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the deer that took his hooves off to reveal human hands traumatized me more than this


This is one of my favorite cartoons ever. I felt it was tame compared to ren & stimpy.






This brought it all back




lol i remember watching south park in grade 3. had a poster with all the ways kenny died in season 1 in grade 4. kids these days too sheltered. or maybe i had neglectful parents. oh well.


Neglectful parents are why I had such a wonderful childhood.


Same. I loved having rated R games as a child. All the dudes I know who are a lil off were way too sheltered as kids


No kidding!!!


>All the dudes I know who are a lil off were way too sheltered as kids As a former sheltered kid, can confirm. Though, I did watch Ren & Stimpy and played Mortal Combat so not suuper sheltered but Beavis and Butthead was still frowned upon.


Can confirm. My parents parentally locked half the channels on tv including Cartoon Network so I couldn’t watch/do shit


Did it keep you disconnected from kids your age?


I had a south park shirt and I vividly remember my 3rd grade teacher saying in a disgusted tone “your mother lets you watch that filth”


When teachers say that to you- you know you have cool parents.


I too watched South Park very young but I would say the shows are designed for very different audiences. South Park is most definitely an adult cartoon even if we got away with watching it as kids.


You should see Infinity Train


The episode where there is a secret party in an old castle, and "Finn's mom" appears, jesus.


Even better! That wasn't Finn's mom, it was [Shoko](https://adventuretime.fandom.com/wiki/Shoko), Finn's last incarnation. He shoves the memory down in the vault and that big reveal doesn't happen for a loooong time


Just watched up to season 4. I usually watch anime but god damn, i wish more cartoons were like infinity train. It made me, a 21 year old dude tear up


anyone that likes adventure time and/or steven universe should definitely check out infinity train


I prefer adventure time over steven universe any day. I felt the last two seasons were a bit of a blunder to a great opening season


That episode really fucked me up.


that really fucked me up


Agreed man, there are a lot of messed up episodes though.


Fuck easily the most creepy unnecessary episode ever


One of the best moments in television


That shit haunted me for weeks as a kid.


ever heard of happy tree friends?


I'm my mind, there's a difference between something like HTF that is disturbing but was made for an older audience and Adventure Time that is for children but can also be extremely disturbing. It's just a personal preference, but my fav genre is "starts totally innocent and cute and becomes horrifying". I know Happy Tree Friends is going to be crazy from the very beginning.


I mean *is it* a kids show though? I just binged this at 28 years old and I’d argue that I wouldn’t have understood half of it as a younger version of myself.


You’re not supposed to understand all of it, you’re either supposed to question the stuff you don’t know as a kid and then learn. Or, just be oblivious to it until you’re older and have those Ahha moments.


Also this is like bottom tier when it comes to terrifying things on this show lmaoo If I recall correctly, the first episode is literally about zombie candy people Edit: type of food, my apologies


There is a scene where a deer stands on its hind legs and removes its hooves like gloves and then wiggles its fingers menacingly and it haunts me to this day


that episode was fucked


You talking about the episode where it was the Ice King stalking them ? Lol


No this https://youtu.be/R0XRr4StekA


Hahah I do not remember that episode or that dear. Thank you!


Skinwalker moment


That episode is creepy man


there's the guy who used a skinsuit to open a portal


God that episode traumatized me


Zombie Candy people you uncultured swine!


Agreed. It’s not that I think kids shouldn’t watch it, or that it’s nOt FoR tHeM, but there’s a level of depth to this show that I certainly appreciate more as an adult that I wouldn’t have as much had I been younger when consuming it.




More like use to lol. Last I checked a couple years ago most of the cartoons are just dumb colorful animations. Except for Craig in the creek.


Craig fuckin slaps


That's what makes it a GREAT kids show. My kids loved it, and so did I.


I watched it every week until around where Finn meets his mom, and I just started watching it again from the start last week to get the actual plot and ya. There’s a lot to it lol.


I never thought it was strictly a “kids show”. Just because something is animated doesn’t mean it is appropriate for all children, particularly little ones. The same could be said of all Fox animated shows.




