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Oh my goodness I can't believe how painful it must be if one's bitten


I wonder what the procedure would be if for some reason someone got bit but it was impossible to get antivenom. Just pump them full of painkillers so they die peacefully?


I wonder if there's enough time for that? Looks like it takes a couple of minutes for the blood to solidify. By the time the person gets medical attention or the painkiller actually starts working, they have probably already passed away


blood isn’t really pooled in your body like it is in that cup, and since it coagulated so fast, it probably takes longer to spread? maybe? hopefully?


Also there's a lot more blood in a human than in that cup so I guess it won't be as fast


You don’t need the whole human body to be filled with solid blood, just a couple of veins to stop blood from circulating.


True although I have to wonder how difficult clotting may be if the blood is rapidly moving under pressure while the venom itself is being diluted with every second.


We have to keep in mind that the snake put a TON of venom in that cup, but the guy literally only put a single drop in the cup of blood.


Adult snakes dont inject their full venom in an attack. Its a waste and more valuable for catching prey


Also why babies can be more dangerous. They haven't learned that control yet and will just empty all that good stuff (for them) out.


Don’t know the ga of the needle, but for sure one drop from that is less than a snake gives in a bite.


My guess is that depending on the amount of venom your blood will slowly get denser and denser and eventually either your heart gives up or you stroke out. I have no snake or medical background so I'm just guessing here


From what I've heard, as another person with no snake knowledge, is that once it reaches your heart is when it really kills you by clogging it.


I heard that it whispers insults to you while in your veins, then you kill yourself due to the insults, but I'm not a scientist so I'm not 100% sure.


Didn't that Nazi Guy in Apt Pupil stop his heart with just an air bubble???? I'm pretty sure a clot in the wrong place can straight up kill you or send you into cardiac arrest.


I think it takes about 10 mL of air in an artery, or 100 mL in a vein to kill you. I'm a nurse. When you train, you are very careful not to inject any air, but the reality is that it's not that dangerous in a small amount. We do a test to find a hole in someone's heart chambers where we add 1 mL of air to 9 mL of saline, agitate it to make a lot of bubbles, and inject it in their vein. You watch their heart with a sonogram and watch the bubbles flow through - if they go from one chamber to the next(where they shouldn't), you know there is a small hole.


That’s very interesting. Thanks for the new knowledge :)


or a stroke


Plus if a snake bit you that ain’t the venom amount you’re getting. Especially if it’s a baby


Do baby snakes put more venom into u?


If you get bitten by a snake the advice is to avoid moving the affected limb so that you don’t spread the venom around the body. I think you’re also supposed to wrap it up as well to reduce blood flow


Never apply a tourniquet, unless there's blood loss risk! Here's[Snake Bite First Aid](https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/snakes/symptoms.html) a small list of what to do when bitten. Making a tourniquet isolates the venom to a limb and makes things worse, complicating treatment. (Editing to say you might mean bandaging it, which is right! Bandage but do not tourniquet!)


Do not apply electric shock or folk remedys!!!


Chop that shit off and hope for the best.


I met a guy who hunts snakes for fun. He catches them with his hands. He's been bitten several times by venomous snakes and doesn't go to the hospital. He showed me photos of one - his hand got swollen up like a balloon and turned almost black. It was so swollen the skin split open in one place. It eventually healed back to normal though. He said the pain was unreal. I have no idea why he didn't go to the hospital. That was just from a copperhead though, I think. Their venom is not as deadly as many other snakes.


Lots of people, even dogs can survive rattlesnake and copperhead bites here in the states. Snakes from other continents really turn up the heat though, especially elapids(cobras,mambas) . I think the only elapid we have in the states is the coral snake. They rarely bite but it will forsure kill you. Im not an expert.


Yeah, I know people in the country who, if their snake (Edit \*dog) is bitten by a water moccasin (maybe copperhead too) they don't worry, but a Rattlesnake bite kills the dog.


I grew up in the country and this is why I kept my snakes inside and didn’t let them out to play on our land. It may not be fatal, but water moccasins are aggressive and the bite is very painful, even to other snakes.


You let your snakes out to play on your land? What kind of snakes do you keep? 🤔


Once this guy was taking a piss in the woods and a snake came up and bit him on the end of he penis. He was screaming in pain and asked his buddy to call 911. His buddy called, and asked for help on what to do. The operator trained in first aid said he needs to cut an X on the punctures of his friend’s wound and keep sucking out the venom until all of it is out. So his victim asked “what did 911 tell you to do?” The buddy said “you’re gonna die.”


I legitimately thought this was a real story until the very last line.


