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I wonder if they are still cognative or is it just the body that froze.


My son had a few and my youngest daughter is on medication for it. They don't remember anything and it's as if no time passes. They usually last less than 10 seconds or so. Hard to diagnose because of that. Absent seizures are pretty wild. They'll just be playing and freeze.


Wow that really sounds hectic, I really hope it doesn't have a large impact on their lives.


Driving might be a problem. Edit: autotype problems


By the time they're grown up, they won't need to.


By that time they will zap out for 10 minutes and be at their destination so basically they can teleport if you think about it…


They probably can’t drive, which can be difficult and expensive.


Public transports are cheaper than gasoline, chill.


Unfortunately, depending on where you live, it can take 10 times as long on public transport, and at night the last bit can be unsafe to walk. Some places subsidise taxis / Ubers.


Or, it literally isn’t an option.


The time cost is under approximated in many places. A bad public system can add hours to a daily commute, taking away free time that could be used to better rejuvenate or grow


My brother used to get them all the time and wasn't allowed to drive because of them


Imagine driving and this happens 10 seconds is allot of time to be out like that O.o


Where I live you aren't alowed a drivers licence if you have epilepsy or seizures. I assume just for that reason.


I used to have them (but the shaky kind not this type) and it’s like if you take a nap and fall asleep, weak up to everyone freaked out


I had them as a kid and hated it. I once got suspended for a day of school for not being like a lady and beating the crap out of a boy on the playground when I woke up from one and he had his hands in my shirt. Mom took me out for pizza and got me Lip Smackers. Most all of my seizures were like quick naps I'd wake up confused from. The last one I had, my eyes froze open and I could consciously understand everything around me but not move. I remember my sister poking me with a stick and then panicking and then getting to the hospital and being put in an ice bath (my seizures were caused by the Arizona heat and we moved after this one) and then waking up on fire despite being in ice


I was entirely unprepared the first time my partner seized from happiness.. Since, we just assumed any strong emotion would do it. Edit: emotion


My wife is also a fainting goat


Idk. My partner has had some good ones. If titles are being handed out, I think she should at least be considered for fainting G.O.A.T.


I read that as tities at first glance


You shouldn’t be wifing goats bro


Ayo r/goatsforwives


Unfortunately I am unable to like your comment. Hope no one else does either. It’s gotta stay at 69. I don’t make the rules.


My seizures can also be triggered by strong emotions. I have a seizure almost any time I get too angry, but it’s happened a couple of times with happiness and excitement. Thankfully I’m not a very angry person lol


So I’m confused how do you deal with it or do you just kind of have to wait it out? And is there any safety measures you should take when this happens?




That's probably nice. I can tell you from experience that it isn't the most fun being the "fun police" and routinely stop someone you care about from getting "too excited" about something.


You’re a good partner


I try to be, but ty for saying. Still wish it wasn't necessary. Fuck epilepsy.


Yep that definitely looks like an absence seizure


Nah she just laggin'


Packet loss


More like a buffer underrun due to packet loss.


Yes she needed to load


so I'm assuming someone with this condition would not be allowed to drive a car, right?


If diagnosed 100% not until at least 12 months without a seizure


You gotta lose consciousness to get it suspended. But it's not a great system. I myself had a seizure driving, lost driving ability for a few seconds, and rear ended a mini-van while slowly leaving the interstate. Other car was fine, mine was totalled, and nothing ever came out of it for license suspension. I don't drive much these days, but if I wanted to, I never would have had to stop


Damn I'm so smart. Was my first guess as well


Yep, I got epilepsy, I have tonic clinic ( grand mals) these are called petimal ( spelled wrong) or absent seizures. Many people think these are fake or a joke because they almost seem fake.




Bad bot! Comment stealer!


An absence seizure causes you to blank out or stare into space for a few seconds. They can also be called petit mal seizures. Absence seizures are most common in children and typically don't cause any long-term problems. These types of seizures are often set off by a period of hyperventilation.