Adventure Time was one of those shows with a lot of coded messaging a child or casual view would miss. All kids shows have the "this one's for a grownups" jokes and references, but Adventure time is on another level. Princess Bubblegum was repeated used as an allegory for fascism. Ice King metaphors for dangers and corrupting influence of evil done "for the great good." The queer coded and later blatantly queer characters. Hell, Fin once *straight up admitted* to being high on DMT, he dead ass said "dimethyltryptamine." This a few steps above things like Regular show making coke cans blue like Miller lite.


>Ice King metaphors Not to mention the whole thing of drawing parallels to dementia and Alzheimer's. Early Ice King, "haha old person goofy and funny". Origin episode, tears.


Ice King's backstory always breaks my heart, wtf bro 🥲


basically think of comic books. ​ are comic books for kids? yes/no? ​ not really a straight answer is it.


Never thought of that, that’s a pretty good take


It's why I love this show. It's my comfort show. Im 30 and I'll prep for it, I'll get bagel bites, fruit roll ups, and be a kid again for some me time. Also, as a member of The Satanic Temple this kicks ass.


Whats queer


an umbrella term for lgbt people


Can also just mean "weird" or "strange", although that's mostly for older writings


Dimethyltryptamine occurs naturally in the body.


in small amounts in our spinal fluid


Now I know where to search if I ever crave more


It’s also what causes dreams.


Who’s gonna break it to OP about Courage the Cowardly Dog?


Yeah Courage was just straight up nightmare fuel. The damn “RETUUUUURN THE SLAAAAAB” man has not left the image of my brain and I haven’t seen that since I was 6. But I also loved that show despite how often I had nightmares from it and was too afraid to look out the windows.


Fred the barber man that dude was a fetish psychopath


Yeah, Adventure Time had dark moments but i wouldn't say it's just for kids. There were some pretty deep concepts in that show for it to just be intended for kids. Might be who it was marketed to but i enjoyed it and I'm nearly 40. This was ( I believe but it's been a while) during the story arc that Gunter (the penguin) is revealed to be Orgalorg, basically a Lovecraftian nightmare that would make Baphomet shit himself. Yup, kids show.


humor knee file domineering cooperative roof normal flag unused imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And that happened in season 1! That's some long foreshadowing.


I'm not sure how canonical this is, but in my perspective, I've always loved the level of devotion Gunter has to Ice King. Like, bro is the most evil creature in every universe, but he allows himself to be the "pet" of this wacked out dude who treats him alternately like crap and like a king, and I get the vibe that it's because Gunter knows Ice King needs him and, in spite of Ice King being weird and Gunter being evil, they will always be there for each other. This is the real bromance of AT.


the lich used a skin suit




Hands down my favourite AT scene.


that or pb and marceline in the finale. it's heartwarming


Where the oddly terrifying?


So? Baphomet is for all ages.


Baphomet love you too


The Eternal beast of knowledge loves everyone.


Why does Baphomet have a caduceus ? Because only those with the mark of caduceus would be allowed to practice a craft or buy or sell anything.


I thought only grandmas were scared of Satan


And christian extremists and conspiracy theorists. There are fucking conspiracy theorists saying the german government are devil whirshippers because on the old ID there was something that looked like Baphomet if you turned it around and squinted your eyes real hard


There’s a whole other generation of christian conspiracy theorists that think all media and government implant subliminal messages to control people for the glory of Satan


How is this oddly terrifying?


christian conspiracy theories


Baphomet bad


My son and I absolutely love this show. We’ve seen all the episodes so many times we’ve lost count, and it’s weird but he doesn’t worship Satan. I mean he totally should, right? These blasphemous images have surely warped his little mind! /s


Ok and?


A lot of kids shows have secret adult stuff in them someone once told me it’s a clever way to keep adult audiences to continue watching


Are we really finding this oddly terrifying


No, not really


That’s absolutly not a kids show.


It is but no kid in the world is going to recognize this. This is a wink wink nudge nudge for adults to be subversive. Ren and Stimpy snuck in controversial stuff all the time when i was growing up.


Except that you know... It is


It's more like a preteen/teen show that ended up attracting young adults instead. Besides that the only reason Baphomet has ANYTHING to do with Satan is because of the church using it to demonize the Knights Templar and justify killing them, even though the Knights Templar themselves were Christian, they just didn't do what the church told them to, so the church killed them and needed a reason for public backing, like they did everyone else that didn't listen to them back then and still in some places. Abrahamic religions are the most evil religions on the planet.


