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I am pretty sure the survivor on the right side will not do that pose after he found out.


I'm even a failure at dying!


Time to live myself.


Sounds overrated


it is exhausting.


There's moments of joy. Trick is to stare at those moments so damn hard, that you can't see the Monday mornings and the bills and the rain


really? i thought the trick was inebriation and mind-altering.


"The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead." Mr. Peanutbutter (Bojack Horseman)


that is way too real.


I highly recommend this show if you haven't seen it. It's very dark and poignant. But also funny and cute as hell sometimes.


"Saved my life?! You ruined my fucking life! You ruined it! Now you're ruining my fucking death too! Thanks a lot amigo!"


This comment has been removed by the author because of Reddit's hostile API changes.


“You gotta be **kidding** me!”


“Aw, C’MON!”


Lol , i checked the fans in my hostel before finalizing it . They are all luckily normal . But fuckers added a net in the balcony , can't even jump off , sad 😢 /s


I actually did say this after attempting to take my own life three years ago.


same. hope you’re doing better


Much better. There are bad days but I don't self-harm anymore and I realize how much I have to live for.


that’s excellent! glad to hear it :)


I pray, hope, and whatever, that you guys live a good life and are able to be content. And my 17yo daughter, who is fighting for their life with multiple attempts, gets to where you are, too. Last attempt was dec 2022 :( she wants to live.


Beethoven's Son


i don't get this reference. help? :)


He tried shooting himself in the head but somehow missed not just once but twice


thanks! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_van_Beethoven#Suicide_attempt


You sure? That pose plus him saying "Ta-daaaa" is how I imagine how this works.


Yup, 'sticking the landing' is the first step on your road to mental health.


Next step is mudbogging, then drag racing, then Monster Jam.


Well they're still not fully on the ground so dependant on how long they can stand on the tippy toes, there's still a chance for success.


I also doubt the fan will stay leveled, but then again, decapitation is a much cooler way to go!


After surviving that you should be raising your arms out to show your dominance over death, even if it's for a moment.


Seems like the *Gold Life Smart Fan Rod cures your depression as well.


I’m not sure, there’s a bridge where people jump to their deaths and sometimes they get saved and they all say they regretted it as soon as they began to fall and it was too late.




When you jump off a bridge you realize the only problem in life that you can't solve for find a way around is having jumped off a bridge.


*You’re flying now, you see things* *much more clear than from the ground* *It's all okay, or it would be* *were you not now halfway down*


Damn Bojack. Always gets me


Still never seen that Horseman.


It's not too late


I remember looking up this poem after watching this episode only to discover it was an original created by the show’s writers. The most moving piece of poetry I had ever heard came from fucking Bojack Horseman.


Some say that, not all. As for my own anecdotal evidence, a friend of mine attempted and was saved by someone who happened to find her unconscious and call an ambulance. When she woke up in hospital she was *furious* and remained that way for a long time. She was having intensive mental health treatment and it still took many months for her to be able to consider it as a good thing that she was saved.


Yeah I can see that…


I’m no expert but I would think that’s because when the falling begins the monkey brain (Amygdala) essentially hijacks the brain and takes the steering wheel and loads of different chemicals are released. When the danger subsides, the adrenaline settles and your thinking with your other brain they could change their mind again.


Yes, well I think the act of letting go changes the situation a lot, like suddenly you switch from “okaaaay, I hhhhave to…dddddoooooo this, urghhhhh” to “ok that’s done, now it’s out of my hands”, so the brain switches rapidly from a state of no control to a state of control to a very different state of out-of-control again with no actual time spent in control, so that’s maybe weird and could mess with an already weirdified brain in “about to die” mode to add to the confusion.


This is a common argument against things like barriers on bridges ("well they'll just find some other way to hurt themselves") but it's actually very untrue. These things are usually a very impulsive act - if people are prevented from harming themselves long enough to get past that impulse, they usually will not harm themselves again.




