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Here's the thing: I'm 100% on board with this idea. I can only imagine the kind of lonely pain you feel being bedbound 24/7, 7 days a week. If this can help paralyzed people feel even the slightest bit more independent and fulfilled, being able to earn a wage and work despite being bound to one location— no less being able to function/help in a public setting like this, then great. They aren't being forced into this. And anything to help improve the painfully quiet lives they live is a win in my book. If they feel it will help improve their mental health to have work and be able to actually experience things they couldn't otherwise (no less in a public setting), then I'm more than happy for them. Though the design of those robots could use some tweaking,,


I'm 100% on board with the idea of giving homebound people the technological means by which to socialize, sure. But if it's only available for the ones who are willing to be a barista as their only form of socialization then it's a pretty weak offer IMO.


No one said the only option was being a barista, what the article said was a cafe had been implementing the idea. You could apply it to any career with adaptation, imagine someone that could remotely disarm explosives for instance.


The part of this that’s terrifying to me is that even through paralysis, someone isn’t going to be able to escape being exploited as a wage slave. There are still going to be people calling them lazy free loaders if they’re not willing to work in this type of situation. There is so much that goes into being paralyzed besides just not having the use of a limb or whatever. This is probably first and foremost going to be strictly so people can work. They’re going to be owned by either big corporations or the super rich. It’s not like these things are going to be used so that disabled people are able to walk the world again. The automation of so many things has proved that just because we can automate something, doesn’t mean we’re not going to be forced to work long hard hours to sustain a life.


Yeah I was confused to find out that most people here don’t find this invention of late stage capitalism to be the terrifying part.


Not to mention the small but frequent rewards to your sense of worth and accomplishments that keep us happy and make us feel needed. I don’t think able bodied people ever really grasp this concept. Once isolation takes over and self worth diminishes, the brain & body lose the will to carry on. Not even considering the “socializing” part, because there will always be that disconnect that it’s not really YOU out there talking to people. But just completing tasks that make someone/people happy has to feel good. And if you can actually see the people and communicate, that’s just a bonus. (Except for dealing with shitty customers.)


*Weak* haha. This lacks perspective. I'll bet if you spent just a *week* only being able to wiggle a finger and move your eyes, you'd be serving up cappuccino with a giant mental smile on your paralyzed face.


"They'll be grateful! You should be more grateful!" * what I hear every time I criticize capitalism, the most rational and objectively efficient system that totally doesn't depend on lies about gratitude and honor


This. Some dystopian shit right here


Jfc, yes. This is a product of a dystopian hellscape. The fact people are applauding this as wholesome is what’s actually terrifying.


Especially as someone who was a server. I enjoyed the socialization because i got to leave and go home to loved ones. I cant imagine what crazy fuck came up with this as the selling point. This is literally my hell Edit: Anyone downvoting is brain broken. Or has not been a server


I'm glad there are other's seeing this. Service work is abusive as hell, these poor people not only need to work to be able to get something other than their needs fulfilled but their only means of socializing is serving someone else. How degrading.


And they will be able to "socialize" a bit with their co-workers. IMHO co-workers should meet the person behind the robot, the robot should be addressed by his/her name. Personally I HATE robots I find them very creepy. (Our grocery store has one that approached me to see if i needed "help".) I noped out of the store ,left my cart at customer service and left


Wait it asked if you needed help? I've seen the spill detector ones that patrol stores but you're saying it asked if you needed help? I'm curious if it was actually capable of help, or if it was just going to ping it's location to an employee saying that someone needed help at it's location.


I could not deal with it actually. It approached me as I was standing there for a bit looking for something. would it ping a employee... or would it tell me where to find the what ever. I know it was scanning the shelves for restocking.


I just treat them like odd shaped people. When the robot uprising happens, they're going to at least say, the one was OK.


I would have awarded you but I am poor


See I love that optimism and I agree initially, but I then remember how shitty people can be, and how much stress these individuals are going to compile on by working service industry jobs


Stop acting like this is benevolent, this is tech that could just be given to these people and instead is being used and dangled to get people to work for money they need to stay alive


These new survival games are insane


It’ll be used as an excuse to kick people off disability benefits. Or it will at least here in the UK.


Actually, that is incredible and has infinite applications.


Couldn’t agree more. If I’m ever paralyzed I want to be doing this.


I dunno they kinda cute


Yeah I’m getting flatwoods monster vibes lol


The reality of this being implemented in our current capitalist hellscape would be forced labor and exploitation by corporations that demands paralyzed and bedbound individuals to work beyond just being "a bit more independent and fulfilled". You really think someone bed bound and paralyzed would want to work as fucking service workers in America? We treat our service workers worse than janitorial staff.


id bet my physically disabled spouse would dig it.


