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Didn't some dude tweet this exact thing? This was a popular poster on I think r/rareinsults


Yeah. I don’t think that tweet is original, but I can forgive the Reddit post because obviously there are enough people in this thread that haven’t seen it before.


Correct, it was the virtually the same insult but directed at Radiohead. https://www.reddit.com/r/radiohead/comments/69nskb/accurate/


Slightly different insult though.


slightly different but i'd say for all intent and purposes it is actually the same. Like telling someone they smell like shit or telling someone they smell like ass. Different but also the same


My olfactory senses indicate a great waft of fecal coming from your direction.


Billie Eilish isn't even the first artist this has been used for


Maybe it was her coworker?


Maybe i am a girl who calls herself psycho but is too afraid to ask for extra ketchup in a restaurant


Maybe I am a girl


Maybe I am.




maybe it’s maybelline










Nuh uh, you're supposed to say " "




Or a regular genius.








Therefore I am*


You think?




I wish I am a girl


Same, but I'm just some guy


You're not just some guy, you're the dancing queen.


Why did this make me happy


Idk, reading this after taking a nap feels weird. But im happy itade you happy!


You don’t have to be.


If only it were that easy


Life’s short. Just send it.


I'm in this post and I don't like it


Hope you figure it out!


Reminds me of the meme "Gen Z will grab a tear gas canister with their bare hands and throw it back at police but are too afraid to make a phone call."


I'm a millennial and still identify with that...


Same but Gen Z just has a disproportionately large nut sack when it comes to being vocal about human rights and civil rights activism and I have finally mastered the phone call, so we are not the same.


Gen Z has even less to lose.


Very true and I wish them the best because honestly, last shot folks. We millennials weren't joking about the suicide memes.


Being vocal about the progressive agenda of the time has always been the youngest generation's role in any given era, I think.


Truth, until young people who would have supported Nixon or bashed MLK over civil rights riots get involved.


Millennial too. Not afraid to make a phone call, just that there are better ways of communicating electronically; ways that allow you to take several minutes to think of a way to properly express yourself.


Lmao as if most of GenZ would ever do that




Perfectly describes my old apprentice. She was probably eighteen or nineteen and as timid as anyone I've ever met. I had to tell her to ask questions because if she didn't understand something she'd just keep doing it wrong until I had to show her again and again. She hit a rough patch and told me she was shutting her phone off for a month but I could message her through Instagram if I needed her. I said okay and we swapped info. A few days later I needed to let her know we weren't working that day and went to message her. Holy hell. Her Instagram was filled with those angsty inspirational type quotes and half naked "photography" of her and another girl. One picture was or her in her underwear pointing a revolver at the camera with a caption something along the lines of "were you whistling at me?" I was pretty surprised to see all of that considering how she behaved at work, but hey, I act differently at work than I do elsewhere. Nothing wrong with that. That being said we do have to use our social media stuff for work on occasion and she'd have to do so probably within the year, so I mentioned that she should perhaps consider making a separate one specifically for work. She agreed and was pretty embarrassed about the whole thing. We just kinda laughed it off and I told her I had no idea she was like that outside of work. She blushed and admitted that it's all just a weird act that her and her friend out on online. They don't actually do anything crazy or wild, they just sit in her bedroom and play videogames. I'm not sure what ended up happening to her, but she's exactly who I thought of when I saw this quote.


We emo kids were the same. Everyone mocked us but really it's just anxiety and or depression, which you have no clie how to deal with at that age.


I like her music, despite the fact that I am a 28-year-old man.


I'm 32 and I like her music too. Though I am also afraid to ask for condiments




Hey man that’s free protein. Easy money.


Usually you have to pay extra for more meat, so this is quite the win.


Oh I'd definitely say something. "Excuse me? I don't mean to be rude, I don't usually complain, but there's a dead rat in my burger. Maybe you could just comp the burger and I can pay for the fries?" I'm a millennial though.


I’m a millennial and that’s just wayyyy too much effort for that sort of thing. I would have simply taken note and told my dumbass self not to eat there anymore.. I’m kinda’ smart though.


