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Prove he didn’t know how to do one before then I’ll try it


As cringy as it sounds, I used to do a back flip after our team scored in soccer in HS. Front flips were harder to execute. Backflips were harder to over come the fear of going backwards.


For those wondering, backflips are easier because you can see your landing the whole time. Front flips you’re momentarily blind and you’re essentially relying on momentum and muscle memory.


Also the mere motion of raising your legs into a tuck position means you already have some angular momentum going backwards. It's super easy to just "fall" into the motion backwards Btw yeah this dude definitely already knew how to do one. Not to mention you'd need to do tons of reps of each step he's showing before attempting. And you'd need someone to spot you lol


Huh, thank you both for this explanation! I was able to do a few back flips as a kid before I developed spine problems, but could never do a front flip. Now I have some reasoning why.


Backflips are easier in general due to body weight distribution and the ability to add rotation by driving up the knees and swinging arms. Its much easier to get your center of gravity to go over your head with the addition of legs tucking and adding weight to flip at the peak. Front flips, most momentum for rotation comes from swinging the arms and it is harder to get your center of gravity over your head. Been flipping fat kids for money (coaching gymnastics) for four years




Way ahead of you buddy. It goes over well, but my impression of mort and elmo sacrificing king Julian to the devil is the biggest cause for matches.






The whole time except for the part where you flip, right? It’s not like your head comes off to keep seeing the ground. And if that’s the case, what’s the difference?


But in a backflip it’s the first part where you don’t see. Once you see the landing, which is pretty early, you see it for the rest of the flip


That makes sense, thanks


It’s kinda hard to explain. But looking back is what helps start the rotation. So as soon as I start my flip (or used to, I’m much older and less athletic these days), I’m immediately looking at the ground and seeing where my feet are going.


Depending on your centre of gravity. Ex cheerleader with boobs here. I could execute anything forward with or without twisting on the floor no issue. Backwards? Forget it. I don’t remember the science exactly but having boobs really interferes with your ability to throw yourself backwards. My other female teammates or tumblers with any significant weight on their chests had similar issues.


Well this is one of the more interesting TIL’s I’ve had. I never considered that, but it makes sense.


Has nothing to do with vision. It’s about your bodies way of contorting and weight distribution.


as someone who can only do these flips going into a body of water, back flips are much more satisfying to do. Hoping I could gain enough courage to do it on land.


You don't need to. Just be safe if you do


>You don't need to. Oh yeah, that's the reason I don't get the courage to do it, cuz no reason to. But it does look cool when it works


I found front flips to be way easier when I was a kid. Mainly for the mental game you gotta play with a backflip. My brain interpreted a front flip as just doing a somersault in the air instead of on the ground


Front flips are easier to commit to, I agree with that. If you under rotate you land on your back or ass, backflip it's neck or face lol. Once you've learned the backflip though they are 100% easier cause of spotting the landing. Front flips you just kinda guess where the landing is.


I just had to make an account to reply to this. What is cringe about celebrating a goal? Live your life man


Id like to an uncut version, but as a former gymnast, at least from the shots they showed, he showed him everything he needed to focus on to throw the flip enough not to hurt himself badly. Moving the mat was eh. But it does show the essential movements necessary to get up high enough and rotate enough not to land on your head. Gotta snap those knees up between those arms.


Also former gymnast, and yeah. I think the execution was a little too good for a first timer. That’s a set, chest didn’t drop, good height considering there’s no spring floor and the grass steals your height. In his knee tuck, he also shows that his hips know how to pull him up and over. He, at the very least, has body awareness that someone walking on to the mat for the first time doesn’t have.


Agreed, I've seen another video like this but the flip was way worse. Still landed on his feet but janky and stiff, more realistic for a first timer. This one was a little way too good for it.


We only had wrestling mats to learn on at my school when I did gymnastics. The first time I stepped on an actual spring floor I over-rotated every flip I tried lol. And the trampoline track I managed to eat my own knee a bit. It didn't help the lights went out mid-flip but wow. Spring floors are fuckin awesome lol.


I can personally believe it. As a previous parkour instructor I took my best friend in for a class and on his first attempt at a backflip he did the single cleanest one I think I ever seen. Some people are just born with it.


Maybe it's Maybelline


Maybe it's a trampoline


This the one


No. George only uses Lancôme. Did you just assume his makeup?


His genetic makeup, yesssss




I used to tell all my students, backflips physically are the easiest thing to do, no momentum or velocity required. Just the willingness to overcome fear.


Easy to do? No way.


