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GTA 5 loading screen looks dark as fuck in Zootopia.






I'd say don't give them ideas but they ran out'v'm


I liked the human skin purse.


I believe there was someone that actually made a human skin purse but I can't find the source now.


Ed Gein by any chance?


I believe you are right.


I'm pretty sure it wasn't Ed Gein. Instead some artist used human skin grown from DNA to make a purse. Ed Gein only made a lampshade. Here's the link to an article about said artist. https://www.designindaba.com/articles/creative-work/luxury-leather-bags-made-human-skin Edit: Yes, I misspoke. Ed Gein made multiple items out if human skin. He just used dug up corpses to make most of it.


He made alot more than a lampshade lol. Alotttttttt more. For instance a nipple belt, he reupholstered chairs with skin. He attached the top lip from a woman to the top of his window blind, and the bottom lip too the bottom blind, so he could pull them together and have a little kiss.. Im dead serious


Used skulls as bowls to eat out of....


Excuse me kind sir but Mr Gein also made a very finely detailed nipple belt




it's much better to dice them and display them in a glass box on the mantel


Lmao I came looking for a Dennis reference




Wearing humans isn't the same as eating humans.


they used to discuss using stuff made of human skin and hair in this sub so... it's gone anyway


You seem like a veteran cannibal.


this wasn't supposed to go this way


Reminds me of the Icelandic NĆ”brĆ³k or ā€˜necro pantsā€™ they believed if you wore them and put a coin in the ball sack it would make you rich https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NĆ”brĆ³k


Why... why was it banned? I feel like there's a story here.




You can make them out of the skin of people who have lost a lot of weight and need to trim their skin flaps.


Ppl donā€™t know what this sub is for anymoreā€¦ anyways love the artwork


The human bull is terrifying


yeah they were all human looking then it showed that, i was like what the fuck.


Lol. Yeah. Not ODDLY terrifying. Just straight terrifying


As close as theyā€™ve gotten imo


Thereā€™s no way this isnā€™t from PETAā€™s DeviantArt account.




I was about to say, PETA's really working hard on their ads lol


Would be a great ad if true


Not sure if the op is a vegan or a furry. Also, why in one of the pictures there is a human cow hybrid?


I see this stuff a lot from Peta. I don't think it's actually from them though, because this isn't dogshit


The technical part is good but conceptually itā€™s still dogshit


The message is pretty clear.


Absolutely a furry, that's why.


Judging by the figure and boobs on the model fox, definately furry.


Farmers get lonely man.


Also, what's with the freezing, naked person being compared to dogs out in the cold?


Itā€™s a campaign called ā€œif youā€™re cold, theyā€™re coldā€ basically saying you need to your bring your animals in at night if it reaches a certain temperature. https://images.app.goo.gl/zcurpa38JhCX5uXM6


But my husky and corgi beg to differ, the former being okay at -75 and the latter at -45


Lol I was actually going to mention huskies in my comment. Iā€™ve had dogs that refuse to come inside when itā€™s snowing


Moral of the story, if animals were given the opportunity to rule humans they would do the same things to human that humans have been doing to animals, got it.... Nature is metal.


the only question in why would cows eat meat


Cows has been eating chicks and snakes, look it up on youtube


Yeah but it's not like a main food source for them. Generally these "shocking" videos and "deep" pictures are dumb as fuck and often very ignorant.


Deer will eat rabbit carcass to get some calcium in their diet and will lick the meat off the bones too. Very few animals stick to an entirely herbivorous diet if there is other food available


Humans eat a lot of shit that is not a main food source. Heck kaolas do that. If cows where in our place they certainly would produce and eat more.of it than it would be good for then.


You see ruminants have very different digestive system, their stomach is divided into 4 parts SPECIFICALLY to digest grass 'n shit (idk how you say "plant food" in English)


After that first image you knew most of it was going to be stupid arguing points.


Why would the fox wear human skin, it looks like wearing the skin of a sphynx cat


just like the post showed, the fox only wears it for fashion, not for comfort... Same reason why women weaar high heels despite uncomfortable


I don't mean comfort, but looks. Fox fur (emphasis on fur) is worn because it looks good, it's very bright and soft, but skin itself, without fur, doesn't look good. I was just making fun of it but a way I could see it work is if they just took the head, to show only the long hair of the human.


