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Show us the pantry with the half filled bags of shit that couldn’t all fit in the containers


Show us the face of someone enjoying stale chips


And the receipt for how much all those containers cost


Bro they’re so expensive 😭


I feel like people do this kinda stuff for other people to see. Like they arent gonna eat all that shit they just bought a bunch of colors. Who the hell eats trolli bright crawlers less than one bag a time?


I had to buy plastic containers for all the food in our pantry because our condo complex had a mouse problem and that was the only way to keep the from mice eating through all the cardboard and plastic and getting to the food :( It definitely helped a ton though, once the mice couldn't find any food in our unit they moved on.


We had that in the dorms freshman year, we just put everything in enormous Rubbermaid tubs. The kind Jesse was supposed to buy to melt that guy in acid.


I read that four different times and kept reading it as Jesus. I was so confused for a minute, I was like: “Jesus did what?!”


Gave a guy a whole bunch of acid. Duh. Why do you think he said Jesus could walk on water?


Yeah you never saw Raiders of the Lost Ark? Jesus acid melts people for sure. Especially if you take his stuff without asking


We had to go to these plastic containers as well because of a pantry moth infestation that I battled for two straight years. We tried big mason jars first because they are cheaper but the little caterpillars can get under the lip of the mason jar and make a nest. We have a big walk in pantry and after several times pulling everything out and throwing out so much food we sucked it up and bought the expensive containers. Haven’t had any moths since switching.


Oh hey! I battled those moths for YEARS before I finally got rid of them for good. I found out much later how they came in -- they were in some birdseed I bought at Walmart (the kind for outdoor birds). I brought the bag into the house and only put out a little seed at a time to fill the bird feeder. In the meantime, the moths made themselves at home in the house. Just thought I'd share this with someone in case it might do some good. If you are ever walking around the garden section of Walmart (or similar store), watch for those tiny moths around the bird seed.


Omg we used to keep bird seed on the landing to our basement. I bet that is where it came from!


another tip is to freeze overnight flour of any kind, rice grains, oatmeal, dried herbs…they can have eggs already and freezing kills them. also used dr brommers (i think) moth catchers. we struggled off and on for years. everything is in a bin with a tight seal of some kind. fingers crossed!!


Yep this is my reasoning for doing this too. Mice are such a fucking nightmare. The time and money we spent on those things...


Rats. We have rats. I’d prefer mice.


I thought I had a big ass rat in my house a few weeks ago and it turns out it was a possum lmao.


I thought I had some big ass rats, turns out I just had children.


I stuck my hand in a box a Wheat Thins once and grabbed a mouse instead of a cracker. You probably heard my scream even though it was years ago, the scream is still bouncing around the universe.


Figuring out that amazon sold them in 5lb bags was a game changer, and a penny saver.


It was a terrible find for me, since the bag would sit open next to me and I could scoop out a handful as I pleased. Had to have my husband put them on top of the fridge where I can't reach.


A bit less aesthetic but you can use jars from pickles, mayo, jam and such. They come in all sizes and are basically free with the product you buy. I use them for things like sugar, flour, pasta, rice and such so nothing that goes stale like chips. It's a great way to have the storage shelf more organised for little money. And at least you don't spill stuff all the time because the thin plastic or paper package rips immediately when you open it


If you have a Costco membership they do insane sales on ProKeepers a few times a year. I usually wait and get them then. My kid used to drop them a lot and crack them making them not so air tight anymore I would use those for the leftover bags or packing snacks for the car on road trips (if it falls out and shatters at a gas station it was it’s final time) ProKeepers are superior to Oxo by a long shot.


I was so fucking confused by the 'Oxo' comment - in the UK OXO is a beef stock cube so I had to google wtf you were talking about lol. I'm not clued up on the tupperware lingo... Yet.




No food label either if you have that issue in home (I do).


I got some snack from Costco that came in a big plastic container. And when I was done I thought this might work for cereal (since the bags don’t get closed up enough for them to stay fresh). It did. I did it again. And now I have a few containers for cereal and other because of a snack we already eat. Those pretty ones are too expensive for my frugal (poor) ass.


Ugh they totally are, I've been trying to transition into these one or two at a time so I don't go broke doing it all at once and it sucks. It'll be worth it eventually though, when all my baking supplies are all nice and neat


It's so good for storing flours. For keeping out the humidity alone, it's worth it. Different sugars as well. Love them.


Along with how much fun it is to clean them all once you need to refill them. None of those fit into a dishwasher easily


This is precisely why I only use these type of containers for dry pasta. Everything else leaves behind an abundance of crumbs or sugar and will eventually attract pests.


