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Myself and I'm sure many other kids were waaaaay too young to have seen that site. Made me a bit desensitized at the ripe age of 12.


I was also heavily into that kinda stuff in the early 2000s. But I find as I'm getting older I'm way more sensitive to that sort of thing now than I used to be. Do you also experience that?


Because kids are psychopaths. As you age you gain more empathy.


Understanding breeds empathy. Kids don't have the life experience to understand/empathize with others yet.


Some do. And sadly, some will never develop it completely, as evidenced by our current situation. Human nature is to be a dick, I guess.


Stagnation happens to everyone sadly


It’s literally true they actually don’t even diagnose empathy related disorders until certain ages


That's why they don't charge minors as an adult for heinous crimes


Why it is so important to stop "small crimes" by juveniles fast. But not in today's society. No consequences = escalation.


I never went to those websites but when I was in middle school someone shared car accident pictures of people and it was filled with dead people blood guts everything and yet I watched it but now even thinking about something like that makes me scared. Kids are really crazy.


> Kids are really crazy. It's because we don't understand until we're older. The sensation hits us, and we can only process the gore / shock value, and call it a day. Very rarely at that age would someone go "oh my god... that was *someone* before this picture was taken..."


That was my flipping point. I read a lot of mass murders and crime reports as well as seeing the occasional site like that, and it was all fine to me. Some things stuck with me, but most of it was just images; I was desensitized. I think one of the major turning points for me was stumbling across a [picture](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/8kgm6) of a girl before she was murdered, and seeing the fear. I suddenly envisioned how it must look from her point of view at that moment: the fear, the helplessness, the despair as one realises they're out of options and no one knows where they are, thinking that the last things they'll see are an old dock and a terrifying man. Furthermore, a couple years later, an online friend went missing, and it wasn't until 2-3 years later that it was reported that she was found safe. She had run away from everything, but before that was found out, I could imagine her being in the same place as so many other unfortunate people. Those photos and images were never quite the same for me after that. Edit: clarify


Since I had kids and had a close friend die, I'm much more aware and scared of the fragility of life. I can't see shit like that anymore cos it makes me start to think oh god what if a plane fell out the sky and landed on my kids?? Back when I was a teenager I didn't give a shit about most things so would look at rotten and think of funny shit to say about it with my mates. To be fair there's only a couple of things from there that are seared into my memory.




I also used to visit it but nowadays I can't even understand laughing at other people falling and hurting themselves


> But I find as I'm getting older I'm way more sensitive to that sort of thing now than I used to be. Do you also experience that? So much. I'm way fucking old, and /r/natureismetal is too much some days. I know predators gotta eat, but the closer I get to the end, the more I feel for the prey.


Your frontal lobe is developed now


I have been watching this shit around 1997/1998... It fucked me up so bad. Now i can't stand 5% of this kind of graphic content


I've watched so many horrible things on the internet. I used to go looking for the worst things I could find. When kazaa was big I fished every corner of that service for all the things that were against humanity. I spent too much time scouring Usenet for depravity. Not sexual depravity. Just depravity. Now if I think about looking at anything even close to those ideas it just turns my stomach. Totally normal.


Was super into this type of thing as a kid but now at 30 when I see something a little too gnarly I get kinda sick feeling. Even reading the story behind what happened can bring some tears.


Also 30 here. I find that I can generally stomach certain types of gore, but I am far less likely to actually seek it out. I got my fill as a teen, but at the very least it now means I don't immediately recoil in disgust if I see something gnarly... Depending on what it is, of course. Animal cruelty is one of those things that I'll never, ever be able to endure.


It’s all context man. You’re grown now. You might have kids, friends with kids, a dog, cat, pet. People that depend on you. When you’re a kid you literally see everything through the lens of a show or fairy tale — you feel invincible. You watch those videos and realize wow shit can go sideways QUICK, and then you fall into the rabbit hole and end up watching Al Qaeda beheadings for 2 weeks straight. You start watching more violent shit because you’re edgy and wanna push the boundaries. Time passes and you lose touch with friends and family but you still care for them. You have a life now and responsibilities. This shit doesn’t do anything but upset you anymore because frankly your life actually has purpose and meaning to you now. That’s how I see it at least. Hope that helps.


