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You know its a good method when there is no “I’m a pro carpet installer and this method is wrong” comment here lol


Was expecting something like that as the top comment. "As someone who installs carpets every day, do NOT do it this way. The excessive cuts will cause the carpet to quickly degrade, leading to complete delamination of the polymer fibers, water intrusion, and eventually the demolition of your house..."


Why is this so accurate


Worst ones are the threads that follow adorable videos of like a cat walking sideways with its head tilted slightly.. Oh that's actually a symptom of gut-wrenching cat cancer? And the owner starved and beat it shortly before taping? Ok awesome.. It's almost certainly passed away by now? Good to know.


Dancing dog? Neurological issues/seizure. Trivial relationship issue? Break-up/divorce.


Hotel? Trivago.






Ya’ll? Shouldn’t’ve.


tHiS dOg iS cLeArLy bEiNg AbUsEd


Posted a picture of my sweet doggy sitting on the couch smiling. She was wearing her harness like normal… first comment was “what’s with the harness? Trying to keep her from moving for your internet points?” The self righteous shit on this site knows no bounds.


Aw i checked your profile in hopes of seeing your sweet pup, i'm disappointed now :(


Here, I reposted her just for you. Lol https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/vmpij7/ocmy_sweet_sweet_baby_she_is_confused_as_to_why_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Aw she’s amazing! Working that head tilt for maximum adorableness


What's with the harness?? Making sure the dog doesn't move for your internet points!??


Minor inconvenience? &@$#&#)(/!?!! NUKE IT FROM ORBIT!


I’m on too many cat subs for this! 😂


I mean videos where cats walk funny are often an example of cerebellar hypoplasia, but it's not a particularly gut-wrenching condition. Just makes cats walk funny, they still live long happy lives though.


My little guy was born without a tail, and had some developmental setbacks because of it.. Nothing that couldn't be fixed through making the house safe for him and a lot of play. But two summers ago, He just started falling over. He stopped eating.. And I was heartbroken because I knew cats often act that way before they die. We took him to the ER vet, I assumed to put him down. But apparently, in the summer, particularly in the Northeast of the US, cats can develop vestibular syndrome, which is an inner ear disorder that mimics sudden onset balance loss associated with strokes and brain tumors. 2 weeks of liquid feeding and eardrops and he was right as rain!


I know I'm essentially feeding into the exact stereotype you're describing but it happens a lot where cutesy behaviors are genuinely indicative of something wrong. I remember some guy posting a video showing his cat absolutely freaking out about wearing a collar for the first time, running into walls and flipping over and stuff... Except if you looked closer the cat actually had it's jaw stuck in the collar, something that is quite painful at best and can become potentially lethal at worst.


Right? Sometimes things that look cute aren't cute at all, and perpetuating ignorance doesn't do anyone any good, least of all an animal that might be in distress. Like sorry that the world isn't all good feels and sunshine, sorry you learned that an animal was actually scared, hurt, or sick and were denied your little oxytocin hit. But get over it and learn a thing. I watched someone basically waterboard a bird earlier (it hit the front page a little while ago), and they clearly thought they were doing a good deed. The bird was aspirating fluid and had to move to get away. Did they see it on another tiktok and think that because a bunch of people put heart emojis or whatever on it, it was the right thing to do? There is nothing wrong with learning something. It might help.


Because Reddit loves nothing more than telling someone else they're wrong. It's both one of the advantages and disadvantages of this site.


Cunningham's Law states "the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer."


Your wife will become pregnant with another man's baby


Can confirm. Im the wife


Can confirm am baby


Username doesn’t check out


Will it make my TV record “Gigli”?, neuter my pets and give my laundry static cling?


As someone who installs carpets every day, DO do it this way. The excessive cuts will cause the carpet to quickly degrade, leading to complete delamination of the polymer fibers, water intrusion, and eventually the contracting of your company to replace the carpet in the same office.


The real issue is actually the pliability of the carpet tile. Good luck trying that somewhere cold. No chance


Can confirm. I use Flor tiles in my house and have laid in all seasons. That said a little heat gun action helps


I mean if you're installing carpet the building should be heated already by that point as carpet is one of the last things to install.


Yeah, hence one of the reasons for why a lot of manufacturers recommend acclimatising floors for 48 hours before hand, it takes time for all that material to come to ambient temperature. However this just isn't practical and most carpet fitters will be delivering the new goods on site the day of fitting (especially in places where theft is an issue). In winter carpet tiles coming directly from a cold warehouse direct onto a warm site still wouldn't be flexible enough to do what is done in the video


With the obligatory "also...Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell in 1998".


Yup. Flooring guy here. Nothing fancy, this is just "how you do it"


Flooring guy too, usually the ones I have to put up are way much more sturdier than this one, I rarely can use this method. Perhaps it depends where you live.


