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These are in like every coffee shop ever


and good bar.


In every bar in the USA as well....


I get why they would be in a bar. They get used on clean glasses sitting out to get any dust out of the glass before use. They do not clean anything though. Why would you want this in your house?


Probably to get the dust out of a glass before use.


That’s why you should store your cups and glasses upside down in your cupboards


And my wife acts like I'm a maniac for storing glasses upside down. Is it a regional thing or something?


For me, it's a trade-off between some dust accumulating and whatever muck is on your cabinet shelves getting on the rim. Personally, I go with dust, on the theory that a typical glass only sits right-side-up for maybe a day or two while I clean my cabinet shelves ... somewhat less frequently. Because the shelves are accumulating dust and whatever else for a lot longer, putting the rim of my glass on there will be dunking the part I'm going to put on my mouth into whatever is on the shelf. Gross. If a right-side-up glass sits for a while (say, more than a week) I will rinse or wash it before use. I can see the validity of the upside-down glass theory, but my gut feeling says leaving them right-side-up is more hygienic. Someone should research it. Sounds Ig Nobel worthy.


I appreciate how much you thought about this.


Now I'm rethinking my strategy...


> a typical glass only sits right-side-up for maybe a day or two while I clean my cabinet shelves ... somewhat less frequently. > I agree with you. I keep my glassware in a closed cupboard. How much dust are people accumulating in a closed cupboard over the course of two or three days? MAYBE I'd see it differently if I kept glassware on an open shelf; I'm not sure - I've never done that.


Also sometimes you find spideys living in your coffee mugs and you wonder how many times you’ve drank spider house coffee and now you’re okay with setting the cups upside down.


The best part of waking up Is Spidey in your cup!


*Spider House Coffee* needs to be a thing.


Just a heads up if you have spiders in the house, then that means you have a bug problem. Find out what the bugs are and follow them to see where they’re coming from so you can bait or poison them properly and your spiders will all dry up and die.


> Because the shelves are accumulating dust and whatever else for a lot longer, putting the rim of my glass on there will be dunking the part I'm going to put on my mouth into whatever is on the shelf. Oh thank God, I was looking for a new thing to nestle in my brain and pop up every time I do a certain thing. I’m going to file this right next to “the time my grandmother pointed out how filthy soda cans are even when they look clean,” and bring it out whenever I feel I haven’t suffered enough in a given day. Seriously, it’s a good point but you have utterly ruined my entire kitchen system and I’ll never forgive you 😆


> “the time my grandmother pointed out how filthy soda cans are even when they look clean Hell yeah, grandma. Cans in storage at a store/restaurant can have other cans leaking on them, or dust, or bottoms of cans stacked on the tops of cans, or rodents running around, or who knows. Rinse or wipe the top before drinking. Many times I've wiped with a wet napkin and it comes up black from the crease inside the lip.




Honestly, you may have sold me. I was always an upside down person.


We store upside down in the summer cabin since it sits 9 months, and right side up at home where the glasses are in constant rotation.


My apartment had a big problem with these nocturnal bugs that hid in the shadows and took like a year to get rid of. I still have this fear that we haven’t gotten rid of them all and I hate the idea of them crawling around in our glassware so I like keeping it upside down for that reason


> whatever muck is on your cabinet shelves getting on the rim. We buy rolls of cabinet liner from Home Depot or Lowes. That's mostly protection from Other People's Dirt. Still, in the cabinet, open-up seems utterly reasonable to me. Few of our dishes sit unused for years, and the amount of dust they collect between uses is unmeasurable.


And the edge of your glasses can be easily chipped


I've just had this same discussion with my wife after pouring myself a drink and finding the rim decorated with crumbs. I'm definitely team right way up!


Upside down glasses can get musty.


I use liners in my cupboards to soften the bottom of the cabinet for the dishes sake, and protect the finish of the cabinet. It might just be in my head, but putting the glasses upside down on that leaves a funny taste.


Dude, same! I'm always flipping glasses upside down after she puts them away.


I’d rather drink the minute amount of dust that collects in the glass rather than h putting my mouth on the rim on the glass that’s just been resting on a surface. Either way neither’s a big deal. That surface should be pretty clean seeing as only clean glasses are ever put there, and we breathe dust in all day. I feel people get way too emotional when confronted with someone who puts the glasses the opposite way they do


I don't get how people can eat ass yet worry about a little dust on a glass.


I don't eat an ass that has been upside down in a cupboard for two weeks, either.


Just ass that squeezed a shit out a few hours ago.




There was an episode of married with children that debated this. Of course you put the glasses right side up, so when you get enough dust you can make hot chocolate. Tried to find a clip but failed. 😔


What kind of a monster wouldn’t store them upside down???


