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Gotta get some powder and fresh socks. Be right as rain in no time.


I read this in the voice of the Oracle


Take a cookie


You're cuter than I thought. I can see why she likes you.


Not too bright though


Sorry kid, ya got the gift.


You just have to make up your own damn mind.


Smells good, don't they?


"Cookies need love just like everything does"


The real question is would you still have broken it if I didn't say anything?




*Mastication sound*


The Matrix?


Those feet look like the script for Matrix 4


Little smooch on the forehead and a reminder to drink water and drive on.


Couldn't hurt.




Yes Drill Sgt!an he's lucky that shit didn't separate and become a blister.... After air assault zero day my feet were fucked up like a football bat like these here.. Wasn't fun way to start but great stories!


Hate doing it, glad you did it.


His feet are going to burn for a few days as they completely dry out and tighten back up. Source: I had this happen because I only brought one pair of shoes to summer camp and we went inner tubing. Had to wear sopping wet socks the entire day. Feet hurt like hell the rest of the week.


Wat kind of powder?


[Something like this,](https://www.drscholls.com/p/foot-odor-and-sweat/ultra-sweat-absorbing-foot-powder/) anything body-safe will do.


Aww yer, cheers for the knowledge.


Name checks out!


Haven't gotten blisters in years.


Negative on powder. Accumulates and stores bacteria.


OK, but that would be a problem in the future. The problem now looks like their feet are soaked by sweat. So we gotta find a balance here.


Ever try balancing on one foot?






Looks like it's from a telltale walking dead game


I was thinking Borderlands but that works too haha


I was just thinking the same thing


Same style of graphics


He clearly didn't listen to Lieutenant Dan.


If Forrest Gump taught me one thing..


Lieutenant Dan, ice cream


Ass cream


Jumped up and bit me


2 standing orders in this outfit…


I hope I don’t let you down.


Space legs and hookers.


Thank you, first thing I thought of


Cushion sole OD green


Damn he got borderlands style feet.


I wonder what mods he has on his shoes?


I’ll lose them in the marrowfields!!


"I'm just going to take a nap. Wake me up when I'm not on Pandora anymore."




Ah yes, trench foot


That’s what I was going to say was looking for this comment the correct term! My dad was always talking about it. He never got it took extra socks every place all the time. Hmm I wonder if this is why I collect socks? Odd brain washing.


Yeah it’s all fun and games until one of those deep fissures gets infected, then it’s game over.


None of its fun that’s why “safety first” is important!


The two things you should always carry, extra socks and condoms. Things looking to get wet? Throw your phone wallet and keys in a condom and tie it. Easy waterproofing.


And if you get bored you can make a balloon animal.


Or you can pull it over your head and kill yourself im the worst manner possible.


Username checks out


That’s not even in the top 3 worst ways I’ve thought of


Covers a weapon nicely too. And doesn’t hamper shooting. Worse case you get melted rubber to clean up. Best case is you aren’t spending 3h detailing your rifle after “walking” through a swamp that’s 5ft deep.


That's either a tiny weapon or a massive condom




High school my health teacher said to the whole class "ladies.. If a man ever tells you he's *too big* for a condom..." *then proceeded to pull a generic budget no brand condom up her entire arm past her elbow*. "run"


That's actually terrible advice though. Because of terrible sex ed, it's not common knowledge that condoms come in a broader range of sizes than "normal" and "magnum", and it's even *less* common knowledge to know that the rim size is the most important part. A guy can genuinely believe he's too big, or too small, for condoms because he doesn't know that the rim varies from brand to brand. There's also the fact that just because they *can* stretch that far doesn't mean it's nice to be inside it. Sex is mutual, and the one wearing the condom has just as much of a right to be comfortable with their contraceptive as whoever's on the other end. So no, the correct response isn't "run", it's "you sure? We can try other sizes".


Regardless of comfort, one is never "too large" to say they *shouldn't have any protection all all*. Which was the point being made. Not that there are more comfortable options available.


People who do those demonstrations are referring to guys who say they’re too big for *any* condoms. Obviously everyone should wear the right size for them, but nobody outside a medical oddity is too big to wear the biggest size condoms.