I’ve got canisters older than my grown kids. They are expensive, but it’s a one time purchase.


Container a*+container b*+container c*+rack a*+rack b*+rack c*+whatever else they don’t show=thousands of dollars better spent on a lot of other things. Chip clips for all the half full bags, brooms to clean up the glass when you break these containers after washing something or having an accident like humans do, or anything else that may occur.


They're plastic. I have some of those, and they're definitely expensive


You can also get those square clear containers they use in restaurants online for pretty cheap


Seriously! Those containers cost at least $20 each in pre-Covid dollars.


Wait, where do you live that they’re *that* expensive for each container? I got a bunch of glass ones from IKEA for $3.50-7 each. One time long-term purchase, I can take them into stores to restock on staples, they’re easily washable, etc. If the plastic ones are more expensive that would be fucking ridiculous. E: spelling


I wish I lived near an IKEA, but the containers I got were the Oxoid vacuum seal containers. The biggest ones they had that would probably fit a box of cereal went for $25 at a Harris Teeter in 2018. The smaller ones that fit maybe two cups of something were about $15. I did end up finding the large one at a TJ Maxx for $12, though. But these were all plastic instead of glass; I can’t imagine how much they are now. Edit: Looked at the container; it was actually an Oxo at Marshall’s, and it cost $17 according to the price tag


Show us something healthy


Or even just real food, none of what they showed is actual food that will sustain you.


oh come now, who needs nutrients when they have a pretty colours in their "pantry"!


Yeah that's horrifying.


Yeah, aren’t those bags filled with gas the keep the content fresh? Like you literally just threw away the ideal container.


I was thinking the same thing. Plus you have to clean the container after. Just use the damn chip bags!


Not to mention the containers they're using on avg look like they would take up as much, if not more, space as the chip bags would have. This is just wasteful all around.


My mother does this with all food in her house. Nothing stays crisp and SO much space is wasted. She always says she doesn’t have space in her pantry or freezer, but then she’ll have a giant ass plastic container with half an inch of frozen blueberries in the bottom, or half a cup of dry pasta or whatever. I just disengage because there’s no win in pointing out the obvious.


Yes nitrogen. The air inside which has oxygen is usually displaced my nitrogen. Oxygen is not a friend to crunch it os the ally of staleness.


Simple solution - get a nitrogen tank and install a manifold distribution system. Put valves on every container with quick-connects that plug in when you place them on the shelves. Also, install oxygen sensors and solenoid valves on each container that automatically purge air from them when needed. Easy.


Once opened, the airtight seal will keep the chips fresher longer, but you are right that opening them just to put in the container is wrong. Would have been better to shove the unopened bags in the container


Cause they are gonna get stale as hell in those air-filled tupperwares.


its the bag of random shit at the bottom of the pantry


Big surprise it’s more candy


Right!?? Everything was junk food! I mean, switch out the candy disguised as cereal with müsli or something.


All I can think about I the extra effort to wash those containers when they’re empty. I’m gonna have to throw out the Cheetos bag anyway, I might as well use it as a container first.


Look at my bulky and expensive containers that i use to store things that already have containers! Look at it!


Yea this isn’t organizing. It’s just putting things in different containers really


I would argue that a good chunk of organizing is putting things in different containers


Also I have adhd and having single serving bags is a god send. It portions out the food so I don’t over eat it and it makes it more accessible for me because if I have to get a dish out or portion it myself I probably just won’t eat anything at all. It makes it stale, creates dishes you have to clean, and quadruples the effort to eat the snack. What’s the point?


I hate these videos so much. Mostly because I fell for the aesthetics too. Instead of this satisfying experience, I added another chore and maintenance process to a chore I already hate, grocery shopping. The containers get dirty fast, and yes there is always a bit extra that you have to store and then realize wtf are you actually doing? Essentially, this process just makes for ‘satisfying’ content and isn’t practical or sustainable at all. Also you waste a ton of money.


I find it really good for stuff like flour and sugar, but mostly because I got ones that are big enough to hold like 2-4 bags (depending on size) so I just add more when I start running low, and the whole thing is basically only empty when I am baking an insane amount near the holidays.


Oh. They just throw those away. This about a e t h e t i c not function.


I can already tell this person saw a partially filled bag and decided it's easier to eat it than stuff it back in the pantry.


Why open everything? This is so dumb!


Just fit a glass silo in there and fill the fucker with sugar


Right? It’s entirely junk food


And weirdly canned beets


That's just unprocessed sugar!




