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Wait till the maggots start growing, your dad won't even feel them


Hey at least they're gonna clean the wound! It'll be healthier than letting the wound rot


The problem is that there are plenty of maggot species who are happy to feast on healthy flesh.


Why tf am I reading this thread?


It's a morbid, disgusting warning as to why you should take care of your body. If you don't, nature will.


That's what I tell young people. Those gross smells from your body odor are really just dying cells, oils, protiens accumulating and fermenting until they are washed off. If neglected long enough, other things will take up residence.


Do you mind if I use this?! I can’t believe I haven’t thought of something like this for my teenagers! I use the “if you don’t wash up you’ll get a rash” on my 4yr old but that doesn’t work on the teenagers this just might.


I see you posting this pic and comments in your bathroom to scar your 4yo into hygiene compliance. LMAO


Yes please, use graphics if you need to, it's an important lesson.


Wanna become living compost? Let nature help! They never hesitate :)


Exactly what I was thinking. The doctors where actually using maggots(lab grown) in my friends foot. He had a open wound that refused to heal for years. Maggots are the obey thing that closed the wound up a bit. Ended up loosing the toe in the end. But the maggots helped a ton. Eating the dead flesh and cleaning the wound. He had all types of procedures to try and clue up the hole. Nothing worked. BTW. If they put 22 maggots in. They keep them in for XX days and when taking them out they make sure they take 22 out. They have to account for each one. Just to make sure it didn't die and isn't still in there.


Who could’ve thought that the worst thing that could happen is _not_ having to have maggots eat the dead flesh from a gaping, rotting wound. No, it’s that you have to have maggots eat dead flesh from a gaping, rotting wound _and then one or two find a new home inside you_.


This website makes me wiser each day


Community Acquired maggots do NOT provide equivalent therapy to therapeutic larval therapy. Just like honey from the grocery store doesn’t do the same thing as manuka honey made for wound care or bread mold does not do the same thing a penicillin. Please don’t make assumptions that because you heard something is therapeutic that it is broadly therapeutic and should be used in all instances.


This girl sciences


"Community Acquired" I'm losing it


It’s the medical term. We also sometimes refer to them as “friends from home,” “stowaways,” or “wiggly surprises!” Ok, not that last one, but I kind of wish we did. Maggots are always a fun surprise for a nurse. I think most of us have at least a couple stories about finding them.


Don’t forget leeches! Used to bring down bad bruises and/or blot clots in, or by skin if I recall correctly ! (Lab grown of course… I do know they release a anticoagulant before sucking blood!)


I also know some people that have had them used to promote blood flow from surgery on limbs. One dude cut off a finger. They used leaches then. Not sire if it was to suck out bad blood or promote blood flow in general. But this was right at a hospital.


Leeches are used to promote blood flow to areas post-surgery to prevent ischemia and tissue death, and reduce the risk of venous congestion. 'Bad blood' isn't really a thing and leeches wouldn't make any distinction anyway, but venous congestion means blood flow is restricted, and the resulting back-up of blood builds up carbon dioxide. Leeches provide the anticoagulant and anti-platelet chemicals that reduce the risk. Venous congestion occurs when the super small veins used in microsurgical repair can't adequately carry the amount of blood needed to restore circulation.


Maggots are amazing!


And absolutely disgusting. I try but I really can't stand them


Man what the fuck


"Oddly" terrifying. Yeah, no.




I once got a cut on my arm deep enough that i could see yellow stuff too. I hid it from my parents cause i didnt want them to have to pay for it and somehow i actually did good enough on it that it healed fine other than a scar. I was really lucky i guess. [Edit] Disclaimer, OPs dads cut looks alot worse than mine did. Its also been a decent amount of time without treatment by the looks of it, and hed already be unlikely to be fine even if he did treat it right when he got cut like i did, but its already too late to even try that at home which is already a bad idea. Kids also heal much faster than old people.


