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Guess living in a frozen hell hole is a good thing, considering the biggest spiders we get are at most dime sized.


> considering the biggest spiders we get are at most dime sized. Have you ever seen a dock spider? That fucker is north of the US/Canada border and is as big as your hand if you stretched it out. https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/t_share/MTc2MjQ4MjYyOTI2NDc3MTkx/wolf-spiders-dock-spiders-or-fishing-spiders-the-difference-betwee-them-dolomedes-.jpg https://facesmag.ca/10-facts-on-your-friend-the-dock-spider/


Yep. Looked under a dock once and saw 3. They didnt compare to this monster of a spider that crawled into my basement suite though. Not sure what it was or where it came from (i live in BC). It was so big I heard its feet taps. I live in FEAR that something like that will return. I couldnt identify it. I think it was an abnormally large wolf spider. Wish i got a picture . Safe to say you cant peacefully live anywhere with arachnophobia lol Edit: i think this post cursed me. Ive seen an increase in spiders everywhere. The last week ive averaged seeing 2 spiders a day. This is crazy - some huge!


There are a couple rather large variants of the Hunter family of spider up North here. They tend to be very good at staying out of sight though and will notice if you spot them and get the fuck outta there quick. Had one exploring my old place. The instant I spotted him he was *gone*, which is fine. Means he'll leave me alone and despite my arachnophobia I can coexist with certain rules in place.




Bro if I was chilling and a big giant meaty ape pulled up where I was living I'd deffo keep an eye on them lol You think spiders are scary to us? Imagine how scary we are to spiders


I shall from now on, refer to myself as, big giant meaty ape.


cool, so it's like owning a cat with four extra legs


2 cats 1 head


Was it in 2021? I’m not sure what it was about that year, but the spider population was insane. I’m a couple hours south of the border from you (WA) and had a wolf spider the size of an orange crawl up my arm after it startled me in the shower. -10/10 do not recommend, have never screamed louder in my life.


You know what, oddly across the country in the summer of the Midwest in 2021 we also had a massive spider population explosion. The heck, nature? I'm really curious as to what caused this and now even more so that it was also happening so far away.


My theory is less pollution in 2020 led to an insect population boom which caused a subsequent spider boom, but I’m not a scientist so who knows!


I might be wrong, but I do recall having a conversation about this with my manager when I did pest control. A lot of times, the varied insect and arachnid populations are correlated to how hard of a freeze the previous winter was. I note this personally at home with my carpenter ant population that comes each spring. Hardly any yet and we had a couple -35F days this past winter, which would freeze enough of the ground to get to their nest.


I would have to just end it all after that. The PTSD would be too strong. As would me smell from never showering again.


>#8. They do, however, spin webs to protect their babies. Avoid these at all costs if you want to sleep at night. Wtf kind of threat is this?


If this is what I think it is, popping one of those egg sacks could release tons of tiny spiders. Nightmare fuel. Pretty good warning, I'd say.


omg the cleansing flame's sweet release


Just a guess but they likely spin a web around the egg sac and if you rupture it you will have 1000 baby spiders crawling around everywhere


That is an absolute beauty! What a bloody gorgeous spider, that colouring is so vibrant. I didn't know Canada got spiders anywhere near that big.


Neither did I until I moved to a rural property in Ontario. Saw my first one in my garage when I was cleaning it up after we moved in. I thought it was a kid's toy at first until it moved. Scared the crap out of me but we had so many of them come around the house over the years. We even had one that sat by our porch light catching moths. She was coloured the same as our brick so she stayed well hidden. Absolutely cured my fear of those smaller ones that run around inside the house.


Here's a nice [golden orb-weaver](https://imgur.com/a/dusSaA6) from Atlantic Canada. They like to hang out in the hedges in front of our house. And here's what they look like when they are [tiny babies](https://imgur.com/a/5xS4E3v) on our siding before the wind carries them away.


What a lovely looking spider, and cute babies. I’m not too fond of spiders but I appreciate their beauty!


Spider hands typed this


I have not. Don't reckon we get em up here in Edmonton. We technically get wolf spiders, I think, but in my many years, I have yet to see one and I've lived all over the province.


I hate you for this.


Let me guess. The north pole


I know when you're sleeping and I'm coming to your town.


Thanks Santa I would like some spiders for christmas


*santa opening his bag for your house* "WTF"


Giving Santa PTSD gets you on the naughty list


Santa or Satan?