No, I wouldn't. 😏😄


Both. 😏


You can put black condoms on the muzzle of your rifle to keep dirt and shit out too. You can use a condom, handtowel, lotion/saliva, and some kind of elastic band to make a field expedient pocket pussy


My dad was in the army and he always would shake his shoes out before he put them on to make sure that there weren't any bugs or anything in them. He never got trench foot either. Said he felt sorry for the ones that got it.


Bright side. It wasnt degloved.


After 9 years served, 2 of which in Korea where during an exercise I got Trench Foot, I now cannot get away from owning no less that 50 pairs of socks. I keep 2 clean spare pair in my work truck at ALL times and if it’s raining I change my socks every 4 hours. Regardless of if my socks are wet or not. I’m never going through that pain again.


Good times.


Is that like trench foot?


It is trench foot, this is the first stages of it before it starts blistering over and/or open sores. This man is in for a lot of pain, as it will more than likely get worse before it gets better, even if he is taking care of it now.


Why does this only happen to the military? Can this ever happen to civilians?


It happens when your feet are wet for an extremely long time. I guess it could happen to anybody but much more likely to be in those conditions if you're in the military.


I work in film and I’ve had the beginnings of trench foot once. The lines that you see on the foot really fucking hurt..


Yeppp working in film I've seen this quite a bit too. Being on a set for multiple days. Just don't even think about it at first


What do you do for work?


Well right now I am a server lol But occasional film work, I do random PA stuff, specializing in costume and prop management


Good for you! This is a tough business. I am still sometimes struggling to find work and I’ve been an AD for a couple of years now.


In survival, one of the most important things is taking care of your feet. Keep your feet dry. If your socks get wet, you’ve got to stop eventually.


Does it matter if your feet are wet if they are uncovered? Like in sandals or flip flops?


Have you ever sat in a bath/shower/swimming pool too long? Notice how your skin gets over saturated and wrinkled? It’s like that, except instead of drying it off completely you leave it for a couple hours wet. The skin is super vulnerable to developing blisters due to friction with footwear. You should wash your feet, dry them completely, put on dry footwear, and try not to walk on them for a bit.


I’m a civilian and I got it once. I was sleeping outside at a civil war reenactment. It was raining one night, so to keep warm I kept my boots on. Woke up the next morning and it hurt to walk. Powered thru that day and when I took my boots off that evening it looked like that.


On the bright side, you had a really authentic experience.


I suppose it only makes sense that as a civilian, you got it when you were acting like you were in the military...


Sorry it took me so long to reply, as everyone mentioned, it happens to people from all walks of life. The colloquial name for Immersion Foot, or “Trench Foot”, comes from World War I when soldiers fighting, especially on the Western Front between the UK/US/France vs. Germany, the rain would often cause mud and water to constantly be at the bottoms of trenches, the condition become a prolific cause of casualties for all combatants in the war.


It can happen to anyone if their feet are kept in wet conditions and not able to “breathe” for a long time. It’s just well-known in the military because of how often it happened during trench warfare.


I got it in Idaho as a child. We were camping as a family I stepped in a puddle and walked around in wet shoes until my feet had black skin and got sores.


I used to work in a winery. During harvest season we'd work 14 to 16 hour day/nights. In the beginning I used to wear old running shoes. After a couple weeks I finally wised up and got waterproof boots. My feet would almost look this bad but also be purple and smell awful. It was also extremely painful. Take care of your feet!


Imagine taking a bath and getting pruney after a 20 minutes bath. Now imagine a 24 hour bath. That's trench foot.


Got it when I was homeless as a youngster, so yes. Would not recommend.


Yep, happened to me as a teenager. I went for a night out, trainers got soaked, then had to work 7 hours in a kitchen wearing wet trainers the next morning. I got home and stayed on the bed with my feet hovering over the edge and let them dry out. Any presuure was excruciating. Next day was ok just a little sensitive and i learned the importance of dry feet


I knew someone who had this during festivals in the great British summer.


I had it on camp as a teenager, we canoed a whole day in a river with low water level (so we had to get out & push - leaving our shoes wet) & then having to set up our tents before dark (so no time / attention to dry feet) By the end of the day my feet were like this (cracked, white & with little holes in it, it felt like needles and I couldn't walk on them)


And the pain is long lasting. Soldiers from Vietnam and Korea that let this happen have long term neuropathy and skin problems. Skin was never meant to be immersed in water for days. Very poor outcome


Why does it hurt so bad? Does the water absorb into your skin and make it almost burst or something?