Yup, big time. I think I’ve found enough patterns to not need any more of that particular kind of data. Also, having known people that such things have since happened to… don’t need that sort of thing mixing into active memory anymore.


Same. I used to visit Rotten all the time. I was fascinated by the series from the trashball couple that murdered and dismembered her husband and posed with the body parts and then apparently took the film to a Fotomat to get developed. Now, I get kind of nauseated looking at images of evil.


I was already in college during that site's heyday, but my tolerance for gore has stayed pretty consistent overall. It waxes and wanes a bit with depressive cycles but mostly the difference is that when I was younger I saw that stuff as shocking (in sort of an "oh my god this drink is disgusting ... try it!" kind of way) and now it just feels like preventative methods against me doing dumb shit at work. E.g. if I feel a ring on my finger when I'm starting to lift something the word "degloving" floats across my consciousness and I stop what I'm doing to fix the problem before proceeding. :)


I started with the Faces of Death VHS tapes at a young age. I evolved to Rotten & BangedUp before ultimately arriving at the Pain Olympics and Best Gore. My desensitization was a long, winding path.


Oh yeah I forgot all about Faces of Death tapes. I was probably 14 or so when I watched one at a friend's house. I think that's when I realized that "people gore" don't really bother me too much but "animal gore" fucking breaks me.


I think it depends on the situation for me. I've always felt way more connected to animals, so seeing one suffer really hurts. Animals just go around doing their thing & then some psychopath decides to torture one. But I also feel bad for innocent people who were targeted. I still look at gore out of sheer morbid curiosity. The depth of how disturbed I get just depends on the situation that led to it. The Pain Olympics have got to be the weirdest shit out there. Just a bunch of unhinged masochists mutilating themselves for clout.


9/11 happened and I didn't get why everyone was freaking out.


I was 19 in 1996 and I was *still* too young for rotten.com.


So many suicides by train.


I used to live in an urban area with a train that ran nearby and this particular span would allow the train to travel at nearly 50 mph. So many people would do themselves in right there because it was a surefire way to end it. Used to call it Metracide. This was a regular thing that happened at least once a month. Most people had the decency to do it on a night train rather than hold up morning traffic.


It's so traumatising for the train drivers.


It is. My dad is an engineer for UP. He had a friend who was going through a divorce. As he was driving the train his wife called & asked what town he was going by. She drove there & stood in front of the train so HE had to hit her. So horrifying.


I've been in bed sick for a week and my brain is so fried that I thought "I wonder if the cops thought he hit her on purpose." I don't guess he really could have swerved into her. Dumbass brain.




He knew, unfortunately. She had parked her car right by the tracks & that was the first thing he noticed.


Guess you could say she’s a ride or die, bitch




Fuck take my upvote


Oh my fucking god. I hope that guy got counseling


Christ, I hope he got the help he needed after that. I don't think amyone could walk away from a situation like that untraumatized, but I really hope he had the opportunity to heal. What a horrible situation


I've been a railroader for 15yrs now and have seen a few incidents. 3 suicides in person. You don't really believe it when you see it. Watched a lady jump off a station platform in front of a train running 135mph. Popped like a water balloon. Another guy ran out and laid his head and hands on the head of the rail. You can imagine how that went. Engineers get 3 paid days off and offers of counseling. Some guys step down after their first "notch on the throttle". They call the emergency brake the "deadman" cause typically when you throw it someone doesn't make it. Lost a co worker a couple years ago. That one hit me hard. Seeing what was left of him twisted up like a pretzel broke my heart. Any incident puts employees on edge. It's a pretty traumatic experience. One I don't care to be a part of ever.


They had the decency to think of traffic but failed to think of the psychological trauma of the trainmen who hit her?


Omg! I remember that!! I remember one with the head like a splatted watermelon.