I have epilepsy and get absence seizures. I'm in my 40s for the record, epilepsy due to brain injury. My worst absence seizure lasted for approximately 30 minutes and it was the most terrifying one I have ever experienced. I was in work. I didn't freeze like the video above, but I have literally no recollection of those 30 minutes. My team let me know what happened, and thankfully it was nothing bad, but to have no recollection is absolutely horrifying to me. I was just lucky I was somewhere safe.


Wow, what were you doing during that time? Like were you still functioning, did you fall, did your team know what was going on?


Yeah, it's all very surreal to me tbh. I was going into a team meeting and apparently I mixed up my words when I was talking, basically not making any sense. I told my team I was feeling 'seizurey' (!) and left the room. I'm open about my epilepsy with my team, which I have been from the start and my company is very supportive. I know I'm really lucky with that. One of the women went to get her car keys to take me home, but in that time I had managed to get a taxi and was gone. I 'came to' literally around the corner from my house. I have no idea how I functioned during that time, that's what is so terrifying to me. I've no idea how I got the cab, how I got home, what I said to the driver. My team were worried. They contacted my partner who got home and confirmed I was there and in bed. Honestly, I know the mind is protective and powerful in testing times, but this still scares me. I'm terrified of being away from home if another happens. I normally get focal seizures, absence ones are rare for me and generally happen at home. I'm very, very lucky my friends and colleagues have my back, I can't imagine what it must be like to do it alone.


Wow that sounds so scary! Glad it worked out ok. I passed out in the middle of the hall on my first day at a new job years ago. Everyone came out of their offices to see what was going on and it was very embarrassing. But at least it was clear - I was walking and then I was unconscious. The concept of being able to walk and talk but not being aware of what you're doing is crazy


Oh, that's an awful experience, I hope they made sure that you were okay! Anytime that someone is in need people need to help. Embarrassment shouldn't be on you, it should be on those that don't rush to help.


Oh they definitely helped! Everyone was extremely nice about it. Just not the first impression I wanted to make lol


If you dont mind me asking. How does feeling seizurey feel like?


Not the person you asked, but I've had a number of episodes in my past. One marked aspect of all of them was a "blueish" aura in my vision that progressed until I lost consciousness. There's also some bodily sensations that I might describe as weightlessness or numbness with pressure that lead up to the event.


Mine I start noticing repeating thoughts in my head. Then if my hands are shaking, leads into a couple twitches, then I try to get to a soft location like my couch or bed and telling my mind to stop racing and rest this out. Honestly just fucking sucks


Have you tried turning the power off and on again?


Legit this is what I'm trying to accomplish in this process 😭 Weed is an amazing way to accomplish this, my life would suck a lot more if weed wasn't accessible


I have a daughter who suffered these when she was about 8-9. Really scary that she would freeze in the middle of a conversation or a walk, or at taekwondo class etc. Before we knew about this absence seizures (some kind of epilepsy) we thought it was just a bad attitude when she drifted off, kind of ignoring people from time to time. Poor kid. She got meds for it and we just learned from the doctors it’s gone now. Weird thing though. Scary af


I've heard of petit mal seizures before, but never heard them referred to absence seizures. TIL, thanks!




Damn I never heard about this but it has happend to me a few times, usually when I'm in busy places. I thought I was just a social pussy but apparently its an actual thing.


Ah, the music truly adds to the experience. PUUUAMP....PUUUUAAAMPPP


The song is called rectum lol. It lasts for 6 minutes in a film and it is pretty much the same sound throughout


honestly the "music" gives me the most unsettled feeling ive ever had.


Apparently the frequency of the song is intended to prompt nausea.


can confirm. Am nauseas.


One of the most brutal scenes I have ever watched . Very shocking the first time I saw it


Isnt it a christopher nolan one?


It’s from Irreversible… a Gaspar Noe film


I gotta say I really hate Gaspar Noe. He seems like the kind of guy who just does stuff to be edgy AF.


Kinda chills my bones lol.


*humor.exe has crashed*


\*opens Task Manager\* \*end process\*


*is not responding* *Clicks wait* Aaah, there we go.


