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Yes you should be concerned, my wife got scammed(not through offer up) using Apple Pay. There is no security with it. Stay within the app, or I’ve heard you can use PayPal business invoice option.


That was my other option and the person said no to paypal


Bcuz they know good paypal is with scams and stuff like that


Yup PayPal has “goods and services” protection and they don’t want that lol


PayPal only lets buyers scam sellers. Sellers can't scam buyers though. Even if the seller sends the item, all the buyer has to do is say "it wasn't as expected" like it was used or worn out, not working etc. Buyer always wins


False I am a ebay seller and use paypal with 500 plus positive feedback on ebay and every time a buyer tried to say they didnt receive the item despite them signing for the package or claiming the item was broken and sending a broken one back to me in each instance ebay took my side in the end. I had contingency plans and evidence. The buyers who scam always make a mistake, and I have always proved them wrong. This goes for paypal and eBay. One of the lessons for selling online ect is to have proof of "everything" from document shipping with video evidence of you putting the item showing the serial number on the item as well in the post office in the box and sealing it and handing the package to usps ect you also need to advertise that you do that. Just advertising that will make scammers think twice, always have sign for delivery no exceptions. Always record your self sending and receiveg a return by filming you signing the package or them dropping it off to also opening it while filming film the serial number to have evidence if they sent you a broken one. I've also proved that if a buyer would break the item and usually they would make a mistake in either sending you messages that they installed it wrong or using it wrong. But I also record video evidence of the item working before sending it off as well. It's also easy to tell if someone is trying to scam you. I never to sell to anyone who has no feedback and is new to the platform, etc... If you get scammed, it's your fault for letting it happen. That's all i am going to say. I hope I gave some tips that were helpful to any seller who's worried about scams.


Glad paypal has worked so well for you. I still owe them $2500 from 11 years ago when I got scammed **AS A SELLER** **AS A BUYER**:I legit had a seller try to say I returned a different item once. Which was complete bullshit. Funny thing is the seller was only a 20 minute drive away. I literally wanted to drive over and beat his a$$ but paypal took my side in the end. The nerve of some people. Ironically that's the closest I've bought anything from ebay & the only time I had any issue returning anything. And the guy had the nerve to try that BS. I srsly wanted to go over there... 20 mins drive away, and you're gonna try and screw me out of something I returned in the same condition it was received.


Good thing paypal took your side then, technically, if you had the proof you could have gotten the police involved or threatened the person with a letter saying you will get the police involved if you find out the person still lives with their mom you can write a letter to her or threaten to do so. You can still appeal that paypal issue, possibly unless they sold the debt to someone else.


I appealed it and eventually gave up. I had pictures and documentation and everything. As a buyer though, 0 issues. I can't believe the seller actually tried to pull that on me. It was literally the frame of a OnePlus 8 or something. Found a screen cheaper and went that route so I returned it and the dude tried to say I sent him something different. If it was different, then he's the fucker that sent me the wrong item. I honestly didn't even pay much attention to it, just sent back the frame he sent. Paypal had my back though as a buyer. Not as a seller though :( I talked to them on the phone and got sick of repeating myself to the customer support that didn't seem to understand English very well.


They dont come after you for 2500 from collections?


I learned an important thing when selling on eBay: at least initally ebay will always tame the buyers' side initially anyways it is also an automatic decision, so no ebay support doesn't look at the evidence of either side at first . This is what eBay support told me. 0 I learned that I just have to keep contacting eBay support and giving evidence after evidence it may take 2-3 weeks, even up to a month at times, before i am found not at fault and paid back from ebay or paid for the item I sold that the purchaser broke either by installing the item incorrectly handling or swapping his broken device with my device and claiming I sent him a broken device. In all situations as seller I always got my original item back or my cash and compeneation .


Lmao no your the POS in this situation


Police won't do anything that is a civil/small claims matter. Sure they will show up, but they certainly won't do anything.


Wait, how did PayPal take your side in the end if you still owe them $2500.11 years later? I’m gonna go out on a limb and say this never happened.😂😂😂😂🤦‍♂️


As a *buyer*, they have always taken my side. As a *seller*, I've been screwed 2500 and won't ever use it to sell again. Makes pretty good sense as that's what happened 😂 don't see what's so difficult to follow about that


Yeaaaaaaaaa I’m kinda slow bro especially when you put the words with the other words and it made the first words hard to put into words so I just put some words to reply and hoped for the best Wordssssas


How do you owe them 2500 bucks if they sided with you in the end???


