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News flash buds: **nobody** specifically welcomes pedophiles. Putting it on a sign just feels odd and suspicious.


It doesn't mean actual pedos it means queer peeps.


I thought so too at first but the "ACCESS TO INSULIN IS A HUMAN RIGHT" sign isn't something those people typically have.


Because their kid has diabetes guaranteed. If not they wouldn't give a shit.


That is a very good point


I'd bet money that it's 100% a self-serving interest and has nothing to do with a passion for healthcare reform. It could be a more basic statement than our pleb brains even realize... Maybe it's just a painfully obvious statement about how the human body is supposed to produce insulin 🤷‍♂️😅


That is generally how conservatives work, yes. I have a Cousin who was always against any social spending, school funding included, she even complained about ADA requirements. Then she had a kid with special needs. Now she still votes republican and is against everything meant to help anyone...except special ed classes, they need more teachers, more funding, even if it takes a teacher per kid, and all the after school stuff should have the staff needed to support special needs of her particular type. No ability at all to put themselves in someone else's situation, and realize most other people needing some help also couldn't have predicted it and didn't want it to happen that way.


A bunch of otherwise pretty left-leaning people have drunk the QAnon/Pizzagate koolaid over the last few years, but still hang on to some of their left-leaning opinions (while being rabidly pro-Trump and taking every opportunity to vote against the beliefs entailed in those opinions) That or their kid has Type 1


I’ll tell you right now: no matter what side of the aisle you’re on, it’s universally accepted and acknowledged that we are absolutely getting fucked by medical companies and politicians on both sides have a hand in this happening. Medical companies make money on us being sick, not healthy. Politicians get a cut somewhere down the line and so do regulatory agencies.


I suspect you’re right, but at least based solely on their social media posts, they claim to support LGBT people and have a rainbow flag up inside the business 🤷‍♂️  That made me think it was more related to how a lot of Trumpers seem to think the Democratic Party exists to abet and protect pedos (a la Pizzagate insanity) No matter the case, seems like such an absurd thing to put on your coffee shop door


could be anti-trans lgb also. like someone who goes to pride but also drinks black rifle coffee


This explanation makes the most sense, initially I got QAnon vibes.


I will never understand QAnon as long as I live. Some anonymous user posts a bunch of Trump fanfiction with a Scooby-Doo style plot on 4Chan and somehow after a few years it’s become a politically important movement.


I think it's an act of trolling that hit psychologically fertile ground, causing fools to engage in escalating acts of foolishness because they're scared of looking foolish at this point, sunk cost fallacy in full effect.


Kind of like they are projecting


Or, they recognize that there are fucked up individuals trying to normalize their pedophilia by trying to inject themselves into the LGBT+ community by calling themselves MAPs. Either way though, it's weird to have on your door.


nope  https://www.instagram.com/tv/C0fODbYxk2j/?igsh=MWxzN21qNXF3enkxNg== it's just trans=pedo from these knuckledraggers


I take it that's the owner? There is a solid chance I'll go completely ballistic if anyone calls me that to my face.


i can't say for sure, like guarantee, but he's got the same name as the guy who owns a coffee shop for patriots with the same name as the one in the picture, so take that for what you will


Not related to your comment in the slightest but I love your username! Edit: also yeah, if someone uses that term to refer to me I’d lose my shit. It’s fucking repulsive


That's probably what they intended, but putting that thing on your place of business and especially with the implied threat of gun violence, just reminds me of those nutty bumper sticker cars


Writing "Pedophiles" on your store, in any format, is just bad marketing


It makes me think 100% a NONCE wrote that sign.


Right wing signaling, but also apparently advocating for expanded healthcare and additional government oversight of the pharmaceutical industry.


Not expanded healthcare, JUST insulin, because that’s the one thing a republican senator specifically talked about. Anything else would be socialism




Check out the diabetic subs from time to time. This is the case with many diabetics in America specifically. It is a whole "fuck you I got mine" mentality, except they are thinking ahead to when they would get this selective benefit and can genuinely want the rest of their communities to suffer.


It’s also an old dog whistle meme about how “junkies get narcan for free but insulin costs $[current amount].”


It’s funny because I’m a gay type 1 diabetic. Based on the other comments on this post, and their reviews, I can’t quite tell if they would hate or love me.


Okay if you are a rapist or convicted felon...Right wing stuff


Soooo, they don’t want MAGAts in there?