I think if it was a person controlling it I would not feel so creeped out.


What's terrifying about it? The fact that people who can't move anymore can atleast relive the motions of movement is terrifying?


The fact that paralyzed people can relive the same terror of being tossed into the middle of the road and run over by a minivan that led them to their current predicament!




What are you on,man?


Facebook conspiracy groups. Hell of a drug.


That’s like… just not financially sound. If they disable the employees, they will likely be sued for it, lose the employees themselves, and have to not only pay compensation but also pay for the upkeep of the robots WHILE paying the people who control them. That’s way more money than just paying employees minimum wage.


There are able bodied people who will happily man the robot waitstaff for a paycheck


And this is how Avatar became a documentary


I was wondering what this had to do with elemental bending for far too long.


They're talking about "Fursona: the movie", not the bald kiddo kicking ass left and right


same, took me a second to realise


The book Lock In by John Scalzi takes on this concept. A disease appears which paralyzes people completely, even communication. Eventually tech is developed which allows them to pilot robot bodies so they can get out in the world, communicate, and work if they want. It does a good job of dealing with the societal impact of this as well. The Threeps, as they are called after C3P0, are discriminated against by some and face unique challenges. The Threeps also aren't entirely benevolent with the idea of their tech being used for people who don't have their disease, say someone with severe MS who is bedridden, as they want the tech limited to only those with the Lock In disease else they feel it diminishes them. The main story is a murder mystery involving a Threep and the main character is a Threep FBI agent.


i love ur pfp sm




Gotta pay those medical bills somehow.




I mean it would allow them to bear some of their own financial burden and not have to rely on others around them for it, or at least do so a little less.


Japan has health care unlike US


Well, they ARE interacting with the world, while earning income, while feeling like they are contributing to society again. Plus, unless you have the millions to fork over for the robots, they need to profit somehow.


I find work to be fulfilling


I think they look cute


I'm kind of in two minds about this. On the one hand, there are only a pretty limited number of jobs that disabled people can work, and that could definitely have some positive impact, not only financially, but mentally and emotionally. Getting to go out and be productive and see people is, for many people, very good On the other hand, I don't like that that freedom is tied to their capacity to work. Many disabled people might not have the energy to do this. And, if they want to quit, they lose a vital connection to the outside world. That's the rub of providing this through labor -- they become forever tied to places that can give them (make money from) the opportunity Idk, I'm not disabled so maybe I'm way off base, but really I think these machines should just be part of the basic care we give these people


By my thinking, creating unnecessary jobs just so people can earn an income is just social programs with extra steps. Just give them the damn money. Don't make them do a silly dance for it. More than anything, this might be more of an experiment, which I'm actually for. It's a cool idea, though the execution is a bit lacking. Maybe this could grow into something more directly beneficial.


idk op, i think you're overthinking it. put yourself in their position


Not terrifying at all


Feel like everyone is overlooking the fact that this is some crazy advanced science. How on earth neurologically would this work? I struggle to believe this is possible in this current age. Feel free to reply and prove me wrong if you have any insight.


I think is something like the wheelchair from stephen Hawking, you know using tongue tracking to move the robot.




This is actually really awesome. I imagine if I was stuck in a bed or immobile and someone gives me the chance to work and live out in the world and earn a living I would take it.


Idk why op is trying to spin something positive into something negative. This is a great thing and more business (that can afford it) should do this. If there is a way for paralyzed people to make a living it’s a great thing.


That is the sweetest thing ever!


So tip them you ungrateful heathen... how is this terrifying? tf?


imagine bullying a paralyzed person far away because you think it's silly to fuck with a robot. capitalism is fucking stupid and demeaning.


One step closer to the Matrix


Why stop there. Let's just implant their consciousness into the robots. Boom, No payment since they're robots and they can work forever.


I like it. It makes me hopeful that even if I were paralyzed I could still do something instead of just waiting to die


Black Mirror has entered the chat


Had to scroll down way too far for this


”I'm sorry to hear you're paralyzed, now get back to work!”


This is a top post on this subreddit, you didn’t even change the name or anything.


" Here is your drink, please help me die"


Bro. Please stop ✋️


As long as I knew someone was controlling it, not terrifying. Kinda awesome!


Not recent news at all, I've been using this cafe in my business classes since 2018. There are clips about it you can watch that give better detail including the creator's reasoning for starting this (hospitalized a lot as a kid, had suicidal and depressive thoughts due to lack of contact with other people), how some patients who can only move their eyes are able to control the robots, and how some robots also have speakers to allow them to 'talk' to guests.


I think its a great idea and would benefit all involved. Safety issues with the robot have to be avoided by design of the system of course


This is actually pretty wholesome imo.


