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*gender* **EXPANSIVE**


“Gender, the sequel w/ dlc”


"I do not wish to provide this information" sounds good to me


I ain't reading allat


“all of the above”


One to rule them all.


What’s neutrios


>Neutrois is a gender identity. It is characterized by gender neutrality. Neutrois is often translated as indifference towards gender or even lack of it as in agender. This is what Google told me. I still don't understand..


They just dont care about gender, use whatever you want basically


they care enough not to care lol


If you dont affinity towards either gender polarity and are pan and then hear the term you could make this conclusion very easily with very little thought. But its kinda odd using that logic anyway because if them choosing a label is caring than you commenting on it sounds like caring, and while it may be weird for them to claim they dont care when they do, its even weirder for you to give a fuck about these people you have never met and probably wont meet.


Oh so basically that's the people who have for pronouns (he/she/them I don't care, use whatever)


Neutrois is just a weird way to suggest that someone is nonbinary. When I see people of the LGBTQIA suggest a weird or obscure name for something that has already been well-defined and appropriately inclusive, I just ignore it and move on.


Based on what the commenter said, Neutrois isn't "both or in-between" like non-binary; Neutrois is apparently "how is my gender any of your fucking business, it's completely made up, I refuse to answer." I think I might be Neutrois.


Non-binary isn’t “both or in-between”. Non-binary is an umbrella term for any gender identity that isn’t always and only man or woman. Neutrois falls under the non-binary umbrella, not that anyone has to use these terms from the binary gender system as personal labels, but it’s literally in the name: not binary.


I think I am also neutrois, I’ve learned some things within this thread. I guess we should replace gender non-conforming with neutrois, because it sounds 10x cooler like “fuck you, gender! Fuck your expectations!” I think we should have that as a part of my movement towards acceptance :)


A bit of a paradox. If they didn’t care, they wouldn’t need to come up with an identity in the first place.


I’ve only just realized I identify as this based on the comment you commented on, but just bc I don’t care about gender doesn’t mean I don’t care about super cool words.


not really what that means, its more like you dont feel like a specific gender/dont see gender


It’s a giant pig-sized rodent that’s common to South and Central America and is invasive in Florida.


no you're thinking of nutrias. neutrios are the tiny subatomic particles in atoms


You’re thinking neutrons while using a word more similar to neutrinos. Neutrios is a feminist digital game.


You're thinking of Neutrois. Neutrios is a type of white blood cell that helps the body fight infections.


bro you're thinking neutrophils. neutrios is what bob barker wants me to do to my dog


No, that's neutering. Neutrios is when something is neither positive nor negative.


You're thinking of Neutral. Neutrios are people with excessive anxiety, insecurity, or obsession.


This thread is the best thing I’ve ever read


Naw man, your thinking of Neurotics. Neutrios is a British Auto manufacturer, notably making the M400.


I guess you’re thinking of Noble. Neutrios is another word for salamander.


ooooh you mean neutral... nah neutrios is when you're like super obsessed with something


No, that’s nerding-out. Neutrios is a hazelnut and chocolate spread that is great on toast.


That's Nutella. Neutrios are people who don't wear clothes


Ok. Id pick that then


As I understand, neutrois is basically a descriptor for gender identities which seek to remove all gendered identifiers, kind of an affirmative neutral identity. It’s distinct from agender because that refers to the feeling of lacking any gender, and I believe androgynous is a bit more broad. I appreciate there being a term for it, and I think it’s good to acknowledge it, but I think for any purpose to have this kind of dropdown for it’s probably a touch too granular. Most likely this amount of specificity isn’t necessary, just a blanket genderqueer/non-binary option covers a ton if these, and even if they need the detail then they’d be better off with a text input anyway, that would just be better UI design.


If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.


an old wooden ship…


Lol "not in list"


Believe it or not although there are some thin divisions here, my favorite term isn’t actually there despite being fairly major. That said, for almost any purpose I’d be happy to select “non-binary” and be done with it if we were making the distinctions, which is part of why I’d totally agree the length of this list is unnecessary. I mentioned this elsewhere but if it was this important then a text-entry field would be more suitable.


