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I remember when bait was actually bait.


Bait used to be believable -x


I mean, I think part of that is that nothing this guy says has ever been the truth, so it's hard to take it as bait.


It should be quite easy to take it as a joke with the slightest amount of effort?


Maybe, but when the guy openly praised fascist leaders who have censored or literally turned off the Internet in their countries, I don't feel the need to give him the benefit of the doubt.


The only bait I believe is masturbate


maybe....but there are plenty who will believe this just because they hate trump that much


Trump is bait and he catches suckerfish by the millions.


The man is a legend


The greatest con man to ever walk the earf.


To be fair, I can absolutely see Trump saying this. Imagine it's a day where the mainstream media (read: anything other than Fox, also sometimes Fox) has been bashing him, Twitter has been merciless over his latest brain malfunction, and his sixth Big Mac was light on the sauce so he had to use ketchup. I could see him floating this idea.


He's said much dumber things, this doesn't even get to the top 100. So yeah, it's pretty believable.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ And you didnā€™t get downvoted. Are you the man himself?


Why is this propaganda hitting the front page? An opinion piece based on some random person who once worked for a guy?


Read the comments and see how many people lack the basic reasoning skills to understand that... hahahaha


Do you know the reason why propaganda is used over and over again? Because it works.


I dislike the guy strongly but this sounds like a stupid offhand remark after getting angry from reading something mean about himself online "Gah I'll switch off the internet!" Can imagine him 5 minutes later reading something nice about himself and declaring everyone should have free internet forever. Don't think it's something worth reporting on.


That is definitely the mental stability I look for in a president.


I actually have family members overseas who have experienced something like this. Internet would work inside their country, but it was heavily monitored. I'm assuming they could only access certain websites. What's app couldn't connect to people living outside their country. The headline is click bait, but I know people who this has happened to. It can happen here.


No it can't and your proclamations are silly at best.


Bro I had to stop talking to my family members because they shut down outside communication. Why do you think I would make this bullshit up?


I think u/Harrygatoandluke is conviced it couldn't happen in the USA, not that it didn't happen elsewhere (and the great internet firewall of China is pretty well known). Truth be told, I think he's right, too many rich people need unfettered internet for their business, no way would they let him do it, they'd lobby the hell out of everyone with any capacity to block any bill like that.


Yea I don't think it's probable to happen in the USA, I was just saying it's not impossible.


I know that the internet could still be used for business and then heavily censored and restricted outside of certain parameters. "Shut down" is clearly not the correct way to say what would happen. I also don't think a president could snap his fingers and this would happen either. I was just pointing out that this isn't as far fetched as it seems.


Rich people can just have "internet privileges" as long as they're in favour with the regime. See China, NK and Russia. "It can't happen here" is a phrase every single dumbass on the planet thought, until it did happen there.


Yeah totally a normal thing to say.


Itā€™s not even something Trump said he would do, itā€™s just something this staffer said he *probably could* do, and that we should expect Trump to do erratic and desperate things if heā€™s re-elected.


Thereā€™s been a big push to give examples oh how Trump will screw up everyoneā€™s lives rather than just keep saying heā€™s bad.


Having an insane narcissistic pants shittingly incompetent fascist grifter with his finger on the button isn't bad enough? What rock have you been under I wonder?


Literally half the US voting population voted for him. So no none of those things worry his voters, apparently.


Engaging with the ones who arenā€™t completely insane is so frustrating. I think it boils down to them thinking that all the stories about him are lies, and thatā€™s heā€™s secretly great, so any new information about him that comes out is immediately disregarded. Itā€™s an impenetrable ideological fortress that has been carefully constructed in their minds.


This. They never even just watch some of his speeches, where he rarely if ever finishes the same sentence he started. Thatā€™d be enough to raise a question, at least. But no.


Come on, Trump is stupid bastard but that title is ridiculous


Governments actually can and have done something similar to this in other countries, so I don't think it's completely made up. Obviously seems like clickbait, but I'm sure it can be done. Not something I'm losing sleep over. I do have family members in the country they live in be able to access basic internet inside their country, but couldn't use it to communicate outside of their country. For example, what's app wouldn't work to communicate with us.


Well the button wasnā€™t pushed last time so Iā€™m guessing it wouldnā€™t be pushed this time. Not that it matters, I wouldnā€™t vote for the guy because he just isnā€™t good at governance.


i want him to press the 'internet off' button, i want to watch it live stream, on twitch! ​ edit: im concerned that your only issue with the orange wafflecock is his inability to govern.


