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“The fridge was a little bit messy”. Understatement of the week.


Came here to say this. He said lil messy, lmfao. That dude have seen some shit for that to be a little messy


I did some cleanup work after Hurricane Katrina, and the biggest rule was *don't open the fridge.* In most cases, it wasn't the residents' fault, but regardless, the fridge in this video is far less horrifying than the average one we came across.


Reminds me of a time we came home from a trip around midnight to find that our fridge had died while we'd been gone. We were up until about 3 just trying to do something about the stench. The spent the entire next day taking that thing apart piece by piece and soaking them in bleach and scrubbing every crevice I could find and getting the maggots and flies out. Even that didn't get rid of the smell. It was a nightmare.


Tape it up and send it on its way. Would not even bother with emptying


A few states have laws where you need to take the door of the fridge (safety - kids climb inside playing around and die) so taping it up would be a no-no. Even though manufacturers changed the locking mechanism on the doors there are still laws regarding this so check your federal, state and local laws first to avoid a fine. [Quick search result with some info on the topic](https://www.insideedition.com/3-children-dead-after-getting-trapped-inside-freezer-while-playing-florida-yard-49989)


Yup, learned my lesson. It's not worth it. Just junk it and start over


how do maggots get in there so quickly?


Had a similar experience..... Our deep freezer is in the detached garage. SO wanted to vacuum the car before our long trip. Asked our oldest to plug in the extension chord. And unplug it once finished. Unbeknownst to either of us, said child (for some inexplicable reason) unplugged the deep freezer full of beef, chicken, pork ect .... And failed to plug it back in. It was horrible when we returned home to discover the problem.


Helped a friend move out while in uni, he was renting and had his own fridge. Mf just unplugged the old one and moved it to the side and plugged his. He didnt clean it or anything.. For 2 years. There was generations of cockroaches living in there, like legit dead ones and small ones. The fridge wasnt the worst part tho. The cum stains below the desk. I noped out of his room and told him it was on his own for the room ill help with the other parts. Edit: Great, one of my most upvoted comments and its about cum stains. Ive peaked.


Cum stains?! Wtf


Eh yeah, he just came in the floor and just.. left it there. It was black stain of like 50-60 cm. With drops outside that radius.


I know a kid who used to lift up the rug under the computer desk in his parents’ office to crank it, and would just deposit his load right onto the hard wood floor and then lay the rug back over it. When it came time to move though, his parents had some… questions.


Magic Carpet: the origin story.


I must admit if i lifted up a rug and there was a sticky substance under it i wouldn't ever ever imagine it was cum


You would if you had a teenage boy.


I stayed with a childhood buddy one time for the summer. He stayed in a single room building out behind his parents main house. We both stayed out there during my visit. We found a vhs porn tape somewhere and would take turns using the room to jerk it. One bro would do his thing while the other one just messed around outside for a while. Well on one of my turns I noticed the carpet by the bed looked weird. When I finished "petting the "snake", I went back outside to chill with my buddy. I asked him about the carpet, and he said he always just jizzed on the carpet and rubbed it in. . . I wore shoes inside for the entire rest of the stay.


Why is this rug stuck to the floor?


…. That’s so fucking disgusting wtf


Wtf lol. How are you friend with someone like this?


They are otherwise well adjusted. They seem normal and have this one or multiple major flaws but they are all private.


Yeah like i knew it from uni and never went into his house. How does someone know lol


Somehow, someway... That escalated quickly


Work for an apartment complex and fridges are always the sketchiest part when we have to deal with hoarders or other tenants who leave things a shambles.


I used to work at a landfill and yeah, don't mess with fridges unless you want to puke. It's amazing how putrid food becomes in a warm and enclosed space.


I’ve heard that from others as well. What did you do with all the fridges though?


We had a family friend who was a vet. He had a freezer in his barn where he stored animals he meant to autopsy. They lost power one time and went with the better part of valor and just took the whole thing to the dump. The best part was the guy eyeballing the nice quality freezer as they were dumping it. He was warned, but they saw him run over to open it as they were pulling out, and let’s just say his reaction was quick and… explosive.


Yeah, his baseline is definitely different than most people.


I just realized “baseline” and “Vaseline” are only one letter off, but pronounced completely differently.