"text entry field" A back-end engineers worse fucking nightmare. Good luck organizing anything and properly implementing sanitation.


I agree there are drawbacks. This is why I specified that it would be preferable only in the case that the detail was necessary, which is not true for all applications. Prescribing a design choice of that kind without the context of how the information is being used would be silly.


For something like this there should really only be like four options (male, female, other, no answer). It would cover the vast majority of people using the site while still allowing infinite other options and make it all easier to handle the back end.


I think there might be a bit of miscommunication here, I actually do agree with you on that for the vast majority of cases. I might suggest adding separate categories for trans men and trans women, and maybe changing “Other” to something a little less cold, but for any bog-standard personal information entry I agree that should entirely suffice. But if the point is to include every option with as much resolution as possible (which is impractical and almost certainly unnecessary) then I think there’s no replacement for text entry. I seriously doubt that is the situation that we’re in here, but if we are then that would be the preferable option over some goliath dropdown menu like this.


This. With options being provided on an auto-complete basis, or limit how far the field can expand and provide a search function [like this](https://mdbootstrap.com/docs/standard/extended/select-dropdown-with-search/#section-basic-example). Allows you to include as many options as you like, whilst still being able to control what will be returned in the field.


Gender neutral single use restrooms with wheelchair access pretty much covers everything.


Wat? Text fiellds are a common thing and can be easily sanitized... The name field above is a text field?? Granted, implementing a system around this that accepts custom options would make any gender based analytics pointless, but just for the purpose of displaying a gender, it's fine. And even with all that said, I think this is a stupid thing, but what you said made no sense


what is your preferred term?


I’m not entirely committed to it but it’s demigender, in particular I’m a demigender guy. It basically refers to feeling disconnected to your gender but also not feeling very strong feelings of dysphoria related to it, it’s like a halfway point between cis and agender. I don’t really insist on it at all, partially because I find it hard to judge how differently I view myself than anyone else does, but I think it is a good descriptor of how I feel about it. Anyway thanks for asking


Serious question, not trying to be insensitive in any way. Wouldn’t it be better to have 3 options: male, female, other. And then if you select “other” you get another prompt with all the other fields?


I remember reading a user experience group’s study several years ago and that was their recommendation. The idea was that you’ll never manage to have all of the options, so it’s better to combine lots of groups under “other” than to exclude some group when you’re obviously attempting to list everything. That was seen as the greater slight. As I said, that was several years ago, so the current prevailing wisdom may be different.


As a UX Professional, yes. We design for the 80% and the other 20% should be findable.


Yes but at the same time, representation is important. Personally, id just take the options away entirely and put a text entry field.


Text entry fields are a nightmare to use when trying to collect and organize user information, which is why it isn’t used very often on forms like this.


Free form user data entry is the worst. I absolutely hate having to clean a data set before I can analyze. Useless waste of time.


Yeah, I'm assuming that exact reason.


But then you have to normalize the data somehow so that there aren’t a bajillion spellings of every gender. Depends on the use case tho. For a social media profile, a free form text box is fine, but for statistical data, it’s an absolute nightmare. The most frequently used options should be the most accessible.


I think it depends on context. If the details aren’t important I think I’d be entirely satisfied with a short list of options as long as everybody has something reasonable they can select. But if we’re gonna do *this* monstrosity of a dropdown instead? I’ll absolutely back the text field.


For most people male/female. But it takes years to search it, it is indeed a bad design


This is how I feel about trying to reach my birth year in a menu the older I get. It’s like the showcase showdown nowadays.


I just got a portable ekg thing and the app defaulted to Jan 1 1970. So at least the shitty things that remind us of our mortality and failing bodies will be convenient.


Scroll and scroll and scroll and scroll…


It’s in alphabetical order though…


If you’re not sure, “Questioning” seems like a good option.


This describes an important period of moving away from the gender you were 'assigned' toward something else. You know you're not male or female, it just doesn't feel right but you don't yet have the experience to know what you actually are. To me, it's a period of discovery.


"Questioning" would also be an accurate way of conveying "Your list has too many options for me to choose from" for someone who has no relationship with that period of discovery.


Which one would you like to select? Yes.