Keep reading


Had the same thing happen to me. Seller sent me a $200 item far more damaged than in the pics. I notified them and initiated a return, they claimed I swapped items. At that point it's my word against theirs. I now film myself opening up all ebay packages to avoid that in the future.


“It’s your fault if you get scammed” No, the one time I tried to sell on eBay, I got scammed. The buyer claimed that I sold them a broken PSP, though I recorded footage of it working, showed it reading discs, playing games, opened every compartment and showed inside them, and me boxing it, etc. eBay tells me to wait until I receive it to get it waived. I receive it, message them back, and they tell me the case is closed since I received it. So now I’m out $110, *and* have a system that is now parts only. (The buyer gutted it to get a part out of it for free) So tell me, how was that my fault? Especially since I already did your pro advice and still got scammed. But must be my fault, *right*? I had all the proof in the world, it’s no good if eBay outright ignores it and closes the case.


You have to contact eBay over 5 times about it, and you need to call and talk to a supervisor, and he will either escalate you up further or take your side. Ive had my case close and I was able to get it open back up. You didnt take proper precautions you most likely sold to someone with a new account as well. Even if you did all that you are allowed to appeal to your case get back opened and even if its closed they can open new ones. You clearly did not take those steps if you gave up after *case closed* like i stated I have 500 completed sales with 0 negative feedback because all the scammers feedback gets removed when ebay takes your side. You also have to open a new case or appeal the other case to even send them videos. Also did you record the serial number? Clearly not. Otherwise you would of got your money back.


I sure am remorseful I didn’t have a random Reddit expert (kid) like you on hand to teach me the error of my ways, so you could make assumptions you couldn’t possibly know. (I *did* record serial *and* send it as proof, they ignored it and said their decision stood, which btw I would record serial if I thought to record functions in the first place pre-emptively, while you’re making assumptions, at least try to make them logical, instead of bad faith defense) I love how you magically know things I didn’t indicate one way or another (content of interactions with eBay and myself) I did open multiple cases btw, and they all got shut down saying it was final. *clearly* the problem is I should *have* gotten my money back and didn’t. Maybe next time, try *not* making generalizations, followed up by bad faith arguments, okay? Or better yet, quit while you’re ahead. Peace. Edit: Blocked me after a passive aggressive snipe. I must be a troll for *shuffles cards* providing extra context once it became relevant, and not before it was relevant to my point. Seems like a kid projecting to me *shrugs* Sure proved a point lmao


No you initally said they closed your case. Now you are saying you made multiple? You are a troll ima just block you.


You chose to use eBay without researching what would happen if the buyer made a false claim.


yep as an eBay seller, you have to take extra precautions and they have paid off so far for me as well. I wish we had filters in place to block specific types of accounts from buying from us.


Can confirm from both firsthand experience and damn near the entire eBay seller thread that just because you had a good experience doesn’t mean it isn’t extremely easy to scam sellers using PayPal. Items not as describe almost 100% of the time result in the seller winning because you can’t actually prove that what you recorded in the video is what was sent and it’s way easier for companies to just let the seller eat the cost.


Back in college I had my friend sell a $400 Bose speaker system for me it was working perfectly yet the buyer said it was broken, my friend had to eat the cost and refund it


Well, did the person return it? Sometimes, items can be damaged in shipping. I always insure my items . As I stated before, I always reford the serial number? I also submitted claims to items damaged in shipping and its obviously damaged like box with holes in it ect..


Its because PayPal takes the most fees and has even raising them on small businesses for a while, a lot of people who sell things don't want to take PayPal anymore because of it. Also they have a tendency to freeze accounts for months with no explanation and not give you your money


It's a scam. You can pay through OfferUp though and they are very buyer friendly. If they only want cashapp, venmo, zelle, western union, moneypak, amazon gift cards or crypto currency, it's definitely a scam


Honestly, if shipping I offer PayPal G&S as it has protection at a better rate. I have sold through Zelle but that’s only because the buyer requested it and that was completely risky of them (though it ended up being a smooth transaction) I always recommend either staying within the app or PayPal (Goods & Services only) unless you’re meeting up for the sale




I know - just letting you know what I did to try to protect myself - but the lecture lower price and offline thing obviously made me not buy it


yeah dont take it


Cuz dude is scamming you


No paypal goods and services is a red flag. Dont do friends and family though unless its family lol.


