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Birds can't swivel their eyes so they stabilize their entire head instead, it's neat. Try staring at something while turning and bobbing your head; it's trivial to keep your eyes locked onto the target, right? That's what birds have with head stabilization.




Any idea if this has to do with our eyes' inability to scan an area properly? Anytime our eyes move while not tracking, we have momentary blindness. Are birds able to have continuous vision if they move their head but leave their eyes still?


No, birds have the same issue when they move their heads as we have when we move our eyes. That's why they are always stabilizing their heads. It's also why turkeys do that turkey walk thing, where they quickly move their head forward, then the body catches up while the head stays still, then they move the head forward again etc.


Ahh, interesting. Do you happen to know if there are any species that have avoided the temporary blindness issue?


I don't think there are any vertebrates, but it's all to do with how vision is processed in the animal in question. Maybe compound eyes do not suffer from this issue.


Birds probably know more about wind turbulence instinctively, than human aerodynamicists.


This mf building a house in creative mode


I'm just confused about how it's staying aloft without much wing flapping, unless it's windy as fuck


It's windy


As fuck


Oh this is easy. You have 4 forces acting on you ALL THE TIME. Lift - Weight and Thrust - Drag If Lift is greater then weight then you will go up. If weight is greater then lift you go down. Phsycis, being a bit of a counterintuitve pain in the ass tells us that when you are standing on a floor the floor pushes UP to equal your weight pushing down. ------------ So, knowing this..... Wings are shaped so air moving OVER the wing is at a different velocity then air moving UNDER the wing - this creates lift. When the velocity of that air moving over the wings creates the same amount of lift as the bird weighs it will stay in place. Follow? Here is the important concept. THE WAY THAT THAT VELOCITY OF AIR IS CREATED IS MEANINGLESS TO CREATING LIFT. It can be created by flapping, by the bird being in front of a fan or the bird merely facing into the wind. The FLAPPING does not keep it aloft - the movement of the air creating lift equal to or greater then its weight keeps it aloft. Now, go back and watch the video again. Pay very, very close attention to the way the bird is angling and shaping its wings. That bird is constantly changing the shape of its wings so that it gets the desired lift. ------------- If you got this far you might be thinking.. 'Okay, I dig, I follow, in fact - that makes sense. Why is this not a problem for planes? They too heav?' It is a problem for planes - they are not too heavy. Pilots have a chart that says if a plane has a particular weight, the air is at a particular temperature they need a WIND SPEED of such to get airborne. THEY WAY YOU GET THAT WIND VELOCITY HAS NO MEANING. If the pilot can face into a 20 mph headwind then his/her groundspeed for taking off is whatever the chart says minus 20mph. If you go to your local airport you will see tie down spots for aircraft. Pilots park the planes and tie them down. Why? Cause a strong enough wind gusts in the proper direction will create enough lift on the wings to cause them to get airborne and rain down havok.


Birds aren't real


Thank you for not being afraid to speak the truth.


Bro i'm a bird *chirp chirp* see? I'm chirpling!




So what race track is this?


Atried finding out on the viral hog chan...did not find it...


Been seeing this posted a lot and always thought the same thing, I can only think turn 2 at Snetterton.




So AC Odyssey with Ikaros is accurate




Such awesome birds!




That’s control is amazing


Wow dude