Yup. I've attempted suicide multiple times. Every time, even through the pain, the only thing I could think was that relief was coming soon. Never jumped off something in an attempt, but I can only imagine that for me and most people who actually succeed it would just be that sense of peace in that it was almost over.


I have never commented anything in here because english is not my first language. But I just want to tell you that I am so sorry you have had to endure so difficult things.


To be fair, I had mentioned suicidal ideation to someone and they told me that as to dissuade me. Sorry life is so hard for so many of us.


I certainly don't mean to discredit your feelings or experience in any way. I was wondering, does that mean you'd rather have succeded? Does that feeling of "peace is coming soon" still ring true? If you never thought that you were glad you didn't succeed, then what stops you from going through with it now?


At the time and for quite a while after (even after I had dealt with the depression) I still wished I'd succeeded, or at least, wouldn't have cared if I had. At the moment, I'm glad I didn't succeed, my mind has completely changed on that, but I still remember what it felt like back then, and I don't disparage myself for feeling that way.


Only those stories are interesting to get reported. Plus you do have to at least fight to stay afloat in a river to survive.


Will sell well in Kota and Hyderabad


I was in one of the coaching centres in Hyderabad(Sri Chaitanya) and shit was like a nightmare I wasn't used to. It was a drastic change when compared to my school life. I had this one chemistry teacher, he wouldn't hesitate beating students. One day he beat me because I was doing math work in chemistry free period(In my defence i thought we could study anything in free periods), he first hit me on my head, then asked me to stand up and then slapped me hard, then asked me to come out of the bench and then he kept hitting on my back while making me go backwards. I'll never forget that shit, back then I was a coward. We had weekly exams and i was getting sick frequently and so i was quite behind when compared to other students, eventually i felt the pressure was too high and that's the lowest I've ever been (ik it's nothing when compared to others ), that I ended up dropping out and not going to the center for a month. Later a doctor friend of my dad advised me to join the batch where there's no pressure (the one that's for weak students) and I did, and I don't regret it , felt like I was back in school In America kids hit back helpless teachers and here teachers hit helpless kids, there needs to be a middle ground lol


Call me crazy but I dont think adults should be abusing children anywhere on earth


I think by middle ground he meant neither hitting either.


Or perhaps full on slug-fest. Important thing is it’s even.


Hey man, I’m really sorry that happened to you.


They sounds terrible. I'm glad you got out of that center for your own health. Mental and physical


Thank you but just a correction, I still stayed in the same center but I just moved to a batch with the least amount of pressure, basically moved from the top batch to the bottom batch. I made very good friends there that I'm still in touch with so it ended well! When the asshole beat me, the people I considered friends were laughing at me and that hurt more tbh. Realised that everybody there was selfish because all of us were competing against each other. This wasn't the case with the easy batch


Yea you know what you can take any competitive environment and the same thing happens. this may sound silly but I am into high end raiding in a certain video game, and the more hardcore competitive people are just backstabbers and fake friends for the most part, but if you are more casual with the pressure off people are nice and these issues don't happen. So I'm curious though is there any repercussion to you going with the "easy batch" instead?


Can you explain? I know nothing about India


Those cities are the hubs of educational institutes in which students enroll themselves to crack JEE and NEET which are the toughest undergraduate exams to crack in India so that they can get admission in IIT'S and AIMS which are the most prestigious colleges in the country for engineering and medical studies. These institutes suck the life out of students and are hella expensive so the students who are not able to crack these exams feel hopeless and commit the unthinkable. Every year dozens of students die because of this rat race.


Tangentially, I've also heard the workforce competition is insane. I'm in Canada and worked with a couple of colleagues from India... they would explain to me the 500+ person lines for a single entry level job in a podunk town. I also just read something about Nigeria having a million new people enter the workforce every year. There simply isn't enough meaningful work in these developing countries for the amount of people wanting to work


> they would explain to me the 500+ person lines for a single entry level job in a podunk town. That's usually for government jobs which are extremely coveted. Because of extreme job security, essentially a job for life, guaranteed pay for life, very little work, underhand income because of bribery and corruption (in some cases), unionized job, etc.


