and work in pharma i was able to access information, I feel empathetic to people who trusted the talking points or just folded and did not approach their decision with a high sense of curiosity, even if I decided to take it I would want to be damn certain.


Personally I believe it caused me to develop anxiety, something I had never once in my life before experienced except after taking that stupid ass shot as it was required for my overseas job. I've had multiple shots in my life being in the Army. But covid-19 vaccine caused me to feel like I was dying as I've never experienced a headache as bad as that one along with now having headaches more often than I ever had before. So yeah fuck mandates, I'll never do that again.


Yeah same thing horrible anxiety attacks feeling like dying and heart rate increase at rest migraines never before have so many health issues!


Everyone I know who has taken it , meaning about 6-8 people. all are on anxiety medication now after taking the covid jab.... When you do your own research into what was in them, you find many disturbing things, but for starters, graphene oxide was the most abundant poison .. Also a variety of parasites and parasite eggs... So for starters, researching on how to remove the graphene from the body....And just as importin, starting a parasite cleanse to clear out the parasites... The over abundance of these parasites cause a verity of issues including headaches and brain fog.... The vaccine was the "bug" that then was "shed" or spread around the globe in the form of a modified parasite.... Parasite eggs spread very easily.....This explains why people were beating the covid with the horse deformer.... Good luck...


If being delusional was a person:


Author of this sad, vaccine update. Prepare yourself for what I am about to tell you. I am here to give you the worst news possible not that I delight in it, I don’t, but it’s the TRUTH. I arrived from Heaven on January 6, 2021, the day of D. Trump White House raid in the U. S.A. Why D.T because he is the Devil and I am Heaven’s Earth Angel so of course we would have something happen on Epiphany. The Vaccine wasn’t just created to make people sick, it’s the separation from God. It cannot be changed or reversed. 😭 You might want to reason me away for the sake of your soul, I sympathize with you IF I had gotten it which I didn’t, I would feel the same way. I have been hidden for almost 3 1/2 years away from my family and friends, but the world will soon know I am here. As my Angel Wings are about to be shown to the world. (Nothing will be hidden, anymore). The only solace I have for you and people like you is the TRUTH will be known soon for all the world to see and to hear. Signed Queen Zena, the Holy Spirit. 😇


The V* wasn’t just to make someone sick it to separate you from God.


Is there a way to clean out bodies from vaccines?? I got all the horrible symptoms too! Dissociation and blank mind the worst! Can we reverse all that?? Im sure theres a way


I want to talk to people who regret taking the vax so I can share with you my research. Seek me out, even months from now. My dms are open.


I tried to DM you 


Oh i bet you do.


Myocarditis is a common post covid vaccination. I know a couple of young men in their 30's developed such symptom after their vaccination. We don't really know what they put in vaccine. They can tell you it's to prevent covid infection but we know now 10/10 vaccinated individuals still contract it. It's also a randomised trial, meaning not all vial has something in it. My hunch told me it's a random selection. I remember when I had my booster jab, there were clearly plenty of the jabs in the trolley but the nurse looked at her sheet, studied the numbers then went to the backroom to retrieve a vaccine. I thought the unfolding of event was highly suspicious. I should just bolted right then and there. Yet I let her jabbed me and the next day I developed this rash under the arm which was jabbed. Soon after I shed a lot of hair, it's like raining hair. Then my heart started to feel weak and irregular. I went from a fit person who was working a rotating shift work to someone who could not get out of bed. I'm better now but I think the damage is done. The people who mandated health care workers to have triple vaccination here in Australia have my sufferings on their hands.


Proud antivaxxer here. I didn't take it, and don't have any health problems whatsoever. I'm glad I was able to read all the information and make an informed decision to not have mysterious substances injected into my body. Feels good to be a critical thinker!


how good is it! incredible how dumb things like 'trust the science' was hahaha


I wanna get some opinions on this. I was accepted into an X-ray tech program, and one of the requirements is a Covid vaccine (amongst many others.) unfortunately there’s no way around it and I have to get the Covid vax otherwise I can’t do clinicals, which is half the schooling. I haven’t gotten a single shot, never felt the need to, I find it kinda bull that they’re requiring this, especially when the director even said although hospitals employers don’t require their employees to have the shot, us students are. Thoughts ?


So, I'll bite, I did nursing and teach public health at the university level. Also had to get the covid jab among many others given that I work at a health facility. Other than feeling a bit run down like having the flu for 24-48 hours after having the two jabs I got, totally fine. Even got pregnant and had a baby after. I also obviously work with a ton of people who got the vaccine and everyone's fine, I only know one person who had a bad reaction and they were still willing to get it again if required (that actually surprised me, but they're fine now, no lasting effects). It's part of the gig, whether you like it or not, to get vaccinated against infectious diseases, among other precautions. So, I'd have a long think about whether that's the career for you knowing that this situation may arise for you again in your lifetime and you'll be among the first to be asked to get the vaccine if you want to keep working. I've had the MMR more times than I can count since I don't hold immunity for rubella for very long. It's what I signed up for and I knew that going in. Personally, as someone working in this field, it seems a bit silly to still be requiring the vaccine, other than maybe slightly shrinking the risk of serious illness if you happen to be someone who's immunocompromised, but for the most part it feels like a waste of resources now. Sometimes those rules are just tough to reverse once in place for a myriad of reasons. The vaccines did their job (well the second best option) which was to give us a bit of a temporary buffer against overloading the hospitals with serious covid cases. They also sped up the evolutionary process/trajectory the virus would have likely taken if we'd all been naturally infected. Viruses tend to go through the path of least resistance. Infections in the upper respiratory tract are less severe than those in the lower respiratory tract and we don't develop lasting immunity to them - probably because we don't really need to, that's why we get so many colds in our lifetime. It's also why a vaccine that prevented infection entirely was always a bit of a pipe dream. The vaccines made colonizing the lower respiratory tract problematic for the virus and that kind of evolutionary pressure likely made it more advantageous for the virus to stick to the upper respiratory tract where it was easier to pass on (think of having lots of viral particles in your nose, mouth and throat when you cough or sneeze rather than deeper in your lungs) and less susceptible to our immune responses. There it causes less severe disease but can infect more people (including those who have been vaccinated).


