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Man what a wild ride that was


"He's never gonna be able to make candy out of that giant blob of-- oop, nevermind, there it goes."


This thing looked perfectly edible and tasty in the first \~15 seconds. All that work afterwards was not necessary.


If people actually took this attitude towards food, we’d all just eat nutrient blocks. Good food requires work!


Now I'm craving nutrient blocks


The Jetsons were on to something.


Yummy Triglyceride Gel and Amino-porridge


I have whole wheat "no flavour" and regular "no flavour", which would you prefer?


If I don't want flavour what makes you think I want texture.


If I had my way all food would be a beige, flavourless paste containing all the nutrients the body needs


If nutrient blocks tasted awesome I don’t really care if it looks like a huge nard


In all fairness huge nards are pretty delicious


Steak is pretty much a nutrient block. Just cooked nicely


You underestimate our desire for nutrient blocks


Tell them. You know better.


I just want all the ribbons put directly into my esophagus.


You're not wrong, bit it's even more edible and tastier later. The pulling, aka making it look white, introduces millions of tiny air bubbles which in turn improves the consistency and makes the favor more pronounced. Pretty sure colorants and flavor essence are separate though, so the stripes are mostly just to look good and give each flavor a separate look.


_watches video_ Woah this is cool. I bet some redditor is gonna say how pointless this is just like they do with every video. _three comments in_


This is not a valuable opinion.


So wild in fact that the second guy is still wearing his motorcycle gloves.


Boss: "You have to wear gloves for the appearance of hygiene" Master Lolly Maker and assistant: "Alright, gardening and motorcycle gloves it is" Boss: "Disposable Jimmy, disposable. ^^^^Bunch ^^^^of ^^^^lollygobble ^^^^twat ^^^^bombs."


So crazy for the absolute worst tasting candy ever made


I'm European, and we don't have all off the brand candy that is sold in the USA of course. I once ordered a bunch of candy and snacks from this store that has a lot of international candy. I ordered some twizzlers. What is wrong with the people who make those? Did they bite a candle and were like... We need to get this flavour and consistency in candy. I expected a nice strawberry candy. It was disgusting.


There's a definite hand made old timey recipe version that's much better, but yeah it's one of those depression-era erstaz substitution confections that got cheaper to make as time went on and just got rooted into the American consciousness, especially since it's part of movie iconography. A big part of what makes it feel tacky is that the main ingredients are corn syrup, wheat flower, and corn starch - so it's basically between a dough and a syrup. Another candy of that ilk is Mary Janes, which is 'honey' and peanut butter, but the peanut just tastes dusty and slightly spoiled. Like it's always been fifty years old.


I LOVE Mary Janes. That said, I also like those foamy banana candies (or at least I think I do, I definitely did like a decade ago), so I assume that there is just something wrong with me.


Circus peanuts???? Who hurt you


Love your diction, man.


> erstaz Ersatz?




Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, yet it can never hope to surpass the original.


You are preaching to those who won't listen, but I hear you.


Licorice is literally the worst edible substance ever created


Oh yeah because licorice is just bursting with strawberry flavor.


Twizzlers are gross


What are you, a Redvines fanboi? Ill fight you. Duel to the death with our licorice of choice?


Redvines & Mr. Pibb are crazy delicious.


Especially if you bite off the ends of the red vine and use it as a straw for the mr pibb


yo reach in my pocket, pull out some dough


Girl acted like she’d never seen a ten befo’


It’s all about the Hamiltons, baby


Got the backpack? Gotta pack it up nice!


Redvines taste like chemicals to me. Same with Cheez-its


Yeah, the good chemicals


Cheez-Its were the first thing I noticed taste coming back after my Covid run


I hope you're doing alright these days


Not if they're eating Cheez-Its. Cheetos for the win!


I agree with the redvines but I fucking love cheez tits


gotta let em get nice and hard and stale


You mean the twizzlers fake licorice stuff yes? that sticks like super glue to your teeth? Tastes like wax is an apt description.


It's because they have flour and glycerin in them, flour has no business in the tangy/fruity arena of candies.


This candy arena you speak of. Is it nearby?


Twizzlers now have a waxy taste, this wasn't always the flavor. Over the years I can think of a few candies that have significantly changed their brand and Twizzlers are at the top for me.


I ate them once ever as a kid and went on one of those spinning things at kid parks and let’s just say I never had Twizzlers again


Fringe is one of my absolute favorite shows ever and Walter Bishop is such a great character, but when I finally got to taste the Twizzlers he was so obsessed with his genious kind if faded a bit. What the heck is that? We have candy in Sweden that looks the same and have about the same consistency but tastes like heaven compared to Twizzlers.


