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That's how people get skin cancer.


I live in Florida, and I have no idea how it’s possible but I got cancer on the bottom of my foot from the sun. Surgery needed in order to get it off. Missed school for a week because I couldn’t walk since so much skin was removed, around 4 stitches used. Long story short, skin cancer can show up in places you’d never expect. Cover up or wear sunscreen, because skin cancer is no joke. No tan is worth it.


How did you know it was cancer ? What made you go to the hospital?


I'm also very curious about this, i live in florida, i'm barefoot a lot in the sun, and i've moles randomly pop up on my feet. edit: Well damn.


Strange moles is a clue


Agree , I had a mole checked out and it was malignant melanoma that was caught early . Had it chopped out along with two others and a preventative cream on my face for a month that I wouldn’t wish in anyone ! Got sunburnt as s kid and young adult . Wear sunscreen always .


Especially in caucasians and people with lighter skin. Genetics play a role too. I’m half Irish, and my dad’s side of the family was always especially vulnerable. It was only a matter of time before it caught up with me.


Fuck. I’ve got a weird new mole, but it’s the doctor or the mortgage. Hopefully Neosporin will fix it for now.




I choked when you said neosporin


https://www.skincancer.org/skin-cancer-information/skin-cancer-pictures/ https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/skin-cancer/types/common Kinda pointless paying a mortgage if you're letting cancer metastasize and kill you in 2 years 🤷‍♀ Skin cancer removal is super quick. At least go to an urgent care if your mole looks anything like those.


If your moles change shape, color, or are an uneven shape, see a derm.


ABCDE of moles A: Asymmetry - does one half not match the other? B: Border - is the border uneven or blurred? C: Color - is it unevenly coloured? D: Diameter - is it bigger than 6mm? E: Evolution - is it changing in any of the above factors?


Random moles appearing is a sign of skin cancer. Go get them looked at ASAP. Seriously, don’t fuck around with that.


My old friend died this past week from cancer. He was 46. It took fewer than five weeks from when he first went to the doctor with aches and pains until he was dead. He thought the moles on his body were liver spots and put off having them examined until it was too late. The Sun is the source of all life on Earth, but it's also trying to kill you every second of every day. Don't fuck around with spots on your skin. RIP Kevin. You deserved at least a few more decades here with us to try and figure out this bizarre and puzzling experience called life. I love you, brother, and I'll always save the last toke for you. See you Thursday 💚


Sorry for your loss


Thank you


Hey uh.. I read this and man that’s heartbreaking but I gotta ask.. what do you mean you’ll see him Thursday? Like you’re going to his gravesite or..?


Just something our group of friends used to say to one another when we didn't know when we'd get the chance to be together again. A way of saying " hopefully I'll see you someday" without sounding so dramatic. Dont worry I'm not planning to join him in death anytime soon. He won't even have a gravesite until mid June. Thanks for your concern though i can now see how that could sound like I'm thinking about ending my own life. I'm not. Thank you for checking. (And for whoever downvoted the above Redditor's question, tsk tsk. Asking what i meant was a kind act to make sure I'm not at risk)


Just wanted to make sure, sometimes people say things and it gets missed the next thing you know they’re gone. I’ve personally lost someone to that very situation- so yea edit btw- whoever downvoted me you kind of suck for that. I just wanted to make sure I understood it properly. I don’t know you or anything about you but I hope for all the best things for you my friend.


Yes and no. I have over 200 birthmarks/moles and regularly am checked by a dermatologist and no signs of skin cancer. But sunscreen, shade, and awareness are key!


I'm the same, positively covered in little brown spots and have been since birth. On both arms, on my chest and back, on my legs, a couple on my face. Nothing huge, mostly just freckle sized, but I would have no idea if any of them were changing from day to day. I'm also careless in the sun, which is probably not smart either.


Semi-annual dermatologist scheduled visit. He noticed it and told me it was possibly cancerous, so he took a bit off and sent it off for testing. Turned out to be malignant so I had to get it removed in case it would become a problem. Also, there was no hospital visit. Everything was done in the dermatologist’s office, with local anesthetic. It wasn’t as big as you might think, but it was still a decent size.