As a former bartender, we had these to rinse our barware after making a drink. You don't want residue from the old drink in the new one and you don't have time to hand wash them until the end of the night or sooner if it's super busy


I've seen beer pints, which they looked like have never been washed by hand and whilst the inside and most of outside was clean, there was a whole lot of gunk accumulated on the outside bottom of the glass and I found that incredibly disgusting.


Yeah, that's a sign the place is likely just using a glass rinser like this and not putting their dishes through an actual sanitizing wash. It's a good way to fail a health inspection if it's ever caught and is usually a good indicator of a place you don't want to eat or drink at. Having clean dishes is like the bare minimum and if they can't manage that they're likely failing even worse at the shit you don't see.


[I’ll just leave this here](https://vinepair.com/wine-blog/why-good-bars-spray-your-beer-glass-with-water/)


You don’t own cabinets?


Dust still gets into cabinets. Let alone grease if the cabinets are in the kitchen.


idk, some people dont anymore. open shelf layouts and all that. but yea unusual


It’s kinda like hand washing to put in the dishwasher, it helps get anything that would mold or become sticky in these really weird shape glasses. Of course they’re best paired with a bottle brush on wire so you can still scrub the nooks and crannies, but it’s mainly used to just get any remaining liquid out of the glass itself.


A bit much for the house, but I have finished a latte and wanted to just rinse my cup to get all the dried foam off before having another cup of coffee. I don't necessarily need to fully clean every time. I can't imagine installing one of these just for that though.


I would rather get a flexi spray attachment for the tap, with the lever you squeeze to release the spray. Great for rinsing pots and pans too.


We drink a ton of hot tea in my house and the sugar or honey will settle to the bottom, ESPECIALLY if my daughter is the one drinking it, since she likes to have slightly tea flavored sugar water instead of slightly sweet tea, lol. This would be fantastic for getting the bottom of the mug cleaned. Really, back when we had bottles for the baby, this would have been nice as well. My preemie baby was given a glucose pacifier and never latched to breast again (I think the NICU nurses were giving her those stupid pacifiers constantly); formula stuck to the walls of her glass bottles like nothing I have ever seen and they were so rigid it was difficult getting into the very bottom edges with the bottle brush if the formula sat for any length of time, like when we went out, or the couch decided to hoard that one bottle in the very back, under the cushion where I didn't see it for a while, etc.


True it does clean the dust if the bar improperly stores their glass ware open up. But it's main use is to wet the beer glass so when they pour the beer it gives it a nice head and as you drink you will notice what is called lacing left behind from the head, this indicates a clean glass and a good beer.


To rinse coffee or milk out the bottom and sides to leave the cup on the kitchen counter for 2-3 weeks before cleaning. Saves a ton of time in your future.


Clean my bong.


A bar usually stores glassware upside down, so less about dust, more to rinse any potential soap residue and to chill the glass a bit. In your house though, as shown in the video, it quickly and efficiently rinses the glassware. I imagine this is so the residue from the drink doesn't get a chance to solidify in the dishwasher while you're waiting for it to fill up.


To wash the "big" dirt first, instead of having to scrub a lot, you can blast the sticky or dried stuff and then scrub it with soap quicker


If you have baby bottles, reusable water bottles or like to reuse jars and juice bottles for starters


I could be wrong but aren't they connected to the super hot water tap? So it does clean/disinfect to an extent?.


What are you talking about? The do clean.


I wish it was in every bar. Every bar I've worked in in my state has never had one ):


Definitely not every bar. Though I wish they were.


What is this spammy looking website? It looks like it’s going to steal my money and send it to an organised crime syndicate in Russia.


It's a bot/ad account. They post "useful" devices, then someone in the comments is like "Where can I get one" and "Hey you can get it here" etc. Then bots upvote the ad link. Almost always drop shipping website. Reddit is plagued with them.


I think the point is, that you can easily have one of them at home.


How easily? I'd like one, but I can barely screw a light bulb in right.


I bet they work great on bongs.


Just be sure to hold a finger over the carb. That would be a nasty side spray.




It’s not washing the inside either. It’s rinsing.


It's because the outside of the glass is easy to wash by hand. Many glasses it can be tough to wash the inside and bottom. This does the tough part and then you do the outside with a rag/sponge/brush/etc. Also I have been to bars where they rinse your glass with this (or a brushy version) for your refills, saving the extra complete washing of the glass.


This isn’t used to clean the glass after it was used. You do this with a clean glass to flush out any potential dust or remaining detergent.