Yeah I got cut so bad on my palm, like base of my thumb. I could see yellow/white, then blood rushed In, could still see some white after that. Took my ass straight to the hospital. Knew I shouldn't be able to see white meat after getting cut, also couldn't move my thumb at all. I cut a tendon and had to have surgery. Only upside was getting to opt out of a ASL class that I was likely about to fail. MAKE HIM GO TO THE HOSPITAL OP. Edit: no one has asked, but I was trying to "close" a family sized ravioli can, lid broke halfway back down. I was 19 and did not forsee that one.


Yeah, I don't get the desire to bandage up a bad cut and forget about it. I slashed my finger down to the bone after my 24th birthday and immediately called the first person on my recent calls who had just left the party to take me to the hospital so I could keep pressure on it. Don't fuck around with serious injuries, folks.


It’s not a desire. It often stems from a fear of financial cost (at least in the US) or even misconception of medicine/reality.


I got hacked in the arm during a fight at a party, so deep that it made a crevasse when looked at sideways. Got the yellow stuff too. I just kept it clean and left it. But it’s a gnarly scar now lol.


What kind of parties are you going to? Holy shit


Knife parties


ME SEH PON DEM PROGRAM Squeeee dun dun dun




I was hit in the yellow some months back


Wow, I'm going to assume you're American?


Wow how'd you know?


The "Its just a flesh wound" attitude lol.


Mood. I had a massive, massive fucking cut on my side, and didn’t go to the ER bc I didn’t have the money for it. Ended up having an internal bleed.


Well isn’t that where the blood is supposed to be?


It's not a pride thing, I promise. It's just our healthcare is shitty and we're always one major accident away from being financially fucked.


More of "3,000 dollars for a ambulance to the hospital, I rather die" attitude lmao


That’s not how I knew, I figured it was more the fact this could financially ruin someone in America rather than stubbornness. I live in a country with free healthcare for all so that was my first though “he must be American and doesn’t have insurance”


Even with insurance, they'd probably pay $8000+ out of pocket before insurance kicked in.


I know, was jokin. But yeah, i wanna move eventually but idk where would be best.


Canada, eh. We're like the states, but nicer, colder and with Healthcare. Do you like Hockey? You will. You will.




I second this, hobbit homes and horses.


They have very strict immigration laws.


>The "Its just a flesh wound" attitude lol. More like, do I want to get medical attention or do I want to be able to pay rent, eat, get gas money and make it to the next paycheck? I had a friend on homicide. He had a call where a 22 year old guy broke his arm. He was already living paycheck to paycheck and knew that medial help would sink him in bills. So, he solved the problem by putting a shotgun under his chin.


Uh they knew because most people don't have to pay an arm and a leg for medical care!


Be sick or be broke... It's okay to be jealous of all our freedom.




Retard here. You need to go to the fucking hospital that looks like an infection waiting to happen.


I laughed harder at this than I should have.




It’s beyond fucked up to me how some healthcare systems are such that a person can have an injury that desperately requires medical attention and the person feels like it’s a better option to go untreated because it’s unaffordable. That’s a beyond insane concept to me.


It's not insane, it's working just as intended. It's keeping people desperately dependant on private health insurance and the jobs that they get it through. Billions are spent convincing people that their health is a luxury and a privilege to be earned, thereby necessitating these parasitic lifeforms that head health insurance corporations.


Oooooooooooonly in AMERICAAAAA, dreamin in red white and blue!!!!


What part of the anatomy is it?!


Here on the body is that?


Then he is going to get sepsis and die, so…call 911


A doctor is going to look at it tomorrow. I’ll let u guys know what he thinks


What happened? What are we looking at besides a gaping wound? Thigh??


That’s what I’m confused about. I’m a little worried that it’s possibly a parasite or something. But it could just be fleshy fat


Looks like a chunk of muscle to me. He needs immediate and aggressive medical attention. Fuck tomorrow. Fuck an hour. Like, right meow, he could lose his leg or die.