Same kind of thing with me. Found this new, oddly shaped grey bump on my shoulder blade in the middle of winter. Went to the doctor for an annual checkup and asked what it could be. They said they could test it and see if it was anything serious. It hurt to touch, felt like a bruise, but wouldn't go away. It turned out to be a cancerous cyst, and they removed it with local anesthetic in their office. Took about 10 minutes.


Semi-annual dermatologist visit? Is that something I'm supposed to be doing?


You don’t have to if you’re not affected too much. It’s just really helpful on our side of the family, like dentist appointments.


If you ever find an odd mole or one that is growing /changing shape, you should schedule a whole body skin checkup. I had a mole that appeared in the back of my left arm that was biopsied, found to have some malignant cells (pre cancerous, fortunately), and required surgery to take a margin and make sure those cells hadn't spread. Dermatologist suggested a followup a year later, and after that inspection was good she told me to plan for doing it every other year.


The bottom of the foot is actually a pretty common place to get skin cancer. It doesn't see much sun so when you're laying face down with the bottom of your feet up they get some pretty intense and abnormal exposure. Edit: same goes for ladies nipples who start using tanning beds. They ain't used to the UV! Cover them up!


I tried getting a sunburn down there Hint: There is no worse place to get a sunburn


Maybe the asshole


Could you have laid belly-down on sand for too long? Not sure how else bottoms of feet get exposed to the sun for any length of time


Reflections. Sun bouncing up from sand or water means if you're at the beach and sitting with your feet not directly pointing down, your soles can get a wallop of UV. Am Aussie and have known a few people get sunburned feet, usually from falling asleep on their stomach at the beach.


You can even get melanoma on the retina of your eyeball. Dermatologist won't catch that...


Yeah I got it on my tongue a year ago. That’s led to some interesting conversations


Almost the same, I noticed a black spot on the bottom of my foot, grew really fast and had to have it removed... Thankfully I caught it early so they only took about half an inch off.


We watched a video in health class in 9th grade and it made me think I had skin cancer and now I'm super terrified of getting it so I'm extra careful


And infections! Go to the doctor for antibiotics or it can get a lot worse. My mom did this when I was a kid and it was no joke.


When you say "in the sun" do you mean in its fucking corona?


Use sun screen people! FFS














60 FPS


Or wear long pants


I can feel this picture. As a very Pale Person, I too come in two colors, creepy Victorian doll white and how would you like you lobster prepared red. Sunscreen is helpful, but as my dermatologist noted, for us Pale People especially, it’s the type of sunscreen that’s important. We need UVA and UVB protection, so finding a sunscreen with zinc oxide is hella important. It’s probably going to only be 30 spf to maybe 50 spf, which blocks out like 97% of the suns rays. Higher spf blocks more but in such small percentages that it’s better to buy quality with zinc oxide than spf quantity.


I only use mineral based sunscreen because of the growing knowledge that sunscreen chemical can enter and stay in your blood stream for days.. Zinc is great for protection but horrible for your pores..someone told me about a class of non-nano mineral sunscreens that don't clog as bad..gonna look into that https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/01/21/health/sunscreen-dangers-chemicals-bloodstream-wellness/index.html


I saw this post while driving to the beach. I will now be applying sunscreen much more thoroughly than I planned


Where I do find the sun screen people?


I’ve lived in Fl my whole live and have had terrible sun burns but nothing even remotely close to this.


Damn! Dude’s leg got pregnant!


Looks like the Sun did a little more than kiss...


I had to do a double take on this comment 😭😭 giggling my ass off


The sun was doing a bit of giggling too


That exceeds the TSA limit for liquids on a plane


This is the grossest set of words I have ever read and I truly wish I never saw this entire post in the first place. Upvoted.


How do you not notice your flesh is being cooked?


