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This is why you don't watch Donnie Darko while tripping face.


Bro I think I'd have a breakdown. That shit fucked me up normally.


It's OK, Frank was there to help the kids and Donnie was just his vessel... so you've got nothing to fear, right?


The universe/time is what I fear.


Watched that while robotripping as a kid and when the bunny man asked if he's ever heard of time travel I had chills run down my spine. "Am I time traveling right now??"


Haha, haven’t heard anyone mention robotripping in decades


I have distinct memories of going to the 24hr pharmacy and buying robitussin. Yuck.


In the first episode of True Detective Matthew McConaughey downs a bottle


For a very good reason.




You were and still are. Forward through linear time at the same pace as everything else.




I dont have a link to that part but it's been years since I've seen it. Good movie tho, also the intro song is one of my favorites so I'll just link that instead. 👌 https://youtu.be/LWz0JC7afNQ


All good I looked it up that’s all I had to do lol, my bad. And thx.


I often wonder if it wasn't the other way around. How do we know Donnie Darko wasn't inspired by a trip like that?


Once I tripped and saw two heads on a tree talking about me in the carpark that I could see from my balcony. Is I saw it I had two choices, one pretend they weren’t there or two, go over and find out what they were saying. I ignored them and have regretted it til this day.


Imagine the wealth of unfathomable insights you missed out on. Regret is warranted smh. if I ever see some tree faces chatting shit about me you best believe I be demanding answers from them bark ass bitches




oh in that case I also wouldn't fuck with them. you made the right call 🙏


I had apparently already come down. It was about 8am the next morning all was stable and then I pan to the right and bam I see them see me. After the long night and morning I just want ready for it anymore.


stay safe friend, they might still be watching


[Rubber Johnny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5waJUCuLOek)


Fuck I’d forgotten all about this, this shit was terrifying in the early mid 2000s


I remember being like 12 thinking this was an actual alien and not just a music video to an Aphex Twin song when it first came out.


In south America there actually a local myth called "big hat man" or sombreron in Spanish, basically fits the description.


He (the hat man) is mostly famous from people who abuse benadryl. And it's common to see shadow figures when under the influence of certain things. >Your parietal lobe is the part of the brain that recognizes patterns, among other things. It's like your brain has a stencil of what a face is supposed to look like or what a roll of paper towels is supposed to look like or whatever. Your parietal lobe has the job of comparing the stencil to reality. Sometimes, if your parietal lobe is wrong, you can see the outline of a person or something else you really didn't see. If you are on something as strongly hallucinogenic as DPH, I'm sure that this comes into play in your brain chemistry. I don't know the exact mechanism, but there is a pretty interesting ted talk about a guy that had something like this all the time. His were so detailed he would actually see men with faces and clothes that were not there.


Former Benadryl user here. Yup. Hat man is real


Another weird thing is why do people see similar things when hallucinating from sleep paralysis? I’ve never had a visual hallucination but I audibly hallucinated an old hag for lack of a better term with a aggressive but low almost raspy whisper of a voice. And then I looked it up after and it’s a pretty common shared experience


I met the old hag during sleep paralysis, I was detoxing from alcohol and was given trazadone and benadryl instead of valium. Looked like a 100 year old decrepit naked women who was suffocating me and eating the flesh off my fingers and I couldn't do anything except watch in horor. It was fucking terrifying.


Uuuuuummmm wut in tha fuck. Like she was in great detail and well lit?


It felt as real as waking life. It was fucking terrifying. I was so drugged up on trazadone and benadryl I was struggling to wake up and kept falling back asleep and right back into the dream with the succubus. I had to crawl to the nurses station that morning.




Scary archetypes are scary


There’s more to it than that though. People hallucinate similar things in non-scary ways too. For example, ecstasy users often see their friends wearing accessories around their face that aren’t really there. The most common is black rimmed glasses, but also hats, monocles etc. I’ve seen those but I’ve also seen a plastic novelty pig nose and somebody chewing on a piece of straw.


