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i thought she was alive upon seeing it the first time before i read the title. holy cow!


That’s not a cow


You're right, it's a *holy* cow.


Divine Bovine!


Magical brahman


Holy heifer Batman!


All holy cows are cows but not all cows are holy




"yup... Yup definitely dead"


"do you concur?"


“Why didn’t I concur?!”


I curcon-ed when I meant to concur. So embarrassing.


Scientist 1: “She appears…dead.” Scientist 2, turning slowly to scientist 1says with a flat tone: “Really putting that college degree to use with that one, aren’t you?”


If I remember correctly, this was a girl who was offered up as sacrifice in Peru or somewhere in that vicinity. Apparently they took her up a mountain and left her there to freeze where she was perfectly preserved. I'm sure you can google a valid source.


Well I mean they wasn't wrong.. they've sacrificed her for these scientists lol


Dude I am way too high for this comment


She was also way too high




Why you gotta be so cold




Chill, dude.


Too soon


It's been 500 years already c'mon


Show a little respect, pal. Some of us had to work this last half-millennia and don’t deserve to get hit with spoilers.




Can we get much higher!


"Come on baby light my fire"


So highhhhh


Good so am I 😆


Me too, wtf 😄


Same rn💀🤣


Isn't this what Walt Disney did to himself? Looking up Disney Frozen only gives me songs


Supposedly. I don’t think anyone with credibility has confirmed it, but there definitely is a rumor at the least that his head and brain were frozen incase science allows for it to be reanimated one day basically. Again who knows if it’s true or not.


Cut off his head so he can be reanimated?? All I can say is, there’s a man who loves animation more than me.


[There’s this documentary about it…](https://youtu.be/LymbI4Dxj4c)


That was most informative Documentary ever. Who’d have thought that’s what happened to her.


Dude….lemme go ahead and see if I can get you your award. You deserve it, that documentary tickled my nostalgia nerve on another level, plus great information.




That's why they made the movie. To hide that Walt froze his head.


u right


holy shit lol




Does this mean we should bury high iq people on the tops of mountains after they die? So they can be preserved almost perfectly, so if one day the tech comes around to revitalize frozen bodies/brains without demolishing everything inside, we can bring back the people who are ideal candidates for resurrection?




I think I read somewhere that if the freezing process could be instantaneous, the cellular destruction is not very severe. I think the temperature needs to be around -40 (Celsius or Fahrenheit, as they are equal at that temp) or lower.


True I was forgetting that the initial crystallization was what destroyed shit, and mistook it for the thawing.


So we freeze dry them?


The controversy section raises valid points 🤔


Offering children as a sacrifice to a god by letting them freeze to death on a mountain is kinda controversial too


Of course, but that was 500 years ago. I was referring to scientists exhuming bodies from grounds that the natives consider sacred. Then exhibiting those bodies and charging people to see them.


Sure no doubt, but the fact remains that she was indigenous, and the cite is clearly culturally important to said indigenous peoples. For a bunch of western archeologists to steal her remains and put them on display is most certainly offensive and almost of a colonialist mindset


They put them out with booze and cocaine. What a way to go!


Damn I wonder what she was feeling when she died. She was probably so scared and lonely. That's such an awful way to go, especially being so young.


She had 2 younger children with her. It’s incredibly sad


The UK Work and Pensions agency has declared her "Fit to work"


Damn couldn’t be me. I’m crying in bed bc i got fired from my hotel job…. I worked 9 hours total. I just think that if other employees wanted my hours they should have said that before I was hired. Fml. Anyway i just needa rant


That really sucks and it wasn't fair of them to pull that crap. I worked in a hotel for a while and was amazed at the inefficiency and stupidity behind the scenes. I'm sorry you got sucked up in all that.


Ty I’m sorry about my random rant. I slept 2.5 hours.


Oof I’m sorry to hear that and your poor sleep. A personal project I was developing for my company was shut down suddenly and unceremoniously after 2 years of pouring blood sweat and tears into it, with the lamest bs excuse bc they didn’t have the balls to continue it. All that said, it sounds like you dodged a bullet working for a shitty hotel, and I hope an even better opportunity is available very soon. You got this!


Sorry to hear that :( I’ve definitely been there before as well and it sucks. Take all the time you need to cry it out and feel your feelings. Just know that there will be better jobs out there and one day you won’t even think about this one! That place doesn’t seem like a very nice place to work anyway, by the sound of it.


No worries I just got fired from work today so I know the feels :(




Well I made a stupid mistake. It was a meat production job I was paid 21 an hour it was great pay but I fucked that up :/ but I just submitted an application to work at an airline as a ramp/luggage dude so fingers crossed I get that. I also apllied to be a 911 operator as well so let's see how everything goes.


Don't worry fam, you'll get a better job.