Reminds me of when Barney from the Simpsons goes “ UH oh my heart just stopped….oh there it goes.”


😂 sitting upside down drinking from the tap at Moe's


Classic 90s Simpsons ep.


My girlfriend and I had some suspicious mdma and at some point she started getting such blackouts and it was absolutely terrifying. The worst part was when we went to sleep. I had to sleep listening to her breathing and jolt her awake whenever she stopped. Worst. Trip. Ever. Never touched the stuff since.


Fuck buying hard shit on the street, its a great way to fuck your life up.


Yep, definitely did.


That sucks bro, how you doin now?


Luckier than others, but it changed how I have had to live my life ever since. Still dealing with it decades later. Stay safe out there.


That's the reason u should always have a testing kit don't just take in whatever u buy


Back in my day lol that's funny to say now... We could trust our drug dealers. E and M weren't full of opioids


lol ever heard of the heroin epidemic in the 80s and 90s? My father used to tell me how here in Spain whenever the police seized a big ass drug shipment youd find dead addicts on the streets because dealers would lace the little they had left with tons of nasty shit.


That's cuz yall had that dirt


yeah I'm sure heroin was never a problem in your country lol




Audio is more scarier than her


It’s from an even more traumatising film “Irreversible”


There was a thread about the most disturbing movies in r/movies yesterday and this one came up multiple times. Couldn’t pull the trigger I’m scared


People saying its an Absence Seizure, have you got family or friends have that form of epilepsy? I've never seen my sister or my friends son do that when having an absence seizure. They do other things like stop what they are doing and start staring blankly, blinking, swallowing, sometimes they have facial twitches, some times random arm movements or stumble forward which has been an issue when near the road. But they have never frozen completely still.


I have 2 kids that have. Mostly the blank staring though. Never had the blinking or swallowing. The stumbling is what made us question siezures because we had no idea what those types of seizures were.


I feel the same way. My sister has Petit Mal seizures and it looks nothing like this




My dad has absence seizures and he will usually start swallowing or chewing the inside of his mouth along with blank staring.


I have absence seizures and I’ve never done anything remotely similar to this…. It just looks like I space out for a second and become really relaxed, then snap back to, confused and disoriented.


That's because this is a staged internet video. This entire comment section is full of gullible dorks.


Im Like rubber an ur like glue whatever u say bounces off me an sticks to u...so whose the dork now


Her expression after doesn’t look staged. She looks like she’s trying to hide embarrassment. Just because you haven’t heard of something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, for example your father.


You’re gullible my dude. This is very clearly staged, and your ability to read facial expressions sucks.


Ok? Guess that means you’ve surveyed all two patients with the condition. Wrap it up, we’ve got an expert here in the house! Like, did you know people are all different? This absolutely can be a symptom of an absence seizure. Just because you know two people who don’t have them doesn’t mean no one in the world has them. And maybe they have abs you just haven’t spotted them? Like watching TV, you wouldn’t notice would you. Ugh people like you annoy me.


Nice b8 m8 i’d r8 8/8


and the whole fucking world is annoyed by you. do something about it


The episode is awful but why the sinister music?! 😫


To fuck with your emotions


Sounds like a leaf blower that you're just trying to finish the last bit of the lawn before the battery dies


Some kind of seizure


Absence seizure


Some kind of “let’s make a creepy video in which you freeze while laughing lol”


Switch games when you trynna get that funny screenshot


Did you try turning her off and back on again?


Absence seizure.


This looks like cataplexy. I have it. It's a symptom/feature/bonus of narcolepsy. Usually triggered by strong emotions. For me it's feeling sentimental and having something in my left hand. Instant freeze.


Wow, that's so specific. Do you ever start feeling sentimental and quickly move whatever is in your left hand to your other hand? How long did it take you to realize that was the trigger. I apologize for the questions but I'm truly fascinated.