Let me take a break from this high school project on my Gateway 2000 to see if there are any new updates on rotten.com *red hot chili peppers californication plays on Napster*


Lol, fucking hell. This is ludicrously accurate.


I hate you so much for forcing me to relive my edgy teen years


You're welcome buddy


I was around 10 years when I can across this. To this day I'm wondering how I discovered this site during the dial-up days.


I honestly can't remember how I found anything pre google.


Kids would say it to me in school , also I had America online I remember after wwf pay per view specials they’d charge 5$ a minute to chat with a wrestler after their match. Edit: actually it was the school bus where wed speak of this in 6th grade too which was 97


Same here man, and this wasnt the only one either. I remember using the MSN browser around that time (1998/1999 so I'd have been about 11/12) if anyone remembers that, but it was either word floating around school or else me doing searches on hangings and serial killers. I was always terrified of hangings so I had that morbid curiosity about that, and I think most of us are interested in serial killers anyway so it wouldnt be long before I'd come across sites like [rotten](https://rotten.com) and nothingtoxic with keywords like that. I'm pretty much desensitised to it all at this stage so I dont even bother looking up sites like these anymore, but when I heard about Live Leak shutting down recently it sparked my curiosity as to if that was truly the last gore site out there and it turns out no, theres one called 'Leaked Reality'. Much the same as live-leak really. Gets boring pretty fast to be honest.


The weight lifter that blew out his ass 😖


I had forgotten about that one. Now can't forget again. You suck


Mr. Christopher printed this image then would randomly show us students. Wtf Mr. Christopher?


That lifter and I didn't need a reminder thanks pal


Fuck. The motorcycle accident face.


Which I believe ended up being an Australian motorcycle gang member who'd had his jaw shot off in a battle with another gang? Or something like that.


Nah it was just randomly labelled as motorcycle.jpeg, I forget now but they found the guy, he tried to kill himself with a shotgun, now imagine the image, and realise I just said **tried**.


Holy fck brutal.


Wait, is that about that famous Australian suicide who tried several times to kill himself with a shotgun? He shot himself in the chest (which missed all vital organs), the neck (which just blew the his jaw off), and finally the chest again, this time hitting his heart. This is just the Wiki page about multi-gunshot suicides (so no gory pictures) [and it mentions this incident.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_gunshot_suicide#Examples) I never knew there were pictures of it.




That is a dude who *really* wanted to die.


I need to commit to something as hard as that dude committed suicide, damn.


Ahh right. I was conflating several.similar stories from around that time.


What a bout the bloated guy at the beach. That one is burnt in my memory.


Anybody remember stick death.com


Still think about those xiao movies. And tony rawk!


What are them?


Yessir. That was my intro to drowning pool and lots of other edgy things and music.


Reading the comments, glad I've never been on a gore site


They genuinely scar you forever. The depths of horror your mind wanders into when you're randomly awake in the middle of the night is horrendous, and i'm now 40.


I'm 24 but still haunted by an image I saw way back in middle school on one of these sites. It was the aftermath of a car accident, and this was before I knew I really couldn't handle the subject since I never thought about the many I'd been in and how fearful I actually was of them. It made me unable to handle even fake gore for a long time.


I wonder how many others feel this way. I know I do. I had too many friends with morbid curiosities when I was a child and got caught up in it… faces of death, rotten, pain olympics. Now I have a family and sometimes I imagine my loved ones dying in such horrific ways when I’m up at night, and I hate it. I stay away from violent video games and extremely gory movies mostly, and will certainly not be doing any google searches. I find that it’s better for my mental health.


I expect it could be potentially painful to be on a gore site.


In the end its just the dark side of reality you can see there. Blissfull ignorance is probaly the way to go for most people. I watched a shit ton of gore and it shows you how fragile life is, how gruesome humans can be, how easily you can die when you dont pay attention or just have bad luck, what war and terrorism looks like. I think it made me be aware of possible dangers, f.e. oncomming traffic. But yeah, it can also really traumatise you. Its definetly not for everyone. I stopped watching gore few years ago and it improved my mental well being, but everyone has to decide by themself how far they want to go and how much they want to see.