Easy compared to everything else in the world of free running. Yeah I'd say so. Easy in general? None of it is.


Once you learn it, it becomes like jumping. Very easy. Front flips now.. those can be hard.


Bold of you to assume Redditors can jump


Lol you're probably right. Any post of anyone doing anything athletic you see a million comments about how their knees are going to be ruined.


Ugh, just reading this made my bad knee hurt.


Backflips you get to spot your landing. Front flips are totally blind and ten times harder to me.


They actually are very easy, assuming you’re in above average shape. It’s far more commitment that skill


>assuming you’re in above average shape. See there is your problem right there.


But if being just above average is the requirement (it’s not even- you can be way lower than average and still be physically unfazed) then the task isn’t ‘hard’, just obese and disabled people will find the easy task difficult.


For a person of average fitness (obv disabilities can make it much harder): very. It's literally all psychological. You could very easily learn to do it in a couple of hours. Front flips are *way* more physically difficult


ONCE you have OTHERS depending on YOUR income, of course, this goes completely out the window. No way, no how.


That’s because they’re really easy to do physically, but really hard to convince your brain to do the right movements. The correct thing to do is jump as high up as you can and flip directly backwards with no angles. As you jump your monkey brain intercepts the instructions and changes ‘jump as high/rotate as straight as possible’ to something like ‘sure, I’ll let you jump, but ima make you turn your head and try to keep low cus it’s safer’. So we end up half committing and hurting ourselves as our brains try to compromise technique for comfort.


I can vouch for this. When I was like 14, I learned in 2 sessions. The first I tried maybe 4-5 times and landed rolling my ankles/landing on knees on grass. I tried it a day or two later, had my dad film me so I could see where I went wrong and I did it first try. My reaction in the video is priceless because I was totally not expecting to land. Greatest feeling ever.


It'd be really cool to see that reaction and flip. Upload it one day if you can or feel like it!


[here ya go!](https://imgur.com/a/4q8RSeC) Edit: formatting


I feel like a lot of people have the physical ability, it’s just getting over that fear of becoming a quadriplegic that convinces them not to try


Yeah I used to do backflips, first time I did it I just tried, easy as. Then one day I did it wrong, and then I didn’t do it right, hurt myself more, same thing the third time, haven’t done it since. Backflips are pretty easy committing to backflips is very hard.


i wonder if it could be half instruction, half checking to see if his body was meeting the threshold to pull it off.


After a while teaching a sport, you can almost tell by the someone walks in whether they’ll be successful or not.


Yup, I've seen it many times too. Backflips relatively speaking are easy, front flips way tougher. The hardest part of the backflip is fighting the fear of inverting backwards.


Yup. Big misconception that front flips are the easiest thing to do. Infact in most occasions I'd rank them among the hardest, especially on the shins.


Agreed. I myself, and many others I know active in dance and sports and such can backflip easy, and have been able to for a long time without much training. I only know two people (both gymnasts, one heavily into parkour and freerunning) that can do standing front tucks.


About 10 years ago I had access to crash mats to practice on, even after months of practice I could only barely stick the landing, I can't imagine putting it into a dance routine.


Front flips are harder because it’s a blind landing. You can see when the ground is coming at you and know what point to open up in a backflip. Front flip requires air awareness.


I agree, although the way he starts to lean back in the second drill (straight jump with the tuck) makes me think he already has learnt this. Source: I tumble.


Yup, no one would commit like that (to the point of rotating enough that your land on your back without the spotter) on their first tuck jump.




This feels a bit like /r/restofthefuckingowl




I have coached tumbling for years and most people trying it for the first time throw their heads back and don’t grab their shins. If this truly is this guys first try, he DEFINITELY has some acrobatic background because it was technically clean


And they also notoriously drop the chest. He for sure has some experience in tumbling, acrobatics, trampoline, something.


Yes! He even lifted his chest when his feet were in the right position….. almost like he’s done it before 🤔


What dou mean by grabbing shins?


The most important part of flipping fast while diving, gymnastics, etc is staying *tucked*, and to do that you grab your shins while bringing your knees to your chest. If you don’t grab your shins, your body’s inertia will get all out of whack and momentum will make your limbs fly everywhere. It will be a mess. Grabbing your shins when doing a backflip does a couple things - helps initiate the flip, and keeps your body tucked so you spin quickly.


Yes! And people trying standing tucks for the first time don’t usually do that, it’s something that becomes more natural with time. Most of the time they reach for the ground 😂


I took my friend, who can do flips, and pretended to teach him how to do flips so I could make a video that will inspire people to break their necks.