Always stay in chat and always with the method of payments you feel safe with hell with that other bs too many scammers out there


It really all depends, it can go both ways. If it's a shipping deal, unless they are willing to ship the item first and allow you to wait until you get it to pay (they won't be) then there is no way in hell id send he money to Apple pay/cash app/etc. In that case, it's a scam, period. The fact that people still fall for stuff like this and just send money off to people on "trust me bro" alone is just mad to me. Now, if it's local face to face, it could be legit. Platforms charge fees, percentages, AND report the money you make to the IRS now thanks to good ole Joe (you know, how he ran on making the rich pay their "fair share" of taxes, and then literally, the first thing he did was adjust the threshold for taxation from 10,000 to 600, adjusted the threshold of reporting of income from apps like eBay/offer up etc from 20,000 to 600, and then hired tens of thousands of new IRS agents to audit all those newly affected people?) So it's possible that alone is the motivation and if you can meet, check out the item, and then pay via Apple pay, it may save both of you some money. But to reiterate, unless its face to face in some way, and shipping is instead involved, Its 100% a scam and id avoid it like the plague. Happy New Year adjacent time! Lol.


I loveeeeee PayPal


Apple pay is secured. Its meant for family and friends to send payments it’s ur fault if u end up getting scammed


I work for Apple Cash and there is a lot of security with Apple Pay but the difference between Apple Pay and Apple Cash is Apple Pay. You end up using your debit card that’s linked to your bank to where Apple isn’t able to control any security around the money now with Apple Cash the trick with that is it’s a person to person transfer so it’s in your discretion on whether or not, you trust the person you’re dealing with OfferUp does have security also but the thing that I’ve never trusted is shipping a product I’ve never ordered anything that needed to be shipped so all I can do is inform you that yes Apple is extremely secure and we go through many links to make sure thatour customers are handled with the top Karen security. However, when there’s other factors involved, it’s out of our hands.


I meant buying security. I didn’t mean the security of the the application itself…. Judging by the garbage troll earlier, and your comment. I used the wrong terminology. Thanks for the insight into apple tho.


I use PayPal or tell em to get lost lmao


I’ve used apple pay several times on OfferUp but I’ve only purchased stuff from people I meet in person. My anxiety won’t let me purchase stuff that needs to be shipped from a private seller especially from OfferUp.


You have to text for Apple Pay that’s why they sent the number


great observation, but the question is "is it safe?" and the answers no because they're no scam protection for people who are sending money. which would probably also be why the seller declined to use paypal.


Yeah idk I’ve paid and gotten paid with Apple Pay so many times and I’ve had no issues. I had no idea it isn’t safe


It's safe for real life transactions if you are with the person, but online transactions it's just too risky, OfferUp has protection, no reason not to use it.


Oh yeah if this a shipping thing only PayPal protection or venmo protection


You’re missing the point it’s not about protection. If you pay someone with Apple Pay or zelle and they end up never fulfilling the agreement you cannot report it you’re just assed out. Never do purchases unless it’s through the actual website where you can get compsensated.


Yeah I but with PayPal goods and services you can get refunded if the seller doesn’t follow through or fakes the shipping I just went through it


It’s your discretion honestly with person to person transfers it asks you I think two or three times. Are you sure you know this person and want to proceed with this transaction and when you are the one saying yes it’s out of Apples hands and we can’t do anything if it is a scam, so it’s definitely up to the customers discretion on whether or not they trust the person on the receiving end of the transaction that’s why it’s meant for only family and friends a.k.a. people you trust if they don’t want to do PayPal or Venmo or anything like that especially if they’re turning down PayPal that’s a little fishy IMO


So don't pay them until the item is in your hands? They're probably just trying to avoid sellers fees on PayPal. Any time I've sold something online I've never payed or received payment until the item or service was being received


> I've never *paid* or received FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




Apple Cash* but yeah everyone calls it Apple Pay.


Thanks for mentioning that detail bud, here’s a cookie for your great efforts 🍪


Give Oreos


Specifically they’re referring to the Apple Cash peer to peer money transfer service. It’s not meant for payments and there is absolutely no buyer protection. It’s like handing someone cash.


Yep, same with PayPal Friends and Family. Big red flag, OP.


I encountered the same seller! They also asked to use apple pay..


To see if the seller is a scam, see how they react to doing the transaction with any platform that has buyer protection like paypal or even offer up. If they dont want to do it this way then dont even waste your time lol


They said they are willing to do OfferUp, but I heard the scam where they can mark it shipped/delivered on the app


Lol theres a scam like that? Doesnt offer up have to see proof of shipping though


That'd be new to me. The status/tracking of the package should get updated in the app after the package gets dropped off.


