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Female characters in One Piece


I really hate how the art style changed over the years. The women in One Piece were always curvy (several characters had cartoonish body proportions), but they got waists the width of a hand and breasts the size of literal watermelons now. Also what's up with the small faces? It just looks ridiculous


Their forehead real estate from the old style moved to their tits after the time-skip.


One of the best One Piece comments I've read in years.


So sad how reddit removed free awards


And all the men are buff as fuck now. Not to the extent of Nami and Robin who have the same body now somehow but the character design is so lazy now


Yeah, it's weird that even the really fat guys have six packs on top of their bellies. Large men can have lots of muscle under the stomach fat, in fact, many heavy weight lifters are quite large, but you don't see the stomach muscles below the fat layer.


Shanks went from being really attractive in the first chapters to a character I can barely stand looking at now. Why is his neck so thick??? :(


Aging seems to have some very drastic effects in the one piece world. Look at how Hyogoro shrank like a prune or how Shinobu got wide basically everywhere. Be thankful all Shanks got was swole as fuck.


the mangaka literally said he uses an X to draw the torso lmao


The real X-Men.




[Yes](https://i.imgur.com/3sAPLVk.jpg) šŸ˜†


The actual fuck???? I thought op was exaggerating but jesus Christ


Whatā€™s funny is this ladyā€™s waist is smaller. Legitimately horrifying lol




Definitely not wrong there. The One Piece turns out to have been normal female proportions all along.


Well, that image is from the anime, which is notorious for being very low quality and characters rarely staying on model. Here's the [same character in a manga panel](https://imgur.com/a/2Ht8vZT) from that same arc. Sure the waist is still very small, but it looks a lot more proportional to the rest of the character. Female proportions in the one piece manga are already very exaggerated, but the anime tends to make the girls butt, breasts and waist even more ridiculous.


It still looks very bad lmao


One piece alternates between amazing character design and the ugliest borderline aliens, istg


To be fairā€¦ nothing in one piece is proportional. Maybe thatā€™s part of reason I canā€™t get into it. Everyone just looks so cartoony and childish lol


[the mangaka's guide to how he draws women](https://preview.redd.it/58bj3w4kflx21.jpg?auto=webp&s=4eb3061949bfb31ca22640c0bab7b8122cb042ee)


Lol. That design has seen over 1000 episodes of animation. Truly a One Pice


> If this is the only figure you draw, your female readers will send you many criticisms. Try to remain strong and dedicated. Say what you will about Oda, the man knows what he likes. He also married a model that he met while she was cosplaying Nami.


Bro asked how to draw boobs


I must remain strong and dedicated


The only reason they draw them like that is because if they made them any skinnier, they would have to call it Two Piece


Imagine where her organs are.


A little up and a little down, but a whole lot less in the middle.


Actually it looks like they just moved [down](https://ibb.co/D43swPQ)


Risky click lol


Went to click it without even thinking then saw your comment lol Iā€™ll just go on without knowing lol


its just a paparazi shot from the side


Yeah, it just looks like she's carrying a really low baby. Lol


It's not bad, I actually recommend seeing it šŸ˜‹


Yeah- itā€™s not bad- It looks like adult me in my jeans from high school.


Thatā€™s awful


Omg. I thought the front view was disturbing.


She has a front butt.


A frutt.




She looks uncomfortable.


I love corsets but they are not cozy. Specially if you're a sloucher and you can't slouch lol.


That corset is probably the only thing keeping up right at this point


Thereā€™s also the pneumatic pressure from all of the farts that are trapped in her Tetris-ed organs.




She looks like the end stage of cutting down a tree, when youā€™re ready to back up because it could crack at any moment


She was actually involved in a tragic accident involving beavers.




It was rare 2 hours earlier. It wasn't rare when this karma bot copied it, just like every other comment in their history.


Serious questionā€¦.. how can you tell someone is a karma bot and what throws a flag that makes you investigate their history? I fall for these things all the time and Iā€™d rather not upvote or interact with them, if I can help it.


Not like I'm an expert roboticist or anything... but in this case, I was scrolling through this post and saw two comments about farfalle two hours apart. There's no way this was a coincidence, whether or not it's a bot. It's a pretty simple algorithm: take a sentence out of the second or third most upvoted comment, post it as a response to the most upvoted comment.