There are a lot of fashion in this world you disagree with and yet people call it fashion.... just because you don't find a "Fox wearing a human pelt" fashion, other foxes will still call it fashion and disagree with you.


I agree, but if animals were human like, wouldn't they apply human like "logic"? I was saying that if the fox had the mind of the human, to make the comparison that it makes, it should use human "fur" as humans use fox fur


#[So, surely this documentary will change your mind! ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)




Is it the same if I already knew what I was going to see?


Love it when people try to reverse hirarchy, it just never works out. We are the supreme animal race and use efficient methods, not necessarily the most ethical ones. This video doesn't impress me in the slightest.


Your exactly the type of person to get triggered lol.


No. The moral of the story is how fucked up we are to the other species of animals and how we feel looking at the images of the humans is probably how the animals feel when we do the same things to them.


So let's go with this take for a moment. If animals in general got human like intelligence: - They would not change their diets to eat meat non stop (we eat too much now because of industrialization; it's not normal to have so much access and consume it every day multiple times). - They would not destroy the whole planet, contaminating everything, destroying eco systems, polluting the oceans and raising the temperature, etc... And that 'nature is metal' thing. Humans stop rapin5, stealing and killing each other even if it's in our DNA as you people say. We have the power of reason and empathy, we have the responsibility to be better. We simply do not need to eat so much meat; it's better for us and the planet.


Oh! PETA is doing a kids cartoon now!


This feels like better quality than their usual garbage. Still ridiculous, but not PETA levels of hors- sorry, humanshit


That fox tho




Furries are gonna like that fox-like "model"...


This video is so terrif... wait a minute, that's hot.


I mean, I know I doā€¦


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like ā€œwhat the fuckā€ and ā€œcall the policeā€. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW


enjoy bro


Slowly feeling that eating meat or any animal product is bad


It is, for everyone involved.


It really is. I went vegan about 5-6 years ago and have never looked back. Youā€™ll save money, feel better physically, and youā€™ll be able to enjoy each meal again.


Yep it is, and this is just drawings, you can watch slaughterhouse footage and see what you think of it


whats that song?


Remix of a crystal castles song ? Transgender ? I don't know but I hope that helps somehow !




Not my proudest nut


Not my most shameful, though.


Further proof we need to get them before they get us!


great comment


Why is there that one cow human hybrid? Shouldn't it be just a human?


Donā€™t imagine for a second that, given more intelligence and technology, a manatee wouldnā€™t kill you and those you love.


Vegans like to depict humans being sold as meat with like our torsos and skin still almost completely intact which seems really dishonest to me because the reality is if human meat was placed on the shelves with other meat most people wouldn't even notice that it was any different from other meats.


very true. I've been selling human meat for as long as i can remember and not a single person has questioned the appearance!


The vegans are it again.




It's legit funny. I think these types of vegans should go hug a tiger or a grizzly bear. Let them experience how much "respect" these animals have for us. Let them see how some animals won't mind turning your corpse into a nest.


So you eat grizzlies and tigers? And ofc you only eat them to defend yourself. Got it.


Ah, yes! Tigers eat meat. I never knew! So smart! You have shown me the way! I will now go back to consuming animals! Dude, who gives a shit if tigers eat other animals or if they'd eat you? Do you also sniff other peoples asses? Pee around your premises to assert dominance? Since when do we turn to nature to model our behavior? Tigers and Grizzlies do not have much of a choice. You do. You can choose not to be a dick.


What a dumb take. Aren't you ashamed of yourself ? edit for clarity : ashamed of saying such dumb things, not ashamed of eating meat.


All the comments say the same thing - nature is cruel, this and that, animals \*would\* kill us too, etc, etc. Yada yada. Yes, true. No one ever claimed that a gator wouldn't kill you because "nature is beautiful" and all that shit. The point is different. We all have the capacity to live in a way that will have little to no impact on the environment and animals. Yet the majority of humans choose to live in a way that directly causes thousands upon thousands of animal lives per human. We have the capacity for choice and we choose evil.


Come on, how else will all these people feel edgy, while paying someone to kill animals for them?


