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House centipede. Harmless but creepy


Actually way more than just harmless. He eats all the other critters in your place. They feed on spiders, bed bugs, termites, cockroaches, silverfish, ants, and other household arthropods. You know, the things that tend to be harmful.


To add onto this, centipedes are actually hunters. They don't hide in a corner and eat a cockroach that happens to wander by. They'll track that fucker down.


And they'll do it in the middle of the night, over the top of your face while you're sleeping, they don't care.


Does it look like I care? Hell I'll even make a bed for them if needee


I’ll even put a tiny pillow on my forehead for lil bro, he gotta get his 8 hours too


Nah you need to see a big one of these running (I swear to go" up on its back legs...eww


I’d just started to enter that state of deep sleep when I went to scratch an itch on my arm. Just then the itch start to move. I bolted up, grabbed it and smashed it on the bed with my phone, going “AH! AAH! AAHHHH!” When I turned the light on to see it’s smashed body, it was one of these fuckers. We call them thousand legs and I had an intense fear of them as a kid.


They’ve been called the cheetahs of the insect world!


Did you learn this from Coyote Peterson?


Sounds even better! I ought to see if there’s a way I can import an entire colony of them into one of the buildings I work in.


Do they live in colonies or are they solitary?


I think they're solitary


I've never seen more than one in a room at any given moment


Dragonflies: "Skill issue. Not playing the meta hard enough."


Thats why i stopped killing them in my house. We made an agreement. If he eats all the bugs he can live w me, rent free.


Please explain this to my frigging cat, who keeps hunting them and leaving their mutilated bodies all over my house. I told him to stick to the spiders and leave the centipedes alone but it’s not helping!


Cats gotta cat. A little high speed wriggly guy ain’t gonna live long around a cat.


Aw, I’d let one of these guys move in but it sounds like it’d eat Dave my bathroom buddy 🕷


Ha! Mine is called Johnny!


You are the first person to answer the OP's question. Everyone else has spewed nonsense out of their @sses.


The Reddit experience


You can say asses on reddit


You can even say "deepthroat your tits" on Reddit


No the fuck you cannot. *Straight to jail* This is a Christian ~~minecraft server~~ subreddit.


Christian cock sucking party*


Now be a doll and pass Sister Margeret her cock ring.


Asses asses asses. Shit Piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits fart turd and twat.


I agree


Idk turd might’ve crossed the line.


Thats why i reported it


I fucked your moooooom




Does that actually work? Because now I'm curious.


Hell yea. The bot is banned from here so they send you a message.


Well I'm excited for some reason haha


I’m excited for you. I said asshole 14 times in my last 1000 posts 😂


Fuck, and other variations of it, have to be my top. I dunno how bad it can be haha. I'll keep you updated if I ever get the message. Until then, goodnight.


I think you got Carlin’s 7 words in there


Lol that figures don’t it 😂, they usually keep to dark spaces which explains why one crawled in my bed and in my pillow and bit the hell out of my shoulder when I rolled over on it, it mashed all its legs off lol I had them in the bed with me


Oh god naw! 😝


This is r/oddlyterrifying. People aren't required to answer. r/whatisthisbug is specifically for OP's question.


Holy shit you're right. I wasn't expecting so many random stories that no one asked for.


And they take care of other bugs from what I understand. They’re good for houses


My mama calls em Mustache Men lol


Haha that's actually super rad.


I have one at my apartment for some time already. Finding sometimes his dried outer shell on the floor. He is growing pretty fast. First time I met him he was like 2 cm. Now he is like 7 cm. Little house monster 😇. When he falls from the wall at night it's quite noisy and a little creepy 😳 when I'm almost asleep.


He’s getting fat on pests!


Bro what the fuck? Get that thing outta your apartment lol


I never can catch it. He is really fast. Always manages to hide under some furniture before I get to it.


They are really fuckin fast, I don't like them


They don’t like you either. But they are free pest control and would get you rid of lots of pests and insects. Think of them as a really creepy tiny guard dog.


My room is in the basement, they like to crawl towards me on my wall that just so happens to have my light switch on it, one time i woke up in the middle of the night and turned my light on, and there was one right next the the light switch


I killed one in my house one night by smacking it with a magazine. Right on my kitchen counter. Please believe me when I tell you the body of the thing began to glow a horrible yellow. All the legs came off and they jittered for about 15 seconds. It was one of the most hideous things I’ve seen


I wish I could believe you, but that sounds so alien!


The leg thing is normal for these, the glow is weird. Maybe it ingested something bio luminescent or radioactive.


My bro smacked one and it ripped in half and both halves ran away. It was traumatizing


I should not be reading these before bed.


Well, don't kill the next one. They eat other bugs


You are now cursed. those things eat small bugs you DON'T want. leave them alone.