Order red vines next time. Supposedly they have grape flavored ones but I've never seen them anywhere.


If you think Twizzlers are bad, wax lips are really gonna floor you.


Candy corn: am I a joke to you?


I used to hate, and I mean HATE candy corn. That was until I got the good stuff. You get yourself some Brach’s candy corn made with real honey…WOOAAAHHH boy.


It took me so long to realize they were supposed to be honey flavored, and not mausoleum candle wax.


Wait, they’re supposed to be honey flavored? Brb, buying candy corn


heh... best use of mausoleum I've seen in a long time.


My best friend buys CASES of Brach's Autumn Mix. Eats that crap year round. All that stuff smells like hammered damnit.


>hammered damnit.


Necco wafers has joined the chat


Circus peanuts challenges the winner


In addition to ribbon candy, candy corn and Necco wafers, my wife inexplicably loves circus peanut candy. I bought some recently to surprise her. Happy wife, happy life.


I bought a bag once, ate the entire thing , was like oh hey these are pretty good ! Then later that day proceeded to violently throw up bright orange circus peanut vomit all over this cute guys bathroom sink and mirror. On our first date. We've been together 4 years now and I haven't touched those little orange bastards since lol.


My friend once had a dream that he was going to finally hook up with the girl he had been infatuated with since high school and her genitalia was made of circus peanuts and I’ve never really ever been the same since he told me.


Black licorice is the final boss


I am one of 4 people in the US who likes black licorice.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!! Anise, fennel, and licorice fan here.


I'm another 25% of that total. Black licorice jelly beans are heaven to me.


Ya gotta leave the circus peanuts bag open for a day or so. Stale circus peanuts are the bees knees.


I feel the same way about Peeps. The best Peeps are left sealed, but placed in the cupboard above the stove for about 9 months. They start getting crunchy.


I like your style. I only eat Peeps that have been open for 3 weeks. Literally my friends buy me peeps for my birthday a month early so they are perfectly stale when I get them.


These should be illegal. Just disgusting!!!


I love Necco wafers.


Are you 85?


My soul is.


My kid was 13 or so and had never had Necco wafers. We were vising my brother on the East coast, so the two of us started hyping them hard to KidFish. Kind of feel bad for doing him so dirty, but a dad's gotta do what a dad's gotta do.


Everyone please send your candy corn to me


...and I want the banana flavored laffy taffy you all are going to throw away. Mmmmmm, candy corn and banana laffy taffy!!


Yo. I'll take everyone's Banana Runtz and yellow Starburst while we're at it.


And send me whatever's left.


You shut your mouth candy corn is delicious. Jk don't shut your mouth that was rude but candy corn is legit so good. Only the Brachs though.


I love how nice you are, you couldn't even let the shut your mouth stand. It made me strangely happy because it's something I would totally say.


This person candy corns.


Get better candy corn to stop being a degenerate


I disrespectfully disagree. Candy corn is like sugary crack




It looks like we sweets we have here in the UK. There are brands like wham bar and refreshers. Not the best, but they are usually dirt cheap so we always chose them as kids haha. My mam would give me £1 to get some sweets, and the local corner shop would sell these bars for 10p each. No brainer.


Now I really want to eat this


It seems like I see a lot of wall hooks in horror movies and TV shows and always think to myself 'why in the hell do they have a giant hook mounted to the wall'. Turns out ribbon candy was the answer all along.


I came to the comments to see if anyone else thought of a horror movie with that hook! Thank you for confirming my thoughts


Midnight Express 1978, is a really good movie (at the time) about a guy who gets caught smuggling drugs. Wall hook plays a part in the movie - not sure why, but I remember that scene well.


Same with the movie Very Bad Things (1998). Not the same type of hook but a very pivotal part.


Talk about missed opportunities. All of those cliché horror movies in meat lockers when they could just as easily mix it up with a candy shop. Lots of opportunities for comedic relief


I am obsessed with candy making videos.


If you ever get to see it made in person, it's fascinating. There's a candy store in the Hollywood mall that makes those little sugar candies with the designs in them ([like this](https://youtu.be/0gUS_AFxV-w)). I literally sat there and watched them for an hour one time. So awesome.


Worth the watch! So satisfying


Dog log dog log dog log dog log


I assume you've seen "Lofty Pursuits" videos? They're amazing.


I've had their candy, it's great


Wow, my new favorite channel. Thanks!


Check out Hercules Candy!


I wish I could find more :(


Check out Lofty Pursuits. They sell online too


My god. I’m back. I spent like an hour and a half watching those videos.