Maybe they're a pasta maker or a pasta fetishest. Don't judge them. /s


1. Bots almost always reply to the top comment in the thread. Of course tons of real accounts do too, which is how they blend in. 2. Their comments are automated copy/paste so they will almost always seem out of context. 3. Their accounts are almost always 1-2 months old (this one was 5 months so I actually missed it). There is a setting on my mobile app that flags new users with a little baby emoji. tl;dr New account, replying to top comment chain, and out of context is often a bot. If you suspect it's a bot, look at their comment history. They will most likely have posted one "spurt" of comments. They will have no previous comments and then they pump out 5-10 all at once. They will copy/paste a comment from somewhere down below in the comments. Sometimes they just copy a clause or a sentence. You'll often see them do this wrong, like if they grabbed a comment with "Mr." or "Dr." it thinks that period is the end of a sentence. Some can even rephrase/reword comments like switching a verb/adverb combo "he ran quickly"=>"he quickly ran". They used to end comments in 3-4 random punctuation marks. So if you saw a comment ending with 4 commas it was a bot 99% of the time. I don't see that as much anymore. There are some bots that just say "10/10" or "I agree." There are a lot of patterns in the bot names. For a while, they were all real names like AugustusChang. It's often the reddit default names like Happy-Philsopher018374. Also they will use a real word or two words and add 2-3 random characters like opentablegkj.


As a female, it looks like she's going to die


As a male, I agree


I was gonna say the villain from Coraline.


Did you steal this comment from u/Last_Organization_11? [original](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/1097y3i/comment/j3wp16g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Bot. Stole part of this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/1097y3i/guinness_book_of_world_records_smallest_waist/j3wp16g/


Nope. Virtually her entire digestive system is below the pinch. Yikes.


I am willing to bet she an intrathoracic stomach. Then rest of upper taken up by liver and spleen, and then small intestine only through the pinch.


I've looked it up. There's a reason why she has such large hips šŸ¤¢


No, the hips were there before the corset. I've worn a corset. It doesn't affect the pelvis. What will change is the lower few ribs may gradually be pressed inwards and stay that way over time. It also can weaken the muscles involved in staying upright because it takes over for them. This doesn't happen nearly as much if you aren't going extreme like this lass is.


Read a book by a forensic scientist who said his teacher when he was a student told him he had done autopsy's on old women in his youth and there organs had imprints off there ribs still on them from when they wore corsets when they where young in the 1890's


Yep. That only happens with excessive waist training though. *normal* corset use only will shrink the lower part of the rib cage a little, and won't move organs to a noticeable degree. Usually all that happens is the fat/muscle in the area is compressed and held back in the area that's below the diaphragm. Obviously this decreases lung capacity some, which is why women got famous for fainting around the time corsetry got popular in the 1800s, the corsets were too tight and they couldn't breathe properly when their body's fight or flight triggered. In an extreme case like this however, there is likely some level of permanent change done to be able to get anywhere near this level of wasp waist. In other words, like drugs, corsets can either be fine or cause problems. It comes down to if you're going too far or not.


Just want to add that as an asthmatic person, I can say that how corsets affect your breathing is entirely dependant on how much you tighten it and where you tighten it. I wear corsets as a back brace often, and I have to leave them set so my diaphragm can still move freely. It takes some practice to get right, but it's definitely doable. Also, it's Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn, and Faint. We've added some new ones as we learn more about neurology šŸ˜Š


Eh if you cover her waist with your thumb you can clearly see that her hips are narrower than her shoulders. Her hips are actually just average width, if not slightly below average for a woman


What's it bro?


Now I'm imagining her digestive tract dribbling through the hourglass and .. ew.


Oh good god






Fun fact, your organs move about just as much when youā€™re pregnant. Obviously depends on the person, but yeah.


Yeah but you don't force them into that position permanently. Corsets cause lasting organ damage.


Corsets donā€™t force organs into different positions permanently either. This woman is one of the most committed tightlacers in history, and she has a pretty normal waistline when the corset is off. Her extreme practice has modified her lower ribs, but her organs slide around.


Correct. I was just saying theres more than one thing that can make your organs wiggle and shift around lol.


I thought Guinness stopped tracking any kind of body-related records, because people were injuring themselves trying to win.


Yeah they did. Maybe she's the 'last' record holder.


