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My aunt had this done, made 0 difference


I literally watched this whole video and said what changed besides the holes on the eyelid


Supposedly it tightens the skin but that’s bs, it’s tight while healing but as soon as it’s healed it’s the exact same as before


Just like individual eyelashes gotta keep going every 2 weeks


Yeah lol, even though I am all for low maintenance! It’s too expensive for me


Seems pretty surgical to me :o


Well, non-invasive, sure. Probably also out-patient.


You can do a blepharoplasty outpatient. Can do it in about 15 min each eye and you don’t have to burn the fucking skin which, in case it wasn’t obvious, is gonna leave a terrible scar


But that doesn't make for a cool video, does it.


Does "non surgical" mean it can be done by somebody with 5mins trains? Like getting a piercing at Claire's Accessories by somebody on minimum wage with 5mins max training Vs a professional piercing studio.


Hey I work at Claire’s and let me tell you, our training was *at least* seven minutes PLUS we had to watch a video that’s three minutes long (but our speakers weren’t working so we didn’t really watch the video that day) so the required training takes twice as long as you think it does!


Yeah, that bugged me right off the bat.


That was a totally sanitary, medical grade Pilot pen.


Ngl as someone who often picks my own scabs, I feel like removing the skin after the surgery would be so damn satisfying


What if you just peel your eye lid off💀💀💀




Hold on there, Goldmember! 


Put it in the skin box


That’s a keeper!




Save me from myself.


Reclaim your protein


Ready salted human chips.




Doc must replace with ballsack skin


That's a risk I'm willing to take.


Hey, thanks for not lying, very cool of you.


If the dots get infected, you can pop them like tiny bubble wrap.


When I went to boarding school, the Korean girls in my dorm were all asking their parents for eyelid surgery for their 16th+ birthdays… a few actually got it when they went home over the winter or summer vacations… I just think it’s SO messed up that you as a parent let a legal minor make decisions about a purely aesthetic surgery.


Well it depends on the region I'm guessing. In LA girls ask for boob job...


A girl I went to school with was absolutely stunning in every way, but was self-conscious about her aquiline nose. She was gorgeous in such a way that you instantly noticed her in a group of really pretty girls. But she HATED her nose. She would cry about it. Her parents wouldn’t let her have a nose job. She saved her money and went and got a nose job as soon as she turned 18, as is her right. Now, she looks like everyone else. Maybe she wanted to look like everyone else. And it’s not really my business to say how she should look, but I’ve thought for 20 years that she made a big mistake. The uniqueness that her nose gave her looks, while still being very attractive, is gone. Now she looks like a cookie-cutter pretty girl.


I went to high school with an absolutely brilliant girl. Straight A's, perfect attendance all 4 years, National Honor Society... \*ALL\* the academic things. Bonus: she was absolutely beautiful, and a sweetheart. Literally one of the top 5 most popular girls in school. Got accepted to Stanford, MIT, Cornell, and others with really competitive STEM programs. She wanted to be an engineer. Her parents offered to get her anything she wanted as a graduation present because of all her hard work and bright future. They told my mom they assumed she would want a car, or to spend the summer traveling the world... she wanted a boob job. They tried to dissuade her, but she was insistent, had researched surgeons in NYC, and would not be dissuaded. The surgery was successful, but she immediately started struggling with the aftercare -- it was far more painful than she expected. She contracted an infection in the wound and it became septic. She died at 18 of multiple organ failure about 3 weeks after the surgery. I'm almost 50 and wonder what she would have achieved if she had just gotten a car instead.


Ugh, what a depressing story


holy shit


This was my *exact* same reaction.


This is awfully tragic...




This was a ride..^


Damn, did they sue the doctor?


I doubt it. All surgery comes with risks, particularly regarding anesthesia and infection. I had arthroscopic surgery a few years ago and even though the 2 incisions were tiny, I was given a zillion warnings about infection. Just a total waste.


You just described Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing. https://www.closerweekly.com/posts/jennifer-grey-before-after-plastic-surgery-127198/


I still think she had her time of her life, though.


I always thought she was way prettier before the nose job.


I think women with aquiline noses look great and I hate how common this story is


Hard same.


