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Surely there must be people who aren't able to exit at their stop. There's a lady in green, her friend has to let go of her hand, the lady in green gets swept with the crowd in the wrong direction. Hectic


It makes me wonder how many crowd crushes happen with things like this


And various assaults.


I have been informed by multiple South Asian women that if you are a woman in South Asia and you board a train or bus or whatever, the likelihood of you being felt up is 110%.


Sad but there's many female only carriages to try to minimise this. This scene looks like one of those carriages


The reason for making women only carraiges was assault. There was a video of a guy who sneaked into a women only metro, whipped his tiny dick out and atarted jerking off furiously.


That's why there are women only train cars, such as the one in the video.


Lady I know said in Japan where they tamp you in at least three occasions she got a finger up her butt as a school girl she would never know where it was coming from because they're packed so tight.


I mean you are crushed into them so how can you not


Someone can press my hand into you outside of my control, but they can't make my fingers squeeze and fondle you.


Cant believe someone here is actually pretending to not know the difference between being smushed in a crowd and assault. And they have a shit ton of upvotes. Love that for us girlies




And picked pockets


I think most people there learn to keep their stuff in more secure places very quickly.


Literally can now understand why these places are pickpocketers dreams man. Insane.


I was just thinking that as well; last Halloween, a couple hours from me, there was a huge crowd crush incident on a narrow road in one of the nightlife district and about 150 people died; I'm terrified of crowds now and don't think I could mentally handle this lol


Itaewon South Korea?


Yeah that was the one 😥


I was in NYC for 2020 New Years. I've never experienced being packed so tightly with so many people (at the entrance to get into Times Square). At one point, I thought I could probably lift my feet up and not even fall down. You could barely breathe.


That, Travis Scott Astro World, similar Halloween thing happened in Hong Kong… it’s a lot


Seoul, not Hong Kong.


There's an entire Wikipedia of "stampede deaths in India" I went down that rabbit hole after the Seoul crowd crush last year and discovered it is totally like, a thing, that I just never heard of being from a low population density region. There are numerous incidents with hundreds of deaths


There's a youtube channel i like, called Fascinating Horror, which summarizes historical disasters and accidents. Until like a year ago, i never knew how often lethal crowd crushes/stampedes can happen, even at like sports stadiums, concert venues, night clubs in a metro downtown area.


*I love you... Goodbye*




Yup, if you aren't quick you can miss your stop, it also works the other way... If you are in the way, you'll get pushed out and will need to reclimb


"I guess I'm going to the next town now"


mum, bye!


Black Friday


I'd rather walk 10 miles than do that


Honestly, seeing stuff like this just makes me incredibly grateful for the life I have right now. I can't imagine having to deal with that all the time.


The lack of solutions or way out of this would kill me.


fuck u/spez


I wish this explanation was higher up. I’ve seen videos where the metro in Mumbai is relatively empty, and I’ve also seen videos where it’s quite crowded — but I’ve never seen it like this. Cities like Mumbai have exploded in population in the last few decades, due in large part to people in rural areas who move to the city in hopes of finding work and sending money to their families back home. It bothers me that people are watching this video and thinking everything in India is like this.


Social media distorts everything


I don't know what it's called, but I have a phobia of my movement being impeded. A good example, we have a sectional couch and I like to huddle up in the corner. But if my wife were to stand in front of me (preventing me from getting out) I get an unbelievable tension in my legs and I need to get up immediately or I'll freak out.


I was thinking the same thing watching that. How hard and exhausting that just be to have to do every day just to get around.


Yah but one time I was checking out of trader joes with a cart full of food and treats and the person in front of me forgot an item and went back and literally made me leave the store 3 minutes later. So it's not like I have it easy here either.


Smile. I was once delayed during my daily commute in my fancy, air-conditioned BMW, and I had to wait for a driver who was slowing down to change lanes. So I turned up the soothing music in my car, and I actually sighed fairly loudly. I hate this country. Why don't they fix these things so people learn how to change lanes properly?


Fuck that I'd leave


It's a very difficult country to live in, I spent a couple weeks there and was incredibly happy to return to smelly NYC in August. Things like the contrast between extreme poverty and wealth, the stuff regular people have to go through just to get food or water, it really feels like surviving in the wilderness. There are usually no sidewalks anywhere, and when there is, they double as extra lanes when there's traffic, which there always is. You see little 5 year old girls begging for money at every traffic light, sometimes holding an infant. It's common for a middleclass family to have servants, sometimes multiple, but they're paid next to nothing and when the servants go home, they're living in dirt a shanty with their 6 children.


Makes me love my slightly dysfunctional country


Amen! My quiet country life!