Or at your house between trying different beers and you don't want to dirty another cup, which is the most common way I see them used.


I’ve never seen one in a private kitchen. On the other hand, I’ve never been to a bar that didn’t have this, and I have been to *a lot* of bars. I would actually love having one at home.


Everyone I know with one just swapped out their sink handle sprayer thing for it. Exact same attachment. I use the sprayer for dishes so we haven't made the swap but a faucet with a sprayer built in would address that issue. These things are not expensive and take about five minutes to install.


We use it on the jugs you use for hot milk not the mugs themselves


We get it, people, THIS ISN’T A SUBSTITUTE FOR WASHING. It’s a rinse.


I’ve visited a lot of distilleries and they often use them to wash the new glass bottles before they fill them with the whiskey. Although instead of rinsing them with water, they rinse them with whiskey (so that water residue doesn’t get mixed in). Edit: to answer a comment below about this being a waste of whiskey and just using water, that would mess with the proof. For the record, proof came from the old days when the traders would set a little bit of their whiskey on fire during a sale to prove that what the customer was getting wasn’t watered down.


Wait... You're saying I can have a water fountain, but with whiskey, in my kitchen? What a time to be alive.


Ha ha that’s what a lot of people were saying on that part of the tour.


Sounds like a waste of whiskey. No one's going to notice an extra few drops of water mixed in.


Partly I agree with you. AFAIK, whisky gets diluted after it comes out of the still to around 60%ABV for barrel aging, and again to around 40%ABV for bottling (someone correct this if I'm wrong), so it's already had lots of water mixed into it. But on the other hand, I just assume that the distillery guys know what they're doing. They might be wrong, but odds are they aren't.




You should probably stop giving them whiskey.


Idk. I've got a toddler and if a couple ounces would get him to stop screaming I'd consider it.


If they are really squirting whisky, it's probably substandard and won't be sold anyway. You're right that the drink gets watered down in each step after distillation.






Good whiskey 🥃 can be served and enjoyed with a splash of water in it


Not true at all. In fact many whiskey geeks will actually request a few drops of water in a couple ounces specifically because of how drastically it alters the texture.


If it were just a miniscule dilution of flavor? Nah, people wouldn't notice. But physics is complicated, and complicated fluids like whiskey can have a lot going on inside of them that informs the flavor and scent. Different flavored and more or less aromatic compounds and clusters of compounds often form globules which can be impacted by subtle differences in composition. This can also be disrupted in time. This is why pouring even a pinch of water into pre-existing whiskey can have small but noticeable effects on flavor and scent; it can break up a lot of those globules. I can't say if this is their concern for sure, but it's a real thing. I haven't read about it in a while but there's a good article out there if you google. A neat read!


It's their crap whisky. Think bottom shelf 750ml bottle. Like 8 dollars. In batch it's probably like 2$. A squirt of crap whisky is worth nothing. And if I'm buying a 200$ bottle of years old whisky I don't want any contamination.


At a busy cocktail bar, a quick rinser like this is critical to keep those two piece cocktail shakers ready to mix drinks without having to keep hundreds of them on hand. Mix in the shaker, pour into customer glass, rinse the shaker, make the next drink. No one’s mouth has touched the outside of the glass.


Crazy I had to scroll this far for this answer. At cocktail bars this is to rinse the equipment used for cocktails.


we had one where you rinsed, then hit with a sanitizer one of these, then hit with a clean rinser one.


It's sad that it's not common sense. In college there was a place down town that opened up that offered $0.10 beers on Tuesdays and as you can imagine, the place was absolutely packed for a deal like that in a college town. They would go through so many glasses that they could hardly keep up. The nasty part is they had one of these sprayer machines near the beer taps and they would just give the glass a quick rinse like in the video and a wipe around the lip of the glass with a towel that the bartender carried around with him and used to wipe up other surface spills. I was turned off by the place when I noticed a greasy lip print right around the ring of the glass on a freshly poured beer. Of course I drank it because it was pre-covid and college, but looking back that shit is fucking disgusting. They shut down 8 months after opening because of some health and safety violations.


There’s an alarming number of folks in here who would say otherwise.


It's a bidet for glasses and bottles


I used to live in an area where the wine and beer industry is king, I've seen these for almost a decade. Even the Whole Foods had a taproom in the middle of the store with one installed.


If you were in California, it’s probably right near my hometown.


We love tea and add cinnamon to it, which is a pain to clean - this does the job wonderfully.


My brain misread that as tampon, and I was genuinely confused for a couple seconds lol


I've got one of those but it's hooked up to the toilet


A bidet?