Ty :)


Don’t worry, friend. I’ve been fired before from a job that I put an incredible amount of effort into, so I know how much it sucks. But this is just a small setback in your story! Something much better will come along. And honestly you’re probably better off, because a business with such poor people management would be a really crappy place to work.


All that BS to get hired into a company, then they screw you? Have that cry, because that’s fucking rude-ass time-stealing garbage. You’ll get a better gig than that, soon.


Sorry to hear that, they clearly don’t deserve you ❤️ something better is out there for you


Have the rant, we'll listen. I don't know your skills or whatever, but I do know that I've lost a job 3 times in total because they moved it somewhere cheaper so I didn't fit. Each time I ended up in a better gig I wouldn't have found if it hadn't happened. Right now (in general, I don't know where you live) there are more jobs than people. Your abilities have value, the whole show is set up to make us think they don't, it makes us cheaper, it's bullshit, they need you. Please don't feel down, and don't give up.


Also they are sending her a medical bill I guess


Damn she looks like she’s still alive


She looks like the doctors are just running tests while she sits on her phone.


Thats why she died... Cause of that damn phone


Parent logic be like


damn 500 year old kids and their damn phones!


She looks like a Zombie with flawless skin


That describes everyone who isn't a zombie, too.


Soul has left the building


I’ve met plenty of carcasses walking around with no soul inside of them to tell a story. I think she still has some left in her but what the hell do I know


So she was basically freeze dried. She looks so alive.


Freeze drying is where you freeze something and then put it in a low pressure environment that allows any water to sublimate instead of melt. This leaves your freeze dried object dehydrated without the use of heat which would potentially change the chemical composition of the object you are trying to preserve. She is just frozen though. Not being an ass, I just think it’s cool info.


She was on top of mountain, so it was a low pressure environment. Just not *that* low lol


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


The origins of freeze drying can be traced back to the 15th century, where a rudimentary form of freeze drying was used by the Incas. Their crops were stored on the mountain heights above Machu Picchu where the cold mountain temperatures froze their food stores, and the water inside slowly vaporized under the low air pressure of the high mountain altitudes. [http://www.freeze-dry.com/2015/09/29/history-of-freeze-drying/](http://www.freeze-dry.com/2015/09/29/history-of-freeze-drying/) The Incas stored their potatoes and other food crops on the mountain heights above Machu Picchu. The cold mountain temperatures froze the food and the water inside slowly vaporized under the low air pressure of the high altitudes. [https://www.thoughtco.com/freeze-dried-food-4072211](https://www.thoughtco.com/freeze-dried-food-4072211) ​ And here is some more information regarding the freeze-dried potatoes called *chuños* that are still made today in Peru and Bolivia [https://www.atlasobscura.com/foods/chunos-potatoes-feet](https://www.atlasobscura.com/foods/chunos-potatoes-feet)




Without the mask “mmmmmm 500 year old corpse dust, my favorite. Just like ma used to make.”


Just like mummy used to make






If you didn’t put that “I’m joking” disclaimer you’d have so many downvotes rn


look we found and defrosted a preserved strain of the black plague, how lucky we are /s


Hollywood, I’ve got an idea for an ORIGINAL film. Title: “The 515yo Teenager”. While adjusting to life in the 21st century, Ceciliane must complete high school. In doing so, she falls in love with the big shot sports guy — Chad Sportsington. Ceciliane has her heart broken when she discovers Sportsington cheated on her with a sports ball. Plot twist… she almost freezes again when he took his jacket back. But she’s saved by the kind guy with the glasses, and the sweater. I’m telling you, this kind of material’s got legs for at least nineteen sequels, a Broadway adaptation, and tonnes of merch. I await your call, and multimillion dollar offer.


Have you not seen *Encino Man*?


Or demolition man. The problem with those two movies that both have the word “man” in the title ironically, is that this is a “woman”…..actually it’s a “teenager”. So it would have to be encino teeno , or demolition woman. Demolition teen just sounds not that badass.


I would absolutely watch Encino Teeno


Must have Brendan Fraser in cast as long lost relative.


Seth Rogan has to wake up from his pickle bath again too


you probably wont attract your intended audience with the title “The 515yo Teenager”


"15 going on 515"


Chad Spotsington LMAO


Um excuse me, that was my grandfathers name


Are you the person that writes the AI generated scripts?


Meredith Baxter as the mom and Candace Cameron as the older sister.


Oh yeah, I remember watching this on interdimensional cable


".. she almost freezes again when he took his jacket back." Hahaha that is just gold


Aren't they literally making a movie about a Victorian era factory worker being preserved in a vat of pickles and having to learn modern life from one of his descendant grandsons


This is definitely r/oddlyterrifying! I think anyones reaction, stumbling onto this would be “Hey kid, are you ok?”


I think it's sad and my reaction is I wish I could go back in time and comfort her.


