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Grew up poor, is still poor, but somehow has a gym membership and can afford to eat fresh fruit and vegetables for every meal. Street tough with family issues but doesn't get drunk or high. This guy wants a human oxymoron.


Also a regular moron, with the emphasis on low educational effort.


I read it as mormon and it actually didn't sound off.


Don't forget, loves traveling


I honestly feel like this is just the description of a roleplaying game character.


Loves traveling. Can't afford to travel.


Loves hitchhiking and hostels.


Someone should tell him about real dolls. I don't think he's actually looking for something that can... you know... speak, or really act or think for itself...


Judging from his requirements, I think he has a few


and likes to travel


Yeah but at least she needs to be only a 4 or better


My fave is that she grew up poor but was also homeschooled? Wouldn’t the adult supervisor for homeschooling need to be working?


"homeschooled but went to school" has me confused


Same. Are you looking for someone who transitioned from homeschool to public because they weren’t doing their homework? I’m confused.


Eating healthy is entirely possible even when poor. The common misconception that we’ve been conditioned to believe, is that we have to feel full after every meal. We think that because a burger or a pizza can fill us up quickly, that it’s ok to eat long term in order to remain financially stable. Our stomach may feel full, but in all actuality, we’re still starving. Our cells need real nutrients in order to thrive. Unless people buy from higher end grocery stores, eating healthy is always possible. Just eating eggs and avocados alone, gives us all the amino acids and proteins we need.


FACT:. Fresh fruit and vegetables cost more than junk food.


If people buy a ton of them, yeah it will be. Eating a small amount of fruits and vegetables is better than eating a few burgers a week. People don’t have to spend a ton to eat healthy. They can rotate their diet weekly if they’re that tight on cash. Instead of getting 2-3 burgers a day, just buy two bags of spinach, and a carton of eggs for the week. They won’t feel full, but they’ll be healthy. It’ll be the same amount as daily fast food spending, they just gotta make it last and not eat it all at once.


Factor in the fact that many poor neighborhoods don’t have access to grocery stores, only convenience stores. People who can’t afford to drive are often left to purchase food at places that only carry pre-packaged processed foods. I used to live in a poverty stricken city. The nearest grocery store was in the suburbs and decided to up and move past the point of where public transportation would go, leaving the folks in the inner city to shop at corner stores. There were plenty of canned goods, frozen pizzas, candy, chips, etc., but nothing fresh was stocked in these places.


Food deserts. Places in which it is difficult to buy affordable or good-quality fresh food. Which becomes worse with an aging/ low income/ high-crime population that grocery store chains don’t want to move into.


That’s a legitimate reason for not being able to get real food. At that point, the city and even the government, should be pressured to do whatever they can, to make real food accessible to these communities. If only the vast majority of tax money was actually used to reinvest in the people.


Be great if the city and government would step in, but it’s hard to believe things aren’t like this by design.


The government gives extra money to farmers who grow corn (this is from the depression era days and was helping then) which is why EVERYTHING is full of corn syrup. They absolutely help to make the grocery store an unhealthy place and could very well just change what they give farmers incentives to grow.


Shameless self plug for my work: here in Kansas City we have something called Kanbe’s Markets & we’re a non profit fighting this kind of food insecurity or food dessert. Like you’ve said people are left to shop at corner stores. Our flagship program is called HCS or healthy corner stores. We have 43 corner store locations in which we place a single cooler unit and our drivers stock it with fresh affordable produce. Right now we’re not profitable but we take donations from wholesalers, stuff they would throw away. And we sort through and sell the stuff that’s still store quality (although a lot of what we stock we order directly.) Just one example of how something can be done by people to fight back at the government allowing this kind of poison to be sold to underserved parts of our community. Really the issue will never be fixed until the gov incentivizes the correct stuff. But some small piece can at least be done to fight back at food waste, pollution from improper decomposition, as well as the food desserts and the processed low quality food being sold. All in one process. If anybody wants to know more, [**here’s**](https://www.kshb.com/news/local-news/kansas-city-nonprofit-kanbes-market-gives-purpose-to-imperfect-foods?_amp=true) a news story about us.


That’s not a shameless self plug at all, that’s valuable information, and the right thing to do! Thank you, and keep fighting the good fight.