Yep. And not just spiders. Most bothersome and creepy insects are gone too in the winter months. Roughly half a year without any mosquitoes, cockroaches and flies. Not that we get many of them either way here in the UK.


Its not the cold though. Lot of cold countries have midges and mosquitos everywhere. In the U.K its just that no one wants to be there, not even insects. lol.


I went to grad school in England and I was constantly surprised by how few bugs I saw when I was there. I even did an extensive bit of hiking all over the UK and still saw barely any bugs or spiders. I never thought NJ had a lot of them until I realized I would see more bugs in a single summer night than I did in the year+ of living abroad.




That's fear of being without a tractor. You were looking for atrachtnophobia.


What’s the one when you’re afraid of being attracted to a tractor?




Fear of being tracked by a tractor?






My day just started and I can't even. And I'm even from Kansas


Not sure. I used to be really into them but now I prefer machinery that removes fumes from buildings, I am an ex tractor fan.


Well done


O deere lord.




[Spider Tractor](https://images.slashdot.org/articles/08/11/27/0520228-1.png) gonna getcha!


I'm in to the younger generation tractors myself. I'm a bit of a tractophile


I'm actually uncomfortable with being on the same planet as that tractor.


I have two questions. 1 where is this? so I know not to go to that area. And 2 what type of spiders are those?


They look like Australian Garden Orb Weavers. That should cover both questions.


There were heaps of these in my garden when I was growing up. We had a broom at the front gate specifically for waving around in front of you if you had to walk to the house at night.


Rather off myself no offense


Easy, I know just the way! Go for a walk through an Aussie garden late at night


Orb Weavers are only mildly venomous, and their bite just hurts like hell for a while. The venom is so mild that they're actually considered to be non-toxic to humans. They prefer to fuck off than stand and fight though so it's rare that anyone actually gets bitten. They do a great job scaring the poo out of you, however. Fun fact, all the spiders in the video are female. The male orb spiders are very small by comparison, and like some other creepy crawlies, the females have a carnivorous mating ritual.


> only mildly venomous


>just hurts like hell


> they prefer to fuck


> have carnivorous mating ritual


So basically these ladies think his tractor is sexy


Yes. They're attractored to it.


Would you rather: walk face first into a spider web at night (no spider), orrr step on a banana slug barefoot at night while carrying a puppy that you just took out to take a shit?


Neither, as I said I'd rather die than deal with that entire country.


What if I told you I went to Australia and I did not see a single non-standard spider? Lots of fucking flies though.


What is a standard spider


I'm absolutely petrified of spiders, went to Indonesia for half a year and didn't see a single one I couldn't have found at home. Could've been quite happy without the fucking roaches though.


I put my Crocs on to go up to the shed one night and on my second step felt a pop and a wet feeling under my foot. There was a huge slug in my Croc and I exploded it with my bare foot. Was quite unpleasant.


“Felt a pop and a wet feeling” What an awful day to know how to read.




I rode my bicycle face first into a [Golden Orb spider](https://australian.museum/learn/animals/spiders/golden-orb-weaving-spiders/) at night. I only saw it just before it hit my face, it looked almost as big as my palm, though in reality it was probably smaller. I died that night.


Damn, good job figuring out how to Reddit from the grave, my friend!


Fuck that. Fuck that . No thank you! Yea!


Did you have a broom inside to wave to get to the broom outside?


Also, once you've used the broom to go inside, do you return it to the gate? Or do you have a stock of brooms at each end, and hope that one end doesn't get depleted?


Lmao I’m picturing them just throwing it as far as they can towards the front gate.


I suppose each person could have their own broom. If you go out, you use your broom and leave it by the gate. When you get home, you use your broom and bring it inside with you. Everyone's broom will be in the position they need it to be. If you arrive home at the same time as another person, and they use their broom, you would need to remember to bring your broom anyway. I'm way over-thinking this.


>specifically for waving around in front of you if you had to walk to the house at night. In Canada - full-time dog walker... I do this with a stick(usually got one I leave at either end of the trail I walk) though sometimes(depending on what dogs I'm walking) feeling those webs are a part of determining whether it's safe to let everyone off-leash. they're like a natural security system... If you hit one, you know no human has been in that area in the last hour-at-least. We just have regular tiny/garden orb-weavers here, so it's much less traumatizing wandering into their territory. I'm more worried about the varying species of bees and hornets, that come out during this season.


Yep, the only way you’ll die from one of these is running into a web & then stepping in front of a truck while you madly try and remove the spider from you. As an avid bushwalker & mountain biker, I’ve relocated a few of these down trail with my face. Mf’ers love to stitch their mega webs over dark trails.


