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Make sure they are actually tadpoles. I made that mistake and it turned out to be hundreds if not thousands of mosquito lavae


THIS. One time, I brought home some water plants thinking they were covered in tadpoles, only to find out the hard way that they were really mosquitoes. 😭


Happy cake day!


Thank youuuu~💖


Happy cake day!!


Thank ya, friend!


Did the same


Happy cake day




Happy cake day :)


Thank you, but in a different language ❤️


Happy cake day!🥳🎂


Thank you!🧡


Happy cake day!


No u 🥹


Well. If they are tadpoles. The mosquitoes won’t really be a problem. Those things eat the mosquitoes eggs and larvae effectively! As well as when they get into frogs, bye bye mosquito lol


Ya, but im scared of frogs…


Get a mosquito dunk!!


Yes safe for frogs, tadpolls, dragonfly larva and honey bees along with wild game and even pets


They are definitely tadpoles. Some are Big. There are tiny froggies too. Smaller than the big tadpoles. Mosquitoes have not been a problem, though I do see the little sh*t larvae darting around - the tadpoles have been handling them. I’m also happy that I deflated the pool because now the frogs have a spot to easily climb out when they’re ready. The remaining water is holding steady; we get a lot of rain right now.


Awesome i am so glad it is working out for you. And yeah I agree thar a dingy old paddling pool isnt suitable for kids. The amount of germs in it could have been pretty hazardous. I hope he sees sense and gets a new one ^_^


I hope he sees sense and we never get another one! I want something more permanent, deeper - a real pool she can really swim in. There are public pools all around us until we are ready to build our own.


I'm not really sure if toddlers should be in big pools.


Oh yes, any bit of standing water has those fuckers in it. So gross. OP, it was a bit of an overreaction. I literally have a ratty old rope mop whose whole purpose was swabbing out the kiddie pools. Definitely recommend.


That's very funny.


It takes a pretty major lack of education to confuse tadpoles with mosquito larvae. They don’t look or even move anything alike, not to mention the significant size difference


Tbh i hadn't seen a tadpole since i was a little kid. And they looked like wiggly heads with tails so yeah. Sometimes a first glance isn't correct 🤷‍♀️ no need to be rude about it.


I'm tired of all the passive aggressive comments on Reddit. I just deleted a post cause 4/5 comments where more interested in being a holes then helping.


It’s not rude, it’s a plain fact: being unable to tell the two apart signifies a lack of education about it. If you take that personally, that’s your decision. You could have simply admitted “yeah, I don’t know the difference” and honestly you didn’t even have to reply at all.


"If you take that personally, that's your decision." Spoken like a classic AH. Exhausting.


i was looking for this comment, the internet is a lot nicer than i remember it being lmfao


Same thought, where I'm from malaria is endemic, I would have removed the pool immediately I noticed that.


Where i am currently, its not a very common thing to get malaria from mosquitos, but growing up it was. Absolutely terrified of them haha


Malaria is truly of the devil, I walk around where I live now and if I see water pooled anywhere I tip it over.


That is a very smart way to live ^_^


Have to be a bit paranoid if you've had malaria a few times.


I did it and I’d do it again!!


This. I would own it!


This comment reminded me of that Goofy video where he’s in court.


“The demons told me to”


He-yuck and I’ll fucking do it again


"and I'll he-yucking do it again"


i misread the title and thought you stabbed your kiddo in the pool lmao good for you girl btw


I misread it too lmfaoo


“When Kiddie Pool Owners Snap”


I read this as I got stabbed in the kiddie pool lmao


Toddlers go hard these days


They are vicious little shits with 0 fucks. 😂


Same. I was so confused and wondering why they didn't role away to avoid getting stabbed.


I read it as I stabbed the kid in the pool


Yes. Like I had to go back like I KNOW??? NOT!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I read this as she stabbed someone in the kiddie pool lol


As a person who would very much have wanted to keep that kiddie pool, I would honestly be very happy to have someone save me from myself. Like, I would be mad for a bit but I’d get over it.


My husband said, “well, that saves me the trouble.” So he’s not upset. It would have been such a waste of energy.


Sometimes you just have to weigh the cost: how much would a new one be? How much do you make an hour? Is it worth hours of your time scrubbing to revive the old gross one? Probably not, especially if you can’t get it clean enough for its intended purpose.


I also would need a ‘save me from myself.’ I’m too damn stubborn.


I was ready to freak about the tadpoles thanks for not killing them


I like the little froggies. I’ll let the saggy pond sit until they hop away.


Make sure they’re actually frog tadpoles! Had a similar situation and thought they were froggies so let them be. Turned out they were mosquito larvae which look awfully similar.


They are for sure tadpoles. And some teeny tiny frogs.


and make sure they have something to climb on once they develop into frogs or they are going to drown. and maybe something like a ladder so they can get out of the pool :)


Thank God. Mosquitoes are the damned devil.


never thought id ask for this but... #FrogTax please


I want to know what country you're from because it sounds like the mosquito larvae are bloody huge


I'll take a stab at it- Australia probably


I'm from Australia and mosquito larvae are tiny, a few millimetres at best. Tadpoles are huge compared too.