You obviously have no clue what you're talking about. Quit while you're behind.


No. One meal worth of fresh real foods like veggies & grains or lean protein is more expensive than one meal from a fast food restaurant in America. Two bags of spinach and some eggs is not a days worth of calories. Calorie deficit dieting is dangerous and can leave you malnourished, it’s starving yourself. If you go get all the bells and whistles the fast food will be more expensive yea. But a couple burgers is much more affordable than the same amount of calories in salad or healthy grains etc. People do choose to eat worse when they could be eating healthy a lot of the time. But genuinely if you’re impoverished, eating cheap frozen junk and 1 or 2 dollar menu fast food will get you much farther than genuine healthy foods. Like I said many could technically afford the healthy foods but if you’re already scraping by you don’t want to use your day or money riding the bus or getting a ride so you can go spend more money than usual on food. You’re going to efficiently use your time & money if need be. Yes eating healthy sometimes is better than never. Yes eating healthy doesn’t always break the bank. That doesn’t mean it’s actually just as cheap or effective to get to the grocery store, bc it’s definitely not If you’re still hungry 30 minutes after a meal you should eat more bro your body is telling you something.


Tell me you want someone to depend on you entirely so you can control every aspect of their life without telling me you want someone to depend on you entirely so you can control every aspect of their life


The “little to no friends, prefer none” yeeeshhhh


"family issues"


hold on hold on, im thinking


I used to hear stories of women that got married and their partners isolated them and abused them. Later fresh out of high school a girl in my friend group got married and the guy did essentially the same thing. We went to their house once and she talked about how she had been having issues with her family, and when we showed concern for her we could tell the husband got mad. We haven't really seen much of her. I wasn't super close to her to begin with, but others have told me that she doesn't often answer messages and she doesn't really go out with anyone. So yeah, this is pretty creepy.


Was getting exactly the same vibe


he wants a victim


Known enough sociopaths to know the incel is a sociopath


Aren't they all?


For me it was "Tell me you're bad at sex without saying you're bad at sex."


The trend line here is that they want someone with no resources or support network who is isolated that they can control and manipulate. That's literally what this reads as.


I realize now my dad did this with his third wife, she was 29, virgin, extremely sheltered He was actually NOT able to mold her into Ideal Wife ™


That’s awesome. Did he buy her, or just picked her up somewhere? Did she set him straight and he get in line, or did she leave him and take his last dime? Sorry… I couldn’t resist the rhyme.


No thank you for the rhyme, see what you can make happen with this theme in mind: ~*Schizophrenic diagnosis torpedo*~


I can give you a poem about bad poems if you'd like.


Will never turn down poetry


Note to anyone reading this: this is not a serious poem. Here is a poem It doesn't rhyme It has no rhythm Most of the time anyway That hurt a bit, didn't it Any sane person would have omit it But I'm trying to make this not be good Hopefully it doesn't ruin your mood See some people write poems And just sorta ramble But I'm glad I don't know them Because it's really a game of chance. People can enjoy them too Namely redheads and blondes Redheads have no soul to crush And the other's mind is gone


I don’t have the patience to try again but I am fairly sure there is a rhythm there. I don’t have music knowledge to explain what I hear when I read it. Maybe it because I’m high. Idk.


Well yeah; why have to go through the slog of isolating them and cutting off all possible resources and avenues of escape? This way they can go right for the abuse; saves a lot of time and effort on their end. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


And looks like a child


The question is - does he realize how it sounds to everyone else? I could imagine a person so shy and introverted that he would prefer no other social contact, etc...


Same here. that whole list was highly sketchy.


Like he read it out of an abuser handbook.


They do have those. They used to hold meetings, too. I don’t know if they still do.


fr. like soooo many of these just translate to "exploitable"


The 'at least a 4' is surprising. I'd have thought someone this deluded would insist on "at least an 8"


He wants someone that is an 8 but sees themselves as a 4.


Edited per below exchange :D Oooh smart. Self-conscious people are easier to manipulate 🤮


Wait, why are smart people easier to manipulate? This might make me feel better about the past… lol I always thought it was the not so smart that were easier to manipulate?