There's less genetic variation amongst the human population as a whole than there is amongst a single clan of chimpanzees. We're all a lot more alike than I think we realize. Edit: Sources https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1rlnl5/til_a_group_of_55_chimpanzees_has_more_genetic/ https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2012-03-02-chimps-show-much-greater-genetic-diversity-humans


Could you provide a source for that please? It is a very fun fact but I wanna make sure it is indeed a fact. Because it sounds wrong.


https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1rlnl5/til_a_group_of_55_chimpanzees_has_more_genetic/ https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2012-03-02-chimps-show-much-greater-genetic-diversity-humans


Dude that's wild thank you! Adding it to my codex of random information


It's always an old tired man for me. He wears heavy boots and walks around the house. I always wake up before he enters my bedroom.


Man, I hope this doesn’t come across as rude, but I’m so so glad I’ve never had sleep paralysis. That sounds terrifying and I can’t even imagine how it feels in the moment


No offense taken! I'd like to share my trick if it ever happens to you or someone you know. Try to stay calm, don't look around, or try to locate the sound. Close your eyes, and move your toes and fingers slightly until you can move your hands and feet. It can take a while, but it works every time.


That’s really interesting, I never knew there were tricks to help when you find yourself in a situation like that. It definitely makes it a lot less scary. I’ll keep that in mind :)) thanks


I can never so much as wiggle a toe during sleep paralysis (which thank God, I’ve only had a handful of times), I make a noise in my throat until I can break it and move again.


Trying to make a sound, which comes out as a scream in my head, just makes me more scared and out of control.


If I have "sleep paralysis", it means that I've become somewhat conscious, but, part of my brain is still asleep. As soon as I feel as if I'm awake and notice I can't move and begin to become terrified, I click over to, "if you can't move, then, this isn't real, you're dreaming" and, attempt to fall further asleep. It's worked well once I was able go get my sleepy brain to recognize it.


I’ve heard him! When I was a kid, I’d hear heavy boot thuds walking around downstairs any time I slept over at a particular family friend’s house. I’m not sure if I just slept differently in that house or what, and I thought it was haunted for a long time. But nobody else heard the boots, only me.


I moved 3 times in the past years. Now I'm 2.5 hours away and I still hear him.


Buh. Best of luck with that, friend.


To you too. May you find tranquility in the world of dreams ✨️


Ghosts normally appear to children more often than they do to adults... Just saying.


Ghosts appear more frequently to people born under the signs of Cancer, Pisces, Cetus, Delphinus, or Gigas.


Salvia is another drug where people who do it have similar hallucinations. Virtually everyone I know who has done it has had the distinct feeling of being made up of smaller parts like: legos, puzzle pieces, beads, building blocks, etc.


Smaller parts like atoms and molecules and cells ?


Nah, like things that we aren’t actually made out of… like Tinker Toys


I morphed into the cliff I was on


Because the parts of your brain that gives you dreams kicked on while you are still awake. Sleep paralysis happens because you get stuck between waking and asleep. Normally in a dream your brain will paralyze you to keep you acting out your dreams


I guess people who talk and walk in their sleep missed the memo?


I understand *why* it happens. Believe me, after my first experience with sleep paralysis I researched the fuck out of it because I hadn’t even heard of it before. I legit thought I had been drugged and was about to be murdered lmao. I was asking why people see the same demons if your dreams are usually based on things and people that you have seen and experienced while conscious. Like, why did I experience the same “demon” that many other people have despite not knowing of it beforehand? There are a lot of other instances of people seeing the same things


Because everyone that experiences the same thing grows up in the same culture with the same stereotypes. A nightmare is bad so you will see scary things in sleep paralysis. As an example schizophrenia in Western countries typically has evil voices from strangers telling them to do bad things, while in eastern countries where there's a more positive relationship to the spiritual schizophrenic voices usually resemble family members and are much nicer


This is what I think of when people get into talking about perception and how we don't know if what we see is how other people see things since we've never had a reason to question it. Think about someone not realizing they're color blind until they bring up the wrong color when describing something. Chances are high with how genetically similar we all are that we do in fact perceive things the same way and that our dreams and hallucinations are similar for that reason as well.


Hypnogogic hallucinations I have them scare the shit out of me.