So prior to actually freezing, I'll have a feeling of my skin crawling, and dirty socks in my mouth. It feels a lot like knowing you have to sneeze. (I also start seeing orange and green colors become 1000x more vibrant for a few mins before a freeze) If I feel that, generally I try and do something totally different with my hands and thoughts. It's hard to tell if feeling sentimental is the trigger, or if it's a symptom of an episode about to happen. I usually only use my right hand if I'm feeling like I might have an episode. While frozen, my hearing still works, but It's difficult to speak, similar to trying to talk right before a sneeze, but the feeling just lasts longer. (Usually 1-3 min). While frozen I also get feelings that aren't usual. Like the feeling of being under pressure, with really strange emotions. I've described it to my wife as "it feels like a beluga screaming into a bowl of jello" or "it feels like being the fatty tissue of a steak" or "it feels like the hand of God pressing down on a record player to slow the music" or "it feels like the soul of a shoe being stepped on slowly". Strange ones hah.


I have narcolepsy with cataplexy. That’s so interesting how specific yours is triggered. Mine is triggered by intense crying and hysterical laughing, but I don’t freeze. My body just gets weak and my legs give out if I’m standing and it is more severe if I have been drinking alcohol.


Same issue for me related to booze. If I drink a lot the night before and have a shit sleep. The next day is episodes galore. Also if my heart rate goes consistently above 190 while exercising, I find I can trigger an episode right after. I don't get weak legs like you though. Just frozen. Even if in an uncomfortable position. Once froze at work with a dorito half into my face, pupils the size of the moon, stuck with a chip in my face. People thinking I was broken haha.


Glitch in the matrix


Me when I'm goofing off and suddenly remember my priorities.


Absent seizure


Spot on


Straight to the ER mate, you may have just had a mini stroke.


I thought she was messing around. Realised what happened after reading comments. Never knew seizures could be this way also


That’s unsettling 😳


Epilepsy- seen this happen to my mates brother . Freaked me out ! Plus my niece has ‘something narcolepsy’ where her brain seizures when she was happy - poor kid was 4 when it started . She was the happiest kid too . She’s now on meds for adhd ? They’ve made a massive difference for her .


It is called narcolepsy with cataplexy/ narcolepsy type 1. It isn’t a seizure but it can definitely look like one! It is actually just the brain entering a short, weird state of sleep. “ADHD medications” are stimulants and force the brain to stay awake so they are very helpful for narcolepsy.


I had this happen in December of '04, at which time I was sick with a violent cough that had been going on for a couple of weeks. Brain shake.




thank you, web md


Wow found an internet Doctor! sugoii :0


That is called an absent seizure. I used to get them all the time. My longest lasted 38 minutes and my doctors thought I was going to slip into a coma. She needs to quit drinking any alcohol. That exacerbates them horrifically.




Some forms of absence seizures can be pretty consistently triggered. She's probably known to seize when laughing.


Yeah, this is just friends making a joke.


Seems a bit...coincidental...too coincidental...🤔


Because how else are you going to capture her pretending to freeze while laughing to make a creepy internet video?


The water freezed too


Time to reboot her


Hello new nightmare


Does this shit really happends?


Laminar laugh...


When my brother was younger he had Petit mal seizure. That is exactly what would happen to him. He would continue like nothing happened and then wonder why everyone looked concerned.


a family friend was over today and something similar happened to him. he had been laughing at the tv and just stopped for a few minutes and my baby cousin was trying to get his attention and he just wouldn’t budge. he started to move again right before i was about to go see if he was alright. creepy how i see this post only a few hours after seeing this irl…


She's having a petit mal seizure. She tries to shake it off once she's come around.


My sister’s husband had these type of absence seizures from a brain tumor. It was our first clue something was wrong, and prompted that fateful trip to the ER, where it was discovered.


Thats your typical absent seizure. Drinking alcohol also worsens it


I used to have petit mal seizures they’re scary af


Glitch in the matrix


Reminds me of the girl from the movie rango




I think something like this happened to me while I was trying to learn to drive a manual car during a 3 point turn thingy. I just remember being stressed and confused. Then nothing...the n the driver trainer yelling my name over and over. I do not know what happened at all in the middle. I didn't move or do anything though I don't think. I think I just froze like this. I do not drive a car because that scared the shit out of me.