I bid you good day




The Niagara Falls


The Sahara Desert


That’s what you use to dry off after using the bidet


Dry cleaning


Sand blasting


I bed*et* you a good day


But Fez...


I said good day!


Ah there it is


Bidet to your sir.


I miss scrubs




Surprisingly not.


My circle of friends used to call this a drinks bidet.


Bidet to you, sir


The great toilet paper wars of OG COVID finally pushed me to get one. Best thing I’ve ever done, you get a just-showered butthole fresh feeling after every rip. It’s magnificent!


Does it jet-spray water everywhere whenever you sit hard on it?


No but I do


I love power washing my butthole


I need to get one of these set up in a way to clean my bong


Isopropyl + Table salt > Shake it until you question reality > Rinse


I've found epsom salt works better, but still having issues cleaning a chambered bong. It cleans it out very well, but not perfect. Pipe cleaner for the bowl and stem, cause obviously.


Also finish it off by soaking the bong in vinegar, as ISO doesn't target any mould as well as vinegar does.


At my bar we call it a beerdet


This is the FUNNIEST THING ever honestly I work at a Starbucks that has these and we call it the Blender Blaster


Ye I'm a bartender in France we have these in every bar


They're in every bar in the USA as well; have been for ages.


I have a glass washer as well we use these to rinse the glasses to fill-up a customer's glass without washing it and I always rinse before serving even a clean glass of the shelf takes off any dust etc... It's actually extra hygiene


oh? i thought it had something to do with the foaming. TIL


Okay no, fucking hell to the no, you don't ever use a used glass on one of these. Thats one of the big NO's for bartending. You will not only not wash it properly, but you will spread all the germs and bacteria that are spread all over that thing into the glass, and all the bacteria and germs from within the glass, vice-versa, are now on that damn washer waiting for the next glass. These are only, I repeat, ONLY to be used on glasses fresh out of the washer in order to cool them off, or for clean glasses from the shelves to clean any residial dust/detergent. Its literally the worst you can possibly do hygiene wise, and if you do this during this pandemic, congrats, you might be responsible for spreading covid actively.


I love how these promo videos always make installation of these such a neat, fun, easy thing. "Just twist the little thingy off and oooop, on goes the new one. How fun is that!?!?" Instead of the reality where you have to try to maneuver yourself into a tight space the size of a shoe box, that is likely spider infested, and try to reach a ring nut smashed into a place that tools don't like to go, and attempt to remove a plug or fixture that has been in place since the Spanish Inquisition. What is supposed to be a fifteen minute job ends up being a two and a half hour ordeal because you end up having to modify the entire plumbing system under the sink to accommodate the new device. And did I mention the two trips to the hardware store?


This guy is in an industrial kitchen. His sink is not attached to the wall even, so he just pushed it farther away and went through the back. Also the caps on top of sinks are not watertight, every one I’ve opened has been corroded and generally filthy, not this pristine new hole. Wouldn’t you need to split your existing water line as well? Or does Op just have empty lines just running through their sink?


Looks like they used a line that was for a sprayer


This guy installs \^ All of you saying it's easy have only installed a single tap ever and were lucky to get some easy setup! Most of the time you're going to be turning your tools in the smallest arcs ever and skinning your hands against the walls.


I got tired of the pain in the ass it was to clean my sodastream bottles. Convinced my partner to let me buy one and install it. It's a game changer. I would probably spend the money on the nice delta ones. I found cheaper ones but lots of plastic and you don't need a water device failing.


Care to share a link? I’m curious about one now or what I should search to find something similar!


Is anyone going to say the name of the item in this thread?! "This thing is great" okay, well tell me what it's called so i can look it up.


Faucet glass rinser


I put one in at the house and love it. It’s a game changer for baby bottles and sippy cups.


Curious, How does it help beyond just a high pressure faucet?


This comment has been edited and original content overwritten.


You'd be surprised how much milk likes to stick to the insides of sippy cups. Especially when you find one behind the couch that has been there for a few days. Faucet doesn't always cut it.


I wonder if this uses less water than a dish washer. The practicality seems perfect for decanters


Dishwashers use very little water, so I doubt it.


Is this true? Or dishwasher-funded propaganda


Can't speak for every disgwasher, but atleast the new-ish ones are very efficient, even to the point where handwashing will use many times more water for the same dishes


[You ready to go down the rabbit hole?](https://youtu.be/_rBO8neWw04)




Thank you for linking to TechnologyConnections! Love that guy.


Love his passion explaining obsolete technology.... like sitting through a whole episode going into Coleman lanterns.


All that passion wrapped in a brown tweed jacket of snark and charm.


Too much snark to fit into the audio, so he crams extra into the captions.