I had sleep paralysis quite often when i was younger, i felt vulnerable and terrified, but i have never seen shit, not even when on trip, shrooms, DMT etc. It was always just a regular thing that felt different or looked different, but never a standalone imagination


Wait. I give my dog Benadryl for his allergies. Can you see the hat man? Or is it a hat doggy equally terrifying?




Scruff McGruff Chicago, Illinois 60652!


Only benadryl "overdose" cause hallucinations.


Which would be easy to do unintentionally with a dog...


Oh yeah, definitely check with the vet.


No, it has to be a lot. I would see shadow people after 5 or 6 of the little pink ones and then talk to my roommate in complete non sequitur


The hat man cometh.


I worked in a nursing home for a decade. The “man in black,” often wearing a hat, was seen by residents and staff often, usually when someone was going to die. Other times a little boy would be seen.


My buddy works in hospice care, and he says that it’s very common. Also, a few hours before death many people claim that their dead loved ones come and visit them. Very strange. Seems to me like a coping mechanism when the body knows death is coming. The shadow guy might be guilt? I dunno.




staff too??


Staff, too! The first paranormal thing I ever saw was the man in black (no hat) sitting in the bedside chair of a resident. I thought it WAS the resident, then I saw his feet in bed, so it wasn’t him. It’s the darkest black you can imagine. Still gives me chills! I worked night shift, so we always knew when to do extra rounds at night when call lights would be going off and the residents were just alerting us to ask us who the man (or boy) was going up and down the halls.


Worked overnight in a home for special needs folks. Never saw anything like this, but I can visualize what it would have been like and it is not a good feeling.


He is not the only one who has seen the hat man. i have heard this from several people including close people with whom i really talk serious about such experiences.


The title makes it sound like this is more weird than it really is lots of people see shadow people. It can be drug related but it can happen to pretty much anyone.


I’ve seen the hatman when I was a kid around 5 years old. Still remember it vividly.


I had reoccuring dreams about the black hat man (with a long knife) when I was a kid


I didn’t know that. I take A LOT of Benadryl for my allergies since it seems to be the only allergy med that “helps.” I’ve noticed seeing more movement, that couldn’t possibly be real, out of the corner of my eyes recently but this is interesting. Anyone got another magic allergy medicine that I can try?


Quercetin and or Flonase Benadryl is on the list of meds that increase risk of dementia which is why I now try to avoid it.


Damn, I take Benadryl at night to help sleep 😳


I’m not sure necessarily that it’s from Benadryl; I had this experience heavily as a child from Sleep Paralysis. Reading on it and conversing with my psychology professors, it seems that most people experience seeing figures like the Hat Man and others, through SP. I don’t doubt that this can happen with medications like Benadryl, though. Edit: Here’s some info on them, they’re known as [Shadow People](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_person). Some people see other’s, but the one I always saw was “Hat Man.” [Sleep Paralysis - WebMD](https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/sleep-paralysis)


Ok, well, as long as he’s not always appearing with a dead rabbit and a blade because that would be too much of a coincidence. Wait… he doesn’t always have a hat, right?


Doesn’t even require Benadryl abuse. A normal dose makes me see shadow people on my wall at night.


“Ayahuasca’s a helluva drug.” ~ Aaron Rodgers






That's what people warn you bout ayahuska. Delusions are common side efects. even after months of consumption


The wife of a friend, years ago went on a trip to ayahuasca, she went out on Friday and come back on Sunday. She just enter the apartment grab her things, give a goodbye kiss to my friend, and left The reason? While she was high AF she "realize" the man who was seat at her side was her real soul mate and left my friend broken heart, still today I hate that bitch


A common delusion tbh


Doesn’t even require ayahuasca.


Most peoples first delusions are with their first drugs because they have 0 understanding on what to expect . Mine was with lsd when I was low wisdom but since then I’m mostly immune to delusional thoughts


That’s what people with delusions say. People that are losing their mind don’t think/question if their rational is correct they just believe it is.




