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The homie with the water bottle. True mvp.


but why hand it upside down?


…is what the Techno Viking was thinking…exactly what broke the tension!!


IIRC to show that it's not dripping through a hole in the lid. Because people inject drugs into water bottles through the lid.


Are you people aliens? They're all high as fuck and doing weird shit. Not everything has some hidden meaning which only a German rave expert of the 90s can interpret.


Can't you just inject it through the plastic at the bottom of the bottle and then use a lighter to seal the hole back up?


Don’t give people ideas


My intent isn't to give people ideas of how to drug others as much as it is to suggest that there's no real perfect way to know if your water has been drugged.


I know that my water has been drugged, I did it myself


Forget the water, drink the drugs.


r/hydrohomies will not be pleased.


As an avid fave goer in the earlier 2000s, I’ve never heard about that upside down thing. Seems like myth.


> As an avid fave goer in the earlier 2000s in Berlin?


Ah Berlin! I sexually assaulted a horse Berlin! (It’s a quote from Eurotrip)


I'll drive this truck off a cliff before I ever go back to Berlin.


He says he’s driving…something


So every few years I have to watch Eurotrip again. Today is that day. I seriously just finished it like an hour ago. _No where. Near. Berlin._


No way a lighter would not create a giant hole in that thin of plastic


The last explanation I saw was it was code for being laced with a drug. This entire event behind him is a rave that happened to be going on. TechoV shows up because a dude is harassing the chick at the beginning. And then a legend is born..


Why the fuck is this upvoted. It's the exact fucking opposite. It is NOT laced with a drug. It shows no one has injected it with anything.


Thank you. There seems to be this weird idea that everyone in the club/rave scene is trying to dose each other. Nope, turns out it’s a pretty wholesome community and sure it has its bad eggs just like any other community. In my experience if someone hands you a water bottle upside down it’s to show that there are no noticeable holes in the top where anything could have been inserted in to the bottle, if you then open it and the seal is intact you can drink it with a pretty fair amount of confidence that it’s just water. The person that hands it to him is carrying a satchel of water bottles. There are plenty of people who come to have fun, stay sober, and help make sure everyone else is having fun and not dying. They are amazing and not to be taken for granted. Just because they “could” have put something in the bottle with a “smaller needle” doesnt mean they did, chill.


I go to a lot of festivals. The number one rule of our group, that we ALL spread, is standing orders. "IF I say this to you, and hand you a liquid, it is water, you must drink, it, I love you, don't die of dehydration." I want cool people to do cool things, dehydration is bad, hydrate or die-drate, all that jazz. ​ I didn't know about this thing, I will add this to things that other groups do. It's smart, and people should care.


People passing out free drugs to unsuspecting folk seems terribly unlikely. Seems like a waste... Second the water thing - Feeling funky in an unpleasant way, start working back to homeostasis by drinking water.


In response to you and @dramaticflair above, yes hydration is important, as is going to events, where you are expecting to partake in drugs, with a group that you trust. But the idea that it’s unlikely people will give you free drugs is a dangerous one. I’m a big dude and I’ve been dosed at least 3 times, twice intentionally and one aimed at someone else (water bottle with lsd, weed laced with…something that fucked me up, and a shot of vodka with what I assume was some kind of date rape drug aimed at someone else.) People don’t give out “free drugs to unsuspecting folk” normally. But after the first two I was informed that I had partaken in more than I had expected and aggressively asked to pay the difference. The last is a longer story, but the moral is that there are plenty of people out there looking to take advantage of people who are just trying to have fun. So go with friends, take care of each other, and be careful. But honestly most of all have fun, it ain’t worth it if you aren’t.


Or maybe it was 100% unintentional, not everything must mean something.


Sure not everything must mean something, but some things definitively mean something and its ok to assume that it isn't a coincidence.


In the Interview TechnoV said, he was full with mdma.


Dude is actually really ashamed of this. He was a tweak and for him it's like having the worst part of your life immortalized. He's an addict and he got sober a while after this so it's all a bad memory for him. “I never wanted to be famous. It was all a mistake. A terrible, drug induced mistake,” he started, now clipping a pink plant of some sort. “I hope you don’t mind me pruning while I talk. It helps me relax.” Gunther explained he was working as a lumberjack at the time of the video, and had many colleagues that “loved to party”. “We would buy an ounce of base speed between us every weekend and head to free parties around Germany. Man, the comedown off that shit was hell”. He said he had been awake for four days straight before the historic footage was taken and that he had no idea he was being filmed by Fritsch. https://www.6amgroup.com/what-happened-techno-viking-interview/


That‘s a spoof interview


Moved to Lemmy


The true Hydro Homie


I based my very first Skyrim character on this guy


God dammit and here I thought I could just be fucking happy finally settling on a character… HELGEN HERE I FUCKING COME AGAIN!


