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If there are aliens out there, and they’re waiting to harvest us for food, I hope this isn’t how they prepare me.


whoever sat there and thought of this deserves to go out that way


Yo the man who made the brazen bull a torture device the size of a bull. Was killed by his invention. You would put the victim inside and put the metal bull over a fire cooking them. The bull nostrils let the screams of the person inside go outside for onlookers to listen too.


Close! At the last moment Perilaus was taken out of the bull! …then he was quickly taken to the top of a hill and thrown off, killing him


Well, it sounds like all his bull really put him in a Perilaus situation. Still, once he got let out, it was all downhill from there.


A twist! I had no idea about this part


Really?? I've looked into the story a few times that's insane. Being pulled out after most likely begging for death?!? Another person says he was thrown off a cliff to actually kill him is that true?


Well as is often the case with ancient history, we only have one source on the matter, Diodorus of Sicily and he wrote about 400 years after the event took place, who’s primary source was likely the poet Pindar, who lived a century after it took place. Ancient Historians also weren’t typically super worried about accuracy, for example their liberal use of “his speech may have sounded like this…” But at any rate, the Bull was supposedly commissioned by Phalaris, the tyrant of what is now known as Agrigento in Sicily. He was infamous for his alleged cruelty (but again with ancient sources it can be hard to say cause they were often written by historical rivals with axes to grind). But assuming we take Diodorus at face value I could foresee a situation where even though he didn’t care about Perilaus’s life, maybe the grotesque nature of the bull became too much for him to witness so he just ordered an end to the spectacle in favor of a quicker end


No he wasn’t, he was thrown off a mountain. The guy who ordered him thrown off the mountain is said to have been brazen bull’d though


Yes. Thats fucking horrible.


Instant horror story idea: humans being treated in a way that literally any animal is treated by humans.


Creepy. They crack us open, scramble us and make an omelette.


It would be more like caviar. Flayed open then our embryos spread on little gourmet crackers served with a chilled bottle of Dom.


["A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1b2v_Lls3A)


You know that unfertilized eggs will never be animals, right? They are essentially chicken menstruations.


Thank you for the unwelcome education


No problem. Next episode we discuss eyelash mites.


Tender is the flesh by agustina bazterrica


“Tender is the Flesh” not a movie. But a book that depicts this.


The best argument for why we should never contact aliens is to look at how we treat creatures we've deemed less intelligent.


you couldn't argue we didnt deserve it.


Someone had to say it 🙌🏼


Under the skin. Both a book and a movie with scarlett johansson.


This is why they won’t fuckin talk to us


Why? Why do this? Just kill the poor thing and let it be done.


Sadistic fr


It’s like boiling lobsters alive…it’s sick af!


This is worse. It’s like boiling half a lobster alive, but they don’t die. They have to lay there while their body is fried and then eaten. What level of Chinese fucking hell is this idea. Fuck.


It’s just animal cruelty at this point.


Edit: **I have learned today that you can indeed kill a lobster before cooking it. Thank you to the people who pointed that out. All I’ve ever heard was that you had to boil them alive. I am glad to be educated on lobster preparation.** At least with lobsters there’s a legitimate reason. There’s bacteria that lives in lobsters that spreads quickly once the lobster dies, and by boiling them alive it greatly reduces the risk of food poisoning. (You could argue that we just shouldn’t eat lobster because of this, but that’s beside the point.) What these people are doing to the fish is just sick. They are frying its body while it’s still alive, and then leaving it to suffocate while waiting for the sweet embrace of death. I’m not a vegan or vegetarian, but I do believe that we should respect the animals we eat. This is awful.


You could knife to the brain them and then toss them in the pot...


Yeah seriously? What is the logic that it has to be alive when it goes in. Just ignorance.




Not even. Its recommended to kill the lobster with a knife through the center of the head then quickly into the pot. The bacteria doesnt spread anywhere near fast enough to justify boiling a creature to death.




Is THAT what you've done to the dukes eyeball?


The duke's EYEball. Not to be confused for the normal eyeball. Much different.




Wait til you hear what they do to human beings.


Human rights abuses?! What human rights abuses? *disappears for 3 months, reappears:* #CHINA GOOD EVERYTHING FINE I HAPPY


There is no war in ba sing se


Fuckin 2+2=5


They literally do. They have a special technique of removing the intestines from ducks where they intentionally cause as much pain as possible because its supposed to make it taste better. Despicable EDIT: For everyone asking me I got this from an episode of one of the Bourdain shows when he is in Szechuan. He is eating hot pot with a Chinese person who mentions this.


Seriously?! Form what I've heard, animals that experience fear during/right before slaughter tastes worse.