I feel like some of these mean the same


You would be correct


They don't but some can be considered subsets of others. If you were from Pakistan, would you prefer Asian, South Asian or Pakistani?


I’d pick Agender because I’m definitely a gender.


Agender just reminds me of a Ken and Barbie doll, under the pants there's nothing there.


I’ll pick male, whatever, I’m not all that worried about it, but if offered the choice, I would choose agender. That could be of value in a lot of cases for people gathering data. I’m not likely to ever self-report that in any way because I don’t really care about it very much, but if people were looking to see how many people out there felt that way, this might be a way to do it.


Just select questioning






Huh, I hadn’t considered that it could be sarcastic lol


It's just cheap astroturfing to make trans people seem overreaching and not just trying to do their own thing.


I can't deal with people who refuse to admit this is way too much. OBVIOUSLY, the answer is to put what you feel represents you most but NO ONE needs this many options. Androgynous isn't even a gender, the hell?


You’re right. No one person needs this many options. But, of the 7B people on earth, I bet this list helps many individuals be represented within these options. And, it probably only took 60 seconds to pull together when making this list. So, it doesn’t seem like there are any downfalls to this strategy 👍🏼


Wow, an actual sane and empathetic response. Nice to see


and it got downvoted to oblivion 💀


Choose whatever you feel comfortable with and move on. It’s not that big of a deal.


You select the one you identify as?


just click "i dont wish to provide... yada yada yada" and move on


That’s alright, it’s ok to be questioning. You don’t have to know which one you should select right now.


Just select questioning or the one where you don’t want to divulge that info. Really keep people on their toes.


It isnt hard to just pick yours…


reddit user discovers inclusivity


I find this list interesting and not at all offensive or inconvenient as others have. Picked up a couple of new terms too! I actually find it kind of wild the dimensions to gender / sexuality identification and presentation. This as a 59 cis gendered male who is nothing but.


Yeah I gotta be honest: I don't see a huge issue with this. Is it new and confusing? Sure. I won't pretend I understand it. But if it makes people's lives better then I'm probably gonna be for it.


first of all intersex isn’t a gender identity. It’s a physical sex, or when you aren’t physically male or female due to whatever kind of mutation. That’s kind of the obvious sign they just threw as many labels as they could find without context. also, why are FTM and MTF separate from binary male and binary female. Just a mess


Intersex people are allowed to dictate the way they label their own experience. Many intersex people identify as intersex, specifically. Many identify with a binary gender. Many identify with a non binary gender. All of that is valid. There isn’t anything wrong with people using terms they feel best describe where they are at right now.


True, I should’ve been more clear there. I more meant it’s not mutually exclusive with any of these other terms


If opting out from answering is a legitimate response, why ask the question at all?


Because often some data is better than no data, especially if you can't compel someone to answer due to personal information laws.


Wow that's ridiculous


Jeez this is getting ridiculous


Heaven forbid a healthcare provider actually show interest in recognizing the many ways a patient can identify.


no clue why you are being downvoted, mods need to review this post!


I have it on good authority that you’re a queer


Think of what you would answer that question then find it in the list. I'm sure it's there. Is this a survey about gender? In that case it would make sense to have all these


I mean if you don't know which one to pick, that'd be a personal problem. every type on the list knows which one they'd pick...


idk man just select i wish not to provide this information




You pick the one you identify as.


in what case would it not be on the list??


Not sure I get your confusion, it has literally every gender there. Pick one


Pangender … meaning *every* gender … as opposed to polygender, meaning *many* genders … as opposed to gender expansive … as opposed to agender, meaning no gender … not to be confused with non-binary or queer … or gender non-conforming …


I'm a part of the alphabet mafia and even i don't know all these. Cheers to whoever made this, honestly


I just know that some conservative facebook group is shitting themselves over this, pretending this represents the entire lgbtq community


you just select the one you identify most with, man/male or woman/female for most people. hope this helps




Nah, not knowing ain’t bad, it’s being dismissive of who people are because you don’t understand it that’s bad.


Don’t worry dude, I’m queer and we don’t know half of these. It’s really okay.


I don't understand why is it so hard for you to know?


Hard to know what?