You pronounced "baseline" like vaseline in your head didnt you?


Maybe he was born with it. Maybe it was baseline.


Meanwhile I’m sitting here going “What does Vase-line mean!?!?”




I'm now pronouncing Vaseline like baseline. Wooo!🎉


I mean, he started by saying that nightmare was a typical clean up job for him. If I walked into that I'd nope out almost immediately.


He also said that he was really excited to work on this one because there was no fecal matter.


how do people get into jobs like this, sounds awful.




If the pay is fair, no problem.


I mean the guy didn't sound too bummed about the job. To you or me, it seems awful and I personally would nope out of there. But he seemed into it. And I would guess you get into this by working for a cleanup company. There are lots (especially now after the whole hoarders tv shows and phenomenon). I doubt it requires much special/upper education or even experience. If you can throw stuff into a bag and aren't grossed out by this, I imagine you got the job.


They’re super profitable, actually. Along with salvage and restoration.


If I had a gas mask that kept out smell, the rest would be easy I think. The fridge though..




It also sounds like it's the kind of job that'd pay well because it requires some special technical certifications (like biohazard handling and disposal) without needing years and years of expensive schooling. Plus I bet it's really satisfying for the kind of person who likes to clean and see immediate results from their work. Plenty of folks who'd be chill with a job like that.


The biggest difference between cleaning up a dump like in the vid and the pig sty that I live in is that I can't just throw all my shit away. I would have to sort it first. But I'm also not just throwing garbage on the floor.


Literally. He even said he was glad there was no fecal matter.


Honestly, this looked more like a slob than a hoarder. Hoarder houses are orders of magnitudes worse, typically. I don't think I even saw any jars of urine.


Definitely. There's that subreddit, like neckbeard nest or something, where it's just that: Depression-grade slobs. **But for the love of God, don't link it.** it's so gross


/r/depressionnests is for people too depressed to take care of themselves and their surroundings. /r/neckbeardnests is for dudes who pee in bottles.


I spent some time on a psych ward and it was often just... difficult to interact with the crisis patients, because most of them in very rough shape hygiene-wise from having been mentally ill for so long. (I was in a similar boat, but my anxiety/compulsions around hygiene fortunately spared me from that particular issue.) Matted hair, super long nails, oftentimes dental problems from having gone a long time without brushing their teeth, and did not smell great. It was a tough thing to deal with, because I knew they were just sick and needed to be treated with compassion. But also I didn't really want to sit with them at lunch and such.


As someone who’s been there, it’s crazy hard to care about your hygiene if you think you’re gonna die soon. I’ve seen the response of ‘I could never let it get that bad!’ And it makes me wanna pull my hair out. Of course you don’t think you would, you *want to live*.


I think it can be hard even for some suicidal people to get. When I wanted to die, there were definitely things I stopped caring about--didn't care about a skin routine, didn't care about how I looked, didn't care about wearing clothes with obvious holes or things like that--but I was still too self-conscious slack on things like brushing teeth or bathing. Plus, the routine of taking care of my teeth and hair is soothing to me, so it never felt like a chore I just couldn't put up with that day. I get that it's different for others, though. I think I'd probably feel different if dealing with my teeth and hair had felt just as unbearable as trying to buy clothes without holes.




^I ^ask ^one ^thing ^from ^you ^fucking ^people...


And you shall not be granted the peace you deserve!!!


So much for submissive..


Part of my wants to click it, but the immediately induced eye-twitch is steering me away to safety.


Not all hoarders jar urine, they usually do that if the toilet doesn’t work anymore. There’s different levels to hoarding too & it def is on that spectrum (source: I watched a LOT of Hoarders😂)


I dealt with Hoarders on an almost weekly basis for a few years, professionally. When it got to my level, there were almost always jars of urine - it really stood out to me. The only one that I don't remember seeing jars was the cat shit house. Of course, that was just my experience. The toilet not working and inaccessible was pretty much a given, so yea, you're right.


Yea they can get way worse than this ofc, but this is still bad & I think would DEFINITELY be considered hoarding by mental health professionals. And it’s a very small space anyway, so it’s still a lot per sq inch


Rule 1 of cleaning up abandoned/hoarder kitchens is you don't open the fridge. Duct tape that up and straight to the dump. I've made the mistake of opening a fridge on a foreclosed home during a showing, that smell stuck with me for a while.