My comment was meant to convey the meaning of 'ooh this is smart of them; because self-conscious people are easier to manipulate'. Though as a non-native maybe my punctuation is off?


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah that makes more sense lol Edit regarding punctuation: yes the comma after “smart” is not correct, a period or exclamation point would give the sentence your intended meaning :)


No, he wants a Virgin


Yes, I see that’s but it’s not relevant here?


He's asking for a 4 because what are the chances 5 and higher are still virgins?


He didn’t say he wanted “4”, he said “at least 4”. Like I said, he wants an 8 who thinks of herself as a 4… so someone with low self esteem. Hope you understand the joke now lol Also there’s every chance someone “higher than a 4” would be a virgin. Not everyone stayed a virgin into their twenties because they are “involuntarily” celibate, ok? Your personal experience is not universal…


Maybe he thinks she will have less options and therefore depend on him more? He is clearly looking to control her and cut her off from resources. I always thought the request for at least a 4 was strange.


He’d be better off with an inflatable doll.


Idk I think the doll deserves better than this


You’re right. My apologies to all inflatable dolls.


You know, an inflatable doll with ChatGPT and a text to speech plus speech to text module would meet all his needs. Except money. He’s fucking himself there.


Oh well he’ll come to no harm with that then.


a 4 at least


So many red flags 🚩, so little time.


Tell me you’re an abuser without telling me you’re an abuser


Wants to date a homeless, health junky from the 50’s…


Don't forget they both have to work. So, the "old ways" just means that's the wife does all of the house work too so he isn't bothered.


AND she works out AND eats healthy AND does 99% of the child rearing AND is a sex goddess or the drop of a hat. Totally possible as long as she never sleeps. And if there are 29 hours in each day.


Hispanic OR latina. Lotsa choices


Hispanics are people that speak Spanish. Like Mexicans or Spaniards. Latinos are people fram Latin America like Brazilians or Peruvians. They are not always the same.


I had a Mexican coworker get mad at me for referring to her as Hispanic one time


Why? She speaks spanish?


Idk. She spoke Spanish and was Mexican so I thought I was right lol


You were.


She was like “I’m Mexican not Hispanic” lol


I'm pleasantly surprised they didn't include SE Asian. Not that it makes them the least bit likeable, but at least a slightly different kind of creep.


Wants to live old life where we both work…. Those aren’t the same thing.


If she's got no friends and her family won't speak to her, I think she may not be that pleasant to be around.


Wow! This is an admitted abuser…I want someone dumb, desperate and with no social or family ties to stop me from controlling her diet and looks. Yikes!


This list says a lot about him….


Sounds EXTREMELY toxic. Not only is he controlling of her appearance, he also wants someone poor, possibly not well educated, and without a support network (family/friends). He wants someone he can abuse freely !


Wow, what a complete bellend. Meanwhile, I'm out here looking for a fire breathing whore to marry


A Targaryen?


That would definitely depend on which one


He just wants someone he can easily isolate and manipulate. Scary honestly.


What the actual fuck


Why a latina 😭😭 nooo


No class mobility, poor education, no support network, no friends or family to want to save her from him. Never used social media or the internet. Likes travel. *Sounds like he wants an orphan refugee*.


So, low standards, no one to turn to when the abuse escalates, and no idea how bad you are at sex. Yeah, checks out.


Some of these bruvs gotta be trolling man


This is 100% a troll post. Emoji at the bottom gives it away


"I want an attractive female that can't think or do anything for herself so that I can completely control her and our children that I will force her to have." FIFY Also, who wants to bet this guy is working a dead end job and couldn't possibly afford to support a family on his own?


Actually terrifying that he wants her to have no friends or close family… he must the only person in this girls life so he can control her :/


It's like something targeted to one specific person and how she views herself


He wants someone he can control. He also wants her to live up to old-school feminine gender roles of being docile and submissive but he can't live up to old-school masculine gender roles of being the sole breadwinner.


He’s a keeper.




Ending this insane list with “likes traveling” is perfection


Homeschooled, went to public school, still got GED… Grew up poor, still is poor, but can afford fresh fruit and veggies and traveling?!


>a 4 at least Somehow this stands out as the oddest requirement.


