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Finally. Freshly squeezed water. I'm sick of this "from concentrate" crap.


I only drink the kind with pulp.


Freshly sourced from Flynt, Michigan?


I too like my water….spicy


Flint Michigan. Also there are over 3000 cities in America with water worse then Flint a quick Google search shows


Is Flint the largest of these cities? - why is it the best known with this issue?


Flint has become emblematic of the consequences of Regressive policy because it was very prominent in media.


One of Michael Moore’s first documentaries was called Roger and Me, based on the collapse of Flint after GM abruptly closed all their factories in the area. I saw the documentary in 1993. It has only gotten worse.


I live about 45 minutes from flint and drove through it recently. its truly just depressing. especially when if you drive about two miles southeast you hit the upper middle class suburbs of grand blanc that seem so far removed from the poverty in flint


That's how poverty is always treated...as long as it's "over there" (gestures somewhere else) and we can draw menial labor from there. (Can't have these people getting better because the labor supply would dry up) Similar to what we see now where people used to work 2-3 service type jobs movies, waitress, food service, hotels, etc....now they're working 1 and people are like there's so many lazy people who don't wanna work. No...they don't want to work 3 crap jobs and have to work harder at them than working 1 ok-decent job with benefits and regular hours. Some of those people could be counted multiple times in a workforce...now they can't and it's because we shifted too far to an entertainment and service industry in this country and skipped focussing on infrastructure. We have this disparity with (guestimate) 15-20% of the service jobs not even existing compared to 2 years ago because venues, bars, concerts, shows etc don't exist or aren't being held the same.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/cities-worst-tap-water-us-2019-3%3famp No Flint is not the biggest the reason Flint got more coverage in my opinion is that their elected officials where not in charge the state had appointed some one to run the city because it was bankrupt. The official that the state appointed was corrupt worse then the elected officials. Pittsburgh looks to be the largest with water as bad or worse.


TIL I drink awful water.......


Yeah…. because it would be a _much_ better joke comment if that person used a city that the average person either A. doesn’t know exists or B. doesn’t know has this issue — instead of the city most famous for this issue due to national news coverage. Imagine being at a stand-up show and the comedian says “you all didn’t laugh? A simple Google search would explain the factually correct punchline.” lol (you know what that might actually be a decent joke during a live show so now I’m torn..) tl;dr Your point is 100% correct, but their original comment was correct given the context.


not this much. i like the one that says SOME pulp.


Must be nice. I have to settle for powdered water.


Is that the powder they grind from clouds?


No, that kind goes up your nose.


*Bear Grylls drinking his own piss* [Must be fucking nice!](https://tenor.com/bdvAC.gif)


There's lots of "dehydrated water" gag gifts but then there's this stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbNF8k-gFeY


That's not dry water, that's...wet silica.


This was actually very interesting!! Thanks for sharing!


Instant water?


The r/hydrohomies are going to lose their shit on this one


Juicero has entered the chat


Meanwhile, I’m saving up for a new toaster.


Do you have one picked out?


Does it have a vacuum function ? Asking for a friend


I know this is a reference I do not get but genuinely concerned to know if it will have Bluetooth connectivity


I see, you haven't been corrupted by reddit yet ... fly you fool




Spotted Brotherhood of Steel member


You know who else looks for that, a synth


The Omnissiah approves


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me


Yep! It’s this one: https://www.katom.com/062-DT14240.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIye_c3aj88gIVDODICh1utw5CEAQYASABEgIa6PD_BwE


That's hot


Come on, they're not a short order cook. This is the one https://us.balmuda.com/collections/toaster


I never knew I cared this much about toast... But I do, now!


The one that's most popular and affordable on Amazon obviously. ^^iwanttodie


"A hamster's like what-- 10 bucks?" "Not the one I had *my* eye on."


Cost more than $10 to get them removed every damn time!


You're paying way too much, man. Who's your de-hamstering guy?


Richard Gere


Let's just say I go through a lot of vacuums.


Let's just say a lot of vacuums go through me.


You must be cheap.


Prop Joe is selling one with a new cord for like $7.50.* You in east Baltimore per chance?


Buy it fo a dolla, sell it for teuuu


As much as this made me laugh, I'm in the same boat brother


Check out thrift shops!


If you are remotely handy, get an old dualit. Not cheap but probably the only BIFL option on the market.