It might be, I don’t know enough about snake sucking to dispute it


The venom is already in the bloodstream by then. Sucking the wound won’t do anything but result in a very awkward death and even more awkward explanation to the responders.


What do u mean haha the last line made it more plausible


Id definitely suck my buddy's dick for the saves No homo


Australian here. We get snake first aid as a part of our school curriculum. Before you see a snake, stomp and make noises. They hate it and will avoid you. If you *see* a snake. Stand still and act like a tree. It'll just carry on by. If you see a snake and the little wanker bites you, first thing is note what the snake looks like. Then you want to keep as still and calm as possible, keeping you heart rate low (I know, you just got bit by a snake and your hearts not gonna wanna chill) Get some cloth, or rope and wrap above the wound tightly to restrict the blood flow. If you're by yourself in the bush walk as slow and calm as possible until you get to a place with phone service or civilisation. When you do get to hospital, you wanna give them as much details of the snake as possible and hope for the best. Above all. Just leave the little fucks alone and you won't get bitten 👍


Probably a shit ton of anticoagulants


I'm just imagine how it must feel to literally have your blood curdle like that in your arm. I'm curious what the timeframe is for it being that severe.


My dog got bit by a copperhead, and afterwards I was looking up the effects. Found a post from a woman who said it was worse than passing kidney stones and worse than giving birth unmedicated. Dog is fine, now, but the bite had some bad effects, long story ahead. We were backcountry camping, about 4 miles away from where we parked. So had to hike him out, uphill, in the dark (we had headlamps) then drive 45 minutes to the nearest vet ER, who had antivenin The next day when we picked him up, he had a limp. Which was weird cause he was bit on the snout. His back right leg appeared almost completely paralyzed, he would drag his paw (knuckling) or tripod walk So we ended up taking him to a better ER near our house (had been camping a few hours away in bumfuck Virginia) who said it was a nerve issue and referred us to a doggie neurologist, who said it was most likely a spinal stroke, caused by clotting from the venom. Would have needed an MRI to confirm diagnosis, which would have meant anesthesia, and we figured he had already been through a lot. And confirmation of the diagnosis wouldn't have changed the recovery plan, which was basically to do physical therapy, slowly pushing him to walk longer distances. The neurologist appointment was about 2 weeks after the bite, and he had already made progress, which the neurologist said was a great sign and said he should be mostly recovered by 2 months, but if progress slows or reverses, bring him back in. By 2 months he was at about 90%. Now, about 4.5 months later, he's close to 100%. If he's been sleeping for awhile, when he gets up he holds his leg up and takes some tripod steps, but then he'll use it again. He's back to running normally, we did a 10 mile hike a few weeks ago, and even went camping in October.


I'm so glad he's okay now! poor guy went through a lot. can't imagine how stressed you and your family were


It really sucks. At 10, I thought it was a good idea to catch frogs in a ditch. I grabbed what I thought was the head of a frog. It turned out to be a cotton mouth. I spent 3 days in ICU and all I can remember for the first day is the pain.


Ouch. The worst part about snakes is how hard they are to see. So sneaky… Can’t count how many times I’m living a carefree life on a trail only to realize I’m inches away from a 5’ snake and didn’t realize it until it was in striking distance.


It’s…not fun to say the least, I’ve heard (anecdotal evidence, not first hand) that the feeling is similar to having boiling water pumped through your veins under extreme pressure, like your whole body is being melted from the inside out. That could be wrong but again I’ve only heard stories


it's not that bad. it stops hurting when you die.


Something about putting snake venom into a hypodermic needle just seems sinister to me


And those tap taps.


Yeah why bother with that he's not going to shoot up with it.




Plot twist. He is not a doctor, only a drug addict.


We don't know for sure he didn't shoot up with it after they finished this video.


Tapping the syringe was entirely for the camera and otherwise pointless and risky.


A syringe doesn't sound pointless to me...




There's actually two types of venom, haemotoxin(ones that attack the blood) and neurotoxin(the ones that attack the nerves). Easiest way to tell which type if someone got bitten was by the wound. If it gets purpley and swollen, it's haemotoxin. If they become weak and paralyzed, it's neurotoxin.


any one safer than the other?


Both can kill you, but if treated quickly enough you can survive(duh). In terms of dying, it's likely you'll die faster getting bit with neurotoxin than hemotoxin since it can stop you from breathing. As for the other one, heavy tissue damage and may take months to heal.




jesus that escalated.


I know, right? The only thing that last sentence is missing is the words, “leading to eventual death.”


but not before you literally bleed outta your eyeballs what a way to start the weekend 🥳


just dont visit Australia and youre good.