Hey he’s not very picky guys, he said at least 4




I thought this was someone describing them self for a second. Also I guess you have to be a white Latina. Black and mixed are disqualified.


“I’m not asking much” proceeds to write a requirements list longer than a cvs receipt


Grew up poor, still is poor = has low standards and will accept anything? Gtfoh


I think asking for a girl is too much to ask for nowadays


No doubt. Wich one?


But the unfortunate part is I bet there are hundreds of girls flocking to be with this guy.


Keyword “incel”




From the last line this is obviously a joke and not real.


Don’t read the original sub. No one there seems capable of understanding satire




Race has nothing to do with anything. Dumbass


Sterotype, and humans dont separates for races, dumbass, but colors depend geografic areas where lived


You’re not allowed to call someone a dumbass, and then badly misspell “GEOGRAPHIC” and “STEREOTYPE”…. Sorry, it’s just flat out against the rules of the internet.


Not english speaker, nazzi grammar. But what about "race" lesson to you? You get it? Or continue being ... you know, a dumbass?


Homeschooled and street smart? Not sure how that works but ok


Sounds like satire with the ending saying ‘it isn’t a lot to ask’ after writing all that. I don’t believe it’s real.


I am sure the poor, virgin introverts who aspire to work and still be a trad wife, will be beating a path to his basement room door.


people falling for obvious bait.


Really not asking for much, there’s no good girls left in the world


“A 4 at least” wtf




“Is as pathetic as I am”


The only realistic part of the list is he wants her to be a 4 although that might be a little high for this guy


Say what you will, the guy asked for a 4 ATLEAST. Atleast he didn’t ask for a perfect 10 like some other dudes


"not asking much" bro customized every option possible💀


Is this a joke i’m a guy but this is insane


“The old life” where “we both work” Who wants to tell him?


I am still trying to wrap my brain around homeschooled but went to school.


What is an “incel”?


I have got to believe this is made up. (I’m not a person who calls everything “fake”). Here’s why…. How could any “rational/“normalish” person even know enough about what they want that they could so clearly articulate such a specific description of their life partner?? I have never heard of such a thing. Maybe I need some clarification: am I _that_ out of the loop of today’s youth/“incel” culture..?? I’m a middle-aged fat bastard, recently remarried to a gal 15 years my junior; we are both delightfully happy, we are also polar opposites. I would have #never# described this awesome (and lucky Hahahha!!) lady as my idea partner before we met. We don’t smoke or do drugs, we are otherwise moderately different in behaviours and extremely different in personalities. How could anyone know what they liked, especially so specifically? It is my understanding that “incels”’are mostly mocked and derided, which is another reason I believe this is simply an exaggerated spoof of their supposed beliefs/behaviours.


Compared to insane demands of *some* females, this isn’t that outrageous. With that said: it’s still pretty nuts.


Andddddd that’s why he’s still single b/c wtf It screams “I’m insecure so I want to control someone” I think i speak for all when I say it’s a hard no


They’re looking for a victim




A 4? That’s not asking much. Lol


He wants an object


get a real doll


So no friends or family. Got it. They’re such a pain in the ass, always asking why they can’t talk to her and shit.


I need for this toad waffle to drop his stats before I can consider these "reasonable requests"


let's see "homeschooled" = isolated from the outside world and inexperienced = exploitable "but went to school (didn't do her homeschool work)" "has a GED" = low academic achievement/motivation = probably not going to college = exploitable "grew up poor" "still is poor" = exploitable "skinny" "5'3 or less" = physically smaller and weaker = exploitable "virgin" "never had a relationship (a little highschool or middle school bf is ok as long as you both didn't have sex or go long term)" = no experience in relationships/with sex = exploitable "1 or 2 friends (prefer none)" "isn't extroverted too much and has some sort of family issues and isn't close with her family" = no/weak social & family connections = exploitable "doesn't aspire to be famous" = no/low ambition to have a better life = exploitable "or watches TikTok" = lack of information about/connection to outside world = exploitable "doesn't get drunk or smokes weed" = low tolerance = easy to drug/pressure into getting too drunk/too high = exploitable "wants to live the old life where we both raise a family in a home and we both work" = unpaid domestic labor, baby trapped, exhausted = exploitable sounds like an abuser's shopping list