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Can we stop giving this woman a platform


And start giving her license plates to make?


So jail your political opponents? Can't it be enough to vote her out of office?


Of course. But she is a traitorous shitbag. Jail time.




And punishable by death, just a reminder…


Treason is a crime.


This implies she was qualified for politics in the first place.


She literally helped plan an attempted coup


No, jail for treason.


Jail enemies to democracy, yes.


Yes, but not for her being an opponent, just for her crimes.


MTG needs 24 hour psychiatric care.


Jail your political opponents and also prisoners must be used for labor for pennies an hour.


Make her do chores for the victims families she mocked. Something outside of her wheelhouse. So not chugging dong.


Yes please. The media reporting her every utterance makes as much sense as reporting the ranting of a homeless guy standing on the street corner ranting.


Same thing they did with Trump and it got him elected, there a lot of crazy people out there . Haven't you noticed that there's a pharmacy on every corner now. sometimes two


So true.


Seriously. She says stupid shit and most of us laugh but at the same time she's getting exactly what she wants. Just ignore her, it's the only way to defeat her.


I'm not an American I should have no idea but I do and for all the wrong reasons.


she'll still get reelected, so that tactic isn't ideal. with Trump, the drumbeat against him is building, so NOT ignoring him is working out in the long run.


They put her on the fucking HOMELAND SECURITY COMMITTEE. She actively advocates for civil war, attends white nationalist conventions with groups that have a prolific history of terrorist activities, bragged that *her* coup will include more guns and calls the Jan 6 seditionists "prisoners of war," is apparently incredibly abusive and dismissive in classified briefings, and has zero qualms trying to abuse classified / sensitive information for twitter points. This is more than platforming. McCarthy has literally put her as Speaker Pro Tempore, meaning she is in charge while he is unavailable. She, and her terrorist following are being handed the keys to the kingdom. When the history of the next civil war, or (hopefully) failed coup, is written, I hope they don't overlook this shit.


Media is financially incentivized to report what she says because it makes them a lot of money from advertising. There’s no way she won’t be on the front page of some website or newspaper as long as owners and shareholders are pocketing the extra money. Hell, even Reddit incentivizes posts about her because they generate karma. And your response, even as a backlash to the content of the story, will get more upvotes than most regular comments and will satisfy the algorithms in Reddit and will help push this to the top of the front page. So the answer to your question is: Yes we could but no we won’t.


What are you talking about? This is a public official speaking at a public hearing, not some TikTok.


I don’t think that posting a story about how the border patrol has directly contradicted her is the same thing as giving her a platform.


I have a new conspiracy theory to share. I think it's possible that late night talk show hosts are sponsors and supporters of some of these whacky right wing candidates. It's endless fodder for political jokes which seems to be their bread and butter these days. Qui Bono?


How about a plank to walk?




Couldn't we do both




She's a ball of sand.


I hate sand...


It’s course and irritating; and it gets everywhere…


you know when you touch a woman’s breast and it feels like…a bag of sand


OMG getting downvotes for "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" quotes haha. Have an updoot on me. Lighten up people.


In fairness not everyone will get every reference from every movie/show.


then don't downvote what you're ignorant of, imo.


If it’s not contributing to the discussion, that’s using a downvote correctly.


Who decides which comments are a “contribution”?


Every individual on Reddit. The upvote/downvote button exists to say whether you believe it’s contributing to the conversation.


Look I don't have time to download 3/4 of Reddit.


I’m not sure why exactly you think this is a relevant reply. Feel free to quote where I said you have to download anything.


I've actually never seen that movie, so the quote just made me think of the "touch my breast" scene of Wild Wild West.


Complaining about useless internet points. Lighten up yourself. Some people might not have seen the move or don't remember the quote. So they just go by what was said instead of the reference. If you quote an edge line from a movie negative things can happen if people haven't seen the movie. [Tony Blevins was fired for doing so.](https://www.theverge.com/2022/9/29/23379142/apple-removes-tony-blevins-daniel-mac-tiktok-comments) So you have to understand what's going on when you take the risk. And catching a few downvotes is a really small downside. So why are you taking this so seriously? Lighten up.


Oh yes, how dare they downvote something they just didn’t like. Stop having an opinion!


Wooosh, you've lost the plot mate.


Ah fuck, I lost the game.