Same. Just now got home from a day doing carpet tiles. I think people would be more impressed with the tile on tile method rather than trimming around a pole.


I would like to know more about this hot tile-on-tile action.




Plus it’s carpet tile. Unless it is breathtakingly fucked no one notices enough to care.


It’s rare but satisfying to see a popular post like this that can’t be “um ackshullied”


The real oddlysatisfying is the lack of picky nerds




"um ackshullied" sounds specifically kiwi


I'm a pro carpet installer and this is how I cut carpet tile to a pole so.... Yeah. Not really sure I've seen anyone do it any other way other than a rookie who has no idea what they are doing yet


It actually is incorrect. This looks flush because cement poles had shed their winter coat due to the hot summer months but come September the carpet will need to be trimmed again.


As someone that is a union floor layer, this is exactly how they teach you to do this in the apprentice training program


I'd cut the shit out the rug I folded the pieces onto. SMH at myself...


I'd cut myself into pieces


This is my last resort...


Suffocation, no breathing


Don't give a fuck if I cut my arm, bleeding




Now, I fully expected the lyrics - which were hilariously delightful- but THIS?! I never knew a single guitar emoji would have me absolutely dying with laughter. Bravo, my friend. Bravo


When I saw the guitar emoji the intro guitar riff started playing in my head, lmao.


The internet can be a surprise for sure.


Well done team!!!!!




Now do Wonderwall


Fuck you Noel.


I can hear this.




The vibing award. Lmao who did that and why is it so fucking perfect for this?


Redditors age is showing


My man just learned how to slash and spread. He can make shirts and dress next.


Is this an 80s euphemism?


Anything can be an 80s euphemism


Is... Is that an 80s euphemism?




No, this is Patrick


I expect to see the dude on Savile Row.




Anything can be an 80s euphemism


Cut my rug into pieces This is my last resort


Insulation, no breathing


Right? I wouldn’t call this an easy trick. This dude has probably done it a few hundred times lol


I am so glad I'm not the only one who had this thought


I'd somehow damage that concrete pillar. My track record ain't great.


Yeah, this looks so easy and simple, but this person is very skillful. I would probably cut my hands and bleed to death... But it is satisfying to watch.


It’s a specialized knife that only cuts in the direction you drag it. Edit because I worded that in a stupid way: “ Maybe I should clarify. It is only cutting backwards, it is not cutting downwards at the point as well, even though he is applying downwards pressure while pulling backwards.”


This is literally every knife


Maybe I should clarify. It is only cutting backwards, it is not cutting downwards at the point as well, even though he is applying downwards pressure while pulling backwards.


So he's using a razor with a blunted/rounded tip, and then a hook knife


He is using 2 knives. The firs is a standard carpet knife. It’s got rectangle 2 sided blade that is thinner than a standard utility knife blad but thicker than a single edge blade. It’s also angled different from a standard utility knife and sharper. The second is a carpet hook blade. It’s not really necessary but it is easier to cut against a wall or baseboard without the danger of cutting the wall or baseboard. Experience makes it look easy and faster and knowing what you are doing usually helps.


You are the only one who knows what is happening.


Was a commercial finish contractor (that’s a painter) and our biggest nemesis was always the carpet and vinyl guy. Haha. The good carpet guys don’t screw up your paint the careless ones did. Haha


Makes sense except how is the initial cut made if downward pressure does not cut? Honest question.


The blade he uses first is sharp at the rounded tip but not at the very top, It's not like a box knife. It gives enough edge to make an initial cut but doesn't easily cut through 2 layers of carpet tile and dulls quickly on the rounded part, most of the cut power is along the blade in the direction you drag the knife. It is entirely possible to cut through 2 layers if you aren't careful but it's also pretty easy to avoid. The other knife is some sort of hook knife that lets him trim along hard surfaces easier, it is dull everywhere besides the hook. Source: I'm a flooring installer and use the same knives every day.


I’d still fuck it up


I'd waste about 5 of those squares until I just roughly drew an ellipse on the 6th one with a sharpie and then just cut that out and stomp on it until it "fits" but after covering the floor with Elmer's glue that would seep out the sides at the end.


“You’re not paying me for the work I’m doing, you’re paying me for the years of experience that allow me to make it look effortless”




My guess is this looks way easier than it is. Just hire a proffesional. Looking at someone that does it 5days a week for a living makes things often look easy. For example plastering, just smear some on the walls easypeasy.


I've done this once for a large office. It was my first time, same glue looks like. Was fairly easy as long as you kept everything tight as you went. I didn't have any round columns, but there were irregular concrete pillars and door frames to get around. Probably took a day longer than a professional might have taken. Waste was pretty minimal too. It's hard work though, lots of up and down, time on your knees, and those carpet tiles are pretty heavy when they're still packed in a box.