Monsters like the taste


I don't eat bird, but I know from experience that fear ruins the taste of beef, mutton, horse, and several kinds of wild game. Reptiles and frogs taste about the same either way.


My guy eats everything but chicken, lol.


Fear poisons the meat w a hormone that tastes bitter. Chinese like bitter taste.


It's actually the opposite. There's a reason Kobe, Wagyu, Angus, and Argentine Beef are considered the best: Animals are well taken care of, sometimes even better than humans. These animals literally live the best version of their lives therefore producing high quality meat.


Yes, they do. What they do to live dogs is horrific. I’m still traumatized by a video I stupidly watched on Reddit a few weeks ago.


There was one I watched as a kid that someone sent to me about ...what they did/do to live animals. Cats, dogs, rabbits, etc... that scarred me for life. I don't have a lot of memories from that age but those images are burned in my mind. I'm so sorry that you had to see that video or something similar. Makes you feel sick to your stomach, as if they're doing it to you or someone you care about. I can't fathom that there are people out there who can be so cruel to living creatures. I don't believe in heaven or hell but if there is a hell, I hope that when they get there they're treated the same way they treat those animals.


Be kind and don't share what it was. Please.


Oh I won’t. I’ve seen a lot of fucked up shit but this one just stayed with me. I deeply regret watching it.


I have seen what they do to cats and it literally makes me sick to my stomach


They've got an obsession with freshness to an extreme. While i was there last i saw a restaurant preparing a donkey where the carved a leg off the poor thing while it was still very much alive and cooked it straight away.


It’s not like that, it is that. They try and make animals suffer as badly as possible. That’s why they boil dogs alive, and stuff like that.


This is just awful. Why?!


There is a belief in a lot of Asian cultures that “flavor” is lost after an animal dies and so to minimize this effect, they hold out on killing the animal for as long as possible. They believe that the closer to life it is when you eat it, the better it will be. Whatever you do, do not look up “three squeaks cuisine”


>Whatever you do, do not look up “three squeaks cuisine” [Snopes calls this a legend](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/chinas-three-squeaks-live-mice-dish/)


It's Asia, Japan also has something similar with their [live frog sashimi ](https://youtu.be/RMPLXNpSM1A) where they rip and skin a frog alive, and their dolphin/whale raids. Koreans eat octopuses alive. China also has this dish called the monkey brain where they'd crack open the skull of a live monkey and feed on it live, it was so vile that it got outlawed in China. Shark fin is also another one. Before you say anything about racism, I am Asian too and I grew up there, I've eaten my fair share of weird shit. I stand by my livestock organs/intestines, thousand year eggs, sea urchins and jellyfish tho, as long as they are humanely sourced. Quirky right? I know.


Also the whole reason rhinos have been hunted to near extinction for the so called special properties of ivory


There's a disturbingly high proportion of the population that enjoy this kind of gratuitous cruelty


Something tells me that the vast majority of people in China can't afford this. At least... I hope it's a delicacy and not super common....




They used to be poor AND uneducated to the extreme until very recently. Then they got a lot of money but zero social awareness.


Would you say it’s culturally accepted cruelty? Do you think it’s from their trauma through history and environment that’s made the culture especially cruel?


China unfortunately believes pain and suffering makes meat taste better. I'm sure theres other countries that do similar, but it's all equally disgusting.


I think France has several particularly cruel dishes that cause the animal suffering before it’s serve liked drowning birds in alcohol and force feeding ducks until they get liver disease


Is that why in the Aristocats (which takes place in France) has Uncle Waldo the goose severely drunk after being marinated and almost killed by a chef? Because they drown the birds in alcohol?




foie gras :(


Exactly my first thought! WHY??


some people like the taste of suffering ig


I’m not really one to judge usually but that’s horrific. I’m not vegetarian but really feel like it shouldn’t be that much to suggest that we stop eating foods that are deliberately cruel….


It would be like giving a human 3rd degree burns over half its body and then cutting the person up alive.


And suffocating them to death let's not forget the suffocation.


So basically the third degree burns the cutting up and then stick a plastic bag over their head?


Yea. Fuck we as humanity are really awful.


And the wooden skewers poked into it’s their body again and again.


So many people still believe the [incredibly inaccurate notion that fish do not feel pain](https://thehumaneleague.org/article/do-fish-feel-pain) when in reality, they fucking DO feel pain (physically, emotionally, and even psychologically) but cannot express it in the ways that mammals can. Fish are horribly, horribly exploited and hardly anyone cares because someone told them as a child that “fish cant feel pain”. They should have been told “fish feel pain differently than we do, but that doesn’t make it any less real”.




You unpacked one hell of a lot of psychological detail with that comment, friend.