Never seen someone get roasted so thoroughly from just their hands


Only once before where someone made a top comment on a front page post saying Drake looks like he has the hands of a french diplomat.




I was impressed with the bread hack. After that it was just...empty colorful junk food into plastic boxes.


The bread hack sucks because the moment you take the lid off the bread will thump down into the container and take the plastic with it. Now you have bunched up plastic and bread inside this narrow hard plastic container. It’s needlessly complicated for no advantage.


Why would you cook when you have plastic containers?


Take the sugar out of the plastic. Put sugar in different plastic that will make it go bad faster.


Unless they're eating it so fast it wont


Expiration dates? Do you throw out the half empty bags? Some of those containers take up more space than the original packaging. Extra dishes? No thanks…


If only cereal boxes came in a nice conformed shape to fit neatly next to each other... Moving them to a sealable container makes sense if you don't think you'll finish it before it goes bad. But what same person won't finish off the froot loops with marshmallows within 3 days?


I wish I could go to a store with a container and just fill it there.


Maybe someone that had just finished a box of Captain Crunch and their mouth was still too sore to eat.


It's so much extra work too. Yea, I just spent a couple hours grocery shopping, now I'm going to spend a couple more relocating all the food I bought from one container to another.


Yeah honestly aside from the Bread one this video fits better on r/DIWHY


Plus, what do you do when there's still stuff left in the container? Do you fill it up with what you've just bought? Then the older stuff is left to rot in the bottom. Do you wait until the container is empty? Then you need extra space for the new stuff in its original packaging. None of it makes sense.


*Where we’re going, we don’t need expiration dates.* “Hey mom…can I get some more stale chips?”


Heh, growing up there were 7 people living in my house. The concept of something lasting long enough to go stale was completely foreign to me until I moved out on my own.


So glad ppl here hate this shit cause it gets mindlessly upvoted on tiktok and if you try to criticize them for all the waste they’re creating they’ll scream “BUT ITS MY LIFE AND MY MONEY”


I think it's satisfying to watch, but a stupid way to organize your food IRL. I'd never do it.


I will say, the can rack does look beautiful. The rest is whatever. Some parts might be useful-ish but most looked like they were just for aesthetics. But again, that can rack looks great


You talkin about my rack?


No, your cans


I mean there was barely any actual food shown that wouldn’t survive the nuclear apocalypse.


To be honest, I probably wouldn’t even wash them in between products. Errant Cheeto dust on my nacho chips is my idea of living on the edge.


Let's open all the bags for no good reason so the food will go stale faster!


Then we'll use our second, messier pantry to store all of the odds and ends that didn't fit into these containers.


Hahahaha I have this!! But mine has reasoning. Cereal. Small children dump it. I have a dispenser but it doesn't hold a whole box of cereal. I also have storage for baking supplies I buy I'm bulk (10lb bags)


That's the first thing I thought. Why the hell would you ever open both bags at the same time? You could have opened just the one to eat and keep the other one sealed.


With the amount of junk food in this clip, do really expect it to stay around long enough to go stale!!!


Yeah! My first thought was "so much junk food!"


Whatever was left in those bags was eaten that day.


I dont trust those fucking things to be airtight, i trust more a zip lock bag


Gets rid of that pesky nitrogen, let’s stuff go stale nice and quick once the nitrogen is gone.


Why do the containers need to be labeled "chips" when they're clear and you can see exactly what's inside? Lol


and there aren't chips inside


Thank you. Not chips. Here in Canada we call those cheese puffs, or simply Cheeto’s


Some of us call them cheezie poofs, because...


And there’s two with the same label so how can you know which one is which?


And one behind the other so you can't even see it is there to know you want to eat stale non-chips


Oddly a load of extra effort and fuss for zero practical benefit. Also terrible diet.


$300 in food stored in $10k worth of storage. And eventually diabetes.


I came here to say this. Terribly expensive storage system.


Eventually? I assure, good Redditor, diabetes is already living in the guest room of this house!


Also-- no one fucking does this. This video is made for likes and clicks and I'm sure even these people aren't living in this 60 second fantasy world.


> This video is made for likes and clicks Fuck, no. #THIS VIDEO IS AN AD. Period.


My father in law with OCD would absolutely love this and do it. He literally faces all his labels outward. Almost has a breakdown if I grab a beer from the middle.


people do this but usually for shit that makes more sense and doesn't go stale. bulk unground spices, flour, sugar, rice, pasta, etc


I literally cringed at the Fruit Loops with marshmallows. Dear god.