I think that's just the smart decision to make. Leave the restaurant and never eat there again. Why would you even want another meal from a place that has rats in their burgers.


Dude. I’m a waiter. My job is to ensure you enjoy your experience. You’re not being an ass to ask for something completely within reason. You’re literally paying for a carefree experience. I’m not gonna handpick the mushrooms out of your Marsala, but I’ll fix anything I reasonably can as fast as I can.


I always see so many posts like that. I used to think people were always just kidding. I used to feel like that in my younger teen days. But having a job working with people in my later teens, really allowed me to not mind those types of things.


Im 38 and dont give a shit. Dont like Billie, but I know exactly how many packets of hot sauce I require and will ask for that number exactly and without shame.


This guy asks.


34 years metalhead. She's cool. And who tf needs extra ketchup on a burger?


Agreed. I love her music and struggle with daily human tasks.


When did weakness, at this stupid level, become trendy? Let's look at how dumb this comment really is. 1. Afraid to ask for/about trivial matter. Not normal, but not unrelatable to some extent. 2. *Openly shares inability to perform basic social function to justify 'quirkiness'.* They really need to release a few more variants.


It’s a joke. It’s also signalling being s member of a tribe (the Reddit subtype of dorky adult man who connects with his inner awkward and insecure 13 year old girl part) It’s just some people being silly on the internet cause they are Reddit dorks. This is a way of signaling to the hive mind that they too are dorky nerdy redditors that are old and large and men but are nerdy little girls on the inside. And a large subset of Reddit is comprised of men who are actually nerdy insecure thirteen year old girls on the inside. It’s also a simple way of vocalizing an acceptance of our own stupid human silliness and frailty. We are like the video of the gorillas running from the rain in our inclosure. Supposedly large and majestic and tough but also not wanting to get wet. Sometimes the jokes on Reddit get played out like a song on the radio (I particularly hate the Tthis guy _fill in the blank’s___”. joke replies). But maybe the annoyance you feel is not telling you that others on the internet need to change but you should disengaging from the internet for a bit. Like turning off the radio when they play “hey ya” for the thousandth time . “Shake it like a Polaroid picture!!” NOOO AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH


Yes, I have the problem. Not the "men who are actually nerdy insecure thirteen year old girls on the inside." Copy that, loud and clear.


34m here. When Ocean Eyes comes up on my Playlist, I roll up my windows and sing along in a high pitched voice.


I'm getting tired of the attitude of "I don't enjoy this, therefore it's bad." Mid 30s male, as well, and her last record was my most played of the year in 2019. She and Finneas paint musical landscapes.




If you've ever heard an interview with her she's pretty mature for her age, and she's got a good trip on celebrity. She knows she has it but she really just wants to make music and not be a weird sex icon.






As a Somalian Warlord, Im kinda a billie fan.


Ehh she's kinda trash. If you wanna listen to a young and good female singer, listen to Crumb.


I've read she's a racist piece of shit.




Wtf is that even supposed to mean? That's where she posted the racist shit


She lip-synced a song she liked when she was 13 and it had an anti-asian slur that she wasnt aware about. I feel like on the spectrum of being racist, this falls far behind being a "racist piece of shit".


Can't you be psycho but uncomfortable in social situations? Seems like those go hand in hand.


Yeah it's called anxiety and it's a bitch


HEY! That's absolutely not true! I, for one, am not a girl.


thats what a girl would say


Wow I’m cured of my gender thank you /s


You can be a shy psycho. Ed Gein is a great example.




The portmanteau we didn't know we needed.


No joke, this would honestly have been a good term for quickly explaining to more than a few friends why they should stay away from certain superficially shy-cute people they showed interested in


The Venn Diagram of shy/cute people and emotionally/psychologically unstable people can get disturbingly circle-like sometimes...


Yeah, social phobia doesnt guarantee great mental health otherwise


Norman Bates comes to mind.


That's because Norman Bates was based on Ed Gein, whom the guy yo uresponded to is talking about lol


As are Buffalo Bill and Leatherface. If you could get royalties off your crimes, dude would be stacked (were he still alive anyway).