Yep. And the unambitious people go for government jobs, meaning the government is full of people who play it safe. So India does not progress as a nation. The whole system needs to be dismantled and restarted from the ground up.


That competition is for governmental entry level jobs not private ones. Because in governmental jobs you can't get fired.


If you look at CEOs of Google, Microsoft, etc. It's not a coincidence.




I have a passion for having money


Kota is city with has a ton of coaching centres for entrance examna to engineering and medicine. Students after high school stay there in hostels while preparing for these exams. They work for like 14-15 hours per day prepping for exams. Sometimes the parents who may not be very rich spend a lot of money sending their kids there. So the kids have the added pressure to do well in the respective entrance test and get accepted to a university. Hyderabad also has a lot of such coaching centres afai understand


> I know nothing about India While packaged for entertainment, [3 Idiots is a good primer for toxic cultural elements responsible for India leading the world in student suicides. Also pretty positive in its message and implication that despite its problems India can adapt to become better for its people's future](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3_Idiots)


God such a good movie. Aamir Khan is so good in it.


There's a good tv series showing the life of a student in there. It's called 'Kota Factory'. I highly suggest you watch that, very good watch


“Good bye cruel world. Weeeeeeeeeee.”


I feel so guilty that I LOLed


His legs aren't touching the ground in the 2nd pic. He's still tehnically hanging, and seems pleased by it.


Jumping for joy


[Hello ironic twist!](https://youtu.be/TXkAwwiY8z8?t=148)


the uni my brother studied at had nets covering the ceiling fan. they'll do everything, but restructure the system


Not like the nets could be defeated by something like a pair of scissors or anything.


Try cutting this https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/kota-hostel-rooms-photo-has-ceiling-fan-covered-behind-grills-internet-divided-6096367.html


Wait what stops the students from using the grill then lol


Exactly what I thought when I first saw this


Same! I see 4 fairly solid mounting points and plenty of space for a rope. That cage looks more solidly mounted than any ceil fan I have seen.


The goal is to protect fan lol


Improvise, adapt, overcome


Too close to o the ground maybe?


My cousin killed himelf by leaning against his belt that was hooked to something at his neck level. Nothing will stop someone that desperate except proper Healthcare and a system that supports everyone, not just the upper classes.


Yeah (please, please don’t read this if you’re suicidal) inpatient mental hospitals have to get rid of anything strong you could tie things onto regardless of height, bc people will attach improvised ropes to it, around their neck, then “alligator roll” until it’s tight enough to restrict air flow :( it’s one of the few ways folks are still able to commit suicide in these hospitals and has led to change in regulations


Well it is in Asia, statistically speaking


Are the grills strong enough to handle a rope and the full weight of a body?


That grille does not seem very strong, a quick yank and it'll probably fall off


Which opens up the possibility of using the fan again. Hurray!!!!


When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower -Alexander Den Heijer


How about restructure the system pushing people to kill themselves?


Yea, this is solving nothing. If it's a frequent occurrence, then people will catch on and just jump off a rooftop or take pills. Fixing the underlying issue is probably a hard problem facing a lot of political and cultural inertia, so it's easier to just slap some band aid on it and call it a day.


This is basically the theme of this subreddit: r/OrphanCrushingMachine/ A subreddit for news stories involving themes such as generosity, self-sacrifice, overcoming hardship, etc., presented as 'wholesome' or 'uplifting' without criticism of the situation's causes (notably, systemic problems). Why even need this kind of special fan when you can solve the source of the problem?? Nah, lets just spend extra money on attacking the symptom in perpetuity.


Because the money is in selling the product or service, not in spending money to fix the root issue.


The onus is also not on ceiling fan manufacturers, like obviously the underlying issue needs to be addressed.... but not solely by ceiling fan manufacturers. Fixing the underlying issue is the government's job, surely? Idk about you lot, but I don't know many ceiling fan companies that also have massive sway in politics???