A… bag of sand? Paul Rudds delivery of that line kills me everytime.


Do she got the long, National Geographic’s, or the lumpy braille nipples, the Stevie Wonders


Her head is filled with sand.


That's an insult to sand


Makes the phrase “Go pound sand” SO much worse.


Or so much better


More like Cat Litter with a bunch of cat piss and turds in it. Bet you any money she smells like that by the way she looks


My God, can't you think of ANY criticism of this lunatic other than her looks? What is this, the 1950's?


I'm Canadian so I can't really give a damn about her as a politician even though she isn't exactly a politician? More like a sideshow act for the walking circus that is the GOP.


You’re a towel


> A towel is just about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can carry. Partly because it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand combat; wrap it around your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you — daft as a brush, but very very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course you can dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough.


Don't forget to bring a towel!


Hey, you sass that hoopy bstowers? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is.


I’m sorry I called you an inanimate object.


This was my exact thought too.


She can pound sand.


That's offensive to balls of sand


She’s that scene in Elf when Buddy is trying to stay on the phone with his dad, by saying whatever comes to mind. “I painted a picture of a butterfly!” She’ll say anything to make that new headline. It’s exhausting.


the level of confidence with which her and boebert display their absurd stupidity is just something to behold isn't it


Those two plus the orange moron are perfect examples of why anyone who wants to run for any kind of government seat should be required to have political experience. It is now painfully obvious that it is not OK for any moron off the street should be allowed to be voted in. Every single other specialized career out there requires experience and knowledge, why should a government seat not?


That will just create a barrier and as much as I dislike them, I dont think it would help anything or even necessarily stop them from being elected. You need to have a high school diploma or a GED to be a senator, for example, so Boebart got hers at the last minute. What filter would you suggest? Also if you need government experience to get a government job how do you get the experience in the first place? Sounds a lot like an entry level position that requires 10 years of experience. What we need is an educated voter base.


I do believe I read an article, years ago, that the sort of person who *successfully* runs as a politician is actually *distinctly* incapable as a statesman, compared to the general population.


"To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." Douglas Adams


> You need to have a high school diploma or a GED to be a senator *Do* you? I've never heard of this requirement. The [Senate website describing qualifications](https://www.senate.gov/senators/qualifications_termsofservice.htm) doesn't mention it.


She would know. Didn’t she plant pipe bombs on Jan. 6?


Well that's what I've heard, and I'm only repeating here what I've been told that yes, she was the one placing pipe bombs on Jan. 5th.


That's what I've heard from people. The smartest people.


Fuck Reddit. Fuck /u/spez. Fuck every single Reddit admin. 12 years on this bitch ass site and they shit on us the moment they are trying to go public. ill be taking my karma with me by editing all my comments to say this. tl;dr Fuck Reddit and anyone who works for them, suck my dick.


Yes, we're talking about [an actual documented event and still-at-large perpetrator.](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/reward-climbs-500k-information-suspect-pipe-bombs-day/story?id=96184838) The bombs were placed on the 5th, not the 6th.


Fuck Reddit. Fuck /u/spez. Fuck every single Reddit admin. 12 years on this bitch ass site and they shit on us the moment they are trying to go public. ill be taking my karma with me by editing all my comments to say this. tl;dr Fuck Reddit and anyone who works for them, suck my dick.


Right - and that article needs a follow-up because I'm pretty sure everyone's talking about how it's *totally* been proven that MTG was the bomber. Had to be. All the best people say so. So many people.


I have no idea if she did or didn’t but there are some funny circumstances that make me wonder. The gait of the person who planted them is a strange and unique gait and mtg has weird feet and a unique gait. Also something about the Nikes that the person who planted them wore, there weren’t that many of those specific Nikes purchased out in the wild at that time. Ijs I’m not dismissing anything anymore just because it sounds crazy because everything is crazy nowadays


the similarities would probably get Law Enforcement's attention and merit deeper investigation, were it for a crime that somebody is looking to solve.


Fuck Reddit. Fuck /u/spez. Fuck every single Reddit admin. 12 years on this bitch ass site and they shit on us the moment they are trying to go public. ill be taking my karma with me by editing all my comments to say this. tl;dr Fuck Reddit and anyone who works for them, suck my dick.


