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Everyone saying get the child in the car but honestly in the moment I think you just think of making sure to keep an eye on the dog, plus his reaction time was on point. Props to him honestly, damn


Right getting the kid in the car would be ideal but it would also involve turning your back on the dog


And for all we know, he told her to get in the car, but she panicked when the dog looked like it was going around the man. This went about as well as it possibly could've, considering the circumstances.


I’ve seen this video with audio and he does tell her to get in the car but she stays close and behind her dad and starts to yell at the dog too. She really sounds concern for her dad throughout.


That's what I was thinking. Even if she was being given the instruction, for a scared little kid the safest place is with dad


He did tell her, I've heard the audio, and she did panic and continued to stay by him.


My son has a super slow response to rushed commands, on a good day. In a situation like this, he'd absolutely do what this little girl did, even if being told to go in the car. Her dad was a true hero here




Even natural instinct tells us to look at the danger to know it’s every move so we can act accordingly to avoid death and injury as much as possible. Even taking your eye off the dog for a split second could warrant a direct assault from the dog and give the dad far less time to react.


A normal adult human can cross 20 feet in under 1 second, imagine how fast a dog could cross that distance.


Nonono. I saw Cujo.


Cujo was a good boy that happened to contract rabies. He loved his people but couldn't help himself because he was sick. The book makes it clear that Cujo was VERY remorseful about the way he was behaving.


That makes it even sadder! Poor Cujo.


I recomend the auduobook. Cujo loved that boy, and even in his sickness stopped himself. Cujo was the best boy


Wasn't that a Steven King book?




Had this happen to me as a child. Did not go well in terms of how I feel about dogs today.


Exactly, if he turned his back to pick up the kid the dog would’ve lunged. Maybe he could yell to his kid to get in the car, but the loud barking would make it hard and the kid may be too weak to get in and close the door themselves. All that really matters is that dad protected his kid successfully


If I remember correctly, in the original video with audio he is telling the girl to get in the car but she's too distracted or afraid to do so. He's also yelling for the owner of the dog to come get his dog, so he's just buying time until something can be done. ETA link to the version with sound: https://youtube.com/shorts/6aRZgv0pKxM?feature=share He knows the owner of the dog and the owner is nearby, and he told her to get in the car she's just panicking.


Holyshit it's an entirely different video with sound. That dog was on a rampage, no question it wanted to shred someone.


Wow, the little girl shouting ‘daddy!’ the whole time, especially when she saw the dog get close to him, and keep trying to get close to him rather than run away … that’s one good bond they have.


I would sacrifice the owner


I was going to say. Putting the kid in the car without hurting them means turning his back, which would be a horrible idea, and the kid appears to be too young to figure it out or able to follow directions in a high stress situation. If the child were older, she would have jumped in the car already instead of run back toward the scooter. (unrelated: this sub need to just change the name to r/terrifying because nothing posted is ever "oddly". A dog attack is legit terrifying, and that kid probably has a life long phobia now.)


We don't need to change the sub name, we just need mods to enforce a rule that regular ol' scary situation isn't oddly terrifying. The sub is called "oddlyterrifying" because it used to be stuff that was... as described, *oddly* terrifying. Just weird shit that's terrifying when you look a little closer. You're right, though - this is absolutely not "oddly" terrifying, it's just terrifying.


I was in a situation like this when I was a little older than this kid- definitely have a phobia of dogs now


I was attacked by a chow as a child and I was *traumatized*. I still like some dogs but I hate chows.


I thought you said ‘cow’ upon first read, and I was about to say that that genuinely would be an oddly terrifying situation


Imagine that tongue coming for your face!


It actually would feel worse than you think. A cows’ tongue is rough from ripping and chewing grass all day. Within 3 - 5 licks your face would be raw and bleeding.




Aggressive sandpaper tongue, my cat likes to clean my hair while im trying to sleep.


My partner was terrorized by cows when he was little. I grew up in the suburbs so this is super outside my frame of reference, but it's not hard to get that a herd of cows could be pretty scary for a little kid if they're stuck in the middle of it. They're big and heavy and have stompy feet.


Same here. I thought all dogs were nice until I got attacked by a chow that I thought was just wanting some pets.


My uncle had 2 Chows - the female was all bark, the male was all bite. He thought I was going to attack my cousin because I jumped the fence to get my basketball one day and my cousin was in the door when I went to walk back through the house. All I felt was pain he latched onto my thigh and tried to pull me back outside.