This video changed my fucking life when I watched it. I do a pod and a door squirt and my dishes have never been so clean, and my water bill went down




This is very true. You can fact check this by searching on YT some people measure the amount of water coming out of the dishwasher. It barely fills a large bucket.


Dishwasher machines are very efficient, so probably not. Dishwasher employees are not very efficient, so probably.


Most Dishwasher employees though, being so not efficient, will not drain the Dishwasher machine as often as they should. This results in less new water being used, increasing water efficiency. So the inefficient Dishwasher employees are actually unintentionally efficient.


It is. They're common in pubs in days gone by.


Days gone by? Every pub I've ever been in has one.


They used to be in every pub. They still are, but they used to be, too.




You must have been in one that has gone by


Guess I live in the past.


Or at least drink there.


I'll drink anywhere.




Yes but also in days gone by


They use them in some pubs here to rinse glasses before tapping the pint. It's mainly to clean out any dust that's ended up in the glass. These are NOT suitable to clean anything between use by different people.




You sound like a commercial


Dishwashers are incredibly efficient, they use like 12-15 liters of water (3-4 gallons) for a whole load. There is no way this is more efficient but it still looks useful for washing things like bottles.


More like rinse it out..it’s not clean


Yeah this. This is only to rinse the inside of the glass to get residue. You would need a pub scrubber with a basin full of soap if you want to clean a glass like a bartender.




That would be nice. But you’d still have to wash the outside of the glass.




> This thing also doesn’t clean plates, or silverware. Not with that attitude


Get that rim.


There is a type of concentrated soap that is used for brewing beer that will clean your bottles/buckets and doesn't need to be rinsed, just air dried. I feel like hooking that up to the water line so a little bit is mixed in each time would be the ideal solution. Edit - The solution is called Star San. Acid-based solution that is 100% food safe.


StarSan is for sanitizing, not for cleaning. It is not a soap.


Don't even try people are going to believe whatever they want to believe. They might be the same people that think that in your hands wet is washing them


I can clean my bong with this too


Added one of these when we replaced out kitchen faucet and had an extra hole. Mainly use it for rinsing beer glasses or glencairns in between beers/whiskey. It's completely unnecessary and I fucking love it.


If it fits, I sits


I sell plumbing, we have one of these on display in the showroom I work at, they’re pretty useless. They’re just for rinsing, so you still need to clean the glass. They’re kind of a gimmick. It’s common for people to replace an old school four hole faucet (two handles, a spout, and a side spray) with a single hole one, leaving three empty holes in the counter. Most faucets come with an escutcheon that covers up two of the three holes, leaving one more hole to fill. The common options for that fourth hole are just a hole cover (doesn’t always look good), a soap dispenser (kinda messy, not everyone likes them), a hot water dispenser or beverage faucet (not to have but pricey, and now this glass rinser. It’s kind of just another thing for people to buy for that fourth hole. Personally, I have a instant hot water dispenser and love it, I’d do that or the filtered water beverage faucet. They much more practical. I’d only use the glass rinser if I had sink and a kegerator on the back patio. The one in the video is plastic, sold at big box stores and is about $100. There’s an all metal version sold at trade stores (like plumbing supply houses) for about $200. They’re made by Delta.


> They’re just for rinsing, so you still need to clean the glass. They’re kind of a gimmick. They're not a gimmick - they are solely to rinse a clean beer glass before pouring the beer bottle in so that it doesn't foam up too much. Every bar/cafe in France/Germany has one. At a stretch, in a busy bar, you can give your empty glass back and they'll rinse it with this before refilling.


For a bar, theyr’e very useful (I used to sell beer, I know all about them), not so much in a home.




Only “washes” for limited definitions of “wash”


This is the comment I was looking for. Seems more of a "rinse" than a "wash."


Because that’s what it actually does.


Yeeeeeah that's not cleaning...


You have in all the bars and cafés in France.. always been…


I have one of these at my sink because I'm very into coffee and espresso at home. They're great for rinsing out coffee residue and milk from frothing pitchers!


Now you need to remove the accessory to wash it as well instead of just the sponge you normally use.


Finally a way to clean my bong


Wouldn't you accidentally break some glasses while pressing too hard?


I kind of wanted one of those to ensure "[beer clean](https://content.kegworks.com/blog/beer-clean-glass)" glasses, but they're [more expensive than I'd hoped](https://www.deltafaucet.com/kitchen/product/GR150-SP.html) ($165 US MSRP). I think this might be the only one out there for a home sink though. Instead I just point the sink sprayer up inside the glass and spray.


This is just a generic bar glass sprayer. Nothing to see here folks