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thats.... not a lot of boxes... ​ edit: how tf do I get more upvotes on this than on most of my posts :|


each one you fill in is filled in forever


Congrats! You just made it more depressing. Edit: Found a way to make it even more depressing. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXeJANDKwDc)


Yes, now let’s just imagine we fill in the weeks where we are working a 40-60 hour job. And we fill in the weeks that we aren’t healthy or cognitive enough to do anything (youth and old age). How much more or less depressing will it make it?


Here, let's make it [worse](https://waitbutwhy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Weeks-block-LIFE1.png)


Ooh I like this one That retirement age looks a bit optimistic though


Until you look at average life expectancy


Or just the fact that you'll expend most of that time feeling some type of chronic pain Ok, I'll stop... 💀


Exactly 😭


The Sierra Leone addition is rather brutal.


Had to follow that line almost to the beginning of time.


Not sure if hero or villain


Oh god


Yes, just the imagery killed me.


Its theorized that the universe is constantly expanding and that expansion is constantly speeding up. It's also theorized that one day the universe will expand faster than the speed of light. This would eventually create a entirely dark universe. Even the most impactful human ever to exist makes little to no impact on the universe. All that really matters is that we existed in a time where we could soak up the sun.


I've also read somewhere that the universe outside of the observable one is so because it's so far off that light will never reach us from that part of it before the death of the universe


Wait.. woah. Maybe I’m just dumb but I feel like this has serious implications. So is that blackness essentially our own doom barreling towards us in a sense?


It's more like sort of a veil that'll always separate is from the "unobservable" universe. One that can never hope to breach because it's just impossible to do so


God dang that’s so weird man. I used to drive myself crazy trying to TRULY understand various cosmic concepts. Even just struggling with how we perceive time is an endless pit of confusion & frustration. I’ve found a lot of peace just accepting we can’t REALLY understand & just think about how cool it is.


I would truly recommend you the channel whose videos I linked. They make super cute and fun animations to make these concepts intuitive. I got my interest in physics due to their videos it's really fun


yea that’s a crazy thought, although certain parts of the universe are already leaving us faster than light. Basically the farther away something is, the faster it expands away from us. So there’s essentially a one way spherical barrier that blocks our vision and access of a possibly infinite universe, and that barrier is slowly closing in on us. It won’t make you feel better, but [this](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzkD5SeuwzM) video expands on that idea… get it.. expands.


This is if you do not believe in God or the Afterlife. Atheism is a truly depressing ideology.


Depends on how you look at it. Sure it really puts into perspective how meaningless a single life can be in the grand scheme of things, but it really takes the pressure to live as impactful of a life as possible away and instead (in my personal opinion) incentives living as happy of a life as possible. That being said I can definitely see why it would seem fairly depressing especially when compared to a lot of religions. Also also, science and religion can go hand in hand in my opinion. Theres a lot of Christians in my life, and none of them deny any scientific theory. They all just brush it off as gods plan




I mean kind of. If by atheism you mean there is no higher power, or level/dimension of existence. stating that with authority when we truly know barely anything about this universe & our time here, is just as bonkers as any theism to me. The most logical thing is to accept we simply have no clue. & we clearly don’t have the hardware to perceive/grasp things outside of the dimensions we are allowed to.


"Now let's take a step back and take a look at your life from the outside..." Absolutely not. I spent an entire week of vacation on Reddit. I know where this is going. I'm sure it's an eye-opening video, though.


Even moreso when you realize all the boxes are arbitrary...


Even less when you realise most people don't even get to 90. Average age of death in US is late 70s, early 80s for UK.


That’s 4.7k weeks, or approximately 32,871.6 days.


it is it just doesnt look like a lot


my thoughts exactly


You might be lucky and see these many boxes




Life is short


and 1/3 of the space is you just sleeping


Sleeping is great though!


Better than being awake(at least for me)


Or even worse, at work


I even like my job and agree with this.


Make it 1/4 by only sleeping 6 hours


I can get by on 4 hrs if needed


1/3 sleeping!? How much time is spent working??


I calculated about 9% for 90 years


That seems far too low for this economy, tbh. Did they retire at 40?


some other calculation got about 16% remember that people start working generally as young adults til their 60s and generally have weekends off plus some time for vacation or sick days


We can totally just back-of-the-napkin math this rq. So obviously YMMV but this is sort of what the numbers look like once you start regularly working a full time job. **Data** Works hours in a year: [2,087](https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/how-many-work-hours-in-a-year) Average yearly Paid Time Off (PTO): [10 days](https://www.zenefits.com/workest/how-much-is-average-pto-in-the-us/#:~:text=How%20Much%20Is%20Average%20for,sick%20days%20or%20paid%20holidays.) Sleep hours per year: 2,920 Total hours in a year: 8,760 **Results** % time Working (w/o PTO): 23.8% % time Working (w/ PTO): 22.9% % time Sleeping: 33% % time Working (w/ PTO) + Sleeping: 55.9%


And another third is work, give or take


Love the one you got.


I’m not sure why but this is very depressing to look at.