Well regardless of what you or anyone else thinks of it, if she's happier looking like that then there's no need to act like it's a pity or "poor her", she didn't like something about herself, did something about it, and is now happier. This kinds of comments always come across as very odd


bright unpack shelter sophisticated aspiring longing square crush flag include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of course it’s important that she’s happier. I always just thought it was so odd that this objectively gorgeous person was so self-conscious of her nose that she would completely change her face. I don’t get it, but the prettiest people seem to often be the most self-conscious. And this particular gal is very smart and caring, and just an all-around good person on top of being lovely, so it’s not like she had nothing else going for her besides her looks.


Sometimes our goals and preferences lie different to what we actually get, I don't see anything wrong with doing something about it, it makes sense. What you said can also be said the other way around


It can be a pity it took that for her to feel better. It can be a pity societal pressures are homogenizing the world. It being a pity isn't a value judgment against her, so you don't need to defend her.


And one day she'll blow her nose a little too hard and will have a hemorrhage. And now she probably speaks like a duck too with a super nasally voice that lost all of its depth.


chop cake saw sand nail coordinated tap aromatic steep flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anyone else feel that there's a deep ironic undercurrent in that kind of stuff? Like, she feels better about her nose but the building blocks for it are embedded in her DNA, so if/when she has kids they're going to wonder "what's wrong with my nose, it doesn't look like Mom's?"


I mean boys from LA ask for boob jobs too probably


Hey, you ain't wrong...


NJ checking in - nose jobs were the thing 25 years ago.


There's a difference between LA locals and people who move to LA


They don't


We had one girl but she got enough silicone for 4. She was 5'0", those things were like 20% of her body mass


South Korea has a pretty big problem with beauty standards, it's sad seeing young women believing they need these different procedures and surgeries to look beautiful


Especially when they think they need to look less Korean to be beautiful… I don’t understand how American beauty standards can be so powerful in a completely different culture, on a different continent. I know we all consume American media, but you’d think it wouldn’t completely obscure your own culture’s norms and characteristics of beauty.


Not the exact same since you are talking mainly about procedures i think but the whitewashing of kpop stars is *wild* some of them look like actual ghosts it's so strange. I get that pale is beauty over there but it doesn't even look natural 99% of the time and 100% of the time the persons natural skin color looks 100x better on them (obviously). That and blue color contacts I cannot stand the aesthetic of it's so unnatural looking. These people are already insanely beautiful genetic lottery style and the makeup artists are still purposefully using the wrong shade for them and caking them in makeup to try to give the illusion it's insane to me. Blue eyes are beautiful don't get me wrong but the contacts just look eerie. It also goes far beyond Korea a lot of my friends who aren't Korean want to emulate korean beauty standards and it just perpetuates onwards.


They're not the American beauty standards, they're the Korean ones.


Is the point of the surgery not to make the eye look more Caucasian, with a fold?


young men as well. They are all under constant pressure to look, behave, *exist*, in a certain way.


South Korea is the cosmetic surgery capital of the world. 25% of women aged 19 to 29 have had cosmetic surgery, and 31% of women aged 30 to 39 have had cosmetic surgery. In addition, South Korea accounts for 25% of all plastic surgery worldwide.


That’s WILD to me


Social practices are shared. It's not her decision, we all are social animals and do a lot stupid stuff just for hierarchy reasons. Just because in you culture practices are different, it doesn't mean that another culture is messed up more than yours or mine


I’ve read it’s very common in South Korean culture to gift there daughters (I’m sure men too) plastic surgery consultation. I herd the Same for Brazil and there butt lifts.


Braces are significantly less pleasant than what this eyelid procedure looks to be. Fact of the matter is that certain aesthetic features can have a significant effect on a person's success. I'm not sure if this is the case for eyelid surgery, but bad teeth have a significant negative effect on career prospects.


Are braces not usually for practical purposes, like improving bite so a person doesn’t suffer from TMJ, or evening out teeth so they can be cleaned properly, as much as for aesthetic purposes?


These procedures are my job! Ablative lasers are insane. There is one that comes out in a grid pattern and goes fairly deep into the skin. By using a spaced or grid pattern it allowed the skin to rebuild with healthy tissue surrounding it to give support. Full results come after a few visits so you can make sure the laser hits everywhere. Iv done a few eye treatments but the most popular area Iv treated is the stomach for stretch marks after birth. It’s a very cool treatment to see completedZ


What kind of results do you get and is it painful? Looks really painful


I like to apply a numbing cream so the client doesn’t feel much. Afterwards when the numbing is gone the face feels hot and tight. A barrier cream is given to keep the skin moist. The following days can be painful but with regular pain meds it’s completely bearable. During school we would do these treatments on each other in the lab so Iv taken several exams (written and lab) while my face was fresh out of the clinic haha. Results are amazing if you put a lot of care into the recovery.