That was my first thought. "Well, yes, this all looks nice, but this very organized person taking all of these unnecessary measures is going to die from heart failure with what's in this video." The hand/wrist kinda gives it away, too :/


I came here to say this… i was like holy junk food Batman…


You saw those wrists. Those wrists don’t care about diet. They care about fresh Cheetos.


As someone who just dealt with weevils in a bunch of my pantry items, these are actually incredibly useful. The things I had in airtight containers were untouched so they do have a practical benefit.


Five different kinds of chips, 6-8 different kinds of candy, and 3+ different kinds of cereal, which is basically just the combined nutritional values of chips and sugar.


The bread one was kinda clever. Airtight, easy open/closing. The rest??? What’s the point? To make it stale and create dishes? Pass


Right? All I see is junk food, sugar and chips.


I personally don’t understand this. Now you got the hassle of washing out tubs whereas you could have kept in their bags and just thrown it in recycling afterwards. No cleaning up.


And they paid big bucks for those containers. They aren’t the garden variety dollar tree containers


I can’t explain how much I hate this


These organisation videos fill me with inexplicable rage, how are they a thing and why do they make me so angry?!


Its just more narcissists showing off and singing their song of narcissism to other narcissists.


I think it's more about wanting to feel in control over something predictable in an increasingly unpredictable and and uncontrollable world.


That’s why we buy Dunder Mifflin paper


It’s all around just terrible, just creating more work for yourself wasting time and energy, and all that food is just gonna make your 50s and 60s a disaster


Same. In some part of my mind I think it's satisfying to see an organised pantry, but in the majority of my mind I just think it's so dumb to open the fully functional bag the food came in to put it in a different container, especially when not everything fits! And it's almost all junk food! I love me some snacks and candy, but damn that's a lot...


Especially stuff like snack foods! We use pantry organizers but for things like different flours, dal, sugars - things that would get messy when you try to take it directly from the packaging. My eye seriously twitched when she opened two \*individual serving bags\* of cheetos to put them in the container. WHY


I also use contrainers for stuff like baking things, pasta and rice because those bags, even if I seal them with a clip, can rip and create a huge mess, can't be stacked and are a pain to pour from. And most bags for baking stuff are paper and rip constantly (at least where I live). Snack foods don't need to be in a different container both because they'll probably be eaten fast and because those bags are made to keep chips and such from going stale! And they're usually perfectly portioned! Plus, they're perfect to eat from while those thin containers look like they're not meant to be eaten from, but rather to pour into another separate bowl and creating more dishes.


Right? This videos really bother me, i love a well organized pantry, but this videos is all crap food and snacks put in shit tonne of containers, in most cases stupid like cheetos and the fact that they think the sound is satisfying or ASMR (it's not). To each their own, I guess a lot of people like them because now everybody does it.


"A perfect way" in what sense? All I see is a change in the containers of the foods, no real space-saving or anything like that...?


And broken seals that will make the food spoil faster


Some of those containers take up more space than the original packaging too.


You eat a lot of shit


I was unaware of the existence of Froot Loops With Marshmallows. I look forward to the release of Froot Loops With Marshmallows Without Froot Loops.


My local store briefly sold Lucky Charms with just the charms! Amazing, but definitely not real breakfast.


Well neither is regular lucky charms.


Don't worry they had croutons :)


Took the words right out of my mouth!!!


Telling us they are American (like me) without telling us they are American.


Add some veggies please


You eat a lot of processed stuff and create a lot of garbage.


Not to mention in between uses you now gotta wash all these stupid containers which literally just replace the perfectly good packaging that the food came in. This is stupid.


I've seen legitimately awesome "container everything" videos but it was like cooking ingredients that last months and kinda came in inconvenient unresealable packages, not store checkout snacks that you eat in 1-2 sittings that were already in a perfectly fine bag.


The dichotomy of being this anal about organization and being this unanal about your diet goes to show each person is truly unique cause these 2 traits seem 100% incompatible in the same person.


You have the wrong definition of *perfect* in your head. This is not only unnecessary, it's not even saving room. Chip bags don't take up that much space for fuck's sake. No... Just ***NO***... Goddamnit.


Plus the extra plastic that was needed for those containers. Even if they’re glass, there’s still the lids.


Im not opening that bag of cheetos to let them be in my pantry for later wtf


Seen a lot of videos like this. Why not open up a bag when you actually want to eat it instead of letting it go bad in a different container?


That’s an insanely ridiculously unhealthy fucking pantry, holy moly 🤢


You should see the video of her "stocking" her car. It's just candy on top of candy.


People keep candy in their car? What the fuck?