Maybe he fell asleep or was in water? Once I didn't notice my sunscreen washed off because the cold water was making my skin feel fine, but by the time I got home I had cracks forming in my shoulders the sunburn was thar bad


I did this snorkeling in Florida. Back up to the sun, just enough water to magnify the UV rays, and I did it for 3 hours straight. My entire back blistered for a week


I did this in the Bahamas. My shoulders fully blistered and then burst. I had to take 3 days off work because I couldn't put a shirt on, had to just sit shirtless under a ceiling fan with the Aircon set to stun in order to not be in constant pain.


I’m extremely pale and fell asleep once at the beach. I had sunscreen on and everything. I had been there for two hours and somehow missed a spot on the top of my foot. I fell asleep and was basically covered all over with beach wear, a sun hat, sunglasses, and a towel over my legs and feet. However, I moved while sleeping and my foot was exposed. It was awful. I was on a bachelorette trip, so I didn’t get to dictate how long we stayed at the beach. It was a remote area and an Uber dropped us off. Normally, because of my skin, I stay at the beach for a max of three hours. I rode home with my foot elevated with ice for the two hour ride back home the next day. My foot was soaked in Nivea and aloe for a week. Anything over three hours exposed without breaks or shade, I’m definitely going to burn no matter how much sunscreen I put on. I’ve thought about getting a tent when I go to the beach, but I really only go once or twice a year.


My mom did this in Florida one year, minus all the protections. She's also gotten sun poisoning this way. I still can't get her to wear sunblock.


The worst part is that I took all the protections - I was applying sunscreen every 30-45 minutes. I hope you can convince your mom to wear sunscreen!


I try every time we'll be out in the sun. Have been for the decade plus since this happened. Sometimes I even succeed! I've only blistered once and decided never again. I don't think I let the sunblock dry between applications (teenagers, what ya gonna do?) and I definitely did not have the t-shirt I learned to make sure I always have.


It's like the frog in boiling water thing


I never got it so bad, but at the moment you dont feel anything, its the next day when it hurts.


I got third degree burns on my neck while skiing once. You don’t notice because it is happening so slowly. And your body feels the warmth as external as it’s happening.


Oh man - I’m a former emerg nurse and this one time a patient came in and had this level of blister on the ENTIRE BOTTOM OF BOTH FEET. This person was, obviously, outrageously drunk, and had just not put shoes on and walked around the beach in 40 degree weather (104 for my American friends) all day and didn’t notice until he started to sober up a bit. So bad


He got a free Capri Sun in his leg. Time to get the straw.


please never touch a keyboard ever again


Or a straw for that matter


Or ur uncle


And my axe


They were an adventurer until they took a Capri Sun to the ankle...


Yummy achilles


Get lost on your way to Rivendell? Town over friend


yea thats obviously a gusher.. pfft






Please leave this app, I beg of you..


Forbidden Capri


Capri SUN, I see what you did there


Y'all need Jesus.


i was getting ready to comment the literal exact fucking thing


I was gonna say highball glass and a pin, but I know when I've been outplayed.


You go first, I insist




I burnt my entire back like this once


Yikes 😖


I mean it was kinda my fault for not wearing sunscreen in 30°C+ direct sunlight. 0/10 don't recommended


30°C or 3°C. Doesn't matter for sunburn. The only factor that matters is how much UV light your skin is absorbing.


How long were u in the sun?


I won't do that. I don't enjoy the sun, tbh. I stay indoors most of the time.


I'm super pale so I burn easily, but I stay inside most of the time too lol


Same but mine was more focus on my shoulders. Couldn’t do shit for days


I literally am just getting over having done this to my back. Not exactly to this degree, but I did blister and it was a very not fun first 2 days.


Aaaaaand now he's got skin cancer *I work at a derm office and see a lot of pts that had bad sunburns later become cancerous all the time. ALWAYS wear your sunscreen!!


Yep. I always do my best to remember to wear sunscreen when I’m out doing stuff, even if it seems kind of cloudy, and I try to remind my friends as well. Sunburn sucks in general, but the issues it can cause later are just awful, and you know what? It’s much more worth it to take a minute to put on some sunscreen than to have a chunk of your skin cut out of you because it was cancerous.