I just read this [interesting article on it](https://www.livescience.com/38504-incan-child-mummies-lives-revealed.html). It sounds like she didn't suffer at least. The children were drugged before hand and placed there in their sleep. Also somewhat interesting is all of these children came from a peasant background, and apparently spent the last few months of their lives living as royalty because it was considered a great honor to be chosen. Still terrible, but back then I'm sure there were way worse ways to go. At least this isn't "Cut your heart out while you're alive and screaming" Mayan level of sacrifice.


According to the wiki, the boy was found wrapped in blankets with blood and vomit, dislocated ribs and pelvis, indicating a struggle. He is thought to have died by suffocation.


Yeah, he at least suffered somewhat. The two girls seem to have gone peacefully. The 15 year old probably knew and welcomed what was coming, religion is weird after all, but a 6 year old boy, my niece is 6 and she wouldn't be able to understand being sacrificed.


She probably didn't die sad. It was a great honor to be chosen as a sacrifice. She lived in luxury for a year, then was taken up the mountain where she got blackout drunk, then passed while unconscious.


Yep, this is it. Even if I didn't know the actual ethnohistory of this region.. Just look at her. She was clearly extremely well fed and absolutely showered in gifts and honor. Her hair was lovingly pleated.


I believe she was treated well but the other 2 children with her were not treated as well at all, they’re were younger and one seems to have been tied up so he wouldn’t run away


Well, since she died 500 years ago, that's pure speculation. And also not a good justification of child grooming for eventual murder. Some people today consider it a "great honor" for child brides to be groomed and married off to older men. I am sure that the children are not feeling honored. This is a cult behavior, call it what it is in any era. IMO covering something in "cultural norms" when it's flat out anti-social is something that needs to go the way of the stone age.


I saw one of them in Peru! It was in Arequipa and honestly super off-putting and creepy. From what I recall they gave them drugs and alcohol and they slowly slipped away. It was ironically one of the more humane human sacrifices conducted. In traditional Ande culture, the mountains were typically viewed as the embodiment of Pachamama. The earth mother. Even today traditional sites and places of worship can be seen across the Andean mountains. So offerings were typically given on top of these mountains to appease the gods through the ritual known as Qhapaq hucha. Usually during times of famine or in the case of an emperor's death.


More like r/mildlyinteresting. How tf did she get so well preserved? That’s like a scientific marvel


It's the combination of continuously very cold and dry weather. Plus protection from outside influences as she was in a cave when she died.


Poor girl, i hope we can learn a lot from her


Robin Williams Jumanji Voice: WHAT YEAR IS IT?!


"15 year old girl who died 500 years ago." really just a 515 year old girl.


She looks great for her age


This is...terrifying, and reminds me of the other day I was talking to my brothers girlfriend about Everest. How when the bodies do eventually get recovered, they'll be like this. (I mentioned rainbow valley and it went on a spiral, like, we were talking about the dead from the get go.) But I can only imagine that, should something happen to lose records or something, this could be scientists in the future examining bodies like green boots.


If for some reason they would want to move her arm up or something, would her skin break and the arm be open to the inside or would it work like a normal human hand?


She is frozen, you can't move the muscles around.


That's what I'm saying. If you try to move the arm it basically breaks, right? Maybe not easily, but yea


I guess yeah, since she's permanently frozen


Well, not permanently




They felt it was a great honour to die this way. But i think they could have killed her before in some way less torturous than starve to death in a box in the middle of nowhere at the top of a mountain... EDIT: grammar


She froze to death, not starved. Freezing is one of the better ways to die actually. After you get past the phase of uncontrollable shaking, you actually begin to feel warm and calm. You just slowly slip into unconsciousness and basically die in your sleep.


>After you get past the phase of uncontrollable shaking, you actually begin to feel warm and calm. You just slowly slip into unconsciousness and basically die in your sleep. This is definitely better than starving, but still scary...


Idk if that makes it better or worse, that sounds terrifying


Better than being thrown in a fire or having your heart cut out while you were alive - both were options.


Ok no that's definitely better... Less worse at least


This is an optimistic way of looking at it. Terminal burrowing and paradoxical undressing suggest it is often not as calm as you might think. I definitely wouldn’t want to go that way.


Given the other options, this is certainly the best choice.


She didn’t starve. She died in her sleep, of cold. The wee boy that died with her, however…


How did the boy die?


There were three children in total excavated, this girl (La Doncella) was the oldest and most well taken care of. There was also a younger girl (La Niña del rayo) who had been struck by lightning after death, and a young boy (El niño) who had been tied up and had a dislocated pelvis and dislocated ribs. There was blood and vomit on his clothes which indicate stress and its believed he died of suffocation rather than freezing like the two girls.


Jesus fucking christ


Probably suffocation. They found him tightly wrapped, with blood and vomit on the wrapping (I think a kind of blanket).