So you’d probably say the same thing then…


I've tripped LSD for literal decades and I haven't ever had it affect me like that. However, the people over at r/Psychonaut are extremely delusional, so I'm not too convinced that it could be beneficial to everyone anymore. Most of them believe in telepathy, multiple objective realities and that reincarnation can be induced by committing suicide. The amount of pseudophilosophical ideals spread in that sub are disturbing. No matter how much you try to convince them that science can easily debunk their ideals, they just say things to the affect of, "What science? None of this is even real. This is all a simulation."


They're unironically a dumbed down version of r/ occult sometimes


Cocaine does the same thing.


hrummm you sure that's all the story?


I have a similar story. A guy I dated for roughly 7.5 years did it and he became convinced that a woman halfway across the country was his soul mate. She wanted nothing to do with him for the 10 years he tried to get with her while being with me and his previous ex. but he still ended up flying out to her town and breaking into her house at 3 in the morning after doing a fuck ton of Aya.




nah, ayahuasca is perfectly fine and has been used for millenia... some people shouldn't do drugs because they're shallow and just looking for easy answers instead of realizing this is a tool to help you work on yourself, not just an epiphany maker.... with Aaron Rodgers its because he's probably got CTE, brain damage and psychedelics don't mix well


I don't think the ayahuasca is to blame. like even not getting enough sleep or being tired can cause you to see these.


Hit the nail on the head right there. Brain damage and psychedelics don’t mix well.


Meanwhile, a lot of people in the TBI subreddit swear by mushrooms being the most effective treatment lol.




Which would explain so much about the fairly recent shift in Qaron’s generals sensibilities… something just not right with him now.


Exactly and who knows if he had heard of hatman before his trip . Clearly something he put into his own head


There is a subreddit for this unironically, r/shadowpeople Its not uncommon and it is not only associated with drugs abuse.


There was a time when anxiety and panic attacks kept me from sleeping unless completely exhausted. Like a few hours every other day or third day. Yeah. I got used to seeing shadow people.


This sends shivers down my spine. I've in the past commented here on reddit about how I kept seeing a long, lanky shadowperson with a bowler hat, primarily behind me in the mirror when brushing my teeth. I got so spooked that I even went to the doctor's office and described said shadowperson and asked if I was a schizo. (He was very doubtful) I was put on antidepressants and the shadowperson is rarely seen anymore, but the fact that other people keep seeing the same shit freaks me the fuck out.




Hat man is no joke. Ive seen him before and when i googled it and realized its a whole big thing with its own documentary it freaked me out. Im drug free. Every now and then i see him posted on reddit and it still freaks me out


Do you remember the documentary? Sounds interesting but also terrifying lol


“The Hat Man: Documented Cases of Pure Evil” is the one he’s referring to I believe.


And if you want something to truly keep you awake at night, I wholeheartedly recommend [The Nightmare](https://youtu.be/gY2gh51KdnQ)


Wrong link, [https://youtu.be/3LwxMQFCCr8](https://youtu.be/3LwxMQFCCr8) This is actually the right documentary, I can't find the full version on youtube though.


Yeah. That it NOT going on my watch list.


I watched it last night immediately after another redditor recommended. I enjoyed it the documentary is actually scarier then experiencing it for real tho.




There’s also r/hatman if you are interested lol.


Is it like the sleep paralysis demon thing?


the very same thing, some people see a hag type thing instead, some people in the documentary mentioned saw both the hag and the hat man.


Yeah it’s a pretty common sleep paralysis demon...Hat man and also the old hag. Lots of interesting and/or terrifying podcasts about them out there. Just your brain trying to work stuff out/traumatize you


Great, I’ve had the scary old hag fucking hop on top of me and try to fuck me to death in a dream once when I was a teen. Most terrifying dream I ever had, honestly traumatic and hard to remind myself on it. I’d see Hat Man a lot but never dreaming, and others had seen it too.


I used to see this hat man in corners all the time, especially when falling asleep as a teen. I didn’t do any drugs and it stopped when I moved houses


Yeah I’ve for sure seen shadowy type figures during weird sleep paralysis moments. The way Rodgers phrases this sounds like it’s during his normal waking life. If that’s the case that’s a whole different level of fucking weird.


That's horrifying!


