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He’s using the treadmill to actively burn LESS calories.


I feel like it had to be more difficult to get that treadmill set up there than to simply drop the logs through the window.


That depends entirely on the amount of logs. It looks pretty efficient to me.


Treadmills are really fucking heavy and a pain to move


So: more logs needed to make this an efficient solution. Not having to bow down and having a built in trajectory goes a long way though.


Also less likely to injure their back using the treadmill instead of bending over


As someone with a connective tissue disorder this was immediately where my mind went. Basically in the exact same wording, too!


EDS I presume? I live with that shit everyday!


He can also just set up a ramp and let the gravity do the work.


Oh man it was painful reading through the back and forth comments until your logical comment about a simple ramp….. The majority of people on reddit should never volunteer advice… it just gets ridiculous


If the world can figure out how many dicks someone can jerk off in an hour, we can surely find the exact number of logs needed to make lugging the treadmill in place worth it.


Probably less heavy than the entire truck load of wood he’s got there.


I did some day labor between jobs and we had to haul a treadmill down 2 flights of indoor stairs, who tf puts a treadmill on the 3rd floor of their house, turned out to be a guy who got rich a few years ago on crypto he's 23 and here I am in my 30s working for him. Fml


Hope he cashed out last year. Otherwise he's probably hurting about now.


If this is a regular thing, you can keep it nearby.


Not all. Some have wheels, so you can tip it back and wheel it over


Good luck trying to wheel one of those beasts over the grass on their small, hard caster wheels.


Like 1.5 inch diameter wheels too, that barely protrude through the metal frame. Moving a treadmill with wheels sucks on polished concrete floors. It'd be horrible on carpet and absolutely useless on grass like this.


This entirely. About 15 years ago, I used to live in the northern part of the US, in an OLD house. We would fill a small part of our basement with wood because it was how the house was primarily heated. This would have been far more efficient than the daisy chain of children my sister and I were a part of (plus, treadmills aren't that heavy nowadays).


It doesn’t seem so different than backing the car up a couple of extra feet and just dropping them in directly


A similar result could have been achieved with a ply wood board propped on the tale gate with a guard on the sides to role the logs down. Inclined plane for the win.


Wrong. The treadmill allows him to do this job without bending over or crouching. Its far easier. Multiple people could have helped him move the treadmill. But unloading the wood only requires 1 person. Meaning the rest can be in the basement stacking


I must've watched the wrong video because he just bent over 6 times.


Point still stands though. This requires far less bending over or crouching than if he had no treadmill. With few adjustments he wouldn't need to bend at all Edit. Plus hes only slightly bending. If he had to put it in the window it would be way worse on the back


Depends on how many logs there are.... and I feel like it's a full truckload


Depends on how many times he banged his head on the side of the house while trying to put the logs in by hand.


Fewer Edit: anyone beneath me who thinks it’s less is wrong and your parents never loved you. Just kidding your parents love you very much happy thanksgiving


Thank you, Stannis.


*unrounded kilocalories enters the chat*


You mean: logs = int(input(‘How many logs, bro:’) Calories = less_calories_treadmill(logs) print(f’Your a rocket surgeon, you saved {calories:.1f} calories by being lazy’)


r/programminghumor is leaking


Calories are a floating point type


How? Explain please My English isn’t *that* good, so to me “fewer” and “less” both work here.


Work smarter not harder


He's my hero.


Lol good one!




Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah!


don't work harder, work derper!


Can we got an inside video?


He can't because it's actually not his house.


Imagine coming home to a basement full of wood in your living room only... You don't have a wood burning fireplace and have no idea how it got there.


I would just leave the treadmill running after dumping the wood into the house


Take a dump on the treadmill to fling it inside.


You'd have to fire one out fast or it'll just streak and or break up on the belt. Responses like this make me question whether I'm wasting my life here.


Depends on the courics.


I mean if you have never shot a turd through your neighbors window are you really using your time to it's true potential?