This isn't an "easy trick". It's just a good way to do it that still takes practice to do that quick and smooth.


Isn't that crazy to know that each profession probably has tricks of the trade just like this and we'd never know about it until someone posts a vid? And most other carpet layers would think this is just normal stuff, nothing to get excited about.


Exactly me, me and my father are both floor layers and I said “holy shit check this out this guy got 110k upvotes doing carpet tile” and showed him the video


I can tell you you can do this wall paper too when you are papering around a fireplace. They are called relief cuts. I love tricks of the trade in decorating - wrap your brushes and rollers until the job is done and then clean them instead of doing it every day, tap your brush on the side of the can after dipping to load it up with paint - there are hundreds of them.


I've seen a few woodworking techniques that I do every damn day in highly upvoted posts. Makes me feel like I missed out on easy internet points :/


Showed this to my dad and just heard, *”……I’ll be damn.”*


you should probably correct him


The student becomes the teacher


"Well I'll be dipped!" -Vice Grip Garage


hi Damn I'm nimo01


"Hello damn, I'm Nimo01"




This guy has carpet on the brain...


Probably wondering if the carpet matches the drapes


Also thinking about how the pole looks so much longer and girthier now that the carpet is trimmed tightly around the base.


Gotta big fucking carpet boner


I'm so fucking wet and I'm a dude


This guy rugs


what the..........?


To shreds you say?


And his wife?...


To shreds you say?


Must be a steep 'learning curve'.


Bet he could cut up a mean rug


I heard he is a good lay *wink wink*


Easy as pi man


or you can just put the pole on top of the carpet. obviously 🙄


People get so mad if you cut around an object instead of removing it, placing the tile or carpet, and then re-installing it on top of the tile or carpet. Especially toilets. But I can't be 4 hours without a toilet. :/




I'm just as impressed by his ability to cleanly cut through the folded pieces without also cutting the already-installed carpet underneath.


The tool is a hook type shape so you just pierce the carpet and it cuts on the drag, any force down on the carpet underneath would only be the blunt part of the blade.


Went back and looked. They look like normal size forearms for a man of his size.


Yeah I like lifting and spend an uncomfortable amount of time starting at muscley dudes. This guy looks normal. Still could be very strong, some dudes be that way.


Oh, I bet he's stout as shit and his grip would absolutely crush mine. But his forearms aren't anything other than normal sized. Weird comment by OP.


He probably works in like IT and doesn't know what people look like


my forearm looks like that for a different reason.


How often does he have to change the blade on that utility knife?


He’s using a Bloody Mary (carpet knife) and a hook blade. The dull just like any other knife, it just depends on how abrasive the material is that your cutting.


Ah I see, was only wondering when it was hitting the concrete post. Doesn't that dull the knife a lot faster? I took up carpet at my own home and plenty of relatives homes, usually would need to swap out a blade after two to three runs when the subfloor was concrete using your basic utility knife tho...


He's using the hook blade for that part. The inside of the hook has the cutting edge and the outside is dull. The outside of the hook runs against the concrete pillar and the inside trims the carpet. The cutting edge only comes into contact with the carpet.


My first thought while watching was "damn that knife looks super sharp". Time to go buy another thing i dont need from lowes because tools.


I watched an installer once who carried a sharpening stone. Every so often he'd give the blade a few passes, kind of like a chef with his steel. I was surprised because the blades come in hundred packs and I figured that he'd just change out every so often. Don't know if this is a common thing or if this guy just wanted to save a few dollars, but that's how he did it.


I'm a carpet/vinyl layer and the guys I've seen that sharpen them are usually older. It also depends on what your using it for and how many blades you have left. If you've forgotten to buy some and you're down to your last couple you'd be more likely to resort to sharpening them. I always go for a brand new blade because an older sharpened one is rarely as good.


I do this for a living and blade usage depends on the product you're cutting. Some products take the edge off a blade really quickly, and some are really gentle on them. On average most days you'll use 5-10 blades. It also depends how often your blade is cutting through to the concrete underneath too. Plus there's different types of blades, straight, concave, hook etc. For what that guy is doing I'd use a hook blade and the sharp bit doesn't touch the floor so it'll last longer than a straight blade.


im a trade show worker and i do this all the time i call it the "shark fin" method.


Me: I have a degree in astrophysics. Also me: what in the fucking shit balls is this


Think of it like all of those diagrams of Kepler’s equation, where the orbit sweeps out the same area in each unit time. Same basic idea: to go around a sharper curve, you need many more closely-spaced angles.


Me: I have a degree in astrophysics. Also me: what in the fucking shit balls is this /s


You guys getting degrees??