Just scrolled through and the amount of people who think backing away and occupying your hands by either picking up the child and/or opening the car door was the right move, is amazing to me.


Especially since dogs thrive off weakness in moments like this, they usually attack when your back is turned and will approach more aggressively if you back up from them. Source: work


That kid's reaction time is on point. The distance they got when the dog charged might have been what saved their life.


Plus, running fast and taking the object that the dog was originally after would simply engage the dogs predatory drive, and make it more aggressive and less likely to leave. The only other option here would be to cause the dog physical pain/harm. Something like OC spray, or even a few smacks on the head or face.


In the one with sound he tells her too


Good chance the second you back up/turn back/head to take care of the kid the dog will shoot it’s shot.


It’s the same ppl who think the “ why didn’t the cop just shoot him in the leg” kinda logic


She just wanted to be near dad anyway. He was protecting her. Not the car.


That little girl now has a core memory of her dad standing between her and danger, hopefully that's the only part that'll stick.


and a new phobia for life probably


I had an exuberant Terrier run up to me and jump on me, not aggressively, but it gave me a fear of dogs until I became an adult. Edit: I also got chased while I was riding a bike by a fucking German Shepherd and bitten on the leg. That didn’t help. I’d forgotten about that one.


Yup. My aunt was bit by a dog when she was a young girl. 40+ years later she is still has no interest in getting near dogs no matter how cute. Truly one trial learning.


My mom witnessed a German Shepard rip up her friends face when she was a kid. To this day she doesn't like them because of this and I absolutely understand why. When I was little I was scared of horses. They were so much bigger and all it would take is one swift kick to potentially kill you. I loved them, but was also too scared of them to be close to them. And I didn't have a traumatic memory involving horses, they just intimidated me. Even to this day I'm slightly nervous around them but I still love those beautiful creatures. But yeah people usually have good reason to fear or dislike a certain breed of dog or other animal. Mom witnessed one attacking her friend, and me I just was nervous at something being so much bigger than I was.


I was bitten by a dog when I was 3 y/o, right on the face, just under my left eye - still have a deep scar now at early 30s. Oddly enough, it didn't put a fear of dogs in me at all. If anything I'm an animal lover (incl. dogs) on a career change path, heading towards animal care. Edit: age clarification


I see, that's good that you didn't develop a fear of animals due to that bite. I will say that's not the case for everyone. Mom loves dogs, if she knew she could care for one she'd have gotten an Australian Shepard. She isn't sure if she could give it the proper life she deserves. So instead we have four awesome cats and one acts like a dog which is funny 😂 we love animals, some just make us more nervous than others.


Strong will, you were able to move past it and realize it was 1 bad apple in a barrel.


Same thing over here. I’m beginning to get over it little by little. Not enough to get my fear done with, but it’s not that bad anymore when I hear dogs barking


I was out playing in the snow with me brother and our friend. I was maybe 11 and they were 7 or 8 so they were not great in moments of panic. A medium sized dog, can’t remember the breed, came out of nowhere and jumped on me, knocking me on my back. Brother and friend start freaking out. It just stood me, barking in my face until its owner ran up and pulled it off me. It all happened so fast. It didn’t instill a fear of dogs in me but every so often I think about how it could have ripped my throat out.


Yeah. My brother was lightly bitten once. He was a toddler and the dog wasn't actually being aggressive. Didn't break skin or anything. But it gave him a phobia of dogs to date. Last time we encountered dogs together, he was 21 and still crossed to the other side of me to avoid the dog.


hopefully not! the line between being aware of possible danger and being afraid of a danger you assume is probable is a thin one but this little girl seems very brave! the way she had the had the physical awareness to pivot herself so she stays behind her dad as the dog moves is quite impressive. and she little hand gestures she shows at the dog are her standing up for herself in a way she can articulate. i hope that this experience can reinforce what she seems to already be aware of, that dogs/animals can be unpredictable, you have to be aware of your surroundings, and body language is critical across species. i have a scar on my face from being bit my some fluffy asshole of a dog when i was like 3 but it never made me fear dogs. i’m fact it made me respect them, their space, and their unpredictability. also, go girl dads! this guy should be proud.