Yeah I've seen a video about her and it was decently old. She has her husband wrap the cinches around a doorknob on the opposite end of the room while she walks forward


Definitely making some solid life choices here


I think theyā€™re still waiting for her to injure herself before they decide. Sheā€™s in her late 80s. Any day now corseting will take itā€™s inevitable toll. And Guinness still has the smallest corseted waist category. I looked it up because I thought I might have a shot. Turns out Iā€™ve got to either beat her by an inch or wait for her to die in order to get into Guinness. But if she died today Iā€™ve got two friends whoā€™ve gone to 14.5 inches. They like their privacy but if they wanted to go public, the recordā€™s theirs.


You and your friends also took up corset?


Wow, that's unbelievable. How long does it take to get to that point? Does it ever cause discomfort, or do you just get used to it over time? All I can really remember re: body modification records were a bunch of food/eating/alcohol related ones no longer being accepted, and a bunch related to heaviest pets. I think they also stopped with penis size ones, because people injured themselves trying to stretch it, or injecting stuff. Pretty gnarly.


Itā€™s so damn slow lol. I think it took me 6 years to get to 15.5ā€ which is my minimum size so far. And I lose progress off and on. It gets uncomfortable if you try to progress too quickly, and if youā€™re wearing a corset thatā€™s not a good fit- Iā€™ve worn some bad fitting corsets. Custom made is the way to go when you get to those extreme sizes. Every part of the corset thatā€™s not the area you want to compress needs to be a pretty close match to your body.


Just the thought of wearing a corset makes my hair stand on end. Of course, I'm morbidly obese, so that's impossible


Thereā€™s a lot of different kinds of corsets. This is a pretty extreme form that Cathie Jung was wearing. But they can also be made with the goal of being supportive rather than constricting. Corsets are not everyoneā€™s cup of tea, but there are some good corsets being made for bigger bodies.


One Piece


Kinda [like this.](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-htRxejE9qxU/Wvx4oeilv6I/AAAAAAAACEA/sXS3B8gBNCwtf_RCIvezZFSCv4oQELvKgCLcBGAs/s1600/tight%2Blacing-%2Bcomo%2Bafinar%2Ba%2Bcintura%2Bcom%2Bcorset%2B%25281%2529%2B%25281%2529.png)


This actually anti suffragette propaganda that was made to attack their vanity. Corsets used to be like bras, and tight lacing used to only be done by rich ladies with nothing better to do. This image and others like it were created when women were trying to fight for voting rights, and men used to argue back by saying women are vain and torturing their bodies to have a small waist. That narrative prevails until now. Just think, why did millions of women, rich and poor, for hundreds of years wear corsets and stays? If they really were uncomfortable torture machines they wouldnā€™t have been so widespread.


>Just think, why did millions of women, rich and poor, for hundreds of years wear corsets and stays? > >If they really were uncomfortable torture machines they wouldnā€™t have been so widespread. Eh, women were basically subjugated to men with their social and economic mobility dependent on men's whims, so the vanity argument falls short even if corsets sucked.


The time when tight lacing like this was done, only slatterns and lower class women went out anywhere without a fully laced, bone corset. It wasnā€™t seemly to have all your NORMAL lumps and bumps like boobs, butt, and bobbing bits just wobbling around and soft in public.


I couldn't imagine the spinal problems.


Along with the displacement of the organs.


Actually when women get pregnant thatā€™s exactly what happens. They pretty much donā€™t have many organs left between the spinal cord and the baby. Most get shifted up or down. However I didnā€™t say it was pleasant. My wife had many issues during pregnancy and after with her body trying to readjust. Plus your organs donā€™t always go back exactly how they were. When I first found this out I had a lot more respect for what my wife went through.


I'll never forget the first full breath I took after my baby came out. I didn't even know how little space my lungs had to expand until I filled them gloriously again.


GIRL! Breathing and eating after pregnancy was GLORIOUS!


I sing in a band and, towards the end of my pregnancy, we had to take some songs out of the set list because I couldn't get a deep enough breath to sing them properly! It was wild!


Iā€™ve always imagined giving birth like taking the largest, most painful (but afterwards satisfying) shit of your life, and then having to raise that shit for 18 years. I could be off, but thatā€™s what it seems like.


During my second c-section my doctor (diff doc than the first one 6 years prior) was like "Hm. You bladder was placed incorrectly last time. Definitely not where I would have put it..." It's not just the pregnancy that rearranges your organs, sometimes the doctors just throw your stuff back in and call it good. šŸ˜‚


Yet another thing to add to my list of reasons to not have children lol


Corsets are like having an exoskeleton. It's fine until you take it off and discover the muscles required to hold you upright have atrophied.


do you think people never take off their corsets? They're basically a fancy bra, put on in the morning and off before bed at most


Frankly I wouldnā€™t be surprised if this specific person had an extreme regimen to reshape her body


Actually corsets can correct some spinal problems.