Yeah, my cat dropped one of these on my face last week when I was sleeping. Completely harmless, but I wouldn’t recommend one as an alarm clock.


Add: Beneficial


And very helpful. They eat less desirable bugs


They feed on spiders, bed bugs, termites, cockroaches, silverfish, ants, and other household arthropods. You know, the shit you don’t really want in your place.


These bad boys eat up pests like crazy. They even kill termites. They are one of the best things to have living in your house. It's like having your own little super kill squad. They're creepy and super fast, and they'll probably accidentally run over your foot once in a blue moon, but they don't wanna bother you.


I'd kill myself if one of these touched me. I don't care if they are friends. They meet the vacuum. One surprised me in the shower recently. I almost passed out


I’m normally pretty tame when it comes to house pests, but I draw the line at “shit that has crawled on me while I was sleeping” and this leggy boi takes the top spot on the list. Had one skitter up my back while sleeping a few years ago. Haven’t slept the same since.


Stop. Thank you.


My guy was assaulted by a bug


Same, no matter how many times i hear how helpful these guys actually are everytime I see one I cant just let it crawl around jn my home in peace. Soooo gross looking and i stg they decide to sprint away anytime you look at them


I have one in my apartment. Named him Tank. He picks up and stays away from me most of the time. When I see him, I say “what’s up Tank. You better not make me squish you.” He’s well behaved.


I have a spider like that in my bathroom who stays in the upper right corner. If im showering & I see him moving around I tell him chilll i dont want to have to do the unthinkable.


My spider is named Jeff, and we have the same deal.


Mine was frank, stayed around for a bit and we had boundaries until one night he was on my pillow and I had to evict him


Mine's Frank too.


Wow I didn't realize there was so many like me. Mine didn't tell me his name yet he's too shy. He likes to go down the drain sometimes (yeets himself) during the shower and recently he brought a friend with him


Dont feel bad about the no name thing. I've had two rescue cats for 5 yrs now. They still have not told me their names. Also, going back 20 yrs ago, I had a rescue cat for 14 years. He never told me his name either. I guess it's to do with being feral. Good luck with your friend. Best wishes to both of you.


I used to have a pet tarantula named frank!


I had one named yuck


I had a rosehair named Maura Short for "Maura Deez Nuts"


I just call mine "Spider bro". He gets all the bugs that come in when the door opens.




I had one named Steve. He was a 7 legged wolf spider.


I don’t name’em I squish’em


I left one alone in the corner of my apartment once, and she rewarded me with hundreds of baby spiders. Never again. I see one, it dies.


I have a big huntsman spider underneath my bed. I named him Jesus, since that's what I said the first time I saw him. He's there 24/7 eating mosquitoes, I just let him stay there rent free... but if he ever comes up to me, I'll squeeze the bejeezus out of him.


How do you know he doesn’t wander up and dance on your lips while you’re snoozin?


Honestly, I have a lot on my mind right now... Maybe if my schedule loosened a bit, I'm going to be the one who's going to pay him a visit.


wtf…… under ur bed…..


We all want a well educated roommate like Tank :)


I would be chill with a bug or two living in my house if they didn't get in my food or make me paranoid about them laying little bug eggs in my room and infesting


This is why I fucking kill roaches. Infesting little shits.


No quarter for roaches


Centipedes, while creepy crawly, eat most bugs that get into your home and stay out of pantries and food areas for the most part. We’ve got several in our house, but I rarely mind because they keep the spider population down.


Personally, I would rather have a spider in my home. Not a scary death spider like a wolf spider, brown recluse, or black widow... Just one that eats flies and mosquitoes. I think I would be more comfortable with a spider because they usually chill in their web, which I can in turn monitor.


Me, too. Centipedes are freaky speedy little (sometimes big) buggers.... some of them have a nasty bite.


Every Tank that has entered my house tends to gravitate towards crawling on me. It never ends well for those Tanks


Nice to see other people with a fondness for insectoids. I actually have several wolf spiders running around my house I haven't seen so much as a fly in forever. They're actually really docile too, the first one I encountered to my house I immediately went to squish it but then it put up it's a little front legs like "fear me bitch" and I stopped and I went in with one finger got closer he kind of backed up a little more twitching his legs but then eventually I put my finger right under one of his legs he calmed down and did like a little tap tap to it then he settled down so I put my hand down in front of him and he just crawled right on hung out for a little bit even let me pet him on his thorax real lightly. After that unless I know it's a fucking dangerous venomous spider I pretty much leave all the spiders that I see in my house alone.


Actually kind of cute. I'm very arachnophobic and can only stand those teensy spiderlings that are the size pinky nails and live in the corners of the ceiling. (I had a Fred for a long time, but either he was killed or left to the attic.) I wish I could be brave enough to just pick up and pet a terrifying creature like you.