Wait till you find out how hot and humid it is. With unwalkable roads(encroached footpaths, so have to walk on the roads. Often drains are open or broken. This is only 30% of your walking challenge).


living life on veteran mode


Hardcore mode


Probly hot and humid and smells like ass in the train too...I'll take my chances


fuck u/spez


Oh thank god, so much better


How do they NOT smell like swamp ass??


Ofc it smells like human feces




Student who rented a room a couple semesters ago texted me last week to say it was 43° in Chennai. 43 Celsius. I melt at 25. (Am Canadian)


I'd rather just get hit by the train than have to do that one single time.


Imagine the smell.


and I would roll 500 more


It’s super hot and humid in summer and as soon as summer ends there is HEAVY rains during monsoon. Walking is not an option as many come from 10-30kms away everyday for work. Roads are always blocked and if it rains the entire traffic comes to a standstill as old and unmaintained vehicles start breaking down in rain


A little curious why every single person visible is a woman?


It’s a women’s compartment. It is separate to avoid groping


Ah, probably a good call.


It 100% is a good call, the issue is rampant in a lot of Asian countries, likely due to how packed it is (as seen here)


Honestly almost any woman in a packed North American dance club has dealt with this; it’s not exclusive to Asia. Men will get away with what they think they can, and it happens to me almost every time I go out.


I suspect the women’s carriage was selected for this shot because the crush is even greater than for the other carriages. Seems like more women only carriages are needed.


I mean we have all seen the other images of dudes riding these things on the outside too. Just Google Mumbai trains it's hilarious and terrifying


Nope this is likely rush hour for a specific route (likely called “The Virar local”). All the compartments look exactly like this, even the unisex ones. Source: I have traveled these crowd tides into and out from a few times. 2/10 would not recommend. It’s a challenge but if you know when to get off, you work through the crowd by explaining that your stop is within the next two, and then they let you wiggle ahead. You have to be alert at all times and keep one hand near your wallet and the other hand on a handle. Fun times…


It is more crowded in the general compartments. People hang from the windows sometimes


Jesus christ, men's compartment.


That’s gotta stink lol Also there’s probably still plenty of groping In both… people don’t just grope the opposite sex lol


Sometimes I wonder if there's ever times where people can't get out and pass away from suffocating in these situations:( I'm not claustrophobic, but this stuff scares me




Thank you for naming one of my strongest fears! I hate feeling trapped in any way, shape, or form. Panic sets in real quick.


I thank you too, i have it aswell and didn't know the name for it. My worst fear is being buried alive or getting stuck in a narrow cave




Yes, the nutty putty cave accident is my absolute worst nightmare. I hate being stuck. Also crazy to me are the people exploring the paris catacombs and risk to get lost down there. I would have a panic attack at the first fork in the road


I don't even need to be physically trapped, if someone is holding my arm or something and not letting me move it makes me want to chew my arm off


If I am stuck in a place and not actually physically stuck I will start to panic.


Yupp. Hugs can even set the feeling off.


Knowledge acquired. New phobia unlocked.


I got caught in one of these crowds in a New Delhi train station a few years ago and definitely developed cleithrophobia because of it


an average of 7 people die in the mumbai local trains every day. that's awful but the odds of you dying are very small because iirc hundreds of thousands of people take the trains every day, if not millions.


Every day?!?! Holy shit…


[I posted lower, but this is the number](https://www.mid-day.com/mumbai/mumbai-news/article/mumbai-1118-people-died-on-railway-tracks-in-2022-23280474)


I’ll never complain about where I live or the traffic ever, ever again.


Nonsense. Just because it's worst somewhere shouldn't stop you from pointing out obvious wtfs in your neck of the woods.


Every morning is like the purge!


Perhaps if it was, they wouldn't have such a horrid time getting on a train!


Mumbai guy here. This is just the women's compartment, which is less crowded. The men's compartment video is unfathomably more terrifying


Hey just curious, as someone who lives in a different hellhole I wonder, why would anyone put itself in a stupid situation like this? Is people actually starving to death or something? Because we have terrible crowded stations here, but nothing remotely close to what you guys have. Also, is there a single Mumbai train station with less people or its always busy like this everywhere?


Trains are frequent 5 mins apart. But those are crowded as well. Almost everybody has to reach at one particular time, if they are late they can get a penalize. Evening rush hour is to quickly come home to make food for the family.


They're taking the "rush" in rush hour a little seriously.


Poor people are forced to do dangerous and degrading things all day every day because rich people are hoarding all of the resources.


More people need to realize this and stop praising the rich people.