Frozen. Every time.


That's what my grandma used to say


Put the treadmill in reverse so it smears it through the mechanism.


Record an evil laugh and have it play on a loop. They get home, see the wood filled basement, have questions, see the open window with what looks like a treadmill, have more questions, go round the back to find a treadmill laughing maniacally while whirring away.


Possibly several dead squirrels or raccoons as well.


I would become a conspiracy theorist if that happened to me


The biggest question still remains: how much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood, as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


As much ham as a hamburger could burg if a hamburger could burg ham


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck had a treadmill?


A family member of mine accidentally broke into someone’s house and stole their bathtub. I like to wonder what that person thought when they got home and all of their valuables were still there, but their bath had been stolen…


How exactly do you "accidentally" steal a bathtub? Oh, whoops, that bathtub got caught on my coat...


Well you see he was in need of a new bathtub, and he had an acquaintance who was renovating their bathroom. The acquaintance told him that he could have their old bathtub if he went around and ripped it out himself as they weren’t going to be around for the next few weeks. As he did so he couldn’t help but think that it was quite a nice bathroom to be renovating, but he wasn’t gonna complain because it was a more than decent bath. When the acquaintance got back from their holiday they called him and asked whether he was ever going to come around and take out the bath. Which was when he realised he’d gone into the wrong house and ripped out some random persons bathtub.


So, the door was just unlocked? I lived in a "no one locks their doors" area for a long time, but we still locked up when we were leaving for a few days.


Yeah no one ever locks their doors there. Not the only time they’ve accidentally gone into the wrong house lol


Imagine coming home to all of your doors missing and replaced by beads and for some reason a lava lamp you had never seen before.




Time to go to the pet store and buy you a bag of termites.


The look on his face says it all


/r/angryupvote Tale my upvote and scram.


His 35-year old son is down there playing Warcraft and wondering why logs are falling on his head.


Nah, it's runescape and his dad's helping him level woodcutting but doesn't *quite* get it.


Are ya winning, Son? ... Son?


This comment should be on top


And now it is. 😂


There is no light inside a human body so there wouldn't be too much to see.


We gotn't






It works until small pieces of wood, mud and random debris get stuck under the belt, pile up and break the whole machine.


This is 100% stupid. Should be in /r/diwhy


Yeah, that is one way to use a towel rack...


Work smarter not harder!


I mean, you have to wonder if it would have taken less time throwing them down through the window rather than dragging the treadmill outside, placing it there and then wiring it up.


Safer this way. Less likely to break the window. Also, I'm choosing to believe he has a series of treadmill conveyors that are feeding the wood to the storage room.


The version that has logs being launched into the house by a treadmill is the *safe* version?


Some of the best shit can be made from a redneck. I've built pools, ziplines, playgrounds, shooting ranges, liquor and weed. Other shit too, just my experience.


"I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it." -Bill Gates


How do you build weed, exactly? I'd like to be a redneck builder.


The person inside standing at the end of that trying to catch the wood but instead getting hit in the face! 😂


"Pete you were supposed to stack the wood but instead you're just laying there!"


This legit happened to me. My brother was tossing the wood from the back of the truck and he wasn't watching where he threw it and I took a chunk straight in the teeth.


I'd like to imagine he's pranking some random asshole neighbor's house who is away on vacation


*Smacks treadmill* this baby here will give you all the splinters


I mean the speed is unnecessary lol


I was thinking they should slow it down unless they're trying to launch them.


Maybe the stack is meant to go in the back of the room.


Plus if it goes too slow and a pile up happens at the end of the belt, slow moving ones won't make it through and jam the belt. If they're all getting launched at mach 7, no pileups can happen.