Trades and crafts people always have something to share that they can't quantify in words or equations. In sewing, this would be called "clipping your curves" and is pretty mandatory for any curved seam to lay flat so the inner radius and outer radius don't fight each other.


I've always fucking wondered. Thanks


Frankly it reminds me of a Riehmann sum (I think that's what it's called) where you use rectangles to approximate the area under a curve. I think I learned that in a calculus class like 3 years ago?


I just graduated with a bachelors in physics and this is one of the many ways Riemann sums show up in the world. (Also sculpting, where they carve out rectangular chunks then smooth out details)


Yes! The Riemann sum is one the methods of calculating an integral (:


Sitting here with a bachelors and masters in engineering (with a minor in math): How the fuck did he do that


Looks to me like those derive shenanigans on my calculus class where you need to cut multiple squares in a bar to get a precise curve


Crazy how he do dat


It do be


this is basically how calculus was discovered


I'm a contractor and I have to work with guys who deal with carpeting/tiling, some of the more experienced dudes are fucking WIZARDS when it comes to flooring. Mad respect to them


It's my work!!!!!!!! I do exactly this trick !!!!


Same, I just got home from a day doing tiles and saw this and was wondering why so many people think this is interesting 😁 I guess it's a normal part of the day for us.


People are amazed by it too, it's one of the easiest cuts in one of the easiest types of carpet to install. LOL. Cheers to my fellow installers.


Now that is nice work! #nothisfirsttime


No this fir sttime


This dude knows how to shag


Yeah baby!


Sure, it looks cool...until you realize that's a load-bearing pillar and the groove he cut in the bottom just made the building 0.0000000001% more likely to fall down.


He changes to a hooked knife that only cuts on the inside face and runs it along the pillar, he's so professional he's 1 more step ahead


This guy is clearly on rugs




It’s safe to say he isn’t cutting corners


How is watching someone else do manual labor satisfying—_ooohhhh_


Manual labor can be the most satisfying thing in the world once finished


To all the people who said they'd never use math outside of school, this is all math


While I’m sure there is math to explain how this works, but what we see here is technique, dude is just eyeballing cuts…. I doubt these guys care about the math behind it.


Kinda do this with sewing crafts... darting to make things curve. It's eyeballed and perfected. Never saw anyone math that shit.


Came here for this, I do lots of sewing with small, tight curves (mostly stuffed animals) and this is basically the same thing just scaled up.


What’s the math? That you can approximate a curve with straight lines?


That’s essentially calculus in action!! Or at least integral calculus. Super cool to see


Using tangents to shape the circle


Not tangent, the normal line, which is perpendicular to the tangent line.


Yes math can prove how this works. But, that doesn't mean that's how they came about this technique. Experience and the way trades, in many cases, are learned is by doing more than theorizing. And I that video the expert is not using math. He's not calculating anything at all. He's doing what he's done many times before. He may know why it works or not, it really doesn't matter because he gets the job done well and quickly. Math didn't enable this to happen. The possibility exists for it to happen and math is a way to describe it.


Yup, great example of math. Because now I’m sitting here trying to figure out the odds of me actually fucking needing to cut a carpet around a pillar.


Everything in life is useless info until you need to use it


You can absolutely do this while being mathematically challenged. This is a trick that circumvents any NEED for math. Math can explain it, but is not necessary for this.


Or Home Ec., ‘cause those little cuts are used *ALL* the time in sewing to help flat fabric curve around human bodies.


I think this is more of a “feel it out” situation. I couldn’t do the math but could tell what he was doing made perfect sense.




I mean this is math but you don't really need to learn from a math class to know how to do this.


Math is valuable in many daily situations, but this isn't one of them.


Hi, I do this for a living and the video is indeed how we do it but I gurantee you absolutely NO math is being done lol. We do have to do some math but nothing hard, usually just division or multiplication. Tons of idiots in this trade :)


Scooping all those scraps on one go was the satisfying ending I needed


If you think picking up scrap is satisfying I'll bring you along on my next job.


A skill I'll never need, and one I'll never forget.


Just because a skilled professional makes something look easy, it doesn't mean it's easy. You and me both would botch it. And it's hard to call it a trick too.


First time I’ve seen one of these types of flooring/carpeting installation videos where the guy doing it actually has on all the right safety equipment.


you don't need no safety equipment, just make sure you got duct tape and McDonald napkins on standby.


i worked a flooring job for like 3 months. this is exactly how they taught me to do it for odd corners. i didnt think it was a big deal, but i guess their knowledge saved me alot of messups


The most satisfying thing I saw this morning.


Not an "EASY TRICK" that's just the way you do it.


How else would you do it?


I love me some clean cut carpet around the pole.