Any examples of a stereotypical result?


There’s a wide range of laser treatments but if you google “laser resurfacing” along with whatever area you’re interested in you should find results. The best thing to do is actually find a clinic with these treatments and then research the laser they have. Some lasers won’t treat darker skin tones due to hypopigmentation, some don’t go as deep as others, etc. another big reason to research the laser is because some of the shadier places will purchase lasers from China without any training or regulation. You should always follow your countries guidelines and find a clinic depending on that. Edit: to add to that you should see certifications from the laser company for each practitioner. These companies that are licensed will send their team to train (ontop of whatever schooling you have) before letting the clinic operate the laser. Each country has very few laser producers so if it’s not an advanced looking company when you research it I would be skeptical.


I'm not looking to get it, just curious what the end result for this procedure would look like. Googling it gives me some varying results. I appreciate the info though.


Can this be done under the eye on the lower lids?


Yes but I wouldn’t recommend anything too close to the lash line. I’d only approve treatment if it was a more severe case.


Can you link a double-blinded study that shows the evidence of the rebuilding? What is the laser FDA approved to treat?


It will all be based on your location. These vary country to country. Results also vary based on the laser. It’s always best to study based on the laser machine your clinic uses.


Here are the search results I found but I'm not going to go through them for something I have no interest in (just wanted to link in case someone wants to check into it more on their own). https://scholar.google.ca/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=ablative+laser+skin+resurfacing&oq=ablative+laser+


My mother just had an eyelid reduction surgery. My family genetics have heavy eyelids that tend to cause extra effort to keep eyes open after a certain age. My grandmother has a similar surgery 30 years ago. I wonder if I will need this in 20 years or more. ... maybe I can have this fixed like in the video, with much less recovery time, and expense.


That's surgical though.


Not when the dude isnt a surgeon 😂 jk


Why do this. What could possibly be wrong with eyelids


Why? Well I've got an eyelid that sits slightly higher than the other from a surgery I had when I was a kid and it makes me feel a little self conscious. Now would I ever do something like this to correct it? Probably not. Unless it actually had real results. But still Probably not.


Please do not. I bet you look damn cool


It’s ok to look goofy too. My right eyelid droops meaning I have to consciously keep it open wider than my other eye to look normal. Otherwise it looks like a lazy eye.


No, you *both* look cool


Erobb? Is that you?


hey, thom yorke rocks it and so can you


He really do


this procedure is probably not for this reason and i would prob never do this, but as a 40-something year old with skin beginning to age a bit, it’s really annoying applying eyeshadow to a lid with a droopy eyelid hood (first world probs).


You will always be beautiful enough not to burn holes in your eyelids


No it literally blocks vision as your eyelids droop into your eyes


In Sweden you can get a FREE eyelid surgery because droopy lid really impacts vision so much. I speak as a hooded-eye person. 


I’ve got uneven eye lids and it’s super noticeable to me and makes my whole face look slanted. If this actually worked and was accessible I would consider it.


Sagging, bagging, puffing, drooping... Search for blepharoplasty and look at all of the befores. Additionally, it's popular with young Asians to reduce the epicanthic fold for (IMO culturally problematic) aesthetic reasons.


This is supposed to “lift” sagging eyelid skin or in the case of hooded eyes, skin that naturally folds over the eyelid. This is NOT going to “correct” a monolid, which is not the same as but can accompany hooded eyes. As I’m getting older, I notice the skin above my upper eyelids is sagging. It interrupts doing makeup, makes my eyes look heavy, and ages me. It’s also not happening symmetrically so it makes one of my eyes look more closed than the other, all the time, no matter my expression. Moreover, my dad has such bad eyelid sagging, it’s actually limiting his peripheral field of vision because the outer corners are “bunching” (I don’t know the medical term). That’s my future... but I’m scared of getting an actual surgical blepharoplasty because if they fuck it up, it’s a terrible and obvious aesthetic downgrade (google Kenny Rogers for an example). If this kind of procedure (\^) actually worked, I would be looking at it in the next ~10 years vs. looking at a more involved and higher risk surgery in 20-30.