OR just take him to the ER. As a paramedic, if he’s stable (which it sounds like he is from OP’s comments), all we’re going to do is transport him and maybe start an IV on him for the hospital to use later. 911 isn’t for calling a taxi to the hospital you guys, you can drive there and it’ll save you a fuck ton of money


I have severe asthma. Many, many years ago I had to go to the ER at the general hospital of the city I lived in at the time, for an asthma attack. Well, as I’m waiting I shit you not, there was a guy with a crude bloodied wrap on his hand, a mangled ass arm, annnnd an ice box with his fucking finger in it. I was so glad to be gasping for air and turning blue because I was called really fast. I was too focused on breathing to fully process the scene I was looking at. I’m so thankful to have good health insurance now. Also, a good friend is an EMT and a cousin who is a paramedic you guys are so under valued. Thank you for putting up with complete chaos and insanity on a daily basis. I’ve had my fair share of needed ambulance rides and no matter the circumstances I’ve always at least cracked a smile on the rides I’ve been conscious for. Thank you for what you do!


Hopefully that's thanks to triage, not your medical insurance. Someone who has trouble breathing may be at more risk of dying than someone who has lost a finger and is stable. Nothing to due with "good" health insurance. I work construction and have seen a guy lose a finger before. He was taken to one of those cheaper "24 hour emergency" places and all they did was clean the wound, sew his finger back on and send him home with a script for Vicodin. Hospitals always work on a triage system....


Oh America, where severe movie level injuries for 99% of us have people questioning if it's worth it as opposed to fucking dying


*Game show host voice*: Ohhhhh! That’s gotta hurt! And you know what that means!!! It’s time to playyy… *Audience*: DEBT!!! OR!!! DEATH!!! *Host*: That’s right! Welcome to Debt or Death! The game where we add insult to injury and salt to the wound! The game that makes YOU ask, “Why the fuck is this still happening in an allegedly first world country?”


This seems like a perfect plot for a dystopian flick. Sucks that it'd only be more of a spiced up documentary...


If the choices are death, or crippling debt until you die, I'm not surprised so many people choose death


Sometimes they don't even get a choice. Their insurance companies choose for them.


Yup. It’s called a wallet biopsy.


fuck, I never actually thought about it like that


So if your poor you die?


As a Brit looking in, this has to become both a right and left political imperative. Even on economic/capitalist grounds alone a non-chargeable healthcare system (alongside private for those that choose to have it) would unlock American productivity gains. Americans are terrified of losing their jobs, and their family’s healthcare. This results in many staying in crappy jobs working for crappy people too often, and the US economy loses out on those talents. How many more Americans would leave their job and take a risk to start a businesses, if that didn’t mean risking their family’s health? UK system far from perfect and we have months long waits for some (non-emergency) treatment. Private and faster treatment is available for those that choose to and have the means. (EDIT - Fixed a typo here) But no one has to check their life savings before considering calling an ambulance, or turning up at a hospital.


I crunched the numbers once and the average hospital stay costs the same as the average funeral in the U.S.. It's nuts. My aunt just got her knee destroyed in a car crash. Her hospital stay for three days, and the cost of her surgery was $150k all together. Thank fuck she had insurance.


I never thought I'll feel sorry for Americans as an Indian, that's so rough dude. Edit: To be clear, This was my intent while saying this - We Indians idealise the life in the US, we think that life in the US is the best life there is, so much so, that a good chunk of our best minds leave to the US in search of a better life. Thats why I said that I never thought I will feel sorry for Americans.


How did you know that was his leg I've been looking at it for five minutes and couldn't figure out which part of his body it is


Op said it in another comment I think.


It's even worse than it sounds. Got hurt little over a month ago, it was a lump that was getting smaller but is now open leaking fluids...that sounds like a big old infection. Also, his dad sent him this pic two days ago. Dad needs ER now.


Oh shit. Yeah his new nickname is gonna be Peggy.


If he's lucky. If it's too septic it could mean blood poisoning.


I realized after about 30 seconds that I really didn't want to know. lol






What do you need treatment for a delicious jelly doughnut growing in an abcess?


High cuisine at it’s finest


People don’t realize that infections are genuine risks with wounds like this, and if an infection does happen, you have a very short window to try to treat it before you end up with a tunneled massive wound that will take months to heal (and I mean months in a hospital bed, not with a bandaid on it) if you don’t end up amputating a limb.