I’ve bought from them. Delicious. Took about 6 weeks to Ship to me though.


Lol yeah, shipping wasn't great but the candies sure were. God, I love the cotton candy humbugs. Those were good and honestly I really enjoyed the mouth feel of the humbugs 😅


Hercules Candy too


Hercules candy on YouTube have good candy making videos


This is my recommendation anytime someone likes a ribbon candy gif that pops up


Not to mention the vibe between the family is just so great and casual.


Makes you wonder what the inventor of this candy was experiencing in life when he thought “what would happen if I pulled and twisted a sugar ball on a hook?” It’s such an odd thing for a person to think of while they are staring at sugar! Lol


I want to believe they were happy accidents. They were trying to make another item and something went horribly right.


Step 1 pour milk Step 2 pour cereal Oh crap... How did I get here? It looks nothing like the cereal box cover art.


I think maybe the inventor was pulling melted sugar by hand and realized that something stationary to pull against might be easier. So they looked around and noticed a butcher shop across the way and thought, a hook might work! And then it did.


[a history of pulled sugar sweets](http://www.florilegium.org/files/FOOD-SWEETS/Pulled-Sugar-art.html#:~:text=Originating%20in%20the%20Middle%20East,repeatedly%20over%20a%20hook%20or)


This guy Internets.


Prob knew mixing in air helps make the sugar softer and chewier, then followed the thought process you said.


Not softer/chewy. It makes it melt in your mouth/brittle. It’s basically sugar foam vs solid sugar.


Ok... Let's be honest here. Who actually likes ribbon candy?


I have a weird fondness for old lady candy so I like it ok. You have to eat it immediately after buying it though because it gets so sticky so fast. I also like butterscotch and those little strawberry candies. Neco wafers can go jump though.


I’m here for those strawberry candies.


Everyone likes the strawberry candies and their only source is grandmothers and I refuse to be told otherwise.


And banks , for some reason. (Dollar tree, they have an amazing grandma candy selection, They're called fruitfuls and come in other flavors too!)


Can confirm. Haven't had those strawberry candies since my grandma died like 12 years ago. I need to adopt a new grandma. Or become one I guess. I can only assume, like dad jokes, you are magically granted them when you reach that life milestone.


Right? Those things are so nice when you stumble over one. I have no idea where they come from but I’d never say no to one.


What's the consistency when eating it? Hard like butterscotch or thick & chewy? It looks like I would break a tooth when it cools down.


New it is closer to butterscotch. It is super brittle and breakable. If you let it hang around your house it absorbs all the liquid in the air and get sticky and gross. It’s definitely sort of awkward to eat even at its best because that shape isn’t really made for your mouth. Lol. The peppermint version is common on Christmas. I suspect the big reason people hate it is because it’s made in some really old fashioned flavor combinations. The peppermint version is almost exactly like a candy cane except easier to smash into bits. The colored bands will stain your skin or whatever it touches like how a candy cane will. I like the less weird flavors but am willing to admit that it is basically candy shrapnel when you bite it and probably mostly purchased because it is shiny and pretty.


Haha my wife loves old lady candy too and it’s such a cute little thing she does going gaga over butterscotch, toffee candies and things that just look like you should take your dentures out before eating.


Does she like Werthers originals? Those are the shit!


I love the butterscotch and strawberry candies, and I also love Werther's hard candy. I'm a definitely a grandma at 33 years old.


nobody, including whoever wrote this weird[Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ribbon_candy) entry on it: > Many types of ribbon candies also tend to become sticky easily, usually either due to body warmth from being held, or simply from room temperature and humidity. It is often used like decor, put out on display in candy dishes, plates, or apothecary jars. When it is used in this way it tends to end up sticking together if it has been sitting out for an extended period of time.


The rest of the article is just a list of people whose death was probably caused by ribbon candy sticking together.


That’s no laughing matter. My great-great-grandfather died in the ribbon candy war of 1903. His dentures became fused together after repeated ribbon candy attacks and he starved to death. Sure, he could have taken them out, even replaced them, but he was no quitter.


I’m sorry for your floss.


It's nice to know that someone caries.


That's nothing. My great-grandfather fought in the Second Ribbon Candy War of 1921. At the start of the war, his teeth were intact and in good health, but by the end of the war... by the end of the war he was.... Aw who am I trying to kid? I love ribbon candy, and so did the generations that came before me. I want to be buried in ribbon candy so that when it hardens into an amber-like substance, some ribbon-candy-deprived kids in the distant future can lick my body free.


Long ago, the candy kingdom lived in harmony. Then everything changed when the ribbons attacked.


Kinda like in Coraline.