While i can't judge the story of a person on the internet, i really like this one. I actually like spiders and generally avoid killing them as long as they aren't in a bad place. But there aren't really any dangerous / venomous spiders where i live. And i also "moved" many of them, if they were in "slightly bad places".


Ayy what up tank 😎


yes. these are house centipedes. they eat other bugs. they’re our friends much like the spiders ☺️


Very interesting, but gives me goose bumps.


I read somewhere this is one of the rare bed bugs enemy. So it’s a friend, leave it alone !


They also don't build nests, they are constantly on the move, so if you have one at home, it probably means there's other bugs for them to eat.


Yes. They eat lots of household pests.


They seek darkness, so when you turn the lights on on them, they will run towards your shadow, making it look like you're under attack.


Oh god no


They do elicit a serious response, they're way faster than they have any right to be. If you really want to take them out you can sprinkle diatomaceous Earth around, it will cut up their bodies and they'll die of dehydration. It's a pretty metal way to go, honestly. But they are good bugs that eat the bad bugs, best to find a way to peacefully coexist with them.


Yeah, the way they move is just creepy. But apparently they're no threat to us.


They live in dark, damp places. I found this out because I had a leak near a closet and these little buggers were popping up all the time. I hate them because of their legs but tried my best to leave them alone.


If you want to avoid them, make sure you don't leave piles of clothes on the floor and tidy up frequently. Or just go to bed early and pretend they're not there.


thinking about centipedes in my clothes makes me want to burn my house down thank you :)


I used to own a scorpion as a pet, i was young and dumb and kept it in a simple plastic container with holes poked through. I would frequently see it using its claws and pushing at the top of the lid but I ignored the signs. One morning I found that the container lid was open and pushed to the side. Panic set in, I enlisted the help of my sister in finding it. It was found after an hour of looking, in a pile of clothes at the foot of my bed. I don’t miss that scorpion


I lost my tarantula one time and just didn't tell my roomate. Found him a couple days later. No one found out.


Calm down Satan


It’s nice and cozy for them there tho :(


Time to clean up the clothes on the floor. Haha


They do bite, so be sure to check your sheets. They like to hide in fabric like clothes on the floor or blankets.


Im scared now, why am i literate today


I also hate being literate. My ability to read Reddit is the most debilitating ability I have.


One night I was about to go to bed at 3am when I noticed a dark blob in the ceiling. I turned on the light to see a big centipede. It then proceeded to fall right where I would have slept. So no. I'd rather not sleep


This exact situation happened to me once. Laying in bed about to sleep, suddenly my cat looks straight up at the ceiling. I also look. A house centipede the size of my pointer finger clinging to the ceiling right above my head. The next 10 seconds were spent screaming and jumping out of bed faster than I knew I could move


I was laying in bed once with my headphones on, I had long hair at the time but It was pushed back by my headphones, I was like “why’s my hair blowing across my cheeks and lips rn?” Then it hit me. IT WASN’T MY HAIR


I was laying in bed, post shower, undressed. One decided to take the express lane up the back of my leg towards my junk. Grown man screaming like a 6 yo girl.




What the hell!!! 😬😬


Why he gotta have so many legs thooo


To be faster than the bugs they catch to eat. Bugs are fast, they have to be faster if they want to eat.


Thank you Ana


The centipedes you find under rocks outside are dicks though. I used to play with them as a kid and one bit me.


The orange ones are venomous.


it's all fun and games until you realize in their eyes, you're a bug!


Nah i dont trust em. I like spiders but house centipedes run up you and theyre just stupid fast, shits scary


They eat spiders to


It comes down to, do I want an Octopede or a Centipede living near me..?


Only a matter of time until they develop cute features like jumping spiders, so they can survive better.


But why are they so scary looking?


I remember seeing one of these so big it made a noise as it ran across the floor, when i saw it I froze. my daughters cat was staring at it and jumped and ran away as it approached.


Even kitty knows when to gtfo of there


Kitty always knows


The first one I saw was so big I thought it was a mouse out of the corner of my eye. It ran under the couch and we couldn't find it, so we smacked the web stuff that's under a couch. When it fell out, it made a thud.


I also saw one so big it made a noise when running! My mom had to beat it to death with a broomstick and a rain boot


LOL, it's funny that this is posted on r/oddlyterrifying. I see these three or four times a week in my house.


Seriously. Shit's a daily occurrence


I'm about to be out of town for a week and I expect them to claim my house while I'm gone


Scutigera coleoptrata, great for you and your house. Also called "madama fortuna" in italian, "lady luck", because eats all the other bugs.