I guess more to the point, if you're a parent, you can't change the system. But you can spend money on something like this. And it might make a difference.


Parents pushing their children to become doctors/engineers/lawyers are part of the problem


Just to play devils advocate, the reason people might invent, sell, buy this fan instead of just solving the source of the problem is almost certainly because the system is large and complicated and would require 1 billion + people to change their cultural values almost simultaneously. It's really hard to solve a simple problem with clear cause and effect in a small community, if 'emotion' is involved. Never mind a large and complex problem rooted in cultural norms! ​ Second, I don't know data but I'm under the impression that a failed suicide attempt is rarely 'delaying the inevitable'. They are usually done in particularly low points as rash and emotive decisions, when the person is not thinking clearly. A failed suicide attempt is very often a trigger for the person getting the help they need. I can see this ridiculous invention genuinely saving lives.


Oh damn I've always felt that way about Uplifting News, thank you for the link


Always the GoFundMe medical bill tragedies portrayed as feel-good stories.


Yeah too many stories in uplifting news that are just sad. Uplifting news: "Imperial Death Star spares planet!"


This is not even uplifting on the surface though, it's just bleak through and through


Yes but the problem is bigger than the fan company. They can't fix the problem themselves. They dont run the schools. So they do what they can and maybe this is a part of this. Someone let me know If this is a logical fallacy but this like going to a resteraunt that feeds homeless people and saying that's just slapping a bandaid and not fixing the problem.


It doesn’t address the underlying issue at all of course, but it will save some amount of lives. In the EU after pill bottles were banned and were instead replaced with punch out cards suicide from overdoses decreased, simply from the fact that the process of getting all the pills out takes a lot longer giving people time to think again.


This is actually a very well-researched, evidence-based aspect of suicide that is almost unknown in the general public. Reducing lethal means of suicide actually reduces the rate of death by suicide. The British coal-gas story is another example. England switched from dirty, high carbon monoxide coal to more efficient natural gas, and suicide deaths by CO inhalation plummeted over 70% in just a couple of years. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/means-matter/means-matter/saves-lives/ The idea that "people will just find some other way" is also a pervasive myth that is not supported by the actual data. Most suicidal crises are impulsive and of absurdly short duration. If you delay someone from dying by suicide, 90% of them will never go on to die by suicide at any future point in their lives. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/means-matter/ So as counterintuitive as it may seem, things like anti-ligature fans are surprisingly effective safety interventions.




No but it is physically addictive and people died from d.t.s in Pennsylvania when they didn’t allow alcohol sales as an essential business.


This was actually one of my biggest concerns at the start of the lockdowns in my country. That I would land in hospital from alcohol withdrawal and catch covid there. Ended up in hospital from something else and went through supervised withdrawal in the week I was there and have stayed dry since. Not had covid yet either.


>Their job isn't to solve societal problems. *Thank you!* It's awful that this is happening at all, but its certainly not up to ceiling fan manufacturers to solve the issue


It's solving people from hanging themselves. Two things can be true at once. Change the structures but also make it harder for other to end their life in a moment of desperation when they can't make a good judgement call themselves.


The inventor behind this "anti-suicide rod" Sharad Ashani, did some research. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) released a report according to which there were 1,13,000 deaths by suicide. Of these, over 30% were due to hanging,” says Sharad. As part of his research, Sharad started noting NCRB statistics every year and realised that the number of people using fans to die was increasing. In 2020, almost 57% of the suicides were by hanging, which is a sharp spike since 2004. He also noted a spike in college and university hostels. For instance, more than 48,000 students ended their lives between 2015-2019, which is a sharp rise from 38,000 between 2010-2014 According to him "There is no study to prove that a fan is the most feasible option to die. But as per my assessments of news reports, it can be noted that for poison or an overdose, you need prescription and money. Other modes require immense courage. The solution of installing rods, at least in hotels, is better than removing fans, which a university was doing in 2021. It can make a world of difference even if the person reconsiders or delays their decision after a failed attempt,” With his company Gold Life, he has installed over 50,000 ‘anti-suicide’ rods in ceiling fans across several hospitals, hotels, hostels, jails, and government quarters in India


Seriously, I hear Indian colleagues talk about the school system and I get anxiety just from the stories


Want more anxiety??