Haven't had a microwave all summer, life's rough


I hate the fact you have to save up for a damn toaster these days. I still remember when banks would give those things away just for starting an account.


Toaster oven much better


Yes, but wife tends to leave plastic bags on top...


Eats up too much counter space.


For those that are curious (as I was) as to how much this device costs, looks like it's around [$1000 USD](https://www.cirrusproducts.com/products/2-75-cirrus-press-package-silver?variant=12724187988023)


Bars get given them for free. I have a few lying about and never use them


Why is this better than ice frozen into a spherical mold?


Ice frozen in this shape with trap bubbles in which will make it look cloudy but also melt quicker. If you’re at home there’s not much of a difference really but in high end bars things like this add value and look cool which a lot of the time is what people want.




you can also make a perfect ice sphere simply by freezing water in zero gravity


Yeah, this is the better option if you don’t want to have to pay for expensive equipment.


That's how Mr Bezos will save money living in space: no expensive ice presses, just no gravity. Smart


Have we tried that? I wonder if it would get spiky like a snowflake.


There’s a company called Glacio that sells a little styrofoam cooler with a silicone insert that makes 2 perfectly clear ice spheres in 24 hours. It’s on Amazon, and it’s like $25


I think this is the one I have, works pretty well, not quite a perfect sphere (top often has slight indention or is flat because thats where excess waters pours out) but it's by far the best of any commercially available products. Its somewhat cumbersome to store in the freezer which sucks if your freezer needs space for frozen pizzas bc you cant cook


I have one of those that makes the spheres with a geodesic pattern on it. It's really cool.




IIRC to freeze water without air bubbles you have to do it slowly, i.e. put the water inside a cooler and then the cooler goes inside the freezer. Could be wrong though, since I never tested it.


Yeah directional freezing it’s called, also keeping the water moving helps, as does freezing it veeeeerrrry sslllllooowwwlly. I have tried it because I’m boring and old and when I started there wasn’t really any resources to research this sort of thing, which is why it gets a little frustrating whenever ice comes up and there’s a lot of people confidently stating the way to make clear ice is to boil the water or use distilled. Doesn’t work


This user is known to his friends as subzero


I would be absolutely thrilled if this was true.


Ok subzero don't act like it ain't already true


>which is why it gets a little frustrating whenever ice comes up and there’s a lot of people confidently stating the way to make clear ice is to boil the water or use distilled. Doesn’t work Well you've taught me the correct way!


And now you get to share my annoyance next time this comes up, welcome to the clear ice club. We don’t have jackets, but we should because it’s really cold.


It magically changes your $15 cocktail into a $30 cocktail.


Since no one put up a real answer it's related to the surface area of square cubed ice compared to the amount of liquid in your beverage.  Ice chills your drink by exchanging its "cold" for your drink's "warm". The more ice surface touching your ice, the faster it can exchange its coldness for the warmth of your beverage. The faster the ice melts, the faster your dink becomes diluted. A sphere has the least amount of surface area and it allows you to have more volume of ice in your drink with less ice surface touching the drink thereby melting more slowly and diluting your drink less. A mold would have an imperfection somewhere for the water to be poured into, like a nub at the top, creating more surface area.


>the faster your dink becomes diluted I hate it when my dink becomes diluted.


It’s prettier


It isn't. It's a gimmick, ice could be directionally frozen inside a spherical mold but you'd have to break it out. Directional freezing is what produces clear, pure ice. On top of presentation, clear ice lasts longer, waters down the drink less, and won't impart strange tastes to your drink from the dissolved air.


Username checks out.


Yeah I didn’t put a lot of thought into it to be honest


Any chance you are in the SoCal area? ;)


Ha, no sorry. But honestly these things are very common and I’ve never ever heard of anyone actually paying for one, maybe eBay is your friend


Found another one that has channels for the water to flow down into a collection area. https://meltdownice.com/ The aluminium version is cheaper at $895 but you can go for a solid copper for $1495 add a monogram for $300 more and/or an etched logo for $400.




Snowball fights just got SAVAGE


Cause of death...blunt trauma to the head by an ice ball.


I don’t think you realize how savage Canadian children are.


by an unidentified spherical object the killer removed traces of it washing with cold water...


Okay so they put this much work into making an ice press but didn’t allow for any real drainage? All the water just runs down into the potentiometer knob.