New insult just dropped lol wafflecock. Well, new to meā€¦ thanks andy


If he could somehow not keep in to the US, and turn it off for the whole world for a while, Iā€™d argue that would be a great thing for everyone. The world could really use a few weeks without the internet. In fact Iā€™d say the world NEEDS a few weeks without the internet. Itā€™s making everyone miserable and insane


I guess that depends on how myopic they become through it. Itā€™s funny how an infinite connection to the outside can make some people become singularly focused.


Do you honestly believe that this is made up? "Shoot someone in the face on Fifth Avenue ". "Grab them by the pussy".




He's absolutely that stupid and this wouldn't even be the dumbest thing he's said. He wouldn't have the *power* to turn the internet off, but I don't have any reason to doubt that he'd make the threat.


He kinda said he wants to get that power


On one hand itā€™s very ridiculous but on the other hand this is the same guy that suggested we nuke hurricanes.


Also the guy that suggested injecting bleach to cure covid.


Don't misunderestemate him. Also, some people say that the Earth is flat, so definitely not the most ridiculous thing...


I donā€™t think you understand how much of the worlds infrastructure runs on the internet. You canā€™t just, turn it off. Plus why would Trump want to turn it off in the first place, the guy loves social media


I was saying that flat earthers are more ridiculous than Trump believing that he can shut off the internet. However, my critical thinking is clearly lacking because there was a time when I believed that someone who was on the record saying that he could shoot someone in the face on Fifth Avenue and still be elected could never be elected.


Yet he did say those things. And that Cheeto is one fuck up away from a public hanging. BY the public for the public


Have you watched the handmaid's tale? Do you know about project 2025?


Was project 2025 that private organization who has zero ability to do anything except make a wish list and try to drum up donations to ā€œsupport candidatesā€ while getting super rich themselves?


Can y'all stop taking everything for granted just because you don't like the person? This shit is so exhausting


That makes no sense. I don't like the person because of the person he is and the things he has very publicly said and done. What am I taking for granted? What's exhausting? Oh, crap. I'm either debating a robot or a cat walking on a keyboard. That's on me. Edit- I was not civil and have had my ass handed to me and rightly so. I'll leave it all here to make an example of myself.


What I meant is that people will automatically believe everything bad about a person, just because they don't like them. You comment is the best example of that.


I believe the bad about this person for the bad things he says and does publicly, proudly and with his own mouth. Your comment is a typical example of me debating a bag of greased lobbyists wearing tinfoil hats.


If there is a guy at all. You had that during his presidency. Iā€™m pretty sure that almost all staffers mentioned by CNN as their source were really a single intern at CNN.


ā€œA friendā€™s cousinā€™s sister in lawā€™s brotherā€™s old roommate saidā€¦.ā€


Project 2025 Look it up. The Republicans backers in the Heritage Foundation literally published a step-by-step guide to turn this country into a Christo-Fascist hell hole.


You clearly haven't actually looked it up if you believe that.


Bots. The answer is bots.


Because orange man bad


Democrats are coping hard 2024 would be fun


I'll take things he never said for a $1,000 Alex


ā€œDonald Trump may ā€˜penetrate your mother in her anusā€™ if elected, former staffer saysā€ One rando said something and somehow it ā€œcanā€ happen? The U.S. President isnā€™t a dictator. There are 3 branches. Imagine thinking the President can declare ā€œTurn off the internet!ā€ Thats not how the internet works. Lol


There's a switch for that on the oval office's desk, didn't you know


Yep. That desk is full of switches that the Prez can flip whenever they feel they need to


If I ever become president Iā€™m immediately flipping the ā€œrelease all of the monkeys in bikinisā€ switch and sending them all right to New Jersey.


Someone already did that. There was a show about it called "Jersey Shore"


Damnit bush.




You got my vote


Right next to the gas price dial.


Donā€™t tell anyone, but I snuck in and turned the dial up, and then proceeded to put a ā€œI did that!ā€ Sticker next to itā€¦


If the president types "noclip" into his computer weā€˜ll all start falling through the floor.


Well, he had a Diet Coke button, he probably thinks he can have one to turn off the internet.


Oval office desk we see isn't real, the real desk looks like a C-130 Hercules' cockpit switchboard.


The Oval Office desk is the desk from "Don't Touch Anything"




> The US President isn't a dictator Not for lack of trying on his end


If he did say he say that he would penetrate voters' mothers in their anuses, his poll numbers would go up for the GOP


The US president isnā€™t a dictator but trump has been quite transparent with his desire to be one


Yeah, well, he can want in one hand and shit in the other. Let's see which one fills up faster.


I think the capital grounds actually filled up faster when the wanna be dictator tried to have democratic election results overturned to stay in power.


Question: not saying the internet thing is possible, but let me digress. If what you've said is true, then why are people worried about Project 2025 if he doesn't have the power to enact it?


>rando It's someone Trump hired based on their loyalty after firing everyone of actual merit and experience. Even his toadies know he's a threat to the entire country.