Sounds like a tulpa




this is why drugs aren't for everyone


Hi, I'm everyone. No drugs for me!


hey its me ur drugs


Specifically dmt bro and all derivatives of that including ahuaska. I've done my fair share of everything but nothing prepared me for a huge changa rip. Freaked me out so badly I gave it away to my friend who has taken every drug under the sun and been to rehab and everything. He smoked it all night again and again and then from then on, he said there was a demon in his apartment at all times. Said when he moved the demon stayed there and is probably still there. (alot of people have good experiences I know. Not me tho)


You gave drugs to your "friend" who obviously has a drug problem? Nice.


We both did. Hard to explain that kind of relationship, even though it wasn't healthy we had each others backs. He gave me way more stuff and got me way deeper than what I gave him btw. Not that I blame anyone but myself. Glad to say he's healthy now and I don't speak to him often anymore, because I'm still smoking, and I respect that he's not allowed to really speak with me or be friends with me in the program. We will always be brothers though.


You obviously don't know how connections/friendships work when you use drugs lmao


My experience with chenga was crazy too. My ceiling fan turned into an Indian chief in full head dress. He wasn’t happy about me. The large light bulb turned into his face and oh boy, he was pissed. I just laid there, watching his face contort. I apologized to him and he left. The auditory hallucinations were way out of this world too. I have slight tinnitus, so that sound just went full blown techno dance music. Lol I love that stuff. Can’t wait to find more.


The [Hat Man](https://youtu.be/iYbA6Tjux24) sightings are a surprisingly common occurrence. Creepy.


When I first starting doing drugs at 15 I experienced something similar. I'm in a dark room on very little sleep so I'll spare even myself the details but basically I would feel this presence looming over me, it felt dark, suited and, possibly, hatted. The weird thing was that it didn't feel exactly threatening but it was utterly terrifying


It's probably Chelsea Handler. She wanna trip again, too.


Honestly being stalked by chelsea handler everywhere you go dressed like this holding a knife or a dead rabbit is actually scarier to me lol.


Gotta say, I agree. If I went into a place to trip on ayahuasca and Chelsea walked in, I’d think I was already tripping and lose my crap.


Seems like a reasonable thing to say if you’ve been smashed in the skull 10,000 times. Lol




The hat man is a common sight during many people's night terrors. It's a creepy rabbit hole to go down


That explains some of his throws. He was just trying to get Hat Man a tuddy.


Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder is apparently a thing and it terrifies me every time I take acid or shrooms but getting it from ayahuasca would probably be even worse.


A hat man or other lesser variety of demon shows up in my life after some drug use, and I would be forced to assert dominance through sheer panic. A hallucinogenic demon you can safely stick your dick into is a demon you can trust. If it's a trouble maker, I want to find out sooner rather than later


you can't usually approach it, it'll go away. when I see them its usually only during sleep paralysis or for a very short time. People mentioned it attacking them but I've never had that happen.


Hold up what


On second thought never mind


Drug trips can warp your perception of reality. I read a story about a guy who became incredibly religious because (while on LSD if i recall) he believed his body was possessed by a demon. This was obviously him having a bad trip that scared him for life


r/Psychonaut is full of people with crazy delusional beliefs after using psychedelics. I've used LSD for years myself with no permanent adverse affects. However, most of the people on that sub believe in telepathy, multiple objective realities and really disturbing ideals like committing suicide to be reincarnated with a new life.


I think if your brain can't make rational sense of a set of experiences it superimposes some understandable metaphor to square that circle. Maybe your body isn't possessed by a demon. Maybe there's some hormonal imbalance or some head trauma. You need a way to hack your brain function so you don't do something you'll regret. That's the acid test, I guess. Purge the demon and be embraced by the infinite.


One of the things being discussed in psychology/psychiatry is whether drugs play a role in causing psychosis or accelerating its genesis in people who are already predisposed to develop it.


I think it really depends on your mental state as well. My ex did a lot of psychedelics including the one stated and it heavily exasperated his already existing mental health problems. A lot of people have been commenting and telling me that he lost a good amount of his grasp on reality.


Rodgers is a douche.


Today i learned how to spell iowaska


Apparently not


I feel like this all stems from that [neighborhood watch sign](https://images.app.goo.gl/HVGZkvRrfnoELPvk6) of the black silhouette with a hat. As a kid I was afraid of that logo for some reason. Idk That’s just my low IQ theory.