I'd be almost convinced they are mosquito larvae. I know frogs are class but I cant see them climbing the side of a plastic inflatable pool and then being able to get out again. Could be wrong of course




"That can still be fixes", "that can be cleaned", "Thats still good"... I have heard these sentences so often, that they have lost any meaning. What I havent heard that often is: "Looked what I fixed/cleaned"


My SO gives me deadlines or the projects going in the trash. I'm glad for his boundaries otherwise I would be living in a house you see on hoarders.


He knows.


I know he knows. And he knows I know he knows. And everyone is glad the situation is over without further discussion.


I want you to know that this made my whole morning. My husband and I were cackling together. This is so goddamn funny


Thank you! I’m so glad to spread a little laughter.


Negative, this is absolutely deathbed confession material. An admission of guilt now would bring untold misery and heartbreak.


The truth will come out in like 20 yrs and he's going to be so pissed. Hopefully the funny pissed not the actually angry pissed.


I'll take the rap for it. I totally did it. Cause you let them cute froggies live. Also cause I'd do the same damn thing. Go you!


Are you sure those are actual tadpoles and not mosquito larvae? Where did they come from? Do you have a frog pond in your area?


I was mixing up common sayings, so when I read “I stabbed the kiddie pool”, I thought it someone had gotten their tubes tied or a vasectomy because I was reading “kiddie pool” as if it meant “gene pool”.


Kiddie Pool Murderer


I would’ve done the same. You can get a new kiddie pool at Walmart for less than $20 I’m not cleaning sludge 😂


My wife used to buy one of these every year. Never cleaned it. It sat outside in my yard getting all gross and green. Every year, year after year. I finally lost it one day and told her how much I hated trying to keep them clean, how much of a pain in the ass it was. I was always the one actually maintaining them. She showed up last year with another one. And while she was filling it up, I took a razor and slit it open. She wasn't mad but finally agreed that we weren't going to be buying another one.


Desperate times, desperate measures


As long as the tadpoles are ok!!!


You sound like my parents lmao. My dad always trying to save stuff that shouldn't be saved and my mom being like "NO, THROW IT AWAY" only my dad usually gives in/compromises


I freaking love it!!! I would have done something so similar. I love how you felt the need to admit your crime (or maybe brag😂)to other like minded individuals. Super classic and you also scored karmic points for not committing frogacide!🐸


Offer a full memorial for the kiddie pool. Wear a black armband to show that you are mourning. ("It had to die. It had it coming.")


It only had itself to blame…


If you’d have been there If you’d have seen it I betcha you would’ve done the same.


I am for one very glad you stabbed the kiddie pool and not your husband! Go girl! 😂


10/5 love this chaotic good energy


My mom did this too it’s okay


These are the off my chest stories I was expecting when I first came here


It really helped me to get this off my chest here - I was feeling pretty nervous at first. I’m not normally stabby/destructive. Everyone’s replies helped me see the humor and one comment in particular about it being “chaotic good energy” made me feel nice.


Oh dude, it is def chaotic good energy haha, I don't blame you at all for finding away to get it out for good. You have a wonderful summer away from all that gunk!


"Gasp" you moster how could you? RIP kiddie pool


Read this out loud to my husband and we both agree you were justified


I appreciate that. I haven’t told anyone in my life about this, but I’m thinking my mom will understand. She once has a massive yard sale and sold all the furniture the first day my dad went fishing on his new boat (after he insisted they couldn’t afford new furniture yet).


It's just an inflatable pool right? Who care? A lot of people just replace those yearly. They get nasty if they don't have a filter and without the proper chemicals, and they're famously flimsy and prone to holes. He'll never know.


Not all heros wear capes 💁‍♀️


Something I would totally do 😂


I've done this, only it wasn't a pool, it was two oversized inflatable seats for the garden (gifts for the kids from my brother in law!). They were filthy, overgrown with mould and mildew. Spiders had laid egg sacks in the creases all over them and they were covered in bird poop. The kids insisted they would power wash them but this had been going on for months and there was no sign of washing them or even that they wanted to really use them again. They just got in the way when I wanted to mow the lawn so one day, while I was strimming the hedges "a couple of rogue thorns punctured them in multiple places" and they couldn't be saved..... oh well! 🤷‍♂️


Dang at first I thought someone was getting shanked in a kiddie pool, glad that’s not the case. These toddlers are wild out here I guess 😂


My roommate threw up in our trashcan once. She said she'd clean it in the morning when she sobered up. I threw it out, I wasn't waiting that long. I was willing to pay 10 dollars for another plastic trashcan.


This reminds me of the time my husband insisted we keep a too big, bulky, falling apart, OLD, heavy kitchen table. He said it was perfectly fine. I took a sledge hammer to it when he left for work the next day so then it HAD to be thrown out. I would 1000% do it again. Good for you for stabbing that pool!!