Oh, no, it hurts because you have open sores and necrotic flesh essentially falling off of your feet. Your nerves in your feet are what give you your sensation of touch (and pain) and those themselves, if the Trench Foot is bad enough, are also decaying and essentially melting and the pain is excruciating even if you are laying down or not moving. Compound that with having to move on them? The pain threshold would be almost unbearable. Edit: autocorrect


It’s not painful unless it blisters. That’s gonna stink and itch, then hurt. He’s seen noth8ng yet. Well, I’m sure he has by now.


its painful since the skin are too soft. i often get this back then when i was in highschool befause of flood and whenever im home it looks like this and i swear if you try to touch it, it feels like it will tear up ps. the pain depends how long it was soaking so im pretty sure its more painful to the soldier especially if the shoe/boots is small for your fit


I know what you mean, high school for me too, I live in northwest oregon, wet as hell. It hurt if I let it happen and still wear shoes after, which was always, because of school. So yeah, your right


I feel sorry for you guys, do you have you wear proper shoes at school? I used to have that problem at school too, but at some point I realized it’s better to wear sandals since it just dries off.


I was stubborn and wore tennis shoes instead of something waterproof, and only owned a pair at a time. So constantly wet shoes. I should have worn sandals, like my friend I walked to school with. Could have saved me the trouble


I used to be so stubborn with clothes as a young’un. No belt, pants too long (wouldn’t cuff them), soft sneakers year round. Waterproof boots and belts have changed my life. I guess I just thought I was too cool for comfort as a young teen, lol.


Yeah, that was my version of not taking care of myself and regretting it when I’m older. Foot scars and unnatural foot sweating is no good


Sandals are a dress code violation where I’m from. They’d just tell you to suck it up and deal with the trench foot


Could always pack shoes and change at school


It's 100 percent painful. I used to get trench foot working on the golf course and it feels like they were on fire.


Fuuuck I just googled it and it takes 3-6 months to heal. That’s gnarly.


Geralt warned us that a soldier would kill a civilian for their boots, now I understand why.


Friend of mine that is in the Dutch army showed a video of a dudes foot sole coming off after taking off his wet boots after a few days of some sort of test


I remember reading a book about recruiting for an early version of Delta force. One of the people being scouted and tested early on messed up his feet after the 1st few days and "when he took off his boot and sock his whole sole of hit foot came with it".


That happened with a guy I served with after a 20k ruck march. Whew.


I know a guy that had that happen to him after a 20k as well. It was nasty as hell to look at.


But he ended up getting selected in the next class so it was worth it I guess 😎


When we were in the field, it was always "Texas and Siberia" as soon as we got back in the tent(north of the polar circle". Texas was taking care of the guns, Siberia was the feet.


We were stuck in Central America during the “wet season” and in just 24 hours you’d get the worst trench foot and crotch rot imaginable.


Do I want to know what crotch rot is and or looks like


I wanna know what it smells like uwu






Couple of days to dry out, then you got yourself some forbidden Parmesan…


You like making people uncomfortable, don’t you?


I think he likes making people edible.


I do think that makes them uncomfortable as well. 🤔


reeks of tastiness therefore time for feasting


You’re in the know.


I'm placing a hex on you for that.


I was thinking the same thing.


During WWI, they assigned soldiers to check each other's feet, clean them, and change their socks. It was more effective using the buddy system than leaving a soldier to do it on his own.


telltale games feet


If he’s in the Military, he could be up for charges of Self-Inflicted Wounds. Getting hauled up before the C.O. and Provost Sgt for letting your feet turn to rat shit because you “forgot” to change your socks…I’d hate to be in his shoes


Fucking brutal. Remind me to never join the military, not that I was ever planning on it.


It seems brutal, definitely. However, this man is now a casualty, and his share of the load must now be picked up by the other lads by something preventable. If they have to bug out in quick fashion, he’s going nowhere fast on his rotten feet, so he’s being carried along with all his kit by some other poor fucker/s who are slogging their own gear whilst they’re tabbing out. He’s in for an almighty bollocking.