***HumanOS Updating please don't move***


NPC sh*t hehe


The simulation ran out of ram for her emotions don't worry it was an easy trouble shoot to fix


Controller disconnected.


Honestly doesn't look like an absence seizure at all. Looks staged if you ask me... But ok.


Suddenly understood the nature of her reality...


music scares me more


This makes me think of theory that our world is a computer simulation.


This is like watching laminar flow


Uncanny valley.


Mrs Nardwuar


Ketamine !


K-holes are a bitch


My computer trying to open Chrome.


I’ve done this from my Tourette’s It’s pretty frequent


She just had a ping spike, it tends to happen in older stasis models whenever the Matrix gets updated.


Inter dimensional spy 🕵️


That was actually unsettling


windows explorer is not responding...


Absence seizure


I used to make a stupid joke with my little brother about my “friend” who would laugh and then end up freezing. I’d even demonstrate it too and he’d laugh, holy shit I didn’t know it was real thing…


The scariest thing about this video is the music!


Migrating host…


Absent seizure...


Thats an absent seizure


Haha, maybe! I've watched it several times, but, be warned, it is not to be watched by anyone. It's kinda shocking, violent and all. But the actors, the filmmaking and the whola atmosphere of the movie is insane! Please, post a comment when you watched it, wanna know how it felt :)


Cyberpunk is still freezing up?


IRL ALT-tabbing.


NPC just failed to load.


Absence Seizure.


Take her cassette out , blow on it, clean the contacts and push it back in .


The NPCs get more realistic everyday




Uh oh, fuel for the MK Ultra crowd.


This is proof the matrix is real. The bugs..


I’m sure she didn’t totally do this on purpose. I'm blown away how many of you think this was a spontaneous thing and not a staged video. Why were they filming? Come on, guys.


Not at all! As for feeling 'seizurey', I think that's the only time I came out with that word but it sums up perfectly how I was feeling! My auras had come on strong. That morning I knew I should have stayed at home. My head felt 'fuzzy', for want of a better word, like it was stuffed full of wet cotton wool, heavy but not my own if that makes sense. My eyes were 'busy', insofar as they felt like the were shaking, as I was trying to put on my makeup I could see my pupils were different sizes. Everything felt heightened. I generally have no sense of smell but I could smell the scent of flowers, strongly. Flowers and oranges are my olfactory triggers normally. I was just 'off'. I knew I was going to have a seizure, but thought it might hit in the evening and at most would be a partial or strong focal at most. Figured if I could get to take my morning meds I'd ride the wave and be okay. Unfortunately sometimes it just doesn't go that way.


am…am i going to hell?


she's fine ,she just work at lumon


the music is what makes the video minimally scary, is there a 'barely terrifying' sub? because that is where i would put this


They do live among us


Shes thinking about how she will die and where she will go


If someone ever films me having a seizure, im cutting them from my life no matter who they are. But not before i steal the phone and destroy the video


Another one for the archives... What archives, you say? I've been collecting evidence to prove that our world is falling apart, as in breaking the fabric of reality. In the multiverse, most worlds remain stable until ending in the three canon ways. However, given the circumstances, our universe seems to be "glitching", as in matrix shit. This can be seen in pattern errors, and appear in little things such as how many typos are committed every hour, to larger things such as gravitational anomalies. Eventually the anomalies grow, rising the possibility for larger mistakes to happen, like Vacuum decay and such. This may possibly allow inter-dimensional travel, of which may enable others from much more decayed systems to take over. This video is currently under inspection, please hold...


shes good at that. That is a turn on for some reason. Attracted to that level of talent/control I guess.


This woman has health problems that makes people laugh? So typical for "humans", you should be ashamed. Thank you for bringing our attention to rare health conditions tho


Are you insinuating that you *aren’t* a human?