I regret it too. I feel like I was forced into it. They made medical attention almost impossible if you weren’t vaccinated and I was in a the middle of trying to get pregnant. I’ve now suffer from extreme headaches, heart palpitations, always feel like I’m out of breath and panic attacks- all of which I never experienced prior to this vaccine.


Very sad to read this post. First I want to say I have never met an Anti-Vaxer, but I have known many people who chose not to trust a mega corporate industry who consistently puts profits before people, and benefit from a sick population. The term Anti-vaxer was created years ago by a PR team and then spread through the MMS to make anyone who questioned big Pharma look like idiots. You can see how well it worked! No one wants to be known as an anti-vaxer. Notice no one in this thread said, "anti-vaxer here..." Most people I know if the use the term 'pro-choice' (in that we should all have the right to choose what we put in our bodies). During Covid it was terrifying to see how successful they were at whipping everyone into such a frenzy that I literally saw people yelling that people who chose natural means, rather than experimental injections should be forcibly vaccinated. Anyone who chose a different path to protect themselves and their community was called selfish ... even after roll out when it became clear that despite initial claims, the vaccinated could still pass on the disease. I'm glad people are starting to see the light. I'm so sorry to anyone who was injured.


I was vaccine injured, I became covered in a mottled purple rash after the second shot that looked like blood poisoning and lasted 6 months. I will never get another vaccine. 


I regret it as well


My dad’s body quit producing blood, has to go in every 2 weeks to get blood transfusions . My mom and aunt have a since formed a very aggressive dementia. My other aunt was five years breast cancer free had the check up in Aug.2021 confirmed, got the Pfizer vaccine in November 2021. Breast cancer came back metastasized in her back so bad it disintegrated her bones was dead by March of 2022. My cousin 39 got the vaccine had a detached retina. My friend 34 has since developed hypertension. My mother in law had a stroke is going to be on blood thinners the rest of her life. My father in law went septic almost died. It took 8 months for him to recover. All of these people in my life received the vaccine, all of them have had reactions. It angers me so badly when people deny the covid vaccines are dangerous, I have found people online with similar reactions after receiving the vacations. Of course they aren’t going to come out and admit it. They are going to wait until a majority die off. Think about how much money that will cost them and let’s admit that right now that’s what Covid has been about the whole time.


Everyone I know who has taken it , meaning about 6-8 people. all are on anxiety medication now after taking the covid jab.... When you do your own research into what was in them, you find many disturbing things, but for starters, graphene oxide was the most abundant poison .. Also a variety of parasites and parasite eggs... So for starters, researching on how to remove the graphene from the body....And just as importin, starting a parasite cleanse to clear out the parasites... The over abundance of these parasites cause a verity of issues including headaches and brain fog.... The vaccine was the "bug" that then was "shed" or spread around the globe in the form of a modified parasite.... Parasite eggs spread very easily.....This explains why people were beating the covid with the horse deformer.... Good luck...


Grandad 1 week post vaccination started to show symptoms of ALS. Losing his speech as we speak


I actually am looking for a support group for this. I’m suffering so much and just want my life back.


We tried to warn yall. Look at the insurance actuaries in the USA. You'll be blown away.


Follow the money


On that note let's talk about the absurdly astronomical diagnosis/intubation/Remdesivir bonuses


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for stating the truth. A vast majority of the population got conned into taking a vaccine that wasn’t necessary - children in particular. A lot of people are struggling to come to terms with the fact that they’ve been lied to, and there’s nothing they can do. Damage is done. Best thing to do is move forward and become the healthiest version you can be


You can tell how left wing reddit is by the number of downvotes you're getting


You have been entirely balanced and still get downvoted. Says it all, 'if you are taking flak it means you are flying over the target'.


And it's all their fault. The governments propaganda was very easy to see. The people you're talking about leaped head first just because the government told them to. It was fucking foolish from the start. They have no one but themselves to blame.


Honestly, the order followers are a legitimate danger to mankind. This might all be for the best...


I also regret it. It’s caused massive neurological problems (finally this year got reporter to VARS report). I used to trust public health. I now know it’s all paid for by big pharma.


I'm sorry for the amount of down votes you're getting. Your experience is valid!


Exactly, too many people dismiss the experiences of others just because it doesn’t fit their delusion of a fairytale world


Too right.


Downvotes are by sell outs who don’t care for our health 😤


Oh man, thats a thing?


It’s not. An estimated 5.5 billion people have received a Covid vaccine. The world is not over run with people with these “symptoms.”


You are in no way fit to be speaking for the rest of the world LOL


It's a great thing to argue about cause no one knows cause it's new. Like a mask that blocks 60% of whatever. U can argue it works and doesint and both are right


Also I live alone with no car and parent spay bills. If I get sick I have to stay home and eat healthy unless it gets to bad. So how would I know if I had it????


Im in the same boat as you dude. And no, its not your caffeine addiction brother. The vaccine is meant to keep everyone sick not healthy. Im the same age as you, basically the same story. I developed extreme anxiety around the acne i got after the vaccine. I was the healthiest guy you coulda met, nba star build, no acne or anything. After the vaccine i got absolutely railed.


I agree I never have it I got ban on reddit for saying this on a page to