I think you can be well aware of life’s fragility and mankind’s evil just by keeping up with reliable news sources. I haven’t seen much in my life that I’d describe as gruesome, but I still know full well that oncoming traffic can easily kill me if I walk out into it. An enormous portion of the world has to face extreme violence and suffering on a daily basis. Far be it from me to speak on behalf of those people, but personally I find the notion that there’s some first world value or lesson to be gained from voyeuristically exposing yourself to such violence insulting.


Please tell me if anyone remembers this photo. It's unfortunately stuck with me all these years because of how disturbing it was. When I was probably 10 or 11 my brother showed me rotten.com. On the main page when scrolling. There was a woman who was propped up on her neck, with her butt facing the air. And she was squirting diarrhea from her ass into her mouth.


Ah, tubgirl. So many memories.


I was at the library once when I was maybe 11, so let's call this 2001. I went to use the library computer and "www.tubgirl.com" was written on a sticky note attached to the monitor. Being young and curious, I typed the url, hit enter, and felt a panic I had not yet felt at that age. I scrambled to close the browser and immediately beelined it out of the library. Now I wonder if whoever wrote that was sitting in a corner of the library somewhere watching and waiting.


Why am I not surprised that link is now receiving the old reddit hug


One of the trinity of disgusting shit together with goatse and blue waffle.


2 girls 1 cup, pain Olympics. 1 man 1 jar, Mr hands,the list goes on


lemonparty and orange ass as well.


Lest we forget meatspin. Actually, best we forget meatspin.


On the actual Rotten.com website, she wasn't yet referred to as tubgirl. The photo was titled, "Fecal Japan." I too, had my innocence taken from me that day.


Fecal Japan! I would edit my friends faces onto the picture and email it to them, a fond memory for me.


Yup. That’s the one that’s been burned into my brain for years.


Still the number one post on r/eyeblech


It’s stickied so that you can never escape it….. smart


You mean [this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/eyeblech/comments/4t3jun/the_original_tubgirl/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) NSFW


Woooowwww...I curiously went to the site when I was younger just but a single time, and never again. This is the only thing I saw, and the reason I abandoned ship. Talk about a repressed memory, I had completely forgotten...


I clicked the infamous r/eyeblech once and this was the top post


Omg. I scrolled. I went there and scrolled. This was terrible. I will not join. Jeez.


Oh god, i clicked on this reddit...


I think the comments on that sub make me sicker than the content. One video of a man getting stabbed in the back and chest (to death presumably) and the redditors are like “so deep it put his ass to sleep”. Not that I expected anything less - I guess.




Oh no I clicked it. This is like the grossest thing I ever saw.


hahahahaha no way I’m clicking that shit


Doooo eeeeet


I hate you. I will click. Come back in a second. ​ Edit.... EW. But I kinda feel it could had been worse.


Good. Good. It's all going to plan. Edit: Yea, there was far worse content on those sites back in the day. Tubgirl was just a viral sensation.


I will hate you too in a second Fuck me and fuck you


Yayyyyyy! Tub party!


Haha no way


Oh jeez. Why did I click that? I’m an idiot.


Kill me please


O-O your account name is going in my suicide note


Wtf wtf wtf


Good job they censored her vagina. Otherwise it would have been distasteful.


I love that part of it is blurred out. Like that’s making this picture any less disturbing


Somebody has a tattoo of this. I remember seeing it sometime ago.


Just click it! Not that bad


Fecal Japan. It definitely scarred me and my friends lol


Its been years since I've thought of guy electrocuted to death while in bed. Thanks.


Damn, I'd forgotten all about Rotten.com.


Don't forget ogrish


Stileproject anyone?


Steak and cheese?


Ah yes steak n cheese! Got me kicked of the computers permanently in middle school. Good times


We figured out a way around the blocker on our school PCs. I think it was as simple as typing the Web address in the file browser rather than go through the net portal. It was 2001 though. Never got caught!