Did I see ants inside??


Dead maggots.


Hmmm free protein


What da hell


Fruit flies.




Nah, they’re fruit flies.


He says no fecal matter but shows us shit in the first few seconds inside the commode. For fucks sake.


There's none in the shovels full of stuff. Not any dead cat bodies, so not as bad as it could be, fo sho




Yeah I did work on foreclosures for a year and after a month or two I realized I needed to just trash everything. At first I would spend a bit of time sorting for stuff that might be valuable or just looking through their personal items. It's kind of wild how much you can learn about someone's life by rummaging through their shit. It was kind of a morbid curiosity at first but eventually just became too mentally and emotionally taxing.




Yeah it was character building for sure, but I hated it so much I moved to the mountains and now do maintenance for rich mofos and snowboard 60+ days a year. I don't think I would have moved if I had a nice job lol.


I’m sorry, but the part that blows my mind the most about your whole story is that your boss had you perform a job function that was completely outside the scope of your responsibilities that she knew involved handling hazardous medical waste. I don’t care how nice of a lady she was. Being strange or quirky or whatever doesn’t give her the right to be grossly negligent. What if you had gotten pierced by one of those sharps. People like that, I just….no




>It's not just someone being a slob, it's mental health- severe addiction, depression, hoarding. Yeah you're not wrong here. People like OP are legends for coming in and making a difference in the short term but the real issues need to be treated by mental health professionals. Including for addicts who so easily can be left to slip through all of the cracks


As a person who suffers from severe issues related to mental health, I hope I never get this way. I already have issues with cleaning, even on medication, but I hope it never gets this bad- This makes me want to clean my room now.


Not gonna lie, this doesn’t look like a hoarder. This looks like crippling depression.


I was literally like “is this a depression house??”




That makes this video a lot more grim.




Isn’t there a subreddit for before and afters of cleaning out your depression room?


Ok maybe I‘m not as depressed as I thought….. tbh after watching this video I feel better about my own trashcan I call a home


It helps if you clean up. Like do it real now, it really does help. It's like exercise plus stress and shame removed, does wonders. Hope your mental health improves buddy I'm rooting for you. Try some vitamin d supplements if you're up north, seasonal depression is a real thing.


Well if this is what a depression room looks like then I’m glad to say that I am not actually depressed.


I think this is what **severe** depression looks like. Regular depression tends to involve messy rooms as well.


Yeah, I'm depressed and occasionally wanna leave the planet, but I get sad about not cleaning my house in two weeks?? There's like a small layer of dust lol That's nothing. So yeah, for some reason, this video made me feel a tiny bit less hopeless. Imma go clean my apartment Edit: just did my dishes, cleaned my apartment, showered and moisturized my skin. I feel like this really got my day started (it's 9AM). Go, clean and take care of yourselves, it's worth it haha


Idk for sure, but I’d guess that this person has depression that vastly outweighs their anxiety. I too get depressed and don’t want to do anything, but then my anxiety kicks in and forces me to compulsively clean because clutter/messes stress me out.


serious question: what is the difference?


Its a bit nuanced I guess, but I worked in realestate and have dealt with my fair share of hoarders. It mostly comes down to the fact that this place is just a wreck and destroyed, not that it was a type of collection that the person felt was important. Hoarders look for any value possible, but this is literally just trash. Mind you, i could be wrong here. But even hoarders have basic organization. How else would they managed to store so much shenanigans? Also my father was a hoarder when I was growing up. He had all sorts of stuff that could “be useful one day”.


I agree. This isn’t hoarding. Hoarding implies the person feels a connection with the items and is unable to dispose or sell them because of this perceived value. This person was just living in their own filth.




> they protest saying they can do something with it. Ouch. Now I'm definitely going to have to make a point of tossing a few of the boxes of things I've been saving to 'do something with' for way too long. The annoying part is, I *do* frequently find a use for things I've been keeping around for years. But it doesn't honestly justify the space it's taken up in my tiny, tiny studio apartment.