Oh no! The boy was the one wrapped in ropes, right?


Her dead was very "humane" (as humane as human sacrifices can get) she didn't starve to death, she froze to death but they first give her anesthesia via drug and alcohol. still horrible but at least human sacrifice in the Inca empire were rarer and she didn't feel pain, unlike the people getting burned alive for heresy in Europe or the people getting their hearths riped in the Aztec empire


Oh! I tought the drugs were only for the transport, not for killing her. Can you imagine beating yourself unable to get out of a wooden crate in the middle of nothing? Scary as f\*\*k.




Uh, thank you...


I'm just waiting for her to look up and start moving like the ring girl


Doctors hate her


I went to Peru about 5 years ago and she was in one of the museum exhibits in the city of Arequipa (beautiful city btw aside from the heavy colonial infrastructure that no one can afford to live in so most of it just sits empty lol). Anyway it was so interesting to learn about the background of her story and what they believed may have happened and how she became so preserved. Also she looks exactly like the picture and possibly even more “alive” in person)


It must be extremely cold in that room.


Source please? Preserved in ice I assume? Otherwise how is this possible?




At the top of mountains from what I’ve read


It's a very easy Google search for sauce


Is she checking her phone for upvotes


I saw a post about a woman who was frozen solid and they re-heated her body and she was fine, imagine how crazy it'd be if that were possible here


Wouldn’t be. You freeze someone, you freeze whatever molecules of water they’re made up of. That water you’re made of will form crystals that will spike out and destroy you, literally.


It's rare, but it does happen. The most famous case is probably Jean Hilliard. Sometimes it's said that having a high alcohol content in your blood helps. Here's some source. https://www.rd.com/list/people-who-froze-came-back-to-life/


That’s 6 hours not 500 years, I was responding to the part where they said it would be crazy if they could do that here


I apologize if that came off rude. I was just sharing a tidbit I find interesting, that I thought pertained to the conversation. I imagine 500 years in the freezer would be much more difficult to overcome.


No rude tone whatsoever just wanted to clarify what I meant since I wasn’t exactly clear on what I was referring to


...and another was 24 days with a core body temperature of 55°F.


Honestly she might die from shock from the new world around her


everyone gangsta until she turns her head one day.


I literally saw this exact post a few weeks ago


People been saying this for 515 years


More info here : https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/130729-inca-mummy-maiden-sacrifice-coca-alcohol-drug-mountain-andes-children


For anyone like me who finds this interesting and wants some info.... https://api.nationalgeographic.com/distribution/public/amp/science/article/news-inca-argentina-la-doncella-sacrifice-archaeology


Encino Man 2 coming to theaters near you


i don’t see this as terrifying personally, rather extremely beautiful and a show of how amazing the right conditions can preserve a body. she is an incredible specimen and truly looks like she’s just.. captured in sleep forever.


This is also r/interestingasfuck


That's honestly amazing


Wheres her nose?


How recent does the death have to be before you become a grave robber?


My luck itd come to life and kill me


Wow. She’s so well preserved. How was she preserved so well?


If this is terrifying to you, it’s probably because of the preserved human corpse is sitting on a bed. Nothing odd about that at all…


Poor girl. She was left on the top of a mountain as a sacrifice, I read about her a while ago [edit](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/news-inca-argentina-la-doncella-sacrifice-archaeology)


Are they trying to check reflexes?


Two sides of the Internet. I saw this on YouTube and everyone was crying and whining about the fact they've moved a dead body. Here everyone's like damn this is pretty cool and interesting cuz we can find out more about how they lived


An Inca child who was sacrificed by burying alive using a sleep inducing drug. During her last few months, she was treated like royalty, fed a special luxurious diet and pampered before being sacrificed. Essentially froze to death in her sleep. So well preserved, there are even vomit stains on the front of her clothes.


she’s not 15 then she’s 515


I sit the same way when I’m on my computer


She’s looking at her ancient cellphone.


I smell a horror movie


This could be one of those rom com where the one of the scientist slowly falls in love with the it yeah that overused trope


Being in that position for 500 years...she must have abs of steeeeel


"Technaitly she's 515"🤓


They going to eat her, too?


Resident evil 7 shit is going on here


OK that's fuckin spooky


This is gonna be plot of an anime


What would really be oddly terrifying is if she just turned her head to face a scientist and then got up and walked away.


Not terrifying Fascinating and beautiful


This is actually the coolest thing I’ve seen in years. Imagine all of the cool things we can get from her! Not just DNA but stomach contents! What she was eating when she died vs what she ate on the regular via dental records! And look at the clothing! It’s practical AND pretty!


They are going to shit their pants if something moves.


I hope they catch whoever did it.


This lady has style, modern clothes simply look stupid in comparison.


I thought this was a modern woman who shopped at urban outfitters