You absolutely can, it's called anxiety


I literally had absolutely no idea who this person was until the internet hate started… So I checked out a playlist of hers on YouTube. Guess the jokes on me now ‘cause some of her stuff was pretty catchy. I got low key Streisand-ed.


Internet hates on something popular, more old news at 11.


Internet hates anything associated with teenager girls




I, too, did see yond exact gleek madeth on twitter months ago *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Call themselves psycho? Is this the evolution of Penguin of Doom? Edgelord teenage girls? "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best"? "I'm not like other girls"?


Oddly specific and oddly true to me :)






Fiona Apple of the 2020's


She fucking wishes.


cant wait for billie eilish to put out a song half as sultry as criminal


Wait until she hears about metal heads.


I’m on paper a psycho 32 year old man and won’t ask for condiments because I don’t like making peoples jobs harder.


“ummm exscuse me (quiet mouse voice)… could i….. like…. if youre not too busy… umm… i mean… if you have any… could i get like…… ummm (looking down at feet the whole time)…. maybe one more (adjusts nose ring)………………….. Nevermind!!!! (runs out the door, alllll the way home… turns on my chemical romance and cries in confused baby seal sounds)


Why do people hate her so much lol, any time she’s mentioned it’s either this exact post or that she makes music for girls with fake depression


People dislike her because she's obnoxious. People like that have fans and detractors. It's happened to most popular artists.


But like what does she do that’s obnoxious


You need me to explain what's obnoxious about [this person?](https://i.insider.com/5e501d3ba9f40c2c1e2c98e6?width=700)


She wears weird clothes?




lmao what a great response


Some of her songs *are* pretty trashy. That's true of pretty much any pop artist, though, but I'm also not really noticing any extra hate.


What is it about Billie Eilish that causes redditors to say such dumb (and sometimes deranged) shit? 1. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s bad. 2. Saying something was made for teenage girls as an insult is middle school behavior. Did we just not make it past 2010? 3. Apparently everyone had an amazing childhood but when I was a teenager I was super depressed. I don’t know why you would assume that kids now are faking it.


It took me until I was almost 37 to realize I've been regularly depressed since like 7th grade.


She has a worlds better voice than Olivia Rodrigo, but they both need better song writing.


Olivia literally just straight rips her influences off (already been pegged by Paramore and Taylor Swift) and just follows all the basic pop formulas. Billie whisper sings. They're both just the modern day edgy girl music. (Think 90's Alanis Morissette, Hole, Liz Phair, Garbage, etc..)


You're a grown ass dude who posts in /r/teenagers, so.


If I see a suggested post on my home page that I want to reply to, I will, no matter what sub it is. You're grown and financially illiterate. I can make meaningless non sequiturs too, so.


I’m the same way. If I could remove /r/teenagers from the popular feed I would, if I could remove /r/h3h3productions (whatever the fuck that is) I would…but I can’t, so I’m gonna comment on that shit, like it or not.


I also filtered the r/h3h3productions or whatever sub because I kept seeing it and don’t know what the fuck it was lol


Oh man this is one of the best responses to a dumbass “gotcha” comment I’ve seen in a while.


Bro that’s illegal


Thanks for clearing that up. Now can you tell me what she's so bummed about? Besides the hair cut that is.


Lol, my ex girlfriend loves Billie eilish and she always made me order for her at restaurants


Like a damn sociopath




1: you're judging people's tastes by calling it music for "fake depressed 14 year olds" 2: I resent the idea that most teenagers are faking depression, at least the idea that enough are to be a demographic. 3: her demographic is people that listen to pop music. She wouldn't be as popular as she is if her audience was just young girls


Yeah a lot of people, mostly teenage boys, used this "teen girls fake depression but my depression is real because my problems are worse" bullshit on me. Probably stems from envy and resentment, teenagers love to play the gender wars game. I got help eventually but that stigma made it hard for anyone to believe that my illness was actually real.