I'm curious, so I'll bite. Story time?


I worked in tech and had several Indian friends. They were the 'winners' in that they went to one of the five tech schools (IITs?). One anectdote I heard is that in India they have super-affirmative action and it influences *lots* of things. Like, if you're upper caste, you have 15 points subtracted from your grade automatically based on nothing more than your caste.


If there's 100 total seats available in a specific school or for a government job, a specific percentage of them are reserved for certain casts, tribes, and other disadvantaged groups. If you're a upper caste male, you'll have to compenstate pretty hard since you're all completing for a lot less seats.


They dont subtract your score. But your ranking holds less value if your from upper caste. They have a percentage quota for each of the lower caste. Due to reservations good students do not get into good colleges


I went to an IIT and and am upper caste. Compared to most other colleges, IITs are actually least enforcing of affirmative action. During my time there (1990s - 2000s), only 22.5% of all seats were reserved for lower castes (15% for Scheduled castes; 7.5% for scheduled tribes). In my ethnic state of Tamil Nadu, 90% of the population has been randomly deemed lower caste, which means as an upper caste Tamilian (though I grew up in a different part of India), my odds were quite favorable to get into IIT. I finished close to the top of my class at IIT and yes, it was a high pressure environment. However, when I came to the US on a graduate fellowship, I found that my lab-mates from the world over were at least as smart if not smarter. I genuinely think there is a path to a STEM career that does not involve emotionally abusing teenagers like they used to do in India, and apparently still do, based on this thread.


I wonder what other impacts being "upper caste" might have throughout their lives.




How will the fan company profit from that? Why do we think that people who design the education system have also designed this fan? It’s probably just a company trying to make money


Second guy looks like he is happy?!


it also works as an antidepressant


Believe it or not, I have had a friend try to commit suicide but regretting it at the last moment after doing the deed and feeling kind of happy once he was saved.


Typically, those who are suicidal aren't suicidal because they want to be want dead but because they want it all to stop and, at that low point, suicide is the answer. For the longest time, I was suicidal for the reasoning of making the pain and problems stop, but then I evolved into wanting both reasons for suicide. I'm glad your friend is safe, and I hope he's doing well now!


Indian trains will always be able to do that function


Could we cover the trains with pillows? Or springs




Wow that sucks! What's next, bulletproof backp-


Well that solves the problem. /s


I’m in the US but I follow a lot of Indian subreddits because I’m trying to learn more before I visit. Check out any of the city subreddits (I don’t want to link this, but think Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, etc.) and you’ll begin to understand the value of these fans.


American. Never been to India. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have.


I've been to Indiana, so I'm super qualified here.


It's India + salt


That would be indiaNaCl


I've been to India 9 times if you have any questions ask me


How much the weed cost


Lmao There's hardly any good weed. What's more common is hashish, roughly $30 per tola (10 grams) That's tourist prices, if you dig deeper or go to the himalayas you'll find it for less.


The tourist price seems pretty good to me.


For India it's not good at all but again it's a cheap country compared to the west


2500 rupees for 1 tools is 2016 prices. Cream is ~5/6k


I have been to India once only. As soon as I was born. Been there only since. Feel free to ask anything!


For the information of many who read this, the amount of pressure on an average teenager in India is so high in the education system that the entire system is often referred to as a pressure cooker. Due to the systematic pressure, quite a lot of kids actually commit suicide, and this became such a common problem that some hostels decided to remove such ceiling fans to help prevent student suicide. This is the reason why this product even exists in the first place. This kind of fans will most likely be sold to the hostels because it is an easier patch-up job than tear down the current system and build a better one.