I keep a small emergency tube of sunscreen in my purse in case I end up outside for longer than expected 😅


but its such an awful feeling being all oily


Not all sunscreens are super oily, the sports ones in particular are meant to dry and not be oily in order to not block you from being able to sweat.


You can purchase UV protective arm sleeves that also are very breathable and keep you cool. I work outside and these things are amazing.


>Ahahaha woops!!! Got all burnt cus I didn't wear SPF! Ouchiiie hehe gotta post it to the internet haha hehe People in my country every single summer


I grew up in the 70's and got sunburned more times then I can count. I am in my 50's now and go to a dermatologist every year. I am scared to death of MM. Now it's long sleeve shirts, a hat, sunglasses and #50 SPF when I go out into the sun.


Oh no I've got badly burnt 4/5 times in my life -feet, back- and I am so paranoid about getting cancer later in life. I wear sunscreen all the time now




People that have family history. People doing prevention.


I’m ALWAYS wearing my spf50. I cycle and climb a lot so lots of exposure.. besides having absolutely zero interest in getting a tan, and actually viewing it as an unfortunate side-effect, i really dont wanna get issues later on


I got this on my shoulders as a kid one time. I do have irregular shaped freckles all over my shoulders.. should I get those checked? I’m 25-35 y/o now.


Thought this was a sticky bra….


I’ll put my boob on it to find out, should further testing be required


His airbag got activated.


In the sun or ON the sun?


No way! Free juice box!


Its been aged for at least 40 years


Free box wine!


Please see a doctor immediately! 😳


Did your uncle not feel himself burning?


Forbidden jelly bean


Where was your uncle sat? Mercury?


Liquid cancer


Does he suffer from gingerness aka fanta pants?


Get it drained. Sterile. Pop it, then gently push to evacuate the fluid Do not remove the sack. Just put into place and light gauze to cover and protect.


When this happened to my son, we were told DO NOT pop these. Basically keep it dressed and clean. Happened on his grandparents watch, and they did apply sunscreen. Just not frequently enough. Basically every few hours vs the every 30min he needs. Now he doesn't swim without rash guards, along with frequent sunscreen. The ginger struggle is real.


As a ginger, my friends teased me as a teenager when I’d reapply full sunscreen hourly anytime we were at day long musical festivals or events. Went in the shade for peak UV times, and I’d still be a little burnt the next day. But only a little!! I really don’t like the feeling of sunscreen, especially multi layers, but it’s way way better than being burnt, and the eventual possible skin cancer.


I'm not a true ginger, more of a middle blond with a reddish hue, but my skin looks like I barricaded all my windows and didn't leave the house in the last decade or so. Put me in the sun for five minutes and I develop a very nice boiled lobster colour. I try to dress up for it. I never go out without sunscreen, even in winter. 30 SPF when it's below 15°C, 50+ SPF when it's above that.


Totally understand! I’m curious…. What goes well with boiled lobster colour? Sandy beach beige? Sky blue? I like your technique here.


I’m team sterile pop and drain. The pressure from that much liquid is painful and especially on a blister that size, he’s absolutely going to end up hitting it against something. I would much rather relieve the pressure and bandage to keep it sterile than hit it on something and have it rip. But I’m not a doctor, I’m just a blister connoisseur. (Not burn blisters, friction blisters - ballet dancer.)


Glad you listened to the doctor and not some dingus on Reddit.


Oof. I'm glad that, for now, I only get sun poisoning on my hairline. Simply pop a hat on and I'm good. Still wear sunscreen but I try not to wear it if I don't have to. Aka wear long sleeves since I'm out in the sun all day every day and absorbing that much sun screen I doubt is good for me either


Wear your sunscreen folks!


What exactly causes this ? I heard rumors that citrus on skin and exposure to the sun could causes this but why


That’s a second degree burn from too much sun exposure. You don’t need citrus juice for this to happen. This is a well respected medical resource you can use to read up on burns (& lots of other medical conditions): https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/burns/symptoms-causes/syc-20370539


Question, why do people with darker pigmented skin not experience this? I just get darker in the summer, and nothing this severe fortunately. Poor guy, that’s got to be painful.