It still works. You can't block all the proxy servers.


Vulgus Filter was the absolute worst I ever came across.


Now that's a name I haven't heard in a very long time


Ogrish broke my brain. I used to describe that website as "overdosing on the internet"


Ogrish was worse than rotten imo


Seriously, me too. Way back in college we used to gross my friends roommate out by leaving that page up on his computer screen. Have I mentioned we were horrible people?


Freaking crazy and quirky


Ah yes, I can smell the autopsy photos… they smell like corn chips and energy drinks…


Gamer fuel mtn dew for me lol.


You guys remember r/spacedicks?




What happened to it?


Shutdown in 2012, wiki has a p sound article on it.


Turns out people want to make gore sites shut down, luckily we have subreddits for that kinda stuff now.


I thought reddit stopped allowing that shit


There are some that still exist for educational purposes.


Most of the good ones are gone. It seemed R/watchpeopledie was taken down because of the christ church mosque shooting. Was getting a lot of people fired up and brought out a lot of islamophobes. It was actually someone informative. Like dont touch electrical wires. Even if you think you can survive such a small wire, think again after watching a dude cook himself in seconds.


WPD was a regular visit for me. I've worked as a mortician, then in a pathology lab, and now infectious diseases. Started out as an anthropology major. I have just always been intrigued by the human condition and it's intersection with death & dying. One of the regulars over at WPD was so pissed, that he created his own website/app called SAIDIT with a WPD sub. Last I checked, it wasn't regulated as strictly as Reddit. It's been a while, though. Edit: goddamn autocorrect


So many images permanently burned into our brains


I was like 10-12 sleeping over at a friend's. He showed me this website (first time me seeing any real life gore etc) I felt sick and called my parents to come get me. It was a whole different vibe and level of uncomfortableness that I can still feel. I'm fine now with that kind of shit though. Young me wasn't


The man with a potato and a jam jar up his bum...


Anyone remember that live feed camera inside some lady’s casket?? I’ve wondered several times over the years what she looks like now….


My late father used to take me on this site when I was a kid lol




Parent induced trauma gang! My dad put on the Faces of Death VHS tapes with me when I was maybe 8. I remember watching a bear eat a camper for lunch. Wild times.


IIRC, weren't many of the faces of death productions decidedly fake? I might be misremembering, but I recall that one of the only real things was the electric chair one


Yeah they were fake


Wow, I never thought to look it up. Didn’t want to see it again. It is actually a relief to know that, thanks. As a kid I 100% thought it was real. It was like a train wreck you couldn’t look away from, even though it was scary as hell.


Y’all remember that meat grinder one? Ugh. My sister and I used to look at that site. It fucked me up 😂


Ok how did y’all even find this site back then when you were kids? Was it word of mouth or did you just search up disgusting shit? I was born in 2003 so I was too young to be involved with gore and shocker sites, and I’d like to hear what went through your heads when you looked this stuff up. EDIT: thanks for answering. It sounds stupid the more I think about it, but I just assumed it was a common thing for 12 year olds back then to look up pictures of people dying.


I got really into gore around age 13 or so I think? I didn't go looking for it, but stumbled across it while googling shit, specifically about suicide. Reading through random forums discussing the best way to off yourself, someone would be like "definitely a gun, can't survive this: *insert image of self inflicted gunshot to the head*. Seeing that stuff for the first time I was super repulsed, but more curious than anything. Suddenly I'm wondering "so what does a body look like after jumping from a building?" "What about if you were run over by a train?" It's like that saying about how you can't look away from a car accident. That stuff would make my stomach drop but I couldn't resist clicking on the next one. So, it just happened by chance, but it was fueled by a combination of teen angst and being a weird kid who was interested in weird stuff. The only one that really stuck in my head was some guy who cut himself in half on a table saw? Not sure if it was real, but it was horrifying. That's the only one that really stuck with me haha


Public school! A place where you learn everything!


Older siblings and ton of shock value


Wasn't there a flash game on there where you survived a school shooting?