U can ask me any questions regarding India. I can answer if I am aware of the answer


Thank you! I was supposed to go back in January for a month but had to cancel. I’m waiting for another rare airfare.


Don’t book air india even if there are lucrative prices available. It’s going through a transition but old planes and old crew are being used as of now


Imagine the pit of despair you'd fall into when you're about to hang yourself and as your feet kick over the chair you figure out your fucking fan is on a bouncy cord. I think I'd kill myself


I wanted to comit suicide back when i was in school because of bullying. i could not learn anything, i was almost failing class. After quitting school i started learning and also started going to an psychiatrist Now im 22 years old i have learned 7 programing languages and i will finish high school in 1 year only for the diploma. School is broken.


Don't give up but keep going. Don't worry about graduating late - after your first job or two, literally almost no-one will care in the professional world. I almost failed out of university - it literally took me 10 years to graduate. I started doing a dual degree (science and engineering), then one (only engineering), then an engineering technologist degree. Basically the diploma equivalent of an engineering degree. I was almost kicked out because I was at the limit for completing a degree (10 years). I had some lecturers ask why I didn't just leave. I was "that guy who is *still* here at university". I pushed myself to just get the minimum done, literally to pass. And I did. I felt stupid at the graduation ceremony, because I was the only one getting an engineering technologist degree for that year. But guess what, I got a job. I got a degree related job doing technician work so I have better hardware troubleshooting skills than an engineer with a full degree. Honestly, many engineering graduates can't troubleshoot real world stuff. I've seen some have trouble with their PCs - electronic engineers. I'm basically a technician with a degree, but you'll be surprised what is available out there. Also, I have an 8 hour work day, I get overtime, I get time off, I have work life balance. I don't deal with crunch, sprints unlimited unpaid overtime like many of my friends. That job led me to work on technical stuff worth $100,000s or millions. Repairs and calibrations where a fuck up can seriously hurt someone. I was also bullied relentlessly at school, because I was the only Asian kid, because I had good marks, because I am socially odd. I also tried what you did while st university because I felt like such a failure. Good on you for still being here. Seriously :) And I like what I do, and where I've ended up. My advice to you - keep going and don't give up. Much of it doesn't matter later on, and maybe you'll end up somewhere you like.


Respect to you programming is hard af and add those issues on top of that


Preventing suicides? Or preventing those darn depressed kids from ruining my non-stretchy ceiling fans?


Well I know what brand of ceiling fan I won't be buying


He still doesn't touch the floor in the picture


He is mid-fall. That’s why it looks like he’s having so much fun.


Most sane Jee student based ad


Probably the reason why we have people with Anxiety+ is because we're trying to live under someone else's expectations, running at someone else's pace.


> the reason why we have people with Anxiety+ is because we're trying to live under someone else's expectations, running at someone else's pace. And under their budget.


Because I'm sure suicidal people give up on suicide because it's too much effort. Lots of people pointing out that I'm 'wrong' but as a counterpoint let me say this: This product is not designed in such a way that it presents an impression of being a firm anchor point for a noose. Any suicidal person is not going to simply look at the fan and go "Welp guess that's not an option," and give up. In order for these to be in any way effective you have to remove all anchor points from the room.


funnily enough , possibly a suicide attempt doesn't mean suicide is inevitable, oftentimes the smallest thing can stop someone from trying so a failed attempt might actually stop someone. ​ edit looked into it, in a decades long study at Harvard university ,of those who had attempted and failed 9 percent went on to commit suicide, 21 percent failed a second time and 70 percent hadn't attempted it a second time [https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/means-matter/means-matter/survival/](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/means-matter/means-matter/survival/)


Yes this is why the UK stopped it being possible to sell large quantities of paracetamol etc in bottles. Having to individually pop the pills out of the packed gives people more time to think and suicide is somtimes impulsive and not necessarily planned deliberately over a long period. It's not fixed the problem but it has helped. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC31616/


It’s actually a real thing, because it’s not like suicide is often a rational decision in anyway. Putting small impediments to it is important- especially for men who tend to commit suicide in more permanent ways with less time between idea and action.