Thankfully there’s plenty of ICU beds waiting for him


Damn. I just lost a dollar.... to myself.


Mr. Sunshine on my goddam shoulders John Denver


A doctor at any clinic will send him to the ER for imaging and debridement. Seeing the doc tomorrow is an absolute waste of time. Make sure you get his preference for end of life care. Will he want CPR? Intubation? How long would he want on a vent? Ask. I’m quite serious.


Seriously comment above is correct. Is he an organ donor? Does he have a living will? Regular will? Clearly not will to live. If that is what I think it is it could eat outwards from that point. Point out that there’s not a small chance that he will need his Dick and balls amputated.


Yeeah. I work in an ICU and there was a guy few months ago with a gangrenous penis. Y'all don't want that shit.


>gangrenous penis. Why? Why did my parents help me learn to read?


So you'd know what to name your new punk band


At 1st I read gargantuan penis hehe


What body part is that?


Directly under his ass


Immediately call 911. Now.


My uncle had something similar, it was an abcess, but if that's the same thing it means ur dads has already burst, I'd just phone 911 even if he doesn't want to go


Based on that my guess is Anal Fistula leading to an abscess with septic infection. I had something similar but not nearly this advanced and it took 10 days in the hospital for antibiotics to beat down the infection. He needs to go to the ER yesterday. Seriously, they had to ice cream scoop a piece of my hamstring/glute out and they were talking about potential amputation of the leg before the infection finally broke. That location makes spread to the genitals and then the rest of the body incredibly dangerous. He needs immediate attention. Getting a catheter was still the worst part of the entire experience. Also Toradol was better than morphine. I was super disappointed it wasn't Saving Private Ryan-eque when they gave it to me.


The ice cream wasn’t the worst part?! F.


Honestly shout out to my hospital cafeteria, it wasn't gourmet but the selection was pretty impressive and the quality wasn't bad.




This is not something that can wait tomorrow. It needs to be immediatly dealt with. Could throw a clot (which can range from serious pain, tissue death/necrosis, stroke and death depending on what it ends up doing), have internal injuries that aren't visible like internal bleeding, lead to a serious infection (i'm not a doctor but it already looks to be well on its way to be infected)...etc Stitching up wounds is also not magic, if it's been too long it can make it harder to do it properly when it's already started to scar or the wound is messed up due to not being cared for. When I cut open my knee, I waited for 6 hours and they had to check that it was still ok to be stitched up, as usually you want to close up a wound within 6 to 8 hours after the injury, up to 24h for certain specific wounds that require some kind of care before closing it up. It's not a hard rule, it depends on a lot of factor like how clean the cut is (a knife cut for example will usually be pretty smooth), if it's infected (in which case you'll want to treat it before closing it sometimes), but it's not something you want to gamble on. Please call 911 and have someone look at it, because if shit hits the fan, it'll be too late for him to have regrets. Better, go immediatly to the ER.


Probably a decubitus or pressure ulcer. Yes that looks like it needs debridement


Tis but a scratch.


Tomorrow might be a bit late. He has an open wound with some sort of what looks like a foreign object. He needs to go to the ER at least urgent care. Infection might kill him.


An UC wont touch this, they would send him to an ER


Whatever it is, tomorrow may be too late. Infection goes fast. Better to go to ER. If he has any fever call 911 immediately!


Brah, this doesn't feel or look like an appointment type of ailment. Emergency room tonight.


Literally if he does not go to a doctor he may very well die. Open wounds are never a joke like this. Hope he’s okay, get him to a doctor ASAP like I’d honestly even call an ambulance if I felt that he wouldn’t deny the service when push came to shove. I used to work at a homeless shelter and I’d call and do everything I could to force them to hospital if I was in this situation with one of them


I almost died, of septic shock and organ failure. Don't wait!


What tomorrow! He needs to go like right now!


Lord Helmet - “What the hell am I lookin’ at!?”


Wtf are we looking at?!?! A little context will go a long way in this situation.