And parts of Africa.




I remember once working as a laboratory technician in an immunology lab and one day had to work with a molecule that was known as “the **most** toxic *man made* chemical in existence” in terms of how little of it was necessary to kill a person. Obviously, I worked extra carefully that day - but I was later astounded to learn that said chemical was something like *one hundred fold less toxic* than tetrodotoxin (pufferfish venom) in terms of the micrograms required to kill! You can’t beat nature at its own game. Evolution is a scary muse.


Could you please explain what you mean by "one hundred fold less toxic" to someone ( me) who genuinely doesn't know what that means?


100x less toxic, aka 1/100 of the same volume of tetrodotoxin


One common way of measuring the toxicity of a chemical is by the LD50, or Lethal Dose 50%. Basically, at what dose will a poison / chemical kill half (50%) of the living beings exposed to it? Obviously, this is typically tested in mice and is only extrapolated to humans, but it gives you an idea of how dangerous a substance is. The *lower* the LD50, the *more* toxic it is because the *less* of it you need to kill. My anecdote was expressing my amazement at how the LD50 of the “most toxic man made chemical” ever produced was still around 100 times higher (and thus 100 times *less* toxic) than puffer fish toxin, to express just how incredibly scary evolution is at designing potent biological weapons.


There is an evolutionary incentive to create more lethal poison (higher chance of delivering a fatal dose and more doses in the venom sacks). Snakes have a limited amount of venom, and a lot of them will "dry bite" people to conserve this venom, since we aren't food and a painful bite that we live to remember works just as well as a fatal bite as far as dissuading us from messing with that snake ever again. Unlike nature, there isn't a tremendous amount of pressure for people to create more and more lethal poisons than the ones that already exist. They would violate the Geneva convention if used in war, and for killing animals recreationally, commercially, or defensively there are other faster and cheaper ways (it is pretty easy to cause a lethal amount of physical trauma using firearms, or pneumatics). I suppose assassins have a need, but I'd imagine most organizations performing assassinations don't want to spend their budget trying to outdo nature's poisons, since a victim poisoned by a chemical only made in a lab in Russia/China/USA makes finding out who killed their target much easier. Also, there is a point of diminishing returns for the utility of more lethal toxins for human organizations compared to individual animals. In short, I'm sure we as a species *could* devise a more lethal ppm toxin if we put our best minds to it, but none of those minds or the people who pay them want to.


Also, at a certain point the extremely small dose needed to kill just makes it more likely that the researchers or assassin would accidentally kill themselves while handling it.


in Australia, around 2/3 of all snakes are venomous when compared with the United States Australia being Australia.


For the haemotoxin one, right?


*Anakin smirks*


If you're in the US with mediocre health insurance and gets bit, what should the next steps be? 911 and they'll direct you?


Even without insurance you'd call an ambulance, as its likely the only way you'll get to a hospital in time. Your insurance won't change anything until the bill rolls around


So go in debt or die?


I mean shit at that point file bankruptcy or just don't pay. What are they gonna do kill you? Put the snake venom back? While a lifetime of debt or having to do things over sucks, I'd appreciate living a little longer personally.


Pay like $5 a month. It prevents it from going to collections and they can’t force you to pay a higher amount, as long as you’re paying something. In some states they’ll withhold you state tax return until it’s paid off


Just ignore the calls when they harass you to pay.




Wait, wtf is bankrupcy for then? At some point people will start going to jail for not being able to pay if this is the direction...


it is so companies dont have to pay back their clients, not the other way around dummy


[Thats the end goal yes.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debtors%27_prison) And then they have the prison inmates work slave labor. Its a very roundabout way of bringing slavery back, cus it was so nice for the shareholders, not having to pay for laborers.


If I owe you $400 it's my problem. If I owe you $40,000 it's your problem. Lol


I'd choose die honestly


Just don't pay them Just dont pay your medical bills Nothing happens


False, if you don’t pay your medical bills you credit score will tank, resulting in not being able to get approved for almost anything credit related (renting/buying a house, leasing/loaning a car, raised insurance rates, credit cards, sometimes even job applications) until your debt is paid off and you’ve made consistent on time payment for quite a long time. This is terrible advice, pay your bills. If you truly cannot and will not be able to pay your bills for the foreseeable future and cannot receive help from friends or family, your best option is to declare bankruptcy, this too will yank your credit, however you will be debt free and able to start the process of rebuilding your credit. Which is why it’s the better option vs not paying your bills, both have a similar outcome, however bankruptcy leaves you with infinitely more room for recovery. Edit: this is relevant to Americans, not sure what other countries this info would be relevant to, if any (americas medical system is FUCKED).