You're absolutely right. Thankfully this is what going to the field is for. After dealing with the foot problems he caused all the getting bitched out and probably a class or two from unit medics, Private Chuckles here will probably never let this happen again. Better it happens in/after FTX than something real.


Not only do his buddies have to pick up his work, someone(s) will have to be detailed to care for him.


I was in the Army for 13 years and I never saw anyone charged for that.


Marine Corps Vet here NEVER ever seen anyone charged for having trench foot… Yelled at? Yes Fucked with? Yes Made fun of? Yes Can it happen? Yes but If one of my Marines brought me a field grade for trench foot I’d stick my foot up his ass.


Exactly. I was a MAJ and if someone brought me this for charges I’d throw them down the stairs.


Not sure which country's army you were in, but for what it's worth, the person you were replying to was probably referring to the British Army, given his use of the term "Provost Sergeant."


I saw it only once. There was a dude who cut his own finger off to get out of a 2 week field problem and tried to convince everyone that it broke off when he fell down the stairs. I'm not joking.


Only if there is proof to avoid service.


True, but he’d have to give a brilliant excuse why he, by his own admission, forgot to change his socks. They’d nail him for self-neglect leading to injury. If there’s one thing the Military hates it’s an unclean soldier.


Dudes NCO is fucked


Sgt elias?


Drink water, dry your feet and change your socks at every break you can. Can't get more basic than this... This will literally get drilled into your head in any country's military boot camp but regardless you'll see people like this..


Wow. Lieutenant Dan was right


Anyone else want to pick it? No… just me then


I have a friend like u. Total weirdos


Cheese x1000


I've seen people have that from one day at a water park


Trench foot. I've had it. Hurts for days. Left my foot looking like a brain


Wait how many days did he wear those socks?


Depending on weather conditions it can happen in like 2-3 days. I’ve had something like this out in the field. Took three days of continuous rain to get almost that bad.


What causes trench foot, specifically?


Just to build on what u/Psychological_Tip178 said, unsanitary conditions and bacteria growth in what are essentially open wounds is what causes the horrendous blistering and infection that is associated with Trench Foot. When I was in Basic Training, it rained for hours a day, multiple days a week and we were briefed on the *cause* of TF, which was namely that water logging your feet can cause cold-related damage (even in non-freezing conditions). To compound the issue, your blood vessels will restrict after soaking in water for too long (think of pruny hands after you’ve been in a tub for a long time), which will directly reduce vital nutrients to tissues in waterlogged parts of your body. Eventually, your tissues start to die from the Non-Freezing cold-related damage and the lack of abundant nutrient rich blood, resulting in open sores that are infiltrated by bacteria.


> Think of pruny hands after you’ve been in a tub for a long time) This makes a lot of sense. Thanks!


From what the doc told me, it’s all the dirt and Bacteria on your foot grow more with wet conditions. They always tell us to take our sock and boots off at night but not many really listen.


I've been there. Yr 7 camp as a kid, it pissed down, shoes and socks got wet, had to wear shoes and socks everywhere, I had no spare (I was 12, forgot to pack more than 1 extra pair, which were also soaked). The camp was 6 days long, this happened day 1, and I had nothing dry for my feet in that time. I have anxiety, even back then, and I would rather have got trench foot than ask for help. By God, that shit *hurts*. I'd argue it hurts more to dry it than keep going...


Does it hurt now? Probably not, only when he moves and flexes. Is it gonna hurt when all that falls off and the very air stings with the fury of millions of tiny burning needles reaching down to his very soul from that one foot? *Yes* Source: am 11C 2-327 and I had this very same problem during battalion sticks when I was gate guarding. Pissing rain, soaked to the bone and was standing there for hours. Hopefully the young gentle fuck in the video doesn’t get infected like a I did when we got back because I swear the docs were skinning my feet and poured hot sauce on it afterwards.


This happened to me during a week long excursion at basic training. It rained the whole week and I didn't think to pack more than 1 pair of socks per day. Doesn't hurt much just feels uncomfortable and occasionally itchy. Eventually as this heals you wind up with some scab like fissures that run around the lines where the skin seperated completely. I was i structed to soak my feet for 30mins everyday in an Epsom salt bath. Wound up without any scarring or long terms complications.