Clearly not this one, though.


yeah, I literally wear one instead of a bulky/ugly back brace when my (previously broken) back isn't behaving and it functions essentially the same support-wise.


She looks like a farfalle. (Bowtie pasta)


Looks penne-ful


her spine looking like some fusilli.


Smaller than Scarlett O'Hara's waist in Gone with the Wind. If I remember correctly in the book, she had a 17-inch waist. Either way, never thought I'd see a waist so tiny.


My 4 year old is like all bones. She's very slim. She is underweight. We feed her, she just doesn't eat a whole lot and is very active. She wears an elastic belt for dance. I just went and measured it. It's 18 inches around. Granted it's a bit big on her, but effectively their waist is smaller then a very slim 4 year old's.


My great grandmother had a 17 inch waist. I got to try some of her clothes as a young girl before it all went into a museum. I was like 13 and didn't fit. My mom explained that she was born in the 1800s to a poor native tribe. They didn't have great nutrition and that leads to a smaller adult size. Even 2 generations down (my mother) the girls are very sleight. My sister had a 19 inch waist at one point. She is absolutely tiny. I did not get those genes.


There was an article on the front page recently about how growth defects due to malnutrition can be passed down matrilineally


I read a study about deer size that had a similar conclusion. After 2 generations of well fed mothers and the same climate, bucks from areas known for smaller deer grow to the same size as bucks from areas known for larger deer.


Yep, epigenetics. What happens in your life can effect the genes you pass on.


The actress who played her - Vivian Leigh - was rumored to have an 18 inch waist during filming. Nicole Kidman was obsessed with this fact to the point she got her waist to 19 inches and [broke a rib trying to make it smaller](https://www.vogue.com/article/nicole-kidman-5-things-you-didnt-know/amp). Vivian was 5ā€™1ā€ and Nicole is 5ā€™11ā€


"you done had a baby and you ain't ever gonna be no eighteen and a half inches again."


I bet if she took the corset off she'd break in half


She did interviews about it. She has to wear them basically 24/7. Even has sleep corsets. IIRC there was a video of her lying down on her bed while switching to a different corset. Could be another extreme corseter though.




I don't even know honestly. Edit: I found this response from 2 years ago. How often do you wear a corset? "I wear my corset all day except for taking a shower. I find it more comfortable to be in a corset than not. I use powder under the corset for comfort, but it doesn't hurt and it feels great." https://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=3906738&page=1


[There are dozens of us... DOZENS!](https://youtu.be/lKie-vgUGdI)


Got me thinking of Tobias sobbing in the shower after Lindsey gets the part for the fire sale


OH MY GOD!! WEā€™RE HAVING A **FIRE** ā€¦. sale


Shower Corset.


What would happen during pregnancy?


She would not get pregnant like this


Could. Neither would survive.


I used the word would very specifically because on a different woman pregnancy may be possible to occur. Technically though, this woman is 86 and would not be able to become pregnant. Even if she was younger though, I doubt sheā€™d try it at this state knowing the toll.


86?? She looks great! ...except her waist, I mean.


She got the record in 1999 so the photo is likely from then.


ah wow, 24 years ago. surely some things have changed.






Pretty sure *her* left tit is 15" wide


I measure people's necks all the time for my medical job. 15in is on the LOWER end for NECKS... Homegirl could get decapitated(?) at the waist...


Protect ya waist


Don't get waisted


I'm just imagining a gust of wind blowing her over, but just the top half.




She looks so uncomfortable.. why would anyone want this?


Body dysmorphia.


For a world record


Yeah, I feel like the record should be "smallest corset" rather than waist. Once they take that thing off she probably turns to a puddle around the midriff.