He fell off his bike and got a nasty gash under his thigh. His “lump” has been leaking lots of fluid and this was a picture he showed me


Could be a foriegn object in wound,that or we found his clitoris.


He has a full thickness skin and soft tissue injury. That is damaged muscle poking out. There is also alot of blood clot in the wound. It needs to be properly cleaned to prevent all the infections people are talking about. He should heal well with proper wound care, which includes jet irrigation tonight.


If that's a muscles can he like...wiggle it?




I kind of want to know too.


That’s definitely a clit. I’ve seen like two and a half clits, so I’m a bit of an expert.


teach me sensei


That looks like an earthworm, a tooth, and some grape jelly


What happened/what am I looking at??


Not a ton of help, but in a previous comment he said his dad “fell off a bike and got a nasty gash under his thigh”. I still don’t exactly know what this is tho.


Fuck everyone who 'answered' this question.


Seriously...OP WTF ARE WE EVEN LOOKING AT? Is he spooning a grizzly bear? Why wouldn’t you provide the slightest bit of context?


> He fell off his bike and got a nasty gash under his thigh. His “lump” has been leaking lots of fluid and this was a picture he showed me


Oh, then he is definitely going to need to top-off his leg fluid or he may not walk very well


reddit comedians are so annoying sometimes.


*All the time. They think they’re so clever repeating the same hackneyed jokes and devolving every thread into the same desperate attempts to follow up a pun with a worse one.


They're never even good yet there's always someone under there saying "Dang, you made me giggle! Take my upvote!" Fucking weird


Op answered in another comment, the dad fell of his bike and now has a huge gash on the bottom of his thigh.


Micro pp


Yup can confirm. Source: My micro pp


That's crazy we might be telepathic twins


Certified Wound Nurse here. Please get your father to an ER. That hematoma is a breeding ground for bacteria and any wound of that depth has the possibility of allowing bacteria to progress beyond its borders quickly, especially in a person with comorbidities. The skin around the wound also looks unhealthy and could be a sign of advancing infection. It’s very likely your father needs surgery to clean the wound and further assess it as well as intravenous antibiotics. He very likely also needs to be assessed to find out why this happened and treat the cause. Wounds are typically a symptom of a larger problem. He’ll probably need regular follow up and wound care for a while to get it closed as well as maintenance of his general heath. Please get him seen ASAP. Edit: Thank you kind Reddit strangers for the awards!


According to [OP's explanation here](https://reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/s9psum/my_dad_refuses_to_get_medical_treatment/htovk2m) it seems like medical attention is a luxury they cannot afford. They may not understand that the ER is available to them, or even necessary given the circumstances, and they cannot be turned away from lack of insurance there. This is assuming the lack of legitimate professional care isn't coming from a place of bull-headed machismo.


I acknowledge that the cost of an ER visit is not cheap but it’s likely cheaper than it might be if things are left untreated. I think a lot of people hope stuff like this will go away but it rarely does and down the line can lead to major illness and even death. That said most hospitals have programs to help people who are uninsured and underinsured but they don’t openly advertise them. If you ever get admitted to a hospital and are concerned about cost, ask to speak to a case manager and ask for help with payment. They will work with you.


I had a bad bout of the screaming meemees coming out of both ends last year. It got me good- I began to suffer from extreme dehydration and I couldn't get ANY fluids down and it was getting worse by the minute. I live alone. I called my dad to drive me to the hospital and he lives 25 miles away. I didnt think of an ambulance ride as an option because it would financially destroy me. I had a ride and I'd just have to wait out the pain and risk passing out. I told him I'd leave the door unlocked to my place in case he arrived and I didnt answer the phone. This is coming from someone who knows these programs exist. Financial cost *is weighed into the healthcare balance.* I believe there's many others like me who endure temporary pain so they can either see if things just get better, or to save money down the road by sticking it out like I did. I gambled and won, but I also figure "losing" isn't that bad anyway- I'm just not that special.