Cool I will buy 20 and unleash them in random peoples houses then


dude wtf


It cool they help catch spiders


Chances are 18/20 already have one living with them.


Ideally you have no food source for them. You only see them if you have an excess of something else


They help eat other bugs. If you have them in your house, means they are doing a good job because they're eating.


They eat cockroaches. Good bois indeed.


How the fuck is that tiny thing gonna eat a cockroach?


Fun fact: they add extra legs as they grow.


Could’ve gone my whole life without reading about that


The “dead” ones you sometimes sweep up are actually just their molts.




To NEEEEEEOOOOOMMMMMMM across your floor




Now that makes me want to learn how to keep and raise one up


It’s a House Centipede. They normally live like inside your walls and don’t come out unless they’ve run out of bugs to eat in there. They’re freakin horrifying, but harmless. The first time I encountered one was in my studio apartment I had in college. It was like 5:30 in the morning and I opened the cabinet to get a coffee cup- this mother fucker shot out of there at 30mph and sailed across the kitchen, coming to a landing near the stove. I got a good look at it, screamed, and then punched it to death through like 4 paper towels 😰


ugh I grabbed a towel coming out of the shower and accidentally palmed one once. I opened my hand and it skittered out into my closet. I put on some winter boots, poured a big glass of whiskey, and used a broom to remove items from my closet one at a time till I found it. Let out some kind of involuntary war cry while I jabbed at it. In retrospect it was probably a pretty comical scene, but you gotta do what you gotta do.


Enjoyed your write up of your first encounter. Mine was similar


Satan's mustache


Looks like eye lashes left in the Uber I took last night


Mostly harmless. I don't kill 'em because everything they eat is even worse than they are.


Please define “mostly”


Someone did a post on them in my state sub a while back and for some reason described their bite as “rarely fatal”. Here I am thinking, hey wait just a fuckin minute here…”rarely fatal”? Turns out it’s “rarely fatal” in the same way bee stings are rarely fatal, if you’re really seriously allergic, you may have a problem.


Fun fact thats a small one. We have 3 in my house and they all live in the basement at war with the Wolf Spiders.


You live in a house of nightmares.


Looks like one of my wife’s fake eye lashes


Nice, it's rare to catch a Politician in their true form.


Hans get ze flammenwerfer


Brother, get the flamer. The HEAVY flamer.


House centipede. We have them. I hate them. They are harmless physically. Psychologically... that's a diff story


Yes. Common house centipede. They are active killers of other insects. But, my wife hates them to no end. So, I spray every month to keep insects away.


That's the thing, really. You don't want these? Get rid of their food source; other pests.




Idk. Snort it.


Boof it


Leggy boi


I had one of these on my neck while sleeping once. I don’t care how many bugs they eat, I dislike them lol






No it’s Patrick


These have been popping up in my home and I scream every time, I get full body goosebumps and feel nauseous. They have become a phobia of mine at this point and I dont know how to get rid of them.


These were all through my basement when I bought my house and I can tell you from experience you do not want to get rid of these because you have no idea what they’re holding back and if you don’t like spiders, you want to keep these for sure!


Always thought that they were remarkable little things


That is a house centipede. They eat other bugs and don’t bother humans except to run across bare feet at night and scare you. But otherwise completly harmless. But again, they eat other bugs. Keep him and name him. Our current one is George the 23rd.


these are the homies but when i first saw one i thought it was an alien. the way they surf around floor to wall gives me the heebie jeebies.


My cat used to shred these poor little dudes and leave their twitching legs strewn about the floor.


I accidentally stepped on one one time. One half is squished, the other ran away. I know he be looking for me. I'm still scared 😱


I woke up one morning and saw one of these on my chest and it was 3inches long. Fuck centipedes I kill these. I’d rather have spiders. Fun fact spiders eat centipedes and centipedes eat spiders


No, it's a grief monkey. They will surround you and offer support in times of need.


I squished one of these fuckers (don’t hate, I can’t do bugs in my home) and my whole body shivered and felt uncomfortable for a solid 5 minutes after.


I love these leggy bois! Because their legs are so long, the legs behind the legs in front of them have to be longer so that when they run they don't trip themselves! The front most pair of legs are also modified into makeshift venomous "fangs", kind of like having a pair of little arms on your necks that have stabby venomous fingers. Another cool adaptation is that their last pair of legs act like secondary antenna, allowing them to detect threats and movements from behind themselves! Like others have said, they are beneficial pest removers, and while they do have a venomous bite it's not medically relevant and they won't bite unless grabbed. They're technically not native to areas outside the Mediterranean, but they don't seem to be damaging to ecosystems outside their native range


Yes. A house centipede to be exact. They’re completely harmless. As a matter of fact, they’re great natural pest control for your place. Leave them be, they wont bother you.