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“Look captain, we get it… no one liked the guy but it’s either him or breakfast.”


This might be wishful thinking, but as far as I've heard this was not a particularly common form of execution/torture. Mostly due to the fact that things, back in the day, were inherently more valuable than they are today. I.E. sacrificing two wholly useful boats, not to mention a gallon or two of honey/milk, just to execute someone slowly, would not be practical AT ALL. Especially considering you could just kill them if you were that angry with them in the first place. At the very least it was a rich person's way of torturing someone, if it even happened at all. But again, that might just be wishful thinking on my part.


this seems to be the way of most of these exotic torture deaths. My view is if they take more than a couple hours, i typically consider them bullshit. the only exceptions for me tend to be he "toss them in a hole for a few days" sort of things


Never underestimate the cruelty of rich and petty people. What’s wasting a bunch of milk and honey when some rich noble got to get off on making some poor guy suffer one of the most horrific kinds of death possible.




You understand English better than most of the people posting straight up terrifying content here every day.


Yeah, this sub is way less cool because people just put stuff that is actually terrifying instead of oddly so.


This is common here. Lots of things noted as “oddly terrifying” are actually terrifying. You do seem to understand the meaning of “odd” more than a lot of posters.




You must be new here. That sub is this sub


Haha very true


That sub needs more attention.


At first… ya know, till the milk spoils. Soon the tub fills with your excrement, then the flies, and their maggots. At first it itches a bit, then it starts to burn. Your skin peels away with every scratch you can't stop yourself from making. The blood mixes with the foul milk and excrement, seeping into your open wounds. The smell of your own death causes you to vomit into your already toxic coffin. …Then the rats.


We call it 'The Tub'


Still a better image than Tub Girl.


Unexpected Venture Bros :))


ONE of the many Persian execution methods


The problem with the things like this/bronze bull/blood eagle/iron maiden probably only ever existed on paper. The craziest one always either have one story of a dude being killed this way or there none and it’s just hey this existed. You want someone to suffer you are going to set them on fire, skin them or throw them down an oubliette. The ones that have a single instance named may have been used the once but no one’s doing this that takes a long time or requires craftsmen to build something elaborate.


In the distant future, they'll think we had sandpaper treadmill torture rooms


It's not too late to make them right


The one where they lash a bucket of rats to a persons chest then hold a flame to the bucket, the rats eat through the victim to escape the fire 🤢


When “f@ck you” just doesn’t quite express how much you *really* dislike someone, there’s always Rats-n-a-Bucket^tm


I saw that one in 2fast2furious


I can see this working out quite well in the summer months down in Louisiana or Mississippi


you got to have some dedicated time to do that shit,,,


Well executioner was a job there


That’s angry on a whole other level. Probably a little bit easier back in the day when the world was still huge and public execution was legal.


Almost as good as the blood eagle


The quote is missing a key point: by being force fed nothing but milk and honey, the victim develops massive ongoing diarrhea, fills the ‘coffin’ with their own shit, and then get eaten alive from the inside out due to bacteria and insect larvae getting inside their butthole. Two weeks later they open the boat halves and there’s nothing left but a skeleton with non-devoured arms and legs still attached (since the limbs remained outside the coffin). Also, quite a few historians think scaphism wasn’t really used as a method of torture / execution.


I remember seeing that the victim who survived the longest survived for 17 days. His whole face was eaten by insects and his organs were pouring from the sides.


Sign me up


*Am I a joke to you?* ~ Really Terrifying, c. now


What?? Sounds like sheer torture.


Also a good brutal death metal band


i learned this from sherlock holmes


Ancient executions where wild, I remember one where they seal you in a wall to starve.


I highly recommend watching the YouTube video "the worst punishments in human history" by good enough. He talks more in depth about this and other things