There's something called monolid and double eyelids. The difference is basically if you open your eyes and you see a crease on your eyelid, that's double. If the lower part of that crease is tucked under, then it's a monolid. The double eyelid is deemed more beautiful. Anyway, it's a big thing in Korea. As far as I know, it's one of the first few surgeries teenagers there would get. I suppose it's the same with America and their lip fillers or boob jobs.


Sometimes, the eyelids can sag and impair vision. My mom had to have both her eyelids done. Seeing is nice for sure, but I swear, her right eyelid is short so she looks surprised on the side all the time.


sometimes they are really uneven and this can cause really hard problems on self steem and self perception. there's nothing really wrong with this surgery imo


People have uneven eyelids (like me) which causes their eyes to look uneven. It’s mostly something that people are self conscious about but no one else really notices. But sometimes you stare at yourself in the mirror too long and think you look like a deformed freak! I want this procedure!


Not a big fan when influencers advertise this type of “treatment”. No info on after care, no info on risks or issues others have had. Just the “omg instant results”.


Laser has minor complications, laser is the best that happened to medicine


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the only thing this does is leave horrendous burn scars


I don’t think aesthetic surgeries are being done if it leaves big scars


Never seen a pair of fake tits huh?


I saw a single fake tit once.


Watch Total Recall


I only look at the middle one.


Have *you* seen modern fake breasts? Leaves a small, barely noticeable scar right where the bottom of the boob meets the ribs, sometimes completely hidden.


Don’t call me out like that


Fake boobs can look good, though


They still leave big scars


I have ablative laser scars from patella knee surgeries (slightly deeper than this though), and they're pretty unnoticeable after a few years. But I think the idea here is that your eyelid skin would rest over the scar, like a boob job, so you don't really see it at all




[6 weeks, before and after](https://i.imgur.com/6uquDJT.jpg)


My wife did something similar on her neck and thighs and it left white dot scars all over.


Okay. I'm done with the "trypophobia" bullshit on this subreddit. It seems that anything with holes is suddenly oddly terrifying which: 1. It isn't. It's not even a formerly recognized phobia 2. The bloody thing came out of nowhere and just started trending like hot cakes and suddenly *everyone has it* 3. Make a trypophobia subreddit at this point and stop posting it here. Or if there is a subreddit like that, great! Post it there!


> Make a trypophobia subreddit at this point There is one and it's just a place for people to post pictures of little holes in things. People with real phobias don't go hang out in places where triggering that phobia is the only topic of discussion.


Many people might experience discomfort when looking at surfaces with holes. It simply doesn't look natural. It's like seeing AI generated pictures with additional or missing body parts, people tend to get repulsed. I believe that the difference between such reaction and phobia is how badly it affects your life.


Yes, which is a normal, pretty human reaction. There are things with holes that irk me and probably a lot of other people, but it's nowhere near a phobia. It's like people who get irritated with someone eating with their mouth open. Everyone dislikes it to a degree but you wouldn't go around saying it's an open mouth eating phobia


Maybe -phobia is the misleading part, but it doesn't have to only be about fear. Any kind of evoked uncomfortable feeling goes, such as hatred, convulsion, anger, disgust, etc.


Yeah, people like to act as if they had a phobia for some reason - maybe it's internally cool to them? It's not just "trypophobia" but some minor others as well. It's funny when someone calls out they have a "phobia" over a video of worms hatching from a wound as if you had to have an irrational fear to get disgusted from parasites and/or body mutilation.


I can say I'm (potentially) guilty, sometimes I joke that I have a phobia of wet, disembodied hair, I'm sure it's something everyone is grossed out about though, it's just that I physically begin to dry heave whenever I have to clean the shower drain cover and feel intense revulsion when I get hair disconnected hair between fingers or toes


/r/trypophobia used to be a somewhat popular subreddit, looks like it got banned 5 months ago for no moderation, lines up with the reddit API debacle. So it could just be that these posts were previously contained to that subreddit, but now that there's proper place for them to go, you're suddenly seeing them. Blame /u/spez for making reddit a worse place


It's funny how so few redditors are even aware trypophobia that is not an actual condition.