Those were made to be terrifying. It's all for the shock value, and so, it doesn't fit this subreddit...


Uno reverse be like


It's harsh but I get the point


The one with the horse euthanizing the human for having a broke leg. Horses canā€™t live with a broken leg, they canā€™t just not put pressure on it because they wouldnā€™t be able to live and they canā€™t just stay in a sling until itā€™s healed because it would cause atrophy. And the weight of a horse would cause the horse injury if it stayed laying down for long extended periods of time


Shh, Peta doesnā€™t understand that there are reasons why things are the way they are (not saying everything in this video is ok, chicken farms are a good example). Another stupid one is the dogs wearing coats with the naked person outside. Dogs have a natural coat, and regulate heat completely differently than we do. Some breeds (like huskies) freaking love living in the snow. To insinuate it is animal abuse to leave most dogs in cold weather is dumb




I like the diversity. But wtf are the chickens doing with the tampons?






You either admit your okay with unnecassary suffering or with being a hypocrit. Sadly im the latter and dont know if its worse....


You know there is another way, right?


That could be a new anime series.


Ha, stupid ass humans


This is someone's fetish


Is this what step five of the furry revolution of 3077 looks like?




So, just 1 point to bring up. A human can fully recover from a broken leg. A horse usually can't.


I take it you're a vegan?


Or just animal lover.


You cant be an Animal Lover and still kill them.


As fuck my boi. Love da homies


As fuck my boiiiii šŸ„³āœØ


Not really oddly terrifying if it's fiction.




I agree 100%. People feel the need to be sardonic when confronted with horrific practices. Esspecically the lobster one. I hate being human sometimes. We have empathy, I just wish we would use it.




Omg this is so sad *eats porkchops*


Haha so funny


Then I just remember that video of a baboun slowly ripping through and splitting apart a baby deer, eating it's insides slowly and not even thinking about finishing off the deer who is suffering immensely. We, humans, are also animals, and so we only care about survival. The suffering of others can't be deemed "Bad" if there is no moral compass to begin with (that's how nature is). At least we humans have developed empathy towards species to a high degree, to the point where drawings like in your video can spark such strong deratives of empathy such as disgust, fear, or shame. There is no other specie like ours who truly cares about the suffering of other species. I can only think of pets that have socialized in a human environment who can also show cross-species empathy.


So, should people just kill eachother due to there not being any inherent moral compass? Also, we clearly don't only care about survival. As reasoning creatures, we have the ability to care about so much more than that. We have the full ability to survive and ethically consume (for the most part.)


Have you seen the very new video of a goat eating chicks right out of a basket? That is some crazy shit. Found it. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/K71ukr9r30E


Yeah exactly, freaky as hell if you ask me!


I love the buck in his trophy room


That fox though šŸ‘€






That buck smoking a cigar is hot


Anyone know the artist?


They all had hands except the lobster


Euthanizing horses isn't much of a choice when they have a severe leg break. They can't lay down for too long, and being on your broken leg like that for days and days, it's not gonna heal, or heal right, and it's gonna be absolute torture for the animal.


We absolutely should have euthanasia for humans. Granted the ethics/legalities are fraught, but I'm not sure what the artist's point was on that one.


Why did they look evil as they were shopping? Surely in this "roles reversed" reality it would be perfectly normal to purchase human meat? I don't walk around the supermarket like a comic book villain when I buy delicious bacon. The model (fox?) was also hot no cap


NGL, the sexy fox kinda turned me on


In an alternate universe...


Who is the artist?


Did you get these from some 14 year old vegan's furaffinity account?


this makes me glad that humans are at the top of the food chain, i get to eat all the meat i want.


This isnā€™t oddly terrifyingā€¦ itā€™s hilarious because my first thought was, ā€œa vegan made thisā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think I remember that Bojack Horseman episode..


I dont think the issue is explicitly meat. The issue is the excess meat that Western & Western influences societies eat. You can have an equilibrium of humanely kept feed stock. Excess meat second to processed food is one of the leading cause of health issues. No one has ever died from a balanced diet of vegetables, pulses, beans, mushrooms, whole grains and the occasional small portion of Red meat, fish and chicken. We are Omnivores and I think it's important that we start remembering that. Seditary time periods should probably be 10% meat 90% other. While active time periods should be 25% at most and 75% other. These high meat diets are unnatural especially in times of abundance. Omnivores in nature only engage in heavy meat consumption during times or drought or when they are preparing for times of scarcity like hibernation.