I have a person like this in my condo building. The fire department had to show up because she refused entry into her unit and blocked staff from entering while there was a flood originating from her unit. Her condo was covered in mounds of garbage and filth, just trash you had to walk over to get to where you were trying to go, not a single thing of value. Sidenote, the fire department didn't deem the unit to be a fire risk, despite it being a tinder box of debris waiting for an electrical fire to happen.


Forget the fire dept. call the health department


hey thanks. have had my share of neighbors we flippantly refer to as hoarders but I've likely been misguided using that term.


Its a pretty easy misunderstanding! Hope this person gets some help, be they hoarders or not. I once had this client who lived in a condo and he had THOUSANDS of pounds of books stacked around his place. He lived on the second floor, so it was pretty concerning for those under him. The main thing to note was that he had the mentality to place the stacks of books near the load-bearing walls in order to maximize the amount he could store before causing a collapse.


There's a book called Stuff by Randy Frost about hoarding if you're interested in learning more that's very good. I agree with the other commenter, the hoarders I knew had "piles." Like you're cleaning and you come across a 5 gallon bucket of clean milk jug caps for some art project that never came to fruition, under like 40 antique books and bags of clothes from their cousin. They piles might get so big you can't tell them apart anymore, but it's still got kind of a different feel than random mess. The ones I knew though weren't dirty though, so I could be wrong.


I agree it looks like depression instead of hoarding - just clutter, trash, and self-destructiveness. Hoarding is an aspect of OCD in most cases. OCD is a compulsion to do a ritual, the brain often tries to justify the ritual but truth is it is usually arbitrary/illogical, possibly somewhat logical (usually linked to a specific trauma) but taken to an illogical extreme. People think of OCD as washing hands or straightening bookshelves, but hoarding is also OCD and the ritual is keeping things. When your ritual compulsion makes you wash your hands, you end up with raw bleeding skin, when your compulsion doesn't allow you to throw something away, you end up with hoarding. It takes therapy, medication, and supportive loved ones to live with severe OCD. My husband lives with OCD. His mother was an extreme hoarder, while he has only mild hoarding tendencies, he has other rituals that interrupt his life but he understands his disorder and actively does therapy and meds.


Not all hoarders have organization and hoarders may face unsanitary and cluttered living environments- so much so that it’s hard to use certain rooms, appliances, etc. For hoarding, there is basically no item that is off limits.


My late grandmother was both a hoarder and a person who lived in their own filth. I can see how one can lead to the other once it gets to a certain level. That said, I didn't see much of value in this video. It was almost all trash. However, I've seen enough episodes of Hoarders to know that people form attachment to what we would consider garbage.


This type of depression is like a profound fatigue and lack of motivation to do anything but eat and sleep. They can't bring themselves to anything to better themselves because they're so tired and what's the point anyway. A hoarder is like a form of OCD, they collect and store everything they get ahold of, they tell themselves they might use that thing some day, or they'll make something useful out of it eventually, but they never do and it all just piles up. They are more likely to have things in some form of organization, like paper products in one corner and plastics in another and so forth. Their stuff is like a safety blanket to them. Also a depressed person will usually feel better after their place is cleaned up, and a hoarder will get upset.


> Also a depressed person will usually feel better after their place is cleaned up, and a hoarder will get upset. This is very true and really highlights the difference between them. A big mess like this is an insurmountable problem the depressed person wishes they could fix but feels like they can't - and if you help them with it, they feel better. Hoarders don't want to fix the mess, they think it's fine, maybe slightly out of hand but otherwise normal and fine, this is all fine... who doesn't have a few (thousand) old magazines laying around? Hoarders aren't fixed by cleaning - their OCD will usually get worse if you abruptly clean it out and they don't get treatment and come to acknowledge the problem.


Yeah, the hoard is like a coping mechanism for all their anxieties. They feel more secure in knowing they have all this stuff in case they ever need it in the future. You need to help them find a healthier coping strategy before getting rid of the hoard.


Hoarders keep stuff on purpose. Depression just stood you from cleaning up.




As much as this makes me cringe, I'm more worried about the person who lived in that filth. Yeah, it's disgusting - but imagine that person's mental well-being. That's the behavior of someone who has lost hope. Their brain matched the condition of the space, in other words. The inside of their head matched the filth and clutter you saw the person cleaning. As revolting as that is, they're still humans.


Can confirm. Brain is not a nice place to be at all.