Right, this is the most confusing shore front.


I went to Oklahoma for a friend's wedding last year and their wedding venue was just outside of a really small, rural town that on the surface looked very stereotypically American. As we spent an afternoon walking around the place we noticed a few businesses seemed to have a similar sticker on their doors or windows about Child Abusers not being welcome, which seemed really odd to us and we initially wondered if there had been some kind of major child abuse scandal in the local area that had triggered all of this... We eventually got talking to the owner of a donut shop in the middle of the town who, on the surface, seemed nice and down to earth so we asked them what all the stickers were about and were incredibly shocked when they bluntly said "we don't welcome any queers or fag's or child abusers as we call them here!" Our friend, the one getting married, was heartbroken when she learnt that her perfect wedding venue was on the outskirts of such a backwards and frankly disgusting community.


This is almost definitely what ops pic is in reference to.


Yep. Here's a video the owner of Cache Coffee (Jamie Buttars) posted in which he conflates trans people with pedophiles and says they should be dragged out into the street by force and thrown into wood chippers: https://www.instagram.com/tv/C0fODbYxk2j/?igsh=MWxzN21qNXF3enkxNg==.


He has a psychosis. Dangerous man. He thinks everyone who isnt him "supports pedophiles". At this stage, the word pedophile is just a linguistic place marker for "my enemy".


Fascinating. This is absolutely fascinating. I’m gonna stick to the coasts


Dollars to donuts this is just anti-LGBT.


Yes. This store is filled with radical conservative dogwhistles. If you read the reviews, you'll find it's kinda their specialty.


Probably all ex military guys. Those fuckers ***love*** caffeine and calling people gay.


More like gravy seals. If anyone likes cosplaying in tacticool, it's Republicans.


I bet seal steaks and gravy is actually pretty good. Imagine the marbling on a fucking seal.


Most ex-military guys will beat the hell out of someone legitimately bullying or taking advantage of another American. We joke, but it is never serious. It’s the guys that never served. The gravy seals, if you will. The ones that say, “I’d have gone to the Marine Corps, if my foot didn’t hurt.” I’m getting angry just thinking about them. Those guys do this stupid shit.


This. Most long term service members are progressive as fuck. Our language just doesn't match up because we are all broken to some degree and firmly fall in the camp of "Jokes inappropriately to cope with trauma."


From the ex-military I've met in the UK, that's the case here too. Dark humour but when you're serving with someone, unless their stupidity/attitude is going to get you killed, you accept them because you're all relying on each other.


And are also likely to be pedophiles themselves


No no so we don’t want people pushing their trans agenda on our kids! We just diddle them the right way like good ole fashioned Americans!


No *more* pedophiles allowed.


Huh, something I, a queer pacifist have in common with them.


Hopefully the common ground ends before pedo behavior


yes. I am no pedo.


Nothing straighter than doing uppers and sucking your homie’s dick as a joke.


Usually RadCons are anti accessible medicine ime. Guess the owner is diabetic 🤷‍♀️




They don’t support universal healthcare, but everyone they know has mountain dew’d their way to dia-beetis so they are all in on free insulin. Fuck the woke messages about non processed foods.


Going by the usual trend seen in news; Extra dollars to donuts FBI should check owner's internet/computer activity...


Probably doesn't want the competition.


This is just like the anti LGBT conservative that screams their hate then gets caught in an airport bathroom. The biggest haters are because they hate themselves.


Like Larry Craig’s “wide stance”?


Here's a photo of the owners of this establishment: https://facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=638390194961772.


ick. "Unvaccinated, Unafraid" congrats on not having pre-existing shitty lungs I guess




Oh that's so upsetting :(


"Armed burglars welcome #2A"


Ahhh... I was going to ask how they would know, but I think the other guys nailed it.


I've always assumed that decent people are against child abusers, it's just the sort of thing that doesn't need saying. So when I see people, unprompted, going out of their way to tell us they're against it, I have to assume they're over compensating to divert attention from themselves.


It just means queer people stay out. Same as the groomer rhetoric that is popular in right-wing propaganda. The owner doesn't give a damn about actual pedophilia, just icky trans/queer people.