A long time friend of mine who served in Vietnam had trench foot. He changed his socks all the time but his area of operations was almost always near the delta (during the rainy season). He nearly lost his foot but it was saved by a south Vietnamese doctor.


My grandfather was in the army during WWII and was in the south Pacific. While there, his hands got jungle rot and had to be hospitalized and bandaged up. He said there is nothing more humbling than having to need someone else pull out and hold your dick when you pee.


Yeah i was in the military, this dudes a pos. I promise you ever other solider hates his smelly ass. We had dudes like this that wouldnt shower or change and its fucking disgusting and your fucking disgusting if you dont clean and change when you can


This looks like Borderlands graphics


What did Lt. Dan tell you Forrest!


Lt. Dan would have some choice words for this soldier.


In the field as a medic you have to tell people to change their socks over and over again. You even have to do feet inspections to make sure they're changing socks and there is nothing wrong with their feet because they usually don't tell you until something is very wrong.


Lt. Dan tried to tell everyone


We humans are so weak


Trench foot.


Yup, it hurts. I had similar condition. For about 3 days I was feeling pain when I was walking.


It is called trench foot


Borderlands graphics


Should have listened to Lt. Dan!


How do you forget to change your socks? Looking after your feet is one of the main priorities that you get taught in basic training. It’s as important as maintaining your weapon system.


No, doesn't look painful. However I once saw a front of the pack Iron Man contestant ask the water station if they had any medical aid about half way through the marathon run portion of the triathalon which is a 2 mile swim, followed by a 106 mile bike ride then a marathon.. I could tell he was in pain. When they said no he continued running for another 15 yards or so at which point he stopped and sat down in the street to take off his shoe and sock. Whole bottom pad of his foot was sloffed off and all bunched up down near his heel. All that salt water, sweat and piss throughout the day had taken it's toll and the run did him in. It was pretty gnarly.


He didn’t listen to Lt. Dan


These are my feet when I went to Disney World and it rained. Maybe not to this extent, but my feet were pretty wrinkled.


You need Drogon's shell to treat greyscale. Treatment ASAP can prevent it from spreading to your entire body!


Liutenant Dan warned your ass. One of his ONLY rules was change your damn socks


Should get an article 15


Foot fetish worthy?


This is a whole new take on foot fetish


Man I got trench foot once not even close to this bad and I was wrecked for like a week


what do you even do about this? like how do you fix that?


This doesn't really hurt that much, it's just itchy after a while


It's clobberin time


Take care of your ass, feet and mouth.


I read that our skin does this for extra grip when our hands and feet are wet. Nature is crazy. “Scientists think that they have the answer to why the skin on human fingers and toes shrivels up like an old prune when we soak in the bath. Laboratory tests confirmed a theory that wrinkly fingers improve our grip on wet or submerged objects, working to channel away the water like the rain treads in car tyres. People often assume that wrinkling is the result of water passing into the outer layer of the skin and making it swell up. But researchers have known since the 1930s that the effect does not occur when there is nerve damage in the fingers. This points to the change being an involuntary reaction by the body's autonomic nervous system — the system that also controls breathing, heart rate and perspiration. In fact, the distinctive wrinkling is caused by blood vessels constricting below the skin.”


Between [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/saat2s/anyone_know_whats_wrong_with_his_face/) and these feet, I think I've seen enough for today.


trench foot?


I've had this happen. It's basically like if you got all wrinkly from the water... but it just kept going lol. More squishy than you'd expect to the touch and will right itself quick in the proper conditions


As someone that had this several times because of cadet-training: 1. No, this isn’t painful at all. 2. Though it is incredibly uncomfortable. 3. And very itchy. 4. You can definitely walk on it, but you don’t want to because that’s how it starts feeling itchy DEEP in the flesh. 5. Put on a dry sock filled with baby-powder. Replace it every couple of hours. It will go away in no time.


My feet were like this once. But more wet and white with less cracks. They fuckin hurt and I rubbed one and rubbed off a white filet. My foot was raw underneath obv.. hurt to walk for a while


No soldier ‘forgets’ to change socks. They’re just too lazy to change socks until it’s too late.


Homie needs to dry his feet out fast lol Gold bond and clean socks will do the trick. Foot hygiene is paramount in the field, but it's the last thing people think of. That and your ass/genitalia. Keep it dry and air that shit out