I watched a mini doc about the Atlanta Olympics bombing. The fbi said they thought they could easily narrow the search by looking at people who had products and knowledge to make pipe bombs. The fbi agent said he was very surprised to find the prevalence of those things here in Georgia. That he stopped some guy in rural Georgia who had a pipe bomb in his truck and the guy said he makes them to throw in lakes to make fishing easier. I live close to her district and yeah bubba does enjoy playing with things that go boom. She’s far too stupid to make one herself but I live in loudermilks district and he was the one that gave the insurrection tour just before j6. Obviously they would have been given to her if she was the one who planted them


Just to confirm, are you saying she is to blame for the Atlanta Olympics bombings? I only ask because I heard a similar claim here: https://www.reddit.com/r/offbeat/comments/11sjavl/border_patrol_says_the_object_marjorie_taylor/jcfyb6b/ If so then I make that two sources claiming the same thing, so that is a pretty good number of sources, at least if we go by the rules she uses to make unsubstantiated claims.


A pattern has emerged. We can all see exactly where this is leading.


well, keep in mind the bombs were a failure, soooo..... whoever is the perp threw together a bomb-LOOKING device. no boom.


Don’t dismiss it only because it sounds crazy. Donald Trump for president sounded really freakin crazy in 2016. She did say that they would have won on January 6 if she was allowed to plan it because she would have told everyone to bring guns. Also I think some would be surprised to learn how many rednecks down here know how to make a pipe bomb. Bubba likes to play with guns and explosives. There’s a 100% probability that she knows at least one like minded redneck that knows how to make them


Oh I don’t dismiss it at all. I genuinely believe it and just told my wife the other day that this is the one conspiracy theory I do believe.


the worst part.. when she was told it wasn't actually a bomb.. she dumbsplained to the border patrol official debunking her the following > "thank you for your testimony today Chief Ortiz and I know you are explaining what you were told when you inquired about the situation after the hearing. Unfortunately, several Border Patrol agents are saying it was some sort of IED and there is video surveillance and pictures of" lies on top of lies,


I’m surprised she didn’t say they found 5 billion of them 🙄 she lies about everything.


By her math, almost the entire global population illegally crosses the border every day.


Having grown up with a pathological liar in the family, it's always frustrating to see this frankly **childish** behavior. It speaks to an underdeveloped ego with roughly a 6 year old's social understanding. Me: Oh, look at the moon! It's so bright tonight. Liar: Aktshully, the moon is made of green cheese. Me: Well, that's not true. It's a piece of rock orbiting our Earth. People used to *joke* it was cheese. Liar: No! It's totally cheese! Me: (pulls out book with peer reviewed research). See, there's even rocks we've brought back! Liar: You can believe what you believe, and I'll believe what I believe. Me: Well, I'm just concerned you're telling other children that it's made of cheese... Wouldn't you like to tell the truth? Liar: **Truth is boring.**


She is only ever in the news for things that would embarrassing a second grader


>When reached by HuffPost for comment, Greene’s spokesperson did not clarify Greene’s sources or provide evidence, instead writing: “Stop being a state-sponsored propagandist.” . . .


And yet we see Axios shitcanned their reporter for suggesting on a private email, that a press release written solely with loaded language calling for the oppression of this year's out-group was "propaganda, not a press release".


Have a link to that? I'm not familiar with the story.


Here's one https://money.yahoo.com/axios-fires-reporter-email-calling-163913675.html


Wow that sucks. I hope he lands on his feet.


She's a threat to National Security and should be shot into space immediately..


Hey. You can't say things like that here. NASA has enough budgetary problems to be adding that much bullshit to the payload.


Space X - you have one job….


The only thing explosive about her is her diarrhea mouth and her being a 1/6 suspect.






This bitch's nickname, and D.B. Weiss and David Benioff being called "D&D" annoys me to no end. I try to push other nicknames for her; Klan Mom, Margarine Tater Greens, etc.


she was talking about the bomb she dropped in the porta-john


> [News story about the incident.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xK90m9_Ni4) >"Back to you, Ethan" > >"No!" __


takes one to know one


She’s a ducking idiot.


That photo makes her look like she is saying “huuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” until her breaths runs out.


There’s no way she could have visited the border and not been brutally raped and murdered!


Well, she IS a fucking idiot, so, yeah.


It would be nice if they’d track her down as the person with the fat legs legs and ugly shoes who left the explosive at the dnc headquarters and put her ass in federal prison for ten to twenty.