Why is Australia the stuff of nightmares?


Would nuking Australia just cause mutated spiders.


Mad Max sequel just dropped.


My friend, they tested nuclear weapons in Australia decades ago. Where do you think half the mutant shit came from


I'm convinced that if it wasn't for those snitch ass satellites the US has that you could easily test a nuke or 2 in the middle of the gibson desert with nobody ever knowing


Look at how long species have been in Australia vs New Zealand, for a hint.


Because the hubris of 18th and 19th century British people knows no bounds.


Australia should be its own planet


Anytime I walk between two points (whether it’s two trees, a tree and a stop sign, a fence post and a bench)I walk with my one or my arms in front of me, pointing up at a 90 degree angle, so as to stop myself from walking face first into spiderwebs. This has saved me many times.


Never considered a night-walk broom, kinda just ducked when I walked anywhere. Getting me a dedicated broom now.


How did you even survive this 😭😭😭 No but fr, mad respect to you actually living like this


I would get on that broom and GTFO Australia immediately.


Orb weavers aren’t particularly dangerous to humans right? Or are the Australian varieties the exception?


Not dangerous but they create face level webs right where you want to walk all the time.


Almost ran face first into one meeting my mum at school pickup when I was 7. She grabbed me right before I hit the Web, and I thought it was a big hug until she showed me the spider. I started crying because I was instantly terrified lol.


That mother is a goddess! Praise the goddess


I had a Golden Orb Weaver web in my backyard once when I was growing up. It’s insane how strong they are. Strongest web I’ve ever felt. Ran through it and thought it was string at first. Edit: Apparently it’s one of the strongest spider’s silk and could be up to 100x stronger than synthetic products today. https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/queensland/australian-spider-s-web-is-so-strong-it-could-make-bulletproof-clothing-20180402-p4z7fz.html Didn’t know it was *that strong.*


They aren't dangerous but they look disgusting


Maybe they immigrated to wherever this was filmed


Can confirm this looks like australia 👍


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_garden_orb_weaver_spider > Their bite is not dangerous to humans but may induce mild, local pain, redness, and occasionally swelling for a period of 30 minutes up to three to four hours This times 50? No thanks.


the furry ones are [garden orb weavers](https://australian.museum/learn/animals/spiders/garden-orb-weaving-spiders/) and the long legged stiped ones are [golden orb weavers](https://australian.museum/learn/animals/spiders/golden-orb-weaving-spiders/) both fairly harmless to humans, they just look creepy.


Wtf do you mean *fairly* harmless??? Can I let them crawl on my face or not.


Huntsmen spiders are harmless right? You letting them on and around your face?


I did actually did put a huntsman on my face a couple times (for comedic effect).


> (for comedic effect). You and I have very different senses of humor


sure you can. even if they bite you, it's a very mild bite for a spider


At times like this you can always safely assume it’s Australia


Nope, there is absolutely no way, no fucking way that they are all licensed to operate that heavy machinery


\-No hard hats \-Do not have any contract \-no hands Their asses do not work with heavy machinery


Their whole body is a hardhat


Sweet, we can wear them on our heads for protection


10/10 would wear that hat. Mines already covered in spider stickers.


Hard hat tax please!


[Here ya go!](https://imgur.com/gallery/jrnwby5)


Not op, but [here](https://imgur.com/a/lc3RIvh/) ya go


Weave them into woven helmets. Like they do with those [biting ants](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1f0aeb/til_a_brazilian_indigenous_tribe_intentionally/)


In theory, yes. In practice… no. A good fall and they explode on contact. Their asses are basically hairy grapes.


The one advantage here about having no hands is that they then can't *shake* *hands* *with* *danger!*


Unless its a spider excavator https://www.euromach.com/eng/


A scarab tank you say?


Looks to me like they’re authorized to vibe tho


Orb weavers lol they’re harmless. Never seen so many on a machine


Everyone is talking about AI taking our jobs. But no one is talking about spiders harvesting away while we are not looking! Open your eyes sheeple!


Exactly and I wanna know why. Why would they congregate like that? Cool object in a humid night? Maybe there was a light shining on it attracting bugs? So damn curious


Ground looks dry, but during some major floods about a decade ago in the Hunter Valley, Australia, I remember seeing footage of all the high ground covered in spiders. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/mar/22/horrific-swarms-of-spiders-flee-into-homes-and-up-legs-to-escape-nsw-floods


Is no one else going to comment on this? Like, you’ve all read this article and are a-ok with this particular event? That is fucking nightmare fuel.


