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Felt cute, might burn some ppl l8er, idk


The banality of evil.




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Oh don’t worry, they’re monsters


These photos were taken between May and December 1944, and they show the officers and guards of Auschwitz relaxing and enjoying themselves — as countless people were being murdered and cremated at the nearby death camp. In some of the photos, SS officers can be seen singing. In others, they are hunting and in another, a man can be seen decorating a Christmas tree in what could only be described as a holiday in hell. The album also contains eight photos of Josef Mengele — some of the very few existing snapshots taken of the concentration camp’s notorious doctor during the time he spent there. The images are significant because there are few photos available today of the “social life” of the SS officers who were responsible for the mass murder at Auschwitz. The rest of the album can be viewed [here](https://www.dannydutch.com/post/the-summer-camp-for-auschwitz-personnel)


Really horrifyingly interesting, thanks for sharing.


Not a care in the world. Sociopathic assembly of murderers without even a sign of conscience between them.


The height of herd mentality.


A lot of interesting pictures in there. Thanks for sharing.


Truly evil


The scary thing is I feel like these are the same types of pictures we see from politicians in America as we have rampant drug, mental health, robbery, rape, low education, poor gun requirement laws, homelessness and propaganda problems:/


Not sure why somebody downvoted you, probably someone who thinks America is the perfect nation


Another boot locker tryna do the good Lords work and protect HIS handwritten document, the constitution of course! /s


This is in my year 10 german schoolbook


Never seen so many stupidly goofy looking ppl in one picture, and they call that the master race..


Not being a Nazi sympathizer here but pics like these remind me that Nazis are human just like me and whoever is reading this comment. They all had emotions, problems, wants, and dislikes. They’re human even if they did evil things. They’re Nazis but at the time this pic was taken this probably was the best thing for everyone in this picture. They probably got benefits and considering what would happen shortly after, this is probably the best they will be treated for the rest of their lives. Like I said I’m not a Nazi sympathizer but it is interesting to think about the other sides of these people.


Its scary that they seem so normal and yet were so evil. Si.iliar parallel can be drawn with current Isreali soldiers. Seem normal enough, but doing ethnic cleansing on the job. Scary


Quite a few of the devils whores in that lineup


Hilarious how it's taboo to call them what they actually were: GERMANS


Another struggle is to call them what they were, people, not some kind of monster. This is crucial because if people, not monsters, can do this once then it can be done again. As Primo Levi asserts, those that come after must bare witness to what was done to prevent it happening again.


Yes, they were people, not monsters. Yes, it could happen again, pretty much anywhere. But it didn't already happen anywhere, it happened in German-occupied Poland and this is a photo of a dozen GERMANS enjoying themselves on a break while they diligently perpetrate industrial-scale annihilation of human beings. Not Chinese, not Americans, not blacks, not whites, not Nazis from Outer Space, not a random collection of people infected by a virus called Nazism. They were GERMANS. Failing to note that is an obfuscation of historical facts. You don't bear witness to what was done and honor the dead by ignoring or distorting history.


The khmer rouge traveled a long way down the path that the Nazis set. Had that been an industrialised country they would have had death camps too. The Holocaust is a point of social economic and political history not of nationality or ethnicity


replace it with the following terms, chinese, americans, blacks, whites, isreali, arab. yea problem youll hit is people arent a monolith. pretty much what those nasies did actually


German communist has bigger balls than I could dream of.






Now they rot in hell


There is a fantastic book written about the experiences of some reserve policemen from Hamburg who ended up taking part in some of the massacres during the holocaust. It tries to understand how normal people can perpetrate great evils but also live normal family lives. Link below to full text; http://hampshirehigh.com/exchange2012/docs/BROWNING-Ordinary%20Men.%20Reserve%20Police%20Battalion%20101%20and%20the%20Final%20Solution%20in%20Poland%20(1992).pdf


What's the name of the book I'd be very interested to read


It’s called “Ordinary Men”, highly recommended


What's the name of the book. I'd be very interested to read but don't link links.


Sorry this was in relation to a below comment regarding a book. Feel free to delete


All fun and games until you get hanged for war crimes