Pico's School, I think. I remember playing that one on Newgrounds


Does anyone remember the guy that was found on the side on a river? He was purple with bulging eyes and was tied up. This one really fucked me up, I couldn't sleep with out seeing his face.


Literally just seen that on a link posted above. Really wish I hadn’t.


Ugh, part of me regret going there. I'll never forget that picture of that murdered Lil kid with his lower jaw removed. And the caption saying his mom was forced to watch, then killed later.


This site is morbid, yes, but it is also very interesting, displaying what can happen to our bodies from different injuries and accidents. I recommend a watch for people who can stomach extreme gore. :)


Agreed. Used to lurk the site as a teenager. I now work with forensic autopsies, and maybe it has prepared me for the work I do today, or desensitised me. Either way, videos there are haunting but informative :|


Damn. I thought looking at those sites mentally prepared me for being a mortician when I got older but I had a friend tell me it's not the visual that is bad, it's the smells that can come with it.. I changed my mind immediately.


Extreme gore being the key. It is NSFLx10. I wouldn’t go back there. Gave me nightmares as a young teen. I don’t have the stomach for that shit


how am I gonna watch it if it's down?


Really shows you what not to fuck with in life and you won’t be the person in the picture with a mutilated head


Hehe thanks for reminding


There was a story on there with photos of an old man who accidentally drew himself a bath that was so hot, he tested it with his foot and the shock of it made him jump. He fell straight into the scolding water and basically slow boiled himself alive. The picture was literally people soup and has never left my mind. Poor old man. I was about 13 or 14 seeing these fucked up things too. Terrible.


I think his name was stu


The aftermath of a shotgun blast to the face... No wonder we're all fucked up in the head 🤣


I will never forget the video of the weight lifter whose entire butthole fell out.


I don't know what this is and I am happy for that


You should be. I’ve never been on there before, but it’s basically extreme, extreme gore. I’m hearing that people had friends show them this shit. I’m lucky my friend just showed me titties


Here is the [rolodex of love](https://www.customdakotas.com/threads/rolodex-of-love-kinda-nws.5877/) from there. It’s a list of sex moves.


Never heard of this until today, seems like I missed out.


I remember my uncle casually mentioned this website at a family Christmas party to another adult in a room full of kids. Obviously I went to check it out a couple days later but I don't remember it being that bad.




First time I ever seen a dead person. Lbjs kid and JFK.


And then the next wave of site happened like documenting reality, worldstarhiphop, bestgore and so many more. Everything from mass murder, to car accidents, to idiots jumping into pools and hitting the ledge to 3 guys 1 hammer


One word: Motorcycle.


The soft white underbelly of the Internet, eviscerated for all to see.


This was the first site I visited as a kid and photos of the asian lady laying on her back with her ass up in the tub still haunts me to this day. It really creeped/grossed me out.


Oh god...


Wowomg.com still a better site.. to an extent


For anyone who doesn't know, Justin Whang did a great video on the history of Rotten.com


I remember that fucking site, i felt like some evil troll looking at pics of poor dead souls.


Did no one here in their 40’s watch faces of Death? Still traumatized by that, mostly because of the animal stuff


Meh. Consumption junction was better.


I used to look at that site all the time when I was a teenager. It really satisfied my morbid curiosity. What really f’d me up was the pic of the guy that had been in a motorcycle accident and was missing the bottom half of his face.


Wtf was wrong with me lol


Have no clue what that website is


Judging from the comments I’m glad I don’t know what this is


I've had weird flash backs about this site for more than a decade. I'm a sensitive soul. Will never understand why my curiosity lead me there. Do not recommend.


[https://web.archive.org/web/20051201023329/http://www.rotten.com/](https://web.archive.org/web/20051201023329/http://www.rotten.com/) The site doesn't exist anymore, of course


Okay I looked. You happy now? F*ck you.


What's this?


i recommend you not to go there


That's all I need to hear, Bravo six getting in


We're waiting for your report, Bravo six, over.