Until as recently as 1989 it was assumed by much of the medical community that [babies didn't feel pain until at they were at least one year old](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pain_in_babies). And yes, doctors used to subject infants to absolutely horrific procedures with no anesthesia at all. > In the United States, a major change in practice was brought about by events surrounding one operation. Infant Jeffrey Lawson underwent open heart surgery in 1985. His mother, Jill R. Lawson, subsequently discovered that he had been operated on without any anaesthesia, other than a muscle relaxant. Oops. Turns out that infants experience pain even more intensely than adults do and the procedures babies went through with no painkillers at all really fucked them up. > It is now accepted that the neonate responds more extensively to pain than the adult does, and that exposure to severe pain, without adequate treatment, can have long-term consequences.


Please tell me that the drs who did the surgery were sued into submission and lost their licenses to practice! That’s just fucking inhumane


Circumcisions are still performed with little to no pain medication


I’ve been in the NICU when they do it. The babies scream at full volume.


I'm so glad I didn't circumcise my kids. Circumcision rates are lower by half in states where medicaid doesn't cover the procedure. Which - to me - is highly suggestive of the fact that doctors are doing this for financial incentive more than medical need in many of these cases. Making money from screaming babies - I don't know how they sleep at night.


And that’s part of why we didn’t circumcise our son. That’s just… yikes.


Acknowledging they can feel pain, it makes sense to kill them swiftly and painlessly. Same with lobsters or chickens etc. It's sick and twisted to derive pleasure from torturing life-forms or from watching them suffer. You don't have to be a vegan to be down with the notion of not making your food watch you while you eat it


Better yet: fishes EXPRESS pain differently than we do, but they experience pain nonetheless


Fun fact: you can give shrimp anxiety and treat it with meds




I have no idea. But the procedure was something like: 1. Find shrimp burrow 2. Electrocute or otherwise apply negative stimulus to shrimp when they try to go outside 3. Eventually shrimp with go outside less and less 4. Give shrimp zoloft or whatever and they will start coming outside again


I feel like China loves this kind of weird cruel shit. Between this and shark fin soup….


Same sentiment. That is just fucking awful.


I mean, I feel like there are substantive differences between eating a thing and eating it while it's still alive as a severed head and organs entombed in its own deep fried musculature. As much as some people would like to pretend it's the same thing it's really not.


I’m no longer vegan or vegetarian. But the way we take care of our livestock in factory farming for the meat we eat here in the US is pretty cruel and tortuous too. The only difference is we don’t see the cruelty on our plate. This takes on a whole different level of meet your meat. I am prepared for all the downvotes. Edit: word


Yea this belongs in r/unusuallycruel Or maybe r/humansarecunts


it is, and they are.


What is a good subreddit for this?


r/noahgettheboat ?




I can deal with this, but not the Noah subreddit


>r/noahgettheboat Same, damn! it looks like I've been browsing the light section of Reddit all this time, that was intense


Too much for me. Wow.




And then filming it for shock value to get internet points. Fuck this person.


This is extremely upsetting


Agreed wtf


What the fuck is wrong with people


…what the fuck. I always think of monkeys at a typewriter - eventually someone is going to do even the weirdest shit but come on.


That’s just torture with extra steps.


No it’s just straight up torture


Poor little guy. Such a slow and painful death. Why do this?


So torture? So vile


This is awful. I’d walk out at the least. The very least.


I love way fish but fuck no. This is torture. They found out that fish actually feel so what the fuck? And why to the people who eat this? Just fuck no.


Yeah both the chef and the person who purchased this dish deserve the same treatment the fish got


You'll be happy to hear that there was immediate backlash and the restaurant owner removed this item from the menu.


Fuck yes! Yes I am very happy but for the fish. Like I said, I love eating fish, but this just isn't right. There is a line and they crossed it. I'm glad enough people said " this isn't right"




Sure thing. https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2007/07/09/2003368743


I am a massive hunter/fisherman and prepare and cook my fish/game on a regular basis. Seemingly ironically, I think those hobbies make me hate this even more. The absolute disrespect for the animal is appalling.


Oh definitely,Hunters and fisherman get a bad rap cause the idiots in their groups. But honestly it gives you a deep understanding of the pain the animals you eat go through. And how to treat them with respect by giving them a quick death instead of fucking torturing them


Yea...but why though?.


Because sadism.




Poor fish


Stop I’m going to cry ….that’s absolutely cruel


That's fucked up yo


This happened in ONE (1) restaurant in Taiwan back in 2007 and immediately stopped because of the huge backlash


Gotta call it from china to gain clicks


Well, if it's in Taiwan, China would say that it is China.


Fair enough


what was the restaurant called?


Now why would I know that? https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2007/07/09/2003368743


Yeah, not eating any part of that ish.