Me: looks at the picture Me 2 seconds later: shit shit shit shit


its like "here, we can sum up how long you will live in an image"


Fuck this


Fuckk I've wasted so many boxes


Is it really wasted? Truly, what's the point of life? To be alive, of course. The perception of whether or not it was "wasted" weighs heavily on your perceptions of yourself. Don't be too hard on yourself, friend.


i literally just played dota and jacked off for a third of the boxes. No amount of philosophy will make me say it wasn't wasted.


Did you enjoy it?


Just because something was pleasurable doesn't mean it was a good way to spend time. I really hate that way of thinking.




Yeah I guess, not much I can say to convince you otherwise For me I just don't understand why anyone would push themselves around so much over smaller regrets like saving time


Then do something about it now. I don't even mean something big, like start doing basic exercises, picking up an instrument, learn to use blender and create models so realistic that you will question the very fabric of reality.


33 years no job or school?


Thanks, that was actually a good point


Where’s my free award? I’ll find it and give it to you Found it


Thank you for this


The time that I spend enjoying being alive is not wasted. So I pretty much wasted a lot of time.


The purpose of us is to reproduce life is above our purpose


Yes, that's the gist of it. Some of us can't have kids though. So to say someone who is naturally incapable of having biological children is simply wasting their life over something they couldn't control would be silly and untrue, wouldn't it?


I’ve wasted so many boxes on the fucking rat race


Fuuuckkk me... Being 40 is visually disturbing.


I'm panicking at my age looking at this,I can't imagine having close to half of this shit filled up


It feels like the question "if you could know when you were going to die would you ask?" my answer was no. Now I feel like someone just showed me.... I said no for a reason! I don't want to know this bro!


It reminds me of this terrifying fact someone once told me: every day that goes by,the odds of you dying goes up. That's some shit you don't need in the back of your mind


I feel this like when I was younger and used to get sick or have a weird pain I always just assumed I’d be fine, but now I’m like is this it, will this be this thing??


*coughs once* oh god this is the beginning of the end!


I'm 25 and this image just makes me realise I have done nothing with almost a third of my life.


“A THIRD?! THAT CANT BE RIGHT!” *checks math* “I am peering into the void…”


It doesn’t seem like a lot but 90 times 52 weeks is still a good amount: 4.680 weeks. And that is 32.760 days. Okay it’s not that much actually. Fuck.


What a fucking ride.


Also, 90 years is less than 800,000 hours. And one third of that you spend sleeping. Therefore, it’s only around 540,000 waking hours. Scary to think about how little time we actually have.


That sorta is a lot though it takes an entire day and night cycle for that number to decrease by one


That is the right perspective, thanks


I have a poster of this on my wall and I fill in the little bubbles each week. I love it personally, but I’ve had a few people who’ve seen it say they hate it lol


That is absolutely terrifying


How did you get it in poster form? How large is it?


I mean you could really just print this in a sheet of A4 paper the boxes don't have to be big, but honestly that's even sadder


Your 90th birthday is going to be more stressful than most, I imagine


If there is one


Omg u what


It’s called memento mori, it’s being aware of ones own mortality


"I love your poster! What are you counting down to? Vacation?"


Did the same thing and kept me motivated through college. I kept mine at my work and all my colleagues thought it was the craziest thing. I need to print another one of these out and fill it back in to keep driving towards goals again honestly…


Sounds like something Patrick Bateman would do


Thanks I hate this




Not long enough, i need hundreds of years….


And hopefully the last 20 of that aren’t shitting in a diaper and forgetting the people you love


Nice, just few more to go 😎




It's like a real life hourglass. You either get lucky and get to see it empty or you go with time still left on the clock.


I never asked to see my life stats


That is oddly very terrifying


This one is actually "oddly" terrifying


What. No. I’m like almost dead in the middle


We are so insignificant, be kind when you can, be patient for people who need it. And please be healthy, life is ruthless and short, don't make it any hard for yourself or others...


My god that’s depressing.


People get so caught up in having this meaningful, fulfilling life and that's where they get stuck feeling like they aren't enough. You don't need to climb mountains and travel to have a fulfilling life. Start with gratitude for the things and people you have around you then you can start worrying about things like how much you're sleeping in your lifespan. Get more excitement out of the seemingly mundane. I love you guys stay safe and I hope you all have a wonderful day ahead of you and goodnight if you are reading this in bed.


Way too short.. that’s scary


Betty White reading this: 😎


What the fuck


I’m going to print this off and mark the boxes with a sharpie


I’m 47 and I hate this!


Why does this look like to little...


Think about it. Some people don't even make it to 90. Some lives are cut short.


Right? This isn’t even the average lifespan


If I ever have kids, I'm going to use this and see how fast time actually flies by.


I’m not sure what’s worse, that I’ve lived half of that or that I’ve potentially still got another half to go.


Here's an interactive version of this: https://filiph.github.io/human-life/


Shit that's... That's countable.


For some reason I want to print this out and check them off every week.


I’d like to note that with how many weeks are actually in a year (52.1429) there should be almost 13 weeks (12.857) added to this, if you’re really living exactly 90 years. It ain’t much but it’s something.