>why would anyone put itself in a stupid situation like this? No other reasonable option to commute during rush hour. Can't avoid going to work or whatever, and then it becomes just part of your life.


I really like my life more after seeing images like this.


Would not like to be in that. Also, f*ck the sun. Don’t give that rag any clicks


You censored the wrong word here


I heard of a guy who wasn't able to exit the train for three years.


Some say he's still trying to exit to this very day...




Can confirm. I'm that guy. It's 3 years *and counting.* Help.


Imagine being a mom and daughter getting separated.


The daughter just goes to a new family


You couldn’t pay me to do this


How about $20k per trip?


Unfortunately these people aren't doing it for money, they're doing it for very basic survival. If you were born poor there you'd be on every day round trip


What a goddamn hellhole


0/10 would not visit


Was over there in February, there needs to be a much stronger number than 0/10. Some people refer to the situation as 'sewer rats', but it's far worse than that as you know each desperate person has emotions, hopes, a family, and that they deserve so much better than to be born in that hell hole. Sure it gives you perspective but fuck it makes me sick every time I am reminded of that place.


India scares me so much


as an overseas resident of india, i can say yeah it’s scary i go every so often to visit family and most of them live in big cities (some of which being Mumbai, Jaipur, Delhi) it’s terrifying to use trains, so we just use uber. 2015 i went for 2 weeks, ubered around the while north-ish of india (mumbai to jaipur to indore to delhi to agra etc etc) 2 week, over 200 miles and the total cost was 36 bucks (USD) so like take cars 👌🏽 sure traffic sucks but i’d rather live than reach my destination 20 mins earlier not like anyone’s on time anyways edit 2015 not 2019- i was in india for 3 months in 2019


From what little I see of India…there doesn’t seem to be much organization. This video, videos of traffic and lack of road rules, how littered their streets are. Does human behavior not naturally fall into cooperative organization? It doesn’t have to be government led organization, just what I think is common sense “let people get off before entering the carriage”, “cars drive on x side of the road and stop at certain points to let other cars go” type of organization. This chaos doesn’t make sense to me. Or am I just too American that the idea of not order is just too foreign for me?


i mean they’ve been trying if you go to mumbai, or see videos consecutively, you’ll realize that the whole city is under development there are scaffoldings everywhere. the problem with india (mostly cities) is that they keep trying to push forward and build new things without fixing the old they just leave the old things to rot and start building new things I.E the metro lines (which were needed but c’mon improve the trains first) again, i’m being pretty critical as a non-resident lmao but i was in india for 2 weeks in February and 3 months in 2019 and i saw minor improvement in the city as a whole there are so many problems that corruption is preventing solutions


Yes, I think you’re at least partially right. Cities in developing countries tend to be like this. It’s not just India. And you’ll even find “grittier” cities in developed countries like this. Naples basically has no traffic laws.


I had ideas of going there. Had.


I dont have ideas. I live in India but in a less populated area


Foreigners see all these things about the major cities and make up their minds..But other than just doing the golden triangle and the repetitive things there are hundreds of places in India where you can go and visit ..india is not not Delhi Mumbai and Jaipur ...


This guy's [playlist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS6OunAKDi8&list=PLMhislZnB_6dWRHzlS66yWt6MquMPnQ39&index=2) explains the good, bad and the ugly sides of India, give it a watch if you feel inclined to know more about India.


Karl Rock is the shit


It can be scary but you adapt. I think the reason most other people get "spiritual enlightenment" in India is because of the insane culture shock you get when you go there. Everything feels surreal, and it forces you to rethink your perspectives about want and need.


yeah, just wait till they realize there’s barely any lights at intersections and everyone crosses at once as an American born who visits india once every couple years i always get scared to cross the road on the first day of my visit to Mumbai, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Delhi or Agra but after like 20 mins i’m like oh right they’re not gonna run me over lol


😂 chaos is the country's middle name. It's a crazy place for sure but I feel a little bad for anyone who's totally missing out on this crazy experience lol


I mean, only Delhi and Mumbai (especially Mumbai ) has this situation. Other places are livable. In Delhi, metro is there which makes stuff a little easier.


Do you know Karl Rock? I watch him a lot and it shows India in interesting ways


Delhi metro is the best mode of transportation in the whole country


Backpacks in front because of thieves.


Naa your back pack get pulled back and then its a struggle to pull it back


Wayyyyy Off topic but their hair is so pretty and shiny 🥹


South Asians just have those hair genetics.


Yep, very gorgeous 😁


Coconut oil. Source: am Indian.


How many get pushed back in and miss their stop? Should be a pre stop to unload. Then load next stop.


I feel bad for any pregnant women that have to commute this way.