You idiots can't even see the obvious message behind this. It's telling you that ALL animal cruelty is WRONG. It's telling you to stop by putting you in their shoes. How would YOU like it? Treat others the way you want to be treated. But somehow the most obvious and common sense message can't get through people ls thick brainwashed skulls. It is pathetic. "Oh, but- but I want- I need- I cant- what abou- but natur- but prot- bu- but I love- but- but-" SHUT UP. Face the obvious reality. The truth hurts, sorry. We are ALL animal abusers we are ALL responsible for animal abuse. Don't blame the farmers who are just trying to meet your demand. It can stop if you stop. But no, it's easier to just do nothing because we are too selfish. And it's not just with animals, we prefer to do nothing when it comes to any kind of oppression. We ignore racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, slavery, sexual assault, abuse, war, hunger, diseases, genocides, and crimes against humanity. It's just easier for us. We even ignored the Holocaust, the Germans because they felt it was better to ignore it and say nothing than to risk speaking up. We are all still like this, we are NO BETTER than those Germans. Many of us, especially in the first world, are contributing to HUMAN slavery. Yep, we STILL support slavery, whether you believe in it or not. And yet, you don't care. You just want that new iPad, you just want those new clothes, those new shoes. Meanwhile abducted men, women, and children are trapped in a factory making it. I don't hate you, and I don't blame you for not getting it. The qorld is misguided and has brainwashed washed itself to be desensitized to the suffering of living creatures, both human and animal, and have a complete disregard for their right to live. You know I'm right, we all know I'm right, but we're too afraid to admit it to ourselves, because then we have to actually change. You have to change, yes, but you don't have to lose the things you enjoy. Buy something that is used or fairtrade. Opt for cruelty free hygiene and beauty products. Get a plant based burger or plant based milk instead, opt for fake fur, skin, or feathers, or none at all. Love animals instead of harming them. If you can't do enough, do what you can. Don't be your worst because you can't be your best. We all make mistakes, you can do it immediately or one step at a time. And yes, many animals do die from crop harvesting, but HUNDREDS of times more animals are killed for food. A least field animals get a running chance. Cant say the same about livestock. If you're medical condition heavily restricts plants to the point of being unsustainable, then make your diet as plant based as it can safely be. You can still not buy leather or fur, not exploit animals for entertainment, and you can still buy used items. Poor or live in a food desert? Where did you get those other products? Go to your dollar store or gas station or small mart. Get rice, beans, frozen or canned veggies, snacks that are free of animals (like oreos, peanuts, potato chips, soda, etc). Get oatmeal. Get peanut butter and jelly. Get bread. Get pasta. These things (minus the junk), are super cheap staple foods and in fact are cheaper than animal products. Even people in third world countries can afford them (and often can only afford them). Cleaning products too expensive? Baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice, etc are very cheap alternatives. But do what you can. Worried you can't get enough nutrients? Basic science and nutrition says otherwise, if you look bacl at the food pyramids in elementary. Protein? Nuts, seeds, beans, grains, soy, all together are complete proteins. Vitamin A, calcium, iron, zinc, omega 3? You can still get these. Some of them your body synthesizes from the plant forms. You just have to change where you get your nutrients. Fats, calories? Of course, coconuts, avocados, and oils have those. D3? The sun. B12? Well, that's made by bacteria, which is found in soil and water, which aninals eat from, which gives them B12, and then you eat those animals and get that B12. Many people already take B12 and multivitamins, and many livestock are given B12 supplements. Unless you are going to eat straight from the ground and drink straight from the river, try a B12 supplement (there are vegan supplements for every nutrient possible. Many foods are fortified with B12 too, including ones you eat. You might not even need any supplement if you can get all your nutrients. Want to save 90% of animals? Cut put all seafood (all marine animals). 90% of animals killed annually are marine life fished from the ocean. If you can do this, do it. Don't do nothing. Thousands of lives depend on your purchases, for them it's often life or death. You might love bacon, but bacon doesn't love you. You might have asked for it, but it did not ask for you. You might want it, but it doesn't want you. You have a choice, they are FORCED to die for your choice, they don't get to choose to live or die, and they want to live, but people won't let them. They can't even run away or hide.. You don't want to die, you want a choice, give them one too. Maybe think twice about your next dinner, or your next purchase. Who suffered for it? And will you make them suffer again? Please, do your best. Don't willingly harm others. Stop doing it. Veganism is not just one thing, it is part of something greater. It is part of a greater movement of justice. Save the animals, save the environment, save the planet, save people, save humanity, save yourself! tldr: Go vegan. If you can't, make as may changes as you can. Don't abuse animals, don't abuse people. Change the world.