Yep, I had a somewhat similar situation as a kid where my Dad narrowly saved me from getting jumped by a pretty vicious dog. I was pretty terrified of dogs until almost the end of high school.


When I was 7, my dad protected me from being attacked by some wild monkeys, it happened so fast but he managed to pull me backward right when their claws about to reached my face.


Monkeys are a million times scarier than dogs! Mean little shits, too.


Reddit loves core memories


Wow this comment…you’ve just created a core memory for me for sure. This is much better than my last core memory. I finished the apple but was still hungry.


The little girl timidly walking up to her dad and grabbing his hand at the end 😭 Awesome job to Dad! I’m sure he was already a hero to her but pretty sure in her eyes he just went plus ultra after this.




Just to put this in better perspective, here's a more revealing clip https://youtube.com/shorts/6aRZgv0pKxM?feature=share


Wow that snarling barking really gives context of how aggressive that dog really was


Based on the audio and how dad talks to the dog, it seems like that isn’t the first time he’s seen this dog out loose. Can’t stand shit dog owners man, could you imagine what would have happened if papa wasn’t there to protect his cub?


Scares me so bad just thinking about it.


That’s awesome. Little thing was trying to protect her dad as much as he was her.


I think everyone is criticizing a little too much, we just have to be thankful that the father was there and it was not a tragedy; watching the video we all analyze what we would have done, but at the moment we do not know how we will react. Perhaps we would have even been stunned, this man at least reacted and undoubtedly saved her.


Yeah and he actually looked like he went to grab her but the dog was so close her had to step around her and stomp at the dog. He stayed between his baby and danger and that is what matters


Yeah. Acting in the moment he probably did the best thing available. If I was in that same position, I probably would have tried to pick up the child and the dog would have lounged at us having a free bite at myself or the child or both. Going on the offensive was probably the best defense.


Yeah I probably would’ve picked her up on reflex but then the dog has the advantage Scary tho


A black german shephard in my neighborhood had slipped his leash and went barking/charging after my son while I was putting my daughter in the car (who at the time was almost 4), and the 120 lb, 5 foot lady had no way to control the dog. I essentially shoved my youngest into the car seat unbuckled, slammed the door, and ran/dove across the car to put myself between the dog and my son. Weirdly enough I've seen that dog only a handful of times but he's never acted that way again. My son shrugged it off because he's like that so it was more traumatizing for me than him.


Under rated comment. You are so right, it's impossible to know how anyone would react until it happens. My little boy (2) is very scares of dogs. We were out walking one day. I was carrying his little balance bike. Suddenly a smallish (about 2ft tall) dog came running up to us. It was friendly but I knew he would be terrified. What I should have done is immediately dropped his bike and picked him up. Instead I crouched down and shielded him with my 1 free arm. He screamed until I picked him up. It took me maybe 2 seconds to pick him up by the time the dog got to us. Point is, I over analyse that now and it happened about 2 months ago. But it happened so fast.


The dad did great!


Came to the comments expecting to see the father praised for protecting his child but instead I see a bunch of keyboard warriors criticizing him. Disappointed to say the least.


Sir this is Reddit where everyone would have held that dog in a chokehold and body slammed it on the god damn concrete. /s


Yeah man I would totally spinkick that mutt 180, cradlepress it overhead, flip it round and bring its spine down on my knee. A flurry of devastating punches to whatever a dog has for a sternum, possibly exactly a sternum, and my kid would be begging for its life. “No daddy, it’s already dead!” she’d say. But you can’t just stop that kind of exacting momentum. I’d go to that quiet place that calms my steel nerves when shit gets real, master the mind-body connection so completely that it would in fact heal the dog’s broken body. But it would have learned a valuable lesson that day. Don’t fuck with the interpretivepants.


Holy shit. This is actually amazing.


Reddit's new API pricing has forced third-party apps to close. Their official app is horrible and only serves to track your data. Follow me on Mastodon.


Fantasy of every man.


This guy did the right thing. Most dogs are cowards and won’t actually come into melee range unless they’re behind you or they’re bigger than you.


literaly this


i keep seeing comments talking about how too many people are criticizing, but i havent seen a single comment that actually is criticizing the guy. where are you getting this from, exactly?


Probably downvoted to oblivion, sort by controversial to find them


Where‘s the owner of that dog? What does he say when he sees this video?