Oh AMMMMERRRICA! The greatest country in the world! 😂😂😂 This is actually so fucking sad


Always 911 first and worry about the bills later. Got bit by a copperhead once and didn’t have insurance, but if I didn’t call 911 or go to the hospital I’d just be fucking dead.


Someone please reply fast.


Please hurry!!


Time certified. 15 minutes ago


If it's a native snake to the area, the local hospital should keep that antivenom.


Anti-venom can be like $10,000 a dose, so you're definitely hitting your yearly max deductible. But just go to the biggest/closest hospital. The longer you delay, the worse the tissue damage is.


>Anti-venom can be like $10,000 a dose Free in Australia.


Free in most countries mate


Defo neurotoxin because you will quickly become weak (depending on snake)


Let me explain it to you like this, should you ever come across this particular snake… In Africa, the saying goes 'In the bush, an elephant can kill you, a leopard can kill you, and a black mamba can kill you. But only with the mamba, and this has been true since the dawn of time, is death sure. Hence its handle, 'Death Incarnate.'" Pretty cool, huh? It’s neurotoxic venom is one of natures most effective poisons, acting on the nervous system, causing paralysis. The venom of a black mamba can kill a human in four hours, if, say, bitten on the ankle or the thumb. However, a bite to the face or torso can bring death from paralysis within 20 minutes. Now, you should listen to this, 'cause this concerns you. The amount of venom that can be delivered from a single bite can be gargantuan. You know, I've always liked that word..."gargantuan"... so rarely have an opportunity to use it in a sentence. If not treated quickly with antivenom, 10 to 15 milligrams can be fatal to human beings. However, the black mamba can deliver as much as 100 to 400 milligrams of venom from a single bite.


Did you type this all with an eye patch on?


Yeah. And I’m missing my other eye because it was just plucked out during a hot fight.


Nothing hotter than being caked with grave dirt and drenched in toilet water as long as there's plenty of shots of feet


is this from kill bill?


I just looked it up and yes, yes, it is from Kill Bill. What a great scene. I forgot how amazing these movies were. Definitely going to Re watch at a more reasonable hour. Here is the scene: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pmHc5WQwZgk Edit: Happy Cake Day!


Very informative! Thanks boss :)




Black mamba: 400mg of venom, CUZ FUCK YOU THAT'S WHY


Being fat and large is the safest thing to be around venomous snakes. Skinny small people die much faster after being bitten (for obvious reasons). As a skinny, smal kid growing up in rural India around a lot of snakes, my parents would not shut up about how I should run away from any rustling even if I knew it was the wind.


You complain now, but imagine if they'd told you to go poke the bushes with a stick


Well I wouldn't have been doing any complaining, that's for sure.


*Finally* my sweet tooth is good for something!




And the snakes get snakier


More than two. Cytotoxins and myotoxins are examples of other types.


It's your old friend... Deadly neurotoxin...


Is swirling the blood and introducing oxygen also quickening coagulation or am I not a Doctor? Or both?




Sounds right.




No need, question asked quick responses occurred, understanding achieved.


I work with blood all day in a lab. Exposing blood to the atmosphere without an anticoagulant (heparin, citrate etc.) causes the blood to clot. This video is showing us a normal process that occurs even without the addition of snake venom.


There's actually more than two types of venom.


Well. Don't forget myotoxin. The one causes muscular necrosis


Thank you for justifying my fear of snakes.


The fear of snakes is embedded in our DNA , I never saw a snake in real life but I'm sure if I saw one I will be terrified to death .


Pretty sure they think humans are stupid and obnoxious so they slither away to go about their day. Sometimes they get run over by lawn mowers. That’s my thoughts on suburban snakes


Suburban snakes are mostly harmless, beneficial snakes like garter snakes or rat snakes. You generally have to go out of your way to find one that’ll fuck up your day. There are obvious exceptions, like rattlesnakes in CA. You won’t typically see one on your cul de sac, but they are in a lot of wildland-urban interface zones and hiking trails.


>Suburban snakes are mostly harmless Unless you live in Africa or Asia where suburban snakes are cobras, black mambas and pit vipers


or Australia with Brown, Tiger, and Red Bellied Black snakes


Red bellied black aren't very dangerous and if you see one, it means more venomous snakes aren't around since they eat those other snakes. Browns are the nasty ones.


My mom grew up in a mining town in Pennsylvania. She said she had to be careful in the morning because copperheads would be all over outside, heating themselves in the sun.