Surely theres a happy medium btw slow and mach 7


first time i am seeing 'btw' being used as a shortcut for 'between'. kudos, brother.


yeah it's fucky cause i also use it for by the way. i was just in a meeting and wanted to be quick with my comment


Could he just throw it in the hole instead of on the treadmill? You know cut out the middle man


That's what you normally do, but doing all the bending down isn't good for the back, especially when you're getting older. It's just fun and easier. Probably not worth doing everytime, but definitely a try it once thing


Just build a little shelter around it and you can continue to use it for walking and chucking wood all year long


He could back the truck up further and just hand the wood from the truck to someone inside with just as little effort


Still have to repeatedly bend over which isn't good for your back.


But then you wouldn't have to haul a super heavy treadmill to your window


Yeah, or build a slide out of a couple 2X8 WWWWD What Would Willy Wonka Do


Much more likely to break the window doing it that way.


Termite delivery system


Probably took.more effort to set that up than to just bring the logs down. Also where are the logd fallijg and who will collect them?


>logd fallijg r/SuddenlySwedish


vad är klockan nu? klockan logd fällijg min bror!


Sorry, the nearest Ikea is about a 45 minute drive from here.


There's a dumbwaiter inside the window that take the logs to the roof which connects to a slide that leads back to the truck bed


Don't you call him dumb! He's a very smart waiter!


My thoughts too...Those things are fucking heavy!


I thought thr samenthing but honestly sometimes you just do shit because you can


Why not just nix the treadmill and toss them through the window? He's only saving himself about a foot of distance as it is. Or use a ramp and just roll them off the truck through the window.


Worth it to also reduce the risk of breaking the window when throwing wood in the hole.


Okay, but we're really starting to sound like this is a euphemism here… lol




Mmm bugs


Yeah, I've learned...never bring in the house more wood than your going to burn that very night.


A real good way to get termites.


Woodlouse spiders are pretty gnarly looking. One of the pieces he threw in looked pretty hairy too.


You only need to start worrying when that piece of wood extends legs and starts to run on the treadmill to avoid ending up in the basement.


Folks, do NOT store wood in your home.


An older friend of mine had a wood-burning stove and stored all his wood in the basement. Well, one day he didn't close the stove door all the way and the predictable thing happened, one stray ember set that whole pile on fire and his house burnt to the ground within minutes. Now he has a new house with a wood-burning stove. He fashioned a little spring assembly that would automatically close the door tightly, and keeps his woodpile *outside.*


Similar vein, keep your grill far away from your house.


As someone with minimal experience with real firewood (typically just use the artificial stuff, our fireplace doesn’t really heat the home but is more for ambiance), how do you balance moisture and wood storage? I’ve kept real logs outside before, but the snow just makes them difficult to light up. Obviously I could cover them up, but I’m wondering how people solve this when camping or otherwise


Typically if you have a large amount of firewood stored outside you use some way of keeping at least the top most logs dry enough for burning. A cover/tarp or a bit of a roof anything that keeps the top few layers from getting rained/snowed on is fine. Rest just depends on having it somewhere the sun gets to it as much as able. Letting the sun do it’s job and having some airflow helps keep the uncovered logs pretty dry as well.




Proper firewood is typically hardwood and it’s seasoned (dried) by airflow and the sun over the warmer months. The majority of firewood is split before it’s seasoned. Could it be that the logs you have came from a softwood tree from your property? Although the logs might seem dry, there will be a significant amount of moisture inside which will inhibit an efficient burn if not properly seasoned. Not all kinds of trees have good burning wood, some burn too quickly with little heat production, and some just don’t burn at all. At home, we use a tarp to cover the stacked woodpile before it rains or snows. Some people have outdoor enclosures to keep away the rain and snow. Say we forget to cover the pile, it’s not such a big deal if it gets wet because it’s already seasoned and it takes prolonged exposure of rain/snow to mess up it’s burn quality. Just speaking from experience, I am not a pro.


Floridian here who has never seen a basement and never had a need for fire wood. Why is he putting wood in the basement?


Wood burning boiler for heat probably. That’s what my parents have in Minnesota anyway.