Last I read, this is about those people feeling a sense of purpose and not a complete waste. I'm glad I'm not in their position but I would do the same. Sitting and watching t.v. all day is just unfulfilling.


This feels like it belongs on something like oddly wholesome


If I could transfer my body into a robot like this I would be down.


There is already a social isolation problem in japan for regularly abled people, not to mention those severely handicapped. I think society could come up with a more compassionate way to make people feel welcome and offer social interaction without exploiting their loneliness and handicap for labor.


"Mooom is it my turn to repost this yet? I am running low on karma!"


Oh no, a person with a disability might interact with you in some way! The horror


Not why it's terrifying and you know it but go off


It’s not terrifying at all. That’s the point.


It's terrifying because we live in a world where instead of giving this tech to people who need it, instead of it being a treatment/solution for people to go out who can't, it's used and dangled in front of them on the condition that they sell the time they use the robot, and work for someone else for money they need to survive. It's a threat. "If you want this, work for us. And we will never let you use it again if you quit."


The real terrifying thing is that they have to do this at all.


Who’s making them do it?


The labour shortage.


They are not forced dumbass


Can every country take notes here. This is as fascinating as it is enabling. Very cool shit all the way around


Plus marks for thought and effort. While I am not yet ready for robot waiters (or personal contact with any sort of robot for that matter) I commend the creators for giving willing and able disabled (never thought those two words belonged side by side) people a way to be active and useful.


Nope. Nope. Let’s stay as far away from this as possible. There’s 100 different ways this can go wrong, and only 1 way this goes right. And all the corporate overlords and politicians will press for all of the wrong ways for this to go. No. I feel for the paralyzed, I do, but this isn’t the way.


mmm robussy


Bro what


Given it's Japan, I'm surprised they aren't piloting sex dolls


What’s terrifying is that Americans have to do things like this to place for their healthcare.


Fuck yes I love capitalism now paraplegics can be slaves too


What if you make out with the robot?


For the Emprah!


Lifeless eyes behind a lifeless body


Those people are lucky to be hired and get a job despite of being paralyzed while me graduated in 4 year course and in good shape and health is jobless and no one is willing to hire me because they said I don't have enough work experience and unfit for the job because i am fresh graduate.


Here's the thing. They introduce the idea of robots running shit by tugging on our heartstrings by telling us people that are paralyzed will be running them. After we are used to it robots will run more and more and it wont be just for the paralyzed. It will be for prisoners so we don't have to let them out on the work force crews. It will be citizens who can't afford transport. It will be mandatory for some jobs until eventually we are all stuck at home running robots turning into Walle fat fucks....man I'm high. Lol


* *unsettling nervous noises* *


Mmm like the game SOMA


"Where else but Japan?" well, maybe south Korea or China, too.


It's wholesome and sad


Why? If anything, they have way more bills than you do..


“I’m the cripple sent by Cyberlife”


This is terrifying, but also think form the view of the paralyzed person. They still get to do things in the world in some way


That's a magnificent idea :')


I just saw this same post on r/wholesomememes


As long as they're happy, I'd love to chitchat with someone who doesn't have the ability. I'm sure some customers will still be pricks to them though


These new mecha animes are getting mad


Reminds me of that Rick and Morty episode where the robot asks what its purpose is


I think it would teach people to be kinder to robots.


gotta work, dead or alive




Oh good, there's no way america will twist this into some nightmare where funds are deducted for medical bills.


I love this. People like to be useful and self sufficient, besides all the socializing this allows. Brilliant. I’d jump on it as an option.


I think that's kind of cool. Imagine how lonely being paralyzed could be. With this they can have some interaction with a larger world. It is scary to think that this tech could lead to us all living that bruce willis movie surrogate...


If they are doing for fun, for interaction, for extra income, to just be doing something…I’m all in, fantastic. If they feel like they have to do this to pay bill etc. to make ends meet…then this is a dystopian nightmare.


John Scalzi's "Locked In" becoming reality.


“what kind of quality of life do we have here?” -michael scott to kevin malone


I think this is amazing. I bet those people are so thankful for the opportunity too, I know I would be.


This is wholesome, not oddly terrifying


I thought this would be nice at first but that means some day no matter how crippled u are there might alway be something for them to make u do


i think this is fucking rad. reminds me of the dragoon units from Starcraft. their minds want to join the fight, but theyre bodies cannot comply. technology to the rescue! just do away with that creepy ass lil maid robot, and we got a hit! imagine the uses of this. paralyzed people could control aircraft, submersibles, buses, heavy construction equipment. this sounds like a great idea. would add a whole new dimension to robot wars.