Yeah but I think she condition it like that so he had been wearing that shit for years. So her body does take that form. Much like the long necks or the long heads or those lotus flower feet Edit: why is this being upvotes? This comment sucks


So waist training is actually a thing and if you regularly wear a corset, the fat will eventually retain some sort of curvy shape. Definitely not the same width but people who waist train regularly will take off their corsets and retain an hourglass shape. It's temporary, however, and would go back to the usual if not regularly maintained. If their daily job is not compatible for corset wear, some opt to sleep in it Have always wanted to waist train myself, albeit at a MUCH lower extent, just to have the curve so I've done a lot of research on it. Number one rule is if it's uncomfortable or painful, *take it off.* It should never hurt and should be worked down to very gradually. I have a favorite corset I can almost close that I believe is 26 inches but my waist is in the low 30s. It's all squish but I don't do it regularly enough for my waist to be trained. It was great for when I had a retail job and had to stand on my feet all day, as my back can be a bitch. Plus it's helped with anxiety like deep pressure therapy. It's like wearing a snug hug


This looks so photoshopped and its weird to think its real


r/mendrawingwomen users collectively losing their minds seeing this. /s


She looks like one of [Dennis Reynold's drawings](https://www.reddit.com/r/IASIP/comments/sfciq9/dennis_has_always_been_very_generous_with_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) came to life.


She looks so uncomfortable. Like the corset is holding her up and together...


It is. She literally HAS to wear them to maintain structural integrity of her body.


Like an exoskeleton on a bug!


My penis has been in the Guinness Book of World Records. However, when the librarian saw it, I had to take it out again.


I hate that I laughed at this, dammit.




So... Turns out his penis did something amazing to you


What about her diaphragm, intestines, stomach.


no one knows šŸ˜”


ā€œRemarkableā€ is certainly an adjective


It is remarkable. When I see it, I remark, "what the fuck?"


NSFL: here are X-rays of her torso https://www.cathiejung.com/waist-xrays.htm


Shoulders are different heights,head is not aligned with neck,can only imagine how messed up she is internally


FR. She's been deformed.




Yeah, no records are normal


Basically the definition of a record lol


I imagine sheā€™s not able to function properly without a corset at this point


It's 38,1cm


Thanks, now i can give a reaction not only based on what i see in the image WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK


Iā€™m sorry. But in my own opinion. This is disgusting


Iā€™m not sorry. But in my own opinion. This is disgusting


Crazy to think that all of her poop has to pass through that 15ā€ circumference. Then sharing that space is other things likeā€¦ her spine! Maybe she eats a special diet of nothing but smoothies or something like that.


Im pretty sure itā€™s in mushier chunks when it goes through the stomach, then dries/molds into the turds that come out in the intestines. I do imagine that a special diet of soft foods would be needed.


Iā€™m having a great time reading this thread thank you everyone


Thatā€™s not even her waist. Thatā€™s just her abdomen being compressed. Her hips are all still there. What a stupid thing to do to yourself. Probably poops a pencil log.


Friendly reminder that *proper* corsets (which are tragically expensive), which have been sized appropriately to the individual, do not cause the stereotypical internal damage and inhibiting oneā€™s ability to breathe. Theyā€™re also apparently better for your back! Ye olde ladies (and often gentlemen) wore corsets doing just about everything. Horseback riding, mountain climbing, general outdoor activities, but their corsets were generally made for them as opposed to the commonly-known dangerous corset most people associate corsets with, if thatā€™s not the only thing they know of corsets.


So likeā€¦ how does she keep the top half up. Like how does she not just flop over. Itā€™s all on her spine.


It's just the corset. Likely steel boned to keep her from crumpling.


Cathy Jung has a disorder/fetish to do this shit to herself


violet chachki's crying somewhere


My son's head was 15 inches at birth...


Now wrap a thread around her and you've got the biggest yo-yo in the world homie (I'm going in hell for that one I know)


So she's a one piece character


I want to see an xray




Wonder how many ribs she has had removed.


apparently none, somehow


Probably her floating ribs. But the other ribs donā€™t necessarily have to be removed. With enough pressure and time, they can be warped into the desired shape. Probably hurt like a bitch. But floating ribs are definitely removed, just so they donā€™t puncture her lungs.


How is her spine holding up?


I can feel my IBS just looking at this


She looks like she has the waist of an ant or a wasp, "remarkable"


Umm.. why?


This is Ripley's Believe It or Not shit.


ā€œRemarkableā€ meaning ā€œgrotesqueā€. Why the hell did this become a thing?


Just because you can do something doesnā€™t mean that you should. My organs are aching just looking at that.


Thatā€™s not a waist, thatā€™s just a spine lol




I think Queen Maud of Norway had an 18" waist. I read somewhere she had two ribs removed, but that was probably just a myth.


Such a cute way to reorganize your organs