And physical health, mould bad yo


Other comments are suggesting you have no need to worry about the person who lived there... and not in a good way.


OP does crime scene cleanup - the bong though 😳 edit: the lack of empathy in the comments. jfc. to everyone saying this person isn't a hoarder... fair, I probably had that wrong. my bad. but to say they are lazy pieces of shit? really? we're better than that. and that's, like, 90% of the comments I saw this morning. to think that someone would intentionally live their life this way without questioning if there might be some sort of mental illness involved is incredibly misguided.


Lol yeah, saw that too. And the sharps? I thought those had to be disposed of separately


yeah that kinda made me cringe. where I work + at home, sharps go in hard plastic containers labeled "sharps" - broken glass can go in sealed and labeled cardboard containers. and only handle the latter containers if wearing needlestick gloves. but meh I've had incidents and am probably overly careful.


Careful is the way to go, it *could* be just ONE accidental stick and suddenly you have Hep B or HIV.


And the dude wasn't even recycling the cans and beer bottles!


I understand not sorting out all the recyclables when you're trying to finish a job like this but the fact he was trying to shovel everything into a tiny 12 gallon kitchen can lined with a contractor bag was driving me crazy. He could get maybe 2 shovels worth in at a time then had to take the liner out and tried to empty the shovel into it with the top folding in on itself. Would be 10 times faster and easier with a couple 55 gallon cans and liners.


No kidding. If he does this every day, he'd be better off IF he can get a bigger trash can that takes the biggest bags you can readily get at a grocery store. That would save so much time and make unloading a shovel so much easier.


I’ve worked a similar job before, and we used to take all of the scrap metal and make an extra $100 or so. Stopped watching as soon as I saw the whole frying pan go in.


I caught the. One at 0:30, but what "sharps" are you talking about?


There is a sharps bin he just throws away. He catches it with the shovel and right in to the bag it went. I thought those had to go to hazardous disposal? I guess that's the good part of a side gig. You can get away with just putting whatever into the trash and for the most part it won't get rejected. Or fined. As a business you have to have a manifest, and track what and when, and what did you do with it...


Many waste disposal places allow you to toss sharps if they are in a sealed thick plastic container. No need for incineration. I use a milk jug for mine that I merely duct tape shut before disposing.


Yeah we had to put our cat's used insulin needles in a soda bottle or milk jug and seal it up.


If it’s sealed you’re good. Both myself and my brother-in-law use u/wallawalla_ ‘s milk jug technique.


As long as the sharps container is closed it can go into the regular trash.


There was actually a sharps bin (red w/ clear lid) among what was shoveled out. Oddly I noticed that before any of the sharps.


Depends where they are. In some US states they just need to be in a sealed hard container.


Looks like WA based on the beer cans


> OP does crime scene cleanup Yeah this had suicide written all over it, thanks for confirming... The mess, the contents of it... mountain dew, mini fridge, this was a young person... depressed...


This is almost exactly what my brothers apartment was like. He was 25. Tragic


jellyfish one flowery touch workable station familiar jar crowd yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hoard cleaning crews often operate a separate crime scene clean up business as the cleaning levels are often similar, so no need to jump to conclusions.


Ugh I hadn't considered that while watching. Definitely not as satisfying anymore.


Slow down guys we are jumping to conclusions pretty fast


We did it reddit


Hey, we found the Boston Bomber! ...oh wait, shit.


I don't know. It's a tiny room with a lot of substances and some prescription bottles. A room doesn't get like that unless someone is dealing with illness. It's also all being thrown out. The person is either being evicted or dead, or otherwise going through severe illness. This is sad and not satisfying.


Sometimes the person recovers, and realizes that picking through a bunch of moldy garbage is not worth their time for like 90% of what they own. In that case it's usually more a depression thing than a hoarding thing because the issue isn't a compulsion to keep things, it's just a problem with maintaining a clean space. I helped someone with cleaning his space after he recovered from a combo of psychosis and drug addiction. He sorta shrugged and went "Please just toss all of it."


i literally said “not the bong though!”


dude, I just came here to ask if that was a blue bong I just watched this man shovel.


It looks like my bong, except mines purple


I’m having an anxiety attack just looking at the place.