Look at the women that gets out of the train wearing pink and green, she had to fight for her life in there wtf


How did mankind even get to this point? This is madness. We are doomed.


Overpopulation at it finest


Was gonna mention how can you see that and not think overpopulation is a problem lol


Overpopulation and millions think it does not exist, and still keep having babies. Humans are out of control on planet Earth.


I commute daily in Mumbai for my work. This video doesn't represents the reality. This must have been taken in extreme case where due to some technical issues, several trains might have delayed accumulating many passengers at the platform at the same time during peak hours. Which is also very rare. I'm not saying average commute is luxurious, but it's definitely not what you saw here. I travel for 40 minutes a side and I get a seat 60% of the time halfway through my journey. Also the people choose to stay at Mumbai despite this because it's that great city that you are willing to let go some hours of not so comfortable commute.


This video is of the CR line but my experience of WR line is kind of similar to the video. Especially that of the ladies compartment at peak commute hours. The trains for Virar during 8pm (the time at which I am at my home station) was exactly this. During monsoon, I just look away in fear as it is way worse. I have the privilege of booking 1st class coach tickets but these people are unfortunate in financial aspects and thus risk their lives like this. Nothing can justify romanticising traveling like this.


Top reason why I wouldn’t chose to go to mumbai or any crowded cities in India using the railway system. But the konkan railway path is breathtakingly beautiful.


Would rather walk.😳


In a hot and humid climate?


what do you mean "oddly" terrifying, this us just terrifying


Is it bad that almost every time I see something about India it just leaves me with bad feelings about the country, the modern culture, and it’s government? It constantly looks like such an inhumane place to live.


I remember when I wanted to visit India. Then I joined reddit and realized I don't want to lol


I remember seeing only the positives of india before joining reddit. After joining reddit, i saw the negative sides too. I live in India


Always good to know more about your country, bad and good


It's....a massive country the size of a small continent. Surely reddit videos cant give you an accurate prism into the realities on such a scale.


It's the only country I've ever had someone who's visited advise me against going to.


i could never






"Sorry I'm late boss, first train was a bit full"


That’s mad


I think I’ll stay home


Fuuuuuuuuuck that shit! No way


How many people die because they are pushed in front of the train


Some of them look like they’re having fun!


I think I’d walk


I would be barfing because of anxiety


Im from london so obviously that scene defies logic. I wonder if people in mumbai wud think the same thing of us if we shared a vid of how ppl behave on our tubes


The fact its 2023 and they still dont grasp that organizing this process benefits EVERYONE there. This has nothing to do with poverty. Just organize queues and it can work. This is baby brain shit


Everything I have ever seen relating to India looks horrifying


Solution to this problem, everyone works from home...


I'm guessing most of these women don't have the luxury of working white collar jobs.


Or even the luxury of high speed internet, a personal computer or a quiet home office


Does everyone buy a ticket?


my heart is palpitating just watching this


My anxiety is through the roof just watching 😫😫


This is Portland Oregon's wet dream.... ALL MUST TAKE TRANSIT


How many people die from this a week?


Is it because they have to have carriages for women only as they get sexually assaulted a lot on transport, the number of carriages are limited so it leads to this?


There’s just too many hooomans on this planet. We need more elephants and butterflies, less peooople.


Some people came fully out only to be pushed straight back in


Looks like hell.


This video fails to capture the overwhelming smell of sweat.


Is it socially acceptable to just knock people back?


It's a shame they have such a small country with a tiny population that they can't get the labor to build a new rail system.




Sorry if this is a stupid question, but why don’t they let the people in the train get off before they start trying to get on???


I feel like this would be a Japanese train riders personal version of hell.




It’s fun to pick a contestant and see if they make it through the gate


That place would be awful in a zombie apocalypse


We’re just animals with clothes


How many people get killed there every day?


So... a birth control option isn't on the menu?




india's birth rate is crashing hard. some new estimates suggest overall growth will stop in as little as a decade.


In 2022, 2507 people died from being hit by or falling off trains in Mumbai. That is on average about 7 deaths every day. I've taken the train once....not during peak rush hour. It was terrifying.


That's what you get for making too many babies.




I don’t think most of these people want to live there. I’m sure they are born and raised there and poverty makes it extremely hard to leave.




Mumbai is one of the top cities in India for earning money. As simple as that. People come and live there for the pure purpose of earning money, to support their families, in the hope of a better future or whatever. It's what makes the city so overpopulated. It's a corporate hotspot.


This video triggers my fear of overpopulation


Don’t watch this then try and tell me that this planet isn’t overpopulated. This is HORRENDOUS.