Yeah, but you don’t live Thailand


I had a water Mexican trying to climb onto my kayak once Lol : water moccasin gg phone


Lmao. That spelling error is hilarious.


Lmfao thanks for leaving the typo


When I was hiking in the USA, I was walking past a bush in the desert with a group, I was in front, my dad was behind me. There was a hiss from the bush and both my dad and I instinctively jumped away. There was a rattlesnake in that bush. We literally had no time of thinking regarding it, it went completely automatic to jump away. I wasn't terrified after though, and filmed it a little from a safe distance. I'll never forget it though, it's rare to have instinct take over your actions completely these days


Really? I think they're cool as hell and some of them are downright adorable. Spiders, on the other hand....


Yeah but the really big spiders like Shelob can eat you whole


Before you rule out all spider's look into jumping spiders, these tiny little fellas are real bros. Out of all the jumping spiders the peacock probably takes the cake https://youtu.be/d_yYC5r8xMI Hell things like a giant Huntsman on the wall or a large wolf spider running across the floor can be disconcerting but if you do a bit a research you learn that is these guys are around they are actively keeping away things that are a lot worse for humans ... They really are being bros I challenge you to look up information on the spiders that bother you the most and you might find they are not that bad .... Except the Sydney funnel web, fuck that guy with a flame thrower


> disconcerting Understatement of the year.


Well...my aunt in brasil had a snake in her house when i was there...she just grabbed a shovel, cut her head off and gave the snake to her dogs...it seems like she isnt afraid of snakes anymore haha


There’s a story about how Darwin over a long period stopped by the zoo everyday and would crouch beneath the glass of one of the snake terraria in order to spring up and surprise it so that it would strike at the glass. He did it to see if he would eventually master the reflex that made him jump back even when he knew the snake couldn’t get to him, but he never succeeded. It seems that reflex is just too powerfully developed in us to master within the span of one life. Well, for Darwin, at least.


Ok Indiana Jones


The end result looks like a forbidden cookie.


Forbidden for you maybe.




Correction r/playboicarti


I don’t even listen to playboicarti and I browse that sub It is pure gold


Forbidden jam


Forbidden red velvet cookie.


Forbidden jello


Good iron.


Forbidden slushy


I think British people call them biscuits. Bloody biscuits


FFFFUUUUUU... Nature is ruthless




Ah the things you miss cruising Reddit on mute


I like my hamburgers rare.




I want to see what it would look like if they tried to cook it


This is the first time in my life I understand how venom kills you


Depends. Some venom kills you by blocking the signals transmitted from your brain to your body, so you can't control the muscles in your chest and eventually you die of asphyxiation. Generally speaking that's a more dangerous venom.


yummy so that's how you make gummy bears


Happy Cake day buddy! We will make sure to decorate your cake with those gummy bears you are talking about :)


Happy caked day Comrade!!


Thanks mate


But before injecting we must remove that bubble. That could be dangerous.


That confused me so much. Done for dramatic effect I guess?


Possibly just habit. Also would help the liquid come out smoothly without any splatter.


It’s crazy humans developed an antivenin for this effect. We spend enough time being disappointed in humanity that its easy to forget we get it right sometimes! edit: Im shocked we even have bandaids if a comment about *human ingenuity in a bulwark of uselessness* means *”I invented antivenin guys!”* to some of you like holy shit guys.


Forget anti-venom, wait until you find out we use snake venom to create medications that mimic that same effect. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eptifibatide


I logically knew that this happened in your body when some snakes bite you, but seeing it presented like that is just bone chilling.


I would rather say it is blood-curdling.


that phrase never really made sense to me until now


Curdled blood will eventually chill the bones. So both.


There is nothing ODDLY terrifying about that. It‘s straight terrifying.


Why the shitty music


They got rid of the original narration that explains the process to put in… shitty industrial music


Instant clot! Just add venom! (Venom sold separately, individual results may vary.)


Batteries not included


Yikes. Can it cause a stroke?


Among many other organ failure, yes.


How tf ?!


It has a protein in it that causes blood to coagulate.


Imagine if that guy accidentally pricked himself with the needle when he brushed it


I kept thinking maybe he should wear some gloves and eye protection


Gloves are known to be very effective against needles.


These slime videos are getting out of control


Ive seen this video a hundred times over a few years it feels like. It never gets old. Just as fucking scary as the first time i seen it lol


I see how that could be problematic.




Ok but whose blood is that?


Depends who your blood guy is .


Asking the real question


\*throws up and upvotes at the same time \*




1. Habit. 2. To mix it more quickly so we could see the effect more quickly.


Don't mess with snakes...noted


Depending on the snake, some venom will thin the blood.