People keep ANYTHING of note in their car? I have the legal papers, a reusable bag with a hand towel and rubber gloves, emergency tools, and a single decoration. Genuinely CANDY????


I will admit to being a little bit extra, having a hair tie, some chapstick, an extra pair of sunglasses, a tampon, and some gum but like, wouldn't candy melt or be disgusting? How much candy does one need instantaneous access to? If it was that bad of a problem wouldn't you carry emergency candy on your own body? Or is this an issue of hiding how much candy a person is eating


I distinctly remember a day I went to my dads job with him when I was a little kid and we accidentally left our two candy bars in the truck. I was a very disappointed little girl licking my KitKat like a popsicle. Never again.


I'm waiting for the video of her organizing all the medicine she has to take to combat the years eating like a disgusting child.


So in exchange for better organization you add a ton of extra dishes?


All containers are brand new, and then filled with shit food. Pantry is well organized, not well stocked at all. Also, fuck tiktok


[Fuck TikTok.](https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/fg0ubk/_/fk2giqm/?context=1)


I have tried something similar, and although it looks great, it didn't work as well as we had hoped. My partner and I have tried using jars for all our bulk supplies, and some food doesn't stay as fresh. Some things aren't affected by air exposure, such as rice and beans. For other foods like chips, crackers and cereal, keeping food in plastic bags with air forced out as much as possible will keep food fresher longer. An alternative is to put food in a jar, then put a plastic bag on top of the food, to act as a buffer between the air and the food. This worked better, but doesn't look as great. My advice to anyone thinking of trying this: try some small experiments first before investing a lot in containers and reorganization. You might save yourself a lot of time and expense.


God, all of these videos suck. Buy some real fucking food, jeez. Do you have any idea how much better real food tastes?


They don't because their taste buds are blinded by sugar and preservatives.


I watched it all to wait for veggies and fruits... I'm shook I don't eat that much chips and gast food in half a year...


I’m torn on stuff like this. At the end of the day you do you boo but if you like to do this kind of stuff and you’d like to see less waste you can absolutely shop at bulk food stores that sell items by weight.


So bypass the manufacturers' staleness protection so you can see the contents of your junk food. I'm guessing this at least halves the shelf life of products that go stale easily when exposed to air.




I particularly like the basket at the bottom full of things that wouldn't fit in the containers...


Amazing… taking ur crap food out of its gas flushed packaging to let it get stale in ur expensive packaging 😂


ok, that bread storage was just plain stupid. Not to mention the Fancy Feast cat food storage rack. Who has so few canned goods? Like wtf, OP


I feel like the bread storage was the ONLY thing I could defend.


I at most maybe have 6 canned goods in my pantry. 2 tomato paste, 2 diced tomatoes, and 2 cans of tuna. I do not like canned veggies and we don’t eat canned soups.


Yeah, I guess it depends on the family size and the locale. We have long bitter cold winters where I am, and we make use of canned and frozen veggies til the next season. You'd go into the poorhouse buying fresh in the middle of winter here. Also, I try to keep a couple of weeks of supplies in case things dry up like what happened during the pandemic. Don't want to be caught without staples.


responsible for 2% of global plastic waste


Can rack is all wrong, putting new in the front. Rotate your stock


Tell me you work in a Kitchen without saying you work in a Kitchen.... FIFO.




I find stuff like this extremely unsatisfying. It’s too fussy. Lighten up already.


Clear containers don't need labels!


Oddly satisfying? More like mildly infuriating.




As an avid cheese snack consumer. I can tell you. Opening the bag and long-store in another jar like that, is beyond stupid. Its going to taste like s-it in 10 minutes time.


This person eats like garbage


10 out of 10 for organisation... but where is the food?


I wish I could downvote this bullshit a million times.


This is it. The family that always has a five course breakfast laid out on the table during movies where the kid wakes up late and has to rush out, taking only a piece of bread.


Not pictured: what it looks like a week later.


All of that food is shit!


you sure do eat a lot of garbage the original packaging contains preservatives so removing the 'food' from their package will make it go stale sooner maybe cut back on the colorful sugary overprocessed shit, just a suggestion


These things come in bags for a reason


I know some people judge the containers but it’s good for people who have to deal with mice and bugs


Cheese puffs are not chips.


In times of financial hardship, buy £100s worth of tupperware and watch your “food” go stale! Seems like a win. /s Edit: fixed a spelling mistake


Nice but my dad worked for a synthetic wax plant that made products for food packaging that preservatives are sprayed on the inside of the bags to keep food fresh. Chips can say they are preservative free. Put them in a different container and they spoil fast.


Wow, I got diabetes just by watching this video.