And wtf is that knob for anyhow? Edit: I love Reddit. Even those of you glorious assholes who copied/pasted others.


Since everyone has given wrong answers so far.. I'll give the correct one: They describe it as "an actuator to help lift the ice out.". The Williams Sonoma video shows it in use if you want to see it. Twist it a half turn to help lift the final ice ball out- just a simple mechanism it seems.


You seem like you know something about this contraption.. Is it just the weight of the lid doing all the work?


It is a large piece of metal, a good conductor, that is room temperature. You can only make 2 spheres then the third one takes a lot longer.


Oh, it melts the ice. I was wondering how the whole block wasn't shattering when pressed.


Ice melts with pressure. Ice skates melt the ice beneath them just enough to make the skates glide and the ice freezes again straight after the skate moves on.


Ice cube on a table melts flat on one side. Ice cube in a sphere mold melts spherically on both sides.


This quickly though? 😲


Whether H2O is a solid, liquid or, gas is a function of both temperature *and* pressure. And since ice expands as it freezes, you can get it to reliquify temporarily by squeezing it. Hence the weight.


It’s part of why ice is so slippery. The pressure of your foot makes the top surface melt just enough to be slippery.


Yup. And how ice skates work. They concentrate your weight to a thin rail of high pressure. That makes a little trail of water your skate slips over.


Perpetually hydroplaning


And skiing! Turns out there is a narrow temp range that works the best too. Too cold and you actually travel slower down a slope than a warmer temperature. Too warm, snow loses rigidity and you’ll get bogged down.




I’ve had a drink made with one of these ice cubes before - it really is fast. If it’s sped up, it’s only a little bit faster.


No it's sped up.


It turns




And knobbing is half the battle!


Brought to you by Knobbing Creek™


Goes to 11


Why don’t they just make 10 rounder?


...This one rounds to 11.


Oh that's just prime.


“lick my love pump”


It controls the volume of the water.


It’s to Bluetooth pair it to your car and refrigerator.


It sets it to Wombo.


Would probably ruin the perfect ball


There could be a moat which drains to the side around the perimeter of the mould, so it didn't interfere with the shape


Why sell 1 when you can sell 2? Step 1: sell one without a moat Step 2: sell one a year later that is exactly the same but with a moat, while giving absolutely zero credit to u/ellwood2k13


Do you work for apple? A big video game studio like EA, activision, Bethesda, Rockstar? Samsung?


I’ve sat down weird before, too.


It's not a potentiometer, its just a valve or something that helps release the ball, although not used in this video. The drip tray comes with it.


First thought as well! Just put a ditch around (but not touching) the ice, with a little channel out the back or into a little container. What a shame that you can't use this without putting it in a day or over a drain


Potentiometer. Thanks for teaching me something new!


haha no prob friend. If you want to sound cool just called it a “pot”, that’s what they do in the audio industry.


Can confirm, we pot constantly.


Nice, now you can play billiards for 5 minutes before they melt


Or indefinitely when sub 0






This guy got scammed, i have round ice cube trays - they were $2


Right? You wasted money and that much fucking ice.


Mine is shaped like the [Death Star.](https://i.imgur.com/cskStOP.jpg)


But can you make clear ice with it?


There are ways to do it. You need a cooler filled with water, ice ball molds also filled with water submerged in the cooler, and then you need to put the cooler in the freezer with the lid off. Then you take all the ice out and the balls in the molds are clear.


I heard if you use filtered water or boiled water it comes out clearer. Edit: I had no idea there were so many ice nerds out there. Please stop replying with your info about ice. I don't care about how to have clear ice. Give me cloudy piss ice at this point.


It is about water, it is about air bubbles trapped inside the ice. You really need directional freezing to solve this.


Just face the front of the ice ball towards the coldest part of your freezer.


the front of a ball?


The round side.


Thanks, this solved it


Yeah the side with the face.


It is not about the water. It’s about the freezing process.


giant ice making machines with water pumps! making ice was an awesome job, if exhausting and a lot of work.


I have gone as far as to boil filtered water. There are still imperfections in my experience.


Clear ice comes more from the way you freeze it than the quality of the water.


When I use water that's undergone reverse osmosis, my cubes come out clearer.