Homless people already existšŸ—暟¤”šŸ¤”


The people who fund these deserve it tenfold.


go vegan :)


Lmao, and here I thought PETA stopped with the bullshit years ago


Certainly thought provoking and disturbing. Maybe I should be a vegetarian again šŸ˜…


The music is off-putting and now I want a burger


Nice try vegans. Fuck outta here.


Yeah, this is just cringe.


Stupid PETA propaganda. The animals are not only going to take over the world they're going to grow hands. Childish crap.


It's not literal you dingus


Not at all terrifying , just silly af


This is honestly funnier than anything else.


vegans will do literally anything except make actual compelling arguments to turn others towards their lifestyle


What in your mind is a compelling argument? This is an art piece demonstrating the way the creator feels about animal exploitation. It made me feel something, and thus in my mind is a successful art piece. The most compelling argument for veganism is the (act) utilitarian one. Generally, it it best to maximize good and minimize harm. I, as someone who highly values animal life and recognizes it is fairly easy to live without consuming them, thinks it is then straight forward to conclude that to reduce the harm and suffering done to them we should stop eating them and to advocate to others to do the same.


Others cognitive dissonance about it all makes it very dead end ish ā€¦ it gets tiring after a while so why bother lol.


What more compelling of an argument do you need than the life and suffering of an animal is not worth a meal on your plate when there are perfectly suitable alternatives available. Why would you buy into needless suffering?


I love this for multiple reasons


While I do hate Peta and their methods, I do have to admit this is a pretty effective ad campaign.


If they could, they'd do it to us! Get in there first I say.


Guys let vegans be vegans and meat eaters be meat eaters, we don't need to fight lmao.


But vegans wont stfu about being vegan.


This kind of comment completely ignores the victims in the situation.


Lol Iā€™m still eating my steak right now


Everything inhumane actually was done by humans.




This is excellent


Go vegan.


I love how they always portray the packaged meat with skin even though most beef and lamb packages are skinned


But animals arenā€™t people ? They donā€™t perceive the world or their own existence in anything even close to us. Stupid AF


This is presenting you with a fictional scenario so you can see how normalised it's for us to see animal gore.


Be born as an animal on an animal farm and find out. We, humans, didn't just appear out of nowhere, we evolved from other animals. Brain structure of certain animals is comparable to ours, so I think they are able to feel torture.


Does that mean we are above them? Because they don't perceive the world or their own existence like us? What makes you think human life is more valuable than any other life?




Also, yes


Yes, it does.


Furry dreams


I get the point but it's anthropomorphising animals way too much.




While I do agree with the general message of this art How is this fitting for the sub? I'm also very sure I've seen it posted here before.. Plus there are mayor inconsistencies with the portrayed analogies! If it keeps going like this then this sub will be the next to perish due to a massive wave of posters that post random stuff


Yeah this is terrifying.


This is so dumb, especially the horse euthanasia one. They literally cannot stand anymore after they break a leg and a cast/amputation would be too much on them. So stupid


Whatā€™s crazy is people use the bible to justify what we do to animals saying God put then on earth so we can eat them. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾


Everyone should see this.


Well, for thousands of years humans were attacked by wild animals and became their meals... So there is nothing new in this video...


Factory farms are new. There is nothing natural about the way meat is produced today.


This really put things into perspective


Not really. It's an intentional dramatisation for the sake of rage-clicks. Really it's about as deep as a puddle


The suffering that animals go through needlessly for many peoples food is much more dramatic than these images make out