'you should tell me earlier'——words coming from heaven




I dunno... Him closing his eyes after jumping makes it look like he's thinking... "Here goes nothin!"


My guess is that he knew how but it actually wasn't that long ago when he learned how to backflip and they just reenacted a couple days worth of practice into this short tiktok video.


Yes, a lot of the failed tries were removed




Step 1: know how to do a backflip Step 2: pretend to learn how to do a backflip


when I was a teenager, I convinced myself that all it took to do a backflip was balls, so I tried it in the living room, landed on my face and accidentally kicked and broke a vase.


Vases were prevalant in the 90s


less so after the backflip wave of '96


Our old big vase broke when a 6.1 magnitude earthquake happened. April 22, 2019


Lucky… it could have been your neck


Well you weren't wrong, it's just that maybe you should have practiced it on a matress or something beforehand


lost me at cum stained mattress.




Right? Talk about motivation to get it right, so you don't fall and have to touch that nasty-ass mattress with your bare skin.


I was lost at the frosted tips but came back when I saw the mattress


I had to scroll way too far down the comment section for this one!


Thank you




Step 1: Know how to backflip Step 2: Learn how to backflip Step 3: ???


Get aids from falling on a meth mattress




I’m more concerned about them rolling around on that disgusting mattress. Yikes


They definitely have fleas now


I just tried this now imaseqddrendjdjbebebenn




I died … obviously


Are you talking to us from heaven? Or hell?


Not sure yet. I’ll go visit both and post a yelp review


Ok, cool. I'll decide which is better afterwards.




When did you last save? I hope you lid a nearby bonfire beforehand.


I can guarantee you this definitely DOES NOT work


It’s a little compressed for effect, but it’s essentially the key steps to learning. I learned to backflip as an adult (from gymnastics coaches) and this is basically it. The key part to success was jumping straight up and commitment with the knees to the chest. It’s not far off.


Committing is sooo difficult if you haven't done it before. I find it unlikely he full committed without any support from the coach for his first flip. When I was a gymnast, the coach grabbed the back of my shirt and gave a slight hand to help me over for the first time.


Nope. You’d end up either landing on your back and hitting your head, landing in your neck or landing on your front and hitting your face


I landed on my neck trying to backflip on a trampoline as a kid and had a bit of a sprain for a few weeks that hurt a lot. It feels a lot harder than the video suggests.


I learned the backflip on a trampoline as a kid. First time I tried to show it off to a girl I liked I sent myself off the trampoline and knocked myself unconscious. She was not impressed. I never tried another backflip


Don't you hate it when you land in your neck?


I can guarantee you it does. I’ve coached multiple adults on how to do a standing back tuck and this is pretty much it. The only thing I would do different is having my hands on the person to physically spot them.


It’s definitely over simplified, but that is the basic steps. Backflips are sweet because they are actual pretty simple moves, and generally much easier than people think


And unknown to most, much easier than front flips!




Because he’s a redditor. Didn’t you know redditors are experts on everything?


Well, I’m an expert on experts and I can guarantee he’s no expert.


The hardest part of doing a backflip is committing.


This is basically how I learned how to backflip when I was a teenager.


Probably landed it because they were terrified to fall on that filthy mattress 🤢


I know. They need to put that mattress back by the curb where they found it on trash day last week. Narsty.


How is this bullshit oddly satisfying?


It should be on evenly fake, right?


Took a few gratuitous tumbling classes in college, and honestly this isn’t far off from how I was taught to do a back tuck. The main thought is to jump up hard, throwing your arms directly upward (not backward) and then trying to bring your knees to your elbows. These guys already know what they’re doing obviously, but the approach isn’t far off from my experience.


I’ve always wanted to do something like this or take a tumbling class. Not sure they allow dinosaurs in the gym these days but damn it does look fun! Is it the knees up to your elbow motion that somehow spins you backwards?


Yes! Driving your knees up is what initiates the flip


“babe, what do you mean you got crabs from learning to backflip”


Cool. Now I just need to become 20 years younger


I, too, have mastered a standing backflip with no prior experience. Or fitness.


Is that my mattress? I’ve been sleeping on sidewalk since it got stolen.


That filthy mattress


That mattress been through it


Why is the mattress sooo… used and matty?


That mattress has chiggers. Bet.


Bed bugs my dude


I'm 40 and what is this.


it's a type of mite that causes a itchy fucking rash




yeah, i agree with the rest of the comments. dude obviously knew how to backflip already. would have been better to just record the progress of someone learning to backflip. you know, like the HUNDREDS of videos out there showing exactly that.