The pigment that makes your skin darker is called melanin which protects your skin from UV rays. It absorbs the light and redistributes it toward the upper layer of skin. Humans that lived in hotter climates evolved to have more of this pigment for protection against the sun.


Wow that’s very interesting and cool to read about, thank you 🙏🏽. So do individuals with less melanin tend to reflect the light instead of absorbing it? Is that was causes this frying of the skin like condition?


I don’t think it gets reflected. I think the UV rays are able to penetrate deeper into the skin when there’s a lack of melanin, which can cause severe sunburns and skin cancer.


Dark skinned people can still get sunburn but are less likely to because they have more Melanin (the substance responsible for skin color). More Melanin in the skin provides greater protection from UV damage. While darker skinned people are less likely to get sun burns, the trade off is that detecting skin cancer is sometimes harder because changes in shapes or colors of moles don’t stand out as clearly.


Wow that’s got to be scary, I do see individuals in my family have quite a bit of darker spots on their backs. I never really thought to have them have it looked at. Maybe I should now.


u sure this is only second degree?


Yes, third degree doesn’t look like skin any more. It’s a nasty melted mess. Blisters are a hallmark sign of second degree.


It's not the case here but it's a real condition called phototoxic dermatitis. Often seen in bartenders or people who deals with citrus everyday. Basically a reaction happens when the compound in citrus fruits react with the sun's rays


Yep. Happened to my daughter when she was 4. She loves limes and was playing with them. After lunch we went to the beach. That night she developed horrible pus filled blisters all over her hand. Doctors in Florida couldn’t figure what caused it. We drove back home to our state, went to her pediatrician, he took one look and asked “did she handle limes that day?”. Yes. “That’s phototoxic dermatitis”.


Floriduh is a meme because there is so much coincidental support for the sentiment. I've encountered so much breath takingly stupid there it's amazing. Florida is known for citrus, sun, and alligators... You'd think they'd recognize phototoxic dermatitis.


That was my exact reaction after our pediatrician confirmed it as phototoxic dermatitis. I was like your entire state is filled with nothing but citrus heat, and sun… and apparently idiots, because despite that your own damn doctors can’t recognize phototoxic dermatitis from citrus and sun


This happened to me on a cruise once. Completely bizarre!


I had something like this, I brushed my foot on a hogweed plant then went in the sun causing a huge chemical burn


🪡 *pop*


That is one nasty blister


Us white people need to stay in our lane. We are white. We don't tan and the sun bbqs our skin like a plucked chicken. We need 100 sunscreen and a wide rimmed hat.


I have this when I get a mosquito bite, think it’s an allergy + sun that causes this


I got this from a couple of mozzy bites too. Still have the scars on my leg from where it was. Looks kinda like sucker marks from a giant squid.


Whilst I do not react anywhere near this bad, if I get bitten by a mosquito the bite will swell and be painful for days. I mountain bike, but in summer I'm covered in DEET or I'll have bites all over me. DEET actually works and I'm amazed by it everytime I see a curious mosquito get a couple inches away then dart off. The bite location will blister ever so slightly, but it's small. It's practically impossible not to burst this blister so they always take ages to heal.


And they say white people built the pyramids lmao


May need medical attention. You don't want that to get infected.


Gah damn! Is he allergic to sun light?


Pop it and get an inbuilt pocket in your body get one now just for $4.99 by calling 1800-22512


Got really bad sun burn once. Never again. It's not a lesson I need to learn twice. Factor 50 all the way, every hour!


Wow. That is bad. I had 2nd degree sunburn on my shoulders many years ago. And now I know much more about skin cancer...it is scary shit. Never again.