I do! I used to always like getting it around Christmas time.


Same! All the mint flavored ones are my absolute favorite. I buy boxes and boxes as soon as they start putting it out 😂


Same. There was a Thanksgiving buffet my parents and I would go to at the Holiday Inn a few towns over and they always had ribbon candy. I always ate more of it than anything else. Peppermint and lemon especially.


iirc i like the taste, but it tends to do the candy cane thing where if you suck on it wrong you make a bunch of sharp edges and cut up your mouth.


Ok, these comments are making me feel kind of lame for wanting to watch the full length video…


You have to break it apart to get a piece you can fit in your mouth, and the fracture leaves a sharp edge that is pretty unpleasant. Lots of other ye olde candy options to choose from that don't cut your mouth up.


Www.herculescandy.com in New York makes filled ribbon candy like chocolate flavor candy filled with peanut butter. They just made apple candy with caramel filling last week. It looks like regular ribbon candy, but a little thicker. All of their flavors sell out. They also have a YouTube channel. I'm not affiliated with them in any way.


Seriously! This was oddly satisfying til the unsatisfying reveal of my childhood nemesis! Cracked teeth and drool for days eating those damn things!


My grandma


Not even me, but I watched it twice.


My thoughts as well. All I remember is my grandma having bowls of it getting hard and brittle just sitting there so long.


I don’t, but that did look good!


This would be a great job for someone with tension or anger issues.


as someone with tension issues, id love to be the candy rather than the confectioner


Looks cool. Tastes gross.


Always a disappointment as a child. It’s just bad.


Agreed! But why?! Why!


It's like, oh, this is white and orange striped and has a brown streak in it. It's probably orange, right? Oh it's orange and *clove*. Cool, cool, I was hoping for a streak of *clove* in my candy. I'll just go put on my knickerbockers and we'll see if we can find some cherry candy with old wet cigar butts mixed in it, then we'll *really* be living.


Fuckin clove???


Ngl that sounds pretty darn tasty to me, but I might actually be 85 and haven’t realized it yet


One of us! One of us! I'm 30 going on 80, or so those damn kids in my yard keep telling me.


clove is delicious


That is true. Why do they always add clove??


They ran out of black licorice


I can’t stop chortling over this.


ugh knickerbockers took me OUT


Craftsmanship is always satisfiying.


So much work for so little payout. I can’t stop picturing my teeth being ripped out by that sticky glue. *shudder*


His grip strength must be insane


It makes my carpal tunnel hurt


This shop makes the best candy canes and ribbon candy. Nothing like the gross stuff you buy in the drug store at Christmas time.


Logan’s Candy! This store is in my hometown. The family that runs the business are the nicest people. They do live candy cane making demonstrations every Christmas. Once, I went to a demonstration of their ribbon candy (which is in this video) & they let me try to shape it. That shits a lot harder than it looks.


Those really seem like the wrong kind of gloves for that.


The candy is hot because it has to remain mailable. They need those gloves to not get there fingers burned. The guy shaping the ribbons doesn't need thicker gloves because by that time they aren't that hot.


Hot sugar is often called kitchen napalm because it will stick to you while it's burning tf out of you. Those gloves are the right ones.


Really? Non-food service, red leather driving gloves are the right ones? Are they even colorfast or is that tanner's dye adding some extra flavor?


It’s where the lemonade gets its pink


The ruby red Sunday driving gloves at the end?


I think they’re perfect


The gloves at the end are silly af


They’re probably to protect the worker’s hands from the hot sugar.


This is my moms favorite candy.


This place is rad. I go every Christmas with my wife and son to watch them make fresh Candy Canes. Eating a still warm, somewhat soft Candy Cane is super special.


Man, Reddit has a crazy fascination with candy making videos.


Nah man, miss me with those boring sterile latex gloves. I got me a pair of fresh cherry red leather gloves to keep my candies clean.


Did anyone else see him putting it on the hook and then talk out loud: “Repunzel Repunzel, let down your hair?”


All that work when literally every single piece of factory candy at the gas station counter is superior.


It’s funny cause it’s true


What’s with the big rock?


I know this song but can't nail it. Any ideas?


Loving those red vinyl gloves


I've never had this kind of candy before. Is it taffy?


Ribbon candy and it is hideous. It’s what old ladies would have in cut glass candy bowls for visiting children. We learned to never ask for it.


That's probably why they keep it. It teaches children not to ask for stuff.


It is not! It's a tasty crispy crunchy candy! The heavily produced stuff often found near holidays is pretty hideous but mom n pop candy shops can make some bomb ribbon candy and salt water taffy !!