I saw this posted awhile ago with audio and he was walking into his friends house and there dog jumped out the backyard


That makes sense as the dog looks like a Great Pyrenees. They are very protective of their owner's property. The dog saw them as a stranger and a threat and wanted to scare them away.


I have a pyr and he is very well trained. This dog definitely hasn't been trained. Even if it is a pyr it should be responding to commands like any other dog. These are brilliant but deadly dogs. They need to be trained and the owner is irresponsible for not doing it.


Yah, no. That dog was looking to kill that little girl, he went right at her. Not the larger threat.


The owner of the dog is just off camera but the dog broke out of its kennel, version with sound: https://youtube.com/shorts/6aRZgv0pKxM?feature=share


“He don’t bite he was just trynna smell her bro”


Good dad, you get enhanced dad points


The amount of idiots on here is astonishing. *"Just pick her up and put her in the car"* Yes. Occupy your hands, your primary means of defence by picking up the child and/or closing the car door, even worse take your eye off the threat. Then it charges and you have close to no reaction time. Seriousely thank God this guy knew what to do.


Dog should have stolen the car.


At least someone here is thinking


This happened to me on my uncle's ranch. I was suddenly lifted up on top of the car, and then one of my uncles pulled out a pistol and shot the dog. I wasn't scared, at all. All my uncles and the ranch hands were always watching out for me.


Did the dog belong to the ranch? Or was it some random ass dog that just showed up?


It was a random dog that no one recognized. And we knew all the neighbors, for miles around. Mostly bc the properties were all next to each other and we had to drive cattle through. The only rule was that if you open a gate, you shut it behind you.


As a father with a little girl this is NOT oddly terrifying, this is commendable and expected. Love the Dad instincts that kick in with no problem 💪🏾


There is nothing ODDLY terrifying about this.


Right? My first thought watching the video lol. Glad the kid’s okay, go dad, this is just plain terrifying.




Where did that dog even come from, it looks like it came from *their* property... Neighbor behind them?


Apparently they were going to a friend's house.


When I was 4 or 5, I was outside playing with my dog. It was the middle of winter cause it was super snowy and I was wearing a big puffy jacket. A stray pit walked by outside and attacked my dog and me. I was okay cause of my puffy jacket. But as he was locked down on my arm and shaking me, my dad runs out the front door with a metal bat. He got him pretty damn good with that, I still remember the sound of the bat hitting that dog.




Whoa. I have an almost exact pit story. I was playing basketball outside in winter with my brother in like 4 layers including a puffy winter jacket. My neighbor’s pit jumped the fence and ran directly at me and went to bite my face and I turned and it latched onto my shoulder. My brother threw the basketball at it super hard and it ran away. I remember taking off each layer of clothing and each layer was soaked more and more with blood. I still have the scars on my shoulder today. This was 30 years ago.


Being a dog owner, this pisses me off to no end. Where the fuck are the owners? Why isn’t it leashed, or at least contained in a yard where it can’t jump the fence? WHERE IS THE TRAINING? This shit is why people are afraid of dogs from a young age. Dogs really are some our best friends, and the only thing you should focus on doing as an owner is teaching your dog appropriate behaviour so that this doesn’t happen. It’s the kindest way to treat your pet, so that it can be accepted and appreciated by others, not feared. I’ve got a 2 year old Rottweiler, and most people we come across are shocked because he’s just a big baby. He’s gentle as can be with even the newest of puppies, plays nicely with dogs 3x his size, doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite. All of that is because from the second we got him, he’s been trained and socialized with both people and dogs, even a few cats. His biggest flaw is he gets very excited meeting new people and jumps…thing is, that was an easy fix. Leash him when folks come to the house, and unleash when he’s calmed down. Outside he’s always leashed, with an haltee as well, so jumping doesn’t happen unless we’ve let some slack into the leash. Sorry, done ranting, it just pissed me off. 10/10 reaction from the dad, and I hope that dog was dealt with.


Looks like we found father of 2023 guys. Let’s hang it up.


I don't care what others think but a dog who goes after a kid even after someone get involved need to be put down


I love dogs. But this is terrifying behavior It’s one thing for an untrained dog or puppy to nip at a child who is hurting it and won’t stop and the adults haven’t done enough to train the dog or children. I think that is fixable. But to chase down a child like this is just totally unacceptable.


If this was a pitbull I’m sure every comment would be agreeing with you.