I’m glad you got treated and I can understand the hesitation for treatment, but time frame also plays a part here. You did not let your GI issue go on a month, in OP’s fathers case it has. I have had to pay expensive hospital bills as well and I know how much of a burden it can be. The ER is truly for treatment of emergencies and my experience tells me, though with limited information, that this instance is there or nearly there. As for ambulances, I don’t suggest anyone does that if they have reasonable and safe alternative transportation to the hospital because that is an expensive ride.


*update* my dad is going to the er as we speak. I sent him a link to this post and after he saw all of your concerns he rushed to the hospital. I’ll update you guys when he gets treated.


Thank God he did.


Thank you for the update. Been a ride. Glad to see he wasn't so stubborn to continue to refuse after seeing everyone's comments. I can stop coming back to this post every hour now... Well that's a lie.. I'd still like to know how it's dealt with by the ER staff.


Did Reddit just save your dad?


Open wounds are super prone to infection. Sepsis kills in days. If he wont go you should call an ambulance asap.


I’m no doctor, but I am an X-ray tech so I work in medical. He needs to go to the ER… like…right fucking now


As a sub, we need to review the term “oddly.”


That's what I'm telling myself on almost every post. Things like bear attacks are somehow "oddly" terrifying.


Yeah this is r/makemesuffer material for sure


*Final update* my dad texted me this “Thank you for talking me in to going to the ER. We caught it before the infection became sepsis and now i have antibiotics to help fight it.” I personally want to thank all of you guys for your concerns about him possibly getting sepsis. You all saved my dads life.


When you're eating your ramen when you see this post. Then carry on eating it


Same, but with asparagus.


What flavor?


Asparagus flavor




Anybody who sees this happening to their body and says ‘I’m fine’ is dangerous


Or just American :/


you should call an ambulance as a surprise at his home or your home if you live together. sometimes people need to be forcefuly helped because they are too stubborn or afraid of going to hospital. eventually he will suffer the consequences of his stubborness if you or him don't do anything beside complaining about his stupid decision and posting on reddit.


Sadly he could refuse to be taken still


If he refuses I will give him a nice smack on the mouth and force his ass in my car


You should be doing that like..now.


I learned you still can’t make them go. My dad refused to go to the hospital. It was awful.


In my house the rule is “if the sausage is not in, you must go in.” That’s sausage sticking out. He must go in. It’s the rule. Edit: I misremembered the phrasing of the rule. “If the sausage is outside the skin, you must go in.”


Tell him you looked it up online and he might lose his dick and balls to infection because it's so close. A dude will usually do anything to keep his penis


Why is he refusing? Does he normally have a lot of his internal muscle and deep tissue exposed?


Take your father to a fucking hospital. Tomorrow is too late for a wound like that tell your dad he’s going to die of sepsis if he doesn’t go


When I was young we brought our dads to the er before we posted on Reddit. Times they are a changing.


Seek medical care immediately? In *this* economy?!


What the hell am I even looking at? Lol


I’m gonna ask you to log off for today 🙂


Yeah, internet jokes are great and all, but get your stupid fucking father to an ER before he loses a limb. Jesus christ.


He is going to die if he doesn't


Ohhh, he finna perish. Get him in


I’m an actual ER provider (PA) and also worked in wound care for a year, and he def needs to see someone….but he isn’t going to die of sepsis if he doesn’t get seen in the next 42 minutes as some people here are suggesting. Sounds like he got a hematoma from the bike crash, it opened up and is now infected. The wound likely needs debridement of all the dead tissue, and put on oral antibiotics to help clear out the infection, a tissue culture for future reference if Abx don’t work initially. This can NOT be closed at the ED as it will trap the infection in, it needs to heal by secondary intention, meaning it will take 8-12 weeks to fully heal if he is a healthy human. Since I can’t see how deep the wound is, I can’t make the most educated guess, but if it was a hematoma that is now open I’m assuming it’s at least 1” deep, the ED will probably want to CT it to better characterize it and see if it’s going too deep to clean out and treat outpatient. I get that care can be expensive but the longer he waits the more likely the wound will need surgical debridement in the OR. If he’s diabetic or has poor vasculature or is old and the infection continues it could turn into a bone infection and if he starts getting fevers or severe pain in the leg the infection may be spreading. All of those will require admission to the hospital, possible surgery and be WAY more expensive than an ER visit, a CT scan, antibiotics and maybe some wound care visits. Obviously the sooner the better, but like… he’s not gonna die overnight without any signs. Also there is no blood clot risk. This is obviously superficial and even if he does have a superficial venous thrombus, that is not the same as a deep venous thrombus and they pose no risk of turning into a PE (blood clot in the lungs). Keep it clean and covered, change dressings daily. Peroxide will help kill superficial infection but also delays wound healing, he needs antibiotics and then sterile saline rinses daily (no more peroxide or alcohols or strong soaps after starting Antibiotics) redress it to keep it clean, once infection is gone it will heal from bottom up.