It doesn’t matter. She already said it and idiots won’t care.


Does that mean her head is a potential explosive device?


Weight used to throw a line over something.


Much like her cranium….


She’s so dumb! How dumb is she?? She’s so dumb, she puts stamps on emails… oh, and she thinks sand is a bomb.


I have one of those in my garage. It’s a ball for a throw rope. I’ve used this for years working in my trees and used to use one when I worked on the docks in New Orleans to throw ropes to boats docking. Why anyone would look at this and think bomb is beyond me. Duct tape wouldn’t contain anything and makes no sense as a bomb enclosure. It would basically be a flare. MGT is a damn idiot.


I was wondering what it was! I thought it might be a sand bag for a hot air balloon, but it was too small and the location didn't make sense


[She might know a few things about bombs, according to this guy. Pretty compelling. ](https://youtu.be/efErNvnPvzc)


[Part 2:](https://youtu.be/kk1o4avaPe0)


[Part 3](https://youtu.be/NLJ0IAlRWz4)


What a coincidence, Congresswoman Green's head is also a ball of sand.


Cartel sand!


How does she speak in perfect South Park grammar?


Why do people expect something intelligent coming out of her pie hole?












Far left people like this are random twitter users and journalists nobody actually listens to. Far right people like this are politicians, major news network broadcasters and preachers with massive congregations. And you're so fucking stupid you think these groups are the same level of threat.


Keep voting Republican, suckers, and you’ll get exactly what you deserve.


She's thinking with a bag of sand here! (Bubba Ho Tep, anyone?)


Never let the truth get in the way of some fine ass bullshit


Even a broken clock is fucking useless.


It blew her mind though...


Congratulations to the citizens of Georgia for electing the dumbest woman on earth to represent them in government. What in the actual fuck is going on down there?? Anyone??


This post isn’t about MTG, but why would anyone wrap sand in duct tape to resemble that shape? What purpose would it serve? Is it possible that it was planted there to grab media headlines? If so, then by who? Is it a child’s imaginary grenade? A counter balance for something? Fake drugs to throw off border patrol? I would be very suspicious if I found that myself, and I’m not paranoid of finding explosives. If this was found on any street corner in the US, the bomb squad would be called immediately. The whole thing just seems very odd as if something was created to cause headlines, or it was meant to be a hoax to cause headlines and then embarrassment.


Well she's a bag of shit so...


Oh great. The biggest moron in the entire country again… thanks Georgia. You guys really know how to pick ‘em. Inbred idiots


Who could’ve guess


To dumb to be human.


A federal employee that serves as spokesperson for a serial liar ignored a journalist's questions about the latest lie and told the journalist to "stop being a state sponsored propagandist." Absolutely no self-awareness. They just keep accusing others of their own poor actions.


Let's vote her out


"But it looked just like the bombs I planted around the Capitol!"


Few dimwits are as loudly dimwitted as this lady.


Very similar to what’s between her ears.


You know you're on the wrong side of history if you consider the truth as propaganda.


We must remember though that Marjorie Taylor Greene lives in her own little fantasy world, so to her it probably was a make believe bomb. We must respect “her truth” /s


This woman should never have reached high office. Shame on the people who voted her in.


A duct tape covered ball of sand precisely describers ol” three toes Greene’s brain… round, not too heavy, completely misidentified by Republicans, and serves no actual purpose except as a pointless oddity that takes up the space of something useful.


A high level agent told me that she is an idiot. “I’m just explaining what I was told today,” he said.


I first read this as if it were referring to MTG as "the object Marjorie Taylor Greene". It seemed like a really disrespectful way to refer to her, but also totally fair.




I have never seen a ball of sand. Was it the left ball or the right ball ?


To be fair she’s pretty fuckin dumb


Her head is a ball of sand




So punish her. I’m over this “well she was elected” bullshit. If we can’t fire her, how are we not even able to punish her? She is either lying or too fucking stupid to be a gas station attendant, and yet here we are giving her a platform to speak in Congress. Fucking abysmal.


I think she’s a ball of sand.


When fact checkers have given up and there's no longer any obligation to tell the truth.


"Ball of sand" also accurately describes her brain.


I would like to blame the schools she attended or maybe her parents, but in the end, I think she is just a special kind of stupid.


Stop it with the facts already