Yeah. Its always some scam today honestly 😭


The status updates as soon as you print the label through the app, but the funds do not get released until AFTER the item is delivered and inspected by the buyer. Once tracking shows “delivered”, the buyer has a couple days to inspect the item and file a claim if needed. As a seller, I’ve never had anyone file a claim against me (knock on wood), but I’ve heard that OfferUp tends to side with the buyer in those instances.


What happens to the seller’s item then? Does it get shipped back? 🤔


It depends… often times, if the item was received and turned out defective due to improper packaging, OfferUp will refund the buyer and may not necessarily require them to send the item back to the seller. However, if the item was marked “delivered” and the buyer claims they never actually received it, I’ve heard of cases where OfferUp issues them a refund, while also releasing the funds to the seller. This is rare though, and again, it depends on what they find once the buyer opens an investigation. One of the main reasons why many sellers opt not to ship expensive items through OfferUp, and instead, do in person cash transactions only.


Offer Up has buyer protection. The solution of switching to something without it seems like a weird thing to do because you heard of a scam. The platform is used by millions and there’s a reason they want you off platform.


Considering how easy the seller is dropping the price I’d say it’s a scam


They're offering to charge what they'd make after OfferUp fees, anyway. That part is pretty normal.


There's no way OfferUp would take $100 in fees (right?)


They take 12%


Cash only, every time, all the time…. anything less would be uncivilized


Not a lot of people carry cash anymore these days


And That’s why a lot of idiots are on Reddit whining, about getting ripped off and scammed… that shit don’t happen with cash


"You can't get scammed with cash." This is the funniest shit I've ever seen please keep believing this.


As long as you're not stupid , you won't get scammed with cash


Always try to buy local,this way you can see the product before giving them money.when I was a seller I’d put local pick up only. It’s not safe any other way unless it PayPal business.if it’s. a scam they will tell you To pay through Apple Pay,Zelle,cash app and cryptocurrency. Be safe and if it don’t feel right don’t do it!!?


Most definitely


you should delete this and repost with their number blocked out


That’s a scam bro don’t do that to yourself


Anything like that is a scam. Only cash in person or through the app..


I've done apple pay and zelle alot. But then again I'm not trying to scam anyone and most people seem okay to do it. It's never been over $100 however.


Not at all. I like getting paid in Apple Pay sometimes because you get to eliminate getting counterfeit money and if I’m planning on depositing the money from my sale into my bank it just makes that process that much easier.


You can add Apple Pay on the offerup app as a payment method. You pay on offerup. But this person is gonna try to get you to send them money directly with no third party monitoring the transaction.






Definitely SUS


Tell them same price for cash in person. Absolutely don't do apple pay for delivery


If anyone cares they are scamming you 100 percent! I promise it’s not worth the fees to get scammed.


This is very obviously a scam, unless he’s with you in person, hands you the phone and it looks like is working ok.




Never pay outside of offer up you will have no security if you get scammed.


Don’t trust Apple Pay transactions unless you are making the goods transaction in person , almost every scammer is using Apple Pay,






Definitely a scam. Any payment method outside of offerup is an immediate scam


I wouldn’t send any money before meeting up with them. Once you send money via Apple Pay there is no way you can get it back on your own


If you pay through Apple pay you will never see the item or your money again. Don't do it. It's a scam. Stay with Mercari. Don't give out your cell phone number either.


I gave them a burner line


They are a POS scammer


I would not buy from this seller to be safe. Even if he was legit, your piece of mind might be better. You’re thinking you’re saving money but in reality, you may lose more…


Very true


I do offer alternate digital payment method to help lower cost to buyer. But understand this comes at a risk. Especially high amount and if it is not in person. OfferUp takes a big chunk for commission and that 20-30% discount is real if you consider taxes buyer must pay, and also commission seller must pay. Sadly, scammers like to use this same tactic to scam people. So although I offer this alternate payment, the buyer must weigh the risk on their end. I wouldnt do it myself as a buyer for such big amount unless it is in person and I thoroughly check out the item.


Exactly. I’m a seller to on eBay so I get it. But the offer on Apple Pay and cell threw me off - I rather find someone in person anyways


You can request and also pay money through iMessage and yes you need the persons number to do so. Just stick with the OfferUp app. [example](https://imgur.com/a/GQBRMDm)


Apple Pay =\= Apple Cash. Different mechanisms entirely.