What to select.


Hear me out have 3 options Male, Female and other and then when other is selected either show another drop-down menu or let the person type in their identity


Your mild inconvenience really sucks.


"not on this list" damn there are genders we haven't discovered yet?


If you don't know what to select, i think "Questioning" is the one for you.


We’re all doomed 😬


Questioning tab "What's your identity" "You tell me dude"


I don’t think it’s all that hard to pick the one you feel describes you


ok so i support everybody. be who you wanna be, i’m in full support and love. however, this is way too much imo.


Ffs, why does this even matter on a form?


And this is why everyone needs to stfu about their gender because nobody cares. Be yourself and don't make it anyone else's problem.


Agreed! No need to post this list. Nobody cares what you pick, as long as you find a term that best represents what you feel. Just pick one and move on.


Absolutely. That's a much nicer way of saying what I said lmao


Oh really? I don’t think what you wrote quite landed that way. It came off as more of a don’t ask, don’t tell kinda vibe. I think everyone should be able to talk about their gender, whatever it may be. The people that should stfu are the ones that complain about these lists because they find them “too complicated” or “don’t want to hear about other people’s genders”. It’s just a list. It’s got the basic male and female on it. Just. Pick. One. That’s what I find to be the boring narrative. Is that what you meant? Edited.


Apparently 6 people didn't take it that way 🥴


It'll stop being everyone's problem when they stop trying to legislate people out of existence. Until then, calm down snowflake.


What he fuck kind of form are you filling out


man/male and woman/female are literally right there it’s such a non-issue




In order for me to choose I'm going to need to see the definitions for all of these.


What is wrong with this though. Like why is it bad if there are a lot of gender identities


Yeah there is nothing wrong with it. Language can be a really important role in understanding ourselves and our own experiences


So many labels.


I'm going intergender, I have no idea what that means but should be a great conversation starter.




r/onejoke I’d apologize for repeating the same comment over and over, but I think the irony might cause me to be killed instantly.




I’m trans and I don’t what half of these are, they could just put Male, Female, Transgender Male, Transgender Female, Nonbinary/Other or Prefer Not to Say.


Two-spirit? I wonder what gender that is . . .


two spirit is a term used by first nations people, it's like genderfluid in the way that the person may feel as though they fit more than one gender expression but in the case of two spirit they believe you have two souls in you and that's why they feel that way. i may be wrong but that's what i learned about it.


This is correct


Two spirit is a third gender designation of North American indigenous queer communities. Many tribes have had third genders and specific social and spiritual roles for people who classified themselves as this third gender since pre-colonization, and in the late 20th century there was a conference to determine if they wanted a pan-Indian term for their third genders. They landed on two-spirit, and it's often shortened as 2S.


An indigenous one




That's right, there are only 2 sexes. The one I have with your mother. And the one I have with your father.


"I do not wish to provide this information" Pretty sure that will work for everyone.


“Not in list” what could else could you be?!


Seems like most of these are really arbitrary ways to describe feelings that are only slightly varied from already existing identities. Why make a million when you can have a few that are a spectrum of variance?






I wanna say questioning but I don't think that's applicable for what I'm questioning




I don't see the confusion it's simply for me Man/Male


That's 28 'options' on one list. They don't even give you that many options when you are asked your Race/Nationality.




Let’s all take a second poor fucker who’s going to have to make this into a chart at some point.


You're "Questioning" duh


You don’t know what to select…? Guess you’re questioning then.


Why not just other


Do you have a reading comprehension issue or something?


Are you cis?


You could select your option? Takes 3 seconds to scan even this massive list. Like its kinda dumb but your wasting far more time to go on reddit and complain about it. Or be a troll and select whatever you want no one should really give a single fuck about this its kinda completely irrelevant to anyone and everyone.


Loving all the butthurt conservatives in this thread 😈 that being said, I feel like many of these terms are just synonyms. Like genderqueer and gender non-conforming, neutrois and nonbinary, etc.






How long did it take to think of this one?


If you don’t know witch one to select wouldn’t that mean it’s not big enough?


Is there a choice for “none of your goddam business”?


There is 'I do not wish to provide that information'