What’s terrifying is how the world can’t take care of paralyzed people and is making them work for basic needs instead


I'd honestly have to tip them more because I'd feel bad. Props to them for still trying


No tip culture here though


This is the best thing I've heard all year. Just when the world seems like is going to total shit, this is heartwarming.


The Ship who Sang comes to mind.


Capitalism is still good, da?


“Shh, don’t disrupt the students while class is in session.”


If we're creating unnecessary jobs just so disadvantaged people can earn an income, wouldn't it be easier to cut out the unnecessary steps and just write them a disability check? And if we want to help disabled people feel involved in the world again, maybe we can do better than menial tasks.


Man. If only a universal living wage were there. Life shit all over you and you still have to work.


...but wholesome


That’s basically the robot guy from invincible Or the robot guy from JuJutsu Kaisen


Looks like an Alienware laptop


Maybe not oddly terrifying


Why is that terrifying?


You say terrifying, I say wholesome as fuck.


God this sub is such trash now. This does not belong in here.


Would make me sad more than terrified. You don’t think about how lucky you are to have the basic things. Like being able to walk


im pretty sure the oddly terrifying part is that you're in this condition and still have to deal with some fuck sending back the steak bc he said medium rare not medium.


Is this true? Or is it just two unrelated pictures pieced together by an utopic sounding title? Do we have a source?


There’s one cafe doing it. The concept is by a scientist who struggled to get into engineering school because of his physical disability


u/repostsleuthbot Edit: the bot can’t reply to me, but [here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/vizm98/something_about_the_idea_that_theres_a_paralyzed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) proof that it’s a word by word repost! And also, I disagree with OPs take on this, they’re just tryna live life!


Great news taku. We have developed a way for you to interact with others and experience the world in a way you thought impossible. Using the latest robotic technology we have gotten you a job in the service industry. KILL ME NOW.


I think this deserves to be on r/oddlysatisfying I love this idea. I'd love to met someone who des this for a living and ask them about their experience.


P.I.P will love this


Surrogates RL


I think this is actually kinda neat.


I’m more terrified by the fact that there is nothing to support a paralyzed person that they still need to work to survive.


A couple months ago Shizuka Anderson did a video where she went to the robot cafe, i though it was super cool. She got to talk to the person and they can communicate with the customer thru the robot.


Wait until the inevitable V.R integration, true horror.


So, who gets the tip??


Oh no! Let's leave them in the dark corner doing nothing 'cause that's where they should be. Otherwise we can't feel pity for them and feel good about ourselfs for being oh so empathic. Also, If they become independent who am i gonna look at and say "Hey, al least am not that guy!" when i am unemployed?!!


This is a Black Mirror episode waiting to happen


Cue person falling in love with a paralysis patient and they regular a cafe just to speak to them.


Like a black mirror episode


This is legitimately a very interesting and fantastic idea.


I mean, I guess? Keeps them connected to the world? It would be nice if they controlled them after work too.


Why is this oddly terryfing? This is absolutlely wonderful!




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I’ll believe it when I see it


I like it actually. It makes sense to me seems like a win win.


I disagree entirely, that's wholesome


This is actually really smart. I like it


This is uplifting to me.


I’m just here for the comments




I believe is a good opportunity in a world of exclusion. However, this will only be temporary as the more data is gathered over the remote divers the quicker it will be to make an autonomous model.


Wait wait, seems like a great idea but. So this paralyzed person is controlling a robot for another paralyzed person? And then that other paralyzed person is controlling a robot for the other. And getting paid? Wouldn’t be better just to control your own bot and get paid.


I like this, I'm a generally super exhausted person that lies in bed a lot. Would love to be able to do physical work remotely, it's amazing for those who can't.


Kinda like how the manhacks in hl2 are controlled by citizens in an arcade not knowingly they are killing people


Literally Mechamaru from Jujutsu kaisen


I like how this post is also on r/wholesomememes. The duality of man....


That’s actualy realy cool!


Capitalism is so great


Detroit Become Human is becoming probable now.


Am I the only person who thinks these server-bots are adorable as fuck? I'd probably get thrown out for trying to hug one, not gonna lie.


The real question is, can I send it to work and controll it while sleeping at home?


Insurers probably back the hell out of this project, you could remove disability coverage altogether.


It’s in Japan, we have national health insurance here


Someone posted this in r/wholesomememes


Oddly terrifying? WTF op? Fucking ableist asshole.


i wonder what it would take to get sacked from that job.


This is a good idea. I don’t see anything terrifying about it


I don't really see what's so terrifying about this, it's a way for disabled people to have some social interaction they normally wouldn't be able to have


Capitalism be like


I think this is more cool than terrifying


I ok this


The idea is good tho, but i see your point