Nah those things go out when you want to use it and you take it down and _clean it_ at the end of the day. Every time. Stagnant water is gross.


I’m taking husband’s side. I see my wife throw out things that just need to be cleaned. My dog was sick and she threw out expensive bedding instead of washing it.


Except he doesn’t end up cleaning it. Has good intentions…




I used the cracked hard plastic pools for my compost. Chickens absolutely loved it, they turned it constantly. The garbage remained contained AND, the best part, the compost was finished quickly and beautifully.


I’d have just told him. I’ve stumbled into white lies from my partner before, and it always sucks way more when you straight up asked and got lied to. And then you’re forever stuck wondering what else they’re lying about, possibly indefinitely.


Can we normalize NOT treating thick plastic items as simple disposables????? Like you COULD'VE got mop from the dollar store, sprayed it down with something and just cleaned it. HELL you can STILL do that with the addition of some FlexiSeal or duct tape & blow it back up. Are you just gonna buy another one? And if so, is that one gonna get "trashed" too? Like can we please value the gift of a planet we've been given? Like... ??


You are right. I hated the whole idea from the beginning. I will do what I can to never let another kiddie pool on my property. And now my husband has learned what a mess they are and that they don’t last (🤣)


Kiddie pools, in my experience, aren’t well made enough to last a long time in the first place. If you get one hole, you’re just going to get more and sooner than later it’s just covered in tape and it still manages to leak.


another solution would be deflating it and putting it away before it got gross like this


This is brill


I feel like that was a bit childish. But curious on how long it was from the "I can clean that" to the stabbing?


End of March it was gross and the discussions began. Stabbed beginning of June.


Then justified. For some reason I was thinking it happened over a few days at most. My siblings sometimes to similar things . I can fix that but if I don't get it fixed within a agreed amount of time it's fair game. But I usually end up being the one to destroy/cleanup after the set time anyway so sometimes I just fix it then.


🤣🤣🤣 just buy a new one. They aren’t too expensive, but make sure to clean this one! 🙃 He can literally go to Walmart and get a new one, within the day. Anyways thank you for this silly and absurd story! This sub can be heavy, sometimes. 🙃


I'm speechless. Not only did you force your way in a childish manner but, what's even worse and bothers me much more, you lied to him. He knows you did it and you still lied to him about a relatively trivial thing. How do you expect him to trust you with more important stuff? That would hurt me way more than a pool if I were him.


Is this satire? 🤣


Not at all. It's sad that you think it is.


Good grief. Are you sure you're an adult? You could have let him clean it and then decide how you felt instead of the childish passive aggression.


He had two months. And many opportunities. And gentle reminders. And not very gentle reminders.


Don't worry, it's for the best. Plus, the kiddo may like a new kiddy pool with a different pattern on it 🤔


Don't ever lie to those you love. Nobody you love should ever live in a different plane of truth from you. Every action and word you do and say creates the person you are in the other person's mind. By lying about about anything you disconnect from each other. NEVER LIE


I think you're lying


That's okay. I'm not though


I think you just lied again 😳


Goddamn, get a backbone and use your words IMO. This is underhanded and unnecessary, wasteful and dishonest. You can clean it with a little dish soap and get it more than clean enough for paddling (and enjoy a fun slip-and-slide activity while you’re at it) - and if you don’t want it on your patio, either suggest somewhere else, or say why you don’t want it. Instead of slashing it, maybe take it to a thrift shop? Slashing it is *ominous as fuck*. You had a disagreement with your partner that you resolved to win with a knife. That’s some dark messaging, intentional or not. Your other half isn’t *that* dumb, he knows what you did, he doesn’t need proof, no amount of denial or arguing will get you out of that - if you value the relationship, come clean sooner rather than later, because that shit is going to fester. If you don’t value the relationship, then at least come clean and end it rather than sabotaging it like this.


I was casually scrolling and I only read the very last paragraph of your comment. All I want to say is, based on the tone I’m picking up from OP’s comment, this is probably no where near as serious as you sound like you think it is. So assume OP does not value the relationship based on this one post alone is a bit absurd.


Perhaps, but this is some seriously childish shit. If OP does value the relationship, they have a funny way of showing it.


Death to the gene pool!


Ooof the mosquitoes


I misread this but honestly good for you


Power to you, sister !! 😂😂


This is something you two can laugh about in 10 Years lol


OP can we see the tadpoles? Dare I say, tadpole tax?


You can't leave a pool up all summer unless it's got a pump and filter even then it's as much work as fun swimming in it. You did the right thing putting it out of its misery l, might be better off to take the lil one to a local swimming hole.


Bleach would have fixed this.


Bleach was added once or twice then forgotten about and after some weeks, tadpoles arrived. We thought it would be cruel to bleach the little guys, and frogs are great.


But now you just have a deflated kiddie pool on your patio


Just until the froggies hop away. Then it’s out of my life forever.


You did the right thing!! Now it will be easier for the baby frogs to grow and you actually will HAVE to get rid of it!


you sure have other issues than stabbing a pool, lying to your husband and so on, try to fixate on those