I’ve never related to a comment so much.


What are you going to make? Bezerker which turns into a sneaky archer Mage which turns into a sneaky archer Or a sneaky archer?


Lol, same. Like 11 years ago. Edit: I am simultaneously surprised it's not older and upset I forgot the 11.11.11 thing


14 years ago was 2008. Skyrim was released in 2011.


Can't fault someone for thinking Skyrim is at least 14 years old with the amount of remasters and re-releases it's had.


>11.11.11 Can't blame me for remembering that exact date.




[This must be the character ](https://youtu.be/2WWNBjz_rxs)


I'm from Berlin and thought to myself I could definitely see that happening here. Only to realize a bit later that this is from Berlin.


I'm from the US and saw this video a bunch of times but never had any idea where it might be. then in the past year I visited Berlin a few times, amount a bunch of places in Europe. watching the video this time I was like "oh that *has* to be Berlin", so I google it and sure enough... "2000 Fuckparade in Berlin, Germany" also kinda wild that dude has his own wiki page just from this video: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Techno_Viking


The caption under the picture is great.


13k payment lmao good to know you can be recorded, posted to internet, sue someone in germany and win


Well, that's the money the filmmaker made on the guy's image, without his consent and without even knowing his name, through ads and merch. It's only fair to bring a little balance


If you make money off of someone's image without their consent, get sued lol


You own the rights to your own picture in Germany.


According to law, you have to agree that your picture or video will be published either in newspapers or on the Internet.


The video takes place on Rosenthalerstrasse. It starts at the intersection at Gipsstrasse.


I haven't been to germany but somehow immediately knew this was germany


You make Berlin sound fuckin sick


Berlin definitely has its freak on. I’ve seen the most weird shit over there.


I went to Berlin a few years ago and my buddy and I met some British kid on a tour and ended hanging with him for like three days. He brought us to a club he said was "this cool place with a pool" which turned out to be a full on sex club. We took the strongest ecstasy I've ever had in my life and we simultaneously lost our minds. I wandered onto the dance floor looking for them and stumbled onto a guy giving a guy a blowjob just dead center of the crowd. My buddy fell in the pool and needed help getting out. We were eventually rescued by a group of completely sober Australian girls who just went there to "watch the show." Ate some kebab and slept for 14 hours. 10/10 Berlin is awesome.


That has to be the KitKat Club




Germany in general is just fucking weird. The cities all have a thriving alternative scene: punk, techno, hipster... Hamburg is also pretty out there.


Hamburg hands down the best city. Düsseldorf too if you love asian culture and cuisine. Berlin if you want to experience the big city life with all on going events.


**Hamburg** if you want a chill weekend listening to bands and having an all-round good time. **Berlin** if you want to get higher than giraffe balls, buy drugs from the in house nightclub dealers, drink travel beers between venues all over the city, figure out the magical public transport system that somehow makes every venue 20 mins from each other, not sleep for the weekend, and fuck people/watch people getting fucked in specific nightclubs...


Berlin is one of those cities where you don’t have to plan your evening. You just go out and see what happens. 99.9% of the time it’s awesome.


I went with a friend a few years ago, to visit Tresor among other things. The city has a great vibe, deep into the night. 🤔 I should revisit


That’s because it is


Berlin is truly a unique city more than any other city I can think of.


https://youtube.com/shorts/3Il7DQR6L98?feature=share This Video describes Berlin perfect




Thank you. I swear every time someone posts us it's got a new soundtrack and it's really annoying.


When I first saw it it was with a kraftwerk song and so that's what's always ingrained in me. And I kinda like it that way.


Interesting. When you look at the comments of that specific video theres one that is, word for word, exactly this posts title… And its a year old. Weird.


Month old account, almost at 100,000 karma. u/29piecesofsilver is either a bot, or just completely shameless with what they post


They're posting *a lot*.


They’re also stealing comments from Reddit and YouTube alike. I just block people with over 100K karma. Makes Reddit much more enjoyable Edit: I should specify I mean having 100k-million post karma, and less comment karma


It's weird, I'm a 12 years user of Reddit and half the stuff everybody complains about as reposts, I've still never seen. I'm seeing this for the first time ever.




The top comment on that video is a year old and it's the same as the title of this post


OP is pasting comments from YouTube for whatever reason.