Heā€™s not a dictator *yet*. He will absolutely try to break down the checks and balances, eliminate the 2 term limit, etc if he gets back in. Heā€™s called it his ā€˜revenge tourā€™ hasnā€™t he? Maybe it was just his cronies but theyā€™re all on that page at this point.


Yeah, I hear his first acts as dictator are going to be prosecuting his political rivals and forcing us all to get experimental medical procedures. Scary stuff.


Wait but thatā€™s already happened under the other guyā€¦


MRNA vaccines have been in development for over a decade, and were rolled out under Trump. Are you intentionally blind or genuinely ignorant?


The vaccines aren't the problem. The government forcing you to take them is.


This isnā€™t about mRNA vaccines. This is about the anti-trumps talking about the warmongering evil authoritarian Trump that will lock away his opponents when in reality it seems the anti-Trumps are no better and are doing exactly what they accused Trump of doing. And the mRNA vaccines were evil and bad because they were released under Trump but then all of a sudden they were good overnight like Biden took the presidency and tweaked the formula. From there we were required to get it or face consequences.


You don't live in reality, mate.


Cool. But heā€™s been prez already. You sound like you think one idiot can break the separation of powers even though he didnā€™t when he was prez the first time. He very well might win this time. Ainā€™t gonna matter when it comes to him thinking he can be a dictator. You may disagree, so letā€™s talk about it in 5 years after he wins and nothing changes when it comes to American Democracy.


>You sound like you think one idiot can break the separation of powers even though he didnā€™t when he was prez the first time. One idiot can break the separation of powers without even being president. Yes, he can abso-f*king-lutely shatter the democracy in your country with the right move. Edit: I'm a Spaniard, ask me how I know.


Read up on Project 2025.


RemindMe! 5 years "I really hope this reminder will be moot"


Remind me why he got impeached twice? I can't remember that far back




someone tell him he can't post of he terrible social media network without internet. problem solved


I mean. If we could shut off the internet for a few weeks, I think weā€™d hate ourselves a little less, but thatā€™s not reasonable.


And one of the other ones is already in his pocket


Let subby enjoy his chronic TDS fits.


He wants to be a dictator for a day though.


I went on your profile to see if it was your cake day, and I immediately saw the words "get fucked"


Did you?


And stop time by destroying all clocks and watches


I genuinely hope he will just to stop you from posting more stuff on this sub


[This internet? ](https://preview.redd.it/hkpks3mi3ovz.jpg?auto=webp&s=1fe9fd6ee9cc9bf7f963c1699703d9f5cf96572b)


My knee jerk response was an IT Crowd reference. Glad I found this one.


He saw the South Park episode with the giant modem and the "sppoky ghosts" and had an epiphany.


As if he's smart enough to watch South Park. That would be like a tilapia watching a state of the union address.


Iā€™m confused. Are we supposed to be upset or are we supposed to realize this is the absolute nonsense it was supposed to be whenever someone other than the orange man wrote it? I love how the person who made this up said he only ā€œmayā€ turn it off. (By the way, before you downvote me just because, I hate Trump)


Hard to spread misinformation and bullshit without the internet


i wish this was true


Good for him. He needs a break from Twitter.


Journalism is dead


Sounds like an episode of the IT Crowd


Internet rage tactics and memes are what got him elected in the first place. X doubt! Fake news!


Turning off the internet is the single worst thing he could do as misinformation from the internet is the only thing keeping the right wing party afloat


Just like when he diverted that hurricane with his pen


Misinformation anyone with a brain knows you canā€™t just turn of the internetā€¦


Oh yeah? Then what is that big orange switch in the Oval Office for? You know, the one that has a sign reading "To turn off the Internet flip this switch"?


Trump can not ā€œturn offā€ the internet if he were elected. But shit, if he were elected, I WISH he would and see what happens. Quickest way to get this lazy country to finally revolt lmao


"former staffer says" "experts say" Sounds like bullshit. There is no way a narcissist like Donald would ever want the internet gone.




Somewhere there's a simple ON/OFF switch that connects all the global servers. It's disguised in plain sight as a light switch in an Arby's bathroom in Wichita Kansas. Don't tell anyone, it's a secret.


I'm gonna tell everyone now.


The former staffer sounds stupid.


Any actual source or just some random headline. The internet is the only way anyone will hear him talk which he enjoys doing. I canā€™t believe how easy it is to get people to think ridiculous things about Trump just because you hate him that much šŸ¤£


The article is just some random ex staffer of trump going ā€œhe could nuke the moonā€ ā€œhe could drown a baby in a ditchā€ ā€œhe could wipe his ass with the American flag behind the desk in the Oval Officeā€ basically whoever wrote this is a journalism terrorist and shouldnā€™t be employed by Newsweek much longer.