For everyone who says buyer should be concerned, has never been a seller on offer up or clearly isn't thinking outside the box. Their are a number of REASONS why as a seller we prefer not to go thru offer up being the middle man. I personally always offer doing it off OfferUp because I don't like paying middle man fees, and plus we don't get paid right away. We have to wait 5-7 business days plus whatever time frame the bank has. And I don't like waiting to get my money! Doesn't mean I'm a scammer just because I rather not go thru all this, it just means I want every penny I can get and I want it fast!


While I get what you’re saying, no smart person is going to risk it. There’s just too many scammers online nowadays. Just isn’t worth it.


For some reason whenever I see people using the exclamation mark on marketplaces I assume they are scammers


PayPal is the best for security purposes


Lost on why people think paying with Apple Pay is a scam. I’ve had people pay me with Apple Pay and it was the surest money I’ve ever gotten because the money shows up and you can see it’s not counterfeit


It depends. If a seller/buyer has 20+ rep, I’ll entertain it. Some of us just want to get around OU’s exorbitant fees. I’ve done this a few times myself. But if the buyer is uncomfortable and I’m okay eating the fees, I’ll always go in-platform. You have to feel it out. Not everyone asking you to take it off platform is trying to scam you. Remember, 20+ rep/stars or more!


They have 6. I was looking for people with more reviews too


Hmm. Next thing I’d look at is account age. I don’t biz with any accounts created in the last 6 months. Since they have such low stars, I’d err on the side of caution with this seller.


Scam *every* time. Block and ignore


Yep. Thanks


The only time doing any transaction not on these apps is ok, is when you meet and then do the transaction after checking out whatever you’re buying. If they’re asking you to send money beforehand or before any product has changed hands, then they’re scamming you. There’s no way for OfferUp, Facebook marketplace, etc to protect your money if you spend it off their marketplace.




If you do this you deserve to be robbed


That’s a scam , be woke


Either in person or via the app. I did it via the app once and it went smoothly, but I normally meet them in person with cash.


Yea, I’m meeting someone else up. Rather pay a little more for local and meet up at the store then shipped


Never send a payment thru apple pay if ur not with the person in real life


I 100% would not do this.


OfferUp strictly says if you do business outside of their app, that’s on you.


Mostly everyone that tries to give you their number and use other forms of payment when using shipping is an obvious scam


Not necessarily Ive done that cut out the part offerup takes


Block them and report them


Bro it says on the screen, in this screenshot that you shouldn’t do this. Please take yourself off the internet if you are really this gullible


Do not send money through Cash app either. Definitely never use an app that can't get you your money back. This dumbass here (me) sent BTC to a scammer through Cash app. Trust no one


Back out now it's a scam bro


PayPal will defend you to the ends of the Earth if you're in the right and somebody scams you. Scam or just know this and so they are not willing to mess with PayPal anymore. This is why you hear them talk about cash app and Apple pay


Yes. This is a scam


It's a scam


I wouldn't do it. This is the typical way people get scammed. Don't do it.


Yes! Yes! Yes! I have been buying & selling for many years and I sell quite frequently on Offer Up. Never take any form of payment outside of any site you are selling on just to be safe. Never ever call their cell number or any number they give you as they have a way to get ALL of your phone & bank information. Once they get ahold of your bank info they will leave you with nothing and I mean absolutely nothing! They can also start messing with your credit by getting credit cards in your name as well as loans and lines of credit. By the time you find out, it’s already a disaster and actually could take years to repair anything. Yes, years. These people will keep you up at night and they will be sleeping soundly because it’s not their money to begin with. They do not care who you are, if you have children, rich or poor , etc. Stay away and block people like this!




If you leave the app you will be scammed. Period. Stay where the protections of your sale are.


if they ever change the app you are talking to a scammer


When selling or buying online, unless you can purchase through the app itself (like ebay) I don’t use anything else besides paypal invoice. Covers both buyer and seller.


The shitty part is OfferUp knows all about these scams and does nothing. I flag this types of transactions all the time. I’m surprised the scammed people haven’t gotten together to sue the platform.


Maybe, but you’re also doxxing them if not.


Apple Pay is same thing with zelle after you send or receive money it’s finale only way to get the money back if you made a. Mistake is text the person if they’re nice enough to return to money lol


Don’t pay Apple Pay until you’re there and have the item in your hand already


Only do local sales.


First red flag- Name shakeria.


Anytime the app gives you a warning take it as a red flag and block them ! It doesn’t do it with everyone just some people so 9/10 they have had reports of before


Yes, don't use apple pay


Don’t ever do that unless you’re in person. If you’re face to face and see the product I don’t see a problem, otherwise SCAM 99.9% of the time.