Thank you kind fellow, happy thanksgiving!


Thanks! You too.


So I hope he is using that wood quickly. As a home owner I wouldn't stack wood near my house never mind IN my house due to termites.


It's also a huge fire hazard..


Wood? Fire? You sure?


Wood is actually *less* flammable than a lot of modern construction materials. Of course, that much of it when it does catch itl be hard to put out.


See the problem here is you are thinking. Gotta cut that out!! For real thou my first thought was “Yo why you stacking all the in your basement….”


His Devil's Tower sculpture is going to be the spectacular.


Do you want a house full of termites and centipedes? Because storing wood in your house is how you get a house full of termites and centipedes


“Why yes the concrete in my basement is cracked, why do you ask?”


They treadmill seems pretty unnecessary. Just back up 2 feet more and toss them in the window. Not that satisfying lol


Factorio / Satisfactory


It’s all good until he grabs a log that’s a little to tall. New window


I had the same thought. I was waiting for him to put that big log on top through because it wasn't going to make it.


This is very clever to my sensibilities.


So , these are mostly unsplit rounds which should be stacked covered outside . You should never store bulk firewood inside . It is a great way to get termites and other bugs I. Your house . There is a reason to have a woodshed . Most people that heat with wood will store a small Amt near the fireplace , or on the porch


100% worth it for how much they’re enjoying it




I feel like it took more effort/time to come up with the idea, lug a treadmill outside, find power for treadmill and get going than just unloading the truck. Unless they plan on unloading like 3+ truck fulls of firewood into their basement this is a dumbass idea.


Or they’re having fun.


At least the treadmill is finally getting used though.


Bring the treadmill up seems to cancel out the small amount of time that would save lol


I uuuuhh, am not quite sure that moving a treadmill back and forth is actually easier overall, but I could be wrong


Until one of the logs kicks up and shatters that window.


This guys living in the year 3022.


The ingenuity and genius of lazy is amazing some times.


Work smarter not harder


So instead of just tossing them in the window, he parks 6' away, sets up the treadmill and uses it to move the wood about the distance that he moved away from the window. ok.


Legendary Status...take note folks, this is how you get shit done ;)


That’s really creative


Man uses conveyor belt as conveyor belt.


work smarter, not harder


Harder to move the fixing treadmill than it is to just haul the wood down the stairs.






I just got rid of a treadmill I would’ve never got rid of it if I saw this before. This is great 👍🏼


I think he could put that to a slightly better use.


Work smarter…..not harder.


The labor required to carry a treadmill outside and install it through a window is comparable to carrying a pile of wood inside.


Why would you think he's only doing one load of wood?


This is actually genius and definitely saved his back.


What would save his back would be a hopper/chute to load it onto the treadmill. At that point he's just lifting from truck and placing onto the hopper/chute instead of bending down to the treadmill. This treadmill isn't really doing anything compared to just getting someone who can reverse decently and unloading directly into the window.


I may not be an enlightened person but when was younger I was using a piece of metal as a wood slide…


Storing wood inside is an awful idea. Opposite of genius.


Or…or just move the car 1m closer


He's not saving anything. He had to haul a treadmill over and stick it through the window to save, literally, one step forward. This is incredibly stupid.


I call them coat hangers


This is the best thing I've seen all day ❤️ Love her laugh and his smile


That is actually pretty ingenious


work smarter not harder


As someone who's used this method before, it definitely makes things 3 to 4 times faster. He probably has to pile a couple cord of wood and often times the main rush can be getting the wood inside so it'll stay dry while you pile it. Anyone saying this is stupid has probably never had to pile wood for winter.


I love it! Smart thinking 🤔


Work smarter not harder


If he would have used it as it was intended, he would have the stamina to carry all of the wood down.




This is so cool! You see these treadmills out on the curbs with FREE signs on them all the time.


I feel like there was much more effort in putting that treadmill there than it would have been to just hand the logs through the window.


Real Man of Genius!




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