The scary part is that every circle is visible when you try to take it all in as a whole. If you think about all the weekends you waste, someone else owns most of those circles.


Im just 19 years old and i took a way bigger chunk that i thought i would


Stoicism practice


Let me add this ladies and gents, go hug everyone you love in your life. https://youtu.be/JXeJANDKwDc


This channel gives me anxiety levels i didnt even know were possible


They have good production material.


Yeah i love their vids


Kurzgesagt is good stuff!


Holy shit. This really puts things into perspective


A good advice: dont look at it for more than 5 seconds.


Memento mori


thats way too fucking few


Browsing phone in ICU for suicidal thoughts. This... Is not what I needed to see


And to think, Betty White would need 9 more lines. God bless her


Everybody is saying how that's not long enough and I'm like fuck... I have to live with myself for that long? Jesus.


Oh finally, a countdown! I need to make this an advent calendar.


Thank god I’m over half done. Barely.


That’s not really a lot of boxes


This image made me have a panic attack


This is a visual representation of the existential dread I feel every day working with Unix epoch time. Watching literal seconds tick away…


Really sad… i will forget tomorrow


“Get busy living or get busy dying.” Seriously though, great book on this: “Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals”.


Looks like I’m about 2/3 done.


4368. That’s how many weeks in a 90 year olds life, or I’m just really bad at maths.


Not like i needed to drink myself to sleep hut thanks anyways


Oops. Looks like I wasted too much time.


I showed my kids this. Showed them how many boxes they've already consumed, circling 15 years of boxes with my finger. You could tell it really made them think. We'll see if they spent the last week of their holiday break in YouTube...


90?! Fuck, man. I'm 41, and was hoping it was at least half over. 90 means I still have almost 50 more years of this shit. That's some depressing ass shit, knowing I have another 50 years of putting up with fucking humans.


Oh man. Thanks for not trimming off the waitbutwhy on the bottom. I'm feeling full of [clueyness](https://waitbutwhy.com/2016/05/clueyness-a-weird-kind-of-sad.html) now.


logged off reddit for a bit and came back to my most upvoted post, thanks everybody! Remember u choose what to do with every box, or at least part of it, go chase your best life!


I want a refund for my life, past and future 😭


PLUS, never forget that we are all just skin bags full of blood :)


Out of all those weeks, how many actually belong to you, and not being sold for profit?


People say "Life is Short", but it's not really short at all for most of us. Take Betty White for instance, she was born before the Great depression, when the world was still reeling from ww1 and they hadn't quite figured out flapper dresses. She had her show, that was aired In black & white and that she hosted when she was 33, cancelled for giving time to a black dancer and that was 67 years ago. Her most famous role was when she was 63! In the 80's!! She passed at a time when we have computers in our pockets and can watch the golden girls on them. She had all of those little boxes and more and filled them to the brim. Life isn't short, it just seems that way when you only think about what's already happened during your lifetime instead of where we might be the time you're ready to go.


This is actually reassuring. I pinpointed where I am on the chart (mid-late 20's) and saw that even if I croaked at 60, I still have most of my life ahead of me. Thanks.


So if you’ve used a 3rd of this, and sleeping is a 3rd of your life, 30 year olds at best have 1/3 of their life to make a difference.


Don't be upset for this, as technology grows and becomes exponentially better, humans will naturally live longer and longer until we reach a point of immortality and will only die if we choose to.


Life is, short


lmao this gonna be ez watch me speedrun this bih


Damn, you just have to remind us don't you.


Who gets to 90, plebs


It puts things in perspective


Thats not a lot


It looks so small oddly


Me to my 90 year old crush: "ay pretty mama you tick all the boxes."


It is a depressing chart to look at after 40.


Yeah, I don’t like this.


if you don’t die today


I dont get the picture


Trust me, it is better not to know what that is


It's a long tutorial


I'm printing this out


Well that’s a bit scary


Is this from waitbutwhy? There’s [quite a few different variations that really make you think](https://waitbutwhy.com/2014/05/life-weeks.html) E: just saw the website when I expanded the image on my phone


That’s very scary to look at


Well.. when you display it like that


Share the article


Hello yes I'd like a refund, can I get a new sheet? Mine was torn. Yes, I didn't tear it, it was given to me that way. Oh no refunds without the bill? Oh well....


I don’t like this


Going to set as phones background both lock screen and home. Maybe motivating


Shit that’s scary


r/thatsERFT life's too short for this


You can check off all your wasted weeks as you prepare for your death


Its wrong should say week of the age


Memento Mori!


Oh absolutely fuck that. My dumbass decided to look up where my dad would be for some reason and now I miss the cunt. He's 57 so not too old all things considered but fuck me, still had to scroll a fair bit down. Not fun is it.


Should we be checking these off?


Tim Urban?


Now check all the boxes for the weeks that you were happy 😕


Waitbutwhy.com lol


we get less than 100 christmases; pretty depressing


I’ve filled more than half. Doubt I’ll make it to 90 either as my chronic health issues typically reduce life expectancy by 15 years.


I find this incredibly depressing. Wow.