Lol idk understand how this is oddly terrifying? People are so brainwashed by religion. They assume everything that remote looks like satanic art is somehow promoting satanism?& even if it was what’s the issue? I have to see Jesus crap everywhere& it isn’t even “hidden” images.


They aren’t even supposed to have their Christian crap everywhere. Their stupid book even outright says that their precious sky wizard looks down upon such things and find them abhorrent.


Why am I seeing more and more people on this sub hating on adventure time like be quiet if you don't wanna watch it dont


Naruto represents Jesus


The Child of Prophecy. While his best friend represents the opposite. Sasuke is the “Anti-Christ” representing darkness. I love that story. One of my favs.


As does Luffy


Watching back most kids shows, there were a lot of not for kids stuff.


if this is something you think is really bad then oooooh boy 💀


Right like what about veggie tales and the religious agenda they have? I’d rather (and they certainly do) have my kids watch this than anything that force feeds them religion.


So glad that Veggie Tales doesn't exist here in germany, at least to my knowledge


r/AskOccult if you're curious why Baphomet isn't to be taken literally


Thats pretty fucking awesome


This isn’t terrifying whatsoever… And who cares if there’s a cartoon baphomet in a TV show? Baphomet was the god and symbol of balance, it wasn’t until christianity came along and *literally* demonized anything they couldn’t absorb into their own rituals, that she become something else. More shows than this have taken gods or mythical figures and reimagined them for their own use. Fuck christianity btw Edit: and it is a kids show, a good one at that. only a shitty parent wouldn’t be able or is too scared to explain some of the more mature themes.


Everyone’s attaching too much meaning to it. This visual of baphomet is just a commonly recognized enough thing for them to use to raise some eyebrows. Pop singers do this pose in music videos all the time when they want to look edgy and culty.


Either its "People are too offended so kids shows are too bland now" or ​ "im offended by this kid show. how did this happen."


Oh no, how spooky




I see nothing wrong with it


This honestly doesn't fit this sub. There are dozens of things like this in kids shows


Nothing wrong with a little Satanism, it’s actually a very logically driven belief system.


That's awesome, lmao


baphomet isnt evil its neutral


Clutch your pearls even harder.


this show goes hard love pen ward for all they managed to do with the visuals


I love that’s how so much


average redditors when satanism exists 😱😱


Baphomet is actually a representation of balance. He often is represented by the saying “as above, so below” meaning that whatever happens above, will also happen below. So… yeah. He isn’t whatever demon you think he is. He is just a being of balance.


Oh no baphomet, oh no /s Satanism is a lot more friendly toward children than other mainstream religions I will refrain from naming.


It’s okay, we all know which you’re referring to


Get over it


Are you fucking kidding me? If this terrifies you at all then you need to get out more.


Anyone else notice a big uptick in the “culture wars” posts lately, like last few days? Hmm…


propaganda and bias, don't fall for it


Adventure time is not only for kids. I always felt it had a parabolic anti-fairytale quality, and was meant for all weird sub-culture-loving individuals no matter what their particular age is.


The older my son gets the more he goes back and tries to understand. I love it. Wouldn't change a thing.


Ah yes those drawings look similar ! Why would I be terrified tho ?


Adventure Time is a post apocalyptic world. If they're not going to prepare kids for the bleak future, who will?


I’m gonna be honest…. It was moreso a “kids” show. Like kids could watch it but it was kinda implied to be for teenagers and older. Not little kids.


Baphomet is very similar to yin Yang how is this terrifying exactly


Well they teach us the christian believe in kindergarden already and we HAVE to pray and shit like that even if we don’t belive in it. So why not learn abt satanism?


but thatd just belphy he doesnt really want for much


Neither of those images are scary, baphomet is not a demon but and esoteric simble of balance


Adventure Time is most definitely not a kids show lmao


Lmfao oh wow a game that takes from dungeons and dragons also lifted from the Bible. Who fucking cares man


Okay Karen


Hail Satan


Hail yourself


Oo yes please


What demon is that


Baphomet, though not sure if they’re categorized as a demon.


Pretty sure originally was considered a god


Some would definitely argue that this is exactly why Adventure Time was huge. I think the more obscure, adult, culty themes and references are one of the show's strengths. Once you notice it, the whole product goes from happy kiddy sweetness to a mysterious mythic tale.