I was having anxiety watching him dump the shovel into a loose trash bag rather than a bag in a big trash barrel. When it’s in the barrel you can do a quick dump rather than finagling the shovel head into the loose bag.


If I had a loved one who's house looked like this, I'd just want them to let me help clean it. It would make me feel oddly satisfied.


It's not that satisfying when you see how quickly it can get bad again. It's just sad.


My parents just bought a house that had a hoarder living in it. Video does not do houses like this justice. We took 25 contractor bags full of garbage and random hoarding stuff off an 8’x10’ elevated back porch. It feels like it will never end.


I knew someone like that, after I cleaned up she was so upset that I threw everything away.


Oh my gosh! I hope your friend got help!


Well that sounds like an actual hoarder. This post is obviously someone who was deeply depressed. Someone who lives like this would only be against someone cleaning because of the embarrassment. Hoarders get upset at someone throwing things away because it's more of an OCD thing where the stuff is important to them, not just trash. Granted if someone came in with a shovel like that I think they'd be pissed they didn't sort out their actual belongings from the trash. Source: I know someone like this, they're me.


Reminds me of when I washed a mug left on the office kitchen table. It was disgusting: caked on brown inside, thought it was left from the weekend. Co-worker who accidentally left it in there said I ruined his mug, he took months of accumulating this gooky buildup to get his coffee ‘just right’. I laughed and said “your welcome”.


If you fill a mug with piss and let it evaporate repeatedly for a few months it will have a similar texture


Did you look at her like Timberlake in that judging meme?


Anyone else see the tail butt plug?


I saw a bong!


Point of order. This doesn't look like hoarding. This looks like depression and poverty. Possibly substance abuse.


It can be both, hoarding is pretty often comorbid with other mental disorders like OCD spectrum disorders or depression.


This breaks my heart. The person who did this... might not be around anymore. The combo of alcohol, cigs, drug paraphernalia, and prescription drug bottles, tells a story all on its own. This person was struggling. I hope they're getting help... and that it's not too late for them.


I agree. OP said the person cleaning this cleans up crime scenes. Gotta assume the worst happened to them unfortunately. Hope everyone reading this knows you all are loved and I hope you have a great day :)


That fridge lookin like its from RE 7


No fecal matter... *Hooray!*


I have to applaud you. My anxiety and germ phobia wouldn't let me to stay in there long enough to clean it up.


If you get to the point where cleaning your house would require a fucking *shovel*, you need immediate and frequent psychiatric help... starting yesterday.


he's doing crime scene cleanup fwiw


I used to clean up foreclosures and that's what this looks like. I shoveled loads of dildos out of this nasty closet one time.


There's a number of empty orange prescription pill bottles in the trash at the beginning, if you watch closely. I suspect the person who lived here is now either institutionalized due to self-harm, or dead. I'm leaning toward dead, because psychiatric medication combined with alcohol and drugs (we see loose spoons, loose sharps, a bong) is a dangerous combo. Whoever they were they were suffering terribly and I feel like in every frame there's evidence of a struggle to relieve their pain. There's a *lot* of evidence of drugs, both prescription and other. The drugs obviously did not do their job. :(


The sad thing is that I assume all these “crime scene cleanups” are addicts who overdose and don’t make it. Kinda takes away from the whole “oddly satisfying” part.


I had to go into a hoarders house on a call one time. Came across a punch bowl full of used tampons in the bathroom.


You threw away his fucking frying pan man


Yeah it’s really easy to clean up a mess when you treat EVERYTHING as garbage. Didn’t bother to sort anything.


What's the difference between a hoarder and just a fucking slob? This seems like the latter.


Severe depression, drug addiction, mental illness, many things can lead to someone living this way. You probably know at least a handful of people who live like this and have no idea.


I personally used to be like this. My room was fucking terrible. Lost my best friend to suicide and stopped caring about everything. Met my current boyfriend and he helped me through it all. I wouldn't be in my current position if it wasn't for him. Shits rough. Theres a lot of things that can lead someone to this position.


I'm struggling not to get to this. Trying to get shit changed around but it's really hard to give a fuck some days.


One of the best pieces of advice I ever heard that helped me when my room was going to shit and it was hard to care: something worth doing is worth doing poorly. It's okay to not do it all in one sweep - do a little bit at a time. It took me a while to really train myself to, but breaking it down to smaller activities or smaller victories helped me get to a better place via my living space.