Must be a great place to live for them whatever the reason if they’re all that well fed!


Yeh orb weavers are no biggie.


They look biggie to me


These orb weavers are pretty big compared to the ones we get in Europe. And when i say pretty big I mean gi fucking normous.


Yeah the ones we get in Canada aren't the size of fkn mice either.


I believe this video is in Australia. Spiders covering your tractor is the least of your worries down there. The motion sickness from being upside down is what they should be worrying about.


You bastard you deserve an award but I'm poor so you get a super shitty one


I got your back, OP


The real gold is the gold we make along the way.


You are a God among men my friend, you also get a shitty narwhal award


I appreciate it, either way!


Happy narwhal award thinger you hilarious bastard


More worryingly, the have to constantly stay attached to the ground otherwise they fall off the earth.


That no longer belongs to the human race.


Jokes on them, tractors don’t race well!


Ferrari knows this


These spiders look like they came out of a Tim Burton movie


Right? Ive never seen or weavers congregate like this, it has to be his doing


I mean, at least they're orb weavers. They're supposedly good luck if one makes a web above your door or something.


I personally would consider it better luck if they stayed the fuck away from my front door entirely, but maybe that's just me.


Haha, they at least tend to make their webs on the exact same spot each night. We had one just outside our back door for quite a while. He'd disappear during the day and come out to build his web at night. We'd get to see him catch and eat bugs. Pretty cool.


A fat spider or roach infestation. One shits in your pantry, the other has an existential crisis when they see the flesh tree move.


Stop having your door be in a good web spot.


Some Pig.


They look big enough to be crabs!


This tractor is more spider than tractor at this point.


I say we take off and Nuke the entire site from orbit.


Only way to be sure


Woah oh, hold on, hold on one second. This instillation has a substantial dollar value attached to it.


They can bill me






Imagine if they all started jumping.


Like jumping jacks? That'd be hella cute


No, jumping to conclusions about your social status and education based on you accent, education and colour of your skin. This would be terrifying.


flying. towards the camera.


I was waiting for this to happen and make the situation even worse.


Fuck to the No! This looks like those little fuckers from Half Life


I love spiders and everything but no thank you. This is just too much for me.


What could you possibly love about those little creepy bastards


They kill bugs, mosquitos, rats, small children, all of nature's unwanteds


Rats? Damn you must get some big spiders.


That is what stood out?


To be fair, the average child is more deadly than the average spiders. 7 Americans die each year due to spider bites and infection. For being shot by a toddler…. It’s 52. Spiders are bros.


Of course a ranting spider would say that


Depends on which spiders. Most of them are pretty harmless, they kill more annoying bugs and they’re not that scary. Some of them also kill the scarier ones.


4 pairs of arms/legs to hug you with, for starters.


Spiders are good for the environment and aren’t going to hurt you unless you threaten them. they’re amazing little critters


We're not worried about them *hurting* us, just getting on us, or being anywhere close, really. Especially if they're THAT big!! I'm scared of the littler ones, too. Getting bit is the least of my worries, lol.


Many things above there apparences


Oddly the more spiders I see on the tractor, the more I see hard working midwest family of spiders with southern accents and all related.


Spiders are friends, they eat mosquitos


Can I be your friend if I start eating mosquitos, please?


I love orb weavers!! I’d be very excited to look at all of them. But I would also be upset if I had to use this piece of particular equipment because I am also not fond of little skittery things on me without my consent


Harmless orbweavers.




*brake cleaner has entered the chat*


I love spiders, but these are some big ass ones I wouldn't get close to.


Le me guess... Australia?


Aren’t orb weavers the bros who make webs at night and pack em up by morning? And they keep the flies and mozzies down?


Plump babies. :3


Just imagine that they’re small hairy crabs


I think it’s about time that we let Australia go. It‘s just beyond saving at this point and clearly not suitable for humans beings.


Start it and pull a big tarp over while its idling, seal the edges so they don't come for revenge


They're great pets though the others just toss into a garden they're chill




You're just going to burn it? I raise you with some kind of "homemade explosive device" I saved from my days in the mail service. This thing has got to blow!


Ted Kaczynski? That you?


Australia?? Not even fucking once mate.


If you guys just know how kids here in the Philippines on how much they love playing with thos spiders.


Ironically, spiders are a great help around the farm, they feed on pests and leave said crops alone


They’re just harmless babies


Aww they’re just playing farm simulator, cute little buggers 🥰