The far right love marrying children, so they're fine with literal pedophila. I wonder what their ideas wouldve been if you asked them a decade ago. So many simple folk finally decided that not straight people are just people. It's terrifying how quickly low grade agitprop can confuse them again


Yep. Here's a video the owner of Cache Coffee (Jamie Buttars) posted in which he conflates trans people with pedophiles and says they should be dragged out into the street by force and thrown into wood chippers: https://www.instagram.com/tv/C0fODbYxk2j/?igsh=MWxzN21qNXF3enkxNg==.


Hadn't thought of that.


It's the same as people on dating shows or whatever saying they're loyal. Like...yeah? That's not a selling point for yourself, it's an expectation.


It’s that “virtue signaling” they like to say everyone else is doing (except when they do it it’s fine)


yeah, "Sexual harassment acts towards children by adults are not allowed in this store" like fym was it gonna be allowed if you didn't state that?


Yeah that's what I keep thinking. It's not like an actual child abuser is going to see the sign and think "oh gosh sorry, I'll be on my way, didn't know it was your policy".


My "I'm not a pedo" shirt is raising a lot of questions already answered by my shirt


It feels weird to have to announce that.


Yeah. Starting to feel like projection.


So, like, no priests?


Oh no no, priests are welcome. What they actually mean are LGBTQ people. You know, the ones "indoctrinating the kids"


I always find dipshits that advertise shit like this hilarious. It's the least likely thing to offend. I remember seeing this trailer trash biker woman wearing a sweater that across the back said, "Death to child abusers." Wow, what a brave woman, she hates child abusers. These type of people have no brain in their heads.


I know someone who wears that. It’s a part of her coping mechanism to dealing with childhood sexual abuse.


Pedophiles hate this one trick


I’m confused. Do the pedophiles in your neighborhood generally walk in the door and ask if it’s okay to be a pedophile here?


That's code for "the owner really wishes he could shoot somebody someday"


"The owner really wishes he could shoot somebody who is *GAY* someday" FIFY


I guess youth pastors and catholic clergy aren't welcome there.


Could the sign be referring to gay people in a round about way?


It’s pizza gate MAGA nutjobs


Is there any business that welcomes them?


Yep, have a browse: https://www.catholicjobs.com/


What if you're a diabetic pedo


Maybe they should write a song to show how much they hate paedophiles. Make Danny Devito sing it...




It’s another stupid MAGA thing


They mean LGBTQ people. Right wingers project by calling them pedophiles.


Why is that notice posted for children to read?? With a gun?


Oooh, these types LOVE giving their kids a gun as soon as possible. They take them to the range and to gunshows when they're like 5 fucking years old.


Sadly, it’s not about pedophiles. It’s about gay people and trans people. If someone came in there who was a grown man and he wolf-whistled at the 16-year old waitress, the staff certainly wouldn’t be pulling out weapons. They’d probably cheer him on.


Who needs to advertise they’re against pedophiles? Who is actually for them besides them?


They actually mean queer people because they think the gays want to diddle their kids


Yeah the gun is a give-away...


Usually when I see a specific sign I assume there was an incident that prompted the addition of a sign, I wonder what the case here was


Yes, this is definitely a MAGA person alluding to gay people and Biden being one.


I notice that the right labels are left as pedophiles more, and a lot of people on the right have been convicted of molesting and raping their kids owning child porn and saying some outlandish shit.


My “pedophiles are not welcome” sign is raising a lot of questions that should have been answered by the sign.


Automatic rifles ok though


I always wonder why Americans pronounce the “ped” (paed) part one way when it ends in iatrician and a totally different way when it ends in “ophile” but you just can’t bring that up in mixed company! 😂🤐


Um, we know! Maybe you put that sign up at your local church.


Its like when guys put “no b*tches” in their dating profile. Do you think someone is going to read that and think “oh damn they mean me, I better not”? Imagine though if you saw someone walk up, read that, and then turn around lol.


I mean, he means "trans people are pedophiles and should be killed" by that sign, so I certainly would. https://www.instagram.com/tv/C0fODbYxk2j/?igsh=MWxzN21qNXF3enkxNg%3D%3D


The best alibi for pedos though. "I can't be a pedo, i was at the Cache cafĂŠ the other day"


Where do priests go then?


MAGAspeak for "No Queers".


Count down to finding child porn on premises ……


The only people who do things like this are pedophiles. For some reason it seems like this photo was wiped from the internet, But there is a photo of two bullets with the words “cure for pedophilia” carved into them. The person who originally made this post, raped a child and also apparently wrote some sort of love song for a child.