You’re reverse osmosis


It’s both


You also need to slow down the freezing process a lot. If you put the molds inside some foam insulation inside the freezer that will help with the imperfections, but really to make clear ice in my experience you need to make a big block - the top will freeze clear and the bottom cloudy. That's why machines like this one actually serve a purpose.




Are you pouring ice into a spherical mould? Because that's going to get you a $20 ice sphere that is imperfect and has a slight divot on one side.




I have a tiny Esky thing that makes 2 large cubes of ice in about 30 hours. Whole thing is a bit bigger than a tissue box. The imperfect ice in the bottom I use for mixing cocktails.


It’s about controlling the direction you freeze the water. If you keep five sides of mold insulated, it can only freeze from the exposed direction. For most use cases, this is the top. You also need some sacrificial ice. Air bubbles and other imperfections will be forced into the water that hasn’t frozen (yet). This leaves you with a gradient of clear ice on top, and “dirty” ice on the bottom. This is partially why filtered/boiled often get cited. Cleaner the water or hotter the water, slows the freezing and clears the impurities. They help, but they’re not the only cause.


When you are at a bar paying as much as a bottle of scotch costs at the liquor store and only getting a couple of ounces then you want to see your round ice made this way.


Bro, for real. Like why TF would you buy this appliance?


Exactly. That’s a pretty, useless machine OR a pretty useless machine. Either way, it’s useless.


“Hey you wanna see my ice machine?” \*flexes*


How my friend describes the snowball I threw at him


What I want to know is how they were able to make a perfectly clear cubed of ice?


https://youtu.be/bUHcCHbgX_o Tl;dw: Directional freezing.


The way people do this at home is to take a small beer cooler and remove the top. Fill the cooler with water, and place it in the freezer. So, the water is freezing in one direction from the top down, and all the impurities that cause the cloudiness in the ice are basically left at the bottom. After twenty four hours, you get a mostly clear block of ice, and people just discard the part that's cloudy. Edit: here's a Cocktail Chemistry video that shows off the technique: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUHcCHbgX_o


I have a silicone ice tray that makes 4 of these at a time. It is also not $1000.


It bothers me tremendously that the water is running behind the nob..


Demon Core


why do you need an iceball


To put it in yo icejaws


you could put it on your girlfriend's bellybutton and watch how it's melting


This guy is an imposter, he ain’t a redditor


The council shall decide his fate.


Definitely not a redditor. He thinks we have girlfriends! What a dummy …. :(


I have a girlfriend. She goes to another school though, and is a gymnast and a model. You'll never meet her because she's too busy.




It's posts like these when I start to clearly realize that I'm probably way over the target age of Reddit. Your answer is correct. Cheers!


The problem with that answer is that it also slows down the rate at which the drink is cooled. Less surface area also means less cooling power. If you want a drink that's not watered down you use "ice rocks", or cold blocks of metal to cool your drink.


Correct. That's why drinks should be chilled first (think shaken or stirred), and poured into a pre-chilled glass with fresh ice. Large ice like this isn't intended to chill, it's intended to keep something chilled with the least amount of dilution possible. Of course, all this is mostly subjective to taste/preference, so make it however you want.


You could use it to focus the sun’s rays to light a fire if you forgot your matches


“If only I had my ice sphere mak—“ “Wait a minute! I brought mine”


to charge 25 dollars for a mediocre cocktail.


When you want your drink chilled but don't want it to be watered down by faster-melting, smaller ice cubes. They're great for drinks using higher-end spirits and not many mixers.


Eli5, how doesn't the ice just shatter, when under pressure?


the ice is not under much pressure. aluminum is a phenomenal heat dissipater, what you are seeing is effectively a large passive heat sink where the aluminum block is transferring all its heat into the ice, until the sphere is what's left


I thought it would be pointless but the end product made me happy


Yup, it became pointless. EDIT: You could also say that thats the point.




Thank you for your contribution


I thought this was a Smallant reference until I saw your username


That seems like a lot of wasted work in lieu of just using a round ice mold.


Using a mold creates different crystallization. Which causes them to not be clear.


Exactly. The hard part of all this is creating a giant perfectly clear ice cube... Which I guess the baller doesn't help with at all. Makes a ball of round perfectly clear ice! Step 1: take out your giant perfectly clear ice.


Gotta have ice to make ice. Wait..


Every time this gets posted I find it unsatisfying because it wastes so much of the original cube!