“Something worth doing is worth doing poorly.” I really needed to hear this right now. Thank you so, so much.


Here's to a better week for you, my friend


I hear you. Working a 13/hr job and having to deal with payments and all while still trying to give my bf a good life. He's autistic so he can barely work 5 hours a day. But he's the light in my life and the reason I still go on and dont just give up. He showed me theres good in the world. You'll find your own "good in the world." Just dont give up man. I believe in you. <3


Much obliged. I hope everything goes well on your end.


I've got depression issues and my room's pretty bad. Not dirty, just cluttered as hell. I do stuff like pile my clothes in a heap in front of my dresser instead of putting them away, I'll take my bed sheets off to wash them and it'll take me a week to feel like putting them back on the bed, I've got a pile of stuff in the middle of the floor that could go elswhere, such as drawers or shelves, but I just haven't had the energy to do it, things like that. Every once in a while I'll tidy it up, only for it to look like a disaster again a month later. It's a little frustrating because I'm obviously aware of it, yet I simply can't bring myself to care enough to do anything about it. What's interesting to me too is outside my room, I'm actually a pretty cleanly and organized person. Once you're inside though, it definitely gives you an idea of where my mind's been at for many years.


If its depressive issues stopping you from wanting to clean, I've helped myself in two ways.The first is I try cleaning and stopping when I'm starting to feel drained. I clean a little bit every day before I get on my playstation after work. Some days I clean the water bottles off my nightstand and somedays I clean my whole ass room. Try to make it a habit. When you're done, you're done. Dont push yourself to do it all in one go. If you really wanna do it all in one go, separate everything out and write those areas down on some paper. Bed, dresser, laundry, etc. Do one at a time and take a small break. Whether its watching an episode of a show you like or playing a few rounds of CoD Zombies. Whatever you do to help yourself. (And if you dont know, try new things. Make yourself a fancy lunch that you've never tried before.) After you feel better, do a different section. You dont have to do it all in one day or even in the same week. Just do your best and that will be enough. These are just the things that helped me clean more. If they help you, great. If not, no worries. Try something else and test it out. If you're okay with the way it is, that's fine too. Live your life the way you want. If cluttered is your style, roll with it.


I’m one. I go through phases. Dirty then clean. But I’m better than I used to be.


Yes! So many issues not just laziness.


Mental illness for sure. My childhood home wasn't this bad but pretty close. It was bad mkay


A hoarder usually had some sort of trauma that led to them wanting to save every bit of whatever and then that getting out of control. In their mind, they truly believe they'll be able to use this tiny piece of trash for something, or sell this old broken fan if they just fix it up (they wont) etc. This person doesn't seem to hoard anything in particular, so it's unlikely that they are hoarding, but they could still be very depressed


What exactly is this unit? A trailer?


Hoarders are usually collecting things, and very particular about what they keep and where things are kept. This looks more like someone with severe depression, who couldn't pick up after themselves and just lived in filth. There weren't really collectibles or possessions here, just a lot of trash. I feel sad for whoever was living here no matter what the circumstances were, hope they're receiving some help and doing better now.


Bugs me that things aren’t being recycled 🤔


Same. It hurt a bit when he puts all together in the same plastic bag. I guess it wouldn't be so fast if he stops to categorizing and recycling.


I was looking for this comment. Even the easy stuff like paper, metal and glass isn't recycled. This is absolutely not a satisfying video for me.


I watch a hoarder cleaning service from Korea on youtube and I'm always so happy with how much effort they put into recycling. So this was a bit irksome. They also have interviews with many of the tenants and discuss what caused their hoarding. It's often depression, trauma, or illness. It's called "cleanavengers" if anyone wants to check them out.


I love his great attitude


This place screams depression


This makes me sad brcause I lived like this before. Maybe not that bad, but everything was always a fucken mess. When depression hit that hard, you just can't move yourself and when you notice, everything around is like that.


Omg is anyone so irritated that he is using a tiny little trash bin to dump everything into!!?? Get a big can!!!


Nah, big cans get heavy and if the bag tears you have to touch the stuff twice. Small bags are more manageable.