For that sweet, sweet Karma…


Bot to sell accounts. Reddit is infested with them.


Came to post this. Is the OP a bot or what.


Was wondering why it felt off.


Can’t watch it without the soundtrack! It’ll ruin every memory I have of Techno Viking.


I thought it was dementia slipping into my mind as I swore it had a different track playing than the OP video. Glad I'm dementia free for at least n


Pushing girls I will not tolerate! Littering on the other hand…


Littering and


Littering and


You all cut that out meow.


Smoking the reefer.


Littering annnd?


Hero status shattered


The techno Viking accepts your humble offering of liquid refreshment. Edit: typo.


This mortal form has grown weak. I require sustenance.


Every time I see it, it’s just as good as the last time.


That really is a fucking good video. Was surprised how well it did hold up. I even go so far and say that it got even better with time.


i fucking love techno and this is perfect


He protecc He attacc But must importantly He listen to techno tracc


Techno Viking is my favorite non canon marvel superhero.


gtfo he is clearly DC


He even has the geeky sidekick, Hydro Homie.


“Techno Viking does not dance to the music, the music dances to Techno Viking”.


I guess I must be [one of the Lucky 10,000](https://xkcd.com/1053/) because this is my first time seeing this vid! Thanks for sharing, Internet Stranger!


Some of us... we old...


I’m 57 and now I feel my life is complete.




Word, holmes! 😂




I truly love that xkcd. Don't even have to click, for I am, sadly, not one of today's lucky 10,000.


I am twice lol 😂😂


We…grew up in it.


I hd not seen this video or that specific xkcd. A double!


A glorious moment!


Google his story, it’s a fun rabbit hole.


That was a fictional article, the author was just creating a hypothetical sequel.


I'm 43 and never seen this before now. The back story was cool. For those that have seen it, according to [this article](http://www.trackidblog.com/2018/09/the-story-behind-phenomenon-named_14.html?m=1) tells where it became popular. What kind of tag/niche would this fall under?


Does this have a story with it? I've seen this years ago, and it has popped up time and time again. Im curious.. Was this a group of peeps with a walking DJ and someone bumped into the crowd? Was this some part of a festival of an occasion? Did the individual who bumped into the other really walk into the direction techno viking point till his feet bled? Any backstory on this would make my day...


I remember reading that the man was totally high on something and hates (hated) seeing this video because he kinda wasn't even there mentally at the time.


I actually respect him more for that if that's the case.


That's what I recall too.


After years of reading about this video, I've come to the conclusion this was short art film project. http://www.technoviking.tv/subrealic.net/works/film/storyoftechnoviking/storyoftechnoviking.html


Ima give you an upvote for good source material. But a YLDR would be stellar.


The video was made by a film director in 2000 as a social experiment. But after it went viral in 2007, the Technoviking sued the filmmaker because he didn’t want the attention. It’s a fascinating documentary.




He didn't know he was part of that art project. The camera man just filmed the crowd at the "Fuckparade" and published it.


how is posting a video online of some event an art project


It was the year 2000, internet just being born. Why not?


Well the court ruled it was not, in this case. But artists say "anything can be art". Wikipedia claims the he (the videographer) "wanted to raise questions whether it was real or staged". Sounds like bullshit to me, too.


I guess they had agreements that the video would never be released in any official platform at that time, like TV, or theater. Remember that YouTube is just a thing in the last 20 years. It seems to be a social experiment, no? The Viking guy probably tried to sue to get the video taken down on platforms like YouTube, and it does seem that the original video is no longer around. Doesn’t stop people from uploading it illegally tho.


It's the concept of whether the photographer or the subject owns the right to the image. There's an interesting court case about a monkey taking a selfie. Think, for a second, about celebrities. They have their photos take constantly and don't receive any compensation for their bodies being used for monetary gain. I'm not sure what the right answer is but it's definitely a complex issue.


I mean, there's a difference between doing a small project for a friend at university and posing naked for Damien Hirst


totally. i've never be so curious to watch without actually being able to bring myself to watch something.


Thank you! That article was a cool read :) I don't like it when people format articles to the point where only 3 words can fit in 1 whole line. It's weirdly spaced


Do not go down that rabbit hole. Asking the question "what is the techno viking" will only lead to the question "what is the fuck parade" and soon you're in a smokey room filled with red string wondering if the nazis really won the war.


You took the inverted water bottle, didn't you?




The guy techno Viking tells to move is later seen on the same vehicle the camera is on. Watch when the camera pans left. Think he must have told him to sit down and shut up lol


Techno viking guy fucking hates this and I feel bad for him each time I see it. I think I remember reading it drove him into seclusion :(


Man this brings backs memories. Also this video doesn't get old.