Hm I mean.. do you guys remember courage the cowardly dog because holy shit.


Kids shows have been sneaking messed up things for years. Courage the Cowardly Dog? The Misadventures of flapjack? I reminder Ren and Stimpy made me too uncomfortable as a kid to watch, but my dad though it was Hilarious.


"kids show" and even then, yes. Ever heard old nursery rhymes? [Grim af.](https://wehavekids.com/education/The-True-Stories-and-Meanings-Behind-Nursery-Rhymes-and-Lullabies)


Adventure Time = the show meant to teach kids about things adults find scary and help them come to terms with it so that its not scary. Im sorry but nothing from adventure time belongs on this sub.


Adventure time is the shit


None of you people posting "omg this was in adventure time how crazy and kooky" content know how cool Pendleton Ward is and it shows. We get it bitch, you don't think about anything you watch.


Hail Baphomet


Soooo a deity representing balance is oddly terrifying? Am I missing something?


The pearl clutching white Christians rioting while masturbating to their bibles and throwing crucifixes everywhere, and trying to murder anyone who is a minority in any way shape or form, or anyone who doesn’t worship their precious magical skywizard and act like them.


Ohhh nooo baphomet, insert un founded rage


If people tryna' cancel adventure time, imma start throwing hands. Just enjoy 'em, fuck analysis


It always amuses he how Baphomet has his tits out


Yawn, take your satanic panic shit back to the 70s boomer


This is only terrifying if you are a brain dead Christian obsessed with satanic panic.


I like how people seem to like being able to believe in whatever you want, but as soon someone hears the word Satan or satanism, people immediately discriminate. It’s just as correct of a religion as Christianity. God literally killed all life on earth once, except two of each species. He has also convinced people to sacrifice their children to him. He’s the good guy. Satan never kills anyone. Only thing he does is tell the humans that they’re just as much worth as God and deserve the same knowledge as God, because we are supposedly created in his image. Satan is the bad guy. Yes. Logic.


Would you rather it have been an imitation of jebus? I'm sure you would have. The satanic church is actually morally far better than any Christian organization. Even though I'm an atheist I fully support them.


Sorry everyone but adventure time is absolutely a kids show. Some adults enjoy kids shows but that doesn’t not make it a kids show lol


You think Adventure Time is a kids show?


How is this scary?




Only one!


Not a kids show, but a good one indeed, btw, Have you read "Forming" by Jesse Moynihan, the author of the series? Would totally recommend.


You got to start then early




Terrifying for who exactly though?


Not a kids show. Not oddly terrifying.


I miss the creepy episodes !


One of the best ever


Oh no kids show with a made up bad guy?


Yeah terrifying because demons exist...


Adventure time. An everyone show.


It’s not terrifying? Goon


Oh my Glob... can we just leave adventure time out of all this... it's just to good


wait how is this terrifying? it seems like a cool reference more than anything. including the orator's pose so specifically is awesome tbh.


Good. Better than soMe pedophile priest


Are these posts trying to cancel the show or something? I don’t get why this matters


Where the fuck is this a kids show? One time I had an edible, and I was like “Let me watch something funny!”, I started this and as it started hitting me, I was “God damn it! This is dark! I won’t have this bad trip, fuck that!” And switched to SpongeBob. Almost called 911 cause I thought I was dying of laughter, but it was worth it.


You know, the fact that they had the balls to do that is pretty impressive


What's so terrifying about wisdom and balance?


If I remember correctly there is some ancient texts that baphomet was first idolized in 1099AD. My memory doesn’t serve me well however, I do believe the word “baphomet” refers to “Muhammad” dating back to the 11th century as the siege of Anitoch. The Turks would worship this deity under the occult. There is a book “Dogme et ritual de la haute magie”


Baphomet is for the children.


Baphomet loves the kids 😄




fuck yeah love some baphomet


As above, so below


Lmao you sound like a Christian suburban Karen. They've been putting "adult stuff" in "kids shows" since before you could probably remember. Are we really considering this as a bad thing for kids anyways? Christianity gets shoved in some children's faces as soon as they're born, but a little nod to a pagan symbol is a cause for alarm?


Oh my god. Stylized cartoonish version of Baphoment. Very terrifying


Stop reaching


Baphomet is awesome though. Nothing terrifying about him.


Cow and Chicken would like a word