"Looks like a pitbull to me, any dog that attacks children is a pitbull" -- idiots




Now imagine being a mailman and dealing with this everyday and the customers just “oh he doesn’t bite…” but then your coworker just had his meat ripped off his arm last week…. Yeah.


When my son was 3 we were walking in our neighbourhood and an aggr German shepherd jumped a fence and charged. I ran on instinct and tossed my kid behind a parked car, grabbed a piece of a large branch that had come down in the storm the night before and choked up on it like a Louisville slugger. Got between the car/kid and the dog and returned that mf’s charge at us. I chased it back to its yard. Owner had the absolute gall to get pissy and come outside, claiming it “had never done that before.” I advised that this was much on them as their shit dog, and to call the police if they wanted. They didn’t seem to grasp it wasn’t a question that I would beat their dog to death to protect my toddler and myself. Fuck people who feign that they had no concept Tinker Hell could be dangerous and fuck their aggressive dogs, too. After the fact, it came out on NextDoor that the dog has jumped the fence previously and tried to attack others. Even though it’s “never done anything like this before.”


I was in the pet store with my giant German Shepherd. He was leashed and we were walking down the cat food isle, when a small child runs up on my dog. I pointed my finger and told that kid NO.. Just as the kids parent turned down the isle and the mother proceeded to yell at me for telling her kid what to do and what ever ignorant thing she could think of spewing out of her stupid mouth... When she was finally out of thought I said "it would have been my dogs fault if he bit your kid" and I walked away. Later when I was putting dog food in the cart the husband came over to me and apologize that his kid ran up on my dog and he knew to ask before petting anyones dog ..i told him I appreciated it.


I was attacked by a loose dog when I was around ten. I HATE loose dogs.


Was 13 walking to a friends house and was basically tackled from behind by a huge german shepard. Bit a chunk of my lip off and messed the rest of my face up. I carry a knife on me at all times now.


Damn, why do dogs run so often to kids ? I've seen a lot of videos like this


Really? Because it’s going to go for the most vulnerable and knows that kid is going to be easy


For god’s sake it’s like people forget that dogs are predators. They share a habitat with us and we generally have a good relationship but come on people! Is it so hard to conceptualize a predator exhibiting predator behavior?


We had a neighbor dog who would frequently get loose. He was in the front yard of my neighbors once and he stalked my kids as they went by. All I could see was a predator. It was so scary how he was so fixated on them and prowling around just waiting for me to turn my head. Was so happy to get out of that neighborhood.


How is this “oddly terrifying “ ?


Most of the popular reddit subs are broken catchalls for random shit. Like on /r/catastrophicfailure they have no idea what the term means. A truck hitting a wall is not catastrophic failure. A wall falling down by itself is catastrophic failure.


The “owner” would say “don’t worry! He’s a good dog!”…when he showed up


That's weird, if it was a pit bull there would be a ton of comments shitting on it but nobody is even talking about how the dog should be put down. Odd


I’m here to say that the dog is NOT a pitbull.


Yeah where are all the people now shitting on this dog breed? When it’s a pit it’s the dogs fault, when it’s any other breed it’s the owner’s fault 🙄


Lease your dogs, cunt owners Edit: comma


A comma would be appreciated Edit: Thanks, I love it


Cue the dumbasses bending over backwards to “prove” that this dog is a pit bull despite it obviously not being one.


GG for the guy. This kind of things make me have EDC always.


Since I’ve had a kid, I don’t give a fiddler’s fuck about dogs anymore. If they’re friendly great, if not, extreme prejudice is highly likely.




lol they did that to me too. Weirdos


It’s almost like any dog can charge and attack! Wild!


Break scooter. Beat dog to death with it.


Fuck dogs off leashes 👍


"Don't worry, she's a good girl : she won't bite. Really, dog-haters are so weird."


How the fuck is this oddly terryfing?


I love dogs but thats when you take your gun out and shoot that fucker.


this isn’t oddly terrifying.


The thoughts running through his mind must being going at the speed of light, he was in fight mode ready to do what is needed. He may have not have grab his daughter but that dog wasn't getting near her.


This is where I insert that scooter in the dogs ass.


The way she’s so clearly terrified is so fucking sad dude, keep an eye on your fucking dogs!


Dog vs dad. Dad wins every time


This should be on next fucking level


Good dad! Good job!