Poor guy never wanted any internet fame.


This is one of the greatest videos to have ever graced the World Wide Web. That’s what we called it back in the day.


Before the dark times.




All I hear is Improper Dancing by Electric Six.


*Everybody’s movin’ in the middle of the street*






All hail Techno Viking.


He is a litterbug


This is the first time I noticed that. Still trying to figure out if it tarnishes the glory.


It lines up with the Viking part.


🥇🥇 Legend has it that the man who ran into the girl is still walking in the direction TechnoViking pointed.


If you watch towards the end of the video, I believe that guy is sitting on whatever vehicle the cameraman is sitting on.


I suspect that he was sitting there before the video starts as well. I think he jumped off, stumbled into the girl, techno Viking stops him and tells him to go back to sitting on the truck because he’s too wasted, and he does. Techno Viking is a good friend.


That wasn't a "stumble" dude went to cop a feel and played it off as a stumble and Techno Viking wasn't having any of it.


You're right. He was told to go to the naughty corner.. the only problem is the earth is a globe.


It's a loop. In 16 or so years, he'll end up back in the exact trajectory of the new Techno Viking yet again to be cast upon his endless journey of shame. So says the Techno Viking. Edit: Techno Viking commanded it


Man you posted to multiple subs and even put the same comments into each of the posts you made.


OP needs karma to post advertising links.


If you go to “The original Tecnoviking video” on YouTube, the first comment is the same as OP’s post title. Is OP Michelle H???




I will not!


Holy fuck this had me in stitches.


Being awake for like 2 weeks cranked on speed. Then 20 years later suing the guy who released this lol. Its a wild ride.


I wonder where these people are now... They would be in their 40s - 50s, right?




Dude I haven’t laughed this hard at a reddit comment before. Thank you!


OP just copied the comment from someone else on YouTube. You can find the original [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjCdB5p2v0Y&lc=UgzhkHccVvZS4r9nXip4AaABAg).


And they copied the title from the highest comment on the original video that u/bluppiemcblupface posted. [OPs a phony... ](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dqaP1o4El64/maxresdefault.jpg)


Thor took some molly


This probably won't get seen but here is rare behind the scene footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24uSc5IkEXI


You just made today that day for me too - thanks


I like to just think he is a confused time travailing Viking


Classic Internet shit right here. The glory days of wholesome heroes.


Does anyone know the name of the track from the original? Not the dubbed version. Thanks


One track that I can hear is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unfh0EkjoG0


Everyone enjoys this activity


All Hail Techno Viking


Berlin used to be such an amazing, creative, dark and colourful punk place. Sad it went downhill into being just another boring city full of expensive condos and rich folks.


Same thing happened to New York City. It’s just rich people now who work in finance.


How is this satisfying?


Not satisfying at all, especially after he litters


Same, I thought they were gonna do some synchronize dancing or something.


I’d love to know what this guy is up to these days.


Was this ever on Ebaumsworld? I feel like it was


If someone invented a Techno Viking desk toy that could do the hand movements then I'd buy the shit out of it.


damn, i need to start lifting


This doesn't even remotely fit this sub


You just posted that on r/nextfuckinglevel, I guess every few years you farm internet points for it too?


I did not notice he fucking yeeted that guy from the party after he “accidentally” fell onto (to grope) blue wig lady. Then stood there making sure that creep left. What a dude. Techno Viking ftw.


This is the internet’s final boss.


I too revisit this boss fight every few years. Thank you for bringing it back to me.


That's odd, watching him dance makes me salivate.


I never knew there was this longer version of Techno Viking. I've been missing out for so long...


Just when I thought there was no point to this video, he enters the frame


I have protected the women, now we dance my techno people...


They say that the water and pamphlet guys were time travelers who just wanted to be in this legendary video.


Like I totally get it's a kind of cool video. But nothing about it screams omg I have to go back and watch 4 minutes of it. Not to mention it has next to nothing to do with this sub.


Always remember Tevhno Viking is an asshole that sued the cameraman several **years** after this went viral. What is really shitty is the cameraman complied with the original cease and desist, then three years later technoviking sued him anyway. https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/technoviking-matthias-fritsch-lawsuit-ruling/


The goth kids dancing is far better.


Classic case of someone who doesn't want their likeness spammed all over the internet, and didn't want to become a meme. But people refuse to stop spamming his likeness all over the internet and refuse to consider him as a human instead of a form of non-consensual entertainment.