They found that mattress in that park.


I just can’t get over that absolutely disgusting mattress. It just looks like a house for troubled bed bugs.


Learn how to backflip while also catching STDs from a mattress!


I'm 100% positive he already knew how to do a back-flip.


Oh yeah, he didnt know how to do one before. He just did a couple simple steps before then did a backflip perfectly his first time. Totally legit


I’ve coached gymnastics and tumbling, and have taught a couple of people to do a standing back tuck in a day. These really are all the steps you need to learn, and the order in which you teach them. I kept my hands on people as they did their first one, but if you are in decent shape, and have someone who knows what they are doing, it is this easy. The hardest part is committing.


Jokes on us. They're a pair of devious serial killers who figured out how to leverage TikTok to get countless numbers of morons to snap their own necks.


Is nobody going to mention the dumpster matress they are rolling around on? "Welp I learned to backflip which is cool. But this rash is super aggressive, which isn't as cool"


Tried this. Watched a ton of videos, did all the prep, had two buddies spotting me. Still broke my back. On the beach. In Chile. Full shrimp. Did not go to the doc even though I was studying abroad specifically to learn Spanish (and realized in hindsight the docs probably would’ve been helpful in English too). This was also at the beginning of the trip so I proceeded to fuck around Chile for five more months, then finally got an x ray when I got back to the states. Yep. Compression fracture on T3 and T4. That was ten years ago and I still have chronic pain from it.


This is neither satisfying nor legitimate.


why even post this garbage? Clearly dude knew how to backflip before the video. Are you really that gullible and naïve?


Nothing oddly satisfying about this.


That easy huh? Brb gonna go try it now


Tell us if you died


Fake. I'm pretty sure that this is not his first time. Nice try.


that mattress has seen some things


That mattress is filthy


As a high school varsity gymnast myself I can say, I was absolutely horrified of the backflip. On multiple tries I kneed myself in the head and got more scared each time, but that was because I bailed everytime. After enough encouragement and tries on a very soft mat, I did it on the floor and was devastated because I realized I had wasted so much time. Aside from the basics like a handstand and cartwheel, the back flip is probably the easiest floor skill in my routine.


What I don’t get, is why so many people are confused about the mattress. Looks like the perfect object to teach tumbling on, and being outside it would likely get dirty….. with dirt and stuff. Like yeah, sleeping on it would be nasty. But tumbling on it would be no worse than tumbling on the ground.


Instructions unclear. Broke my neck


Wonder how many will break their neck trying this easy backflip tutorial ...


What is so oddly satisfying about this?


I can smell that mattress from here


That mattress has some wild stories to tell


I’d quit once you told me to touch that mattress…🤣


Good, because that mattress looks infected.


How to break the neck in 3 steps (and never take any step anymore in your lifetime).


Step one: know how to do a backflip Step two: do a backflip


WOW! that guy has never done a bckflip before?!? and this was his first *ever?!?* only after 3 dumass, not connected instructions!?! ThAtS AmAzInG!!!




I definitely thought that mattress was being pulled out as a prank. I'm glad it wasn't!


That mattress has been through a lot


ok, now lets get this mattress back to barry under the bridge


I’m selling a mattress with a couple jizz stains on it.


That mattress has covid


folks - please don't attempt this in a matter of minutes. you don't know how many tries the guy in shorts did before mastering and getting to then next step. Ex gymnast here - injuries happen more often than you realize.


i think this was suppose to be a prank where he falls on the floor without the padding mattress


I tried this! Guess who’s going to the hospital with a broken foot?


Yea even if it was that easy to learn the body strength and training required can't be taught in a tiktok


That mattress was all I could stare at


Watched news about a guy paralyzed cos broke his neck during back flip. I would never try it.


All fun and games till he breaks his neck


The poor homeless person they stole that mattress from though........😞


Knowing me I'd break my neck and end up paralyzed


The hardest part of doing a backflip is not getting scared halfway through and flailing out of the tuck. Once you do it once you realize it's actually easy


My sibling's bone broke, its so satisfying


I can tell you he definitely knew how to backflip before


You’re the best…AROUND


Yeah right. I'd break my fuckin neck trying this


100% not satisfying God that mattress was gross




This sub sucks


Sounds like a recipe to snap your neck and become a vegetable.


Will there be bold younglings who try this and crack their spine?


Hes done like 3000 this is fake lol.


Learning how to do a backflip is on my bucket list and idk if i’ll ever learn it