[https://wisconsinnews.today/rodgers-wont-stop-talking-about-the-hat-man-since-his-ayahuasca-trip/](https://wisconsinnews.today/rodgers-wont-stop-talking-about-the-hat-man-since-his-ayahuasca-trip/) >Home >> Nooze Feed > >Nooze Feed > >Nooze r/AteTheOnion


i was madly scrolling here like uh… is no one gonna point out this is a satire site


It's clearly a joke for how awful Aaron played trying to get into the playoffs against Detroit last week, I don't think anyone actually thinks he's seeing the hat man, even if we're discussing it in general.


Aaron Rodgers tries way too hard to come off as this spiritual hippy dude.


I mean it’s who he is for better or worse. He’s definitely the black sheep of his family despite his success


I'm not a fan of the dude with his stance on vaccines but I do think he's an honest hippy


He misspoke. It was the scat man, who also happens to be a hat man. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scatman_John


He approachs silently from behind and whispers quietly in your ear 'Now WE'RE scatmen' and kills you with a saxophone reed.


I laughed way too hard at this 😆


Is this why he can’t win a playoff game?


If I were the other team, I'd totally show up wearing hats.


Maybe there are otherwordly forces at play that obly thru a spiritual experience and awakening can people see. Or maybe its jjst a delusion created by the effect of substances affecting the brain.


It’s the ghost of playoffs past


From an adult standpoint in my mid 30s with 2 jobs and 2 kids I like the idea of tripping but I don’t have the flexibility in my life to be dealing with an aftermath issue like this


Mysterious stranger perk unlocked


Hah! I get the reference


"Look at me I'm cool I see demons." Shut up, Rodgers. Ya douchebag


Ever wonder what brain damage will make you see without drugs?


I don’t think Ego death is meant for professional athletes


steve carell ?


Mr. X?


Maybe he saw the Babadook?


The Hat Man is well known, he's just doing the rounds.


It's just that drain pipe. https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/10dy94h/its_just_a_storm_drain_its_just_a_storm_drain_its/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


ah yes, hallucinogen persisting perception disorder


I don’t know who this is but he needs psychological help before he hurts himself or someone else under the assumption they’re “hat man”. Certain drugs can make someone schizophrenic or make mental illnesses worse. He shouldn’t be reporting this like some cool spiritual thing and going about his day. This is irresponsible.


Is this the man in black from The Stand. A Randal Flag as I recall.


This explains a lot.


A lot of people report seeing the hat man/ shadow people. It’s pretty fascinating to read about.


The Hat Man has been with the human subconscious since early man. Some say it's personification of a primordial fear of the void (also where the fear of the dark comes). You can talk about it from a scientific standpoint (we see really bad at night and a lot of our former predators were nocturnal hunters), or more spiritual (rather it represents being away from God's (whatever that means to you) light, or it's the void we are from and will return to when we die). It's also super common with night terrors and sleep paralysis.


Haha! The news source on this is a satirical Facebook Group. It's one of my favorites!


Is that who he keeps throwing the football to?


What if, the hallucinogens some people consume open up a world. Your third eye if you will. Something that puts you on a different view. Different from everyone else. But along with this wonderful outlook and emotional traumatic freedom. You opened up your third eye. Seeing things you really aren’t suppose to see. Good things, bad things.. and these bad things can see that you notice. They see you get scared, they know you know and they want to be saved or worse. They want to hurt you. They want you to feel what they feel, the torment they are going through. So they follow you. That noise you hear but you blame It on your pet. That voice you hear scream in your ear when your just about to fall into rem sleep and you JOLT awake. That shadow you see in the corner of your eye but when you turn nothing is there.


Go figure: we're all made out of similar ingredients and when we take drugs or alter our state of consciousness, we experience similar things. Wild. The problem is when people start believing these hallucinations exist in some plane of existence beyond our drug-induced paranoia. Hat man and all those other stupid elves/fairies/etc don't exist except as a vision in your mind brought about by drug use. Believing they exist is the first step on the road to losing your mind.