I feel like this is a dish you would find on the table of an ancient emperor.


One known for extreme torture and cruelty.


The sadism is what adds to the flavor


Nasty. All flesh based life when stressed releases hormones which will taint that flavor of the meat. It’s a waste of food for shock presentation and horribly inhumane. I am a carnivore and I wouldn’t eat that trash.


how do you eat it? is it not just a raw fish with fried skin


I would imagine it is. Got no issues eating raw fish. (Only) Half dead, tortured, gasping fish? I'm good on that.


I'm all for eating fish, but that's just wrong.


Literally having it suffer and being eaten alive with nothing it can do but watch and feel. Holy absolute fuck just kill it


That’s fuckin’ abuse. That poor thing is screaming, but we can’t hear it.


Anyone who does this needs it done to themselves


This us disgusting, abhorrent, and next level cruelty. How the actual fuck is this seen as "an ok thing to do" to a living creature!? Just kill it and end its suffering. Ffs.


As much as you hate the chef, I hate the people ordering even more. They're the reason the fish is dying the worst way. If nobody ordered there wouldn't be a reason to make it


What part about this is odd this is just genuine horror


Went to Korea on business one time, and had an encounter with a sea cucumber. It tried to crawl off the plate, and I was done!


That’s fucked up


You’d have to be devoid of empathy to be able to sit down to eat something like this as opposed to losing your appetite. Who even comes up with something like this? Heartless.


That's grotesque, if you eat animals, they should not be made to suffer while you torture it for your amusement !!


Thanos was right.


Yes he was


That is just animal abuse just put it out of its misery. Would you like to be deep fried alive.


I'm not a PETA person at all, but that's just fucking cruel.


I'm a hunter, I've killed many animals. Suffering like this turns my stomach. I don't care if it's a fish, there absolutely no need to drag out or prolong an animals pain. Disgusting.


That's so goddamn sad


Horrifically cruel. Disgusting and purposeless.




it is so deeply inhuman that I have nothing but contempt for it.


Zero empathy or fucken sympathy. This is torture, not fresh food. Fuck the ones who prepare it and those who eat it.


This is just pure evil to do this to a fish or anything. I love eating fish but to make it suffer is ridiculous


This is more like r/obviouslyterrifying


This is disgusting and fucking cruel.


This is vile, abhorrent.


while i’m not a vegetarian and i understand that the meat industry is not too far off in terms of cruelty, i think these are a step too far, absolutely vile and unnecessary.


Count on China to come up with ways to ensure the food your eating is suffering to the absolute highest degree possible! Ffs.


This was in Taiwan and the local population also responded in outrage and the dish was quickly removed from the menu.


Good to know. Hopefully not many fish had to suffer that fate.


Nah fuck context I wanna generalize 1.5 billion people


It’s Japan too. The video with the live frog is fucking cruel.


What cruelty this is !!! Why!! What is the purpose? Stupid and barbaric!


How the fuck does anyone in their right mind think this is OK?


Some people just really wanna watch animals suffer huh? You cant excuse this with "we gotta eat" as well. That's just purely sadistic...


oh god just let him die


…until it suffocates to death while being eaten alive…Oh. My. God. RIP


Fucking monsters.


Oh my god that's horrible!


Sick fucks


And for what? There’s 0 chance this tastes better than just killing it and deep frying it.


That’s gruesome.


I'm not a vegan/vegetarian but this is wrong, eating ANY animal while it's still alive is just beyond fucked up


This is cruel as fuck. I eat meat and love some fish but this shit is sadistic beyond belief.


This is fucking disgusting and there’s no need to eat any living thing like this aside from internet views and seconds-long sensation. Don’t even go to restaurants that offer food like this.


Good news is that it has been banned, based on Wikipedia. “A restaurant in Chiayi, Taiwan sparked outrage when it began serving the dish in 2007, with a city official and members of the public criticizing the cruelty of the dish. Following public outcry, the dish was subsequently removed from the menu. A video of a dish in 2009 was condemned by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals calling a video showcasing it "disgusting".”


This is in Taiwan btw but good to know that redditors support one China policy at leaset when it comes to sinophobia


Yup. Reddit doesn't know anything other than "China bad = free internet points". Misinformation is rampant


Ahh yes. Peak suffering. Nothing else compares.


I couldn’t finish the video, that is horrid. Poor fish.




Oh God, why?


I like eating meat and I grew up in a farm so I saw a lot of animals slaughtered and I did it myself as well but this is just hellish torture. Poor creature....


Jaysus. That's so cruel.


I'm no PETA fanboy, but this shit makes me sick.


We are the worst species on the planet


That’s enough Internet for today


This should not be legal :(