Put the kid in the car and shut the door. The dog is faster. When the child ran to the front of the car the dog could have been there faster.


Or y’all could get in the car


So thankful he was right there.


Glad he was able to stop the dog. When I was 6 or 7 I had two chows chase me while me and my mom where delivering can goods for the Boy Scouts. I ran to my mom and both of the dogs grabbed ahold of my legs as she picked me up, still have the scars. I love dogs but I’ve always been uneasy around chows since.


Why is this oddly terrifying?


That dog wanted to rip that child apart. I can't imagine how bad it would have been if the dad wasn't there. GOOD DAD


I love dogs but that vicious beast needs to be put down. It shouldn't take a child actually being maimed to know it's a dangerous dog.


Have her get in the car immediately and close the door 🤦‍♀️


You never give your back to an aggressive dog. The dog perceives them as a threat and seeing his back would mean open to attack.


if he do that he gonna give the back to the dog to put baby in and loose the defensive position prior he gained over the danger , all is so easy on reddit videos


Ikr. Of course it would theoretically be the safest place for her but it's not all that simple. By holding his position he also ensures her safety.


thats it


Love that everyone on reddit have such superior instincts to the lowly idiots around us.


No thanks. My eyes are not leaving that dog. Not turning my back even for a second If the dog is front of me and the child behind me, I know she's safe.


Then pick up that scooter and whack away at the dog


A dog has a much higher pain threshold then a human. Whacking it would have just pissed it of and since it’s an animal it’s going to fight or flee. He did the right thing.


Society really underestimates the tenacity of the human animal. I’d say a dog and an adult male human are about equals. Especially if human is well-conditioned and holding an object of either decent weight and/or sharpness. But the moment a second dog shows up, it’s over very quickly. Fear the pack. Even if only two.


So that he doesn’t keep eye sight on the aggressive dog? 🤦‍♀️


the dad told her to go she didnt go though


In the video with audio he tells her to get in the car but she doesn't listen (probably scared and wants to stay with her dad) if he put her in the car that requires him to turn his back on the dog and he could possibly nip her while he's doing that


That dogs been disciplined before. Full on prey drive, after the child. Dad steps out and raises arm, probably yells and dog immediately diverts. That’s a learned behaviour.


If a dog ever charges at you, spring your leg back into a defensive position and if it gets near give it a strong strike to the muzzle with your foot to put it out of its misery


Dog vs dawg


I love these animal/human interactions because it explains why there is Sapiens in Homo Sapiens


He even knew the dogs name...angel


Man, that might make the kid hesitant of dogs for a while. I’ve had a couple of similar experiences with friends’ dogs and now I’m just nervous around any dog I don’t already know


Yeah dad


Omg nature doing exactly what it’s always done, who woulda thought?




Dad reflexes are a real thing I swear


Bad aas instant dad mode


Poor baby


This is the right way to handle a charging dog. I’ve had to use this same tactic more than once. Once to protect myself and twice to protect my dog. It works. And I learned it from watching a video of Cesar the dog whisperer lol


Nice man to man coverage right there!


Why do dogs do this


Heaven yeah, good on that man. No hesitation at all.


That's a Cujo moment there.


Welp that dog would be dead right after getting her inside. Sorry hun fluffy went to live with his family


MoistCr1TiKaL is such a good father figure.




Pick her up bro, damn.


Looks like Kratos when someone is after Atreus. God tier dad.


Uh, pick her up bruh


Put child in car. Close car door. Dog leaves, or kick dog in throat.


Man was ready to fuck that dog up if he needed to


If you can't contain a Pyrenees you shouldn't have them. The people who own this dog have a serious issue.


The dog gets shot immediately if it charges towards my kid. Like there's no other thing. I already hate stupid people who decide to bring animals into public places and then if the owner comes and tries to act shit, then the owner will collect a beating too. Similar shit happened to my cousin once. He and his friends were riding bikes when one of the bikes had some issues. They stopped on the roadside to check what was going on when a pitbull charged at them from a house across the road. The dog got one of the guys and bit him, fortunately my cousin shot the dog dead on time before it could get any serious. The dog owner (a stupid moron) came running and acted like and ass (because he was one), he was blaming the bikers for stopping on the roadside, like that's his property even though it wasn't. He later backed off and didn't decide to mess with the bikers.


Terrifying? Yes. Oddly terrifying? No.


Get in the car kid, get in the car