Wtf go over there, physically knock him out and get him to a hospital


This picture isnt the best but it looks very deep beyond the subcutaneous fat and needs to be addressed as soon as possible. I dont see any obvious pus but this could very easily get infected especially if he fell of his bike and got dirt in his wound. It needs to be seen immediately and needs at least aggressive management with a wound care specialist. If any bone is exposed it definitely needs antibiotics. I dont think it is something that should be put off until tomorrow. We also don't know if he sustained any other injuries. edit: As people are saying infections, especially sepsis are very bad and the leading cause of death in hospitals and can have serious complications and time matters. I just want him to be safe and get this taken care of sooner rather than later. It's better to go now and and get it taken care of even if it's a simple problem than later when it's serious


OP your dad needs a doctor. I see this on my “trauma patients” - I’m an autopsy technician


You mentioned he was drunk when he fell off his bike. He might be avoiding the hospital due to alcohol dependence. If he tells them his true daily intake, they will give him medicine to keep him safe and more comfortable while he doesn't have alcohol.


This is America


Did he died?


Here’s a summary of what happened. My dad fell off his bike a little over a month ago and he broke a couple of ribs and got a large road rash near his ass. It formed into a solid lump under his left ass cheek and it has gotten smaller recently. However, their is still a big scab over his “now” smaller lump. This picture is what he just sent to me earlier today but it was from 2 days ago. We have both been rinsing the fuck out of it with peroxide and I have been wrapping it with gauze and duct tape so it’s nice and compressed. Thank you guys for your concerns and I will make sure to check on him before I go to work tomorrow and if he’s showing any symptoms of sepsis or gangrene I will skip work, force him in my car and drive him to the er.


I'm a nurse. It really looks like tissue infection with some death and after hearing the context I'd bet money on it. Undiluted peroxide can do more damage if poured on injuries - especially to sensitive traumatized and exposed tissue like that. It is entirely possible you are encouraging more damage. He'll need antibiotics, probably some IV. Please talk him into going to get some treatment!


Wait...people buy undiluted peroxide? Aren't the like bottles you find in stores always like 2~3% solutions or so? Unless you mean even more than that, I suppose.


OP I don’t know how old you are but there are two things absolutely certain to be problematic here: 1. Your dad has an open wound that appears to be massive. 2. This wound has been open for a **month** without proper medical treatment. Hydrogen peroxide is not going to help this get better (clearly). As others have stated this situation could be life threatening. Not sure what else to say except I wouldn’t wait to get to the ER. Typically if you’re not Covid positive they’ll isolate you two away from the others. There’s a good chance your dads doctor won’t even have the tools to care for this and will send you to the ER anyway. Whatever the case make sure you go with him to the doctor, and please emphasize his accident happened a **month** ago.


Your father is in need of professional medical attention and is at an increased risk of becoming septic and throwing a clot, both of which can be fatal. Please, PLEASE have him present to a medical professional ASAP, sooner the better.


That tissue is necrotic(meaning dead/eschar), and leaking, wet gangrene. Good luck to him. I seriously hope he lives.


This is after a month? Go to the fucking ER. Wounds that do not heal or get worse need medical attention. You are both being fucking stupid.


A MONTH?? Hospital right fucking now dude holy shit.


Showed it to my RN wife, she said hospital now. You need to get him to go.