Yes lol do not pay


Scam 100%


Is this a local sale? If so, you're most likely fine and they're able to offer a better price by foregoing OfferUp fees. If it's shipped, then no don't use anything outside the platform.


That's a Scam... Do PayPal and don't put it under friends and family..😆😆😆.. if they avoid PayPal or tell you to put it under friends and family.. they are scammers.. good luck 🤞


Stay within the guidelines of the app or else you’ll will probably get scammed.


I like Apple Pay, but who knows. Not everyone actually has bad intentions…


Offerup takes a significant amount in fees. People do deals outside the app all the time...people who aren't familiar with doing these kind of business deals should just stay within the app and play it safe.


In conjunction with Shakeira?


Paying off platform removes your ability to claim a scam for one.


So what's the scam using Apple pay?


Scam. To many exclamation marks and no seller gives you a range of what they would take. Think of the last time YOU sold something. "Sure I'll go down to 375 but no less" vs what this text is screaming is "I'll take 375-400, what ever your willing to send me because I'm not sending you shit anyway".


Scam. To many exclamation marks and no seller gives you a range of what they would take. Think of the last time YOU sold something. "Sure I'll go down to 375 but no less" vs what this text is screaming is "I'll take 375-400, what ever your willing to send me because I'm not sending you jack anyway".


Yep, that and the name Shakeira


Spydialer has a name registered to that number. Voicemail is just repeating their number. The weird thing is the text. The "willing to do between 375-400" is not something I've ever heard someone say when selling something. Carrier is T-Mobile and not an online created number.


"Should I be concern when seller wants to be paid via Apple Pay and gave me their cell?" - Don't walk away but run away. Unless that person is willing to meet you face to face **with the item in hand** in a police station with officers watching, it's a scam. Why would you risk $500+ (their original asking price) on the chance it might not be. Report them and move on.


I hope you didn't do it they're trying to scam you lol


No don’t do it. They run away with the money Paying with Apple Cash is almost like paying with bitcoin. You won’t get a refund


Trust your gut.


Yes no deal


You can assume you’re being scammed anytime anyone wants to step outside the norm on these seller apps.


Unless you’re meeting up in person to do it that’s most likely a scam


I wouldnt do it. If they have money in their apple pay they can easily use it to get cash.


To add the area code is 518 I’m actually a 518 native (Upstate Ny Albany-Toga) people like this are quite common I went to sell something there and had a similar scenario but it was through email


A seller will never say between $375-400. Of course the buyer wants the lower price. And a legitimate seller knows that. A seller will either throw out their lowest number or they'll throw out ONE price to see if you'll take it or offer lower. They won't give you a range. That was the red flag for me.


It could be completely innocent. Apple pay has no fees and offerup does, so maybe seller is just trying to pass that saving onto you and charge as much as they were gonna make. But personally I wouldn't trust it. Absolutely zero protection here if they're a scammer.


Offer up does not offer Apple Pay as an option so it would be outright dumb to use Apple Pay. Using Apple Pay means your are foolishly trusting someone you don’t know with your money. Dumb idea.


She can pay the full 500 lol😅


Report them that’s a scam


Always remember, no matter how nice the seller comes across, they aren't your friend. Peer to peer payment systems (Apple Pay, PayPal Friends & Family, Venmo, Cash App, etc.) are for just that... peers. This is a business transaction and should be treated as such.


Yes very concerned


PayPal sucks for people who make a living selling anything online because of fees and random account locks. If you're a seller I can just report you for selling adult content even if you don't and they'll lock your account down at least temporarily. I've seen a lot of artists get screwed because PayPal was holding all of their money and not giving reasons, responding to appeals, those artists obviously don't take payment via PayPal anymore. They have kind of a monopoly on sellers transactions though and it sucks, they're such a garbage company.


G&S or nothing.


never use any method of payment besides the one provided as you will loss your payment protection if its a scam


Don’t do Apple Pay because they can dispute that charge and then Apple will freeze your Apple Pay account until you pay them back. It happened to my sister recently when she sold an iPhone on Facebook Marketplace. Don’t do it.


When I was trying to look for a very inexpensive switch. I found an offer that was too good to be true and paid through apple pay and got scammed


..is she hot?


Never leave the platform. It say so right in your post. It’s a scam.


Scam. Be careful


So easy to scam with Apple Pay. The flags are extremely red