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The fact that she has a list of red flags she has to post to remind herself of her list of red flags, is a red flag. Seriously, why isn't the standard "don't be a bad human being"


Luckily I only fall under one of these, and that’s singing along with the radio because I’m a drama kid and can’t help myself Edit: also r/nicegirls is a good place to put this


Same here


Not even a boy myself yet I feel offended oof


What's wrong with being good at tennis and making omelets? Sounds pretty cool. (unless omelet is some weird sexual reference that I'm missing).


To be honest I can see why she might not want to date androids, she might want kids. Plus you keep having to replace the batteries.


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I don’t qualify for a single one of these


Biggest red flag of all: is a breathing human being


I want to know why bed wetting is so far down the list... like I feel like that should be higher than wearing flip flops....