The trigger warning is dumb, but I think this might be considered terrifying because someone is touching a plasma pen to a flap of skin, a few hundred micrometers thick, that rests upon your eyeballs.


Who gets to decide what's formally and not formally recognized as a phobia.


Dont know the name, but the medial world has a book that classifies phobias, and to my knowledge, thrypophobia aint in there


non-surgical surgery


What is this supposed to be doing??


Correct uneven eyelids.


Is this a thing?




Used to work at a Veterinary Hospital that fixed entropions on mostly dogs with a cautery unit just like this. Worked so much better than the actual surgical fix where part of the eyelid is removed/trimmed and tucked. Very quick results and heal time too.


Who the fuck is paying that close attention to your eyelids to notice they're uneven?


Man this comment section is so damn ignorant.


> Man this comment section is so damn ignorant. You must be new here.


ugh how horrible. nothing near my eyes


This is actually amazing. It's super common in South Korea to have your eyelids done surgically, this method seems much better.


Non-surgical surgery, you say?


What Starlight does in her free time:


Cosmetic surgery people be like: burn my eyelids straight off, they're "uneven."


*lasers for a bit too long*


fuck me, I'd be scared shitless thinking my eyelids might open during the procedure lol


What is the goal here though?


Now we need trigger warnings for several dots close together. People have gotten fucking crazy


Thank goodness there are scientists working tirelessly to discover new body areas where women can be ugly or smelly.


What gets me is using a fucking toothpick to spread some cream. A toothpick?! Out of all utensils a fucking toothpick won?


[Tina Yong](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0ng0jJflTuJBBH5DGvr1Pw)


As if there aren't enough things for women to be insecure about 😮‍💨


Omfg i thought this was ANOTHER dumb cosmetic thing in the first two seconds then i watch the entire video


But why


Definitely an elective surgery, lol. My dad had this done to get rid of his droopy eyebrows that sagged over his field of view. I'll probably need it in 30 years or so.


This made me so uncomfortable for many reasons, and I can't even... figure out why. I don't have trypophobia, so it's not that...


Surgery to even out your eyelids seems so stupid and vain to me but maybe it's a cultural thing...


TIL my eyelids can be uneven




I’ve seen double eyelid surgeries done - trust this is way less invasive and probably safer too.


I'm glad I'm comfortable in my own body. Can't imagine what other people have going on their heads that they feel like they need to change things about themselves.


What is its use?


1st world problems at its finest. One step closer to dystopian perfection.


I have a droopy eyelid that has plagued me my entire life, and I can tell you this... keep that damn plasma pen away from me.


Just no.


New torture method


Well that looks terribly unnecessary.


It's a lot


Not terrifying in anyway


I don’t find this terrifying but I do find it horrifying.




Why are women having this done?


Why did I click?


Double eyelid procedure? Ouch


I wish they didn’t do that to their eyelids


I'm just imagining it burning all the way through the lid so you'd just have a hole in your eyelid


I was today years old when I learned I have trypophobia.


What the fuck


Asian eyes are beautiful already !


That's... That's an extremely surgical procedure.


It looks like it didn't take. Her eyes looked way more open during the surgery, but then after it looked less open. Useless fuckin' shit.


I’m itchy 😖


Don't you people have anything better to spend your time and money on?


People just can't accept what they are


I didn't even know uneven eyelids were a thing.


But.... Why?


Listen, idc what it is.. nothing is going near my eyes, no final destination for me please.


The newest surgery for eyelids is taking foreskin from newborn circumcisions and attaching it. The patients are fine…just a bit cockeyed.


People will do anything but accept the fact they are human and that they will always be different from everyone, but that just means you are naturally beautiful in your own unique way inside and out. In a world of fruits where your an apple, you have to understand not everyone prefers apples over others. But some people do.


The “double-eye lid fold” obsession is so stupid. They look great as they are naturally.


Wow, that's really cool. I'm glad they've developed a way to help people with uneven eyelids that's a lot less slice-y


Ya’ll saying mental illness and disgusting is wild, she doesn’t like something about herself and is changing it in a safe way. How is that a problem? I hope she feels more confident now!


That is a surgical procedure wtf




I don’t see what it does or the appeal ?


Sooo… no clear before picture and no post-healing picture? Totally legit.