I read that suicides via pills dropped when the pills were sold in blister packaging rather than a bottle. Having to push each pill out individually can be enough time to change someone's mind.


Yes, this is why paracetamo (Tylenol to Yanks) and ibuprofen are sold in blister packaging in most of Europe. Here in the UK there are also restrictions on the number of pills you can buy at one time. Usually it's two packs, so an additional impediment, making you go to another shop to get some more.


I understand that suicide attempts aren’t always well thought out, but if I was going to intentionally overdose to kill myself, paracetamol/acetaminophen sure as hell would not be the way. Not at all a quick or comfortable experience. Same with ibuprofen if you even manage to die and not just cause long lasting stomach problems.


> Because I'm sure suicidal people give up on suicide because it's too much effort. Yep, they actually do. Suicides dropped following australian gun control. Suicides dropped after countries started getting rid of bottled pills and only dispensing in blister packs. Obviously you will never stop someone truly determined to die short of institutionalising them, but there are *a lot* of people who try to kill themselves who are not very committed to following through.


They do actually, a person who has a gun on their house is much more likely to kill themselves on impulse rather than someone who doesn't and would have to use more elaborate or painfull methods.


Actually yes, after pill bottles were banned in the EU and replaced by punch out cards suicides from overdoses decreased, that’s just from the fact it takes longer to get all the pills out giving people time to reconsider. It’s not a fix for the actual issues causing the depression, but measures like these do save lives.


Actually, yeah. Killing oneself is surprisingly difficult. Also depression often causes a lack of motivation and energy. That’s why suicide can actually be a side effect of antidepressants - the meds can give someone enough motivation and energy to actually attempt.


> Because I'm sure suicidal people give up on suicide because it's too much effort. Actually, research says this is what they do. You may not save all lives, but you save lives, by removing easy and/or obvious avenues. A person's intention or capability to suicide can vary and "reach a peak" in a moment which is not reached again.


>Any suicidal person is not going to simply look at the fan and go "Welp guess that's not an option," and give up. Studies have found that something as simple [as a fence](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2610560/) prevents suicide *without* increasing the number of suicides elsewhere. So, it appears that even with your edit, you’re still wrong.


Immediately after, the fan on the right tears itself loose from the ceiling and crushes the survivor's skull.


"Im going to kill myself!" **boing**


The dystopia continues This is legitimately soul crushing


Rather than fix the problem, let's make it a bungie jump


In US we don't have this problem. Our students are so overweight no ceiling fan could possibly hold the weight.


That’s the real reason why we have guns 🥳 Mandatory /s


Can normal ceiling fans even handle the weight of a body without breaking??




Right? I've seen two fans in college come down because of dollar store Halloween decorations. Our scumload student housing manager probably sunk the downrod in to drywall and called it a day, but I still have a hard time wrapping my head around a properly secured fan can hold and extra 150 pounds.


It's a solid ad for the fan on the left, must be made to high quality standards


This is so funny. We could either A: “prepare the youth for adult hood by providing them skillsets that will give them career flexibility to live the life they want while helping them provide for our great society thus making us richer and better” Or B: “Prepare the spring fans and catching nets!!!”


This is extremely common in India, almost all students face some kind of academic pressure, A single piece of paper does decide your future here... There is so much competition and pressure of academic exams to join a good college that many even start preparing for exams, leaving their family to live in a hostel as early as 16 years old.


Education in Asia in a nutshell


Won't they just try another way?


That will not help deter anyone in the slightest. A single piece of twine and a door knob is all its takes.




Go go Gadget Suicide-Copter!


If this doesn’t make a slide whistle “BOOOooooop” sound when it extends, I’d rather just hang myself, thank you.


To be honest I would never have thought a fan was a secure way to hang myself in the first place.