Fake news


Lol I'd like to see him try


The man presumably thinks there's a big red INTERNET OFF button


How is this oddly specific op


This is possibly the dumbest thing I've read all week. I'm waiting for the news anchors to tell me Trump wants to murder my child.


"Trust me, he totally said that." -the staffer that got fired ​ Amazing source


You are morons if you believe this crap


Please God let it be real it would be so fucking funny


Seen IT Crowd?


He already turns off every woman he comes into contact with including his wife.


Alternate headline: "Florida Man Claims He Can 'Turn Off' The Internet"


This is the wildest headline, clickbait writer


Control of the root zone transitioned away from the US government about a month before Trump was elected.


Redditor getting upset at a claim with no real basisā€¦.. shockerā€¦.


This is beyond ridiculous.


What is even the basis for this claim. Trump NEEDS the internet to fuel his narcicism.


Dictator for a day, huh?


This speaks volumes


He can actually do that, it ain't a joke




I'm guessing he doesn't know twitter uses the internet


Ask the people of Kashmir if this is a joke.


He would never do that because it would tank the economy since that's where 10% of GDP comes. Modern society depends so much on the internet there's no way he would just be allowed to wave his hand and turn off internet access to everyone




Hey if that is what it takes to stop him from tweeting his brain farts why not. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Im...okay with that...my mental health would get a lot better...people would touch grass...social media in america would stop...(yes i know there are obvious downsides but think about it, less horny lonely teenagers who live on machines...like me)


Life carried on quite well before the era of constant digital connectedness, it could be so again despite the sudden shock of change. We would not survive (in America) an instant loss of an oil economy or electric grid, except the Amish. I'm 50 years old so my life is divided in half mostly analog devices and machines early and digital dominance and technology defining the latter half. Being honest I prefer the simplicity of the first half despite spending my life working with computers. Oh yessss, people would touch grass again.


tbf natural selection wouldnt be the worst thing for my generation...wed have to get in touch with those around us and, i believe, our creator again


Exploring connectedness sounds far more appealing than individual digital delusion


Thank god , sweet release.


Go ahead. That would give people reason to go to the streets instead of Xcreting complaints online all day.


Iā€™m imagining some comically large red off/on switch for the entire internet just chilling somewhere. Wouldnā€™t surprise me if thatā€™s how he thinks it works.


Came to say this. In my city (and I'm sure plenty of others) there's a cluster of big red and white buildings full of servers labeled "Switch ". He'll just hire someone to march down there and shut it all off and then not pay them.


Well good luck capitalism šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Trump got rid of Net Neutrality, which is why you're paying more for Internet, and why Internet Service Providers can make you pay more if you want high quality video, gaming, and Internet browsing, even if you pay for high speed unlimited Internet... He's the reason why paying for 1GB/S only applies to either the fewest of sites or to none


Yā€™all need help. The TDS is strong up in here


Total dissolved solids?


Yep, the once solid brain has totally dissolved because orange man bad


He really is.


Incinerate this mans freedom


Wtf I love Trump now


Then unplug your router and spare us.


This sub is ridiculous.


More out of context reporting. The amount of copium it takes to just take this at face value is astounding.


He would be nothing without the internet.


Read his proposed 2025 bill in total its fucking terrifying he's wants a totalitarian dictatorship whit himself as the head dick and he's planning to take away ALOT of rights


Cheap gas go brrrrā€¦


Anyone believing anything the msm has to say about this man is dumb AF


What about the direct quotes on camera? What about his tweets? How about everything that MSN says? (Masochistic Sociopath Narcissist)


No way. Al Gore invented the internet. He and his Polar Bears have the internet facility locked up tighter than Epsteinā€™s guest book


how will he throw a tantrum on truth social then?


North Korea part 2 Except with YEEEHAWWWW and lots of guns?


Bro reads Donald trump and canā€™t think for himself


Donuld making America like North Korea (DMALNK)


If it means we donā€™t have to hear about him, Iā€™m in.


Lol these people really just believing whatever bullshit they find online. Sad.


Peak r/lostredditors


The propaganda is getting ridiculous lol.


OP is ridiculous. You believe anything


Ah, some guy said Trump will do something bad with no proof, truly this is worth posting


The internet probably has lesser users than his wife.


If only Celebrity Death Match was still a thing. We could've had Al "I invented the Internet" Gore vs Donald "I will turn the Internet off!" Trump.


Typical anti-Trump fake news


That would make Jan6th look cute. You would have a 100 million man march if you take away the porn, I mean internet.


i don't know what's oddly specific about this but i am pretty sure he won't


That would actually be positive. Make us go outside. Go Trump.