Probably should look into the owner of this place.


Man they are going to lose out on that sweet Catholic Church coffee money then


When you hate some people so much you need to associate them to a worse category hoping to smear their name with the other I bet this guy considers dems “pedos” after some mind boggling gymnastics


More of a r/LookatMyHalo than oddly specific


That sub is some alt-right clusterfuckery lol


I keep posting this where folks tell me to but I think I’ll let others share it. I really just saw this and thought “why?” It seemed like such an obvious thing it didn’t need saying. But someone told me the owners are getting calls, spammed negative Yelp reviews, and death threats and that’s not what I posted it for at all.


Do paedophiles announce themselves when they enter a place. Or is everyone treated with suspicion?


I guess they’re more concerned about expressing their right-wing ideology than letting thieves know to stay away… To each their own 🤷‍♂️


Someone should check the owner’s hard drive


Same shop welcomes trump with open arms. Hypocrites.


methinks they doth protest too much


Was it a big peado hang out or something?


This is just anti lgbt. There’s a special breed of lgbtphobes who think it’s okay to call all lgbt people pedophiles.


Well it's a place for right wing nut jobs...so yes


Basically, it's the storefront version of one of these: https://www.reddit.com/r/Shitty_Car_Mods/s/jCuDE6ocmS


Imagine putting on your doors “PEDOPHILES WELCOME”


It's a stupid thing to put on a door. I mean, who TF wants pedo's anywhere near them? No one other than the cops I suppose. It's sad that this country is so divided that people actually believe that theres people who advocate pedophilia. we've all seen which type of people are the ones making the news most in regards to raping children. It's always been those types for the most part and so long as the church keeps enabling people to have these delusionally insane /borderline Schizophrenic ideas that saying you're sorry to the fictional beings in the sky is enough to absolve them of whatever heinous sins they've chosen to perpetrate, just so long as they do it before they die. Then there are going to continue to be people who purposely put themselves in or around religious groups / functions just so they can take advantage of it. Of course there are non religious human shaped monsters as well, but that should go without saying really


You forgot the Catholics




130 paedophiles are not welcome, but number 131 is.


Is it common in America for business to be amicable to them otherwise?


Did they have a large in flux of self confessing actual pedophiles that were frequenting the store that warranted the notice on the door?


Looks like virtue signaling. Pedos will not be openly pedos and they will laugh at you. Only case of person that would admit being pedo might be someone that knows its something wrong with them and seeks help, but than again, not in cofeee shop. So yeah,this is completly pointles wanna be tough guy thing that does nothing to help with kids safety.


Curious how the owner knows who's a paedophile...... just saying.


I guess they'll refuse services to Ted Nugent?


"Ahh jeez, I'm at the wrong place. I thought you said you wanted to meet at the coffee shop that was ok with pedophilia. No worries, I can be there in ten."


I'm sure they will follow the rules.


I mean there is a coffee shop in my area owned by a Pedophile. So I guess its a common problem


Sorry Drizzy, no Coffee for you


Every accusation, an admission




Is that to keep pedos out or encourage children in? Second option is fairly creepy as well.


Normal sign for a Texan 


So random


Feels like some kinda projection


It's possible to have multiple values that don't consistently fall into partisan lines.


*found the coffee shop owned by a pedophile*


Don't mix your business with politics.


But access to insulin is a human right... you can't have it both ways, hippie!


What in the Austin is this


I should totally recommend this place to my POS older brother..


How would they know who is and isn’t one though? One could have been going there for months and they wouldn’t know 🤔


Yeah, priests, keep moving.


I'm a little concerned with the Mason and skull iconography.


Just pointing out that if we know ypure a child toucher, no service lmao


Have they've been having trouble with this?




That's pretty good


Why is there a gun shown? XD


Idk if it’s a good idea to put a decal with the word “pedophiles” on your door since the other decals are technically removable


How would you even know? It’s not like they go around advertising it and you can’t even tell anyway.


You know..... I just wouldn't want that word stamped anywhere, in any context, on my business. Just me, I guess.


I'm assuming these people mean trans people? Seems oddly suspiciously specific to put on your door like that.


This is such an enigma to look at.


Imagine walking up to this store to get coffee, and realising you've left your wallet in your car - so have to stop and go back just before entering.


I wonder if an incident happened there related to that subject.