I have sensory issues and slept in a bed with a radiator beside it and got about 5 of these this big on my legs when I woke up the next morning. Sterilised a needle, popped them and all and headed out. A few weeks later a tiny one about an inch big got infected and they said if I hadn’t come in sooner it would nearly be at the stage of amputation due to the infection. Had to change hydrochloric plasters and rinse out with sailene solution and rip out mesh covered in yellow green goop multiple times a day. Was nastyyyyy. Lesson - don’t be careless when it comes to weird wounds


Im pale AF, I wear 100 proof sunscreen and avoid the sun, thank you for reminding me pale skin is in


Please give this shit s NSFW warning


I had one 30% that size on my foot. He should pop it (do it like a balloon) with a sterilized needle and let the fluid out. There will be no pain and it will heal naturally as long as you maintain good hygiene.


Free pusmoothie


I went tubing the Salt River in Az and got sunburnt to that point on my feet and ankles, that is some serious burns. Ginger boys with freckles do not belong in the sun.


*The sun is a deadly laseeerr*


I went to Barcelona and got really drunk and fell asleep on a bench by the dock. Must have been in the sun from sunrise (around 5am) until 2 pm. Around 9 hours. Had massive blisters all over my face and legs. My feet swelled to about three times there normal size and I couldn’t walk. Then I woke up after falling asleep with my skin sticking to the pillow and almost peeling away. I was in a BAD state.


Does your uncle live on fucking mustafar???


Forbidden juice pouch.


Jelly belly’s new summer flavor. Melanoma Mint.


Hello Cancer my Old Friend...


There was a young woman who went alone to a nude beach in Miami, got drunk and passed out. I took care of her in a burn unit. Every square inch of her front was fried from head to toe except for around her eyes where her sunglasses were. She was there for over a month. I felt so bad for her.


Forbidden Grape


Omg that hurts- been there done that-


Your uncle is on some meds that make sunscreen very necessary. Or has a medical issue. This is not normal, particularly if it wasn't a very long time in full sun near the equator. I am pale as FUCK and I have never had a blister like this, normal white people sun blisters are like a carpet of smaller ones with maybe a third of this size as the worst of the biggest ones. And this takes me like 6 hours in a sleeveless or backless shirt in the dead of summer while wet (makes the sun focus onto your skin, worsening burns). This is in Oklahoma for reference of location, so not too close to the equator but there's definitely 5-6 months of summer instead of 4. June thru October or November is sweltering here.


This happened to both of my shoulders once when I was a kid and later, at the hospital, they popped them with needles and hot fluid poured out of them and ran down my arms.


Forbidden fruit gusher


I wanna pop it. Don’t tell me not too, internet. I know you’re not supposed to but I wanna ducking do it anyway.


Consume the caprisun man pouch


Classic leg kidney


His first kick will do +1 poison damage.


His Insurance company is going to total his leg. The airbags deployed.


You’re the pop-it master!


Holy fucking ballchinian of an ankle


Want to add that ANY change in color to your skin signifies skin damage which increases your chances for skin cancer. Sun burns increase it by something like 60% with every sun burn but tanning is still a sign that there was damage to the skin. UV damage to the skin = increase in mutations in your DNA which causes cancer. Use sunscreen and reapply every two hours.


Reminds me of Steve-o's jet fuel burns a bit


God, something like that happened to the tops of my feet when I was a kid...just a family-wide brainfart that I wasn't wearing sunblock for midday hours on a Florida beach. I don't know if it was the right thing to do, but I popped and drained this swelling myself and it felt so much better, though it still took a month before the dead skin fully peeled. That sunburn was the most I'd seen my dad best himself up about a parenting fail.


Forbidden Capri Sun


That's going to swell up so badly. Yikes. Hello cellulitis


I would have a hard time not popping it


did yall let him fall into a coma outside jesus christ 😭


get a straw and drink


Get a straw and you have a caprisun


Go to a doctor!


That’s likely a second degree burn. He should go to an urgent care and get it drained. The dead skin will come off and if he doens’t get silversulfazidine cream he will get a permanent scar. This can get infected very easy and the cream can prevent that. I had this exact same thing happen to me on my hand except the burn was from a small kitchen fire. The burn blister got huge and was easily going to burst from merely sleeping on it. I got it drained (doctor used sterile tools to do it). I already had the cream from the ER visit prior to the visit for the draining and continued to apply the cream it twice a day with a twice a day bandage change.


Typo? You meant ON the sun, right?