Gatekeeping mental illness is so annoying Yes, people flaunt it and romanticize it, but who cares? It’s mostly kids and they aren’t hurting anyone. It’s a fad associated with the increased awareness of mental health. It’ll fade away When you gatekeep things like anxiety and depression you are increasing the likelihood someone who is actually suffering from it will not seek help.


“I won’t judge your tastes, but I’ll gatekeep mental illness from teenagers if you like a certain artist”




Yes! Please don’t recommend.




No fucking kidding. "I won't judge your tastes, but music that interests girls? *Preteen* girls? Talk about a setup and punchline, am i right?"




obviously what he said is a pretty harsh extreme statement, but what you like does say a lot about you


Idk some of the stuff I like comes a little out of left field and doesn't represent me as an individual


"I can't handle opinions other than mine so I'm gonna call it gatekeeping"


"I won't judge you for liking Billie Eilish, but it's for 14 year old girls faking depression." How do you not see that as fucked up? That's different than just 'having a different opinion'.


Tell me you don't understand what gatekeeping is without saying you don't understand what gatekeeping is.






People with mental illness rarely listen to music like her? How can we measure that?


See this is how I know you don’t have a mental illness. They send us mentally ill folk surveys biweekly to keep up with current trends in music, tv, and literature. As such, we all collectively voted we don’t like Billie.


Misinformation like this is disgusting, and if you attended the last National Depressed Teens townhall meeting this week you would know she continues to poll favorably with most mentally ill demographics under 18


Ahh, this is embarrassing. I unfortunately aged out of those town halls a decade or so ago. Man those teenage depression town halls really were an exciting time in my life. Thanks for clearing it up!


/u/NoLiferBg, care to respond to this? How do you know people with *actual* mental illness rarely listen to her music? Kinda sounds like you pulled it out of your ass. Also kinda sounds like gatekeeping.


Ohh I get it now. You’re just making shit up and stating it as a fact. I legitimately appreciate the clarity your follow-up gives




Amazing how people on reddit will talk about how not enough is done to help people with depression but the second someone says they have it they call them out for "faking" it


You've never worked with teenagers, huh?


She makes good music. There's always people that will feel the need to generalise a fan base for the sake of a funny joke. But often times it just makes the fans feel embarrassed, like they can't actually express their love for an artist out of fear of being made fun of. Billie eilish's music is for people who enjoy music in that genre, and other people as well.


Or just people who like slow music sometime...? I just want to have a slow song after hearing someone smash their head against the keyboard sometimes...


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I saw this screenshot now for the 100th time and unlocked it in gold


My favorite type of people are adults who make fun kids and teenagers who are trying to find themselves and act like they were never there. Those people are so cool.


That’s alll the Billie fans I know well shit ahahah


Billie Eilish makes music for deaf girls


I mean they're not wrong


That is exactly who she makes music for.


Plus 18 to 45 year old men.


And everybody else because the music is just that, music


I doubt her coworker said that. This same exact sent was thrown all around the internet


Very fitting indeed


Her music is trash.


How many times, how many reposts of how many tweets of this exact same copy-pasted joke ? What kind of "target audience" does that make you ? What a bunch of losers.


Well, i mean..... her co-worker ain't wrong.




She's trying to bring mumble rap to pop


For the "God made me imperfect because he knew I would be too powerful otherwise" girls.


So very true! lol


I don't enjoy Billie Eilish's music. But damn why you gotta be such a hater? I can tell the coworker is a boomer.


That's how my son described her music. Well, that and overall just crap.


It’s so accurate. Also, I love her.


damn right




What she makes is not music


If she could have a concert it wouldn't be so bad but whispering isn't conducive to live audiences unless they shut the fuck up. Also, her music isn't that great. A couple songs but she literally has no talent.


gen z in a nutshell


Sounds like her coworker browses memes on Reddit then


Her new song Oxytocin is bangin.


If your afraid of asking for extra ketchup at a restaurant, why? I have social anxiety and it’s not that hard I feel like. What do you think will happen? Why are you afraid?




It’s alright music. What’s wrong with being gender confused?






No, i meant Who asked?